#catb dreams
catb-fics · 4 months
Had a dream Van got a wiener dog purely to ask people if they wanted to see his wiener. He went on tour and was asking fans that and showed them individually pictures of his new dog omg
Ha ha ha why can I actually imagine him doing this? 😂
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theeleventhhour · 8 months
Gosh I had the weirdest dream. It where various inside one but one that I remember and the good one is this. I was at a Strokes concert and I was taking photos/videos of Julian singing the first song and out of nowhere Van (looking like the Balcony era) appeared crowd surfing next to me and I recorded him a bit. When I noticed who was he I checked on my video to confirm it was him and I asked him are you Van? And he reply me what you know who I am? And I was like um yeah I have a pic of you as a lock screen How can I not know who you are? and I proceeded to show him my cellphone. After that I can’t remember too well but we ended talking and I told him I love him and his music and the meaning for me and I think I asked if I could hug him. He was nice, chatty and cheerful as he used to be on the early interviews. After that I had a block out like If I had fainted and the next morning asked what happened a lil bit worried because I could remember until that and my family told me I was there the whole concert singing and taking more photos/videos and we got the conclusion that I was so overwhelmed for my encounter with Van that I entered in such state of shock that I forgot the rest of the night. Like my mind couldn’t resist so much emotions hahaha.
I woke up like 3h ago and I’m still laughing at it I’m so dummy but I think if I meet by chance Van one day it could be completely possible to happen 😂
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azulala17 · 7 days
i'd die for a man to yell at my face "TELL YOUR SISTER TO WAIT!"
i'm doing it, i'm telling her to wait
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icouldntfindquiet · 9 months
REM & Dream
Just posted the last chapter of Dream. I hope the story feels complete. ☺️ I wrote this back in December 2021 not knowing what I was doing and not knowing if it was going to go anywhere. And now, 1 year 8 months later, the story is finally complete. This concept was an absolute favorite to write and I’m definitely gonna miss it but now it’s time to write something else. Thanks for all the support! It’s been a pleasure sharing this world with you. ❤️
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tinakibed · 2 years
the two (2) things i call babygirl: my cat and dream
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attaboylew · 3 months
tag game
rules: pick a song for every letter of your url and tag that many people.
thanks for the tag @sugarcoated-lame
a: ancient dreams in a modern land - marina
t: tangerine - glass animals
t: the world’s first ever monster truck front flip - arctic monkeys
a: alaska - banks
b: boys - atta boy
o: overlap - catfish and the bottlemen
y: yuk foo - wolf alice
l: lightning - charli xcx
e: e.v.o.l - marina
w: wtf love Is - tove lo
no pressure tag: @rxgirlie, @sailor-aviator, @catb-fics, @icouldntfindquiet, @icarus-star, @angelsanarchy, @vanmccannsfridge and @lostinthefandoms11
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fineosaur · 25 days
thank you for tagging me @greeneyedwildthing, much love as always <3
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
i almost debated not doing this as i have an inordinate amount of wips so buckle up. (includes fics from asoiaf, the hunger games and good omens fandoms)
an empire for two (second draft)
We'll All Be Here Forever
sober, light grey sky
Northern Attitude
watch me wary - 2022
in the highlands of our dreams
patterns of life
(current) coincide draft
the view between villages - everlark
a lockdown story
canon - obscured by clouds
pieces of you stuck on me (second draft)
okay i will not go further than 15 because i dont think i even have 15 mutuals who write. jfc this is definitely out of hand but hey ! i have a wandering mind.
im gonna tag whoever comes to mind as i type but ofc the usuals @stompandhollar, @brewsterispunkk, @nalgenewhore, @wexpyke, @fleurdelyys, @go-catch-a-chickn , @evax3 , @salty-wench , @lycorim , @sneetchstar , @catb-fics
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k-illdarlings · 1 year
15 questions tag
omg thank you for the tag @literateish !!
nickname: dinda
height: 172cm
last thing i googled: solovair
song stuck in my head currently: quicksand - david bowie
number of followers: 159
amount of sleep: 5 hours
dream job: writer/editor, or concert photographer
wearing: cream colored pajamas
movie/book that summarises you: honestly idk.. harry potter maybe? anything that has an outsider as the mc i guess.. or inception bc i cant seem to let go of the past lol
favourite song currently: oh caroline - the 1975
aesthetic: gosh i dont think i have one, but i love rockstar gf aesthetic lmao, and dark academia obviously considering my username lol
favourite author/s: now this is hard bc i never really read one specific author works in one go? so i dont really hv specific faves.. but i read a lot of taylor jenkins reid? and i like her works a lot. edgar allen poe's short stories are so good too.
random fact: i wear glasses? lol
no pressure tags: @billmm1 @ivoryforts @kizfane @catb-fics and everyone who wants to join hehe
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pacifymebby · 10 months
How do you feel about the Catfish boys and what happened to the band these days? Do you think the split was always inevitable?
Okay soooo, tbh my feelings are mostly the same if not veering more towards a more, centrist view. By that I mean that I don't think we can really look to any one of the boys for a specific explanation about what happened, or to blame either. Like we don't know anything really. Nothing that isn't speculation or the vague statement Body made on insta?
I think that Van is an easy person to blame because he's been quiet and hasn't tried to defend himself.
Like ultimately I think the falling apart of catfish was really really sad and must have been really difficult for all of them. Like that was Van watching his dream crumble. It was all of them losing really thick friendships ya know? Must have been so rough for them and I don't blame van for going quiet. If my dream fell apart so messily like that I too would crawl into a cave never to show ma face again haha.
Something that I have sort of changed my mind on however is that back in the day I remember hearing from a lot of youngens knocking around the indie scene at the time that catb were an industry plant and like I always really didn't believe that because they had a track record of having grafted their way up the festival circuit I know?
But the way they were treated by the industry once they got picked up, if they weren't industry plant from the get go they were definitely leapt on by the parasites and used and burnt out like a very very short fuse. I think the industry took a bunch of naive but passionate young lads and worked them until they dropped dead u know? They knew they could hurtle them through three records and then drop them and move onto the next indie guitar boys that came through (Sam fender really picked up around the time they dropped off for example)
Like it's a very brutal thing but it's how the industry works and has been for a really long time. (it happened in the 80s with Duran Duran for example) like the parasites will see a money maker (in this case Van and the lads) invest just enough money in them to send them soaring for a year or two and absolutely bleed them dry. They take advantage of young musicians who don't know what they're getting themselves into and it's crushing.
And idk, I know the indie rock scene in the 2010s was fucked up and full of those kind of sleazy people looking to feed off other people's talent or beauty or whatever.
I kind of think it was inevitable looking back, like catb were a band that were riding the last dying waves of indie sleaze. Always said that about themselves too, Van was always talking about bringing guitar music back and like, for a short time they managed it. But I think that Indie rock as it was in the 2000s is dead and was dying when catb got to the top so they only had a few years in them in terms of making money and staying relevant u know? Like someone was using them to squeeze the last few quid out of the indie sleaze, arctic monkeys, strokes nostalgia train and they did that and when they were done I think catfish were just left to it.
The fact is when they split no one told us, the label didn't even care enough to tell us. We talk about how catb splitting was the band's responsibility but like where the fuck was everyone else? Like that band split and everyone scarpered. The second people realised there was no money in it the rats abandoned the sinking ship if you get what I'm saying? Like I just think that's so so so sad? That by the time it was over the only people left caring were the fans and the lads in question. Because even if they didn't say anything I don't think they didn't care. I think probably they were exhausted and like in their own way going through some upsetting motions u know?
Like we can't know what went on behind the scenes and we can't know the details of what went down. But we do know what we watched happen and that's absolutely nothing. Like people really just abandoned them for whatever reason and I think that's tragic.
I do think it could have been delt with better but it is what it is and like, we have what we have now.
I'm very happy bondy seems happy cuttin about and doing his thing making mgmt esque stuff with his pals. Like I'm glad he's making music again and being happy because I remember for a time it being obvious on socials that he wasn't and tbh like, I hope that's what the other boys are doing now too just like cutting about being happy.
Also I hope Vans got a house and his dog and a fridge.
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youlovehermadly · 11 months
Nine People You Want To Know Better
Thank you for the tag @pacifymebby !!
Last song: THE SAFEST PLACE- Asleep at the feels
Currently Reading: I don't have time to read fiction these days, only fanfics haha …but I recently re-read Legs McNeil, Gillian McCain - Please Kill Me! about the history of punk
Currently Watching: started watching Ten Pound Poms..!while it's interesting
Latest Obsessions: Catb still)) I dream of travelling..
I'll tag @hankmoonbeam, @icouldntfindquiet, @okayohay, @moonsoul222, @bluevannn, @vanmccannonlyfans, @vanmccanns-wife
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catb-fics · 6 months
I had a dream last night I was seeing them at reading and he pulled me up on stage and I watched the show from standing on stage, was very weird
Oh wow that sounds like an amazing dream! 🥰
It always amazes me when you see a stage shot looking out into the crowd and seeing how massive it is! Looks so overwhelming!
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theeleventhhour · 2 years
Last night I dreamed that I bumped into Van in the city where I study and I got so shocked to see him that I passed and look 2/3 times to make sure it was really him and not a lookalike. I didn’t know how to aproach him or make contact so I kept with my walk. Later I was with my mom and friends regretting don’t stopped to interact with him and I tried to convince them to help me looking for him all over the city which was something basically impossible to do.
I’m 99% sure it was because while I was trying to sleep I thought about what I’d do if actually met him because my dad told me that he want to visit Nottingham, which is supposed to be the place in where people have seen Van lately
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worldofyasmin · 6 months
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i woke up 8pm today and it's friday because i haven't got any sleep the entire night, thursday night! i got home quarter to 2am, wondered why there's lots of notifications popping up as my phone automatically got connected to the wifi.. and i swear to god! when i read the mail, tweets, instagram posts, the catb worldwide group chats, etc. i think i my heart was about to explode and my body's shaking like my whole body's sort of having spasms, i know you can call me o.a. for exaggerating but like this band fucked me up so good for the more than a year, then at just one click they instantly revived me like nothing; it was all a bad dream. patting on my shoulders, while wiping away all the unecessary negative emotions and thoughts.. 🩶
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icouldntfindquiet · 1 year
Dream // Van McCann
Is anyone still around? The first two parts of Dream (the sequel to REM) have been posted and we’re picking up right where we left off. Updates will be on Tuesdays and Fridays unless otherwise noted. Thanks for reading as always! Let me know what you think. ☺️
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attaboylew · 4 months
get to know me!
thanks for the tag @sweetwhispersofchaos & @just-in-case-iloveyou
1. were you named after anyone?
no 😂
2. when was the last time you cried?
a week ago but it was a small cry, it was a hard day.
3. do you have kids?
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
i don’t play any sports now, i did play netball when i was younger and that was for a short time.
5. do you use sarcasm?
what’s that?
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
eyes I think and also smiles 😂
7. what's your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
9. any talents?
10. where were you born?
somewhere fun
11. what are your hobbies?
i guess my art and puzzles
12. do you have any pets?
yes and she (lola) is the devil
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
15. dream job?
something with animals
no pressure tag: @icouldntfindquiet, @catb-fics, @rxgirlie and @thedumpsterwizard
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hankmoonbeam · 2 years
This is a shot in the dark, but maybe someone has a lead.
Does anyone know how to send something in the mail to the band, and/or to any of the members?
It would be nice to send a physical letter or something to the guys. Especially Van, frankly. Yes I’m mad at him right now, but that doesn’t mean I don’t still care about him and want him to know people still support him.
In another fandom I’ve been part of some people got together and sent a book of get well messages to a singer who had surgery. The singer was really touched and did a public thank you to fans, and everyone felt really gratified. Not that I would expect that from Van, or any of them. But sending something to them might help them feel a little better.
If they don’t have management or a label, though, maybe this is a pipe dream. Anyone have any ideas?
@catb-fics @carmccannt @vanmccannonlyfans @vanmccannsfridge @icouldntfindquiet @okayohay @followtheheartibelievein @youlovehermadly
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