#cause of portable
umbreix · 2 years
Spare us some thoughts about Nakazawa, everyone's favorite egg boi? And also blab about Kyousuke if you so desired?
Nakazawa is one of my favourites despite being an undeniable background character. I love that he is fundamentally, at his core, just some guy. That's it. He's just a dude. He's vibing. He's just chilling.
And despite that Homura Akemi, local timelooper, canonically knows his name. Canonically cares about him enough to pull him into her labyrinth. She too looks at this just some guy egg and gets an emotional attachment. Nakazawa is completely unaware of this.
Actual headcanon wise, I just kind of think Nakazawa is fun. He's not a part of any school clubs but he keeps volunteering to help out at them whenever there are events. He's kind of a tech nerd at heart and he and Kyosuke take turns infodumping about their interests.
A bunch of my other hcs are fic spoilers so hmm... I think he and Kyosuke are queerplatonic partners. They're an inseperable duo and people just kind of view them as a package deal. Where one goes so does the other. It's just kind of a natural conclusion that they're gonna keep being together, nobody ever questions it.
If either Hitomi or Sayaka had gotten Kyosuke to go on a date, Nakazawa absolutely would show up to it and Kyosuke would be confused as to why they want him to leave.
Gender-wise Nakazawa is, as a friend described him:
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Kyosuke, I care about Kyosuke Kamijou far more than I thought I would when I first got into Madoka. In part it's about the grief of losing Sayaka, but also its in his potential.
He bases his worth on the violin, to the point of almost taking his life in Portable. He has a lot of potential growth that we never get to see because he absolutely is not the focus of this series, for him to grow past basing himself on his musical talent.
Also I love that, while oblivious (especially in terms of romance- though honestly Kyosuke seems uncomfortable with romance in general looking at how he is on the phone call with Hitomi) he does care about his friends a lot. When learning Sayaka is a Magical Girl he is a massive supporter and finds it really cool.
I like moving him from part of a love triangle and into the role of a supporting character going through his own growth and supporting the people around him in this strange new world he's discovered.
hmmm, other hcs.
Kyosuke is Agender, Aromantic, and Asexual. He wants absolutely none of it.
Kyosuke Kamijou should never, under any circumstances, enter a relationship with Sayaka Miki. It sucks for them both and can never end up well... Though I have, for the basis of many AUs, had that exact thing happen. (Sorry again to Felix about Anthony Kamijou, that poor fluffball deserves better)
Kyoko tries to get him to branch out with his style of music and it actually works out pretty well. The two become friends over it. (though Kyoko is more likely to throw an arm around Nakazawa and drag the poor egg into situations than Kyosuke)
Kyosuke and Nagisa meeting in the hospital and becoming friends is a hc that you'll have to claw out of my cold dead hands.
At the end of the day, Nakazawa is a fun character and Kyosuke is a character who has a lot of potential. I like to focus on them as friends of the quintet and expand on how they interact and support them, and the steps they need to take to grow aswell.
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monocub · 10 months
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the s.e.e.s. juniors !! 💕💕💕
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buniitabrush · 1 year
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That’s the way it goes when you’re just born to die.
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dark-falz · 1 year
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【Chelsea Enchante】
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the-kneesbees · 5 months
does anyone know where I can get a good portable charger? if I get from from amazon or smth is it gonna blow up?? should I just go to best buy?
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petorahs · 1 year
judgement rank 1 – 10
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adventuring rambles #2
idk how much i mentioned abt certain things i've h/c'd abt the world, but i should mention how i believe the waypoints work in Teyvat.
mainly, i feel like Lumi is purifying the Statues and waypoints. in Monds.'s quest, there's that whole bit where Traveler purified the tear (i think it was the tear. it was either that or like blood???) after it got corrupted; now the thing abt that is that the tear was red (similar to waypoints / Statues when we find them) and when it showed up as purified, it was blue (like the waypoints / Statues after we unlock them!) i'm sure there's a lot of ppl who are already theorizing abt that, but i don't really feel like digging through paragraphs and paragraphs of things and would much rather have a silly time figuring things out on my own. BUT b/c of this, my h/c is that Waypoints, ages ago, were used as they are now but got corrupted. People nowadays see them as lil gimmicks or just normal weird things leftover (like ruins), but then Traveler shows up and purifies them!
i also h/c that only those w/ Visions / connection to the elements can use them. the reason being is that i think that the waypoints are linked by leyline veins, and a lot of the lore insists that intense leyline energy isn't Good(tm) for common people (and i feel like, to traverse the waypoints, it probably involves a lot of leyline energy).
however, while i AM canonizing waypoints in my personal thing, i ALSO h/c that u can only USE waypoints by activating them through touch (i also believe that's the only way Traveler can resonate w/ elements, through touching the Statue of the Seven). this is why Portable waypoints are super important, and also why Lumi and Kaeya got trapped in Dragonspine instead of teleporting out!
this ranting is just another way for me to set up more understanding of how i h/c / fanon Teyvat, and i feel like i need to establish this for later h/c's and silly things like that
after purifying and figuring out the waypoint thing, i like to think that Lumi decided that she would work on unlocking every waypoint she could find to help people out. so like when she unlocks things, she immediately tells people who need to know / can utilize it (like Jean in Monds. or Ningguang in Liyue). i also feel like the first time Kaeya finds out abt this, he's kinda spooked b/c it's back when he's first getting to know her, and it's kinda terrifying to know she can just teleport places???
side note, i don't think she automatically tells like,,, Childe or specific Harbingers, but i feel like the Fatui already knew abt this and probably utilize it anyway. it's kinda like a double edged sword, but at the same time it's really helpful so Lumi just has to suffer the consequences,,,
(this also explains why people had to ride boats back to Snezhnaya, b/c those waypoints are still corrupted >:))
and my last h/c regarding waypoints and such, is that u can't just teleport all over the place willy-nilly. like, when using a waypoint, u can only teleport to other waypoints that are adjacent to it, OR a Statue of the Seven. Statues are like incredibly strong, so they're like beacon towers of energy essentially, so u can teleport to Statues of the Seven from any waypoint, AND vice versa. But if u want to teleport from, like, Cape Oath in Monds. to Sumeru City, u'd have to go through a Statue of the Seven first.
idk if that makes a TON of sense, but i SWEAR it makes sense in my head lmao.
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animaginaryartblog · 8 months
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[Image ID: a sketchy, black-and-white comic of Blaze the Cat and Marine the Raccoon. In the first panel, Marine enthusiastically leans on a table while Blaze, holding a box, looks at her skeptically. Both of them have their mouths open like they are talking.
In the next panel Blaze, skeptical, takes an ear plug and puts it in her ear. Marine folds her arms with a smug expression,eyes closed and mouth open as if in the middle of boasting about her superior gift-giving skills.
In the third panel, Blaze has the ear plugs in. Her eyes widen. Marine opens one eye to look at her.
In the final panel, Blaze has her eyes closed, tears welling up. She smiles blissfully as Marine grabs her shoulder and yells at her, annoyed at being ignored. /end ID]
I am once again projecting onto Blaze the Cat
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milo-is-rambling · 25 days
Me vs living in Florida
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monocub · 9 months
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aigis my love 🥺
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deepfriedseagullfeet · 6 months
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yo9urt · 7 months
mutuals i may be on the verge of becoming a gamer...
#not really LOL not like a serious one at least but umm this could be huge#mine#ok i realize i havent made a personal post in a while so let me explain...#for a while now ive been wanting to get a proper pc so i can play games and also do other stuff (<- macbook air owner)#but i was like ill just wait til i move out cause money and moving etc etc and then i was like well maybe ill get one for black friday#and then i was like no i don't have space and i need to be frugal and it'll be easier to move out if i don't have a pc to worry about#but i still want to play games...COUGH bg3. i really wanna play bg3...and minecraft and stardew valley and the yakuza games also#possibly other games too but anyway i was beginning to lose hope and then i saw someone on some thread somewhere mention the steam deck#and i was like oh yeah waht is that thing (i had never considered it before bc i thought it was more of a serious gamer thing but i also#didnt really know what it was at all anyway back on topic) so i goog'd it and it's like exactly what i need?#it's in my budget + small and portable + can run all the games on my list#(it doesn't run bg3 WELL...you have to be a bit careful with the settings and the framerate is a little messy#but i'm willing to accept that honestly it doesn't bother me i just want to play the game i'll lower my standards)#and with winter break coming up i'm like umm. i need something to do....#plus they just came out with the oled version and after doing research#even though i want to be frugal i honestly think the 512gb oled seems like the right choice#so. i might order it tomorrow LMAO
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princekirijo · 1 year
I don't even think ATLUS realizes that the Female Protagonist is popular and if they do they don't know WHY
You get to have social links with the male party members and Ryoji (Junpei's social link is one of the best), you get to choose your Velvet Room attendant, you get to save Shinjiro, you get two fan favorite characters, Saori and Rio, Yukari misgenders femc and Fuuka misgenders Theo, every female party member and Elizabeth have a bisexual awakening because of femc
And then in FES the Answer gives us AMAZING character development for Yukari Aigis and Mitsuru plus it introduces an underrated character that Atlus has ignored ever since in Metis
So why not have both. Baffling.
Yeah it is kinda like crazy that they could literally make everyone happy by just combining portable and fes into this upcoming remake and add the new stuff they want to add but ig that's just not what they wanted to do 😫
Reading that article and the ign one it seems that they're really bent on remaking the persona 3 experience as opposed to like idk make a definitive edition to the game (which is what most p3 fans want). There's not really much we can say there because I suppose from like an "artistic" point of view so to speak they chose to bring the original p3 experience (well fes' journey) to newer audiences. As I said before there's absolutely nothing wrong with that HOWEVER I do think that adding the extra content from fes and portable would have served that goal way better than just... remaking p3. As you said both the answer and portable add much more dimension to the story and characters of p3 so by essentially ignoring that not only are you doing the game a disservice (im like 90% sure portable is canon and 100% sure the answer is canon) but it's also gonna confuse new fans when we start talking about Metis or Erebus or idk what actually happened in the final battle of p3.
Unless of course Atlus is planning on retconning the answer and portable. Which... wouldn't be great. But hey at this point I am curious as to see what they're gonna do but I'll say it rn none of the remake stuff will be canon in my eyes.
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are there any characters we follow in the dark materials series or the book of dust that have just completely inconvenient daemons. i want to see someone struggle to keep a fish alive for 300 pages
#so like if a daemon dies the human dies right?#i think ive seen people kill a daemon in the show and then the human dropped dead#though now that i think about it it might just have been unconscious so im not sure#that angel kills father gomezs daemon im  pretty sure#but thats an angel and also made of dust so maybe a special case#maybe a daemon can kill a daemon but can a human kill a daemon?#anyway unrelated to all that#a daemon cant die of natural causes right?#it's not like if you get a rat that now your lifespan is only 2 years#can a daemon die of falling? being shot? drowning?#anyway imagine having to live your life with a portable fish bowl in your backpack#feel like that might be his dark materials as interpreted by douglas adams or smth hjkghjjg#anyway i say fish but what i mean of course is octopus#god imagine that#one of the most tricksy and obnoxious animals and you need to drag it around everywhere in a bowl that it keeps escaping to do mischief#imagine the shenanigans#anyway i dont think daemons are physical like i dont think frogs or whatever dry out#i dont think they feel cold or hot or whatever except for they feel how they human feels#but they cant feel with their own body bc it's not physical#they cant get illnesses except if there are like dust illnesses they could get those but they cant get a virus or anything#they dont eat#but their human feels what they feel so like if youve got a fish out of water the human would feel like they cant breathe i think#anyway gonna be imagining my hdm oc with an octopus daemon now#anti mrs coulter in that the bickering never ends and the thing is just constantly wrapped all around its human#youre trying to have a conversation with someone but youve got a needy octopus in your hair who wants to be involved#help im quickly becoming enamoured with them
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
Persona 3 Problems: Maiko Birthday Shenanigans!
Interesting things going on with Maiko in the fandom. Won't say what but let's just say......jail to that person (and *saves screenshot* At least FeMC fans have ammo to fire back TT0TT)
BUT besides that......welllllll. That post made me realize something. Atlus is inconsistent about her age!
Maybe that's why I thought Maiko was A LOT closer to Ken's age than I originally thought, but the game (iirc OG/FES/3P) actually says she's a 2nd grader. I DO remember P3P stating that, because that's the version I usually play (SHOCKER! in my defense half of it is because it's usually on the go, and the other half is I like seeing differences between the male/female sides....it's also faster). Anyway, it was also the first thing I checked when I did a playthrough, so I'm fairly certain.
Buuuuut according to the wiki (fandom one, I know I know, issues, I'll see what I can do about updating it, but I have to bring ammo/screenshots u_u), she's a Libra (ok so far so good, also Nanako is a Libra, ironically, also Nanako is in 1st grade iirc), and she's.....9. HuH? Wut?
Apparently P3P will list her as 9 years old. Specifically on the TV missing person announcement..... Which I do vaguely recall them mentioning her on the TV, I don't remember the age they mentioned. ;w; So I'll need to double check that.
Anyway this is a problem, because it doesn't make sense/add up, and contradicts the line about being a 2nd grader (fun fact: if you clicked the link above, Maiko is born the same year as Futaba, but Futaba should be a year ahead of her....tho iirc P5S states Futaba's been held back a year? So now they are ironically in the same grade? TT0TT). 1st graders in Japan are generally 6->7, and 2nd graders are 7->8, 3rd 8->9, 4th 9->10, 5th 10->11 and so on! So Maiko can't be a 2nd grader and 9 unless she was held back....which the OG text doesn't indicate. But if she WAS 9, she'd be either a 3rd or 4th grader (Ken is 5th grade). I'd have to check, but I coulda sworn she was much smaller than Ken (who would only be a grade or 2 above her).
Fun fact she goes missing (assuming the websites are correct) around 10/21. I'd have to look at the timing of the news broadcast, but that would mean she we missing 1) a little while after her birthday (between a few weeks to literally yesterday) , 2) it was on her birthday (;w;), 3) it was the day before her birthday (;w;)
Because of that ONE day, it's hard to tell if it's saying she JUST turned 9, or is actually about to turn 10.
Her birthday, if the 2nd grader thing is correct (along with the Libra thing), she'd be turning 8 in 2009. So 2009-8=2001! So her birthday should be c. September 23-October 22, 2001 (she'd be 14->15 in P5 but 15 in P5S. Futaba for ref turned 15 before P5 started and turned 16 near the end of P5, and is 16 in P5S)
If the 3rd grade theory is correct, the the birthday would be: c. September 23-October 22, 2000 (this would put her in the same year as Futaba, assuming Futaba didn't drop out originally)
If the 4th grade theory is correct (assuming she hadn't had her birthday): September 23-October 22, 1999 (this would put her in the same year as P5MC/Anne/Ryu/Yusuke, for reference on Ken, Ken is in the same grade as Goro/Mako/Haru).
The fandom Wiki seems to be going for the latter two (if you read the hovered note).
Personally? I think P3P just.......made a mistake (people like the bring up "Atlus can't math" a lot esp with that one thing with P4, so it's not that far fetched). That OR (which I think is funnier and more tragic TT0TT). Her parents reported her age wrong. ajskdflj;f
I mean, they are in the middle of (or just finished their) divorce. They are both a taaaaaad bit neglectful since they don't realize Maiko's been hanging out with a high schooler for so long (as well as planning to run away). So I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked up the reporting lkajfdsljfaka So it might not be a Persona 3 (Portable) Problem, but a .....Persona Parent problem! ;D
ANYWAY, this is something I wanna keep an eye out when I replay the P3 games (along side when I'm playing P3R). So expect a sequel post.
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rabbithaver · 4 months
finally on my way home yippee
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