#candleverse chronicles
sunlitlion · 5 years
candleverse chronicles | pt 1
today i am joined by firebrand and evan to find and explore a dead candleverse. the goal for today is to find a pure white verse, and explore as many landmarks on the map as i can. start: march 20th, 2019 at 2:10pm end: march 20th, 2019 at 2:39pm summary: so the initial experience was difficult. it was hard to focus enough on it to really settle in, but once i finally did, it was deeply enthralling. you know how they say your skin buzzes and it feels like everything and nothing at all when you astral project? well, it was exactly like that.
i started off closer to evan's house than anticipated, and just kind of walked up to it like an idiot. then i realized what i was doing and stopped, walked around the side to find the decrepit buildings. I explored one of these and found a red, broken rocking chair on its side. I remember giving it a light kick for no reason at all. When I left these, I went through Evan's backyard, like a dipshit, to visit the never ending house. It was at this moment I realized Figaro wasn't with me, and turned to whistle for him. Then, Evan caught me, of course. I was in his backyard whistling like I'd lost a dog. He asked me who the hell I was and what I was doing there, and I stammered and just told him I was lost, and I was looking for my guard dog. I described Fig to him and asked if he'd seen him, to which he declined. He told me I should get the fuck out of dodge, exact words, and that I couldn't just get lost in a place like this. I simply shrugged and he pointed me back to the decrepit buildings, where Figaro had gotten his antlers stuck in a broken window. After pulling him out and getting broken glass everywhere, I asked Evan if he minded much if we explored the never ending house. He remarked that it wasn't the place to be but left us to it. Figaro traversed the staircase, simply ending up coming back down it on the other side, and I made a note of it before we got bored and left. Next, we went to the playground. Figaro attempted to bite the bars, and I wondered if we should go inside. Steph stopped us and asked us who we were, and why we were there. I told her I was lost, and she asked how I could be lost if I had a map. I floundered, “admitting” a bogus lie about how we heard there was a powerful demon here, and we were just sightseeing. She responded that there wasn't anymore, and simply told us not to stick around. We decided to try and find the bridge as our last landmark, passing the park on the way. It was, as expected, wide open. On the bridge, we found Vinnie, staring down into the water. He scoffed and mentioned that all of my dark shadowyness wasn't gonna help me blend into the bright white, simply saying that we should leave before it "got dark again". I dropped a pebble into the water just for funsies, and then decided it was time to leave. Figaro and I made a door out in a bush, and saved the door into the dead Candleverse. i felt drained, dizzy, and a bit heavy, as though I had been swimming, after coming to.
what we learn:
- use your new knowledge of space to focus more on where you go in. don’t end up right at the foot of the bear’s cave cuz you didn’t think hard enough.
- don’t just walk up to evan’s house, dipshit. or his backyard.
- keep track of fig. get him a leash.
- Don’t. Touch. ANYTHING.
- Don’t interact with the Candlefolks. In a live Candleverse, if they interact with you, just run, dude. 
- Put a glamour on your map. In fact, just bring the whole Book of Shadows and glamour it.
- Take all of the cryptic advice and shit the Candlefolks say into account. It could be advice.
- What Vinnie said might imply that the universe reiterates soon. Be cautious.
- Vinnie is good for advice, and Jeff might be, but he’s also an unreliable narrator. He’s gonna get you killed in a live Candleverse, so if you see him, run.
- try going north next time and explore the town. it could be good for you.
- evan’s not gonna be so safe in the future. be cautious.
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sunlitlion · 5 years
candleverse chronicles | pt 0
so. astral projection. we all do it. 
okay, not all of us, but some of us do. and ya girl is no stranger to it. 
if you know of the slenderverse, specifically the everymanhybrid verse, you know of the candleverse. habit’s playground, the pocket between timelines and dimensions. 
i’m gonna astral project there. and im gonna keep all my notes here. in case anyone is stupid enough to follow my footsteps.
so, for anyone into emh but not witchcraft/astral work... here are some sources. (x), (x), (x) < that last one is a masterpost of resources for research purposes and those looking to astral travel.
a warning: if you want to astral travel, do NOT do what i’m doing. i’m not smart. this isn’t kosher. this isn’t a good idea. even with all of my precautionary measures im still putting my astral body at risk. if you really truly want to, you can PM me about it, and ill share my personal notes but i am NOT a professional. go forward at your own damn risk.
alright, so warnings aside, let’s get into the prologue.
i am lucky enough to have contact with an evan, a habit, and a noah/firebrand. if you believe in kin shit, call it that. if you believe in past lives, call it that. i personally call it a mix of past lives and a system. i am a spiritual person. don’t pm me, send an ask, or @. me about it because i’m not gonna respond.
i asked firebrand and evan about the candleverse and got their specific general advice for what it’s like, precautionary measures, and an escape plan. here’s what i was told, in transcript form:
firebrand || candleverse notes
- Mind tricks. Constantly changing. Do not trust your senses, rely only on your intuition, it’ll guide you.
- It looks like Princeton, New Jersey. Evan’s house is the exact centre, and the clearest part. Everything beyond it gets darker and harder to traverse through due to illusions and mindfuckery.
- There is a purple haze that surrounds the Candleverse. It’s safer, but harder to work out. Hide here, but don’t stay in one place for too long.
- The bridge is an OK spot. But don’t fall in the river. You’ll die in the astral.
protective measures
- Do NOT try to play offensively. It won’t work. You’re in Habit’s house.
- Use wards for hiding, and confusing anything that enters the vicinity.
- Use glamours to alter your astral body and make you into a spirit as unassuming as possible. Humans are what he wants.
- Keep your vibrations basic. Too low means you’ll be drained. Too high means you stick out.
- Get a glamour for any guides or thoughtforms you bring. (In my case, Figaro the thoughtform).
escape plan
- bring a power bank or totem that will give you just enough energy to make a door and leave if you need to in a moment’s notice.
evan || candleverse notes
- Do NOT interact with the Candle versions of Evan, Vinnie, and ESPECIALLY Jeff/Steph. Just don’t do it. They’re like big fucking beacons.
- Any kind of foliage is good. Trees, bushes. If a rabbit can hide in it, you’re good. A good rule of thumb is “Think like a rabbit.” So, the town is a good place to hide, but it’s also gonna be real confusing. Anywhere out in the open, you’re fucked.
- If your vibrations are high so you can keep up magic, places with moderate lighting are gonna be your best bet, so you’ll blend in. If you’re keeping your vibrations low to hide, keep to the edges and forest-y areas. Whatever makes you feel safest. Either way, you’re playing on the losing side in a game rigged in Habit’s favor.
- If you aren’t panicking, you’re giving off less energy, so you’re safer. Fear will stink you up, and it’ll catch Habit’s attention. Keep calm, you’ll stay safe.
- Cover the tracks of your spirit/thoughtform if they can’t do it themselves, or if they naturally produce magic. For example, my thoughtform Figaro is built to feed off of naturally occuring excess negative energy and build harm-shielding wards for himself and I from it. In the Candleverse, this process needs to be hidden.
- Piggybacking off of that point, a mosquito could fart and Habit would know. Any tiny move you make, any change to the verse, Habit will pick up on it. He might ignore it if it’s insignificant, but he might not. If you do something risky, your best bet is to get away from the mess, hide, and try not to leave a trail.
protective measures
- Only stay in for 15 minutes at first, up to 30 minutes. No longer than an hour. Time is slower in the Candleverse, but you’re gonna get exhausted, and it’s gonna get easier to find you. 
- Do not let Habit know you’re a human. You’re toast.
- Get better at improv. Learn how to play your part. If Habit approaches you, do NOT panic. Know what you’re supposed to be and act like it.
- Use DEFENSIVE wards and magic, not OFFENSIVE. Wards that protect you from harm make it seem like you’re EXPECTING Habit to attack you, and he might just. He’d definitely seek you out for it. Don’t make it seem like you’re ready for a fight.
escape plan
 - Make that power bank as inconspicuous as possible. Remember-- play the part.
- If you’re in a bind, or about to be caught, just make a break for the edge, find a place to hide, and calm down before leaving.
if you’re like me, and tend to crack under pressure or panic in the face of danger and make the wrong decision, then you’re gonna wanna practice beforehand.
there are all kinds of candleverses that take place in different areas of the timeline of EMH. start with a dead candleverse, in which there are no more traces of habit. you will know the difference because the energy they give off is pure white rather than dark purple.
live <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> dead
dark purple  |   purple  |   blue purple  | pale purple  |  grey purple  |      white
this is the scale firebrand gave me in reference to this. the closer to white they get, the more dead the candleverse (meaning the less traces of habit, the safer!). 
another look at the scale
white verse - no traces of habit, little to no traps or illusions, dawn/sunrise
grey purple verse - just a hint of habit, slightly more traps and illusions, midday
pale purple verse - a little of habit, a moderate amount of traps and illusions, afternoon
blue purple verse - half habit, slightly more traps and illusions, sunset/evening
true purple verse - mostly habit, many traps and illusions, dusk
dark purple verse - habit is live and present and on the prowl, a fuckton of traps and illusions, dead of night
i was also lucky enough for firebrand to be willing to get in contact with other firebrands, as all noah’s stick together, and they might be able to give me a little extra help. pending.
firebrand and evan helped me to draw out this rough sketch of the map, but it will be updated as I explore.
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as i said, it’s very rough, but here’s a key.
☆ - safe for hiding purposes
* - unsafe
X - immediate death
``` - light source (the more light, the more unsafe)
🌀 - entrance point
EH - Evan’s House, the center of the Candleverse. UNSAFE.
Town - Just as the name implies. Good for hiding but, very dark and confusing. Take it slow.
B - Buildings. Decrepit, good for hiding.
N.E.H. - Never ending house. If you recall, in Bridge to Nowhere, Noah went up and down this stairwell repeatedly. Unsafe.
Bridge - Bridge to Nowhere. Moderately safe. Don’t stay on for too long.
P.G. - Playground. Moderately unsafe.
Open Space - Not good. No hiding spots.
Forest - Very dark, but good for hiding. Lots of foliage.
River - Runs through the forest and under bridge. Instant death upon touching.
Habit tends to stay around the more lighted areas. Do not by any means go near or enter Evan’s house. Just don’t do it.
protective measures
so, we all decided that lots and lots of defensive magic is your best bet. cover up the fact that you’re human first and foremost. if, like me, your energy is bright and beaming, make an energy mask to cover that. put up wards with multiple layers. put up illusion glamours with multiple layers. run, hide, camouflage. you’re a rabbit here.
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here’s what im doing specifically. lemme go over it.
defensive-offensive ward - protects from anything you deem to be harm. it won’t do much for you at that point. if all of your other wards/glamours have failed at this point, you’re fucked anyway. its basically one last line of defense if all else fails.
illusion/energy mask - this is to change your energy. its to cover up your human parts. make it strong. make it powerful. make it work. if habit gets a single SNIFF of your human pussy, your ass if grass and he’s gonna mow it.
appearance glamour - this is to change your appearance and all. make you look not human. idc what you look like, im choosing a hazy kinda shadowy unassuming spirit type thing. look lost, not like a tourist.
camouflage ward -  this is gonna make you blend in to the foliage and shit much better. keep you under the radar. you are a cat in the night. a simple breath in the breeze, you feel. you ARE the dancing queen. 
hidden/hiding illusion - same deal, but this makes it harder to track you if you hide. hide well, don’t fuck this up. its literally your astral body on the line, maybe even your astral life. but don’t worry, as long as you hide your cord and keep it in tact, you can come back. just give it a few moon cycles.
and thats basically all ive got in preperation for this trip. ill keep cc updates coming as they happen. my first trip is tomorrow (Tuesday, March 19, 2019), around 5:00 PM CT.
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sunlitlion · 5 years
candleverse chronicles || pt 1.5
so, habit came back, and he wasn’t pleased about this whole thing. but he did give some advice i should take into account, so here it be:
he really had no qualms about ripping my wig off but, ill take the extra guidance where i can get it. ill be visiting the candleverse just long enough to check on it today and edit this post with the result later.
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