#cara jenkins
westerosiladies · 1 year
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esqueletosgays · 6 months
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LET ME IN (2010)
Director: Matt Reeves Cinematography: Greig Fraser
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
Ah, contemporary fiction, my nemesis
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overflowingshelf · 5 months
December 2023 Reading Recap
Hello, 2024! We’re a few days into the year, and yet I somehow already feel behind.  I was away for the last two weeks of the year, spending time with family, so I was thrown out of my routine and tried to disconnect. But now we’re back and catching up on all the blog posts I want to do this month!  To start out the year, let’s start with a recap of December reads, shall we?  Continue reading…
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asoiaf-fancasts · 3 months
Rhaenyra Targaryen - Fancasts
Age: 07 - 33
08 [Mother’s Death]
14 [Tourney]
17 [Marriage to Laenor]
23 [Marriage to Daemon]
32 - 33 [Civil War]
Appearance: She is beautiful with the Valyrian look and small lips. After her first 3 children she retained the weight from their pregnancies having a thick waist. She is dressed richly and is often wearing rings.
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Character: Elizabeth Murray [Younger]
Actress: Cara Jenkins
Movie: Belle [2013]
[She was 8/9 during filming so good for Rhaenyra when her mother dies and she is declared heir to when her father marries Alicent. She is pretty with pale skin, blonde hair and small lips.She wears mid 18th century clothes ish.]
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Character: Katherine Woodville
Actress: Elsa Houben
Show: The White Queen [2013]
[Unknown age, looks to be around 8 - 10 years old so good for when Rhaenyra is declared heir till her first half brother is born. She is pretty with fair skin, blonde hair and a small mouth. She unfortunately is only shown in one scene clearly. She wears a 15th century ish dress.]
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Character: Violetta Giurgiu
Actress: Anamaria Vartolomei
Movie: My Little Princess [2011]
[She was 11 during the filming of this movie so good for a year before he sweet half sister was born. She is pretty with blonde hair, pale skin and small lips. She wears modern clothes that are still good for close ups.]
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Character: White Queen [Younger]
Actress: Amelia Crouch
Movie: Alice Through the Looking Glass [2016]
[She was between the ages of 10 - 12 during the filming of this movie. So, good for when her half brother and sister were born. She has light blonde hair, has small lips and is pretty. She wears fantasy clothes.]
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Character: Lucrecia Borgia
Actress: María Valverde
Movie: Los Borgia [2006]
[She was 18 - 19 during this movie so the right age for Rhaenyra when she’s married to Laenor. She’s pretty and has small lips and blonde hair that is a bit too golden. She unfortunately has brown eyes and is not “thick of waist”. She wears 15th century Italian ish clothes.]
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Actress: Catherine Howard
Actress: Tamzin Merchant
Show: The Tudors [2007] [Season 3 & 4]
[She was 22 - 23 during this show so good for her during the start of her marriage to Daemon although she does have a love interest that more suits Harwin and is playing a character of an age with Rhaenyra when she was with Harwin. She’s pretty. She has lighter blonde but golden hair and small lips. Unfortunately she is quite skinny and not thick of waist. She wears Tudor ish clothes.]
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Character: Queen Jadwiga of Poland
Actress: Dagmara Bryzek
Show: The Crown of the Kings [2018]
[She’s 22 - 25 during this show so a good age for Rhaenyra during her marriage to Daemon. Her hair is brown and obviously not correct for Rhaenyra but with some editing I do think this fancast could be really good. She has pale skin, a rounder face and small ish lips. She isn’t plus sized but she is “thick of waist” compared to the other actresses. She wears 14th century polish clothes.]
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Character(s): Lucrecia Borgia & Constance Chatterly
Actress: Holliday Grainger
Show: The Borgias [2011]
Movie: Lady Chatterley’s Lover [2015]
[She was 22 - 25 during the show and was 26 - 27 in the movie so good for during her marriage to Daemon. She is blonde although a bit more golden than I imagined her hair and has relatively smaller lips. She has a rounder face in the movie but is unfortunately skinny in both. She wears 15th century Italian clothes in the show and in the movie she wears late 1920’s clothing.]
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Character: Catherine the Great
Actress: Yuliya Snigir
Show: Catherine the Great [2015]
[Suggested by: ???]
[She was 31/32 during this movie to the right age for her at the start of the war. She wears a silver wig, has a round ish face and small lips but unfortunately isn’t really “thick of waist”. She wears 18th century clothes.]
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captainkirkk · 1 year
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
my dearly departed by redrobin1989
Kon heard the stories about how Tim had fallen apart after he died. He couldn’t imagine what Tim had gone through, what he’d been feeling. Even now, with the shoe now on the other foot, Conner doesn’t know how to cope. Especially when he needs to keep his boyfriend’s collapsing family together.
Exit Strategy by smilebackwards
Batman needs a Robin and Batman has a Robin. Tim is just extraneous now, vestigial. He’s a bandage over a healed wound. He doesn’t know what he’s hanging on to.
Or: Tim didn’t expect his exit strategy from the Batfamily to involve quite so much bonding time with Damian over Wayne Enterprises bureaucracy.
the capillaries in my eyes are bursting by Scarlet_Ribbons
Bruce grunts, standing up. “Jenkins said the same. What about what you weren’t told?”
And without dissembling, Jason says, “I think they fucked that kid up, B.”
[Jack and Janet die. As things get weirder and weirder, it feels like Tim might be at the center of the unfolding conspiracy.]
Stranger Things
and i know that you don’t, but if i ask you if you love me— by fakecharliebrown
Once, only a few weeks before his parents decide he’s too old to be tucked into bed at night, Steve grabs his mother by the wrist and asks, “Does Father love me?”
“Of course he does,” she says immediately, smoothing the blanket where it rests over his chest.
Steve blinks up at her. “Then how come he never says it?”
She purses her lips. “He shouldn’t have to, sweetheart. You should just know.”
(It isn’t until years down the line that Steve realizes she’d somehow turned that into being his fault.)
or; Steve Harrington through the years, on loving and being loved.
Percy Jackson
percy jackson and the scrutiny of his coworkers by pqrker
Jim turned back to the tank and looked at Marcie the seal, who was now staring at the spot his coworker had been standing just moments before with that same strange look of reverence in her eyes.
Percy Jackson truly was the oddest person Jim Elpool had ever worked with.
Or: 5 times percy's coworkers were confounded by his fish magic, plus 1 time they try to figure it out.
Star Wars
Bounty by smilebackwards
"You took a puck for Luke Skywalker?”
Din looks up at the tenseness in Cara’s voice.
“Yes?” The puck for Skywalker had been passed over by half a dozen hunters, surprising considering the price on his head, but Din had assumed that was because his last known location was Coruscant. The Core is a dangerous place to hunt bounties.
“If I didn’t consider you a friend,” Cara says, with a tone that sounds like she’s reconsidering it, “I’d shoot you where you stand for admitting that."
What Is Seen by CaveteDracones
....is not [always] the real truth.
Truth-compelling artifacts in the hands of an enemy to one side, SYSTEM-mandated silence on the other, and Shen Qingqiu caught between the two. Is it too late to go back to the Water Prison?
and judgment is just like a cup that we share by Kieron_ODuibhir
The blob finished rotating into place in a way that wasn’t quite compatible with geometry as Shen Qingqiu understood it, and cleared a throat it didn’t seem to have.
“Greetings,” it said, somehow clearly addressing him in particular more than the room as a whole despite its total lack of features other than blueness and translucency. “I’m here on behalf of the Hyper-Celestial Peace and Order Enforcement Bureau. Crime scene secure, proceeding to interviews. Beginning with Subject One: You are Shen Qingqiu, formerly Shen Yuan, also known as Peerless Cucumber?"
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hiddenbtwbooks · 4 months
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Los Siete Maridos de Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Evelyn Hugo, el ícono de Hollywood que se ha recluido en su edad madura, decide al fin contar la verdad sobre su vida llena de glamour y de escándalos. Pero cuando elige para ello a Monique Grant, una periodista desconocida, nadie se sorprende más que la misma Monique. ¿Por qué ella? ¿Por qué ahora?
Mi opinión.
Después de haberme cruzado con este libro en múltiples plataformas y posponer su lectura más de una vez, bastó aquel día de octubre en el cual ingresé a una muy concurrida librería de la gran ciudad de Buenos Aires y me topé con esta maravillosa obra frente a frente después de tanto tiempo. Por lo que que decidí darle una oportunidad, así como la que Evelyn le dio a Monique para que escriba su historia de vida, o más bien, su historia de amor. Porque permítanme adelantarme a todo lo que tengo para decir, para aclarar que detrás de el engañoso y atrapante título, se esconde una de las historias de amor más maravillosas y trágicas que he leído.
Evelyn, es la cara y representación de todas aquellas estrellas de cine con las que uno anhela ser cuando es pequeño. Personas que se las idolatra, que muestran una vida llena de aventuras extravagantes, vida de lujos y mucho dinero, siendo reconocidos por todos, amados pero que en cuestión de segundos pueden pasar a ser el foco de una cantidad infinita de titulares y artículos para ser criticados. Y allí es donde encaja perfectamente esta historia, que nos cuenta lo que hay detrás de todo aquello que uno cree anhelar, que todos esos lujos esconden precios muy altos a pagar.
La protagonista de esta historia es una estrella de cine que se logra hacer un lugar a nivel mundial, su rostro, cuerpo y cabellera reconocibles a kilómetros, algo característico de la misma, que ha tenido apariciones en una variedad infinita de películas pero también en numerosos matrimonios y fracasos a nivel sentimental. Evelyn, a sus 80 años, ya retirada de toda esa vida caótica, decide dar una entrevista exclusiva con el fin de subastar varios de los vestidos más emblemáticos de su guardarropa, pero para sorpresa de varios, éste es un trabajo que solamente una persona en específico podrá lograr y es ni más ni menos que Monique, una joven periodista que recién esta abriendo su camino, inexperta, con la misma incertidumbre que tenía Evelyn en sus comienzos, pero eso no es lo que la hace especial para este trabajo sino que la decisión de que sea ella quien escriba esta historia, es mucho más profunda de lo que parece ser.
Al leer el libro, uno cae en la cuenta de todas aquellas mujeres que en condiciones completamente desfavorables, se han abierto su camino al estrellato dando todo lo que tienen a su alcance e incluso más. Y es ahí donde yo me pregunto y me encantaría preguntarle a cada una de ellas, ¿A valido la pena darlo todo para ocupar ese lugar?.
Capítulo tras capítulo, me fui poniendo en los zapatos de Evelyn gracias al ameno y entretenido relato de Monique. Leí sobre cada una de sus relaciones, las decisiones a las que tuvo que enfrentarse y el camino que ella decidió tomar en cada una de ellas, resultando en un montón de errores y aciertos. Y me volví adicta, a la forma que Taylor Jenkins Reid utilizó para expresarse en esta obra, porque es atrapante y no te suelta y deseas con todas tus fuerzas que no llegues nunca a aquella última hoja del libro porque ya ves venir el vacío que vas a sentir al terminar.
Y la gran pregunta, para no extenderme demasiado y no cometer el error de decir cosas de más, arruinándoles la hermosa experiencia lectora que les espera al adentrarse en éste libro. Siete maridos, siete oportunidades de abrirse al amor, de compartir la vida, de darles tiempo, ese valioso tiempo que no se podrá recuperar de nuevo. Siete personas que llegaron a su vida para cambiarlo absolutamente todo y que le abrieron diferentes puertas en su vida de estrellato, pero ¿Cuál fue el amor de la vida de Evelyn Hugo?. Pregunta que se te siembra en la cabeza al leer la primera hoja y que te acecha hasta casi el final del libro. Pregunta que nos adentra en una de las historias más bellas y angustiantes. Pasar del malestar y el agrio sabor en la boca por el fracaso y la impotencia detrás de una historia por la que vale arriesgarlo todo, antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Gracias a ello nos complacemos con dos de los mejores personajes del libro, Harry Cameron y Celia St. James, trascendentales e inolvidables que nunca podría encontrar suficientes adjetivos que describieran a la perfección a este par.
Cuando comencé a leer esta novela no tenia ni un 1% de certeza sobre lo que estaba a punto de leer, creo que fue uno de los mayores 'plot twist' que viví en mi vida. La disfruté de principio a fin y actualmente me persigue la necesidad imperiosa de encontrar aquella pócima que me permita olvidarme de todo, para poder vivir esta experiencia de cero una vez más. Sin dudas Los Siete Maridos de Evelyn Hugo es un libro que quedará incrustado en mi memoria y que creo que si algún día, así como yo, de forma inesperada, o incluso totalmente planeada, se cruzan con ésta maravillosa obra, no duden ni un segundo y sumérjanse, que se van a ahogar de la forma más linda que existe, en una hermosa obra literaria.
"... pasé la mitad de mi tiempo amándola y la otra mitad escondiendo lo mucho que la amaba.”
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the-indie-owl · 8 months
SpongeBob SquarePants Shipping Chart (FEEL FREE TO USE)
MAJOR UPDATE (10/14/2023): Added More Characters from the Musical
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For the record, I've decided to create my own official blank shipping chart of one of my Fandoms for the very first time (since there isn't much SB Shipping Charts all over online so I created my own).
I've created Two Versions in case for Half of the Fandom's POV on the Two King Neptune characters (rather if you believe they are the same Character or Not).
Here are the Two Links for Full Versions in case to use for the Better Quality.
In case if you are confused of what each of the Ship Terms for what each of the Color represents...
❤️ = OTP (A Ship that You Love so Much and it is your own Main Favorite One out of all of the Other Ships) 🧡 = Platonic (A Ship that you prefer to be more than just Personal Friends rather than a Couple) 💖 = Crack (A Kind of Ship that is meant to be either Bizarre or Funny as in a Joke) 🩷= Love (A Ship that you also Adore but not that much of a Main Favorite) 💛= Like (A Ship that you do Enjoy but rather in a More "Causal" way to say the least) 💚= Neutral (A Ship that you have Mixed Feelings or Indifferent with) 🩵= Ok (A Ship that you're completely Fine with, but don't have any strong feelings towards it) 💜= Meh (A Ship that you just don't completely care nor pay any attention to) 💙= Dislike (A Ship that you just don't agree with or just not a personal fan of, if you don't have any too much Hate of it) 💙= Hate (A Ship that you just CAN'T STAND no matter how much that you despise) 🖤= Crash and Burn (A NOTOP that you Hate so much and is your own Main DEPISE One out of all the Other Ships)
Bonus Option: 💗= Ship with OC (A Character that you personally prefer to ship with Any of Your Own Persona/Mutuals' OC) 💚= Ship in Crossover (An X-Over Ship that you prefer to ship with Any Canon Character in the Franchise with a Different Character from Another Media) 🟤= Stay Single (A Character that you don't have enough ships and would just leave the Character to be Single without being shipped with anyone)
Characters in the Chart:
(Main Show)
SpongeBob SquarePants
Patrick Star
Gary The Snail
Sheldon J. Plankton
Squidward Tentacles
Sandy Cheeks
Mr. Krabs
Pearl Krabs
Mrs. Puff
Mermaid Man
Barnacle Boy
Larry The Lobster
The Flying Dutchman
Man Ray
Dirty Bubble
King Neptune
Queen Amphitrite
Prince Triton
Barry Blobfish
Slappy Laszlo
Squidina Star
Chip Plankton
Squilliam Fancyson
Patchy The Pirate
Kenny The Cat
Perch Perkins
Bubble Bass
Old Man Jenkins
Kevin C. Cucumber
Flats The Flounder
Lady Upturn
Stanley SquarePants
Sam Star
Flapjack SquarePants
Bubble Buddy
Rube Goldfish
Gale Doppler
Charlton Hawkfish
Boat Salesman Shark
Hieronymus Glove
Karen 2.0.
Nurse Bazooka
Lord Poltergeist
Don Grouper
Sticky Fins Whiting
Dorsal Dan
Nancy Suzy Fish
Nazz Mimi
Tina Fran
Henry Bart
Vera Fishbowl
Medley Fishbowl
Jennifer Millie
Frank The Goldfish
Jimmy Gus
Don The Whale
Harold (Red Fish)
Harold "Bill" Reginald
Abigail Marge
Patty Rechid
Norma Rechid
Martha Smith
Billy Lime
Frank (Lifeguard Guy)
Old Man Walker
Miss Shell
Norma Edna
Frankie Billy
Purple Doctorfish
-1st Movie, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"
Princess Mindy
- 2nd Movie, "Sponge Out of Water"
Burger Beard
-3rd Movie, "Sponge On The Run"
King Poseidon
Queen Salacia (For those who don't know, in Roman Legends, Salacia was the Goddess of the Sea as well as the Actual Wife of Neptune (her Counterpart was Amphitrite, a Greek Goddess who was Poseidon's Wife). However, considering that the Franchise has secretly done an Alternate "Wife Swap" idea between the Consorts of the Greek/Roman Sea Gods, Salacia did appear in a Cameo of the Third Movie, regarding if it could be truly her or not. There was also a Semi-Design of Her through Concept Arts behind the Third Movie that I did found through ArtStation by 3D Developer (Michael Defeo). For those who are curious to know about the concept design behind King Poseidon's Wife in SB, here's the link that you can click on.)
Tiffany Haddock
-Kamp Koral
Narlene Narwhal
Nobby Narwhal
Preda Tory
Jimmy Blobfish
-The Patrick Star Show
Mrs. Mayor
Merlina Mermaid
Entity Punkfish
Fred Blutang
The Eletric Skates
(Other Media)
- Games 
Prawn ("Battle for Bikini Bottom")
Madame Kassandra ("The Cosmic Shake")
- Books
Princess Neptuna ("SpongeBob and the Princess")
Feel free to use if you like to use any version you want, either if you'd want to credit me or link my own charts in the descriptions/texts.
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the-book-queen · 1 month
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Hide your wallets, it's that time again! Your daily thread of romance deals is ready, FREE to $1.99!
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FREE ✦ To Tame a Texas Cowboy by Julie Benson
She's a barrel racer who returns home after an injury. He's a veterinarian.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/4aIIwjK
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FREE ✦ The December Heart Collection by Merry Farmer
3 books, all with older heroes/younger heroines, including:
~ A lady's maid + head stableman
~ Maid + head gardener
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3Un6ITe
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$1.99 ✦ Treasured by Candace Camp
To save her family home, a young Scottish heiress agrees to a marriage of convenience with the mysterious Englishman who won her estate in a card game.
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/4cWNfQq
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$1.99 ✦ Midnight by Beverly Jenkins
Set during the Revolutionary War. She's a notorious spy passing secrets to the rebels. He's a reckless, worldly adventurer seeking revenge for his father's death, and suspects her father.
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3xQS3qo
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$1.99 ✦ Just a Heartbeat Away by Cara Bastone
Widowed dad + teacher. Age gap.
I enjoyed this one!
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/4d46F5U
Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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pretxnder · 1 month
tw: stalker, ameaça de morte
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TASK II — suki suki daisuki
2024 — Pluto
"Chris Evans se tornou um tédio". — Última frase do quinto diário de Joji. O diário foi destruído após sua conclusão.
Já se faziam alguns meses que Jocelyn estava saindo com ator às escondidas e, sinceramente, ele era um porre. A mulher nem se incomodava com o fato dele a beijar com certo medo e resistência do que quer que ela pudesse fazer com sua reputação, mas sim com o fato dele ser um completo e absoluto chato de galochas, que nem mesmo seu corpo sarado ajudava. Estava praticamente jogada no sofá do quarto de hotel que ele havia arrumado, com as pernas para os ares, se perguntando como alguém tão famoso poderia ser tão insuportável. Zapeava pelos canais do televisor, parando apenas quando um rosto e um nome chamaram sua atenção.
— É a Harper? — Perguntou mais para si mesma do que para outra pessoa, já que o amante tomava um longo banho no chuveiro, com a porta trancada para Jocelyn não entrar. Se aconchegou no sofá, finalmente prestando atenção em uma das garotas que fez parte da torcida junto com ela.
"Harper se tornou uma mulher tão bonita." — A primeira frase no sexto diário de Joji.
Acompanhar uma pessoa famosa não era difícil. Se fosse um zé ninguém, era mais complicado, já que Jocelyn teria que ir mais a fundo, provavelmente hackear alguma conta ou sabe-se lá o que mais. Mas Harper agora era famosa, e o fato delas se conhecerem durante a faculdade à dava mais acesso às suas informações. Dessa forma, Joji seguiu a mulher em todas as redes sociais, até descobrir que Wang já tinha alguém.
"Não vou com a cara dessa Amy" — Frase do sexto diário de Jocelyn.
Não demorou muito para que Jenkins também passasse a acompanhar Amy, a noiva de Harper, mas a perseguia com fúria, ódio no coração. Como aquela fedelha tinha coragem de roubar Harper de si? Ela precisava pagar por aquilo! Felizmente, com tanto tempo disponível e uma mente rápida, não demorou para que ela já tivesse um plano em ação, do qual ela se orgulhava muito.
"Eu seria uma namorada melhor do que a Amy. " — Sexto diário de Jocelyn.
Não foi difícil para Jenkins se aproximar de Amy, mas não foi uma tarefa fácil a seduzir. Joji precisou usar todos os recursos disponíveis e, quando finalmente conseguiu, Amy já estava na palma das suas mãos. Jocelyn ouvia atentamente as preocupações da mulher, seus lamentos e, principalmente, sobre Harper. Ela anotava tudo, gravava as ligações e guardava prints das conversas, em partes para aprender como Wang era, mas, principalmente, para usar as provas mais cedo ou mais tarde. Ela queria Harper, e ela a teria.
"A Harper será só minha." — Sexto diário de Jocelyn.
Em uma segunda-feira cinza, Joji deu um sorriso largo para Amy, apontando uma arma em sua direção, como se fosse algo totalmente natural. Havia acabado de descobrir que Harper e Amy haviam marcado uma data de casamento, e aquilo não estava em seus planos. Com um sorriso presunçoso e uma pistola, Joji ameaçou Amy: ela poderia escolher entre Harper descobrir sobre o relacionamento delas e, consequentemente, ter acesso às conversas em que Amy falava mal da noiva; Poderia simplesmente ter uma bala cravada em sua cabeça, e Joji faria de tudo para parecer que ela havia se matado; ou ela poderia simplesmente terminar com Harper, e a deixar livre para Jocelyn. Jenkins estava obcecada, e faria de tudo para ter Wang só para si.
2014 — Joji Jenkins.
Quando acordou novamente na faculdade, com seu corpo mais novo, Jocelyn só tinha uma coisa em mente. Ela ficaria com Harper, de um jeito ou de outro.
"Eu amo a Harper.
Eu amo a Harper.
Eu amo a Harper.
— Diário de Jocelyn para a Harper.
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theveniceangel · 1 year
Dawn Valentine.
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Name: Dawnabelle Valentine.
Age: 20.
Specie(s): Human.
Gender: Female.
Pronouns: She/her.
Sexuality: pansexual.
Nicknames: Dawn, Dawny (by Eli).
Headcanon voice: Cara Boo (Caraboo900.)
Likes: Volks, Jezebel, strawberries and cream, sweets, cooking/baking, pastel colors, animals, nature, spending time with her friends, pop ballad or upbeat music, stargazing, helping others, the ocean (Even though she can't swim), drawing, writing, reading, singing, and ice cream.
Dislikes: Small spaces, being scared, Cole's yandere side, bugs (especially centipedes), spiders, being a burden, hurting others, arguing, soap operas (They make her cry), and mushrooms (She thinks they taste disgusting).
Crush, Partner, ETC: Volks (boyfriend).
Oc design based on: No one really?
Parents? Relatives?: Vincent and Fiona Valentine (Mother and Father), Jezebel Jenkins (Bff/sister figure).
Friends: Nimh, Kelby, Eli (next to Jezebel, he's her best friend), Anon, Garrett, Dimitri, Ichiban, Q-Bae, William, Myx, Stirling, Scale, Cashew, Poe, Sven, Cole (kinda?), Seth, Logan, Iro, Mio, Bonnibel.
Personality: Sweet, cheerful, kind, bubbly, optimistic, creative, compassionate, clumsy, naive, ambitious, determined, a bit pushy but means well, charismatic, charming, caring, VERY affectionate (Especially to Volks), humorous, forgiving, brave but can be very timid, and considerate.
Birthday: February 14.
Markings: None.
Abillities: None.
Favorite drink: Strawberry milkshake.
Favorite color: Pink or lilac.
Favorite type of outfit: Flowly dresses.
Story info for Oc: Dawn used to just be an ordinary girl, working in her hometown at the zoo with her bestest of besties, Jezebel Jenkins, but her entire life changed after she accidentally transformed a bunch of men into animals, after she accidentally handed them magically cursed water while daydreaming about a certain someone she'd seen at the zoo that day (You can probably guess who).
She made it her mission to find all the cursed manimals and break the curse, with the help of Jezebel and their new friend Q-Bae.
During her quest, she not only ends up befriending the cursed manimals, but she also ends up developing feelings for Volks, who although not very trusting towards her at first, ends up developing feelings for her as well.
Her life has definitely changed, but it's changed for the better, and although it may be crazy, she couldn't be happier.
Credit to https://crush-crush.fandom.com/wiki/Crush_Crush_Wikia for the references.
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you-moveme-kurt · 4 months
«Sexy Santa» Part II
Enero de 2023
-¿No me vas a explicar eso de un Santa Sexy o no se que?
-Blaine… creo que mi cabeza va explotar en cualquier momento, además siento que tengo más ganas que Linda Blair de vomitar de manera explosiva, así es que ahora no es el momento de hablar de nada… permiso…—dijo dándose media vuelta, Blaine se quedó en el sitio con tantas dudas como resaca tenía su esposo— por dios… —murmuró mientras avanzaba hacia la puerta, escucho a Blaine llamarlo por su nombre unas dos veces más y sintió un nudo en el estómago más relacionado con los nervios  que con la resaca del Año Nuevo, apuro el paso y pensó que lo primero a hacer antes de darse aquella ducha, era hablar con Santana, reprenderla  y tratar de pedir explicaciones, nunca había sido una verdadera amiga de él y de Blaine, pero la reunión con los sus ex compañeros de escuela del año anterior los había acercado a todos de manera bastante impredecible.
-Santana… —dijo al encontrarse con su amiga en la sala y como bien había descrito su esposo,  varios de los invitados aún dormían tendidas en los diferentes muebles, y si no hubiese sido porque estaban las cortinas cerradas y todo estaba a media luz imposibilitando ver bien y con claridad, hubiera jurado que Artie se había olvidado de su silla y dormía medio torcido sobre una de las otomanas centenarias.
-¿Que sucede “pitufo saltarin”?... oye… vi un baño en el segundo piso, ¿lo puedo usar?
-Por supuesto que sí… pero antes… ¿podemos hablar un segundo?… —pidió Kurt en voz baja para no despertar al resto de los invitados, lo menos que necesitaba era más gente bajando el nivel del agua de la caldera.
-Obvio… solo si no me vas a preguntar sobre Britt… —advirtió Santana abriendo una de sus manos como en  señal de alto, mientras que con la otra tomaba sus zapatos de tacón y  el pequeño bolso elegante con el que había llegado a la fiesta.
-No es eso… ven conmigo… —añadió caminando hacia la puerta vidriada para luego virar hacia la entrada principal, Santana lo seguía de cerca haciendo una serie de muecas y pensando que el anfitrión de la fiesta la echaría a la calle sin poder ducharse ni nada.
-¿Caminaremos hasta el escritorio del Tom Selleck con obesidad?... —preguntó refiriéndose al Señor Jenkins.
-No… —dijo Kurt deteniéndose unos metros antes de la escalera de la galería— no es necesario…  —agregó parándose en frente de ella con los brazos cruzados y una complexión severa en su cara.
-Ok…  —dijo Santana mirándolo de arriba a abajo, abrió la boca para decir algo pero se vio interrumpida por su amigo
-Antes que todo quiere decir que invitarte un grave error…
-¡Dios, Hummel!... vaya la manera de empezar el año… nada de amable, debo decir…
-No, es verdad… ¿que estabas pensando al revelar eso del tipo ese que nos robo hace no se cuantos años?
-¿Tal vez que Anderson lo sabía?, ¿no es que ustedes, gemelos  perfectos con su relación  perfecta, con su departamento perfecto de 50 baños se cuentan todo?, ¿que se levantan hablando y terminan  el día haciendo lo mismo?
-Si, pero..
-Entonces… ¿de qué estamos hablando?... no es mi culpa que tú hayas mentido y que no seas sincero con la Señora…
-Bueno, si lo pones así…
-No hay otra forma de ponerlo… el único culpable aquí eres tú, debiste, y antes de dar el sí, ser sincero con tu futuro esposo y contar todas esas  aventuras promiscuas que tuviste en New York… ahora permiso… ¿puedo usar ese baño entonces?
-¡Kurt!... —exclamó Santana chasqueando sus dedos cerca de la cara de su amigo.
-Si, obvio… —respondió  medio apoyándose en el barandal de la escalera. se quedó pensando unos segundos y luego se sentó en los primeros peldaños así como dejándose caer en los escalones de cemento, Santana hizo una mueca como de fastidio  y se acercó a  él.
-Escucha, tal vez fue un error haber mencionado ese asunto, pero también es tu culpa por celebrar esta fiesta super engreida y con más licor que el set de  Peaky Blinders, pero solo puedo decir que si hablas con Anderson, estoy segura y entenderá todo y acabara por perdonarte como siempre lo hace con todas las cosas que has hecho… —Santana alargó la “o” cuando mencionaba la palabra “todas” tanto, que Kurt arqueo una ceja con suspicacia divertida— además tu y el Santa Sexy ni siquiera llegaron a tercera base, ¿me equivoco?... —pregunto buscando la mirada de su amigo, Kurt se tomó la cabeza y gesticulo un no— entonces, la verdad, un par de golpes  a tus zapatos de rubí y “pam”, ya lo tienes comiendo de tu mano de nuevo…  la honestidad es una de las bases de todo matrimonio exitoso… —agregó Santana dando un golpe con sus manos, como un aplauso cerrado y único.
-¿Consejos para un  matrimonio exitoso?, ¿en serio?... lo siento… —dijo Kurt retractándose de inmediato.
-No hay problema… aunque ya no me siento tan mal por haberte delatado… pero escucha… Anderson te ama, bajaría la luna por ti y eso los sabes tú, lo sé yo, lo sabe todo el mundo, desde la escuela que supimos que si alguna pareja tendría éxito en la vida, serian ustedes, y creeme que eso me hacía enfurecer un poco a mi, pero mas a Rachel que pensaba que le limpiara los dientes postizos al difunto  de Finn…
-Gracias Santana…
-Oye, no lo digo por decir, ni porque necesito tu ducha… es verdad… —dijo dándole un par de golpes en el hombro mientras comenzaba a subir al segundo piso— además… ¿que demonios fue eso?... —pregunto al sentir un timbre como de ring de boxeo.
-Es el timbre de la puerta de servicio…
-¿Y se escucha en toda la casa?
-Obvio, si no como atender a alguien si estamos aquí o en los dormitorios por ejemplo… ,seguro y ya trajeron el Brunch que ordenó Blaine…
-Vaya… pensé que alguien del edificio  había ganado otro millón de dólares y era un poco más rico… en fin… voy a  esa ducha… y aprovecha este momento para aclarar las cosas con Anderson… ayudalo a rebanar los bagels o algo… —agregó Santana mientras subía la escalera haciendo gestos con sus manos, cartera y zapatos de tacón incluidos.
-Vaya… Santana me dijo que viniera a ayudarte a rebanar los bagels, pero al parecer no es necesario… —dijo Kurt como primera cosa al llegar a la cocina, Blaine había recibido el Brunch y apilaba cajas en los muebles y en la mesa de la cocina a medida que las iba sacando de las bolsas del restaurante,
-Ok, merezco eso… —agregó al ver que su esposo lo miraba un segundo y seguía haciendo lo suyo sin responder nada — ¿llegó todo lo que pediste? —pregunto acercándose.
-Ok, al principio me lo merecía, pero ya esta siendo un poco infantil que no me respondas… ¿podemos hablar?
-¿Hablar?, no que te dolía la cabeza y sientes nauseas y no se que mas… —recordó Blaine mientras sacaba un par de  cajas con sandwiches desde una de las bolsas.
-Así es, pero creo que puedo hablar contigo sin que nada de eso pase, además estoy cerca del fregadero, ya sabes, por si me viene la vomitada o algo… —dijo Kurt haciendo los gestos propios de una gran vomitada, Blaine quiso reír, pero estaba tan molesto ,que se guardó las ganas tras una de las bolsas de compra— ahora bien, si quieres seguir con esta especie de ley del hielo, solo puedo advertirte qué es una pésima forma de enfrentar el problema y una de las peores formas de  empezar el nuevo año, que confío y sea un super año para nosotros, nuestras carreras y todo….
-¿Por que me mentiste?... —interrumpió Blaine  dejando lo que hacía para cruzarse de brazos y mirar a su esposo a la cara.
-Técnicamente, no he mentido… solo oculte información y eso es diferente, tanto que si fuera  delito, tendría una pena diferente en el código penal…— Blaine ladeo un poco la cabeza y lo miró como diciendo “¿que demonios?” en silencio y en repetido— Blaine… lo que dijo Santana…
-¿Es mentira?
-No, no es mentira… 
-¿Que?, es lo que es, escucha… esa Navidad en cuestión, conocimos a una persona en el centro comercial Midtown porque Rachel nos consiguió trabajos de duendes en la aldea de Santa… lo conocimos, lo invitamos al departamento y resultó ser un ladrón bastante…
-No… —contestó Kurt de inmediato con énfasis y alargando la “o”— no es lo que quería decir… si no que  esta persona resultó ser un ladrón bastante determinado… —agrego alzando un poco la ceja, casi orgulloso de haber encontrado la palabra exacta en su cabeza, Blaine lo miró ceñudo y de medio lado.
-Te… ¿dormiste con él?…
-¿Seguro?, Santana dijo algo de que te había quitado la virtud…
-¿Quién esta contando la historia?, ¿ella o yo?…
-Entonces… escucha lo que yo digo… no me acosté con él, lo bese si, hubo un poco de juego previo… también… pero nada mas… y no pongas esa cara… —advirtió señalando a su esposo con el dedo al ver que torcía la boca y abría un poco más sus fosas nasales, como si una furia incontenible lo estuviera invadiendo— no estábamos juntos cuando eso paso…
-Lo se, y lo acepto, es solo que cuando volvimos… prometimos contarnos todo lo que había pasado mientras estuvimos separados… ¿recuerdas ese día?
-Lo recuerdo…
-Entonces… ¿por qué no me contaste eso?, ¿tan… importante fue para ti?
-¿Qué?... no… ¡todo lo contrario!... Blaine, si no te conté, fue porque aquella experiencia fue la más estúpida y vergonzosa que he tenido en mi vida, recordarla me hace sentir pena por mi mismo y me hace querer estar en una serie de televisión para que aquel episodio, nunca, pero nunca viera la luz…
-Eso se llama censura Kurt…
-No, eso se llama sentido común y sentidos de la vergüenza… Blaine… —Kurt camino los pasos que los separaban de su esposo y se ubicó delante de él— juro que esa persona no significo nada para mí, no solo que nos robo todo lo que era posible robar, si no porque no se, estaba ebrio, sin ti…  la peor combinación si me preguntas… así es que lo que puedo decir es que lo siento… no debí ocultar toda esta historia… ¿me perdonas?... —añadió tomándole la cara para luego empezar a darle pequeños besos en la frente, las mejillas y los labios.
-No puedo pensar bien si tengo tus labios sobre mi…
-¿Acaso necesitas pensar?... —pregunto Kurt apartándose un poco— Blaine, si de verdad piensas…
-Por supuesto que no, estoy bromeando contigo… —dijo tomándolo de la cintura y de una de las manos para inclinarlo hacia atrás como en el final de un baile de salon, le dio un beso y lo dejó incorporarse para empezar a moverse con él en otro tipo  de baile, esta vez romántico y privado ahí, en medio de la cocina.
-¿Estamos bailando?... —preguntó Kurt sonriendo.
-Al parecer… —respondió su esposo suspirando hondo y cerca de su cuello para llenarse con su olor.
-Pero no hay música… —dijo de vuelta Kurt acurrucandose en su hombro.
-Nunca ha importado eso, ¿o si?...
-Gracias Kurt…
-¿Por qué?...—preguntó el aludido apretándose un resto para mirarlo a la cara.
-Por entender mi molestia y contarme toda la historia…
-No hay problema… —dijo dándole otro beso— además creo que nos debíamos este baile…
-Así es… Había demasiada gente ayer en esta casa… ¿no volvamos a invitar a tantas personas?
-Es el primer día del año y acaba de hacer el mejor trato de su vida Señor Anderson-Hummel… 
-El mejor trato de mi vida hasta ahora… —termino por decir Blaine sonriendo feliz y coqueto.
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capstao · 2 months
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Ei! Você viu o MAXWELL JENKINS por aí? você sabe, aquele aluno da graduação que tem 39 ANOS e se parece muito com CHRIS WOOD. Acho que ele formou com especialização em MEDICINA e em 2014 se parecia muito com TOM WELLING. Dizem que ele era THE CAPTAIN e toda vez que passava pelo dormitório dele, ouvia SO FAR AWAY - AVENGED SEVENFOLD tocando pela porta. Todos que o conhecem dizem que ele costuma ser SENSATO, mas também poderia ser JULGADOR. Será que em 2024 ele ainda é assim?
Olhos: Castanho bem escuro
Altura: 1,96m
Moradia: Hitch and Saxon
Deficiência: Gagueira
Curso: Medicina
Esporte: Basquete
Família pobre e tals, ele estuda na UCLA pela bolsa do basquete;
Sabe aquele meme da mina que todo dia tá com um emprego diferente? É ele. Uma semana ele tá trampando no cinema, na outra tá vendendo empada;
O pessoal confia nele porque ele sempre foi muito sensato, nunca brigou na mão com ninguém, apesar de sempre aparecer com um machucado no corpo. De alguma forma parece que ele sabe um pouco de tudo, sempre dava carona pros outros, mesmo que isso fosse contramão pra ele;
Ele é muito o cara legal. Extrovertido, brincalhão, sorrisos alegres, piadas bobas, piscadas de olhos;
Nunca vai nas festas porque tá sempre trabalhando, às vezes ele até vira a noite;
Apesar de ser extrovertido, é bastante tímido e caseiro, então quando não tá trabalhando, com certeza tá em casa jogando videogame;
Ele é muito sensível, tipo pro curso mesmo. Tem estômago fraco pra imagens fortes e morte;
E também é um chorão no sentido geral, com filmes emocionantes e vídeos de animais fofinhos.
Se formou em medicina, mas não aguentou 2 anos de residência justamente porque não sabia lidar com imagens;
Virou um bombeiro gostoso;
Casou 2 anos depois de se formar, no mesmo ano adotaram uma menina e em 2024 está passando por um processo de divórcio por ter sido traído.
óculos escuros
jaqueta de couro
chiclete na boca
sorrisos doces
abraços e beijos e palavras de apoio
feridas estranhas e nunca explicadas
olhar julgador
extrovertido, porém tímido e socialmente desconfortável
Task #1 Você é o que você veste… bom, mais ou menos…
Task #2 Me Mostre do que Você é feito…
Task #3 Expectativa x Realidade
Task #4 Se quer paz, prepare-se para a guerra
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unfortunate-arrow · 10 months
𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐲: 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬
A/N: Another long one
𝓜𝓲𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓮𝓵 𝓖𝓮𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮 𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵
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Nicknames: Mike, Mikey, Mick 
Name Meanings: Michael → Hebrew, “who is like God” ; George → Greek, “farmer” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall.”
Date of Birth: January 5, 2003 
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 
Faceclaim: Maxwell Jenkins 
Parents: Ryan O’Donnell and Penny Haywood
Sister: Winifred Ailis O’Donnell 
Godparents: Conor O’Donnell and Cara O’Donnell
Patronus: Tortoiseshell cat
Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, potions, defense against the dark arts
Least Favorite Subjects: Astronomy, herbology
Extracurriculars: Prefect, beater on the Hufflepuff team
Hobbies: Quidditch, baking, football/soccer, rugby, cooking, music, writing
Personality: Kind, loyal, bold, impulsive, outgoing, stubborn, observant, practical, friendly, intelligent, athletic, gregarious, original, optimistic, sarcastic
About Michael: As the eldest child, Michael is a trouble magnet. He does not go seeking trouble, but somehow, he often ends up in it… usually as the result of a poorly thought out plan. This tends to happen a lot when Michael is accompanied by his cousins, Violet and Keira, who are pretty much his best friends. He enjoys spending time with his family a lot. They’re big and loud and crazy, but Michael wouldn’t trade them for anything, especially because he’s never left feeling lost or alone when he’s with them. He has a good relationship (usually) with his sister, Winifred, who he can be quite protective of. He also has good relationships with his parents, although he’s a little closer to his father than he is to his mother, but he loves them both.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Michael was sorted into Hufflepuff, just like his mother. He joined the frog choir in his first year and joined the Hufflepuff quidditch team as a beater in his fourth year before being made a prefect in his fifth year. Despite this, though, Michael often finds himself landing in detention quite a fair bit, mostly as a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time or taking the fall for one of his cousins or his sister. He loved his time at Hogwarts, finding out who he was and what he was interested in doing with his life.
After graduating, Michael started working at the Ministry of Magic, but quickly grew tired of the monotony of work that he was presented with. Therefore, Michael quit his job and began working at the reopened Fortescue’s Ice Cream Shop, where he discovered his love for working with food. Michael let this desire take over and soon he began to save in order to open up his own cafe, which he eventually succeeded in doing. 
Michael is bilingual, being fluent in both English and Irish Gaelic.
Michael is in a bit of a close trio with his cousins, Violet and Keira.
He is named after his grandfathers. Michael is his father’s and paternal grandfather’s middle name, while George Haywood is his maternal grandfather. 
Michael can be quite protective of his sister and younger cousins. He’s the third oldest out of the ten O’Donnell cousins, after all.  
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𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓐𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓼 𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵
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Nicknames: Win, Winnie, Fred
Name Meanings: Winifred → Welsh, “blessed peacemaking” ; Ailis → Irish, “noble” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall.”
Date of Birth: May 31, 2006
Gender: Female ; she/her 
Sexuality: Lesbian 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 
Faceclaim: Taegen Burns
Parents: Ryan O’Donnell and Penny Haywood 
Brother: Michael George O’Donnell 
Godparents: Barnaby Lee and Sara O’Donnell
Patronus: West highland terrier
Favorite Subjects: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Potions 
Least Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, history of magic 
Extracurriculars: Frog choir 
Hobbies: Gossiping, flying, pranks, running, painting 
Personality: Kind, courageous, bold, practical, outgoing, intelligent, loyal, stubborn, short-tempered, sociable, spontaneous, adventurous, reckless
About Winifred: As the youngest child, Winifred is a troublemaker and often gets into mischief, mostly due to her penchant for pranking her cousins and older brother. Despite this, Winifred is someone that can be trusted and she;s generally reliable. She takes after her mother a little more than her father. She has a good relationship with her parents, although she’s closer to her mother than her father. She’s also got a close relationship with her cousin, Brendan, who’s only a few days older than she is. In addition, she’s generally got a good relationship with her older brother, Michael, although she finds him to be obnoxious in that way that younger sisters do. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Winifred was sorted into Gryffindor, just like her father. Unlike her brother, she didn’t join the quidditch team and she wasn’t named prefect. Instead, Winifred joined the frog choir in her first year as she found that she really enjoyed singing, even though there was no way that she would go and sing professionally. She also discovered her sexuality pretty early on in her time at Hogwarts and had her first girlfriend at the age of 14. It was a short-lived relationship, though.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Winifred went on to become a cursebreaker, following in the footsteps of her father.
Winifred is named after her maternal great-grandmother, Winifred Haywood, and her paternal grandmother, Ailis O’Donnell née Lynch. 
Winifred is bilingual, being fluent in both English and Irish Gaelic.
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𝓚𝓮𝓲𝓻𝓪 𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓚𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓪-𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵
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Nicknames: None
Name Meanings: Keira → Irish, “little dark one” ; Willow → ; Khanna → Hindu, “sun” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall.”
Date of Birth: February 22, 2003 
Gender: Female ; she/her 
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor 
Faceclaim: Momona Tamada 
Parents: Hana and Akio Kishi [deceased, biological] ; Cara O’Donnell and Rowan Khanna [adoptive] 
Godparents: Ryan O’Donnell and Sara O’Donnell
Patronus: Bay mare
Favorite Subjects: History of Magic, charms, transfiguration
Least Favorite Subjects: Potions, defense against the dark arts 
Extracurriculars: Prefect and headgirl 
Hobbies: Painting, gobstones
Personality: Intelligent, independent, ambitious, brave, somewhat socially awkward, creative, good-natured, kind, courageous, spontaneous, curious, disorganized 
About Keira: As an only child and an adopted one at that, Keira had always wanted to know everything about everything. She’s got an insatiable curiosity, that ranges from magical history to learning about her biological parents. She loves her adopted parents, though, and is a bit closer to Cara, although she takes after Rowan more than she does Cara. In addition, Keira loves her whole extended family. She’s the closest to Violet and Michael, as they’re the same age, but she has good relationships with all of her other cousins. I
Upon starting Hogwarts, Keira was sorted into Gryffindor after a hatstall between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. She enjoyed her time at Hogwarts, discovering that her passion for history ran deep and discovering little facts about her biological parents, like that her father had been a Gryffindor too. She never joined the quidditch team, having little interest in the sport beyond supporting her family. However, she was made a prefect in her fifth year and became head girl in her seventh year. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Keira went on to become a magical historian, which eventually led to her taking on the position of history of magic professor at Hogwarts. She also continued to research into her biological parents and while never satisfied with her finds, she made peace with what she had found. 
Keira was adopted in May of 2003, at the age of five months old. She had no memory of her biological parents, Hana and Akio Kishi, muggleborns who were murdered by a rogue blood purist leftover from Voldemort’s war. She is of Japanese descent, with both her parents being children of Japanese immigrants to the UK in the 1960s.
Keira is an animagus, taking the form of a tabby cat. She pursued it after graduating from Hogwarts. 
Keira is bilingual, fluent in English and Irish Gaelic. She also worked on teaching herself Japanese, but she isn’t fluent in it.
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𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓸𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓪 𝓐𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓼 𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵-𝓛𝓮𝓮
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Nicknames: Dora
Name Meanings: Theodora → Greek, “gift of God” ; Ailis → Irish, “noble” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall” ; Lee → English, “meadow” or “pasture.”
Date of Birth: June 6, 1999
Gender: Female ; she/her 
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Faceclaim: Mina Sundwall
Parents: Sara O’Donnell and Barnaby Lee 
Siblings: Declan Ryan, Violet Cara, and Brendan Conor O’Donnell-Lee
Godparents: Ryan O’Donnell and Cara O’Donnell 
Patronus: Robin
Favorite Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, Charms, Astronomy 
Least Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, Potions
Extracurriculars: Prefect 
Hobbies: Hiking, gardening, reading, baking, cooking
Personality: Kind, tolerant, stubborn, strong, loyal, outgoing, friendly, generous, reliable, funny, open, extroverted
About Dora: The eldest of the O’Donnell-Lee siblings and the O’Donnell cousins, Dora takes after her mother. She’s warm and friendly and always ready to lend a hand. She loves her family, feeling quite protective over all of them. She’s definitely closer to her father and shares his love for all things creatures. She’s got a close relationship with her younger sister, Violet, gets along pretty well with her youngest brother, Brendan, but tends to butt heads with her younger brother, Declan. She loves all of her cousins and feels quite protective over them.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Dora was quickly sorted into Hufflepuff. She found herself at home in the house quite quickly, feeling like she belonged early on. Dora never had much of an interest in quidditch and only began attending games when Declan made the Slytherin quidditch team and then other cousins and siblings made their respective house teams. In her fifth year, however, Dora was named a prefect just like her mother and been.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Dora followed her father’s footsteps and became a magiozoologist. She loved it and after working on her own for a bit, she decided to join the team at the O’Donnell-Lee Creature Reserve and Rehab Center.
Dora is named after Nymphadora Tonks, although her parents decided against using Nymphadora and picked Theodora instead. 
Dora is bilingual, fluent in English and Irish Gaelic. 
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𝓥𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪 𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵-𝓛𝓮𝓮
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Nicknames: Vi, Vio, Lettie 
Name Meanings: Violet → English, “purple” ; Cara → Irish, “dear friend” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall” ; Lee → English, “meadow” or “pasture.”
Date of Birth: May 3, 2003
Gender: Female ; she/her 
Sexuality: Demisexual (+ panromantic) 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 
Faceclaim: Sophie Grace 
Parents: Sara O’Donnell and Barnaby Lee
Siblings: Theodora Ailis “Dora,” Declan Ryan, and Brendan Conor O’Donnell-Lee
Godparent: Penny Haywood 
Patronus: Otter
Favorite Subjects: Care of magical creatures, herbology, charms, potions 
Least Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, astronomy 
Extracurriculars: Chaser for the Ravenclaw quidditch team 
Hobbies: Reading, writing, baking, hiking, flying
Personality: Kind, tolerant, stubborn, strong, loyal, outgoing, friendly, generous, reliable, funny, open, extroverted
About Violet: As the youngest daughter, Violet is also very much her mother’s daughter and also has her father’s love for magical creatures and all animals really. She’s closer to her father as well, but has a close relationship with her mother. She’s closest to her cousins, Michael and Keira, but out of her siblings, she’s closest to her sister, Dora. She gets along alright with her brothers, although she fights with Brendan the most and fights with Declan a lot too. Family is very important to Violet.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Violet was sorted into Ravenclaw after being a hatstall between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. She finds herself at home in Ravenclaw and gains a lot of confidence in herself while at Hogwarts. In her fifth year, she makes the Ravenclaw quidditch in the position of chaser. Quidditch is not her passion, but nevertheless Violet enjoys playing the sport. There’s always a bit of dread whenever she plays Slytherin in her fifth year, knowing that her older brother, Declan, is their seeker and captain and that he’s being scouted by professional teams. She doesn’t want to make him look bad, even if they bicker a lot. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Violet’s path diverged slightly from her older sister’s and younger brother’s paths. Instead of becoming a magiozoologist (or a quidditch player like Declan), Violet went into the field of magioveterinary practice. Like her siblings, Violet also ends up working at the O’Donnell-Lee Creature Reserve & Rehab Center. 
Violet’s middle name is after her Aunt Cara.
Like the rest of her family, Violet is fluent in both English and Irish Gaelic.
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𝓑𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓪𝓷 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓸𝓻 𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵-𝓛𝓮𝓮
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Nicknames: Bren
Name Meanings: Brendan → Irish, “prince” ; Conor → Irish, “lover of hounds” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall” ; Lee → English, “meadow” or “pasture.”
Date of Birth: May 17, 2006
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Bisexual 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 
Faceclaim: Christopher Convery 
Parents: Sara O’Donnell and Barnaby Lee
Siblings: Theodora Ailis “Dora,” Declan Ryan, and Violet Cara O’Donnell-Lee
Patronus: Basset hound
Favorite Subjects: Care of magical creatures, charms, defense against the dark arts
Least Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, history of magic 
Extracurriculars: Magical Creatures Club
Hobbies: Hiking, reading, writing, music, models (trains, cars, planes, ships)
Personality: Loyal, kind, shy, stubborn, friendly, creative, bold, tolerant, reliable, a little aloof at first, courageous
About Brendan: As the youngest son and child, Brendan tends to take after his father more so than any of his siblings. He’s got a close relationship with both of his parents and his older sisters, although he looks up to his brother the most. He also has a close relationship with his cousin, Winifred, as they’re the same age and seem to click really well. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Brendan is quickly sorted into Hufflepuff. He finds himself to be quite at home in Hufflepuff, making friends easily, even though he’s a bit shy. He never joins the quidditch team or is made a prefect, but he doesn’t mind. Indeed, it gives Brendan more time to do what he wants. He does join the magical creatures club, though. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Brendan becomes a magiozoologist, following in the footsteps of his father and oldest sister. He also eventually makes his way to working at the O’Donnell-Lee Creature Reserve and Rehab Center, but he doesn’t start there. 
Brendan is technically named after his mother. Barnaby suggested the name Brendan after discovering that it meant prince as Sara is a Hebrew name meaning princess. His middle name is after his uncle. 
Brendan is fluent in English and Irish Gaelic, just like the rest of his siblings and cousins.
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𝓢𝓮𝓽𝓱 𝓛𝓸𝓻𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵
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Nicknames: None
Name Meanings: Seth → Hebrew, “appointed,” “placed” ; Lorcan → Irish, “little” or “fierce” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall.”
Date of Birth: December 28, 2009 (at 3:01 am)
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Demisexual
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 
Faceclaim: Jett Klyne 
Parents: Conor O’Donnell and Ruth Lyman
Siblings: Naomi Ailis and Ciaran Judah O’Donnell
Godparents: Ryan O’Donnell and Sara O’Donnell
Patronus: Ibizan hound
Favorite Subjects: Charms, defense against the dark arts, transfiguration 
Least Favorite Subjects: Herbology, potions 
Extracurriculars: Prefect, beater on the Ravenclaw quidditch team
Hobbies: Flying, football/soccer, hurling, reading, drawing
Personality: Intelligent, stubborn, reserved, perfectionist, insightful, funny, creative, kind, friendly, brave
About Seth: As the oldest triplet, Seth is the most troublesome of the three. He tends to take a leaf out of his cousins, Michael’s and Winifred’s books, although he’s not a fan of pranks. Seth just likes understanding mysteries and everything around him. He’s got a close relationship with his triplets, Naomi and Ciaran, even though they bicker quite a bit. He’s got a closer relationship with his mother, too, but gets along well with his father.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Seth was sorted into Ravenclaw, just like both of his parents. He found himself feeling quite comfortable in Ravenclaw, which was helped by the fact that his triplets had been sorted in there as well. He joined the Ravenclaw quidditch team in his fourth year in the position of beater. In his fifth year, he was made a prefect alongside his sister. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Seth was inspired by his late paternal grandfather and joined the aurors. He found himself quite content with the career, enjoying the fast pace.
Seth shares his middle name with his father and paternal great-grandfather. His first name is shared with his maternal grandfather, who’s middle name is Seth. 
Seth is trilingual, fluent in English, Irish Gaelic, and Yiddish. He’s also familiar with Hebrew. 
Seth and his siblings are technically Jewish, because his mother is Jewish. However, both Jewish and Christian traditions occur in the O’Donnell-Lyman household.
Seth is a triplet.
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𝓝𝓪𝓸𝓶𝓲 𝓐𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓼 𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵
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Nicknames: None
Name Meanings: Naomi → Hebrew, “pleasantness” ; Ailis → Irish, “noble” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall.”
Date of Birth: December 28, 2009 (at 3:04 am)
Gender: Female ; she/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 
Faceclaim: Alisha Weir
Parents: Conor O’Donnell and Ruth Lyman 
Brothers: Seth Lorcan and Ciaran Judah O’Donnell
Godparents: Barnaby Lee and Cara O’Donnell
Patronus: Field mouse
Favorite Subjects: Charms, potions, transfiguration 
Least Favorite Subjects: Defense against the dark arts, herbology
Extracurriculars: Prefect
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, cooking, baking, flying
Personality: Intelligent, stubborn, introverted, insightful, loyal, practical, kind, perfectionist, reserved, tolerant
About Naomi: As the middle triplet, Naomi takes after her mother more so than her father. She prefers to spend her time not being involved in mischief and wants to put her best foot forward in everything. She’s got a close relationship with her triplets, being a tad closer to Ciaran though. She’s got good relationships with both of her parents and really admires both of them.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Naomi was sorted into Ravenclaw. She found herself feeling comfortable in the house quite quickly, helped by the facts that her brothers were there too and that her mother happened to be the charms professor. She never joined the quidditch team, leaving that for her brothers, but she was made a prefect in her fifth alongside her brother, Seth. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Naomi becomes invested in writing and goes onto write textbooks and the occasional novel. 
Naomi is named after her late maternal great-grandmother with her middle name being after her late paternal grandmother.
Naomi is fluent in English, Irish Gaelic, and Yiddish. She also knows some Hebrew.
Naomi is a triplet.
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𝓒𝓲𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓷 𝓙𝓾𝓭𝓪𝓱 𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵
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Nicknames: None
Name Meanings: Ciaran → Irish, “little dark one” ; Judah → Hebrew, “praised” ; O’Donnell → Irish, “descendant of Domhnall.”
Date of Birth: December 28, 2009 (at 3:14 am)
Gender: Male ; he/him 
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 
Faceclaim: Julian Hilliard
Parents: Conor O’Donnell and Ruth Lyman 
Siblings: Seth Lorcan and Naomi Ailis O’Donnell
Patronus: Scops owl
Favorite Subjects: Charms, astronomy, transfiguration
Least Favorite Subjects: Potions, history of magic 
Extracurriculars: Seeker on the Ravenclaw quidditch team
Hobbies: Reading, flying, quidditch, running, writing, sketching 
Personality: Intelligent, athletic, stubborn, reserved, quiet, practical, observant, a bit of perfectionist but not as bad as his triplets, flexible, kind 
About Ciaran: As the youngest triplet, Ciaran is very much his father’s son. He’s got his father’s reserved nature coupled with the inheritance of his father’s stutter. Unlike his father, though, Ciaran grows up feeling comfortable with the imperfections that accompany his stutter… thanks to the support of his whole family. He’s got a close relationship with his triplets, even though they do occasionally bicker. He’s also got close relationships with his parents. He is closer to his father, though.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Ciaran was quickly sorted into Ravenclaw. He took the longest to become comfortable at Hogwarts, but everything was made easier by his siblings being with him and his mother being one of their professors. In his third year, Ciaran made the Ravenclaw quidditch in the position of seeker, the same one that his father had played.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Ciaran continued in his father’s footsteps and decided to go into the field of architecture. He attended a muggle university in Dublin, while also learning about the magical components from his father. 
Ciaran’s middle name is after his late maternal great-grandfather.
Ciaran, like his siblings, is fluent in English, Irish Gaelic, and Yiddish. He also knows some Hebrew.
Ciaran is a triplet. 
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𝓓𝓮𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓡𝔂𝓪𝓷 𝓞’𝓓𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓵-𝓛𝓮𝓮
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b-andherbooks · 1 year
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welcome to a new segment i’m going to try out, #FiveThingsFridays! I’ll be posting a variety of bookish “Five Things” weekly, and would love it if you all would jump on!
This week I’m sharing 📚📚five goodreads shelves📚📚 to get to know b.andherbooks (me!)!
I have seemingly random goodreads shelves amongst the more common ones, and these are just a selection of some of my favs or more obscure shelves. For more, you can always find these on my goodreads (link in bio).
1️⃣ Secret Spectacles: definition—when a main character is discovered to wear glasses and their love interest(s) are absolutely smitten and delighted by this knowledge. ✅Examples: Mickey Chambers Shakes it Up by Charish Reid The Rebel & the Rake by Emily Sullivan
2️⃣Fainting Couch: definition—when lovers actually encounter a fainting couch in the story and hopefully!! put it to great use ✅Examples: Indigo by Beverly Jenkins Can’t Help Falling by Cara Bastone Inside Bet by Katie Porter Stolen Desire by Robin Lovett
3️⃣Blacksmith: definition—a main character’s profession is a blacksmith ✅Examples: That Kind of Guy by Talia Hibbert Beauty & The Blacksmith by Tessa Dare
4️⃣Good Girl: definition—praise k1nk // good girl being uttered during sexy times ✅Examples: The Playing Game by Ainsley Booth A Duke Worth Falling For by Sarah MacLean Her Grumpy Neighbor by Eve Pendle Charming Your Dad by Sarah Blue
5️⃣Sex Pact: definition—love interests enter into an agreement that it is “just sex” or “just this one time” or “just for teaching you what you like//don’t like” and definitely NOT for catching feelings. ✅Examples: Earth Bound by Emma Barry * Genevieve Turner A Wicked Bargain for a Duke For the Love of April French by Penny Aimes Daring Truth by Adrian J Smith
What’s your favorite goodreads shelf? What other “Five Things” would you like me to feature? Let me know!
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teach463146 · 2 years
Belle (2013) (BBC4, 9.00pm)
Captain Sir John Lindsay (Matthew Goode) brings his illegitimate, mixed-race daughter Dido (Lauren Julien-Box) to England and entrusts the child to his aristocratic uncle, Lord Mansfield (Tom Wilkinson). He permits Dido to stay, allowing his great-niece to become a companion to her cousin, Elizabeth (Cara Jenkins). As Dido (now played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw) reaches adulthood, she is afforded certain privileges by her lineage but must remain behind closed doors at important social gatherings. However, her head is turned by idealistic lawyer John Davinier (Sam Reid), who is involved in a high-profile case involving a slave ship. Belle is the enchanting dramatisation of a true story of fortitude across racial and class divides. The ensemble cast delivers excellent performances, particularly Mbatha-Raw.
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