#carnivale on the road
gascansposts · 1 month
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I’ve been erm. Thinking about this. I think it would be fun and cozy and what’s more cozy than a roadtrip? Idk I like driving and I like driving at night so that’s when most of the drawings will be (it’s a good horror vibe) and I’ve got some more ideas for some horror stuff (can you tell I like horror?) so I might draw em or try to write em out, but I’m no good at writing so not likely
I’ve actually got an idea from a wendigoon video that I think could make for some cool imagery so y’know. I’ll try that
(As always I’m always open to asks and your always free to use my art for pfps with credit of course)
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harlequinoccult · 1 year
LORE OF - The Valley of Luck
I have a patreon that I post behind the scenes and extra goodies on
The world, Aerethae, as it is known, consists of six major continents.
Ezrus- The largest continent, heavily forested and absolutely filled to burst with fae, biggest import is magical items, from its capital, Airendale, Also home to elvish nobility and the continents governing council
Cazaull- Home to the infamous city of thieves, Vertinus. the land here is swamp-like and cold, and very rarely gets much sun. Though many brave its harsh cobbled streets to attend the beloved Carnivale every year
Altrien- All races and walks of life conglomerate in the capital city of, Prothus, its bustling commerce fueled by the numerous farming towns dotted across the rest of the continent
Loache- A brutal freezing tundra with unfathomable dangers hiding in its dense woods, The Stronghold is a bastion in the dark and one of the scant few places in Loache that can offer refuge from the bitter cold.
Seyrenas- A collection of islands with villages in the middle of the ocean, mostly home to sea farers and fishers, those not settled on the adjacent islands call The Floating Bazaar their home.
The Black Barrens- Most who have been to the barrens say the desert is entirely inhospitable to any and all life, and to walk The Glass Road is to walk to ones death. But there are whispers that there is something more to the desert than meets the eye...
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forthelanterns · 2 years
Okay, so while looking through your account and already being in love, I saw that you too did the title tag game and now I am curious about two wips. It'd be With The Stars In Mind and Bleeding From The Sugar Glass and whatever you want to talk about I'd love to learn more.
~ Love, Leia
Oh, these two. Okay, let's do Stars first as that will be easier.
With The Stars In Mind is the story of a space witch (Vari), her sentient ship, and the scary eldritch monsters that are chasing them.
Vari has the ability to hear and help spirits and entities that don't usually have the ability to communicate with the common races. Even her ship is sentient, as I mentioned, and claimed her more than she'd claimed it. The ship, Aliette, keeps her safe as they travel and Vari keeps it running and cared for.
The things hunting them are interested in what Vari can hear too. They want to claim her, wrap themselves within her and use her as a vessel for themselves. See, they're bored and it seemed interesting to actually interact with people, versus having them completely be unable to comprehend what is happening to them.
Bleeding From the Sugar Glass is...oh boy, this probably deserves its own directory tbh. This is about a man and his daughter, also witches, who own and run a traveling carnival. The thing is though, both of them are half dead. The daughter was brought back even though her mother passed, and the father got ill a few years later. They both did what they had to in order to keep each other alive but it came with a price.
So, the short version of this is if you put the show Carnivale together with The Night Circus, throw in some of the vibes from the Divine Circus Oracle deck, and wrap it all up in a road trip story with extra ghosts and fae in, plus places where the veil is thin and oh yeah, did we mention a dash of found family? Cause that is there too >>
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wondereads · 11 months
Upcoming Book Releases (July 2023)
I mostly read YA, fantasy, and sci-fi, so that's predominately what this list will be made of. This is not an exhaustive list but rather a list of potential books to look out for.
Give Me a Sign by Anna Sortino
YA Contemporary Romance (keywords: summer camp, disability, coming of age)
Stars, Hide Your Fires by Jessica Mary Best
YA Science Fiction (keywords: space opera, lgbtq)
A Song of Salvation by Alechia Dow
YA Science Fiction (keywords: space opera, multicultural)
The Prince & the Apocalypse by Kara McDowell
YA Romance (keywords: end of the world, modern day prince, road trip)
Thief Liar Lady by D. L. Soria
Fantasy Romance (keywords: fairy tale, feminism, epic fantasy)
The Splinter in the Sky by Kemi Ashing-Giwa
Science Fiction (keywords: afrofuturism, lgbtq, space opera)
The Saint of Bright Doors by Vajra Chandrasekera
Fantasy (keywords: portal fantasy, bisexual, demigods)
The Carnivale of Curiosities by Aimee Gibbs
Historical Fantasy (keywords: circus, victorian london, gothic)
The Stars Are Dying by Chloe C. Pinaranda
Fantasy Romance (keywords: mythology, vampires, trials)
The Third Daughter by Adrienne Tooley
YA High Fantasy (lgbtq, slow burn, apothecary)
The Legacy of Yangchen by F. C. Yee (Chronicles of the Avatar #4)
YA High Fantasy (keywords: origin story, spirit world, prequel)
A Guide to the Dark by Meriam Metoui
YA Horror (keywords: suspense, paranormal, lgbtq)
Splintered Magic by L. L. McKinney (The Mirror #4)
YA Magical Realism (keywords: fairy tale, coming of age, siblings)
The King Is Dead by Benjamin Dean
YA Thriller (keywords: scandal, twins, lgbtq)
Immortal Longings by Chloe Gong (Flesh and False Gods #1)
High Fantasy (keywords: antony and cleopatra, deadly games, aapi)
Blade of Dream by Daniel Abraham (The Kithamar Trilogy #2)
High Fantasy (thieves, epic fantasy, adventure)
The Deep Sky by Yume Kitasei
Science Fiction Thriller (keywords: dystopian, space travel, feminism)
One of Us Is Back by Karen McManus (One of Us Is Lying #3)
YA Mystery (keywords: suspense, psychological thriller)
Bonesmith by Nicki Pau Preto (House of the Dead #1)
YA High Fantasy (keywords: necromancy, rival families, star-crossed)
Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington (Their Vicious Games #1)
YA Thriller (elite school, deadly games, bipoc)
The Legacies by Jessica Goodman
YA Mystery (keywords: murder mystery, friendship, suspense)
House of Roots and Ruin by Erin A. Craig (Sisters of the Salt #2)
YA Fantasy Thriller (keywords: creepy, romance, scary)
The Valkyrie's Shadow by Tiana Warner (The Helheim Prophecy #2)
YA Fantasy (keywords: norse gods, lesbian, reluctant allies)
Gryphon in Light by Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon (Kelvren's Saga #1)
High Fantasy (keywords: sword and sorcery, assassin, collection)
Light Bringer by Pierce Brown (Red Rising Saga #6)
Science Fiction (keywords: survival, mars, dystopia)
The Court War by Violette Malan (The Godstone #2)
Fantasy (keywords: military, alternate history, steampunk)
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dohabarloun · 1 year
The Best-Kept Food Scene in Chicago
A clamoring city that flaunts an upstate metropolitan feel and an advanced society, Chicago undoubtedly is an astounding city. It's the third most crowded and flourishing city close to New York and Los Angeles. Yet, as prospering and populated it could be, Chicago produces an unmistakable appeal that appears to catch its local people and guests without fail.
What never bites the dust in Chicago is its exceptionally amazing food scene. From its top of the line cafés to its financial plan accommodating burger joints, the city knows how to take care of its clients. The city's different culture has provided it with the honor of giving a wide cluster of cooking where Italian, Asian, American and Hispanic food are only food that comforts a ravenous soul and obviously, a blissful hunger. To have a presentation of what's on the menu when in Chicago, observe these very much cherished eateries.
Lou Malnati's Pizza shop - local people would oblige travelers to never leave Chicago without having an immense gnaw off of Lou Malnati's popular thicker style pizzas. Its rich, flaky covering finished off with new sweet tomatoes, premium meat, gooey mozzarella and grouped garnishes is just mouth-wateringly enticing to any individual who hungers for an extraordinary pizza. Also it's named as Chicago's best thicker style pizza by numerous food pundits all over the planet.
One Sixtyblue - Chicago is likewise known for its assortment on high end food and an elegant café situated at 140 west Randolph Road is on first spot on the list. All exhibiting the stunning French cooking, an open kitchen that is going by culinary specialist Military Noguier presents an appealing show for its visitors. A great reality, this eatery that is named as one of Chicago's most rich cafés is co-claimed by Michael Jordan.
Carnivale - eat as though it's a Brazilian celebration. Arranged at W. Fulton Market, this brilliant and energetic café offers the best of Latin food with a bend. Very much like a fair, Carnivale's insides are encircled with celebration gear like lamps, lights and banderitas. Enjoy into the house claims to fame, broil pork in rum coating, skirt steak that is fired up with chimichurri and paella.
These are only three of the very much cherished diners in the city that assuming every one of the eateries are composed, it would wind up as a booklet. Chicago is one of the urban areas that houses the most number of cafés and burger joints. To completely find and have a genuine taste of Chicago's outperforms, why not enlist a vehicle in Chicago and be in a hurry helpfully.
With online vehicle enlist bargains in Chicago that gives you look at vehicle recruit costs access a jiffy, you'd have the option to get the most astonishing arrangements and drive away the city's astonishing food objections. For an extraordinary food trip in the US and from one side of the planet to the other, Chicago ought to be on the rundown.
For More Info :-
Latin Food Near Me
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carnivalehbo · 3 years
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meatpope · 2 years
wip (hickeygibson + peglar interaction at carnivale)
[this is a section from a longer fic I've been working on for months, but dragging my heels on because it's angsty :/ this part is fun though!]
Despite himself, Billy was excited for Carnivale. His costume was a bit silly, but that didn’t matter. It would be his first chance in a while to see some of his friends who had relocated to Erebus. And he would get to spend time with Cornelius. Though his back ached like the devil from working all day, he was determined to enjoy himself tonight.
If Billy thought his costume was inadequate, Cornelius’ was worse. It was just his old civilian clothing, from before he’d joined up, plus a top hat that he’d gotten from god knew where. So as a costume, it was an abject failure, but Billy had to admit he did look quite dapper.
“You’re wearing your ring,” Cornelius remarked quietly as they walked over together. They hadn’t seen much of each other that day, as they’d both been obliged to help with different parts of the preparations. “You normally only do that when we’re alone.”
Billy felt his cheeks warm. “Well, I didn’t think anyone would notice if I wore it tonight. And besides, I wanted to…” attend the festivities as a married man, he thought, but couldn’t say it.
From the way Cornelius smiled at him, Billy rather thought his meaning was clear.
Their moment was interrupted by the appearance of Henry Peglar at Billy’s side.
“Billy!” Henry exclaimed. He pulled Billy in, and they exchanged brotherly claps on the shoulder. “Haven’t been eaten by a bear yet, I see. Or slid off the side of the tilting deck of Terror.”
“Not yet, at least,” Billy agreed. He glanced over at Cornelius, who was scowling, and jabbed him with his elbow. “Cornelius, say hello.”
“Hello,” said Cornelius, unenthusiastically. As far as Billy knew, Cornelius had generally gotten on quite well with Henry, so he wasn’t sure why Cornelius was in such a strop all of a sudden.
“Listen,” said Henry, in an urgent undertone. “Don’t spread this around, I don’t know when they’re making the announcement, but I wanted to warn you: we’re leaving the ships.”
“What?” said Billy. “You mean… out onto the ice? We’re making a bid for rescue?”
Henry nodded. “I’ve got it from John, and he would know.”
Billy glanced down at Cornelius, who hadn’t said anything. “What do you think of that?” he asked.
Cornelius shrugged. “I already knew.”
“No, you didn’t,” Billy said incredulously.
“Well, I’d guessed. They’ve been counting luggage, and taking stock of our supplies. Makes sense they were planning on walking out.”
“Well, no flies on you, eh?” said Henry.
Billy was a little hurt that Cornelius hadn’t chosen to share this speculation with him. But they could argue about that later. For now, he wanted to have a good time.
Carnivale was a riot, well and truly. There was music, and warmth, and plenty to drink. Cornelius abstained, as Billy knew he would, but he watched indulgently as Billy and Henry both threw back a generous tot of rum.
“Jesus,” said Billy, wincing a little as the fumes scraped the back of his throat. “I almost forgot what that tasted like, I’m so used to it being given to us watered down.”
“Oh, come off it, I know full well what you stewards are like,” said Henry, grinning and nudging him. “You get all the choice leftovers from the officers’ tables, I bet.”
“Maybe your steward does,” said Billy, just incautious enough in the festive atmosphere to make a direct reference to John Bridgens being anything of Henry Peglar’s. “But it’s slim pickings over on Terror, especially where drink’s concerned.”
“All the more reason to make the most of it now, I suppose,” said Henry. “And it’ll be a hard road ahead of us, we should take our fun where we can get it.”
“Speaking of stewards,” said Billy, not really wanting to talk about the future, “where is Mr. Bridgens? I’d like to meet him.” He’d heard more than enough stories about Henry’s beau, had even glimpsed the man a time or two, but they’d never yet spoken.
“Oh, he’ll be around,” said Henry, flapping a dismissive hand. “Probably sitting somewhere out of the way with a book, if I know John. I’ll introduce you later.”
“You can meet him as well, Cornelius,” said Billy, glancing over. “We can make it a— Cornelius?”
He’d disappeared. Bloody typical, the instant Billy wasn’t lavishing him with attention.
“Slippery thing, isn’t he?” said Henry.
Billy sighed. “You have no idea. Do you mind if I…”
“Not at all,” said Henry. “I think I’ll go catch up with Lieutenant Hodgson while you’re searching. See you later then, Billy?”
“See you,” said Billy, and ducked off into the crowd to locate his wayward companion.
He eventually found Cornelius, talking to a marine, of course. That baby faced one, Pilkington, one of the very few men in the entire expedition whom Cornelius could look down upon.
“Cornelius,” Billy complained, drawing him aside once he was done. “Are we here to gather information? Or are we here to have a nice time, for once?”
“The latter, of course,” said Cornelius. “Never mind Pilkington, I just find it’s prudent to talk to people regularly, even if they’ve nothing useful to say. It’s good to be thought of as friendly.”
“Naturally,” Billy agreed, archly. “That must be why you were so rude to Henry earlier, I suppose?”
“I find him annoying,” was all Cornelius would say. “Come on, it’s stifling in here, let’s go outside for a bit.”
The warmth inside the Carnivale tents was actually lovely, at least in Billy’s opinion. But there was one very compelling reason to make it worth freezing his bollocks off outside.
Nobody else in their right minds was out there.
“Where shall we go, then?” Billy asked, feeling uncommonly cheerful. “Shall we look up at the stars, the Northern Lights? Or sneak back onto the ship?”
“The coat room,” Cornelius said decisively. “I doubt anyone will be going back there until the party is over.”
They made their way across the ice, around the tents and strung-up sailcloth walls.
“I'm cold,” Billy said as they walked. He was wearing the bottom half of some cold weather slops, but they never seemed to be enough to keep properly warm. “And I haven't had nearly enough to drink to stop minding it.”
“Here,” said Cornelius. Triumphantly, he held up something, pulled from the pocket of his coat.
It was a small glass bottle, like what they used in the infirmary. Cornelius had probably nicked it at some point while he was in there having his wounds tended.
“Been saving my grog ration,” he explained, handing it over. “Never know when it might come in handy. But you have it, now. I'll fill it back up with the real deal later tonight.”
Billy uncorked the bottle and took a gulp. The rum was diluted, the entire contents of the bottle probably wouldn't be enough to get him drunk, but he didn't want that anyway. It was enough to have him feeling a little warmer as it went down. And it was nice, to have something to drink, and celebrate in company.
“Go on, have a bit,” Billy said, holding the bottle out to Cornelius. “I know you don’t like it, but it’s half water anyway.”
Cornelius, with the expression of a man stepping up to the gallows, gamely took a gulp. He didn’t hiss or shudder, but nor did he seem to enjoy it.
“Disgusting stuff,” Cornelius opined, handing the bottle back. “Rots your brain.”
“That’s only if some mean blighter of a polar bear doesn’t peel your skull open like a tin of soup, first,” Billy replied. He hadn’t wanted to think about these things, but now that he was, he had to admit he couldn’t see the point in Cornelius’ abstention. “There’s enough other things out here that will kill a man before his vices ever do.”
“Now, it’s that sort of thinking that’s landed us with a useless sot for a captain, isn’t it?” said Cornelius.
Billy sighed, and pressed the cork back into the bottle. “Don’t let’s fight,” he said. “You can have it back, if you feel that strongly about it, and god knows if the bear did attack right now most of that lot wouldn’t know which way to run.”
“Exactly,” said Cornelius, vindicated. “We need our wits about us, even now.”
“Anyway,” said Billy, slipping his hand into Cornelius’. His left, so Cornelius could feel his ring, where it peeked out from the finger of his woollen glove. “I’ve got other plans for how we’re going to spend the night. Our own festivities.”
“Oh, really?” Cornelius gave him a sly, rakish look up from beneath the brim of his top hat. “Why don’t you tell me about it?”
“I could, but I’d rather show you,” Billy replied. They’d made it to the coat room, a little atrium between the walls of two main tents, overhung by sailcloth awnings and protected from the elements.
“We could lay some coats down behind a crate,” Cornelius suggested. “Make ourselves comfortable.”
Billy thought that sounded like an excellent idea. “Come here, first,” he said, tilting back the brim of Cornelius’ hat. “You look like quite the handsome gentleman.”
“I do, don’t I?” Cornelius preened. “And you look like… I’m not quite sure, actually.”
“A rabbit,” said Billy, laughing. “It’s supposed to be the head of a rabbit. See my ears?”
“Oh, of course,” Cornelius agreed. “A very handsome rabbit, then.” He seized one of said ears in his hand, and tugged on it, to bring Billy down where he could kiss him.
Cornelius’ mouth was warm, and tasted very slightly of watered-down rum. Billy had never before enjoyed kissing another man as much as he enjoyed it with Cornelius, but it was like a conversation between them. One moment light and sweet and teasing, then fierce and biting, then gradually it became all lush, lazy hunger, rustling fabric and heavy breaths. Cornelius’ body, slender but solid in his arms. Already growing hard pressed up against Billy’s thigh.
It was lovely, just lovely enough to quell Billy’s fear, and push all thoughts of what the future held in store for them right out of his head.
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phoenixflames12 · 2 years
1 for the touching prompts?
Of course you can, @waltzingtostars! Taken from this  prompt list and set in the Henry Peglar has a Sports Direct Mug cinematic universe. A missing moment in chapter 4 of Known To Those You Love. CW: depiction of a character coming out of a panic attack. 
1. Touching foreheads
‘You won’t lose me. Not now.’
The shadows of the apple trees shiver against a fringe of stars, whispering their branches through a sudden chill of September breeze.  
He exhales.
Feels the weight of hands cupping his cheeks, Henry’s fingers rubbing gentle circles over shivering skin. Dark eyes glowing with tears as he squeezes them, grounding his racing heart in their weight.
‘John, just breathe for me, OK? That’s all you have to do.’
A sobbing breath tears against his lungs as he squeezes his eyes shut, trying to force the memories back. Trying to focus on emptying his lungs and breathing in Henry’s air. Henry whose fingers are trembling as they run over his knuckles. Henry whose eyes still burn with the shared ghosts of the carnivale fire, with the crush of shouting, swearing bodies pushing closer-
He can’t breathe.
He can’t see.
He can’t feel-
And Henry’s forehead is fast against his own, firmly tender as he exhales again and John’s breath sobs out with him, smelling of moussaka and almonds, salt and sweat and wine.
The words stop up his throat, squeezing deep in the dark as he struggles past the pain.
Struggles past the roar of flames and the crush of bodies, the heaving, screaming mass of faceless men all charging towards the tent canvas and the chill shock of the night. His shoulders ache with the cold, his heart racing, his fingers fizzing in a desperate beat against Henry’s own.
‘You can. You are. You’re doing so well.’
Henry’s hands squeezing firmly against him, grounding him, holding him down into the present.
‘I’m here. I’m here and Hannah’s here and Susie’s here and James and Francis are back in London with Stravinsky and the shop. We’re- We’re all safe, John. No one’s going anywhere. Promise.’
The shiver of a lopsided grin, and John’s eyes are burning as he buries his head in Henry’s chest, feeling long fingers cupping the back of his head. Feeling hair that he had once passed a comb through, had once stroked cold skin clean with a washcloth, the weight of cold fingers hard against his palm.
It takes a long moment before he can trust himself to come out of the darkness. To see the shiver of stars that catch in a blue-black sky like a thousand glittering eyes. To hear the rumble of a van passing down the road, the whistle of a late-night dog walker flashing a torch.
To see Henry’s face. To feel his weight shivering slightly in the cold, feel skin that isn’t peeling back with bruises and blood, now soft and deep against his own. To see Henry’s eyes burning deep with tears and pain and love, as he counts their combined breaths, rocking him back like a frightened child.
‘You’re really-?’
‘I’m here. Really here, John. Promise.’
Cold lips press into his palm, shivering over world weary skin, sweet and soft and slippery with salt. His heart feels whole and broken and cold and warm all at once, and Henry’s eyes are shining as he presses closer, reaching a trembling finger to trace the line of his cheek, his jaw, a fingernail catching over his lip.
‘Shall we go back inside? I’m fucking freezing.’
John nods, turning back to the softly winking lights of the cottage. The curtains in the kitchen and living room are now drawn, the hum of the television faint through a crack under a window.
They’ll curl up under rugs on the sagging sofa that John found at an auction house with Hannah and Susie and there will be questions. Susie will be all questions but there will be no answers yet. John will tell Hannah later- he hopes she can make her daughter understand-  and then they will watch the news without taking much- any- of it in.
Gently, he squeezes Henry’s hand, presses a softly unseen kiss against his cheek.
‘Thank you.’
He hopes that he doesn’t need to tell him how much he means it.
A quirk of an eyebrow.
‘What for?’
‘For being here. For being here with me.’
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gloryride · 3 years
I saw this Picrew to create your cocktail and wanna try it for my babies ♥
About Vanessa : Tequichore A cocktail with Carnivale Chromanticore, red fruits and Tequila, sweet, colorful and addictive ! Perfect for parties with friends !
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About Virgile : Kentucky Road Bourbon, Nicola and lemon ! Tasty, especially with a lot of alcohol !
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
911:Lone Star 2x06 Hate Watch
I finally watched it! Just in time for tomorrow’s boring ass episode.
Also I typed this as I was watching it so it is literally my stream of consciousness during the episode, apologies in advance.
Eddie to cleanse:
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Disclaimer: I hate this show, if you love this show, that’s cool! You do you boo
Hate under the cut:
This show is SO GROSS
They're not that close, wow
I mean yeah I would get so fucking sick of having someone attached to my head for sure
This show is the grossest
Naw they're friends again
Aw baby TK is learning how to drive the big boy truck what a good widdle boy
EXCUSE ME how did the guy in OG 911 drive the fire truck if it's this hard to start one?!
"Mom and Dad are having a BABY and they're ANCIENT"
I’m just throwing it out there, this baby ain't gonna be born
Judd is the best
They have to do laundry; why have I never considered this before?
Omg I have seen the lady who plays Paul's mother in so many things!
Oh the sister is straight up transphobic isn't she
I never met a Naomi I liked, just saying
(apologies to any Naomi's on my Tumblr, I'm sure you're great)
Are they going on a road trip in the middle of a pandemic?
Oh wait the pandemic doesn't exist in Lone Star does it
They do know they can't drive to the South Pole right, like you can't actually drive from Central America to South America
Oh no they have to replace zombie Tim
I miss zombie Tim
Remember when Tim got absolutely fucking annihilated by the lava rock that was so funny
The lady in the red sweater is Carla Gallo, she has been in a shit ton of things – but I will always remember her from Carnivale
Omg she headbutted that dude, they should hire her
Ooh potential new paramedic is hot but in a serial killer way?
In that he kinda looks like a serial killer
Some people have serial killer face I don't make the rules
Speaking of serial killer face, here's TK
"I am going to be a father" BITCH
I mean I hate them both BUT STILL
Naomi says Texas is a little dull for her – that's just the Lone Star filter
Yo I watch these YouTubers and they have videos in Texas and there's like, no brown filter? And the sky is blue? But I thought the sky in Texas was blue with a layer of brown over the top?!
Oh biiiitch "you of all people do not get to play the gender card" BITCH
What's your fucking problem Naomi
Uh oh, oh no
Now they're making me feel bad for her
Rob Lowe "he's been a little chilly"
Cyanide poisoning
Did the new paramedic… give her the cyanide? No okay it was the flowers, still I am suspicious
See we've got this scene with these two kids and if you'll notice, they're standing outside with a blue sky above them – now my YouTubers tell me that the Texan sky is blue, not a shitty shade of brown
And honestly I’m inclined to trust my YouTubers, they seem like nice people
Oh no are these two kids gonna get shot
Is the guy with the gun gonna get blown up
Why is Rob Lowe going into a minefield?
Oh this paramedic doesn't want to walk into a minefield wooow what a LOSER
I mean… I also wouldn't walk into a minefield
"I can do this" he says blandly
I hope TK blows up
How the actual fuck are they going to do this
What I love is that everyone else just stands around and watches them, no masks, no social distancing
Because there's no pandemic
I'd really like Rob Lowe to get blown up
Disappointed that Rob Lowe and TK did not get blown up
Wow TK what a hero
This week in 911: Rob Lowe, Rob Lowe navigates a literal minefield!
Serial killer paramedic is gonna quit
Wow they know about union reps in Austin (that was just a little OG lawsuit-arc burn there)
"A cowboy culture" okay dude
The dude you replaced DID get hit by a lava bomb, it was great
Oh his name is Pearce, why am I only just learning this now
Is Carlos in this show anymore or no?
Oh wow he goes to the hospital and he's WEARING A MASK
The sister has MS???
Someone should have told him
Okay we don't need to compete with each other's traumas now
Wow she got over the transphobia quickly
I mean can he have a storyline that isn't about transphobia
Wow TK is applying to be a paramedic WHO DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING
TK is getting even with Dad BY NOT WORKING WITH HIM ANYMORE that'll show you Dad
No Carlos?
Ooooooh Rob Lowe is a petty bitch
"Want to tell me what's going on with you?" "Well Dad you kinda act like me being your son doesn't fucking matter so that's why"
"TK is this really what you want?" yeah I get him not wanting to work with you
"Emotional reaction" TK has emotions?
This guy can't act
Someone needs to tell him that he can't act
"I don't think it's weird you're having another kid at your age" MATE I THINK IT'S WEIRD
Ugh god this is supposed to be emotional isn't it
Let's face it, this baby ain't gonna live
And if it does live I'll be shocked
It's nice that Paul's mother is so accepting of him though, she's so great. I pretty much love this actress anytime I see her in something
Oh they're having a boy wooow
That baby ain't gonna live
UGH "hey little brother I'll see you soon" I AM ROLLING MY EYES FOREVER
Overall verdict:
2/10 BUT a dude did blow up in a minefield and it was great so + 1000 for that makes it 1002/10, specifically - AND ONLY - for that one scene where that dude blew up
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gascansposts · 1 month
A little something for the roadtrip au
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They’re cuties and might try to make it an animatic
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Accepted Characters 6/15/2021
John Paul Mercer (JP)  from Craig of the Creek
Liao from Yoko Tsuno
Little Magdalena Schulz from Yoko Tsuno
Elliot (Ell) from On a Sunbeam
Itô Kazuky from Yoko Tsuno
Aoki from Yoko Tsuno
Candyman from Lethal League
Indigo from Gloomverse
The Sewer Queen from Craig of the Creek
Jason from Craig of the Creek
Klaus Miller from Survive as The Hero's Wife
Briar Beauty from Ever After High
Aslan Valcarios from Lord of Heroes
Stanley Pines from Gravity Falls
Benjamin Bassett from Will Sparrow's Road
Kent from Stardew Valley
Grace Wyse from Will Sparrow's Road
Lancelot Fitzgeoffery from Will Sparrow's Road
Lena from the All-Of-A-Kind-Family
Bucket from How to train your Dragon
Nova from the Planet of the Apes series
Dr. Putnam from Away
Simon Evan from The Villain Discovered my Identity
Eun Danoh from July found by Chance
Oh Namjoo from July found by Chance
Whisper the Wolf from the Sonic the Hedgehog series
Tangled the Lemur from the Sonic the Hedgehog series
Sheena Fujibayashi from Tales of Symphonia
Zelos Wilder from Tales of Symphonia
Samson from Carnivale
Jaime Thompson's mother from the Berrybrook Middle School series
Arthur Welkin from Father Brown
SCP 134 (Stella) from the SCP series
Haymitch Abernathy from Hunger Games
Herjan from Ragnarok
The Prophet from Elder Scrolls Online
Abe Taylor from the American Girl series
Kenny O' Shaughnessy from the American Girl series
Aurellio from the Star Trek series
James Horner from the American Girl series
Todd Warner from the American Girl series
Breha Organa from the Star Wars series
Small Norm from the Crash Bandicoot series
145 Characters Remain
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carnivalehbo · 3 years
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Carnivale Costume Design by Desirae Hepp
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kaserl · 4 years
a general terror playlist, adapted from my even longer personal one! this is a mess of genres musically, but it is in chronological order! tracklist and associated scenes/lyrics below the cut (some songs fit completely, for others only the lyrics I listed are really relevant). thanks to @dedraconesilet for helping me place some of these and screaming with me about the terror! Restless- Cold War Kids (Discovery Service|now you’re wired and you’re tired/there is never a break/you only come alive at the thrill of the chase/no, we can’t help it/we’re always restless/we already know the ending) Ends of the Earth-Lord Huron (leaving Greenhithe|out there’s a land that time don’t command/wanna be the first to arrive//to the ends of the earth would you follow me?/there’s a world that was meant for our eyes to see//maybe I’m headin’ to die but I’m still gonna try/I guess I’m goin’ alone) Into the Wild- Lewis Watson (last sighting in Baffin Bay|and we take another step into the truly unknown/don’t know why but it’s somewhere that we have to go/and it’s dangerously wonderful/so come on, come on, come on, come on/step out into the wild) Boat Song- Woodkid (sailing through Peel Sound|can we keep our bearing straight/or will we be blown off course/are we instruments of fate?/do we really have a choice?) Jesus Christ- Brand New (“will I fly? up to God?”|and I will die all alone/and when I arrive I won’t know anyone/well, Jesus Christ, I’m not scared to die/I’m a little bit scared of what comes after) We Are- Peter Bradley Adams (parties set out to look for leads|we wait for our luck to change/and hope to come//we just watch the seasons change/and wait for the storm to break/and the land to come) North- Sleeping At Last (“the western team must be nearly home now”|we will call this place our home//let the years we’re here be kind, be kind/let our hearts, like doors, open wide, open wide) Make a Shadow- Meg Myers (“funny to think of this place as home, isn’t it?”|don’t tell me this is home) Waves- Dean Lewis (the reindeer|I watched my wild youth disappear in front of my eyes/moments of magic and wonder/it seems so hard to find/is it ever coming back again//take me back to the feeling when/everything was left to find) Can’t Stop Time- Goodnight Neverland (“we’ve seen worse than this, you and me”|you can’t stop time/we’re getting older so you close your eyes/regretting everything you left behind) Spirit Cold- Tall Heights (Crozier standing alone between Terror and Erebus|how do I wake my spirit cold?/we always say when our history’s told/if only we knew the things we know/there’s a question ages old) I Of the Storm- Of Monsters and Men (“there’s a spare captain on Erebus”|are you really going to need me/when I’m gone/I fear you won’t/I fear you don’t) Hate on Fire- Ben Hazelwood (Gibson ends things with Hickey|I won’t follow you down this road/yeah, we both know just where it goes) Heavy Hangs the Crown- Samantha Farrell (“I’ve never wanted anything as little as I want this now”|you don’t know a thing/about the trouble that I’m in/fall without a sound/heavy hangs the crown) Holocene- Bon Iver (“do you not feel what has happened?”|and at once I knew I was not magnificent/strayed above the highway aisle/(jagged vacance, thick with ice)/I could see for miles, miles, miles) The Breaking Light- Vienna Teng (Ross in the admiralty scene|let your lion heart cleave the waves/brother you will return//so listen to the darkness, listen to the patterns/listen to the breathing sea/listen to the colors, carry them inside you/they will bring you back to me) Storm Song- PHILDEL (Lady Jane organizing her own rescue|even though the landscape stretches like a hard day/even though the old man says I have a fool’s plan/oh, despite the distance, you will see my footprints/I will raise my flagpole, I will turn these tables ‘round/I’ll send a storm to capture your heart and bring you home) Metal & Dust- London Grammar (“Miss Cracroft, who rejected you?”|and so, you built a life on trust/though it starts, with love and lust/and when your house, begins to rust/oh, it’s just, metal and dust/we argue, we don’t fight) Lover/Soldier- Washington (“I have no intention of becoming a captain’s wife”|lover, you’re a soldier, you’re a long, long way from home/a long way from your mother, and you do it on our own/I don’t belong to you, and you don’t belong to me/I don’t think we need to, ‘cause it’s just so easy) That’s Okay- The Hush Sound (“with me you’ve never hesitated to be plain”|you are broken and callow/cautious and safe/you are boundless and beauty/with fright in your face/until someone loves you/I’ll keep you safe/but like them, I will give you away) I Am Not Yours- Z. Randall Stroope (Crozier pining over Sophia|I am not yours, not lost in you/although I long to be//you love me, and I find you still/a spirit beautiful and bright) Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap (“much to do on Terror is all, sir”|where are we? what the hell is going on?/the dust has only just begun to fall/crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling/spin me ‘round again and rub my eyes/this can’t be happening) The Hunger in Your Haunt- Crywolf (Hickey gives Gibson Young’s ring|where are all the things that you have toiled all your life for?/was it me you wanted when you said you/wanted something more than what you knew?) I’ll Be Good- Jaymes Young (Crozier decides to stop drinking|my past has tasted bitter for years now/so I wield an iron fist/grace is just weakness/or so I’ve been told/I’ve been cold, I’ve been merciless/but the blood on my hands scares me to death/maybe I’m waking up today) I Will Try-Deaf Havana (Crozier’s intervention|and I will try my best to find a smile/and I will close my eyes and say I’m not afraid/and it’s time that I was clear of all the negativity that I hold so dear/I lost my sight for far too long to take my mind off all my fears/but I found my way again) Look After You- The Fray (“you needn’t worry for a thing, sir”|I’ll look after you/it’s always have and never hold/you’ve begun to feel like home) Trout Heart Replica- Amanda Palmer (Goodsir feeding Jacko from the tins|and killing things is not so hard/it’s hurting that’s the hardest part/and when the wizard gets to me/I’m asking for a smaller heart/and if he tells me “no”/I’ll hold my breath until I hit the floor/eventually I know I’m doomed to get what I am asking for) Give Me A Sign-Breaking Benjamin (Crozier in withdrawal|I’ll keep you alive/if you show me the way/forever–and ever/the scars will remain/I’m falling apart/leave me here forever in the dark/God help me I’ve come undone/out of the light of the sun) Keep Breathing- Ingrid Michaelson (Crozier on the upswing|but all that I know is I’m breathing/all I can do is keep breathing/all we can do is keep breathing now) Organs- Of Monsters and Men (Silna trying to take her father’s place|I should not care but I don’t know how/so I take off my face/because it reminds me how it all went wrong/and I pull out my tongue/because it reminds me how it all went wrong) Bleachless- Elizabeth Grace (Goodsir looking at Jacko’s body|‘cause when your life’s on the table/then there’s not much left to hide/begging for contagion/these hospitals won’t save us/and when these toxins leave us/it’s sad when we’ll be bleachless/'cause all you have to say/is that it’s gonna get better/it’s gonna get better/but it never does) Comes and Goes (In Waves)- Greg Laswell (Crozier’s speech at Carnivale|this one’s for the lonely, the ones that seek and find/only to be let down time after time/this one’s for the torn down, the experts at the fall/come on friends, get up now, you’re not alone at all) Runaway- The National (Stanley’s suicide|there’s no saving anything/how we swallow the sun/but I won’t be no runaway/'cause I won’t run//we got another thing coming undone/and it’s taking us over/ we don’t bleed when we don’t fight) Forest Fire- Brighton (fire|I keep imagining those flames that did rise/and blackened up the sky/the light that showed you barefoot in the snow/and then the fire started building up inside/exploding blinding lights/now I’m the one left screaming through the night//I’m gonna carry your bones/I’m gonna carry them all/I’m gonna carry you home) Stay Alive- José González (the dawn after Carnivale|I will stay with you tonight/hold you close 'til the morning light/in the morning watch a new day rise/we’ll do whatever just to stay alive) We Are Broken- Paramore (“these men need names yet”|'cause we are broken/what must we do to restore/our innocence/and oh, the promise we adored/give us life again/'cause we just wanna be whole) The Ice Is Getting Thinner- Death Cab for Cutie (abandoning ship|we’re not the same, dear, as we used to be/the seasons have changed and so have we/there was little we could say, and even less that we could do/to stop the ice from getting thinner under me and you) Sleeping Sickness- City And Colour (“horrible from supper”|someone come and, someone come and save my life/maybe I’ll sleep when I am dead/but now it’s like the night is taking sides/with all the worries that occupy the back of my mind/could it be this misery will suffice?) Disarm- The Civil Wars (Hickey realizes something’s wrong with the tinned food|the killer in me is the killer in you/send this smile over to you) Follow You- Bring Me the Horizon (Crozier helping Fitzjames up the ice|my head is haunting me and my heart feels like a ghost/I need to feel something, cause I’m still so far from home//so you can drag me through Hell/if it meant I could hold your hand) People Help the People- Birdy (more hand-holding|people help the people/and if you’re homesick/give me your hand and I’ll hold it) Medicine- Daughter (Morfin’s death|pick it up, pick it all up/and start again/you’ve got a second chance/you could go home/escape it all/it’s just irrelevant/it’s just medicine) This Woman’s Work- Greg Laswell (Goodsir’s panic attack|I know you have a little life in you yet/I know you have a lot of strength left/I should be crying, but I just can’t let it show/I should be hoping but I can’t stop thinking) Calm My Soul- Paper Route (Irving’s death|I’ve seen too much this year/I long for it to pass/the type of memories/that turn our heart to glass//in dust my ribs were formed/and I’ll return again/calm my soul) Helplessness Blues- Fleet Foxes (“do you know how I was appointed to this expedition?”|what’s my name, what’s my station, oh, just tell me what I should do/I don’t need to be kind to the armies of night that would do such injustice to you/or bow down and be grateful and say “sure, take all that you see”/to the men who move only in dimly-lit halls and determine my future for me) Dance to Another Tune- First Aid Kit (“I’m a fake, brother”|will you look at me?/take a good look at me and tell me who/it is that I am//everything is tiresome, everything grows old/with each secret revealed, there’s another to be told) We Don’t Eat- James Vincent McMorrow (“my father was a ridiculous man”|me, I was holding all of my secrets soft and hid/pages were folded, then there was nothing at all/so if in the future I might need myself a savior/I’ll remember what was written on that wall/that we don’t eat until your father’s at the table) Surrender the Night- My Chemical Romance (I didn’t know any of that|you surrender your heart/I surrender every dream/every weapon you’ve got/every secret that I keep) See Through- Pentatonix (“I’ve never said it out loud before now”|all of me uncharted/begs to be explored//I am see through, baby/and I don’t wanna hide/for the very first time) Unclear- Kodaline (“I always felt I deserved more”|when the future’s so unsure/when the future’s so unclear/so you swallow your heart and you swallow your pride/you gotta be tough if you wanna survive/they’ll chew you up and they’ll eat you alive/you shouldn’t give up on the dreams in your mind) Neptune- Sleeping At Last (“are we brothers, Francis?”|a strong wind at my back/so I lift up the only sail that I have/this tired white flag//I’m only honest when it rains/an open book with a torn out page/and my ink’s run out/I want to love you but I don’t know how) Brothers on a Hotel Bed- Death Cab for Cutie (Fitzjames looking at his bullet wounds|you may tire of me as our December sun is setting because I’m not who I used to be/no longer easy on the eyes but these wrinkles masterfully disguise/the youthful boy below who turned your way and saw/something he was not looking for: both a beginning and an end/but now he lives inside someone he does not recognize/when he catches his reflection on accident) human-Christina Perri (“worst kind of sorry”|I’m only human/and I crash and I break down/your words in my head, knives in my heart/you build me up and then I fall apart) Paint Me Black- Ben Hazelwood (“every man lies”|changing, rearranging/under your call, we all fall/just know that I won’t follow you further/I’m taking over, I’m now the leader) I’ll Follow You- Shinedown (“more than God loves them”|the first step is the one you believe in/the second one might be profound/I’ll follow you down through the eye of the storm/don’t worry I’ll keep you warm) All Fall Down- OneRepublic (walking out|yeah God love your soul and your aching bones/take a breath, take a step, meet me down below/everyone’s the same/our fingers to our toes/we just can’t get it right/but we’re on the road) Stay Gold- First Aid Kit (walking out|what if to love and be loved’s not enough?/what if I fall and can’t bear to get up?/oh, I wish, for once, we could stay gold) Soldier On- The Temper Trap (walking out|all that is gold is rusting/no one will know/when seasons cease to change and:/how far we’ve gone/how far we’re going/it’s the here and the now/and the love for the sound/of the moments that keep us moving) Chin Up- Copeland (Fitzjames collapses|back to where we started/losing who we were/everybody knows that/you’d break your neck to keep your chin up) Old Wounds- PVRIS (“there is time”|they say don’t open old wounds/but this is still brand new/and I’ve got nothing left to lose besides you/and I’ve already lost you once) Landfill- Daughter (Hickey killing Gibson|leave me in the rain/wait until my clothes cling to my frame/wipe away your tear stains/thought you said you didn’t feel pain/well this is torturous electricity/between both of us and this is/dangerous, 'cause I want you so much/but I hate your guts) Save Yourself- Birdy (“my body… use it”|heaven knows, heaven knows/there’s no way to save us/look at what we have become/empty hearts that spare no one/save yourself my darling/just be gone by morning) You’re Not Alone- Saosin (“God wants you to live”|you’re not alone/there is more to this, I know/you can make it out/you will live to tell) The Way It Ends- Landon Pigg (“help me out of it”|this is the way it ends/don’t tell me it’s meaningless//you held me and taught me how/I think I am ready now/if this is the way it ends/this is the way it’s meant to be) Goner- Twenty One Pilots (eye contact|I’m a goner, somebody catch my breath/I wanna be known by you) Carry You Home- James Blunt (Fitzjames dies|as strong as you were, tender you go/I’m watching you breathing for the last time/a song for your heart, but when it is quiet/I know what it means and I’ll carry you home) Corpse Roads- Keaton Henson [not on spotify] (“we both know what’s coming for me”|and don’t lie, don’t lie/don’t lie, I know we’re fixing to die/and I’ll be like this 'til the long sleeper cry/and I won’t give in, we’ll be dead in the eyes/and I’ll see the dark things that you all try to hide/and I won’t be the damnedest bit fucking surprised The Light Behind Your Eyes- My Chemical Romance (“at least love me enough to admit it”|never let them take the light behind your eyes/I’ll fail and lose this fight/never fade in the dark/just remember you will always burn as bright//when I’m here, no longer/you must be stronger) No Sound But the Wind- Editors (Peglar collapses|if I say shut your eyes/if I say look away/bury your face in my shoulder/think of a birthday/the things you put in your head/they will stay here forever/our blood is cold/and we’re alone, love/but I’m alone with you) Be Still- The Killers (“give me forty minutes”|be still/close your eyes/soon enough you’ll be on your own/steady and straight/and if they drag you through the mud/it doesn’t change what’s in your blood/(over rock, over chain, over trap, over plain)/when they knock you down/don’t break character) Cemetery- Say Anything (Hickey eating Gibson|you’re in my body/that’s where I think about you) White Foxes- Susanne Sundfør (“I’m hungry and I want to live”|hunger, hunger, is the purest sin/it is an empty church in a crowded bin) Sword and the Pen- Regina Spektor (“I love the C”|for those who still can recall/the desperate colors of fall/the sweet caresses of May/only in poems remain/no one recites them these days/for the shame/so what if nothing is safe/so what if no one is saved/no matter how sweet/no matter how brave/what if each to his own lonely grave/I don’t want to live without you) One Last Time- Jaymes Young (Bridgens holding Peglar’s hand|could I feel your skin on mine/before I have to say goodbye/could I breathe, please, one last time/you’re in my lungs before I curl up/and die) Fires- Allman Brown (Bridgens walks away to die|in a torch there’s a thousand years unknown/voices tell me a truth I nearly know/this will all soon be memory/I was made in the fires/of your care for me//and I will find you in the next life) Be Still- The Fray (“you can lie there, not feeling well, while I try and cheer you up”|be still and know that I’m with you/be still and know that I am here) Come Back When You Can- Barcelona (Sophia in the snow|come back when you can/let go, you’ll understand/you’ve done nothing at all to make me love you less/so come back when you can) Saturn- Sleeping At Last (“this place is beautiful to me even now”|with shortness of breath, I’ll explain the infinite/how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist) If I Be Wrong- Wolf Larsen (Little and Le Vesconte go south|and what if I can’t, what if I can/what if I’m just an ordinary man/if there is a will, there is a way/I will escape for sure, I am David Blaine//and I have been wrong, I have been right/I have been both these things all in the same night) Tether- CHVRCHES (Jopson’s death|where’d you go, you were there by my side/keep believing it’s my turn to hide/in a place where we don’t have a prayer/there’s a tether that’s keeping me there) Two Evils- Bastille (“I didn’t have anywhere near an equal on this expedition, but you”|there are two ways to skin tonight/let’s see whose road gets there faster/this is a game, no wrongs, no right/only a winner and a loser/you and I, oh you and I/we’re not that different, you and I) Jupiter- Sleeping At Last (Goodsir’s suicide|I don’t know who I am, but now I know who I’m now//make my messes matter/make this chaos count/let every little fracture in me/shatter out loud) Bleeding Out- Imagine Dragons (Goodsir’s suicide|I’m bleeding out/so if the last thing that I do/is bring you down/I’ll bleed out for you/so I bare my skin/and I count my sins/and I close my eyes/and I take it in) Somebody to Die For- Hurts (“give me your gun, I’m the best shot here”|and I will let the devil know that/I was brave enough to die/and there’s no hell that he can show me/that’s deeper than my pride) The Keeper- Kina Grannis (Crozier muttering the names of his men|sand and stone, struggles to claim and own/(take my burden, I can’t bear the weight)/wars lost won, promises come undone/(I’ve been fighting, trying not to break)/nobody has to know//I will be your keeper) How’m I Supposed to Die- Civil Twilight (the last men falling|and the flesh that used to tingle/has turned a marble blue?/and you tell me that/we can never go back/what am I to say to that?//there’s only one thing left to do) Everything That Dies- Matthew and the Atlas (Crozier finding the last camps|you said everyone you know one day will surely die/but everything that dies in some way returns) Voices Off Camera- Rise Against (”close?”|we either choose to follow or be left on our own/so we’re leaving here on a less-travelled road/as desperate cries grow louder, I know we’re getting close, getting close) Friends Are Dead- Dresses (Crozier walking away with Silna|I’m wandering saintless debris/'cause the saints they arose/heaven took them home/and now I am lonely/this is how it ends, all my friends are dead/I know that I fucked up, the life of a cultural/how can I pretend that everything’s alright/when no one can find me alone in this wasteland?) Lovely- Billie Eilish (“decide in the spring”|isn’t it lovely? all alone/heart made of glass, my mind of stone/tear me to pieces, skin to bone/hello, welcome home/walking out of time/looking for a better place) I Am Only One- We Are the Fallen (Silna leaves|I’m on my own here/and no one’s left to be the hero of/this fairy tale gone wrong/as night will fall, my heart will die alone/ever after never came/and I’m still waiting for my heart to beat again/and all the dreams I’ve laid to rest/are ghosts that keep me/after all that I’ve become/I am only one) Ghost Towns- Radical Face (Crozier in the Arctic|'cause all my life is wrapped up in today/no past or future here/if I find my name’s no good/I just fall out of line/but I miss you/but there’s no comin’ home/there’s no comin’ home/with a name like mine) Exile- Show of Hands (Crozier in the Arctic|I can dream before the break of day/that I’m back with you again/then the morning blows it all away/and leaves an echo of your name/still a thousand miles lie between us/where we’re waking up alone/and what if I could cross a thousand borders/there’s no going home) Until the End- Breaking Benjamin (Crozier chooses to stay|why give up, why give in?/it’s not enough, it never is/so I will go on until the end/we’ve become desolate/it’s not enough, it never is/but I will go on until the end) Hurt- Johnny Cash (“we are gone”|what have I become/my sweetest friend/everyone I know goes away/in the end/and you could have it all/my empire of dirt/I will let you down/I will make you hurt) Bring Me Home-Fahrenhaidt (Crozier walks away|will you find, will you find, will you find me alone?/when you’re far out over the water I’ll be there too/will you find, will you find, will you find me and bring me home?/are you lost/are you chasing hollow dreams/are you lost/was it worth forsaking me?) The Ocean- The Bravery (Crozier and Ross|I climbed up a mountain, and looked off the edge/at all of the lives that I never have led/there’s one where I stayed with you across the sea/I wonder do you still think of me/I carry your image always in my head/folded and yellowed and torn at the edge/and I’ve looked upon it for so many years/slowly I am losing your face) In the Wind- Lord Huron (Robert Goodsir aboard Felix|you’ve been gone for a long long time/you’ve been in the wind, you’ve been on my mind/you are the purest soul I’ve ever known in my life//when you left I was far too young/to know you’re worth more than the moon and the sun/you are still alive when I look to the sky in the night) Frozen Oceans- Shiny Toy Guns (those left behind|ten thousand miles apart/a frozen ocean joins our hearts/I can’t wait to meet you when/the frozen waves meet ocean floors/you’ll be standing on the shore/I can’t wait to meet you then) Come Home- OneRepublic (those left behind|come home, come home/'cause I’ve been waiting for you/for so long, so long) Fields of Gold- Celtic Woman (nostalgia|you’ll remember me when the west wind moves/among the fields of barely/you can tell the sun in his jealous sky/when we walked in fields of gold) Arctic- Sleeping At Last (the last shot of Crozier)
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changelingvixen · 4 years
In which our awful heroine seeks gainful employment. 
 Time passed, as it tended to, and now she was in Ul’Dah, swallowing her fear before an interview.
A couple of years back she’d bitten the bullet and asked her father to send a letter to a friend in Limsa to get her signed into the Culinarians’ Guild. He’d been delighted, and to her equal delight, she’d been accepted on recommendation. No face to face interview where she could blow it, although she knew she’d have one chance. Mess up once, and she’d have no fallback to protect her. Thankfully, she could cook. It was her one major skill. And in the Culinarians’ Guild, that seemed to be all you needed. You didn’t have to be more personable than the ability to say ‘yes chef’ or ‘ready chef’ and hand over a plate of food. Perfect. She hadn’t got close to anyone, but people weren’t actively rude, either – they, like her, were there to cook and learn. It was a sort of heaven. She rented a little house in the housing district, where most of her neighbours were adventurers who were almost always out on the road and never home to give that cloyingly disappointed stare she’d had from her Gridanian neighbours by her parents’ house, and lived a quiet, dedicated life, a nun to food. She’d enjoyed it. Her old boss had let her take her favourite chocobo, Apple, as well, so she couldn’t even call herself lonely. If anything, she enjoyed the freedom. She liked the smell of the salt water and the sea breeze, the liveliness of Limsa. People watching was more varied than ever, as the world and her wife seemed to pass through its busy Aetheryte plaza. As long as she avoided the darker areas of the city, she felt fine. Her clothes were plain and serviceable but better, obviously marked her as a Culinarians’ Guild member, and people saw the clothes now, not the face, and treated her with mildly more respect, enough to now barge or ignore her, at least. Life was good – as good as it was likely to be. On weekends she’d ride Apple around the city walls and pick herbs, or walk with the ‘bo on the shoreline.
But all good things came to an end, it seemed. The owner of the house wanted it back to live in and certainly had no qualms about turfing out a plain single woman with no meaningful fixed employment. The guild was recruiting again, and she’d largely reached the end of what she could learn.
There are more jobs in Ul’Dah if you do not wish to return here, her father’s last letter had read. He’d spent enough time travelling and adventuring on the seas that he knew all the city states like the back of his hands. Take your time, there is no rush to come back. I always wondered when you’d get the old wanderlust like your dad! She didn’t have the heart to tell him it wasn’t quite wanderlust, just a search for some sense of peace. But she had a trade now, and a guild qualification, and a profession that she could wear like armour. Maybe it was worth a try. And she had Apple. The ‘bo always loved and supported her, at least.
Her heart was thundering in her chest. This no longer seemed like a good idea. Ul’Dah was full of miqo’te dancers and incredibly well dressed, wealthy people. It was clingingly hot – nothing like the fresh sea air of Limsa or the cool, earthy winds of Gridania. The entire city was sandstone coloured. The land outside was a desert. And because it was so hot, everyone wore next to no clothing, showing off their perfect bodies and flawless bronze skin.
She hated it.
Worst of all, Royse wanted to meet her face to face. Not that she hadn’t expected to meet an employer face to face at some point – obviously – she stifled a manic giggle at the thought – but she’d hoped maybe the first impression wouldn’t be…physical. She came over a lot better on paper or even via linkshell. But the woman had liked her CV and her guild recommendation letter enough to invite her, so there was that. She’d liked the idea of a cook for her entertainment venue that specialised in different styles of food, and she had worked for an Ishgardian restaurant in Limsa for a while, and even undertaken a placement in a Doman shop. She knew her stuff. She was sure of it. And she had an Official Outfit. Even if the long apron and skirt and the hat were making her sweat in the horrible heat. She considered ditching the hat, until she caught a glimpse of her hatless head in a passing market mirror, and instantly changed her mind.
She steeled her nerves and knocked on the door.
An older Roegadyn man in a doorman’s suit answered. He was holding a bucket of something that looked suspiciously like entrails and a mildly harried expression. As she’d intended, he looked not at her face but her hat.
“Ah,” he said, brightening. “The chef.”
“The chef,” she confirmed. “That’s the plan, anyway. Interview permitting.” She looked at the bucket, which he shook.
“It’s the feed for Ms Royse’s show animals,” he explained with a laugh. “Not dinner.”
“I don’t think I could make much of that,” she joked gently, and he laughed again, this time focussing on her face. She made herself keep eye contact, willing ‘competent chef’ vibes out at him as she’d done in Limsa to customers she’d had to meet, and he shrugged, letting her in. It was fine.
The inside of the building was mercifully cooler – Ul’dahn architecture had developed to keep the heat out, she assumed, hence the airy interiors and the light coloured stone. There was a front desk, a number of side rooms, and a bunch of brightly coloured posters for the Masked Carnivale, featuring the eponymous show animals, a masked man in a sharp suit with a cane and a lot of the colour blue.
“Take a seat,” offered the Roegadyn, waving at a table with a  couple of chairs. “I have to finish feeding the beasties. Ms Royse won’t be long.”
She nodded and sat, waiting for her interviewer.
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I was tagged by @lynnesm Thanks, darling!<3
Rules: bold which trope you prefer (or, in some cases, maybe just hate the least!) out of each of the following pairs:
slowburn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt/comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle-aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or genderbend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
I tag @pcrushinnerd @daydreamhustler @clowndaddyfleck @carnivalou @jokerismyhubbie 
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