touchofsomething · 3 years
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Jose was doing his best to enjoy his food. The day had been hard enough as it was without the group of frat fucks acting like this was a keg party directly behind him.
After turning towards them he could see one of them pounding on the table demanding another drink “Hey! Asshole. You mind keeping it down, not all of us are up to hearing that bullshit tonight”
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templeonhart · 3 years
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Você não tinha que estar servindo seu país na puta que pariu?
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juleskins · 4 years
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I beg your pardon? Eu estava na fila, então esse último scone é meu.
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completemessx · 4 years
[ @wintcrflower​ ]
“Vale, sé que soy desordenado pero te juro que había una taza de café aquí, ¿te la tomaste?” cuestionó entrecerrando los ojos. 
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missindependence-rp · 5 years
Theodora era especialista em se meter em situações complicadas, especialmente enquanto tentava descobrir alguma informação que julgava necessária. Fora assim que pulara uma das cercas da chacara dos Scooter e fora assim que acabara com a camiseta que usava completamente destruída e toda suja. 
Saiu do banheiro abotoando os jeans e sacudindo o cabelo de canto, passando em seguida os dedos pelos mesmos, como se os penteasse, sem se preocupar muito com a peça que usava na parte de cima. - Ei, valeu por me deixar usar seu chuveiro. Ainda bem que esse código de vizinhos ainda funciona. E, sem querer abusar, você tem alguma camiseta sobrando aí? A minha ficou destruída e bem, não vou ter uma boa explicação para chegar assim. 
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opheknox-blog · 5 years
“So there I was, tiddies out, halfway through my third cocktail at this strip club I thought was a salsa bar,” Ophelia said, gesturing so wildly she nearly knocked two drinks over. “When suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see this .. –– HEY!” Interest piqued when Josh strolled into the party right at the climax of her story, Ophelia hopped down from where she was perched atop a coffee table with a grin, abandoning the group of Manson-like followers she had acquired throughout the night with a small wave of her hand. “Whoops, gotta go. Mother called, said the bees are back.” Skipping to Josh’s side, Ophelia stopped –– or, better yet, landed –– in front of the other with a resounding slap of her shoes against the tile, earning her curious looks from a handful of irritable attendees. “Josh! Joshua! Jo-Jo! Fancy seeing you at this here shoot-out.” Ducking into a quick bow, Ophelia mimed wringing a lasso before slamming her hands back at her sides, brows knitted. “It’s me, Ophelia. I think we met at a party a few weeks ago and I tried to convince you to throw beers off the balcony with me.”
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erinhasclaws · 6 years
feat @thebetrothedslytherin 
Erin hadn’t registered the amount of time that she had been held captive, though he didn’t really care. There were so many members of the order who had been taken and surely, the majority of them would be missed so it wouldn’t be long before a search party came. Besides, there was nothing to worry about since all of them remained alive. Well, that’s what she thought anyway. What she’d heard about Death Eaters was that they shot to kill, not to capture so there must have been a reason for them being captured and therefore, a reason to keep them alive. Though, Erin didn’t find much comfort in that. Being the granddaughter of the Minister of Magic was sure to hold its danger. Honestly, the woman was surprised she was still alive. The brunette looked up as the door opened and rolled her eyes as her gaze fell on the figure of the male whom she had run into a few weeks back. She hadn’t seen him since then, though she didn’t want to thanks to the attitude he gave her. “Looks like you’re even more of a moron than I first thought.” The woman spoke, lips curling. 
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loki-masterofchaos · 6 years
Loki had pulled up his cane to he side to stop the golden human from going any further just seconds before a truck stormed pass them.  “ Given the smell, I’d say I spared you from a death by garbage truck”
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jasongrey · 7 years
   Jason was always up early in the morning because he barely even slept at night. He spent most of his morning working on his book and finishing some work that he needed to complete before texting his friend Josh asking if they could grab some coffee. Jason brushed and took a quick shower before grabbing his keys, phone and wallet and headed out of his place. 
  Jason walked to the spot where the agreed to meet and waited for the other as he waited he looked at his phone checking to see if he had any appointment and how he had. “Today is going to be a long day” he said to himself out loud as he sighed. 
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alex-matthews · 7 years
   It had been a busy day The Dragon’s Keep. Alex was short staffed but he had managed to make everything work out; Alex was tried, he was running on forty-five to an hour of sleep and coffee. He was glad when things finally slowed down for the night but he knew that there was a long night ahead of him. 
   Alex checked inventory right before attending to the his next customer, “I am so very sorry, we are short staffed today” he said trying not let the tiredness show in his voice but it was hopeless, “what can i get you?”
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touchofsomething · 2 years
First Day of School
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Brian held his little girl’s hand as she practically skipped to the entrance of the elementary school. Holding her pink Barbie lunchbox she was practically dragging her father. Walking inside he knelt down “Okay sweetheart, it’s perfectly okay to be nervous” he started “I promise I’ll stay here as long as you need me to until you feel comfortable” He could see other parents around him taking their kids to their cubbies and a few kids crying and clinging to their mother or father.
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dasvidana · 7 years
Where the people are || Josh & Ana
Anastasia was still sort of new to the idea of walking, though the possibility of it being a thing for her was never in her mind. She had been in the water far more than ever on land. Still walking, even though it had been some time was still a thing that she gradually needed practice with, which was apparent the moment her feet found a small patch of slick tile in the kitchen, sending the brunette into a form, rather hard to say the least. “Oh-- oh no, I’m sorry,” she murmured, her hands moving to rest against the persons chest. Staring up at him before a small blush graced her cheeks. “Forgive me, land legs,” she laughed softly.
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dianarps-blog · 7 years
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completemessx · 4 years
“ You’re looking at me like you don’t know who I am ” [ @nyctophiliah ]
“¿Y quieres que te pida disculpas por eso? No te entiendo.” sin ánimos alzó las cejas. “Estas cambiada....” habló bajito, un poco más para si mismo que otra cosa. “No se que es, pero esta no es la chica que yo conocí.”
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missindependence-rp · 5 years
And everything that we should be //  Flashback
A garganta de Theodora pareceu não receber uma gota sequer de saliva quando ela engoliu. A cena havia feito sua boca secar em rápidos segundos. Joshua estava lá, desfilando pelos corredores com os dedos entrelaçados aos de Gabriella Gomez, fazendo a Armstrong se contorcer por dentro, questionando como diabos aquilo acontecera e porque acontecera. 
Os olhos apertados se escondiam fitando o armário, ainda que os desviasse para o lado, vez ou outra, olhando o novo “casal”. Havia algo errado com o estomago de Teddy aquele dia, talvez fosse a tentativa de seu pai de fazer waffles pela manhã, talvez o papel azul dobrado em seu armário, com a declaração escrita em forma de crônica, pronta para dizer a Josh, seu melhor amigo, que ele era...Ou ao menos poderia ser, se assim o quisesse, mais que seu melhor amigo. 
A resposta veio antes da pergunta, todavia. Parte de Teddy ficou feliz. Digo...Ao menos ela não havia se exposto a humilhação de ser rejeitada pessoalmente e ao menos as coisas não tinham de ficar estranhas. Tinham? Puxou o máximo de ar que pode, o soltando em seguida e fechando o armário. Percebeu de canto de olho Gabriella se distanciar do rapaz e então prensou os lábios, virando o corpo e caminhando até o mesmo, com as mãos na mochila, como se não tivesse nada de relevante para dizer. - Você já pode limpar a baba,  Morgenstern. Vamos para a aula. - Disse, gesticulando com a cabeça como se mandasse ele segui-la. 
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hcllonhccls · 7 years
➳ ( josh | joshuarczsa)
// @joshuarcsza
“Don’t you dare think for a minute that no one saw what you did.”
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