#catbolt chaos
lt-catbolt · 8 months
I've been thinking a little bit about how my OCs love
Not like, romantically. Just how they love, how they grow attached to things or people. It can be such a fundamental part of a character, but I feel like it's something that doesn't get talked about a lot. So here, have some of my OCs as an example.
Melatron loves out of fascination. He loves things because they're quirky, or different, or stand out. He loves things he can't understand, because quite frankly, there's so much about the world he doesn't understand. He loves the thrill of watching someone solve a Rubik's cube, the high of meeting someone unpredictable, the chaos of improvisation. Oh sure, the randomness of it all can catch him off guard, but deep down he loves the unpredictability because it's what he longs to be. Different. Special. Something worth remembering.
Silvern loves out of conviction. He loves things because he believes that all things deserve to be loved. He loves without exception because he knows that oftentimes, exceptions are the ones who need the love the most. He loves rusty swords and torn sleeves, the joy of prying a smile out of a stern face, the little beautiful things all around him that deserve the attention they never get. Oh sure, sometimes his passionate adoration is met with cold steel, but he keeps trying because it's what he'd want others to do for him. Love, without prejudice or condescension.
Cooper would have you believe he doesn't love anything, but that's a lie. He loves out of honour. He loves those who have earned his respect, not by fearmongering but by honest identity, because he knows how much it can cost to be yourself. He loves a well-made instrument, a fine blade, and seeing people truly in their element, unafraid of him or his reputation. Oh sure, he'll never show it outside the most select of circles, but he cares deeply for those who know who they are, because he doesn't have a clue. Who is he, if not a monster?
Gilden loves out of wonder. They love anything that is pure or kind, because they have seen so much that is neither of those things. They love the soft downy feathers of baby birds, the innocent laughter of children, the generosity in small gestures of kindness. Oh sure, there is plenty about the world not worth loving, but that only makes them more determined to guard what little innocence still persists. Keep it safe, so it need never be burnt by fire as they have been.
Jazz loves out of excitement. She loves things because they distract her from the burdens of reality, and give her a taste of a better life. She loves the adrenaline rush of a good heist, the thrill of learning new skills, the heat of fire as it breezes past her cheeks. Oh sure, sometimes she'll get her caught red-handed, but what good is a gamble without any risk? If pursuit of knowledge doesn't involve a high-speed chase, can you really call it a "pursuit"?
anyway this has been Cat infodumping about her OCs, thank you all for sticking around-- and if you got this far, reblog this with how your OCs love, i'm curious 👀
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lt-catbolt · 10 months
do you ever just. wonder what some landscapes would look like without advertisements and billboards everywhere?
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lt-catbolt · 5 months
there's something impossibly satisfying about Microsoft Powerpoint being able to identify your drawing correctly. I upload a sketch that I lowkey hate, and Powerpoint captions is just like "is it this???? did you draw this?? is this the thing you you drew???" and I just gently wipe away a tear and nod. at least powerpoint knows what's going on. i sure don't
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lt-catbolt · 6 months
alright y’all, I need your help—
What are your favourite (and/or least favourite) depictions of robots in modern media (think movies, tv shows, video games, etc)?
I need it for a school project 0-0
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lt-catbolt · 10 months
people are always like “fun fact this” and “fun fact that” but they never tell you any of the unfun facts like how if you leave an onion on a shelf in your room for too long it just fucking disintegrates into the wood apparently
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lt-catbolt · 7 months
new anxiety unlocked: fear of my roommates thinking I'm a antisocial jerk when I don't say "hi" back in the hallways, when in fact I have a severe cold and literally can't speak
(They wouldn't be wrong about the antisocial bit, but hey, at least I'm subtle about it most of the time--)
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lt-catbolt · 10 months
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fun fact: it’s possible to burn spaghetti! Don’t try this at home folks!
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lt-catbolt · 10 months
"I don't have time to play minecraft before work," I tell myself as I glance at the time on my taskbar
"I don't have time to play minecraft before work," I mutter softly to nobody in particular as I open up the server map to see if anyone's online
"I don't have time to play minecraft before work," I say, my cursor hovering over the launcher, knowing that once I start I'll never stop on time
"I don't have time to play minecraft before work," I repeat with a little more conviction, clicking away that cool redstone tutorial I was going to try out, but leaving it in my pinned tabs just in case
"I don't have time to play minecraft before work," I mumble, typing up a Tumblr post about minecraft instead
"I didn't have time for minecraft before work," I sigh as I swing my bag onto my back, glancing at my alarm clock,
"but maybe, if I plan a little better, I might have time tomorrow."
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lt-catbolt · 8 months
when i say "this project was made with blood, sweat and tears", what i really mean is: "while working on this I got a paper cut, acted out the movements a little too enthuastically, and had a mental breakdown" just fyi
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lt-catbolt · 10 months
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funky doodle i did on my phone (i can’t draw with my index finger send help)
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lt-catbolt · 10 months
therapist: it says here you're procrastinating your animations with... hold up, this must be a mistake. this says "more animations"? me: *sighs wistfully as I stare into the middle distance with a longing smile* yeah
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lt-catbolt · 10 months
he’s in the naughty corner
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he knows what he did
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