#care bear croc charms
alarabalik · 3 months
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𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 ....    
full name: Alara Balik  (ciswoman & she/her) 
nicknames: Ally, Prom Queen (old high school nickname)
age & date of birth: 32 years old / March 2th, 1992 ( Pisces )
status: single
family: Ela Balik (daughter, 6years old)
where does she live: Bear Valley
time living in town:  +/- all her life
occupation:  owner/manager of Brews & Bites cafe
positive traits: loyal, charming, observant, reliable, caring, humorous.
negative traits: bossy, headstrong, ruminative, tenacious, sarcastic, opinionated. ​
inspo: pinterest ​// brews & bites cafe  // connections 
huge coffee lover, has insane amounts daily and always smells of freshly made coffee mixed with vanilla & mint.
cleans when frustrated.
likes wearing a lot of denim and leather pieces ( blouses,jeans,skirts... ) alongside ankle and croc-embossed boots ( or heels ) because she feels taller. overall she’s a true northern fashion icon most of the time :)
a total mom friend and momma bear. 
doesn’t tolerate nonsense or mean people for no reason so she’ll be quick to give you a smarty pants comment.
doesn’t like admitting she’s in the wrong.
goes a little crazy during superbowl season because she adores american football.
has a horse that her grandpa gifted her when she turned 18 and his name is GOLDIE :) she still loves going on rides with him on the weekends while her sister watch over her 6 year old.
excellent at bar games , especially pool and darts , so it’s definitely her biggest party trick.
still cries like a baby when mufasa dies and susan forgets about narnia. 
loves coffee, pasta, red wine, leather pieces of clothing, carrie underwood, baking, comedy movies, hiking, rain showers, slow dancing, scented candles, cold beer, people who make her laugh, denim jeans, whiskey, corny pick up lines, cinnamon hot chocolate, romantic gestures, sunrises and sunsets, line dancing, yoga, american football, country music, horses, snow, bar games.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 8 months
i gave in. i bought crocs because ive always wanted them. because i remember the days where crocs were the butt of the joke and i wanted to make people die inside. NOW? NOW THEY'RE FUCKING TRENDH. BUT FUCK IT I BIUGHT EM ANYWA. AND YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE I BOUGHT?? FUCKING CROC CHARMS. which i swore id never buy because all the designs i see are so pretentious visco tiktok rich kid poser energy 🤮 but these ones i got are like!! kidcore!! care bears and hello kitty covered in blood and pikachu!! ooooooo they work with my scene kid fit so well and i got an edgy bucket hat!!! this outfit makes me so happy!!!
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ngozi-grace · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 3/$10❤️ Crocs Charm ~ Orange Care Bear ~.
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scarleighso · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Care Bear Crocs Charm - Buy 3 of More Get 50% OFF.
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cuppajj · 3 years
Who do you think would rock a pair of Crocs the best? Overlord, Tarn, or Deathsaurus?
Overlord would look the most fabulous. Naturally. He is naturally built to be fabulous so the glamour just comes to him. But he would have the worst looking ones visually; homeboy has little to no taste, just a pair of red Crocs sandals that are an ugly contrast against the purple of his pedes. A little dirt and dried energon on it because he doesn’t care about how good they look, because he knows he looks glorious even without them. You’d hate how they look, but you know he can make the atrociousness work. He’s just that unfairly good-looking.
Tarn would have the best looking Crocs. I’m talking deep violet with periwinkle sparkles, and little decepticon and heart charms that fit into the holes. They’re the kind of Crocs you wish you could wear, they’re so decked out and attractive and sophisticated, just how Tarn likes it. But they’re WAY too big for him. They’re extremely noticeable and can’t be unseen once you look at them, and they fall off his pedes when he takes a single step. For such beautiful kicks, who in their right mind would purposefully get ones twice their size? You start to wonder if those Crocs are actually his, or someone else’s.....
Deathsaurus is like baby bear, where it’s not too simple and ugly, but not too flashy and huge. They’re just right, fit comfortably, with a good complimentary color and a cute little dragon charm on the side. He also has charms of a lion, a bat, a bird, a bison, a rhino, and a jaguar given to him by his crew, which he takes turns swapping or sprinkles all over his Crocs depending on how he’s feeling. You can really tell there’s a lot of appreciation put into such simple shoes, and it’s an effort put into it by not just himself, but his whole band. They’re like tokens of appreciation, and just for that, he’d strut them around proudly.
So all in all, Deathsaurus and his win-win values. A combination of good Crocs and a good wearer, with nothing standing out and coalescing perfectly. Unlike the other two, he’d have the most thought put into how he looks.
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10kiaoi · 4 years
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Tactical gear appreciation post lol.
CW: canon typical violence, issues related to death. Notes: Very much unbetaed and written with increasing desperation. Please go easy on me?
The first time Bond sees the boy, it’s in the busy shopping streets of Bangkok. 
It’s midday and sweltering but the Pratunam district is buzzing with activity. 
Bond idles along the street side vendors, ambling through the makeshift tents and racks. The crowd is thick enough that he brushes shoulders with others every few steps or so. He keeps half an eye on the lovely trinkets - little wooden carvings of various local fauna. The other half is firmly fixed on a man rumoured to be delving into the international arms trade. 
He inspects a figurine of an elephant, tuning out the shopkeeper’s enthusiastic pitch in broken english. 
A scream pierces the air- a high pitched shriek that sends the crowd careening backwards. As Bond is shoved backwards by the masses, he spots a man toppled over on the ground, motionless. Around him, there are yells in Thai, in English, in various other languages of the disturbed tourists. 
He quickly scans the panicked crowd but catches nothing more than a flash of deep brunette melting away into the throngs.
It’s an unexpected sudden end to his current mission. 
Berlin is a mess. 
The woman Bond is tasked with assessing is KGB- turncoat and now looking for a new master. Bond strides into a small chain cafe on a quiet street. The cafe isn’t too busy- the few customers present are already seated and distracted. Anya Pavlova is seated in the far corner up against the wall, engaged in her book and a cup of coffee.
Bond heads to the counter, places his order. It arrives in short order and he chooses a seat by the window. The occasional autumn breeze is refreshing in the stuffy cafe, after sunny, tropical Bangkok. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Pavlova slips into the washroom. 
Bond tucks into his meal. 
She slips back out after a brief pause, prim and proper, returns to her softback. 
No one else gets up. Bond slides into the washroom. The note is exactly where Bond expects it to be. He glances quickly at the series of numbers- a phone number, tucks it into a secure little pocket in the lining of his jacket. He flushes the toilet, washes his hands and steps back out. 
Pavlova waits for him to sit back down at his table before putting away her possessions into the little handbag at her side.
The waitress comes over smiling, a tray with a single cup. Bond frowns, ready to reject the clearly mistaken order. “With compliments, it’s already paid for!” the waitress chirps. Bond pauses, then graciously thanks the waitress as she transfers the cup to his table. He resolutely does not turn to look at Pavlova who is making for the door. 
It’s a lovely rich black, no cream or sugar.  
The napkin is folded neatly under the cup. 
Bond looks down to check his phone.  Pavlova steps out from under the shelter of the awning. The cashier’s cheerful “come again!” switches to a screech of horror, followed by several others both in and outside of the cafe.  
Bond whips up with his heart pounding, only training preventing him from dropping his phone on the way. There’s a telltale metallic glint from a far off high rise, no more than a shimmer off what most would assume is reflective glass. It lasts no longer than a flash.  
Pavlova is dead before she hits the ground.     
M is understandably spitting mad. 
One doesn’t come by an enemy agent offering their services everyday and Pavlova could have been a terrific addition to MI6’s arsenal of covert long term operatives what with already being in the KGB and all. 
The morbid hilarity of the entire situation - Bond hasn’t done anything to influence such an outcome. A textbook execution practically. 
And yet it has gone all tits up.
A fuming M marches him down to Q Branch with carte blanche to use all resources to find the leak. “Something we should have done since Bangkok!” M rages in a rare moment of self reproach as Bond bears her fury with silence.
A forensics team is sent to the building the sniper is suspected to have worked from. They find nothing. Q Branch fares no better, the few low res security cameras of little help when it turns out they have all gone down simultaneously around the time of the incident. 
He’s grilled on what he remembers. Every tiny detail dragged out to be examined on all fronts to determine if he has missed anything.  
There’s little else they can do with no other leads. 
In Mexico City, Bond destroys an entire warehouse’s worth of hard drugs before it ever reaches his country’s shores.
The explosion is magnificent- a great blooming flameball and a sound blast that blows out every window in a one kilometer radius. 
It’s almost makes up for being whacked hard enough atop the head that he blacks out instantly. 
Miguel Garcia is a terrible host. 
Bond watches as the man drops the unfortunate minion into a pit of crocs. The screams still ring in his ears when Garcia starts in on him. His earwig is long gone. For once, he misses having Q Branch in his ear. 
Standard villain interrogation routine- a couple of hits here and there, a good deal of verbal threats, a few electrocutions to top it off. Nothing a double oh hasn’t been trained to take. 
Bond laughs and screams through the entire facade, a savage grin splitting his face apart. He shoves the desperate need to know that someone is coming into a tiny box and pushes it into a dusty corner of his mind where a stone mansion lies. 
Garcia is coming apart at the seams and for good reason. Between the two of them, Bond would garner Garcia’s in deeper shit and he gleefully tells Garcia so. 
The lacerations with a dull knife are worth the brief terror turned rage across Garcia’s face. 
Bond is thrown into a dark room and left to rot without food or water.
His body is a mass of bruises and pain - there isn’t a part of him that feels like he could sleep forever. The relative silence is a much cherished balm against the earlier violence. He’s just drifting off into a light doze- all the better for maintaining his energy reserves when the single shot echoes around the facility. 
It’s loud and forbidding. 
Bond jerks awake, adrenaline rushing through his veins. 
There’s yelling and panic, a desperate attempt to mount some kind of defence but a great deal more bellows that cut off in the middle. 
Bond’s heart pounds painfully in his chest. He staggers up, ignoring the painful pull at all his wounds. 
Somewhere in the distance, there’s a bang of a grenade. 
Outside his prison, there’s a crack. The door swings open. Bond squints at the sudden brightness. A familiar silhouette appears in the light of the doorway. 
“Heard you needed backup, brother!”
Bond could just kiss him. 
What the hospital staff doesn’t know won't hurt them. 
Bond makes it a point to share a drink with Felix whenever he’s in town. Langley isn’t too far from DC and it’s been a while since they have had the opportunity to catch up. 
Well, that and the man rescued him from the clutches of Garcia. Bond owes Felix more than a round of drinks.  
Bond steadily ignores the disapproving looks Felix aims at his shots. More than for the company, it’s an informal exchange of information- information locked behind red tape and bureaucracy in other circumstances. It’s efficient and lays bare the minute details Bond has to work to hunt down otherwise. 
Felix tells him about an operation in Alaska of all places. Bond tells him about Bangkok. They both down a stiff drink. 
Felix pauses, a momentary lapse that blares like an alarm to Bond’s trained eye. 
Bond narrows his eyes. “What is it?”
Felix grimaces. Something like suspicion and dread creeps over Bond. 
“About that, we found the warehouse because of a tipoff. Garcia was already dead when we got there.”
Felix doesn’t quite let him in to the CIA secure archives but it’s a pretty close thing. 
He leaves Bond waiting in one of the meeting rooms, blinds drawn. When he returns, it’s with a thin folder. There’s also a ziplock with tiny metal pieces no bigger than pennies. Bond turns a skeptical gaze at Felix.  
Felix waves the reports like a carrot on a stick. “All our agents’ reports of suspected encounters we have had with our man. Maybe you’ll see something our profilers haven’t.” 
Bond’s gaze at the file turns covetous. Felix smirks.
The cases weren’t unlike his own experiences- clean kills, in and out before anyone is aware enough to act. Security cameras were as good as useless with how the feed has clearly been tampered with. Nothing he hasn’t already deduced from his own encounters. It’s entirely frustrating and Bond feels the prickle under his skin, a clawing need to know. 
“Paranoid, that one,” Felix declares, settling into an empty chair. Bond snorts. 
“He knows he’s being hunted,” Bond corrects. 
“No one’s actually seen him, you’d be the first,” Felix admits, leaning backwards.
No traces left behind, no witnesses. Professional to the extreme. 
Bond hisses in displeasure. 
Felix insists on sending him to the airport despite his protests. Dulles International Airport comes into sight like a hulking grey beast, ugly and utilitarian. 
“Take care, brother,” Felix wishes over their hug, leaving with several commiserating pats to Bond’s back, carefully avoiding the still healing areas. 
A call comes over the speakers as Bond heads through the express security lane: boarding for flight SQ2522 has begun. There’s a flash of brunette curls in the distance- Bond’s heart lurches, mind flashing back to Bangkok. But no, it’s a lady, petite but tall.  
For one irrational moment he thinks that it’s Vesper. Brilliant, gorgeous, traitorous Vesper with her wit and charm and lovely red lips. 
But the woman moves out of sight towards her gate and the moment’s over and Bond is drawn back into the monochrome present.  
It’s a random thought- one driven more by instinct from years in the field rather than any rational explanation. 
He boards his plane- a direct flight back to London. It is after the stewardess has come round offering champagne that Bond pulls the memory of the little slip of paper Pavlova left behind for him in that Berlin cafe.
Pressing send feels akin to stirring a hornet’s nest.  
“Thank you for the coffee. It was most delightful. See you soon.”
There isn’t much in Pavlova’s handbag- her phone, a softcover likely plucked from a discount bin, a half used tube of lipstick, a writing pad and a fountain pen. 
It is the pen Bond focuses his attention on.
Q Branch excels in the technical fields. They’ve done their bit and gone through the cell. As expected of someone like Pavlova. The phone is clean - clearly a burner phone. It is a dead end.
Bond’s expertise is in people and their sentiments. 
The fountain pen’s barrel glints, polished despite the corners where the gold has gone dull with age. The nib is uneven, as though grounded down by constant pressure on one side. There’s a ring around the feed and the section, perhaps originally gold like the decorative edgings and on the clip but the gold’s almost completely faded. Bond twists the ring. 
A blade springs out from under the nib. 
Taipei is unfinished business. 
The cheap street food is an utter delight. Jiufen is beyond crowded on a weekend and going through the long narrow streets is a slow shuffle sandwiched between local hikers and curious tourists. Bond finds himself with a stick of some grilled meat in one hand, 
Several meters ahead, a man walks on oblivious, arms laden down by souvenirs. 
There’s a flash of brunette in the corner of Bond’s eye. His snack falls to the ground, abandoned as he slices through the crowd. Outraged yells go up behind him but his concentration has locked onto the scene before him.  
It is deja vu.  
He barrels through the horde, grasps the slender wrist in an iron grip. 
He’s pinned by a wide eyed stare, brilliant green eyes shocked and surprised behind glasses. 
Then the blade in the pen is abruptly twisted towards him. 
The crowd topples backwards, shrill screaming accompanying the wave of people attempting to flee the altercation. It’s utter pandemonium. 
Bond leaps backwards to dodge the blade, but the assailant follows, a dogged determination in his eyes. They grapple in the narrow stone street, amidst the fleeing crowd. The boy shoves him into a display counter of traditional snacks. He lashes out with a kick to the sternum, sending the boy into the corner of a wall and knocking the breath out of him. 
They clamber to their feet and circle each other, bruised and all the more vicious for it. 
The boy hisses under his breath, like a cat with its tail stepped on. Bond answers with a snarl of his own, blood dripping from the laceration on his cheek. 
The streets have emptied by now, the target having slipped away in the commotion. 
There’s a momentary flash of indecision, of uncertainty. Inexplicably, the boy turns and darts down an adjourning alleyway. 
Bond curses, bolts after the flash of military green parka around the tight corners. He leaps five steps at a time down a steep stairway carved into the street, charging past the backs of residential houses. 
He skids to a halt in the middle of a crossroad, utterly alone. There’s a familiar looking pen on the ground, its owner nowhere to be found. In the distance, there are sirens. 
Bond sends a fist into the ground, knuckles white beneath the bruises. 
Wang Guo Pei is a pale faced man, still green from the attempt on his life. 
He is also the younger brother of the man killed in Bangkok, whose death has and still is sending ripples across the networks. The interrogation room is bleak and bare. The cold lights enhance the man’s sickly look, hallowed by fear and anxiety over the threat of death even through the filter of the camera.  
The Underworld really doesn’t care if one is just a foot soldier, not when one is relation and have access to the inner workings of the organization. MI6 has no such qualms either. 
Bond has lost track of how many lesser devils MI6 has had to make a deal with to nail bigger fish. 
He watches as the interrogation is repeated, fiddling with his own souvenir. Unlike Pavlova’s, this model sports a two barrel converter on top of the hidden blade. One is filled with regular ink. The other… Bond replaces the cap firmly, slips it back into an inner pocket. 
He doesn’t put much stock in working with an entire team with how often they just slow him down instead of being helpful. But M’s made up her mind and the powers that be agree. He’s on his way towards the waiting ops team and Wang three hours later. 
“Now pay attention, 007, this is a bulletproof suit-”
“Yes, thank you Major, I know what a bulletproof suit does.”
“Not this one, you don’t, now pay attention! I don’t want to have to repeat myself. Now see this here, this little bag, it’s been engineered to be filled with blood- ”
“Isn’t that just a water balloon?”
Hours later, Bond lands in Changi Airport, Singapore with new orders and new purpose. 
Q slips into the office tower easily, waiting for the last few stragglers making their way out to pass by before continuing on his way to the lifts. The night patrol is swiftly dealt with, a quick prick of a gel coated dart with fast acting amnesiac properties. 
The ride up is silent, no cheery elevator music to soften the adrenaline. He uses the time to check on his systems briefly. A flick on his phone brings up the app that mirrors the processes his laptop is carrying out while tucked away safely in his hotel suite. It’s a particular test of his abilities, this city, with all its zealousness in adhering to security measures. His laptop has been running nonstop since the moment he stepped foot on this island. 
The security cameras remain silent in their judgement. His finger twitches, feeling the weight of his missing pen acutely. 
The accomplishment of successful missions has long since worn off. The thrill of travel, of seeing the world and all it offers has dulled with the gravity of the situation he finds himself in. Pavlova’s death is still a fresh wound, the condolences offered by the organization doing nothing to stem the loss and grief that accompanies losing the only maternal figure he has in his life. 
Last one, and then you’re out. 
The rifle is cold and heavy in his arms. 
A robotic female voice announces the level they’ve arrived at and Q steps out. 
Wang is immediately visible in the building across the road, in his office.
Q runs a last check of the cameras. They come back clear so he drops to a knee, setting up his equipment. The thick glass of the skyscraper is easily dealt with, a perfect circle being cut out and lifted away to reveal a small hole through which the rifle can be fired through. 
It takes no more than a few seconds. 
Wang goes down in his office, blood painting the walls. 
Q starts packing up. 
Several muffled shots are followed by a heavy thump. 
The man stepping out of the shadows with his Walther primed and ready in his hand is a familiar face. Q can’t tear his eyes away, entranced when the MI6 agent unceremoniously drops the body to the ground. 
Q’s stomach drops, visibly blanching. 
He recognizes the corpse’s issue of equipment- he’s helped design some of it in fact.
He knows for a fact, that particular section never comes alone.
“Seems like you’ve pissed off your employer,” the man he fought in Taiwan drawls. 
Q’s hand goes for his rifle, only to flinch away when the man fires a warning shot. Q freezes. The man motions with his Walter. Q obeys, sliding the rifle away out of reach. He’s mentally flashing through all his equipment, looking for a way to buy time and find an exit, recalling all the areas where he landed hits just days ago.  
“Bond,” the man pauses significantly, “James Bond. 007.” 
Q blinks. Then slowly, “Am I supposed to curse your name as you kill me then?” 
Bond stares, confusion then exasperation. “Oh for Christ’s sake, the one time I try to be civil,” Bond grumbles mutinously. 
Q has to hastily stifle a laugh at Bond’s disgruntlement. There’s a moment of acknowledgement of the ludicrousness, yet it somehow lightens the atmosphere between him and and his would be executioner. It’s jarring, how that one line manages to bring a little humour back to his life. It’s simply another indicator of how much the state of things has deteriorated around him without him noticing. 
It’s almost regretful it isn’t likely to last. 
Q tenses as Bond’s hand creeps to one of his pockets. 
It’s cruel irony, if Bond does indeed intend to use that object as an instrument of Q’s death.  
Q turns distraught eyes upon the agent- a double oh, if he’s to be believed. 
“I gave her that,” Q whispers, eyes locked onto Pavlova’s pen in Bond’s fingers. 
“She gave it to me,” Bond states. 
Q’s face falls. 
“Is what I was ordered to tell you,” Bond continues, voice dropping to a murmur, “But I think you’ve been lied to enough, wouldn’t you say.”  
The full force of grief knocks the breath from his chest once again. 
Q watches with detached fascination as Bond winces, reaching up to remove the earpiece and drop it in a pocket. 
Bond turns back to him in all seriousness, and the dread rises again.
“I couldn’t do this for someone else,” Bond murmurs, catching him around the waist.  And oh, how Q can see the same loss and anguish in the other as if they are kindred spirits. “Someone important to me,” Bond chokes out, “but you have a choice now. You wanted out, this is your chance.” 
How Q wants to believe him. 
He leans in, breathes two words into Bond’s ear. 
Bond breaks out in a small, relieved grin. 
Bond cups Q’s face, pressing their foreheads together in reassurance. 
Q takes a steadying breath. His death is now fully in MI6’s- in James’ hands. 
“Now darling, do be a good boy and put this on for me,” James whispers conspiratorially.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
Carey, for 10?
Carey-Bear! ^.^
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1) “Carewyn” was originally an old family name that Lane vaguely recalled from an old family tree tapestry hung up in the dining hall at the Cromwell estate. Ironically enough, Charles Cromwell’s mother Isabelle, who Carewyn got her red hair from, had “Carewyn” as her middle name, though temperament-wise, Carewyn and her great-grandmother aren’t very much alike.
2) As a young girl, Carewyn was bullied by a Muggle boy in her neighborhood named Bobbie Mathis and his friends. Bobbie was a few grades ahead of Carewyn and went to the neighboring middle school, and he delighted in tormenting the small girl because of how overly sensitive and therefore easy to tease she was -- and considering that Carewyn was prone to “acting like a freak” (i.e. magical outbursts) and came from a very poor family, there was plenty of ammunition for him to work with too. Bobbie bullied Carewyn and others largely to vent his frustrations about his own unpleasant home life with his parents: it’s very likely that he would’ve eventually grown out of his bullying of Carewyn on his own, since in his later years, he sought out counseling and became a slightly better person...but after a particularly rough day that resulted in Carewyn’s dress getting ripped and her getting beaten up, Jacob Cromwell permanently put an end to Bobbie’s bullying by punching the younger boy in the nose and threatening him to never come near his sister again.
3) Carewyn wears a size 8 narrow shoe, which makes it very difficult for her to find shoes that fit comfortably on a budget. Interestingly this is also a problem my own grandmother struggled with, when she grew up during the Great Depression -- and like my grandmother, once her financial situation improved as an adult, Carewyn amassed a rather impressive collection of well-fitting and fashionable shoes!
4) Carewyn is a prolific letter-writer, as an adult. The person she writes to most often is her BFF Bill, followed closely by her unofficial twin Charlie, her brother Jacob, and Deputy Headmistress and later actual Headmistress Minerva McGonagall.
5) In her tiny office at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Carewyn has several Muggle appliances that have been modified with magic to work without electricity, like a coffee pot, mini fridge, and waffle maker. It’s very common for her Ministry friends like Aurors Talbott and Angelo @angellazull, Hitwizard Ben, COMC worker Wendy @drinkyoursoupbitch, and fellow lawyers Chester and Manon @that-ravenpuff-witch to stop into Carewyn’s office for a quick cup of coffee and a stack of waffles, when they’re working late night/early morning shifts.
6) Carewyn’s go-to Dueling spell is “Incarcerous.” She also prefers spells that Stun or otherwise prevent her opponents from attacking or running away, such as “Immobulus,” “Petrificus Totalus,” “Impedimenta,” and “Stupefy.”
7) After Orion and Carewyn become legal partners, they wear a set of rings they saved up for and selected together at a jewelry store in Diagon Alley. The rings are trimmed with engraved stars and spirals, with tiny personalized messages engraved on the inside -- Carewyn’s for Orion says, “I’ll always fight for us,” while Orion’s for Carewyn says, “Snidget, Fire Crab, Phoenix, Abraxan.”  (Those animals were ones Orion associated with Carewyn, as he got to know her -- first he saw her like a Snidget for her small size and interest in Quidditch; then a Fire Crab for her passionate, relentless fire; then a Phoenix for her beautiful singing voice and ability to inspire others; and finally an Abraxan for her desire for freedom and independence and soul that so resembles his.)
8) Even though Andre and Carewyn are no longer dating, they still love chatting about fashion and Quidditch together. It’s not uncommon for them to dissect and analyze the newest clothing trends. One time, the two spent almost a whole hour ranting about the absolute abomination that are crocs.
9) Carewyn’s best subjects are Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, and Care of Magical Creatures. Her weakest subjects are Transfiguration and Divination.
10) Even after leaving Hogwarts, Carewyn continues to send Christmas packages to Hagrid for her centaur friend Torvus. On those few occaisions Carewyn is able to visit Hogwarts and its centaur herd, Torvus (now full grown and towering even more over Carewyn than he did before) is always very pleased to see her, in his own understated way. He will walk very closely beside her whenever possible (something real-life horses do, when they’re around other horses or animals they’re fond of) and will, when they’re sitting down casually somewhere, fix and/or braid Carewyn’s hair. Firenze, as the new Divination co-professor, will frequently have predicted when Carewyn’s coming and will take some time to come out and visit with her too.
10 Facts!
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Is It Really THAT Bad?
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The DC films have been a mixed bag, to put it lightly. As of 2020, for every fun and enjoyable superhero film like Wonder Woman, Shazam, Aquaman, and Birds of Prey, there has been a film that was reviled or polarizing. Dawn of Justice and Justice League are both common punching bags, but there is one movie that stands out as the single most despised film in the DC cinematic universe so far:
Suicide Squad.
A lot of this comes from just how unashamedly blatant the film is at being a rushed cash in on the type of quirky superhero movie that Guardians of the Galaxy helped popularize: a bunch of wild and wacky antiheroes team up, fight a big problem, make one liners, and become a family, all while an awesome soundtrack blares in the background. It seems like the easiest thing in the world to rip off, but there’s a lot of heart and charm in Guardians that it’s not easy to replicate. And if you ask most critics… this movie did not.
Opinions on the film tend to range from lukewarm to outright hating, with IHE and the [REDACTED] Critic all throwing in their two cents. Perhaps the most damning review of all came from Mick LaSalle, who wrote:
“If you know someone you really can’t stand — not someone you dislike, not someone who rubs you the wrong way, but someone you really loathe and detest — send that person a ticket for “Suicide Squad.” It’s the kind of torment you can wish on your worst enemy without feeling too guilty: not something to inflict permanent damage, just two hours of soul-sickening confusion and sensory torment.”
There’s not much love for this, is what should be abundantly clear. And it’s really a shame, because there is stuff this film has going for it, but it wasn’t really enough to stop DC from basically hitting the soft reboot button and snagging the actual James Gunn to make a sequel while also doing their best to downplay that the events of this film actually happened. But now with a few years of hindsight, I have to go back and wonder like the heathen I am…
Is Suicide Squad REALLY that bad?
Yes, amazingly, there is some good stuff here, mostly to do with the casting. At least half the cast is just pitch perfect for their roles. Famous rapper and YouTube Rewind star Will Smith as Deadshot is, of course, one of the standout examples; he brings a lot of charm and charisma to his role of an assassin who really loves his daughter, but then again, this is Will Smith. It’s hard not to love the guy in anything he does. Viola Davis as Amanda Waller is another inspired bit of casting, and she truly owns the role, and Jai Courtney is perhaps the most consistently enjoyable member of the Squad, Captain Boomerang, the exact sort of stupid D-list villain who SHOULD be getting screentime in a movie like this.
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Of course, the very best bit of casting is Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, in Harley’s big screen debut. Robbie has such an enthusiasm for the role that shines through even with the clunky script, and while she would definitely improve her craft for her outing in Birds of Prey, her performance here still has that spark of zany fun that Harley needs, cementing Robbie as the perfect star for the role. Frankly, that’s the feeling that can be gathered from a lot of these really good performances; they’re good, but they lack proper refinement, and so are stuck spouting the stupidest, corniest, clunkiest lines imaginable. But yes, really the worst thing you can say about Harley in this film is that her outfit is absolutely atrocious and demeaning.
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While we’re on the subject of Harley Quinn, tough… while the whole situation with the Joker is something I’ll get to shortly, I think their relationship in this film is actually done well in many aspects. I’ve always preferred the original idea of “Mad Love” over the glorified domestic abuse that Joker x Harley has often devolved into, and while there is a bit of the latter, the fact that Joker literally goes out of his way to save Harley at every opportunity to the point he’s a definition satellite love interest is really good. Of course, this was thrown out for Birds of Prey, but I do think it worked in the context of this film.
Of course, we all know that the greatest aspect of this film is REALLY Slipknot, the single most powerful member of the Squad. I’ve already written an entire Psycho Analysis on why he’s the greatest villain in the history of cinema, so just read that for the rundown on how our man Slipknot climbs his way into your heart and mind.
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So there is just a lot to go over here.
First, there’s the soundtrack’s implementation. As a blatant Guardians ripoff, everything the characters do needs to be punctuated by some sort of awesome music to tie the scene together. The difference is that where in the Guardian movies the soundtrack is used as a storytelling tool to help subtly emphasize points that the narrative doesn’t want to spell out for you, Suicide Squad just has these songs because they’re cool and because Guardians did it. Why is “Black Skinhead” playing while Deadshot tests his weapon skills? Why is “House of the Rising Sun” playing during Waller talking about the Squad? What exactly do these songs add besides background music? The opening montage of everyone in the Squad is particularly bad because the songs are just switching up really quickly as the montage goes along, which echoes a complaint I had about Little Nicky, of all films: “One of the more noticeable problems is the usage of music; in the course of one single scene, they play four different songs, and all of this is in a span of about one or two minutes. Just pick a song and stick to it for fuck’s sake!” About the only song that is really properly utilized is “Heathens,” which plays over the (admittedly cool) credit sequence.
Now let’s get into the characters, because for every awesome character in this film, there’s two that just absolutely suck or are so underutilized it’s laughable. Probably the worst case of this is Killer Croc, who despite being a stunning practical effect and probably the reason this film scored an Oscar, does pretty much nothing for the entire film, save for a short bit in the ending where he swims. You’d be entirely forgiven for forgetting he’s in the film, which is not something you should be saying about a Batman villain of this caliber.
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Katana and Diablo are both characters who should be awesome, but the story givers them nothing to do and rushes their character arcs, respectively. Katana is yet another character you’d probably forget is there, even though she has a lot of fascinating elements to her character (some of which are detailed in her infamous introduction, which don’t worry, I’m working towards it), but nothing is really done with her. Diablo is actually one of the best and most fleshed-out characters in the film, but the narrative just completely fails to justify him or his ultimate heroic sacrifice; by the end, he claims the Squad is like family, but they’ve never really done anything to earn this. Like, think to the ending of Guardians of the Galaxy, where we have moments like Drax standing up for Gamora and Groot sacrificing himself. These moments only work because the characters had their relationships built up over the course of the movie so that there is a punch when these things happen. Suicide Squad really just throws it in just to have it.
Then we come to our villain. Enchantress is yet another villain I once detailed on Psycho Analysis, and my opinion on her remains unchanged. While she most certainly has a cool design, she is absolutely not the sort of world-ending supernatural threat a team of snarky jackasses should be fighting on their first mission together. The Squad should have had a mission more grounded in reality, and that can’t happen when you have an ancient interdimensional witch causing a Luddite zombie apocalypse through the power of interpretive dance. There’s also the fact that there’s never really any reason given to care about the character of June Moon, the host of the Enchantress, so the desperation of Rick Flag (a character so boring and pointless I didn’t even waste time mentioning him before) to save her comes off as hollow as most of the movie’s other emotional moments. Overall, Enchantress is just a boring generic doomsday villain who feels wildly out of place in the story and just doesn’t do anything to make herself stand out.
Then we have Joker.
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I’m not really going to get into Jared Leto’s obnoxious behind-the-scenes antics, because that has little bearing on his performance, kind of like how his performance has little bearing on the film. As I mentioned before, this Joker is nothing more than a satellite for Harley. This is probably a good thing, because despite being called Joker he’s pretty divorced from most other interpretations; while he plays up the thuggish, brutish elements the Joker does typically have, everything else about him is just so jarringly non-Joker as to be laughable, from his ridiculous grill to the absolutely cringeworthy “Damaged” tattoo on his forehead. I wouldn’t go quite so far as to say he’s the worst villain in a superhero movie ever as some have, mostly because he’s not even in the film long enough to leave much of an impact. I will, however, say that so far he is the absolute worst onscreen depiction of Joker in film. Once again, if you’d like to hear more of my in-depth thoughts on Leto’s portrayal, I did make a Psycho Analysis on him a while back.
But all that aside, the worst aspect of this film is the writing. The writing is just utterly abysmal throughout, and while there are a few good lines sprinkled here and there, a lot of the dialogue is cringeworthy and the story itself is a convoluted mess. The story takes so many nonsensical turns from the get-go, starting with how Amanda Waller thinks a bunch of non-superpowered criminals could take down a metahuman threat; what the hell is Killer Croc, whose only power is “being an ugly cannibal,” going to do against Superman? That’s like if you put Leatherface up against a Predator, who would be stupid en-
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...Oh. Right. Well, if nothing else, Amanda Waller has a very bright future as a designer for Mortal Kombat games. Beyond that, as mentioned above, a lot of the characters simply exist and serve little purpose in the narrative, and the ones that do serve a purpose are underplayed unless they’re Deadshot or Harley. You’d think Diablo’s tragic backstory and desire to have a family or Flag’s desire to save June from her curse would be more major elements, but nah. We don’t get much, if any, development on these fronts. And for the dialogue… well, I think this one speaks for itself:
Is It Really THAT Bad?
So I’ve been pretty hard on this film overall, I think, but here’s the shocking twist: I don’t think this is the worst DC movie. Frankly, I find the claims that this is the bottom of the barrel in terms of superhero films a gross overexaggeration. F4ntastic and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 are far and away worse films with little to no redeeming qualities whatsoever in them. At the very least, Suicide Squad is a fun kind of stupid, whereas those movies are bleak, miserable slogs that fail to even try and engage the viewer on any level.
And then, even within the DC movie lineup, I would not say this is worse than Dawn of Justice. Dawn of Justice has a more coherent story, and it in a general sense has better writing, dialogue, and so on… but it isn’t fun, it’s overly long, it’s incredibly pretentious, and it absolutely squanders the coolest concept for a crossover fight that there ever could be, all while giving us a Lex Luthor who is an obnoxious, whiny, sniveling brat who is utterly unbelievable as a threat. Suicide Squad almost seems within the ballpark of being self aware that it’s stupid schlock, and I find that infinitely more respectable than a film that, regardless of its artistic merit, thinks it’s deep and meaningful when it is anything but.
Suicide Squad is firmly on the side of “So bad it’s good,” and even within that category it’s somewhat underrated. I don’t necessarily think this film needs more respect per se, but I feel like it falls into the same category as movies like The Emoji Movie, where it isn’t good by any means but people will rant and rave about how it’s destroying cinema by being apocaliptically bad instead of just saying it’s crappy and moving on with their lives. Like this isn’t a great movie, but at least there’s a couple of enjoyable things, and superhero movies have been through far worse. Its current score of 6 on IMDB is honestly pretty fair. Is it spectacular? No. Could you be watching something way better. Definitely. But is it a trashy, idiotic romp with some good actors and some fun performances in a story so mind-bogglingly dumb that it needs to be seen to be believed? Hell yes.
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softhoursboutique · 5 years
You prided yourself on your ability to find the isolated kid and treat them better than anyone else would.  It was your life motto.  Granted, you were only a meager five years old, but hey, five-year olds can have life mottos too.  The playground was a thriving mob, the squeaking of metal chains on the swings accompanying the laughter of children at play.  The bright summer day brought hot slides and hornets, but the risks were worth it.
“Hey monkey brains!”
It seems the old-time bully was back.  Even at seven years old, Bret Sorden was the biggest jerk on the playground, and he entertained himself by making kids bawl.  This time, he and his friends had shown up on their mountain bikes, slingshots in hand, ready to terrorize whoever he reached first.  You paid him no attention.  That was all he wanted, so why give it to him.
“Hey you listen when I’m talking to you!”
You quietly closed your book and walked off, knowing full well he was too lazy to follow.  After shouting some less-than-holy profanities your way, the boys rode off, hunting their next victim.  Deciding it was time to stretch your legs, you took to walking along the cement borders encasing the playground in all its woodchipped glory.  It helped you clear your mind and focus on your surroundings. As you neared a corner, you noticed a boy around your age weeping, his big alligator tears only accenting his deep brown eyes.  In his arms he held a limp bird, its wing visibly broken.
“What happened?”  His head snapped up, the mop of fluffy black hair resisting the movement and dropping onto his cheeks.  Though his eyes were red and puffy, he was still quite handsome, and he seemed to have a gentle, princely air about him.  You’d seen him a few times before, but he didn’t seem to have any friends, generally keeping to himself.
“Those mean boys shot *hiccup* shot rocks at her and hurt her *hiccup* wing.  I don’t want her to die!”  He buried his head in his lap, sobbing harder as his whole body shook.
“My mom has fixed broken wings before; we can take it to her?”
“Really!?!?!?” The tears on his cheeks were quickly wiped away, excitement practically dripping from him.
Seven Years Later
“Why are they even friends? She doesn’t deserve him.”
“He’s too cute to hang out with an ugly face like y/n.”
“Hyunjin would be better off without her.”
           Their voices rang out of the small bathroom as you passed by.  Shocked, you were rooted to your spot, unable to process the cruel remarks of you classmates.
“Oh look, there’s little miss zits right there.  Stop being so selfish you little witch. Drop him, he’ll never love you.  He’s mine.”
           Your feet felt like lead as you stumbled backwards, slowly turning away and running.
“Go cry little baby.  You’ll never live up to him.”
Best friend! Hyunjin stood stunned across the hall.  How dare they hurt his Princess! “You’re wrong.  I’m y/n’s.  I love her. You are the one who will never live up to her.”  Sprinting after you, he could see the sobs already wracking your body.
“Don’t listen to them. Don’t EVER listen to them.  You are my world.  You always will be.  I love you.” He wrapped his arms around your shaking frame, calming you almost instantly.  “Best friends forever.  That’s a promise.”
Five Years Later
“PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!” Two arms threw themselves on you from behind, pulling you against a rather large and comfy chest. “Hmmmm, did you get new perfume? You smell really good.”
“Pfft, you know I don’t wear perfume.”
“I know.  I think it’s from your cute personality.  It makes you smell like vanilla spice and cinnamon. It makes my heart flutter!”
You rolled your eyes and continued your stroll down the sidewalk.  Best friend!Hyunjin was a soft little koala bear, but he was also the biggest flirt.  You’d seen him grow from that sweet boy on the playground into a handsome young man.  At first, he was shy and reserved, but you were his weakness, helping him blossom and grow.  Part of his charm was his bubbly personality and his natural instinct to flirt, but sometimes you felt just a bit jealous at how easily it came to him to communicate with other humans.
“You better be careful, Hyunnie, or all that heart fluttering could give you a heart attack.”
At this he fell to the ground in fake panic.
“Oh no, call the hospital, I think I’ve gone into cardiac arrest. Y/n called me hun!”
You smiled through the pain of walking right into that one and began your path down the sidewalk again.
“Hey, Princess, where are you going?”
“Away from your dramatic flair, Jinnie.”
“You love my dramatic flair and we both know it.”
You giggled. “Are you so sure?”
He jumped up, running until he was right in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.  “Y/n, are you trying to flirt with me?  Because I’ll take you on a date anytime, you know that right.”
You just grinned, side-stepped him, and kept walking.
“Y/n!!! You didn’t answer me! And what was that cute little smirk for?”  His bottom lip bulged outward as he pouted.
“You ready to study?” You redirected the conversation, hoping he’d drop the smooth talk.
“Ewww.  I’d rather take a nap.”
“Well when you fail the exams, I won’t comfort you then.”
He sulked the whole way to your house, ignoring any attempt you made at conversation.  You didn’t mind, comfortable silence permeating between you two.  The moment you opened the front door, Hyunjin was gone, already roaming the contents of your pantry.
“Gosh, who buys all this junk food?”
You pulled him out from the shelf he was crawling on, shutting the door behind you.  In his hands he held a pack of Oreos, and there was Cheeto dust gripping tightly to his fingers, the bag in a death hug.
“Hmmm, I don’t know, maybe you do so you have snacks when you come over.”
He grinned sheepishly and ran off, Pixie Sticks flying out of his pockets. You followed him to your bedroom, ignoring his sprawled form on your bed, pigging out on whatever else he had hidden in those pockets of his.  In front of you sat a large list of subjects you needed to study and homework you needed to complete.  Opening your math book, you started reviewing derivatives and working on your Calculus assignment.
“You’re so boring.  We should go do something.  I’m sure your parents wouldn’t care if we decided to go on a nice little date.  In fact, I bet they’d be happy their daughter was dating, let alone dating a hottie like me. And they already know I’m a nice hottie, so they wouldn’t have to worry.  Earth to y/n? Earth to y/n? Ugh.”  You could hear him slide off the bed.  Turning around you saw his legs still hanging onto the side, his torso scrunched on the floor, more Cheetos in hand.  You ignored him and turned back to your work.
“Why won’t you pay attention to me? I wanna flirt with you more.  It’s fun.  You’re the most interesting person I know.  Ooooo, are those pink stripes on your socks?  I thought you hated pink.  Maybe you don’t anymore.  I might have to buy you a big fluffy pink teddy bear to keep you company when I’m not here.”
“Hyunjin. NO.  I.  STILL. HATE.  PINK.  And if you buy me a big pink carnivore not only will you be dead meat, I’ll force you to wear flip flop crocs with socks to school.”
“Ahhhh not the sock croc flop!” His piercing scream rang in your ears as he attempted to crawl under your bed, ultimately hitting his head on the metal frame. “Ouch!”
You could see the tears threatening to fall from his doe eyes, his hands cradling his head.
“Oh, poor baby.” You flopped on the floor, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders and pulling him in.
“HEHEHE I GOT YOU TO PAY ATTENTION TO ME!”  His hands were at your side in an instant, tickling you.
“Hyunnie, stop! Ahahahaha stop, you turd hahahaha!”  You attempted to pull away, racing towards your desk drawers, but that only trapped you in.  You turned around, knowing Hyunjin was right on your tail.  You didn’t realize how close he was though, his face mere inches from yours.  A small giggle escaped his mouth before his expression dropped, noticing the close proximity a bit late.
           His eyes held the universe, sparkling and full of promise.  You could see in their corners the adoration for you, an infinite field of love. You’d never looked at his face this close.  His emotions were raw and expressive, his face taking on a deeper form.  You glanced at his lips, knowing full well what a mistake that was.  Plump and full, they curved into a lovesick smirk.  Looking back into his eyes, you held his gaze for what seemed like an eternity. What was he doing?  What were YOU doing?  Oh no, you’d been looking at him for way too long.  You panicked.
“I…I uh….”  You brought your lips to his cheek, giving him a small peck before running off to start dinner.
Best friend! Hyunjin sat in a stupor on your bedroom floor.  Had you just…kissed him? It was only on the cheek, but still.  His crush had kissed him! This was progress.  Maybe one day soon you’d be ready for a confession. Oh, the possibilities!
Note: There is also a head cannon version here.
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rileyyxkim · 4 years
Intro &&/ Riley Kim ♕
( Brian Kang, cismale ) hey ! have you seen RILEY KIM around ? HE works as an ESTHETICIAN at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 25 years old & they’ve been working here for TWO YEARS. they tend to be +PLAYFUL & +CARING, but can also be -DRAMATIC & -FORGETFUL. the other employees have labeled them THE DRAMA KING. thanks a lot ! ( fingers in soft hair, post-it notes on a mirror, aromatic candles in a minimalist room & paragraph long text messages ) [Backy, 25, MST, She/Her]
Hey friends! My name is Backy and this is my brand new muse Riley ★ Let’s get started, shall we? 
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♕ The Basics ♕
★ Full Name: Seyeon “Riley” Kim ★ Age: 25 ★ Birthday: December 19 ★ Languages: English, Korean, minimal Japanese & French  ★ Education: Certified esthetician & nail technician  ★ Occupation: part-time esthetician @ Arabelle Spa, full-time drama king  ★ Hobbies: Guitar, snowboarding, singing, shenanigans, chaos 
♕ The In-Depth ♕
★ MBTI: ENFP ★ Blood type: B+ ★ Zodiac: Sagittarius  ★ Sexuality: Bisexual ★ Drinking, smoking, drugs: Yes, yes, yes (all socially)  ★ Talent claim / Faceclaim: Brian Kang ★ Likes: Fashion, working, his face, stargazing, candles, small animals, coffee (black), being dramatic, cuddling, napping, spicy food, alt. & rock music.  ★ Dislikes: Nit-picky clients, being cold, an empty bed, overly sugary food, children, itchy sweaters, crocs, being ignored, & country music. 
♕ The Personality ♕
★ Playful: Riley is spontaneous and like most, he enjoys having a good time around the people he likes. Hardly says no to anything and is always joyful and happy - unless he starts being dramatic of course (usually in good fun). Sasses with a smile and jokes around - sometimes at the expense of others, never at the expense of himself. Will turn around insults in a heartbeat and rarely actually takes things personaly (despite what he says). He’s too full of himself to do it and likes to praise himself with a joking tone (probably started as a joke but he actually believes it now).  ★ Caring: Despite being full of himself and having a generally pompous attitude, Riley does actually care about his friends and is always reliable to be a strong shoulder to cry on when things get serious. He has infinite comfort items (the life of a spa worker) and always knows how to make someone feel better. He gives good hugs and always has snacks on hand for such occasions, even if he dramatically hands them over like you’ve taken his kidney. Riley secretly loves doting on other people, even if he’s the one demanding attention most of the time. He likes to think he’s good at giving advice and is definitely good at keeping secrets (mostly because he keeps forgetting what people have told him). 
★ Dramatic: Dramatic might as well be his middle name. It’s his thing. We’re not talking your run of the mill gossipy drama, he doesn’t care much about that. What he does care about is how dropping his coffee is the end of the world or how he’ll die if he doesn’t get his hands on a burger right this damn minute. Also, get your ass over here and cuddle him or he swears he’ll explode. Everything is a show and the show must go on. Was probably a theatre kid in his past life. Although not his original intentions, he can’t deny the fact that it also gets him a fair amount of attention (good or bad, he doesn’t really care) and has been known to use it to his advantage.  ★ Forgetful: Not only forgetful, but also leaves his things everywhere. Someone should ducktape his valuables to him. The only thing he manages to consistently keep on him is his phone. How else can he take selfies or send paragraph-long text messages about how cruel the world is? Once found his keys in the fridge and a packet of ketchup in his pocket and frequently “loses” his wallet when drinking at the bar. Has post-its on hand always to write things down. He’s not your typical idiot, he has common sense, just lacks the brain cells associated with memory. Reliable in the here and now but will probably forget if you ask for a favor and can’t be expected to remember small details. He frequently mixes up names and forgets the order of events. Did it happen yesterday or two years ago? It doesn’t matter he already forgot. 
♕ The History ♕
★ o1. Riley grew up in your average Korean household with a smattering of siblings, only moving to the states in his late teens. He’s been attending, and now working at, the resort for many years and it has since become his home. He used to avidly snowboard at the resort when his family spent time there and he enjoyed most of the activities the place had to offer. Although young, excited, and learning the ways of being dramatic, he found himself spending more and more time at the spa questioning the ladies on skincare and other beauty-related tips. Even now, he’s never felt like it was really that feminine of a thing. Gender norms be damned, when you look like your best self you also feel it too. 
★ o2.  Although his parents were the ever-loving and doting type, they were strictly traditional and life was wholly unexciting. Cue the dramatics. Riley wasn’t just interested in the spa, but also every aspect that came along with beauty and self-care. He wanted to learn it all. Of course, his parents weren’t exactly supportive of his decision but he made absolutely sure to put in the right amount of pouting and speeches to make them come around and get his ticket to an esthetician school. Besides, he had an older sibling taking over the family company and his parents had the funds to toss at his hobbies, even if it was just to shut him up. His only regret is taking so long to learn that being dramatic has a certain pull on people.  ★ o3. It wasn’t that Riley ended up on bad terms with his parents or anything. He just doesn’t find the excitement in living simply or following societal rules. As soon as he finished school he got the work experience and eventually became a renowned esthetician and beautician. Despite being a drama king, he was exceptionally talented at getting people to relax and giving beauty advice to clients so he took that opportunity and ran with it. As soon as the job opening at the resort opened, Riley wasted no time in applying and laying on the charm to get it. He still visits his family on occasion and they can be seen around the resort from time to time. 
★ o4. These days, Riley can mostly be found working at the spa but has also recently taken up guitar and singing to occupy himself when he’s bored. Though not into snowboarding as much as he used to be, he still takes the odd spin on the slopes in his free time (he kind of hates the cold though, go figure). He manages to turn off the dramatics long enough to do his job and actually quite enjoys it since he can dote on his clients and make people feel like their best selves on the outside, but on the inside too. Besides, even though he’s giving his attention to the clients, they may or may not give him a little attention in return.  
♕ The Wanted Connections ♕
★ Ducktape. - Someone who stops him from forgetting things. Has to remind him about basic things like putting on shoes before leaving the house or straight up taping everything to him so he doesn’t leave it somewhere. His metaphorical and literal ducktape.  Taken By Ian (Kit) ★ Vibe Check. - Someone who not only handles his dramatic ass but also knows how to take him down a notch when he needs it. Reminds him to chill tf out because tbh he’s extra always. Taken by Aylie (Hailz) ★ BFFL. - Someone who’s equally as chaotic or even more so than he is. Drama level over 9000. Like adding rocket fuel to fire.  Taken by Leo (Miki)  ★ The Confidant. - Someone he can spill his secrets to. He’s generally an open book but doesn’t always openly say how he’s feeling either, just about his experiences. Someone he actually talks about emotions to even if it’s not mutual or a friendly type of relationship.  Taken by Cleo (Jocey) ★ Platonic Cuddles. - He might be kind of a hoe but he also just really likes cuddles and hugs. He has infinite comfort items so come abuse them. No one is safe tbh ★ Friends. - Open to multiple of all types (unlikely, one-sided, childhood, mom, etc.). Taken by Callie (Simran), Ivan (Jude), Ian (Kit), Aylie (Hailz), Charlotte (Diana), Rumor (Hannah), Marco (Dana), Roman (Iris)  ★ Flings, Hookups, FWBs. - Open to multiple. Taken by Leo (Miki)  ★ Romance. - A hoe, but now a hoe with feelings. Potentially open to multiple and different types (one-sided, crush, hookups with feels, etc.). Taken by Leo (Miki // Endgame), Charlotte? (Diana // Tinder match), Wren (Reed // Flirty enemies) ★ Enemies. - Riley is dramatic but not to the point he’s actually mad about something. It would take a lot to make him your actual enemy but I’m open to suggestions or different types! Taken by Jo (Jude), Wren (Reed // Flirty enemies) ★ Family. - Open to multiple with appropriate fcs (siblings, cousins, etc.). 
And that’s it!! If you got this far kudos. Looking forward to plotting with everyone. Drop me a DM on discord or like up this post and I’ll get back to you.  Cheers! 
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spherebay19 · 2 years
How would you Get a Charm Off a Croc?
Crochets are getting to be a well-known footwear brand, and even one of the fun ways to personalize them will be by adding some sort of charm. These jibbitz come in a new variety of shapes and sizes, and are quick to find with retail outlets plus shoe stores. Depending on your own choices, you can pick from various appeal themes, for instance activities, animals, and much more. The particular black bottom associated with the charm ought to line up with the hole in your Croc, after which you can remove it easily.
So as to remove a charm from your Croc, you must first unbuckle it. The particular clasps on these sneakers should be upon the top portion, so that you can easily unsnap them. Once might unbuckled the strip, you may remove the charm with the Jibbitz. To do this particular, be sure to hold that in a 45 diploma angle and push the charm via the hole. If you twist it up wards, you may tear the Croc, so be careful not to pull that too much.
If you want to remove typically the charm from the Croc, you should gently push the Jibbitz upward through the particular hole in the particular upper area of the Croc. If you push it too really hard, the charm may possibly come out of the base part of the shoe. If you press too hard on the Jibbitz, it might rip the opening inside the upper portion of the shoe. Once the Jibbitz have been pulled out and about, you should remove it from the crocodile using the same method.
When you want to remove a charm out of your Croc, the just way is to pry the Jibbitz away of the footwear. To do this, a person need to lift up the Croc's hole upward, and then push Jibbitz by means of the hole until it comes out and about. Stay away from pulling this out too much, or even you may rip the hole. Next, push the elegance throughout the other part of the shoe.
You can easily remove a charm from your Croc by gently spying it out associated with the shoe. An individual can also obtain a Jibbitz that will is attached in order to the heel of your Croc. Really disney world croc charms to bear in mind that you ought not take out the Jibbitz by pushing it up. You can split it off if you pull this out by pulling it through the particular shoe hole.
To get rid of a charm coming from a Croc, you need to push it out and about through the shoe. Typically the best way to do that is to keep the Jibbitz from a 45-degree position and push it through the gap. You can even use some sort of screwdriver to take out the elegance from the Crocodile. You may also try some sort of magnetic clasp, which in turn will let an individual remove a charm from the Croc.
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kidneylinen2-blog · 2 years
How can you Put the Bracelets on Crocs?
Putting charms on Crocs will be easy if you know how to do it properly. The 1st thing you will need to do is find the appropriate pair of Jibbitz charms for your current style. Some happen to be easier to add than others, so make sure you get a pair of crochets that have the identical style. To affix the charms, you will have to move your fuzzy crochets. Then, use one hand to slide your Jibbitz into the particular hole and perspective it into location.
An individual can add Jibbitz charms to any crocs, whether you have fuzzy crocs or the traditional black ones. The installing Jibbitz charms on a couple of Crocs will be very easy and straightforward. To connect a Jibbitz charm to a fluffy sock, you just place pressure upon the inside of the shoe plus then pull that out. However, if you have a jibbitz on your croc, you'll have got to rotate typically the charm in order that it outlines up with the hole in the particular croc's shaft. This particular can be quite tricky and requires a bit involving practice.
In order to add bracelets to some black croc, you need to take typically the charm out of the shoe first. To take out Jibbitz from a fuzzy croc, you'll have to have to twist the particular shoes from typically the inside, then eliminate the Jibbitz elegance. If you have a Jibbitz of which is attached to the heel of a set of fuzzy krocs, you will need to untie it. To remove the attraction from the black crocodile, you have to rotate the particular jibbitz a few times until that untie itself.
When that comes to Jibbitz charms, you could purchase them online and have them shipped to your residence! Just bear in mind that a black croc's bottom is the best choice to use mainly because it's more secure. Similarly, a bright croc will seem more stylish with Jibbitz. If you're searching for an stylish charm, you'll desire to choose a new charm that appears great on your current feet.
Once you've selected your preferred charms, a person can easily personalize your Crocs with them. You can select between many different styles and colors. Putting a Jibbitz attraction is easy to be able to do, and you may select a color that matches your personality. Just be croc charms star wars to take care to not damage your current shoes. The base component of the Jibbitz charm will in shape securely in your current croc.
Adding a Jibbitz charm is actually an enjoyment and easy approach to customize your Crochets. It's an excellent way to add some sort of little personality into a basic black crocodile. There are different options when it comes to putting a Jibbitz attraction, from NFL art logos to Disney character types. There are in addition ways to attach the Jibbitz charm to a custom match of crocs.
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ngozi-grace · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 3/$10❤️ Crocs Charm ~ Blue Care Bear ~.
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scarleighso · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Care Bear Crocs Charm - Buy 3 of More Get 50% OFF.
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ihearttumbler91 · 7 years
Banjo-Kazooie series overview/review/opinion thingy.
Hey, everybody. So as you can tell by the title I'm talking about the Banjo games. Well, the first two anyway. So let's get right into it. Oh, warning spoilers for the games.For those who don't know me that well (And if you don't care to feel free to skip this paragraph.) I adore video games. Since my earliest days, a controller was in my hands. Donkey Kong Country, Final Fantasy VII, Croc, Crono Trigger, Super Mario Bros 1, 2, 3, Mario 64, Popeye, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask. I can go on and on, but two games that were never apart of my childhood is Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie. This previous Christmas I got an Xbox one because that is the only consol I don't have of this generation. Outside of the Nintendo Switch, but as of this writing, the switch isn't out yet. So nothing I can do with that currently. One of two games I received were Rare Replay and Sunset Overdrive. Throughout the month of January, I've been playing both of the games. Quick side notes sorry n64 people. So as an adult I think I can appreciate Rare as a company more now then when I was a child. Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie are two games that in my opinion what video games should be all about. Great levels, fantastic gameplay and most important of all improving on what came before. For all of you that don't know Banjo Kazooie was a game released on the Nintendo 64 back in 1998. It's a platformer much like Mario 64. The plot is simple. The evil ugly witch named Grunty or (Gruntilda) has kidnapped Banjo the bear's sister Tootie. Her ultimate goal in doing this is to steal her beauty and gain it all for herself. If you lose all your lives in the game you will see this happening where Tootie is put into a machine on one end and Grunty on the other side and she changes from a big blubber filled witch to this tall slender lady which somehow still has green skin. Anyway, so it's up to Banjo and his smartass bird friend Kazooie to save her before that happens. You enter Grunty's lair and learn you must collect jiggy which are golden jigsaw puzzle pieces. Collecting enough of these you can fill out a jigsaw puzzle which will let you enter new worlds. I should start talking about why this game works so well. The game is clear in what it wants from you. Every challenge for a jiggy, every thing the game wants from you explains itself simply. There is an ant hill you can't climb? Go to your friend Mumbo Jumbo (Yes that is seriously his name. This series enjoys it's jokes.) and have him turn you into an ant so you can climb the mountain! There is a revolving totem pole statue in your way? Walk up to it and discover they are just hungry. Have Kazooie shoot her eggs into its mouth. You don't have enough notes to go through the note door? Go back to previous levels and pick some more up! Nothing is really cryptic.The worlds are very interesting and have their own charm to all of them. Rare are silly bastards (Least the ones who were around at the time were.) and tons of characters for you to laugh at are around like Motzhand. The hand that plays Mozart in the haunted level or Bottles the mole who has thick glasses and gives you abilities from level to level. Just when you think you saw the silliest thing you ever saw in your life here comes something ten times more so. Gameplay wise you can have races, you can fly, fight bosses of all kinds, take quizzes. There are so many things to do that it doesn't ever really feel like what you doing gets boring or stale. After going through 9 fully realized and well desgined worlds you get to the top of Grunty's lair. You won the quiz to get Tootie back and now it's time to take care of Grunty herself. As you progress in the game Grunty keeps mocking you in rhyme saying you suck and how you will never beat her. Making you want to take that witch down even more than before. Everything you learned is important here. She tries to spear head Banjo and Kazooie by thrusting her flying broom forward, she flies away at a distance so you have to shoot your eggs at her. You have to fly in the air and tackle her. Finally, the jinjo's you helped throughout the game rise up and help you being freed from stone and attack Grunty for separating them from their families by Grunty's disgusting green hands. It all ends with the jinjonator rising up (I suck with names so please forgive me if that's wrong hardcore Banjo fans.) and attacking Grunty and giving you a happy ending. Hooray! So great gameplay, funny characters, a great villain who mocked you the entire way leading to a pretty cool final boss. How do you top that? Well, how about Grunty rising from her grave thanks to her two sisters bringing her back to life and then murdering Bottles, the character who helped you throughout Banjo Kazooie and the king of the jinjos? Yes. In the first five minutes or so of the game starting up all those things happen. Of course like the last game the plot stops until the games end to let you play in all the different worlds until you reach the top once again to fight Grunty. Banjo Tooie I rarely hear people talking about. It is usually Banjo Kazooie everyone talks about. I can understand to some degree. Banjo-Kazooie being the first game and having a fond place in everyone's hearts as young kids. Spending more time with the game possibly, but the fact of the matter is Banjo Tooie is better than it's predecessor. Oh yes. To start off the game you get all your abilities you had in the original game. Shooting eggs? You got it. Kazooie's ability to walk carrying Banjo to go up steep hills? It's here. So already you feel like you are continuing where you left off before where say as a game like Metroid where you lose all your abilities at the start of the game. P.S. I love Metroid and think it's one of the best franchises ever please don't hate me. Not only do you have all the original abilities, but you get new ones on top of that! You get new eggs! You can separate Banjo and Kazooie from each other so they can do their own unique abilities. References to the last game happen. Everything in this game was raised to the next level and pushed forward into a realm that goes beyond Banjo one. Oniee? Onie? Just one? Anyway not only that, but the final boss fight is seriously awesome! You bring Bottles back to life, you saved all the Jinjos and the jinjo king by hitting reverse on Grunty's death laser. All that was left to do was beat the witch. What waits for you at the top of Grunty's new hideout? A fucking tank! Literally, a tank with a drill at the end called Hag 1 (Remember who made this.) and Grunty shoots lasers out at you, shoots spells at you, try to spear you through her drill even throwing minions at you to try and kill you in the name of revenge. In order to win you need to freaking destroy the tank from the inside by dismantling the batteries and shoot Grunty with eggs causing her to fall to pieces. The game and the series ends with a game of kick ball between all the main characters kicking Grunty's skull warning just wait til Banjo Tweeie. Sadly as we all know that game never got made. Rare was bought by Microsoft and made Nutz and Bolts. I have no opinion on that game since I never played the game, but know the opening pretty much insults people who liked the original game saying the collecting aspect was boring. Which ... ya know video game fans are not known for collecting. Ever. At all. Anyway ya. I just beat Banjo Tooie so I figured I get my thoughts out there to people and furry people as well. It's a shame that after such a big leap in evolution from the first game to second that a third game will never come to be. We won't ever see how Gruntilda raises her sisters from the dead and gets help from satan himself and Banjo with Kazooie must defeat the lord of darkness as Gruntilda merges with him in her quest. Most likely that would not be the plot, but outside getting Satan I don't know how Banjo and Kazooie could have gotten any more hardcore. So thanks for reading everyone. Hope you enjoyed my random rambling.
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ultra-wildlife · 5 years
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