bowiebond · 2 years
Need more Billy looking constantly sleepy fics. His partner thinks they’re being ignored but he actually just looks like that when he’s not being performative. His walls are lowered and with it his eyelids and he just…looks sleepy.
Could fall asleep at the drop of the hat if guided down to his lovers lap where he can rest his head and doze.
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bowiebond · 2 years
i will back billy x callahan solely because i want to feel the atmosphere and hear the sage thinly veiled words out of Flo's mouth when Billy shows up at the station to pay a fine that may or may not have already been waived and the looks that are exchange between not just billy and callahan but every soul in the room.
“Oh no.” Hopper heard Flo’s loud sigh as he dipped his fingers into the donut box Callahan brought in like a good sport. He was younger than the lot of them, so pushing him around was good fun, but he always stuck to being a team player in the workspace.
“He’s back again.” She drawled and Hopper followed her line of vision with a donut half in his mouth.
Billy Hargrove. Huh. Hopper had been out of the office for a bit, focused on patrolling more than paperwork, so he had fallen behind in the office gossip. He watched the scene unfold with curiosity.
Billy walked into the station with a quick scan of the room and smirked when he found what he was looking for. He made a beeline for Callahan who was scribbling out details on a missing dog one of the older ladies often crooned sadly about. She had to stop leaving her damn gate open.
“Officer Callahan.” He greeted jovially, still looking fresh from the pool. The summer was doing him a favour, his tan coming to life in a golden bronze across his skin. His curls were almost dry, frizzing from the chlorine, but he still looked charming with his sunglasses, red trunks and thin white tee as he chewed his gum.
“Hm? O-oh, Billy.” Callahan fumbled with his pen and cleared his throat with a readjusting of his glasses. “Good to see you. Again. What can I- uh…do for you? Today.”
“Oh you know, another speeding ticket. Can’t help it, I live fast and wild, officer.” Billy rested his elbows on the counter and leaned forward with a wolfish grin. “Young and spirited, as your piggy pals would say.”
Hoppers brow twitched in irritation at the insult, and Callahan sighed.
“Come on, officer, you know I’m jesting. Pulling your leg.” He gestured with a yank that looked more like a stroke, a slow smirk curling on his lips. “So about that fine I’ve been saddled with…” He continued coyly, ducking his head and looking over his shades to peak at Callahan. “Mind helping me out? Just one more time. As your favourite offender.”
“Billy…” Callahan grumbled softly, but was noticeably pink in the cheeks as he put his hand out and made a grab for the paper in the young man’s hand. The blond smacked it into his hand and grinned, gripping it for just a moment before letting go.
“You’re the best, officer Callahan.” He purred.
“No more joyrides, got it? I’m serious.”
“Swear on my fathers grave, Philly.” He winked with a hand to his heart. The older man rolled his eyes.
“Lemme take a look-see, okay?” Callahan clicked around on his computer, brows pinching as he went through the files for the blonds record. Billy stretched over the counter to take his shoulder, giving it a squeeze and rub that made the officer stiffen.
“You’re a real pal, officer. Truly. I’ll be sure to be extra good from now on, scouts honour. If not, I’ll come quietly.” His sly gaze was enough for Hopper to know that was a big, fat lie. Billy Hargrove had kicked up a fuss plenty of times when Hopper picked him up from a bar brawl.
“That’s— that’s good. Really good, um…” Callahan was buffering, floundering for a response and Billy laughed, patting his shoulder twice.
“Cat got your tongue, officer? Be sure to tell her to share it sometime.” Hopper furrowed his brows, not getting his turn of phrase, but Flo just scoffed and Callahan went red, ducking his head back to the computer screen, tapping furiously.
“I’ll take care of the- the fine, just uh- get on home, okay?”
Billy grinned and leaned in, murmuring something Hopper couldn’t quite catch.
Callahan cleared his throat and nodded quickly, readjusting his glasses, a nervous habit.
“Yes, yes, uh- I’ll see you. Okay. Bye.” Callahan turned away, even covering the side of his face from Billy’s view, the blond grinning. Callahan’s wide eyes and pursed lips were on display for everyone else to see.
“Dick-whipped.” Flo muttered and went back to her coffee as Hopper looked at her, brows furrowed in confusion before he looked around the rest of the office.
“See ya around, Philly.” Billy left with that and Powell scoffed.
“That boy has you wrapped around his finger, Callahan.”
“Please don’t.” Callahan groaned, covering his face. Another officer barked a laugh.
Hopper remained puzzled until he clocked out and saw Billy smoking by his Camaro outside, still in his trunks and sunglasses. The blond grinned, all teeth and dangerous.
“Tell my favourite piggy to hurry up, will you? I’m hungry.” He stomped out his cigarette and hopped back into his car, flipping his mirror down to preen at his signature curls. Hopper’s eyes widened.
He opened the door and gave a yell.
“Callahan, hurry up before your girlfriend decides to leave without you!”
Billy caught his eye through the windshield and gave him the middle finger. Hopper rolled his eyes and stomped off to his car.
“Fuckin’ kids. Couldn’t he pick a less troublesome one?”
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bowiebond · 2 years
Currently thinking about Dad!hopper finding about Callahan/Billy ….he has no problem with Billy being gay …but why pick the dumbest person in Hawkins of all people 🙈
Hopper: I can’t believe you’re dating him!
Billy: Wow, Dad, should I even call you that? I didn’t know you were a homophobe!
Hopper: No, no, I’m a ‘my child’s boyfriend-phobe’! You’re a child!
Billy: I’m nineteen?!
Hopper: I don’t care if you’re an adult, you’re my kid, you shouldn’t be having sex!
Billy: …El has a girlfriend!
El: *wide eyes* no I don’t!
Billy: She was making out with Max behind a closed door!
El: Billy!
Hopper: Is this true? El, do I have to install a 3 inch rule with girls too now?
El: Dad. I’m almost sixteen!
Hopper: Three inches! Three inches when Max is here!
Billy: *sneaking out to go see his officer boyfriend while they argue*
Hopper: Stop right there, young man!
Billy: You legally can’t keep me here!
Hopper: If my coworker is going to date my son, he has to sit through an awkward family dinner first. Max too!
El & Billy: *loud groaning* DAAAAD
Hopper: Why did I choose to do this to myself? I’m balding and it’s your fault, brats.
Billy: *snorts* have fun with that, I’m gonna go ride around in a cop car with optional handcuffs. *wriggles eyebrows*
Hopper: You—!
Billy: *slams door*
Hopper: ….
El: …I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend.
Hopper: *sigh* Is it Mike?
El: No. Lucas.
Hopper: …At least you upgraded. I can live with that. Still 3 inches though. And family dinner. They’re both invited.
El: *groans* You’re the worst.
Hopper: Go whine about it to someone who cares, kid *ruffles her hair* What’s the bet you can spy on Phil?
El: No way. Last time I spied on them, I saw too much.
Hopper: …What’s the bet you can kill him with me having plausible deniability?
El: No. Then Billy will be sad. And if Billy’s sad, Max will be sad, and if she’s sad…Lucas is sad.
Hopper: *sighs loudly* Worth a shot.
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bowiebond · 2 years
The appeal of Billy x Callahan is the idea of Billy getting fucked by him, moaning all soft and breathy, tongue coming between his teeth and laughing at the officer because “god, you’re pathetic. C’mon, fuck me, fuck me harder, you can do it. Atta boy, that’s it - oh fuck, you’re really getting it now, come on. Yeah, that’s it, baby, fuckin’ pathetic, ahaha, you’re adorable, I might just keep you around”
Just,,, Billy bullying the shit out of him during sex because he’s an late twenty something year old officer fucking a guy who become legal less than a few weeks ago, and Billy loves having authority figures, even dumb cops with fluffy hair and dweeby glasses, wrapped around his finger.
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bowiebond · 2 years
I’m gonna go ride around in a cop car with optional handcuffs. *wriggles eyebrows*🤣
At least you upgraded. 😂I can live with that.
Still 3 inches though. And family dinner. They’re both invited.
If my coworker is going to date my son, he has to sit through an awkward family dinner first. Max too!…..I’dlove to be a fly on the wall during this family dinner
It would be the most awkward, silent dinner in history. Just,,,
Everyone: …
Hopper: …So, Phil—
Callahan: *panics* I’m sorry I’m making love to your son, chief.
Hopper: …You’re fired.
Billy: Dad, you can’t fire him for that!
Hopper: I’m gonna arrest him then.
Billy: For what???
Hopper: I don’t know yet, but I’ll find something.
Billy: *rolls eyes*
Callahan: *sweating bullets*
El: …Can I have Eggos after dinner?
Hopper: Of course, sweetheart.
Max: …
Lucas: …Can we also—
Hopper: I can arrest both of you for the many things you have done and you know it.
Max: Fair point. Split with me, babe? *puppy eyes*
El: …Only cause I like you.
Lucas: And me?
El: …Dad, can Lucas and Max have Eggos too?
Hopper: *sighs heavily* Only so you don’t have to share.
El: *smirks*
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bowiebond · 2 years
Stranger Things Fic List
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Drabble Collection - Explicit | 15k | 26/? | WIP
Dive Into Possession (Breathe Life Into Me) - Mature | 6.2k | 1/? | WIP
Bite Your Tongue (Call His Name) - Explicit | 3.4k | 1/1 | Completed
Only Look At Me (Think About Me) - Teens | 1k | 1/1 | Completed
Nice Hair? [Check] Brown Eyes? [Check] Bisexual? [...] - Teens | 2.3k | 1/1 | Completed
The White Knight, The King and The Bitch - Explicit | 1.9k | 1/1 | Completed
It’s Okay - Explicit | 6k | 2/2 | WIP
Lick Your Liquor From My Lips - Explicit | 77.3k | 17/? | WIP
Across The Dirt Road - Mature | 22.6k | 5/? | WIP
Hot & Cold - Teens | 17.5k | 4/? | WIP
Use Me - Explicit | 1.6k | 1/1 | Completed
Too Much For A Freak? - Explicit | 1.6k | 1/1 | Completed
One Way To Always Be Right - Explicit | 1.7k | 1/1 | Completed
The Cheerleader Has A Dirty Mind! (The Freak's In Trouble...) - Explicit | 7.1k | 1/1 | Completed
Adeve - Explicit | 1.8k | 1/1 | Completed
Palm Of Your Hand (I Call Him Karma) - Explicit | 19.2k | 2/4 | WIP
“Let me love you like no one else could.” - Explicit | 3.9k | 2/2 | Completed
Two Rules, Boy - Explicit | 4.4k | 1/1 | Completed
It’s Always Been The Same (It’s Always Been You) - General | 2.3k | 1/1 | Completed
Nothing’s Birdhouse (Full of Sticks) - Teens | 6.6k | 1/1 | Completed
At Your Service - Explicit | 4.7k | 1/1 | Completed
For Him (For Me) - Not Rated | 2.8k | 1/1 | Completed
Beautiful Boy (Feels Good To Me) - Explicit | 7.2k | 1/1 | Completed
Hey Babe, Your Hair's Alright (Hey Babe, Let's Stay Out Tonight) - Teens | 42k | 11/11 | Completed
A Man Of Business Can Be Swayed - Explicit | 3.5k | 1/1 | Completed
Cali Meets Philly - Teens | 852 Words | 1/1 | Completed
Queern’t - Teens | 2.4k | 1/1 | Completed
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