#cdm oc
rowenna-887 · 1 year
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Halloween isn't over yet! (at least not for me)
these event was really fun. The illustrations,the clothes,everything looks great.
but anyway,lets go to some headcanons!:
" When i jump in that horse with her
for a moment,i forgot about the end of the world.
we were running in the woods,fast,like nothing matter anymore. "
At first,them run away for the old wood house that the Vanhouters have.
it is a very big house,with a lot of space,it was great.
they plant,take care of the cows that had there,put fences with barbwire, and tried to survive the best they could.
it belong a good place,very calm. a zombie or two sometimes tried to entry there,but them killed the creature in a minute.
until after 3 years.
a invasion of zombies managed to pass the fences.
Rowenna and Priya think they were lost.
until Priya saw the horse behind the house.
the horse was calm,eating grass.
"that is our chance to survive!" Priya screamed and take Rowenna's hand.
they get on the horse and run away.
that was the moment of their lives.
after this event,they stayed in simple house that was a miles away from the old wood house.
Priya put the name of the horse of Hefestus.
a few months later,Rowenna saw Hana passing close there and screams to her.
when they see each other alive,they hugged it other and cried,as Priya and Castiel.
Hana and Castiel take Rowenna for the base them construct.
they leave there now.
" I saw the death close to my face.
At first,i got scared,but i get used to this as that feeling continued to become more and more present.
like feeling happy,or sad. it was something that i get used to this.
until the day that feeling past to the love of my life.
that i couldn't permit. "
Charlotte did no how to react.
she was paralyzed.
but Rayan was very chill about it.
he take all the care they need to survive,and run away for the city as fast as they could.
they find a abandoned cottage,and decided to stay there.
Rayan and Charlotte live a chill life there,training in case of zombie horde.
Charlotte became a good sniper and Rayan became a very good hunter.
after two years,the big zombie horde that they was always preparing in the case of this happen,came.
it was...much.
they thought they were going to die.
but that didn't happen.
an group of survivors saved they.
and,for they surprise,the leader is Hana and Castiel.
they leave there now.
" I never thought in bacome a leader.
neither in high school,or the university.
but suddenly,i became one.
at least my love is with me on that. "
Hana and Castiel was in the studio when this happen.
everybody was in panic,but Hana was strangely calm.
she analysed the situation and decided the best way of survive to that.
and she and Castiel put the plan in pratice.
the started to live in shed that was very far away from there.
Castiel and Hana used to go to this place to get some peace and have some inspirations to compose.
so the shed was equipped with a lot of thing they had.
they put traps close to the sheds,making trips to find provisions and training.
after an year,they find other survivors and started a group.
Hana,of course,became the leader.
and in the past four years,Hana,Rowenna and Charlotte met each other again.
everyone was living there,construing new houses,establishments and soon they are a village.
it was Hana and Rayan that find the cure.
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bubbleteachan · 6 months
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// Please use translators because my best friend only translates my comics and I only use my main language for the facts.Sorry T_T //
Ger: Sooo ... ich bin wieder zurück. :D
Mir ist aufgefallen das ich kaum Info's zur mein oc Yewon hier poste.
( Eigentlich schon seit ich Yewon generell hier auf Tumblr oder auch Instagram präsentiere T _ T )
Dann wird es ja endlich mal zeit das ich Fakten zur Yewon mache, und das bis Dezember. :)
Also fangen wir mit Fakt Nummer 1: Aus Youko wird Yewon.
Tatsächlich hieß Yewon damals Youko.
Youko war meine allererste Sweet Amoris Oc, und auch einer meiner vernünftigsten. ( Mein erster Naruto oc war grausam help. ( °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥◡͐°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) )
Auch war ihr crush nicht Armin sondern tatsächlich Kentin. xD
Als ich mit Sweet Amoris anfing ( dank meine beste Freundin <3 )
konnte ich mich überhaupt nicht entscheiden wem ich daten sollte, also hab ich mich für Kentin entschieden, weil ich generell Jungs mit Braune Haaren sehr attraktiv finde. (゚ヮ゚)
Als ich aber Sweet amoris immer mehr interessanter finde, hab ich also mich doch noch für ein anderen crush entschieden, und jep... es ist Armin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( auch weil ich bei Armin mehr gepunktet hatte als bei Kentin T w T ).
Also habe ich auch mein oc Youko gleich mit verändert.(ᅌᴗᅌ* )
Youko ist zb ein art Tsundere, was ich etwas verkackt hatte da ich eigentlich ein recht softe oc gestalten wollte. Und so ist eben aus Youko Yewon geworden. <3
Ich kann hier auch nochmal posten was der unterschied zwischen die zwei sind. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Youko: - Hat stress mit Castiel, hat nur leichte Mobbing Erfahrung aus ihre alte Schule erlebt, ebenfalls extremen beef mit Amber, trägt ein fettes Herz auf ihre Wange, ( was ihr Merkmal ist ), bevorzugt Schul uniforms, ist 100% Japanerin. Oh, und sie liebt Kentin ist ebenso auf Nathaniel fixiert und kann eine Dreiecks Beziehung sehr vorstellen.
( ಠ◡ಠ ) .,.. // HELP //
Yewon:- Ist eher das Gegenteil von Youko, Sie hat eher Angst vor Castiel und versucht ihm zu umgehen da er ihr Angst macht wegen seinen schlecht gelaunten blick, hat durch Mobbing an ihre alte Schule Ängste vor Fremde Menschen, ( Social Phobie ?? ), hat wie bei Castiel auch eine große Angst vor Amber, trägt auch ein herz an ihre Wange aber eher klein, liebt Gals über alles ( Gyaru ) und trägt viel was in Richtung Amekaji geht, ist zwar auch Japanerin ,zur teil aber auch Süd Koreanerin. Sie versteht sich zwar mit Kentin, sieht aber in ihn wie eine art großer Bruder und ist eher in denn Bruder von Alexy verliebt und zwar Armin. Allerdings würde sie nie eine Dreiecksbeziehung machen, da sie nur Augen für Armin hat und eher schlechte Erfahrungen mit andere Jungs gehabt hatte. ( Eher einer ,aber dazu verrate ich in einen anderen Fakt :D ).
Allerdings werde ich Youko nochmal komplett erneuern und aus ihr die große Schwester von Yewon machen. Sie wird übrigens in Sweet amoris new gen die Protagonistin sein. ( was meine version natürlich betrifft ). ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
Oh, und beide lieben Japanisches Curry. (・∀・)人(・∀・)
Und das wäre alles gewesen,
der weitere Fakt kommt bald die Tage. (❛◡˂̵ ̑̑✧)
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starclast · 3 months
My old fankid of Rosalya and Leigh from *Amour Sucre* 🧁
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hazeleyedbutterfly · 6 months
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my babies 😭🤧🥰
Nath x Marie (my OC)
props to the beautiful @linory1 for this amazing artwork! almost forgot to share it. this comission was requested and done a while ago but i have kept it save until now ❤️‍🔥
Thank you once again 🥰
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candysweetposts · 10 months
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I speedrun these so I'm sorry for the typos.
Let me introduce you to my ocs for new gen. Those are mostly prototypes and I'm sure I'll change them when the game fully comes but hey, who can wait that much? Not me. I hate waiting.
Yeah, I went with the "my other OC's children" route but I change the timeline. Like, my OCs didn't go to the same high school with the OG cast... at least in this timeline. We're doing the multiverse thing.
And from the names you might guess who's children are some of them.
I'm still deciding for some of them what LI I should choose. I might put 2 of them on one LI for drama and bc I only like a few of them. Yeah, idk why I don't like these LIs like in other of BV's games.
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tlacuacheboi · 4 months
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luxxesitacdm · 7 months
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Daytime | Nightime
It's been a while since i posted my Candy here! I wish we had the first hair without the butterflies.. its so so pretty! Go on, show yours too <3
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bunnxa · 5 months
"Dos semanas. Han pasado dos semanas desde que salí del cristal pero desearía seguir ahí.
A pesar de pasar todos los días en mi habitación sin hacer nada siento mi cuerpo fatigado y sin nada de energía, como si algo hubiera extraído toda la vitalidad de mi cuerpo. Sin embargo, el cansancio no es nada comparado con el dolor punzante que siento en el corazón cada que respiro.
Cuando decidí unirme al cristal junto a Leiftan acepté que dejaría a todos atrás pero no me importo, estaba dispuesta a todo para proteger este nuevo mundo y a las personas que conocí en él, creí estar haciendo lo correcto y no me arrepentí ni por un instante.  Ahora que estoy de nuevo aquí puedo verlo con mis propios ojos, todas esas personas que salve con mi sacrificio, personas que me veneran como si de una diosa me tratara... Debería sentirme feliz de saber que lo que hice no fue en vano, más por el contrario no puedo evitar darme cuenta de cuanto ha cambiado todo en mi ausencia.
Lo único que puedo hacer es observar como todos los demás continúan con sus vidas mientras que yo repito en bucle los últimos momentos que pase antes de entrar al cristal. La batalla con Lance, la muerte de Valkyon... y Ezarel.
El deseo de Ezarel era abandonar el cuartel general, dejar todo atrás para comenzar una nueva vida y yo estaba lista para seguirlo. Su sueño se convirtió en el mío. No importaba con que obstáculo pudiéramos encontrarnos, mientras él estuviera a mi lado estaba segura de que podríamos superar lo que sea tal como lo hicimos antes.
Ese sueño, esa promesa... no la cumplí.
Sacrifique nuestra felicidad por un bien mayor, puse a otros por encima de mí y ahora solo me queda imaginar lo que hubiera sido, añorar un futuro al que renuncie.
Al despertar sabía que hace tiempo se había ido, aun así dentro de mi mantenía la esperanza volver a verlo, a él y a esa maldita sonrisa burlona que tanto echaba de menos. Que ironía que la broma que una vez me jugo se volviera realidad, yo despertando después de años, pero con la diferencia de que esta vez él no estaba aquí.
Para mi tranquilidad Eweleïn me dijo que él estaba bien y que se comunicaba ocasionalmente, sin embargo también dijo que al irse no se fue solo, sino que se marchó junto a Twilda y ... Marie Anne.
Ese monstruo cuyo nombre no puedo escuchar sin recordar al pobre Mery que perdió la vida en sus manos. El hecho de que ella se encontrara vagando libre por ahí hacia que me arrepintiera del momento en que deje que Ezarel me detuviera de matarla. Nunca  estuve de acuerdo con mantenerla con vida, pero lo que más me pesaba era que toda la culpa de las muertes que causo, de las atrocidades que hizo, no eran cargadas por ella sino por Ezarel. Sin embargo eso ya no importaba ahora, no sé qué habrá visto en ella para decidir que era buena idea llevársela consigo junto a la madre del niño que asesino, pero el simple hecho de saber que Ezarel se encontraba haya afuera y que había logrado seguir con su vida fue suficiente para mí.
Mi único deseo era que jamás experimentara el dolor que yo estaba sintiendo, aquel que me impedía dormir todas las noches. Ese dolor tan fuerte que me hacia desear estar de nuevo dentro del cristal y perderme en la eterna sensación de calma y paz que irradiaba, el dolor de seguir atada al pasado."
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~ 1 ~
Al fin termine mis pendientes, ahora si a darle al fanfic 🦍
Perdonen la escritura, es la primera vez que hago algo así >.<
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louis-ratking · 2 years
besties when they first met <3
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Rosa's at it again, and poor Lynn doesn't know what to do with her anymore (/j)
lynn ( T_T)\(^-^ ) rosa <- them 24/7
ik anatomy is off bc that's on purpose :D i love ladies with long legs
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Edit by @kaumalade 🩷💜🩷💜
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Dino and Kentin
He is my third oc, a trans boy of course UwU
I'm happy to finally have one beautiful edit with him.
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ariiamgoblin · 2 years
Castiel and Dafne, a little and self indulgent design!!
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melodyalanaroster · 1 year
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Merry Christmas From The Roster Family!
I know, the Roster Clan is so big that the whole family can’t fit into one picture without it looking like a mess... But, Alana, Sam, Lynne and Nate make for a cute picture!
Thank you @candysweetposts so much for editing this for me!
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bubbleteachan · 5 hours
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@candysweetposts 💕
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starclast · 3 months
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joyxcelestia · 6 months
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Here some of my aesthetic of my OCs with some face claim for the purpose of My Candy Love Wattpad stories.
Let me introduce you to : ✨Vanya Kamishiro ✨
Vanya always loved spending time with her friends and partying. But she happens to be a serious and calm girl, always listening to her friends.
Vanya will become, later in my fanfiction, Rayan Zaidi’s romantic interest.
Vanya is portrayed as Alexa Demie, an American actress and model.
My OC is originally mixed Puerto-Rican and Japanese. She has a white skin, blue eyes and heterochromic white and black hair but I had to slightly change their apparence so perdon me if now, she doesn’t look like her basic apparence or if the face claim are not currently the same ethnic as her description, I tried my best.
Edits made by me.
I hope that you like the aesthetics of Vanya Kamishiro.
Have a great day❤️
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candysweetposts · 10 months
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Well, since there won't be an mcl summer event this year I'll just post this. This is an outfit made waaay before but I wanted to use it for the summer event. Most of these clothes are from Love Nikki of course.
I may edit one of the honeymoon illustrations with Alice in this outfit but I'm not sure.
Edit: You can find this outfit in the google drive folder under the name "flamingo outfit"
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