z-h-i-e · 4 months
Could you write a Galadriel/Celeborn piece about them in Doriath with supportive Lúthien and Melian? (Also I really liked your sympathetic Thingol piece!)
Sure I can! (I can write anything! Proven with that Glorfindel/Balrog piece I can never unsee.)
I have a soft spot for Celeborn–you know it, I know it, his wife knows it (gave me the title of Homewrecker of Lorien, you know). But, because I love Elrond/Celebrian so much, and I know there’s no Celebrian without Celeborn/Galadriel, I guess I’ll go with a schmoopy romancey story for them. Anyhow, I tend to go with a timid Doriath Celeborn with a stutter when he’s nervous, and that is who showed up for the muse casting call today. Enjoy! (Also, no wonder we don’t get Sindarin version of Nerwen from Tolkien – Nerwen was bad enough. Read on…)
“Good afternoon, Celeborn.”
“Good afternoon, Princess Luthien.” 
The two happened to come around the same corner of one of the florist stalls set up in the courtyard market.  Walking in opposite directions, Celeborn was intently inspecting the blooms in the baskets that lined the stall; he would have walked right into Luthien, had she not been the more attentive of the two and stepped safely aside. 
“I see you have selected some of the more vibrant flowers they have here today.  What is the occasion?” asked Luthien. 
Celeborn tried not to blush, and failed miserably.  “I happen...to have...a meeting tonight...with a friend...for dinner.”  The words stuttered out, each phrase from the young scribe a little softer than the former. 
Luthien smiled.  “It must be a special dinner if you are bringing flowers.  Or are you hosting a party?”
Celeborn shook his head.  “N-no.  No party.  Just myself...and a...friend.”
Luthien leaned down to sniff one of the orchids Celeborn was clutching.  He had also selected lilies and hydrangeas.  “Your friend must like large flowers.”
“I...do not...know?”  He bit his lip and looked down shyly.  “Truth told,” he whispered, “this is more of a…social engagement…of a…romantic nature.”
“And you have chosen orchids?” wondered Luthien.  “She must like the bright and the bold.”
Again, Celeborn chewed at his lip.  “I am not...not sure?”  His shoulders slumped and he whispered, “I am doing my best.  I d-do not have a sister, and m-my brother said I am...reaching...too high.”
Luthien stepped beside Celeborn and placed her hands on his shoulders.  “I have an idea!  I can help you shop!  I have no brother, so this will be fun–for both of us!  Of course, you will have to tell me who she is, so I can help.”
Red flushed Celeborn’s cheeks again.  “She is j-just about the prettiest g-girl I have ever seen.”  He swallowed audibly.  “D-do you know Princess Dirgwend of N-nargothrond?” 
“Oh, yes!”  Immediately Luthien cringed and looked over the flowers Celeborn was clutching.  “Oh, no.”
“N-n-n-n-no?”  Celeborn frowned.  “You think I am t-t-too far b-beneath her, too?”
“No!  I think, honestly, you are such a gentle person, and thoughtful, and kind, and brilliant–because she is as sharp as a hound’s tooth–I think she is lovely and you would be a lovely match!”  Luthien grimaced and slowly extracted a hydrangea from Celeborn.  “Ah, this, though…”  She caught sight of someone in the crowd and lifted the hydrangea above her head.  “Ulli!”
Melian was only five or six meters away, and smiled at her daughter, standing beside the youngest of the library scribes.  
“Ulli, akaeί akablanditiae tαdιχαόου mūαtheteυόmūeνος” called out Luthien.
“Oh!” Melian approached with a approving look on her face.
Luthien held up one of the flowers.  “akaόχοtte akadίν aū iniðel”
“Ooooh.” Melian clasped her hands together and slowed her steps as she approached.  “I seeeeee.”  She stopped in front of them and appeared to analyze each flower separately.  “May I safely assume this is your first time arranging flowers?”
“Y-yes, your majesty.”
“And may I safely assume you wish to make a positive impression on our visiting diplomat?” 
Celeborn nodded. “I need help,” he said sadly. 
Luthien was already pulling the bountiful bouquet from his hands.  “Are you familiar with roses, Celeborn?  I believe I saw some lovely peach and pale pink varieties around the corner.”
Artanis calmly picked up her gloves from the desk as she heard the knock upon her door.  She made sure to have them on and took one more look at her hair in the mirror and waited a moment more until there was a second knock before she opened the door. 
Before her stood Celeborn, holding an exquisite collection of roses, carnations, and delicate buds, a swirl of white and pastels.  He held them out to her.  “Good evening.  May I...present you with this...small token of affection?”
With lips pressed together to mute her grin, Artanis took the flowers and sniffed them experimentally.  “These are lovely.”
“I picked them out m-myself,” he said, and then added, “With help...f-from some…f-friends.”
Artanis sniffed them again to hide her next smile.  “My brother always says it is a wise man who knows when to ask for aid.”  She peered over the flowers at the tall, lanky scholar who was trying not to appear nervous, but the fidgeting of his hands while they were hidden in his sleeves gave him away.  
Yes, he was as sweet as Luthien had said, and as kind as Melian told her.  Her brother had hinted to her that while his time in Middle-earth would be one of solitude, that he did not see that for her, but no suitor would she find in Nargothrond.  It was part of why Artanis chose to spend so much time in Doriath (though her studies more than filled most of the time).  
There were many occasions when Artanis had asked for assistance from Celeborn when she visited the library.  There were many scribes there, all willing to help, but something seemed to draw her instead to the shy one who insisted on carrying books for her, holding the door, or retrieving more ink for her any time the well ran dry.
She still played coy when he finally gathered the courage to ask her to dine with him.  He nearly took it as a rejection, the poor dear.  She decided he deserved a token himself, for his good behavior.  “Would you like to come in while I put these in a vase?”
“Yes, I would.  Th-that would be very kind of you,” said Celeborn. 
Yet he remained standing on the doormat while Artanis walked to a cabinet. “Are you going to come in, then?” she asked. 
“Y-you only asked if I should like to.  I did not...wish to...assume.”
Artanis smiled with her back turned.  “You may come in, if you like.”
Celeborn took a deep breath and stepped just inside of the suite. 
Artanis turned, and studied him with amusement as she carried the vase with the flowers to a table.  “You have chosen to leave the door open,” she observed. 
Celeborn gave a quick nod, and said, “I shall not have anyone question your honor, and so, in-in lieu of a chaperone, I f-feel it appropriate.”
The vase was placed on the table. While Finrod had encouraged her to seek out true love, her other brothers seemed wary that she might become entangled with a less than savory courier in the kingdom.  Celeborn was clearly anything but. He would more than do. 
“Shall we dine?” asked Artanis as she came to stand beside Celeborn. 
He offered her his arm, which she took, and after the door was closed, the two walked down the hallway together, both a little nervous, both a little excited, neither noticing Luthien spying from around the corner. 
I had to fuss around with Valarin, mainly ‘making shit up’, because if you think that Khuzdul and the Black Speech are limited, you haven’t met fucking Valarin yet. 
I put my research goggles on, found references about Valarin being a sexy mix of Latin and Greek, so I came up with some words for Luthien and Luthien’s mom. 
Ulluiός : Water Parent (I didn’t think Luthie would be using ‘mom’ and ‘dad’. I also thought about it, and with how the Ainur are, even the mom and dad thing seems not quite right. So I came up with this concept of, there’s a water parent, and a fire parent. In this case, Melian was the water parent.)
Of course we can’t have Luthien using the full ass version, so ‘Ulli!’ sounds way more like a title an Ainu kid would call their parent. 
There are two sentences, and before we get to the ‘what is it supposed to mean’, I have a lot of thoughts about Valarin, and how the sentences are open ended at the start and end, that the Song of Creation at the beginning of the legendarium is a loop, and that language for the Ainur is woven in and out of the song, and there’s no capitalization unless the first word is a proper noun and there’s no punctuation unless there is a question but that does not mean the question mark has to go at the end. A little language chaos. So! Now that you know that, here’s those two sentences, keeping in mind, I spent more time figuring out these two sentences than I did the rest of the story, and yes, it’s shit I made up because Tolkien didn’t leave us a lot of Valarin words, and what he did leave is shit he made up. So let’s all go make up some Valarin words mashing Greek and Latin together until it sounds good or at least looks impressive enough to be spoken by the Valar. 
akaeί akablanditiae tαdιχαόου mūαtheteυόmūeνος - Celeborn is courting your apprentice 
akaόχοtte akadίν aū iniðel - He intends to give her lilies
And I find it perfectly reasonable that Luthien shouts this across a market to her mom because the two of them are the only two people who can speak the language who are in that vicinity. 
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starspray · 6 months
Hi!! In case you're up to it, 16 + Celeborn/Galadriel pls?
Thank you for the prompt!!
I don’t know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention.
Outside of the Girdle the world was growing darker, the shadows out of the north lengthening with each passing day. But so it had been since Bauglir had returned from across the Sea. In Doriath the sun still shone and the flowers still bloomed, and Galadriel sat beside the Esgalduin with her harp. She did not sing, except to add a few wordless notes to the chords of her song, harmonizing with the songbirds high in the beechen branches.
Celeborn lay on the bank beside her, watching the sky and counting each blade of grass that tickled his skin. When he turned his head he saw Galadriel’s hair shimmer in the sunshine, falling in gentle waves over her bare arms as she strummed her harp, and he thought it lovelier than any description he had ever heard of Telperion or Laurelin. Her dreams of late had been troubled; she woke gasping and talking of crushing waves and darkness eating away at the world, Beleriand sinking beneath her feet. Celeborn could only hold her as she trembled.
He did not know how long they had until Bauglir turned his attention away from the Noldor and toward Doriath, nor whether there was any hope of prayer or message reaching the Valar far away upon their thrones in evergreen Elvenhome. He was not inclined to despair—not yet. But whatever happened, at least he would have these quiet moments secured in his memory. Celeborn felt that he and Galadriel could face anything, so long as they were together.
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comment-exchange · 2 years
Highlight: Lord of the Rings
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Our first Fandom Highlight is Lord of the Rings, we have six Lord of the Ring works on our masterlist so far:
Fic - Home (Celeborn/Galadriel)
Fic - Swift is the Deer (Gimli/Legolas Greenleaf)
Fic - Dungeons of the Black Tower (gen)
Fic - The Darkness of Moria (gen)
Fic - One Mum (Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee)
Fic - Frodo-green (Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee)
Fic - Through All the Hours of Pain and Tears (gen)
Song - Rowan of Aman (gen)
If you have any Lord of the Rings fan works you think deserve more attention, you can submit them. You can find more information about the Fandom Highlights event and upcoming fandoms here.
The next Highlight will be Chronicles of Narnia and will start on the 16th at midnight GMT+1.
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wizardheart83 · 1 year
Two times Celeborn and Galadriel spent evenings together before going their separate ways, one pre-series, and one near the end of Return of The King.
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dagordagorath · 5 months
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17 January: The Fellowship arrives at Caras Galadhon
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afanofmanyhats · 15 days
One of my favorite things about Tolkien's writing is that he has a very specific, recurring trope. For lack of a better term, I'm dubbing this the Tolkien Wife-Guy.
This is mainly obvious in the Silmarillion, but Tolkien loves to write couples where the man is a notable individual- nobility, commits a great deed, or both- but the wife is at least equally notable, if not more beloved or powerful. Manwe is the king of the Valar and Eru's main representative in Arda? Everyone loves Varda more, and Melkor fears her more than his own brother. Elu Thingol is the king of the Silvan Elves? His wife is Melian, whose Girdle is the magic that keeps Morgoth's forces at bay. Beren is a chief among the Edain, who befriends animals and survives one of the most nightmarish places in Beleriand? His wife is Luthien.
Even in Lord of the Rings we see this occur, though the couples are on more even footing. Tom Bombadil is... Tom Bombadil, but Goldberry is the River-daughter, and Tom adores her above everything else, and the hobbits are completely taken in with her when she's their host. Similarly, while Celeborn is a mighty lord among Elves, Galadriel is one of the only Noldor in Middle-earth who saw the Two Trees, and her hair inspired Feanor to make the Silmarils, not to mention her own accomplishments in the war against Morgoth. Aragorn is the king of Gondor and Arnor, but Arwen is the Evenstar of the Elves, the descendant of three(?) different royal Elven lines. And Faramir becomes the Steward of Gondor and is one of the noblest men alive, but Eowyn killed the Witch-king, so you know. She got the grander moment for the saga.
But with (most) of these couples, we never get the impression that the man views his wife as Less-Than, or as a junior partner. Thingol is the main exception to this in how he dismisses Melian's counsel, and that's made out to be his foolishness within the text. Otherwise, Manwe treats Varda as his co-ruler, Beren never tries to downplay Luthien's achievements, and I'm pretty sure most of Tom Bombadil's dialogue is about how gorgeous Goldberry is. It's really sweet.
All of these examples really testify to how much Tolkien loved his wife. People rightly point to Beren and Luthien as the prime example of that, but I think you can find it in these other couples too. Even though Edith is mainly known to history as Mrs. Tolkien, it's evident to me that Jirt saw her as a whole person worthy of admiration outside of being his wife.
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istaricelebelasse · 3 months
Someone mishearing the name of Galadriel’s husband and being convinced she is married to Celegorm.
Options for this include:
Fingolfin - as a letter from Doriath is smudged in just the right place. This misunderstanding helps to contribute significantly to his decision to get crushed by Morgoth’s boot.
Caranthir - he ignores most of the going’s on from his siblings and would really like to know less about the supposed marriage of his hated cousin and least favourite brother. May they make each other miserable together. Doesn’t find out the truth until Doriath.
Angrod - he is torn between brotherly loyalty and loyalty to one who is his friend. He isn’t sure which one to feel sorry for and is Very Relieved when Finrod clears up the misunderstanding.
Finarfin - garbled rumours from across the seas. Is absolutely horrified and thinks it is yet another rebellion by his daughter. Doesn’t find out until he sees Galadriel again in Beleriand, where his first words upon greeting Celeborn are ‘thank the Valar you aren’t my nephew’
Sauron - attempts to torment Galadriel about the loss and downfall of her husband. Is very confused when she tells him that he is alive and well and that Sauron has had dinner with him! He does not recall dining with any of Feanor’s sons. He just knows that somewhere Celebrimbor’s ghost is laughing at him.
All of the above.
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braxix · 1 month
Galadriel definitely pulls the "I'm older than the sun and the moon" card and everyone else hates it.
Elrond loves to pull the "In some sense the sun and the moon are my distant cousins" back at her and it sends everyone younger than him into a state of shock every time, they hate it.
Celeborn would pull the "My great uncle was the king" card if it wouldn't make people realize he could be in line for the throne. He's seen the amount of work Galadriel and Elrond put into not having to be queen or king and he isn't risking it. He's staying out of this.
Cirdan is older than all of them, but just wants to go to Valinor so he stays out of their way. He also has the "older than the sun and moon" card, but he also has the "I'm only here cause I'm loyal" card, no one knows who he's loyal to anymore so it worries them greatly when he pulls that card out.
Gandalf tries to hide his cards behind a smoke screen, but the previous four already know what his cards are. It's not hard to figure out, he declared all of his intentions upfront when he got to these shores.
Saruman has his cards up his sleeves and lies about everything. No one believes him anymore except Gandalf.
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glorf1ndel · 5 months
On January 16, the Fellowship of the Ring passes through Lothlórien, where they meet Galadriel and Celeborn. It's their day! Your Honor, whether you like it or not, they are married. Deal with it.
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thelien-art · 5 months
December; the 21
Yule day 1: The Golden Lady of the Golden Woods, and her Silver Lord
Count the fruits and the flowers
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Moonflower; Moonflowers symbolize romance, mystery, and femininity. As they bloom in the darkness they also symbolize hope and beauty to emerge in dark times; Fun fact they have been used in different places and times in rituals honoring women as well as seen as a deity guide for the spirit, and used to see the future.
Orange; The orange has been known throughout a lot of time to represent the nobility as well as thought to bring wealth and happiness. It is ambitions and luxury and sometimes adventure.
And now I personally begin celebrating the dark days and the lights return, happy first Yule day! (yes I know it´s first tm, because winter solstice moved a day this year but it usually starts the 21, let me dream)
I think she fits so well to the day, especially since it´s the first and the lightest of them!!
Dark version under;
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electracution · 3 months
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Lady Galadriel, 02.2024
My favorite overpowered, scary, tall elf. Women, am I right?
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z-h-i-e · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Celeborn/Galadriel (Tolkien) Characters: Celeborn (Tolkien), Galadriel (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Light Dom/sub, When they have sex the armor stays on, Well some of it does Series: Part 96 of Zhie's Bunniverse (AKA The Purple Plot Bunny AU) Summary:
Naughty stuff happens when two elves consider historical deviations.
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cheesy-cryptid · 1 year
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kitcat22 · 6 months
Another funnier option would be that neither of them found out until after Elros’ marriage when some confusion arose between Elros and his Wife. Elros then frantically writes to Elrond to ask him what sex is and how it works. Elrond, who has no idea what Elros is talking about, brings this up to Gil Galad, Galadriel and Celebrimbor after a council meeting at which point all three remember, with no small amount of panic, what they forgot to discuss with the twins. This results in one of Gondor’s archives/museums having a stack of letters adressed to Elros Tar Minyatur sent by several famous historical elves. Unfortunately due to the age of the letters and the fact they were written in ancient elvish no one can read them but its is assumed they were important diplomatic messages. If they could read them, the scholars of Gondor might be a little suprised and confused why the adult King of Numenor had received multiple, quite lengthy letters detailing how sex works.
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dagordagorath · 4 months
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16 February: Farewell to Lórien
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averagenolofinwean · 1 month
Galadriel, to Celeborn: I went to Rivendell the other day, and guess what son of a smith I saw?
Celeborn: Who?
Galadriel, putting her head into her hands, two seconds away from breaking together: Maglor. I saw motherfucking Maglor. My half-cousin who literally fucking killed elves. In Rivendell. Elrond has been hiding him, a kinslayer, in Rivendell, the last homely house, safe haven for people who are exhausted from life, from me and you.
Celeborn: Yeah sounds like something he'd do ngl
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