dianarps-blog · 6 years
Merry Christmas everybody!
Sorry for be absent, I have migraine and when I am like this I can’t see a computer. I expect feel better tonight and do answers.
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
I am back!
Sort of. I am still tired, so much social life and all and I didn’t have enough sleep. But I wanted to do answers.
I couldn’t do all what I owe but believe me, I have all tracked and everything and also I will do the memes what I have in my inbox. I will do few things tomorrow because well, I have now the time.
I missed you, a lot.
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
date someone whose voice can make you calm… or wet… or both
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
Emilia was quiet as he spoke..thankful he was speaking. Easing her..but at the same time he wasn’t. She hated to see him so distressed. She hated it. As he mentioned Thanksigivng her smile grew more genuine, tender. “I had something to be thankful for this year. You..and I just..I don’t know..I wanted to spend time together and..for the first time..I actually celebrated a holiday with someone I loved.” Emilia confessed honestly as she gazed into his eyes. “But Christmas..I just..I can’t remember the last time I even wanted to celebrate. But this year..I dunno..I like spending the holidays with you. It’s better than being alone..and I just..I feel like it’s more special?” She whispered. “More..meaningful..I dunno.” She felt shy now. 
Though she was respectfully silent as he spoke and she felt her gut twist. “You have me..” Emilia whispered. “Family isn’t..always who you’re blood with.” She explained. “Rather it’s..who you feel comfortable with. Who you want to be with.” Emilia explained. “And..I want to be with you..always.” She bit her bottom lip and her shoulders slumped. “I walked out on my family when I was 18..and I haven’t looked back..” She wasn’t sure if telling him this was a good idea or if it would make him feel better..but she had to try. “Family sucks..and..whatever it is with yours..” Emilia squeezed his hand. “You and I..we have one another..and I promise to never cause you pain.” 
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Edward never thought what he did was affecting Emilia. He only thought that was the best for both, not see each other. And also, he was not capable to explain better everything. But her words broke his heart. He was being selfish. He thought she was doing her best, even when she was revealing holidays weren’t easy for her too. Thanksgiving was something he could handle better, and also, even when the beginning wasn’t easy for him, when he arrived to her place, he felt better. But that morning, everything was so painful, he was not sure what to do. And there she was, talking, doing her best.
Her hand taking his made him be in the verge of his tears. Edward wasn’t emotional, but she was breaking his walls, only talking, loving him as he was. Then he knew she deserved listen all the story. “I am not sure if you know the Hall jewelry stores. My parents own them. They... are... ruthless. They planned all. All. And they only wanted two children. I arrived to their lives and they didn’t want me, and they never will.” He needed a break to breathe. “My brothers feels threatened, even when I told them I don’t want be part of business or anything. But they don’t believe me. My family is just... a bunch of people what always mocked me. Less Mima.” That was the only moment he smiled. “Mima, my grandmother. Practically she raised me. She payed the conservatory, she encouraged me to be who I wanted to be. But this... this is the second Christmas without her. And honestly I am not sure what to do with myself.” He passed his hand for his hair trying to clear his head and after saw Emilia. “The only what I know is I love you. Sorry. You don’t deserve this. But seriously, I just... I don’t know how deal with all the pain.”
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
Keep reading
Edward felt his heart beat going faster than ever. And that wasn’t the effect of sex. Her words, everything what she said, created an emotion he wasn’t sure how take, but he felt happy as he never felt before. Kissing her wet lips he felt secure, pleased and he didn’t want exactly the same, the day couldn’t end. “You can stay here all day. And well, you are my girlfriend now and I have no plans this end soon.” He returned to kiss her again. “Let’s dry ourselves and eat. I am hungry.”
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
“I agree.” The brunette murmured softly. “Okay..” Her smile was wide now, that of a girl who was completely smitten with a boy. Perhaps they were more than friends? “It’s a date then..” Emilia murmured teasingly. “You, me, some lyrics and pictures..it’ll be nice.” She promised with a gentle smile. Her hazel eyes were practically glowing as she looked at him now. “I would love to read what you’re always writing about though..I’m quite curious to know what goes on in that cute head of yours.” Emilia confessed. Biting her bottom lip she smirked as she studied his gaze. 
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A date? Edward needed a minute to think about the word. And in that moment he discovered he liked the idea. He was not used to have dates, but for some reason what Emilia was telling was something he was in disposal to do, better: he really wanted do it. “Yes, is a date.” He was not sure if she noticed the impact of the word, but he continued talking. “Well, I write... I am not sure how define about what I write, I only tell what I feel the need to tell.” He saw her. “And you are using words... what make me blush. I am not sure if I am worth of that.”
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
Emilia giggled and shook her head. Perhaps she came off rude just now..”I was only kidding babe.” She promised with a small smile. “I like it when you kiss me all the time..” She confessed with a shy blush and she looked down for a moment. She loved his jokes and the way he acted..it made him so dishy that she swooned every time they were together. As she gathered up his requests, she placed them on her coffee table and she giggled. “Me? Taking advantage of you? No, sir, I believe it’s the other way around. After all, you’re the big bad guitarist with tattoos.” She teased with a wink. “You’re the bad-boy, remember?” She went to him almost instantly as he spoke about being cold still. “Oh my god..” She whispered as he felt chilly still. Reaching behind him she grabbed the throw she had on the back of the couch and she placed it over their bodies. “Please get warm soon..” She was basically sitting on his lap now, trying to get him warm. “I don’t want you getting sick or something.” Biting her bottom lip she nuzzled her face into his neck. “What else can I do?” 
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Edward only smiled seeing Emilia and listening all her answers. He felt so comfortable around her, he felt he could be himself and do these silly jokes all the time. They were building something amazing and he didn’t was to lose a single second of it. But when she said about the bad guitarist he laughed. “Am I a bad musician? Or just a cliché? If I remember well, was your idea about leather and KISS thing.” He returned the wink to her. “If I am a bad boy, you are a bad girl because in the end, you are my girlfriend. You chose a bad boy.” Felt so fine use the word, girlfriend. They were together and he was happy with it. Edward smiled as a child when she did everything to keep him warm. They had that kind of intimacy he was enjoying so much. “Be here with me. That is enough.” Then he felt distracted for the TV. “This will begin soon. Do you need help with the food? Or something?”
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Our Very First Thanksgiving | Edward & Emilia
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
Hèlene’s vague and undecisive response didn’t give Layla any foothold to keep the conversation going, so she kept silent, taking off her coat while Hèlene managed to clean her hands and putting on tea. She left the coat over a chair, and wandered around in the studio, hoping to find something else to talk about, since the weekend wasn’t interesting as she hoped, and she considered the Artemis discussion more than over. She had felt something and she had communicated it, she surely didn’t need to repeate herself to be effective. She looked around in the studio. It wasn’t big, but after all it didn’t need to be big, since the real work was done in the vivarium and not in there. It served merely as a stock-room for documents and other paper stuff, or as a break room from plants. It was a little bit messy, but Layla didn’t care much for mess, the only thing she would have considered bothering would have been the lack of books, but there were enough around for her to be satisfied.
Her eyes were captured by a pile of various flyers on a small table, near the phone. The one on top was a depliant of a flea market. As a lover of vintage clothes and furniture Layla was a fan of flea markets, and she picked up the pile to see if there were any other flea markets nearer to the date. As she scrolled through the totally randoms depliants one caught particularly her attention. As a perfectionist anything that seemed odd popped out in her eyes, and that flyer wasn’t anything she would associate to Hèlene. “What’s this?” she asked, showing the flyer, laughing a bit imagining how gentle and sweet Hèlene did found herself owner of such a strange invitation.
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Between Layla and Hélene always was a calming silence, something she adored. She loved her friend could understand her even without words. And how her other part of her life was so noisy, she liked when she could just enjoy the company. Hélene was happy to have Layla in the vivarum and she expected she liked the view, some plants were her pride, she loved so much what she could do being one with nature, because in the end, was the nature what did the hard work. She finished to clean up herself and walked searching the silver plate with the cups she prepared before. Hélene’s word was a little messy but she never saw it as a disorder, more she had a particular order on things and she always finds what she needed in that order, her order.
Preparing tea was some kind of ritual and she was pouring the water on the teapot. Being a botanist made her know the good tea, and she had a deal with some japanese friends and they offered the first darjeling flower to her in a good price. The smell invaded the room and she was happy. But then she remembered she forgot the honey she promised. When she was close to leave the place she listened the question. “This what?...” Hélene turned to see Layla: the invitation for the party. Sex party. Her party. Maybe that was the moment to reveal all? But Hélene was not sure how tell it. “An invitation, for tonight.” She thought maybe was the best. “Open it. I will go for the honey.” Hélene walked to the cabinet thinking she really loved Layla, and she wanted no have more secrets, maybe that was fine. And she could see how Layla would react with the other part of her life.
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
“Seems simple enough.” Skylar had experience with the press. True, it hadn’t always been good press, but at this point, she knew how to manipulate them into focusing on what she wanted them to focus on. In this case, she assumed it was a more positive image for Elizabeth’s company. Correcting whatever the other manager had done that displeased Elizabeth so much. While Skylar felt like she could handle this job, she also felt that Elizabeth wasn’t telling her everything either. Like her new boss was trying to make the job sound easy so as to not scare her off. “What did you have in mind for me to get the media to focus on first?”
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I liked the attitude what Skylar had, because Elizabeth could see she didn’t bit all easily. The real problem wasn’t handle the press, the real problem was the press had the wrong perceptions about her. They believed she was a man eater, a bitch, or she was just the Johnson’s heiress without a single neuron in her brain. And she was a genius. “Johnson company is the future. I want people think we are better than Apple. Better than Google. Because we are, period. I don’t want to be Elon Musk, that clown. He is simply copy Iron Man from the comics. I want press understand what we do, will change life forever. And I am the head of the change.” Elizabeth was showing his true face: ambitious and ruthless. “I want you represent that. With me. You will be the voice of what I need to say.”
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Skylar / Elizabeth
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
Claire took his head and nodded silently as she heard the person on the other end pick up. “Yes, Andrew? Claire Bennet here….yes I need to talk about our meeting at 1….”
12:00 at the Bellagio….
Claire made her way to the room in the question, looking idly at her phone as she knocked and waited. Andrew had, indeed, agreed to reschedule. Turned out he needed the extra time at lunch well. So it all worked in her favor, but just because she was out didn’t mean that she still didn’t have some work to do.
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Isaac was not sure if Claire will appear in the room. He knew he did a bold move but he didn’t want be only his lawyer. He recognized the challenges she was putting him as her counselor were more interesting than he believed in the beginning and also, the firm was happy he could bring such client with these diverse interests. But he wanted more, more with her.
Also, he was aware if Claire appears, she’d have limited time. He needed to live with that. But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t be creative and use the time wisely. For some conversation they had, he arrived first and prepared the bathtub. He entered there waiting and even he took the files she gave to him, when finally he listened the door. “I asked wine, but you can order whatever you want.”
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
Megan felt herself melting under his touch. When she first met Robert she had absolutely no idea that this is where they would end up. This was vastly different from what she expected, and she didn’t mind it at all. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer as their kiss deepened.
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It was not exactly he planned the situation, in fact he really wanted sleep, but who would want sleep having Megan close. Also, even when they didn’t talk deeply about what was happening between them, Robert felt that was the right thing to do. The next move. He leaned her on his bed and expected she kissed his lips again, as an answer about what they were thinking to do.
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
“ I prefer to live in a life filled with no regrets. It’ll help me sleep a little easier at night but I guess that’s what makes all of us individuals different right. Makes us interesting by how we prefer one thing where one person won’t prefer that one thing. Keeps us engaged at times.” Jason was beginning to get a certain picture attributed to she was as a person which sparked curiousity getting the notion she was someone who did not live a normal life but was more on the spectacular & fun side, maybe she was seeking an adventure or a sense of exploration. It was hard to narrow down what it is that Helen was entirely but so far she was an enigma & Jason wanted to solve the riddle even if it were to take the whole night. Not minding if it were to preoccupy his mind as he had no intention to head back to his small apartment, to drink & get drunk enough to fall asleep as it was always a struggle with Jason when it came to trying to have a goodnight’s sleep as he was burdened & bothered with haunting nightmares which always mostly woke him up at night covered in cold sweat. Eyes would warmly stray off to the side becoming slowly dazed & entranced deep with in his own thoughts as the conversations that were taking place in the bar slowly drowned out. Almost missing out on Helene’s own words. Quickly fleeting his gaze towards her own eyes as eyebrows perked up inching his face in closer as he was alarmed by her laugh not knowing if she truly was pretending to play the fool or perhaps she was trying to tease him.
“ I probably made the wrong assumption when I said you might be playing the fool. People in this city are always hiding something, most are good at putting up a facade & have their good reasons to do so but I would like to know the real you, Helene even if it might be dangerous for the two of us.” Jason clearly stated what he believed to be the truth as it would be a big overall risk if the two were to know about each other’s secrets. Jason was a dangerous individual capable of disappearing & appearing when crime were to occur to only stop it swiftly from taking place as his actions & methods were brutal & savage much like his rage & anger which were currently caged behind his affectionate interests towards Helene. Perking his chiselled smooth chin up as brown hues became lit up. A small smirk would slip over his lips as cheeks would blush a rosey shad of pink. Drawing in a shakey breath as tension was becoming overwhelming high yet it was not attributed to hostility but the type where flirtation & seduction would end up winding people in a dark room on a comfy bed together.” Spontaniety can sometimes get you hurt or worse. When I was younger I relied on instinct & I ended up in a bad place I could wake up from. I am not saying I play by the numbers or even safe but I always try to analyse a situation before making a choice. Now, I know you’re dangerous but I can’t help myself being drawn tosomeone like you. It would be foolish if we were to be alone together but a risk I am willing to take.” Sucking on the side of his bottom lip, swallowing thickly as he was putting everything on the line to simply get the two ofthem alone in a private place with his gaze not straying or wavering away from her exhuberant charming eyes.” You make things grow?” He queried in a puzzled tone & chuckled.” You’re a botanist?” Asking out curiousity, eyes would then dart down to her hand being removed from his fingers as Jaosn would ultimately do the same, retracting his hand away to delve down beneath the table & rest on his thigh. Jason would take it as the first sign of rejection yet he would hardly see his feelings hurt or damaged by it.” I just did - surprised you that is. I took a risk to hold your hand & now I regret it by doing so. Now on the subject of surprising you I am not sure if I can but I’ll try. I recently came back to Gotham a year ago & I’ve been going after a few bad people, the kind that aren’t polite but would be willing to put our heads on a stake if they got the chance to do so. So far my journey has lead me to this bar. I managed to find one of these bad people & I’ve already dealt with him. Right now I am just tryig to relax & enjoy my drink.” 
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“I love the differences. The contrast. What you said... the individuals. Sometimes, when you search these differences, you find true gems, people you really want to know.” And Hélene trusted in her instinct. Something told to her she found someone who she could maintain a conversation, someone really different to her. Not an opposite, but someone who saw life so different than her. She loved when these kind of things happened, because she knew she had an unique opportunity and she had in mind not let it go. And in that game, she could feel he was a little lost. Maybe she needed show herself more tender, stop to send mixed messages. Something on her advised maybe he was not understanding she was having a good time, she really wanted be there. She was not a fool, and she didn’t want to annoy him. But be direct all the time was something what killed the hunt emotion. Well, the last what she wanted was lose him from her eyes.
Hélene played with her fingers in the verge of the glass, listening every word. Danger. She thought if she was dangerous. Maybe. Of course, that other part of her life, her other work, made her a little dangerous because she knew few secrets of exactly what people likes. But she never saw himself as someone who put other in danger. Who was Jason? Because he used the word with security. Who was the dangerous in the table? “I like it. I like to know you. I like you know me.” And she was surprised he affirmed she was dangerous when she was not even sure, but what she liked more was the surprised was welcomed. She was losing herself slowly in his eyes, in his lips, in his words. “I am not telling we just don’t think. That is stupid. But part of be spontaneous is believe in what your instinct tells to you. And my instinct tells me I need to accept your invitation and move the conversation to a private place as you suggested.” Well, Hélene tried to not let Jason have a second thought about her.
She smiled. “See? Is easy. Yes, I am a botanist, I have a vivarium.” Jason took the easy part of her life. Because, when she was talking about make things grow, she was thinking also in passion, she makes the passion grow. But that wasn’t easy to explain. Hélene was silent listening his explanation, so... for that was the agitation. Bad people. Who was good or bad. But he told something more interesting: new. New in town. New in everything. She was silent, for a moment, creating the tension she wanted. Hélene slid slowly her hand and took his, feeling with the fingertips the soft of his skin. “No regrets. At least not today.” She said maintaining her hand on his. “So, that is what you do? Deal with bad people?”
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
I hope you find happiness this holiday season ❤️✨.
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
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King of Throwing Axes x
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dianarps-blog · 6 years
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