#by: amélie dupont
journaldelacouronne · 5 months
Por: Amélie Dupont
Ao serem convocadas para as aulas de etiqueta nessa manhã, as garotas da Seleção francesa encontraram o salão mais vazio... Uma das selecionadas foi embora na noite anterior, logo após o primeiro encontro com a princesa Antoinette em um show da banda The Pretty Runaways.
O motivo? Thérèse Moreau descumpriu as regras da Seleção ao ser encontrada trocando beijos calorosos com a vocalista da banda, Riley Moonstone (27).
A jornalista Amélie Dupont conversou com exclusividade com a princesa Antoinette Elizabeth após a reunião que determinou a eliminação da candidata da província de Valbrume. Confira!
Os ânimos estão exaltados por aqui, mas consigo encontrar Sua Alteza perto do bar. Ela está bebendo e rindo junto de um dos baristas. Não parece estar sóbria, mas isso nunca impediu a Princesa Tony de dar entrevistas antes. Me aproximo e sou recebida com um abraço. Ela me oferece um drink, porém tenho que recusar. A assistente pessoal de Tony, Daphne De Sélincourt, está por perto.
A: Alteza, imagino que esteja sendo difícil para você eliminar uma garota assim tão cedo na competição. Você esperava que algo assim pudesse acontecer?
T: É uma competição, não é, Amélie? Alguém tem que ser eliminada em algum ponto... Só estou feliz de não ter precisado escolher a eliminada. Não é muito, assim... a minha vibe, sabe? Eu já estive em muitos concursos de beleza aqui da França. As meninas ficam tristes e choram. Eu fico triste e choro junto. Deve ter alguma coisa no meu mapa astral que explique isso...
A: Mas você mesma disse que alguém precisa ser eliminada em algum ponto. Isso se aplica para todas as garotas, com exceção da futura escolhida. Você sente que está preparada para eliminar alguém quando o momento pedir?
T: Olha, se eu não estiver, a Daphne vai estar. Te amo, Daphne!
A: Certo. Vamos falar sobre a eliminação de Thérèse. Foi uma surpresa para você encontrá-la com Riley Moonstone?
T: O quê? Não! Eu encorajei. A vida é muito curta para você não pegar esse tipo de oportunidade quando ela bate na sua porta!
Estou um pouco surpresa, devo admitir. Nessa hora, Daphne se aproxima e sussurra algo no ouvido da princesa. Não consigo ouvir, mas elas parecem discutir em sussurros. Daphne entrega um copo de água para Tony. Ela bebe tudo em um gole. Tony volta para perto de mim. Sua postura agora é ligeiramente mais séria...
A: Quer dizer então que a eliminação de Thérèse não estava nos planos de Vossa Alteza?
T: Não, não estava. Eu não queria eliminá-la, mas regras são regras. Vou ser sincera com você, Amélie, eu não sabia que existia uma regra sobre as selecionadas não poderem se relacionar fora da Seleção, comigo. Não me pergunte a minha opinião sobre isso porque o pessoal aqui não vai gostar da minha resposta, mas é isso. Espero que não tenhamos que passar por nenhuma situação semelhante de novo. (Ela aponta para uma câmera imaginária) Leiam as regras, garotas!
Parece que já tenho o suficiente para a matéria. Me despeço de Tony, mas não antes de aceitar o drink que ela me ofereceu mais cedo.
A: Obrigada pelo seu tempo, Alteza.
T: O prazer é sempre meu, Amélie.
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stardxxstbae · 10 months
Previous: Chapter 1
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Monaco is in the midst of a whirlwind of emotions with the triumphant return of talented designer Amélie Dupont. However, what has left everyone speechless is not only her return, but also the adorable baby she carries in her arms!
Since her departure a few years ago, Amélie has kept a low profile, but it seems that destiny has brought her back home to Monaco with a beautiful baby in her arms. And while rumors and speculations about the baby's paternity have circulated, the names of two prominent men have been mentioned: Charles Leclerc, the talented Formula 1 driver, and Esteban Ocon, another prominent figure in the racing world.
Amélie, known for her success in fashion design and her unmatched charm, has kept her personal life private for a long time. But her return to Monaco has sparked a whirlwind of questions about who the lucky father of her precious baby is.
Some close sources suggest that her past love story with Charles Leclerc may have left a gift that has been kept secret until now. Other rumors point to a close friendship between Amélie and Esteban Ocon, leading to even greater intrigue about the baby's paternity.
Although Amélie has chosen to keep the details of her personal life private, we can't help but be excited about this new chapter in her story. Who will be the true father of the baby? What will this mean for the relationship between Amélie, Charles, and Esteban? Only time will reveal the truth behind this fascinating story.
"Those nosy motherf...!" she exclaimed with annoyance as she closed her laptop and set it aside.
"Matteo, leave your sister alone!" shouted Charlotte, Amélie's mother, from the kitchen.
Matteo looked up from his phone and frowned, causing his sister to giggle.
"What? I didn't do anything!" he defended himself. "Tell her!"
"It wasn't him, Mom."
Charlotte walked over to the dining room, curious about what was happening. Amélie wasn't someone who easily lost her patience. She was calm and focused, so seeing her yelling wasn't common unless it was Matteo who was bothering her.
"What's going on, then?" she asked, sitting in front of her two children. Matteo shrugged.
"She's crazy," he muttered, earning a small slap from his mother.
"The magazines have started talking; there's a photo of me with Eliane from the day I arrived," she murmured sorrowfully. "Of course, they've begun speculating about the possible names of Eliane's father."
Matteo grimaced as he took Amélie's laptop and opened it again to read whatever had upset her. He let out a couple of expressions of surprise as his eyes scrolled down that column of words whose sole purpose was to feed the morbid curiosity of others.
"What do they care about who the father is?" he complained, leaving the laptop where he had found it before.
"That's why I didn't want to bring Eliane," she whispered, visibly worried.
Their peace had lasted only four days, during which she had wondered how long it would take for the news of her return to be in the tabloids. She had tried to be as careful as possible to prevent something like that from happening, even avoiding going out with the baby at all costs.
"I have a friend at La Gazette," Matteo said, immediately taking out his phone. "I'll talk to her and see if we can get the article taken down."
"Thank you, Teo, but even if they agreed to do it, I'm sure everyone in Monaco already knows about it," she slumped back in her chair and sighed heavily. "At least Esteban's name is being mentioned."
The younger Dupont almost choked on his orange juice upon hearing that, as he was also unaware of the identity of his beloved niece's father. He had never wanted to speculate, as he believed his sister must have had a good reason for keeping it a secret.
"Esteban is Eliane's father?" he asked, astonished.
"For now..." Amélie replied.
"For now?" Matteo repeated, his mouth still full of food.
"Matteo, don't speak with your mouth full!" their mother scolded him, pinching his ribs.
Amélie looked at her mother for support, and Matteo noticed the complicity in their gazes. He pointed at both of them while still coughing.
"Darling... I think if you and Eliane are going to be here for a while, it's better to tell your brother and your father who Eliane's father is," Charlotte said, taking Amélie's hand across the table. Amélie looked at her with sorrow, and her mother nodded, smiling to give her some encouragement. "If they don't know, things will only get more complicated."
Amélie knew that was true. If she maintained her facade completely, she would prevent anyone from revealing details that could let people know that Eliane was Charles' daughter. She would only be visiting for a few weeks, so as long as Charles didn't cross her path, everything would be perfectly fine.
The blonde sighed and nodded gently, shifting her gaze from her mother to her brother, who was looking at her expectantly.
"Eliane is Charles' daughter," she said simply, causing Matteo to have another coughing fit. "Oh, for God's sake..."
"You can't expect me to react any other way when you're giving me news like this," Matteo slapped his chest, trying not to choke further. "Why doesn't he know? Didn't he want to take responsibility? That idiot..."
Matteo stood up from his chair, and his mother hurried to make him sit down, gesturing for him to let Amélie speak.
"Did he hurt you?" he asked.
Amélie immediately shook her head and gathered the courage to tell the story. She couldn't help but cry, pausing from time to time to wipe her face. She told him the reasons why she had decided to leave, she told him how Arthur had been helping her, and she also told him how Esteban had agreed to help. In the end, Matteo ended up crying with his sister as he embraced her. Their mother had left them alone because it was a moment between siblings, after all, she was already aware of everything. Matteo couldn't believe that his sister had to go through all of that alone, only to now endure people pointing at her in the street, questioning her about the father of the child.
"Why don't you tell him?" the younger one asked seriously. "It's a big secret, Mellie..."
"I know, but if I had ruined his career back then, imagine now," she said through tears. "You have to understand, you see him on the track every weekend. He's at the peak of his career, and I believe he can win the championship this year. I don't want to ruin everything by suddenly showing up with a baby and asking him to be her father overnight."
Matteo pondered for a moment, knowing that what Amélie said about Charles was true. As a Formula 2 driver himself, he knew how well Charles was doing, and like Amélie, he believed that this could be Ferrari's year.
"I know that if he had to choose between you and a championship with Ferrari, he would choose you," he said.
"We don't know that, Teo."
"No, Amélie, believe me," he assured her, taking her hand. "He hasn't been the same since you left. We're not very close... But on the few occasions we've gone out partying... Charles always ends up crying your name, Mellie."
The blonde's heart stopped for a second because she had indeed seen in the gossip pages how many parties the driver attended. She had thought he was enjoying all the things he couldn't do while being with her. But now that Matteo was telling her this, she wondered how broken she must have left Charles' heart and how much he must hate her.
"Take it easy," her brother comforted her, seeing the shattered expression on her face. "Whatever will happen, will happen."
"Do you know why I can't access any news websites?" he asked, looking at his phone as he sat down next to Pierre.
"Yeah, it's because I blocked them," he said, taking a sip of his orange juice, shrugging his shoulders.
Charles opened his eyes in surprise, puzzled by his friend's strange behavior in recent days. First, Pierre had decided it would be a good idea to spend a few days with him in Monaco, something he never did. Gasly was more of a one-day visitor, at most two, except for race week. Then, he had removed him from all the Monaco WhatsApp groups and had a serious conversation with Joris, although Charles never found out what they talked about. And now, he was blocking him from accessing the news.
"Can you tell me what's going on?" he asked, his tone serious.
"Of course," Pierre set aside his breakfast and leaned back in his chair. "We want to avoid collateral damage."
"Collateral damage? Who are 'we'?" Charles' face remained puzzled, prompting Pierre to continue speaking.
"It's about Amélie. Carlos and I want you to find out things directly from her, not through a bunch of gossip websites that have nothing better to do than talk about people's lives."
"But how am I supposed to talk to Amélie? You won't even let me go out," Charles said, picking at his fruit with his fork but not eating it. "And I don't think she wants to see me either."
Pierre narrowed his eyes and looked at him suspiciously. Charles furrowed his brow and turned his attention back to his food, feeling strangely judged by his best friend.
“Something about the way your relationship ended still doesn't sound right to me," the Frenchman declared, shaking his head. "How is it possible that your mind failed you so much that you decided to cheat on Amélie?"
Charles never told anyone the true reason for his breakup with Amélie. People in Monaco had quickly started inventing endless rumors about her, saying that she had abandoned him because she never loved him, labeling her with the worst things. Of course, he wasn't going to allow that, so he quickly spread the rumor that he had been the one who mistreated Amélie. That way, if she ever returned, no one would point fingers at her in a negative way.
"Men are stupid," he shrugged, not lifting his gaze from his plate.
"Yes, but you're smart and sentimental enough to do that to the love of your life. You idolized Amélie, you treated her like a treasure."
“But I was stupid," he raised his voice, and Pierre understood that he should drop the subject. "What is it that I can't know, according to you guys?"
“Does she have a boyfriend? Is she married? Tell me!”
“No! That's precisely why we don't want you to see things on the internet," Gasly complained. "You get all worked up."
“Who gets all worked up?” Max's voice came from behind Charles, and the Dutchman placed a hand on his shoulder, earning a half-hearted smile from the Ferrari driver.
“Charles, when he hears Amélie's name.”
Max looked at Pierre, surely he had also read the article about Amélie's return to Monaco. That's why Pierre made a gesture to let Verstappen know that he shouldn't talk about it.
“Max, Pierre is being completely irrational. He blocked the news websites so I wouldn't know anything about her," he complained like a little child accusing his brother. "Is there something I should know? It seems important if you want to hide it from me so much.
“Baseless rumors," Max shrugged as he called over one of the waitresses at the club. "But I'm with him on this, it's a... sensitive topic.
“Don't say that, it will only make him more anxious" Pierre said as if it were obvious, and Max rolled his eyes.
“I'm right here, don't talk about me as if I were a baby”
Max chuckled at the mention of that word, and Pierre discreetly hit him under the table.
“Well, I'm not in the mood to put up with this today," the Monegasque finally said, getting up from the table. "Let me know when you stop acting like two idiots”
“Sure, let me know when you've gotten over Amélie," Pierre teased harmlessly as Charles walked away.
Leclerc stopped a few meters ahead and returned to the table under the watchful gaze of both drivers.
"If you see Amélie, let me know too," he said sorrowfully, and then left before they could say anything to him.
"He's a fucking mess," Verstappen muttered as he watched him walk away.
"Yeah, he definitely is."
The winter in Monaco was not ruthless, but one couldn't stay outside all the time like in the summer. After a while, the cold started to seep into the bones, and the wind blew stronger, especially in the Dupont's house, which was located in a higher area, making the air feel even chillier than in other parts of the principality.
It wasn't that Amélie wasn't prepared for the cold because she knew Monaco well. However, when one becomes a mother, they tend to put themselves as the last priority. For Amélie, it was more important to ensure that Eliane had warm clothing before going out in the cold weather, even if it was just for a few seconds. In her haste to get Eliane ready, she often completely forgot to bundle up herself. She would simply grab the first sweater she could find, without paying much attention to its effectiveness.
"Come on, Eli, it's very cold out here" the blonde complained as she adjusted her sweater.
The little girl searched behind the bushes for the small animal that had been inside the house all morning but now seemed to want to escape from the child.
"Where cat?" she asked, looking at her mom. It seemed like she had given up on trying to find it herself and it was time to call the one who knew everything.
"The cat has already gone back home, and we should do the same, or we'll get sick," her mother pleaded in the sweetest way she could.
"I want pet" the younger one complained, looking around for any sign of the animal. "Pet, Mommy."
"Perhaps the cat doesn't want to be petted right now," she finally said, approaching her to take her hand.
Amélie chuckled; it was only a matter of time before Eliane started questioning everything, regardless of the answer she gave, the little girl would always have another question.
"Because he's in a bad mood," she replied, gently tugging at her hand, internally grateful that Eliane started walking.
"Why?" came the persistent question.
"Because cats can also be in a bad mood, just like you when you're hungry," she mentioned, and the girl stared at her intently, eliciting a giggle. "We shouldn't bother them when they..."
The girl quickly let go of her hand and ran towards the entrance of the house. Amélie immediately looked up to see what had caught her little one's attention.
She wasn't surprised to see the younger Leclerc holding slices of cake in one hand and balloons in the other—a giant daisy flower with a smiling face and a transparent one that said "Welcome Home," with smaller yellow balloons inside.
"ThurThur!" the girl exclaimed, running towards her uncle. Amélie followed closely behind. "Up up!" she said, raising her arms towards him.
Arthur didn't hesitate to entrust his things to Amélie as he lifted the girl and embraced her.
"Thank you?" Amélie murmured, looking at the items.
"How are you, beautiful?" he asked, planting a kiss on her cheek. The girl giggled and nestled into his neck. He then turned to look at Amélie. "Oh, you're here too."
"Rude," Arthur burst into laughter and approached Amélie to greet her with a kiss on the cheek. "What's all this?"
"I wanted to welcome you," he shrugged, stroking his niece's back. "The balloons are for Eliane, and the tiramisu is for you."
Amélie smiled, touched by Arthur's thoughtfulness. It had been too easy for her to consider him a part of her family after he left Monaco. She held a great affection for Arthur and mentally punished herself whenever she had the chance, knowing that he was in a difficult situation because of her. But it also warmed her heart to see Arthur treat her niece as if she were his own daughter.
"I also wanted to ask if we can take Eli out for a walk," Amélie immediately tensed up. "Charles will be at the club until late tonight."
"Arthur, I don't want people to see us together and start speculating that you're also Eliane's father," she nervously requested. "And for some reason, I don't want us to run into him."
"I promise he won't be around. We can go to Princesse Antoinette Park. There won't be many people, and Charles doesn't visit that park often," Arthur suggested.
"Please, Amélie, Eliane deserves to know her home," Arthur pleaded. Amélie was about to argue when Arthur spoke again, "I don't mean Milan with its many buildings. I mean her true home."
She didn't know if it was worth taking such a risk. She had spent all this time keeping Eliane as far away as possible from the curious gazes of people, and now she was contemplating risking it all for a few minutes of entertainment.
"Mellie," her brother's voice called her attention. "Elie can't continue living in seclusion. She can't come to the place where her mom was happiest and stay locked up in the house all day."
Arthur looked at her brother gratefully, and he nodded gently.
"We have an escape plan. Everything will be fine."
"we go?" Eliane asked, looking at her two uncles.
Amélie sighed heavily and nodded her head gently.
He didn't know why he ended up there. He supposed it was because of his search for tranquility, the desire to be away from everyone for a moment. He felt frustrated because the conversation he had with Pierre a couple of hours ago had left him with many unanswered questions wandering in his mind. They were definitely hiding something big from him, and not knowing what they were referring to made him overthink everything.
Could Amélie be married? Could she have a boyfriend?
Just thinking about it made his stomach churn. The thought that he hadn't been good enough for her shattered his soul. Because it didn't matter if others saw him as insignificant, as long as he was enough for Amélie, everything was fine. But when he ceased to be enough for her, it felt like ten buckets of cold water were being poured over him, one after another. Suddenly, Charles Leclerc was no longer the confident guy who raced for Sauber.
He had been fine for a while, trying to convince himself that everything was okay and that maybe it was for the best. But over time, depression and anxiety attacks became more constant, and being good on the track wasn't enough because he knew that everyone out there loved him for the victories he could achieve, for how high he could elevate the name of his team. They didn't really care about Charles Leclerc; they only cared about il predestinato.
Far from all the suffering he went through with Amélie's departure, Charles only wished for her happiness. He knew she had achieved her dream because he had read about her work in the news, so he hoped that being apart from him had been beneficial for her, that she had a good life, and of course, he hoped to see her again. Charles held onto the hope that, upon seeing her again, the feelings would resurface. Perhaps he had watched too many romantic movies, perhaps he was clinging to something impossible, but being with Amélie always felt like the most beautiful romantic movie. So why not indulge in the illusion of a fairytale ending?
He adjusted his beanie over his ears as a gust of wind blew in. The temperature was dropping rapidly, so he probably wouldn't stay in that place for long. He would just appreciate the view a little longer and then leave.
He sighed deeply, crossing his arms to seek more warmth.
"Come, kitty, come."
The little voice made Charles turn his head, and there he found a small girl. She was wearing a brown overall over a gray sweatshirt, white shoes, and a matching hat, with a few strands of blonde hair peeking out. The Ferrari driver smiled at how curious she looked as she chased after a white cat that seemed to be playing with her.
He looked at her for a moment, feeling touched by the scene, then he snapped out of it and realized there was no one near the girl. He looked around and couldn't find any adult who seemed to be looking for her.
The cat ran between Charles' feet, quickly darting through the bushes that separated the park from the streets below. The girl ran after it, and Charles instinctively stopped her.
"Cat running!" she exclaimed, pointing at the animal as it leaped far away from there.
The racing driver's heart raced, and he took a moment to recover from the momentary fright.
"Come on! Cat!"
"We can't go there, ma jolie," he said gently as he lifted her off the ground. "Look, it's very high," he pointed downwards.
"Why?" she asked, looking at him intently, trying to figure out where she recognized the man's face from, as she was sure she had seen him before.
"If you go there, you can get hurt," he explained kindly. "Where is your mom?"
The girl then seemed to become aware of her mother's absence and started looking around, her little chest rising and falling quickly as she desperately searched. Her eyes became watery, and her hands started trembling.
"Calm down, sweetheart, we'll find your mom and...
The woman came running and practically snatched the girl from Charles' arms. He didn't blame her; if he were a father, he would have reacted the same way.
"She was chasing a cat and almost ran over there," the Ferrari driver explained.
The girl's mother was squatting down, examining her daughter from head to toe while muttering several curses in Italian.
"Don't worry, she's fine. I stopped her in time."
"You have no idea how grateful I ..."
The woman lifted her face, and both she and Charles were petrified.
It was her, it was Amélie, his Amélie.
His heart raced, and he felt his head spinning. It was as if the blood in his body had decided to abandon him at that very moment. A dreadful tingling sensation ran through him from head to toe, and his eyes began to fill with tears.
He couldn't believe that she was standing in front of him after all this time. He never thought he would see her again, let alone this close. For a moment, he wondered if he had started drinking again and was dreaming. He wondered if he had finally gone crazy and was hallucinating her.
It was the sound of her voice that made him realize that this was real. He knew it because, much to his dismay, Charles knew he was forgetting how her voice sounded. He no longer dreamed of the sound of her voice. But now that he heard it again, it was as if it had never stopped. It was like a melody in a music box, waiting for someone to wind it up and work its magic once more.
"Ma petite lune..."
Next: chapter 3.
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prncessniamh · 6 months
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a repórter se aproxima de você com um sorriso caloroso e muito amável. você percebe que ela claramente é uma pessoa versada na alta sociedade pela maneira como se porta e como se dirige a você. talvez, se você souber um pouco da rede jornalística oficial da frança, você reconheça o nome dela: amélie dupont, a mais recente âncora das rádios e jornais televisivos. ela é extremamente bem acompanhada de equipamentos novíssimos.“possui um tempo para dedicar a uma breve entrevista, vossa alteza/majestade? a frança adoraria escutar suas opiniões.”se aceitar, ela pergunta se deseja conduzir a entrevista no estúdio, nos jardins, ou onde você quiser, na verdade. fique o mais confortável possível para responder as questões abaixo.
Como vem sendo a sua estadia no palácio até o momento? Algum ponto negativo ou positivo? Chatíssima! Eu estou tendo que ser o meu próprio entretenimento já que não posso sair, não aguento ficar só em um lugar! Fora isso, está sendo ótima. Adoro interagir com pessoas e existem várias na mesma situação que eu.
Qual foi a coisa no palácio que mais te chamou a atenção? Nada? Eu frequento o palácio desde que me lembro, então não tem nada diferente do habitual... As belas mulheres?
O que as pessoas de seu país estão achando da sua presença aqui? Estão amando, com certeza. Sou uma ótima fonte de informações confiáveis, fofocas do bem... Fora que meu pai adorou ficar longe de mim por um tempo. Sei que estão todos morrendo de saudade, mas vão ter que aguentar esse sentimento um pouco mais.
O que a França tem que seu lar não? E o que acha que falta aqui? A Tony e eu, respectivamente.
Acredita que a seleção possa dar certo em seu país? Ou já existe alguma por lá? Nos conte mais. Ah, pra essa eu tenho uma resposta planejada. Finjam surpresa quando ouvirem, vai agradar muito todos que trabalham com a minha imagem... (piscadela) A Seleção seria algo maravilhoso para a Irlanda, não posso prometer nada, mas dando um pequeno spoiler... Quem sabe eu não seja a próxima princesa a ter uma dessas depois da Tony. Vocês gostariam disso?
Acha que o futuro da França estará em boas mãos pelo que já conheceu da princesa e das selecionadas? Isso é algo que eu tenho total convicção, pelo menos vindo da parte da Tony. Não conheci as selecionadas o suficiente para poder opinar sobre isso.
A França e seu país estarão mais unidos após esse evento ou menos? E por que? Menos, depois desse evento vai ser impossível que eu case com a Tony, como poderíamos nos unir mais do que assim? (risos) Esse evento é ótimo para estreitarmos laços e não somente com a França.
As selecionadas estão sendo bem receptivas com as realezas? Sim, arrisco assumir que simpatia é uma característica obrigatória para as selecionadas.
E por último e não menos importante, já tem a torcida pendendo para alguém? Eu tenho torcida negativa, serve? (risos) Eu decidi não opinar nisso, minha posição como melhor amiga da princesa pode acabar manipulando os resultados sem querer e eu quero que a Tony consiga escutar o coração.
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princealessio · 6 months
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A querida Amélie Dupont teve o prazer de encontrar o casal Alessio e Adelheid, príncipe e princesa consorte da Itália, conversando pelos corredores do castelo e aproveitou a chance para questiona-lós sobre suas torcidas, lugares favoritos no castelo e até mesmo .. uma possível seleção italiana? Conheça mais um pouco sobre a opinião da monarquia Itália de todo o processo nesta entrevista incrível com um dos casais mais queridos da Europa!
como vem sendo a sua estadia no palácio até o momento? algum ponto negativo ou positivo?
(O casal se encara por alguns segundos trocando um olhar apaixonado e um sorriso, antes de responder a pergunta) Alessio: "A estadia no palácio tem sido incrível, fomos muito bem recebidos e sempre há alguém à nossa disposição para ajudar. Está sendo muito divertido reencontrar com velhos amigos de outros países. Diria que não há nenhum ponto negativo no momento, apenas positivos." Adelheid: "Eu concordo, está sendo incrível aproveitar esse tempo também para conhecer um pouco mais dos novos convidados como as selecionadas e membros da realeza de outros países que não conhecíamos também! Vem sendo extremamente prazeroso esse tempo e esperamos que apenas melhore com o início da seleção"
qual foi a coisa no palácio que mais te chamou a atenção?
Adelheid: "Nós já conhecíamos o palácio antes, porém se eu tivesse que escolher um lugar que sempre me encanta com toda certeza seria o jardim. É ótimo passear por eles em um fim de tarde, ou até mesmo ler um livro sentindo a brisa das árvores .. tomar um chá da tarde nos jardins também é sempre agradável!" Alessio: "Concordo com a minha esposa, os jardins realmente são espetaculares, a vista é sempre deslumbrante. A única coisa que tenho que discordar é sobre tomar um chá, já que eu sou grande amante do café. (risos) As bibliotecas também me chamaram atenção, há muitos exemplares disponíveis, é um paraíso para os leitores."
o que as pessoas de seu país estão achando da sua presença aqui?
Alessio: "Acredito que meu povo está feliz com a minha presença aqui, ao mesmo tempo que sentem a nossa falta. (risos) Mesmo não tendo herdado o trono oficialmente, sempre estamos em contato com o povo, participando de grandes e pequenos eventos nas províncias e tenho certeza que nós deixamos as coisas mais divertidas."
o que a frança tem que seu lar não? e o que acha que falta aqui?
Adelheid: "Acredito que o que temos aqui na França e não temos no nosso país, atualmente, seria a presença de tantos monarcas! (risos) E uma coisa que nos falta aqui é a presença dos nossos familiares."
acredita que a seleção possa dar certo em seu país? ou já existe alguma por lá? nos conte mais.
Alessio: "Acho que poderia dar certo se fosse para os meus irmãos, se algum se interessar pela ideia, ainda assim seria diferente da que existe por aqui já que o herdeiro do trono já tem uma princesa consorte. (um sorriso apaixonado surgiu no rosto do príncipe italiano ao falar de sua esposa) Mas até o momento não temos uma seleção na Itália e não temos planos para que aconteça." Adelheid: "Poderia ser divertido ver uma seleção para os seus irmãos, mas não acredito que seja algo que está nos planos no momento! Eu sempre gostei do processo e, sinceramente, teria participado de uma anteriormente mas não existe necessidade pois encontrei amor de outra forma." ( entrelaçando os dedos ao do marido, a princesa sorriu igualmente apaixonada ao olhar para o marido )
acha que o futuro da frança estará em boas mãos pelo que já conheceu da princesa e das selecionadas?
Alessio: "Conhecemos a princesa Tony há muitos anos e sempre acreditamos no potencial dela como futura rainha da França, tenho certeza que ela vai encontrar a selecionada mais adequada para assumir o trono ao seu lado."
a frança e seu país estarão mais unidos após esse evento ou menos? e por que?
Alessio: "França e Itália sempre mantiveram boas relações, não vejo motivos para que isso mude, principalmente com a certeza de que a França estará em ótimas mãos. Acredito que a tendência é que nos tornamos ainda mais unidos, pelo menos essa é a minha intenção."
as selecionadas estão sendo bem receptivas com as realezas?
Adelheid: "Acredito que posso dizer por nós dois que estamos sendo muito bem recebidos por elas também, todas que tivemos o prazer de encontrar e conversar se provaram extremamente gentis e receptivas!"
e por último e não menos importante, já tem a torcida pendendo para alguém?
Adelheid: "Preferimos não declarar torcida ainda, temos muito o que conhecer ainda das selecionadas antes de termos uma torcida de fato então estaremos esperando os próximos dias do evento."
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fabseg-reader · 1 year
I've drawn Marinette and Adrien's Opposite counterparts.
Opposite Marinette (a.k.a. M.D.C.):
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Opposite Marinette Dupain-Cheng a.k.a. M.D.C. is an orphaned teenage girl who comes at Fathom Academy of Paris where she has school fees funded by his legal tutor: Colt Fathom. She works as intern at the Hôtel de Paris. She's an ambiguous character. She's a Miraculous holder too (she doesn't own the Ladybug earrings unlike her Canon counterpart). She has the same appearance as Canon Marinette but she has a scar on the face because of a fire that burned her home and that cost her parents' life.
Before Marinette's parents deaths, she had the same persona than her Canon counterpart. Since the tragic event until now, even if she's respected by classmates, she's emotionless coldhearted, introverted, intimidating: A fearsome "Ice queen".
In the Opposite Universe, Marinette has lost her parents in the bakery fire when she was 10-11. As the one survivor, She is taken in by the Fathom Family (and this against the agreement of his grandparents). Instead to be registred at collège Françoise Dupont, she is registred at the Fathom Academy of Paris as one of class representatives. She is the best student by excellence. Some people (like Adrien, Kagami, Fei, Luka, Cerise, Wayhem and Félix) work for helping her to retrieve happiness, faith and joy of the life.
Dislikes: people who resent pity for her, powerless status, lies, conspiracy, spying on her back, Rouge Chance, Alley Cat, negligency towards people, insecurity, fire (it's a trauma for her), rivalry.
Love interest: -CLASSIFIED-*
Opposite Adrien:
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Opposite Adrien Agreste (renamed Adrien Graham de Vanily) is a teenage boy who is Gabriel's and Émilie's son, later adopted by Colt and Amélie (meanwhile, it's Amélie who has his custody) and Félix's cousin (officially adoptive brother). He comes to Fathom Academy like Marinette/M.D.C. but (unlike to M.D.C. who is the model student) he is a dunce, a public troublemaker and a prankster that annoys too many people. He has a very bad reputation towards Parisians because of his behavior. Same appearance like his Canon counterpart expect for clothes (he sometimes changes his hairstyle too).
Before the loss of his parents in a plane crash, he had the same persona than his Canon counterpart. Devastated by the "accident", he's saddened. Adopted by his maternal aunt Amélie, sent at Fathom Academy by Colt but ignored by the latter, he's angered and frustated about his new life. In the present, he acts like a bad boy/delinquent just for fun. In reality, he is desperated. His actual persona reminds Félix and parts of both Chloé and Zoé from the Canon.
In the Opposite Universe, Adrien has been devastated by his parents' death caused by an explosion inside the private jet. Adrien and her tutor Nathalie weren't on the plane. After the crash, Fathom family adopted the orphan with Amélie as responsible parent. However, Colt is too busy by working on commercial affairs he hasn't nearly time for his son/heir and his new "son". For attract the attention on him, he commits mischieves (prank, provocation, vandalism, outrage, theft and offence). In consequences, he is rejected, blamed and hated by almost all Parisians (both adults and children) but he acts to don't care what other people think of him (similar chilhood to Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto). Only people who are worried about him are his aunt Amélie, Félix, Kagami, Luka, Wayhem and Marinette/M.D.C. his crush.
Likes: Marinette, Rouge Chance, Félix, Kagami, Amélie and making pranks.
Dislikes: lesson givers, moralists, people who talk bad words about his deceased parents, Colt Fathom, Cerise, Alley Cat (unknowning Cerise and Alley Cat are the same person).
Love interest: Marinette/M.D.C.
*Top secret: If it's classified ? So, it's CLASSIFIED !
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I'm joking. ^^
I leak present you Opposite Marinette/M.D.C.'s potential love interests (below):
Lila Cerise
Fei Wu
Full sketch here:
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 1 year
We are the Foxes
we are the foxes by Missnoodles
“I'm sorry, you want us to do what?” Alya exclaimed, dropping a half-eaten crustless egg sandwich onto her plate.
“Make some public appearances together, as a couple,” Amelie repeated.
“Yes, I heard you the first time, but what?”
In the wake of his father's defeat, all eyes are on Adrien Agreste, and his aunt has the perfect plan to ensure they look on him favorably: have him date the Ladyblogger. Surely, this is a foolproof plan, aside from some minor details, like her already being in a relationship. Or her best friend being in love with him. Or the fact that every person who'd attended Collège Françoise Dupont with them knew about her best friend's feelings. Or that fact that Alya doesn't know the first thing about dating someone in the public eye.
Other than those things, it's a totally foolproof plan.
Words: 1567, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alya Césaire, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Nino Lahiffe, Amélie Graham de Vanily
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Alya Césaire, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Nino Lahiffe
Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Alya Césaire Friendship, but they're pretending to date, Really it's, Established Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Post-Reveal Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Post-Defeat of Gabriel Agreste, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Needs a Hug, but other than that it's, Fluff and Humor, Fame, Jealous Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, yeah she knows it's fake she's just irrational, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46041187
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hecrtswish · 11 months
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NAME: Amélie Harriet Zoé Rose AGE: 24 NATIONALITY: British/French GENDER: female PRONOUNS: she/her SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual D.O.B:  august 8th, 1998 P.O.B: Avebury, United Kingdom FAMILY: - Harriet Jeanne Elise Rose neé Dupont † (mother) - Virgil Johnathan James Rose † (father) - Riley Jenson Virgil Rose (brother) SPECIES: human LANGUAGES: English, French, Russian OCCUPATION: Widow BACKGROUND: FACELAIM: Billie Eilish
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jojikilam · 2 years
Antoine el hage pole emploi
 ANTOINE EL HAGE POLE EMPLOI >> Telecharger vk.cc/c7jKeU
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journaldelacouronne · 3 months
Por: Amélie Dupont
Depois de muito tempo com a falta da interações públicas com as moças selecionadas por parte da princesa Margot Charlotte, durante e após as festividades do ano novo houveram diversas eliminações. Conforme as meninas iam saindo sem nem ao menos o público ter ideia do que se passava pelo evento que está recebendo fama mundial, conversamos com o idealista da Seleção, o Conselheiro Real Jacques Léfevre, que compartilhou conosco não apenas os relatórios oficiais das eliminações das selecionadas, mas como também confirmou as expectativas do público com relação à estrutura que estava sendo construída no centro de Paris: ao que tudo indica, teremos uma segunda temporada da Seleção acontecendo em breve. Jacques Léfevre: O luto da princesa com a morte do pai, os ferimentos gravíssimos acontecidos no primeiro dia, a necessidade de discursar em prol da segurança do Estado Monárquico e agora o quadro clínico de saúde vazado do irmão... Tudo aconteceu em tempos curtos demais para que Charlie estivesse inteiramente apta. Contudo, ao que tudo indica, as festividades de ano novo e o dia de respeito ao rei fizeram com que ela mudasse de atitude, começando um 2402 mais esperançoso e com energia para compensar o não comparecimento de encontros oficiais. A ideia de reformulação para a segunda temporada partiu da própria princesa: o estabelecimento de uma Casa de Vidro, que agora consta com doze meninas, cada uma representante das províncias faltantes. As pessoas poderão fazer perguntas para as selecionadas responderem, e as mais populares entre o público e nós do comitê oficial da Seleção, serão as seis novas concorrentes a terem oportunidade em concorrer pelo coração da princesa. Agradecemos imensamente pela paciência, e esperamos que se divirtam com essa nova fase. Abaixo, seguem os motivos das eliminações de cada selecionada, misturando os relatórios oficiais com contextos externos e informantes confiáveis.
Anna-Liesel Bourgeois Castel (Veloursaube)
Ao que foi reportado, Anna-Liesel foi a única que recebeu um convite formal da princesa para um encontro oficial. Todavia, a princesa foi vista aguardando na porta do palácio esperando sozinha por... Horas. Um motorista do palácio relatou que escutou a princesa xingando aquele cenário "inconcebível" porque "ela nunca havia tomado um fora antes". Como se não bastasse, ainda há a regra da Seleção que uma selecionada deve cooperar com a princesa em jantares, saídas e outras atividades. Ao receber a notícia da eliminação, Anna-Liesel contou ao Journal de la Couronne que havia dormido demais e não acordado a tempo para o encontro.
Annelise Evangeline Cadiuex (Chantemer)
Annelise já teve um relacionamento público com a princesa que teve um final público e não agradável, então pode ter sido uma surpresa quando foi escolhida. Mais surpresa ainda são as acusações que agora carrega sobre seus ombros: foi flagrada dentro do quarto do príncipe André por seu guarda, remexendo nas gavetas do rapaz e carregando alguns itens de uso pessoal do príncipe em uma pequena bolsa. As histórias circulando o que ela estava roubando variam, mas a verdade é que foi o suficiente para a princesa eliminá-la.
Cosette Soleil Benoit (Doucelune)
A selecionada foi eliminada por suspeitas de conexões e aliação rebelde com uma das ex-selecionadas que já haviam sido expulsas previamente por motivos semelhantes. Segundo chefes da investigação, o que alertou para apontar Cosette como foi aliciada aos Guardiões pouco antes da entrevista da selecionadas, na qual exibiu sua cópia da obra Lès Miserábles.
Elisábeth Céline Cabaillès (Rivièreclaire)
Segundo uma dama de companhia da Seleção que presenciou a eliminação de Céline, a conversa que se procedeu entre a selecionada e a princesa se seguiu da seguinte forma: Céline desabafou à princesa que não se sentia apta dentro da competição por se sentir deslocada entre as outras selecionadas, ao que a princesa respondeu "Ok, com essa atitude então pode sair". A dama de companhia relata que nem ela ou a selecionada acreditaram que havia sido um pedido sério até o anúncio oficial do dia seguinte.
Kannika Saengchan (Westbrook, antiga Etóilemont)
Kannika recentemente deu sua entrevista na revista de engenharia de Westbrook anunciando sua partida da Seleção e agradecendo a oportunidade e à princesa. Nela, diz que "foi um momento mágico que me permitiu conhecer muitas pessoas. Dentre elas, [...] o barão Francis Lacourte que agora está financiando as pesquisas da minha família de forma integral. A princesa foi gentil o suficiente para me escutar e me dispensar apenas pelo meu pedido. Obrigada!".
Laurence Mackenzie Seydoux (Castelmaine)
Segundo as redes sociais da princesa, que não se segurou em detalhar a história, Laurence não havia se dado bem com Napoleão, seu cachorro da raça São Bernardo. Nos posts, segundo a princesa, Laurence havia dito que o cachorro tinha "uma baba nojenta" e que "os pelos dele estragavam suas roupas". A gota d'água foi o cachorro ter puxado a toalha de mesa do jantar que a princesa e a selecionada compartilhavam; ao primeiro xingamento para o animal, a princesa revidou com a declaração da eliminação.
Maelle Gwan D'Orbigny (Neigefleur)
Maelle é uma atleta de hipismo e uma designer de joias conhecida por toda a França por seu carisma e ser um rosto carimbado nas mais variadas festas. Portanto não foi surpreendente que a moça foi flagrada distribuindo convites para uma festa clandestina que tentou organizar no Petit Trianon, um pequeno palácio mais afastado utilizado pela família real para eventos curtos. Isso foi considerado tentativa e trama de invasão de privacidade pública do Estado, e portanto foi eliminada.
Mehlika Payan (Courtenay)
Havia uma grande especulação sobre o nome de Mehlika por estar sempre comentando sobre o nome "Antoine" e estar associando ao seu pato de estimação da província. Contudo, segundo testemunhas de dentro da competição, a selecionada não apenas mentia sobre o animal de estimação, mas como também estava envolvida romanticamente com o guarda Antoine Boulevard, os dois vistos aos beijos no lado do palácio e um dos pertences da moça foi encontrado dentro do quarto do guarda. Jacques diz que uma investigação separada foi solicitada pela família da selecionada após sua saída, junto com a do guarda após a demissão, e ao que indica houve sabotagem dentro da competição. Ainda não há confirmação de quem foram os envolvidos na eliminação de Mehlika, e por mais que não haja mais possibilidade de volta pelo desejo da própria princesa que não foi totalmente convencida pelo anúncio de sabotagem, a ex-selecionada, sua família e o guarda estão sendo financeiramente recompensados pelo transtorno.
Zoey Jacquemoud (Montfleur)
Sem muitas aparições e grande destaque nos momentos da Seleção até o momento, Zoey foi vista cumprimentando a princesa no ano novo sem a utilização de pronomes de tratamento da nobreza, e a chamando somente pelo primeiro nome, Margot. Não se sabe se houve mais algum motivo para a eliminação, mas foi a última interação entre as duas antes da confirmação que estava fora da competição.
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stardxxstbae · 11 months
Previous: The Cast
word count: 5.4k (i'm so sorry)
warnings: accidental pregnancy, sexual content (kinda, is very brief ) mentions of an attempt of abortion.
The night was cool enough for her to hug herself in search of warmth, but not enough to make her want to return to her hotel room.
She approached the improvised bonfire that her friends had made and sighed as she felt a pleasant warmth flood her body. She looked at the scene in front of her—the guys were playing and jumping into the water, while the girls tried to escape the same fate.
Not all of them were her friends. She was more of one person’s friend there, and that person had invited her to a gathering with many more people. But she didn't complain. She had always loved the beach, and if she was honest, that group of friends seemed quite pleasant.
"Are you hiding?" a playful voice asked from behind her.
Amélie turned slowly, finding herself face to face with that guy from the group who had caught her attention. She was surprised she hadn't seen him before, considering they were both from Monaco. His name was Charles, just a couple of years older than her. He had messy hair, beautiful eyes, and a smile that caused dimples to form on his cheeks—dimples that Amélie had refrained from touching all day.
"Of course," she laughed, turning her gaze back to the group. "If I let them soak me now, I won't stop shivering for the rest of the trip."
Charles noticed how the girl hugged herself, and quickly took off his jacket to put it on her shoulders. Amélie smiled softly and adjusted the garment to keep her warmer.
"Thank you," she whispered. Charles smiled at her as he sat down next to her on the sand. "You know, I'm sure I haven't seen you before in Monaco, but your face seems very familiar."
"Oh... You probably know my brother, Arthur. He's at home more often than I am."
The girl's eyes widened in surprise. Suddenly, the pieces started coming together, and the resemblance was so evident that it felt embarrassing.
"So that was it!" she said, genuinely excited. Charles smiled again, and Amélie tightly clasped her hands to keep from burying her fingers in his dimples. "Nice to meet you, Charles Leclerc."
The girl extended her hand, smiling friendly. Leclerc's stomach filled with butterflies at Amélie's beautiful smile. He took her hand and shook it gently, feeling breathless as their skin touched.
They had introduced themselves before, of course, but they only knew each other's names. Charles wanted to know everything about her. Perhaps her last name wasn't a big deal, but he had to start somewhere.
"Pleased to meet you, Amélie..."
"Dupont. Amélie Dupont."
"It's a beautiful name, Amélie."
He repeated her name once more, savoring it on his lips as if it were the most exquisite thing. Amélie, on the other hand, was enchanted by the way her name sounded coming from Charles' lips.
"You have beautiful dimples," she blurted out without thinking. Despite the poor lighting, she noticed that Charles had blushed. "Can you smile again so I can see them?"
"Of course, Amélie."
"Where are you taking me, Arthur?"
The younger Leclerc didn't respond. Instead, he continued pulling the blonde girl's hand. She let out an audible groan as she tried to remove the blindfold covering her eyes.
"Hey, that's cheating!" Arthur exclaimed when he realized what she was doing. "What part of surprise don't you understand?"
"I'm impatient, okay?"
"Annoying, that's what you are," he teased, and Amélie managed to locate him and playfully hit him in the stomach. "Ouch, Ames!"
"You're the annoying one," she complained, growing impatient with not being able to see. "Where are we?"
"You need to pay more attention at school if you don't understand the concept of surprise."
"It’s okay, Arthur."
A third voice joined them, one that Amélie knew perfectly well. Her smile widened, and the anxiety disappeared from her body as if it had been wiped away with a cloth. It didn't matter anymore where they were or what they were doing there, or even if Arthur was incredibly annoying. Nothing mattered because Charles, her Charles, was there.
Amélie didn't know when, but Arthur had already left, leaving them alone.
"What is all of this about, Charles?"
The elder Leclerc let out a chuckle, unable to hide his nerves. He could never hide his nerves when he was near Amélie. He took her hand, and she smiled, causing Leclerc's heart to race.
"Well... I wanted to do something for you before I leave again," he explained briefly. "But first... wait."
He stood behind her, and Amélie wasn't quite sure what he was doing. But when she felt something cold on her chest, she knew he had put a necklace on her. Then she felt Charles' fingers on the back of her neck, barely grazing her skin but eliciting a sigh that made him smile. His fingers gently traced up through her hair until they reached the knot of the blindfold covering her eyes. He quickly untied it, and Amélie could finally see her surroundings.
They were in Charles' apartment. She had been there a couple of times before, but she had never seen it as beautiful as it was at that moment. The balcony door was open, and outside there was a small table with two chairs, set up for a lovely dinner.
"Charles?" she asked with curiosity, and he shrugged, smiling softly.
"Look," he said, pointing to his chest.
She lowered her gaze, observing the necklace that Charles had put on her a few seconds ago. It was a delicate golden chain with a tiny red heart-shaped gem pendant. The charm was barely visible, and Charles felt a bit embarrassed, but he had bought it with his own money and had spent hours choosing it.
"I know it's not much..."
"It's beautiful."
She wasn't just trying to be polite. Amélie genuinely looked at the necklace with adoration, as if it were the best gift she had ever received. And it actually was. She had received hundreds of luxurious and extravagant gifts, but none of them were as beautiful as that necklace.
"I wanted you to have a part of me when I'm away," he said, scratching his neck. "Amélie..."
"I really like you," he murmured nervously, taking her hands. "But I don't want this to be ruined because I'm always away."
"Charlie," she whispered, looking at him sweetly. "It doesn't matter that you're far away. As long as we see the same moon and you don't forget about me, and I don't forget about you, everything will be fine."
"Would you let me be your boyfriend?" he asked on impulse. "I promise I won't forget about you when I'm away, and I'll always come back to you."
He had spoken quickly, causing Amélie to giggle. She quickly took his face in her hands and stood on tiptoe to press a kiss on his lips.
"Of course, Charlie."
Leclerc smiled broadly, and Amélie dared to leave a kiss on one of his dimples.
"You shouldn’t be here," Charles said, laughing, but Amélie just shrugged her shoulders, moving her head to the rhythm of the music. "If our parents find out about this, they'll kill me."
"Come on, Charlie, nothing will happen if we sneak away for a while," she said, taking his hand and pulling him towards the dance floor.
Amélie didn't particularly enjoy those kinds of places, but when she heard the song, she knew they had to go in. It was the same song they had heard together the day they met, as there was a party a few meters away from their spot on the beach, playing only 80s songs that Amélie loved thanks to her grandmother and her parents.
Charles wasn't a fan of old songs, at least not until he met Amélie. After that, every time he heard one, he imagined what it would have been like if they had both lived in those times.
And now there he was, dancing to "Hands up" by Ottawan with the girl of his dreams, whose English became fluent as she sang along.
And he loved every single part of it.
Charles was young, and many people had told him not to settle down, that he had so much ahead of him, that Amélie would just be another one of his girlfriends, and that it wouldn't last a lifetime. But he believed that all of that was a load of bullshit. It wasn't just a teenage impulse; he couldn't imagine his life without her. He had eyes only for her, and he had no interest in being with anyone other than Amélie.
He loved her.
As the thought crossed his mind, a whirlwind of emotions stirred in his stomach. However, the moment he laid eyes on her blonde hair swaying to the rhythm of the music and her blue eyes gleaming with excitement, a sense of serenity washed over him.
"I love you," he said for the first time.
Amélie felt like her heart would burst out of her chest, unsure if it was from dancing so much or because Charles' words had completely shaken her.
"I love you, Amélie. I love you. I love you. I love you," he said, placing kisses all over her face.
She burst into laughter with each touch and hugged Charles tightly, not wanting to get lost in the crowd of people who were still dancing ecstatically.
"I love you too, Charles."
"What about you, Amélie?" her friends asked, and she paid attention to their words. "What's the biggest fight you've had with Charles?"
"The biggest fight?" she tried to remember, searching deep within her memories, but she was surprised to find nothing. "Charles and I don't fight."
"Come on!"
"It's true!" she defended herself with laughter. "Of course, we've had disagreements because we have different points of view, but we can always resolve it peacefully."
"They are like the perfect couple," one of Amélie's best friends muttered. "You won't find a single flaw in them."
Amélie rolled her eyes and got up from where she was sitting to go to the bar for another piña colada.
"She's unbearable as if she wants to rub her perfect relationship in our faces."
"I'm sure it's just a façade," one of the girls in the group whispered as Amélie walked away. "Charles is a race car driver; he probably has girls wherever he goes."
Amélie heard that comment just as she returned from the bar, but she decided to ignore it, although the idea lingered in her mind throughout the afternoon.
"You're very quiet. Is something wrong?" he asked, genuinely concerned. "Is everything okay?"
Amélie sighed heavily and set her fork down on the plate, shaking her head as she lowered her gaze.
"It's something silly, but I can't help but let it affect me," she murmured. "This afternoon, someone said that you probably have many girls wherever you go."
Charles furrowed his brow and clenched his jaw. He didn't like people assuming things about him, but he especially disliked seeing Amélie being hurt by such absurd comments. She wasn't an insecure person, but it was difficult to brush off those remarks when she heard them so often.
"Ma petite lune," he cooed, focusing all his attention on her, extending his hand across the table to reach for hers.
Amélie placed her hand on top of his but didn't lift her gaze.
"I know it's silly, but after hearing the same thing for a while, my head starts believing all the nonsense they say."
“Don't worry, I know it's difficult," he gently stroked the back of her hand and looked at her with a smile as if apologizing. "None of that is true, my love. I only want to be with you, okay? I wouldn't throw away something so precious for something that wouldn't even be worth it. Never."
And Charles meant it. Although he understood that doubts might assail Amélie's mind, he planned on reminding her that it wasn't true whenever she needed it.
“AMÉLIE!" Charles's sudden shout startled her
"What's wrong?" she asked anxiously as she got up from her spot on Charles's bed. He was crying. "Is everything okay?"
Tears were flowing uncontrollably, and it was challenging for Amélie to regain control. Charles held her tightly and refused to let go. The blonde's anguish grew with each passing second, as she had not yet received an answer and needed to know what was happening.
"Breathe, sweetheart, breathe," She said when he finally released her. She stroked his hair, and Charles smiled through his tears. "What's wrong, Charlie?"
"I did it, Mellie. I'm in Formula 1."
It was Amélie's turn to cry as she hugged Charles tightly. Because it felt so good to know that he was achieving his dream, and she felt incredibly fortunate to be able to share it with him. Charles was immensely talented, and Amélie was sure he could go far. He could become a world champion, and this was just another step towards that goal.
That night they cried a lot and talked about the future. Charles was filled with excitement, knowing that Amélie would be by his side every step of the way.
"Would you like to get married?" he suddenly asked, gently stroking her back.
"Eventually, I would like to," she murmured, nodding, and Charles smiled. “What about you?"
"I wasn't too fond of the idea of marriage before. But if it's with you, I would gladly do it," he left a soft kiss on her forehead, making her sigh. "If I don't marry you, I won't marry anyone else."
"I’m not lying!" he said, laughing before looking at her more seriously "I mean it."
She nodded, believing his words. It wasn't the first time they had talked about their desires, but it was the first time it felt so serious. Instead of scaring them, it brought them a sense of peace. They weren't just fantasizing; they were making plans that now held more weight and could be easily realized.
They were eighteen and twenty, but neither of them wanted to go through the typical teenage experimentation. Both of them had their own desires but also shared the dream of living together and starting a family. It was a desire they hadn't shared with anyone else because they preferred to keep that kind of things just for themselves. What did others matter when they were happy together?
"Would you like to have kids?"
"I would go crazy if I had a child, Amélie," he said with a laugh, and then his gaze softened. "Not in a bad way, but I think I would leave everything behind and give my all for my family, just like Dad did for me."
It still hurt to talk about his dad, but Charles was always happy to remember him.
"Would you really leave everything behind?" she asked, astonished. "Even if we had a child now?"
"I would," he affirmed.
"No!" she exclaimed, laughing. "You couldn't do that."
"Of course, I could!" he furrowed his brow while smiling. "But, again, I wouldn't have children if it weren't with you."
"Come on, Charles."
"It's true," he murmured, looking at her intently. "You ruined me for every girl out there, Amélie. You've got me trapped."
She clung tightly to his back, knowing that she might leave marks, but neither of them cared. He was too lost in her to think about anything else but the sounds coming from her lips.
"Charles..." she whimpered, her eyes teary and her lips swollen.
"I know, princess," he muttered, pressing his fingers a little harder into the blonde's hip. "Do it with me, okay?"
She nodded, unable to utter any word other than his name. And when he buried his face in her neck and bit her gently, she couldn't hold back any longer, and a small cry escaped from her lips. Her body trembled slightly, and every muscle in her convulsed with pleasure. Charles noticed it and couldn't hold back any longer.
And then he felt it, something had definitely happened, the sensation had changed, but he was too absorbed in the pleasure of his orgasm to pay attention to anything else.
"Is everything all right?" he asked once his accelerated breathing allowed him to, and Amélie nodded. "Okay..."
He left a gentle kiss on her forehead and then began to slowly withdraw from inside her.
Something was wrong. He noticed it immediately and didn't hesitate to check.
"Shit," he muttered when he realized.
"Don't panic " he pleaded, causing Amélie to sit up immediately.
"What's wrong?"
"The condom broke" he murmured, thinking about what to do. "I'm sorry, love..."
It took her a moment to process that information because everything had happened so quickly that the thoughts hadn't fully settled in her mind.
"I felt something like a snap, but it was too late to stop anyway," he muttered through clenched teeth. "Forgive me, angel, I should have stopped immediately."
“Don't worry, it wasn't your fault" she said, her mind becoming clearer, suddenly recalling her last appointment with the gynecologist and feeling a wave of relief wash over her body. "These things happen. Besides, I’m on the pill again, remember?"
That was the calm in the storm for both of them. Neither of them had remembered it until that moment, and when they did, their souls returned to their bodies.
"So, everything is fine then?" the pilot asked to make sure.
"I hope so" she whispered, and he nodded. "I'll ask the doctor next time."
"Let me know when your next appointment is, okay? I want to go with you."
She emerged from the bathroom once again, looking pale, with slight dark circles under her blue eyes.
"What did you eat?" her friend asked, getting up from the couch, visibly concerned. "Ames, you look terrible."
She took her arm and helped her sit on the couch, covering her with one of the blankets she had there. Amélie thanked her and curled up under the blanket, wanting to feel warm. She was used to the winters in Monaco—not extreme, but still somewhat cold. However, this month she had been so busy with school that she felt extremely tired.
"I just need some rest."
"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" her friend jokingly.
"No, I've had my period regularly since what happened in Russia," she said with confidence.
"I've heard of girls who still have their period even when they're pregnant," her friend said, no longer joking. She knew that Amélie had been worried about that for quite some time.
“Should I take a test?” she asked, nervousness taking over her voice
“Well... if you want to be completely sure, you should do it, " the Spanish girl said, shrugging her shoulders. "I know you've been somewhat stressed about the situation. How about I go and buy you a test?"
—Okay, that sounds good. Thank you, Liv.
Her trembling hands held one of the three tests Olivia had bought for her. Her breathing was rapid and she had her eyes closed. She didn't want to open them; she was afraid. Everything would have been much easier if Charles were with her. He would know what to say and do to calm her down. But he was in Italy, about to find out if he had the opportunity to drive for Ferrari or not, and Amélie wouldn't dare interrupt such an important moment.
Finally, she gathered the courage to open her eyes. The two red lines were the first thing she saw, and Amélie felt her soul leave her body. This couldn't be happening.
She let go of that test and quickly grabbed the other two to check them. They all had the same result: two red lines.
Her mind clouded, and although she tried to make it to the bathroom door quickly, she couldn't. She fainted before she could even let Olivia know what was happening.
"I came as soon as Arthur called," Charles said, lying down on the bed beside her. "How are you feeling, love?"
"I'm better, it was just stress," she reassured him with a small smile.
Amélie hadn't wanted to say anything, at least not yet. Only she and Olivia knew about her pregnancy. She wanted to wait, although she wasn't sure what she was waiting for. She just didn't want to tell Charles anything yet.
"Are you sure? We can go to the doctor" he said, taking her hand.
"No, I'm fine, don't worry," she said, squeezing his hand. "Tell me how things went in Maranello. What did they say?"
Charles's eyes immediately lit up, and it brought so much joy to Amélie that she was on the verge of tears.
"They want me at Ferrari, Mellie," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm starting this season."
"Charles!" she shouted, her voice filled with excitement. Unable to contain herself, she threw herself into his arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I told you you would make it. I'm so proud of you and so happy for you, my love."
But when the initial excitement and joy faded, doubts crept in. This was a huge step in Charles's career, it was what he had always dreamed of, and now Amélie found herself in a situation that, to be honest, didn't favor anyone.
And the dream of having a family with Charles wasn’t bigger than the happiness of letting him fulfill his dream.
"...I think I would leave everything behind and give everything for my family, just like Dad did for me."
Charles's words echoed in her head, and she knew he wasn't lying. She knew him well enough to know that it would put him in a very difficult situation. Amélie didn't want that, she just wanted Charles to be happy, to fulfill every one of his dreams, and of course, she wanted to be with him... but not by ruining his life.
It was time for Charles to focus on his career, to give his all to become the best driver on the grid, and not to worry about being a father.
Amélie definitely couldn't tell him, but most importantly, she couldn't have it. Because she didn't feel ready either, because she was scared.
—Ames... — Arthur's hands trembled.
It hadn't been his intention to come across that. He was just looking for the bag Amélie had asked for, and the pregnancy tests had fallen out of it.
Arthur wasn't stupid; he knew what they were, and he also knew they were positive. But a thousand questions swirled in his mind, along with a thousand answers. It explained many things but left many others in doubt.
Amélie's face turned pale, her stomach churned, and her breathing became erratic.
"Are you... pregnant, Amélie?"
"Please don't tell Charles!" she pleaded, gripping him by the arms.
Arthur observed her tearful eyes, the way her body trembled, and how her chest rose and fell rapidly. He feared the worst and even felt a sting of betrayal.
"Because if you do, he'll leave everything behind, and it's not the right time for that. He needs to pursue his dream, Arthur. He doesn't need this," she said, pointing to her belly.
A sense of relief washed over the younger Leclerc as he realized his initial theory was wrong.
"But he has the right to know; it's his baby..."
"I know, but it's not going to happen, Arthur," she said, more resolute this time. "Think about how you would feel in his position and how much it would jeopardize everything."
He thought about it carefully, and Amélie was right. If he were in Charles's shoes, he wouldn't know how to react or what to do, but he probably wouldn't want it because his career would be overshadowed by the responsibility of being a father.
"Promise me you won't say anything," she pleaded once again. "Do it for him, please."
"All right..."
She had decided not to have it, but she couldn't go to a clinic because, in Monaco, everyone knew Charles, they knew he was her boyfriend, and the rumors wouldn't take long to appear.
"Don't worry, Mellie, we're here, right Arthur?" She nudged the younger one, and he nodded.
Olivia's mother was a doctor, so Liv had no problem getting information about a method to terminate the pregnancy without having to go to a clinic. She also had no trouble obtaining the medication.
Arthur and she had offered to accompany her throughout the process, and the youngest of the Leclerc family had supported her unconditionally and suddenly become quite protective of her.
"Arthur, I'm so sorry," she pleaded tearfully, looking at him as if begging for forgiveness.
He approached her and knelt, taking both of her hands in his.
"You don't have to apologize, Ames," he said, his hand gently caressing her cheek. "It's your decision, and no one will blame you for it, understand?"
Amélie nodded and wiped her face with the sleeve of her hoodie.
"Can you give me a moment alone?" she asked.
"Of course, sweetheart," Olivia took Arthur by the arm, and they both left the room.
When Amélie was alone in the room, her thoughts became chaotic. She couldn't deny that in the past few days, she had started fantasizing about what it would be like to start a family with Charles. It was a dream, and the idea of becoming a mother had settled in her mind so naturally that she found herself absentmindedly caressing her belly on several occasions.
And now, her desire to become a mother was equal in strength to her desire to see Charles fulfill his dream.
She held back a sob as she looked at the box of medication her best friend had given her, wondering if she was truly capable of going through with it. Many times, she had convinced herself that it was a way to erase a mistake, an inconvenience. But then, a thought that had been quite recurrent invaded her mind.
Amélie realized that what was growing inside her was just a manifestation of the love between her and Charles. It had come at a very inconvenient time, but it hadn't been created with any less love.
However, she truly didn't want to hold Charles back. He had so much ahead of him.
How could she do both?
She thought for a moment, and everything seemed to make more sense, even though it broke her heart.
She got up from the bed and walked to the door, opening it and peeking her head out. Both of them looked at her with concern, and Arthur was the first to approach. Amélie opened the door fully and broke down in tears once again, and her brother-in-law held her in his arms, gently stroking her back.
"I can't do it, Arthur, I can't."
"It's okay, calm down. Everything is going to be okay."
January 2019
"Why are you telling me this?" Charles asked, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. "Why are you telling lies, Amélie?"
"It's not a lie, Charles."
Amélie seemed calm on the outside, but inside, she was in agony because she was doing something she never thought she would do, and her heart knew it.
"Mellie, I love you. We have plans together, and now we can make them happen."
The lump in the blonde's throat grew, and she had to take a moment to hold back tears. Her heart was telling her to stop, to pause, and talk to him because he would understand. But the logical part of her knew that Charles would stop focusing on his career and put all his effort into their baby, and all the hard work he had put in so far would go to waste.
"My plans no longer align with yours, Charlie. I want to go out into the world and work on my designs. I want to be a great designer."
"We can do it together, Mellie!" he exclaimed, grabbing her arms, visibly frustrated. "You can come with me to the races, and we'll find someone there who can support your designs! We'll focus on your growth if that's what you want..."
"No, no, no, Charles," Amélie pulled away from his grasp and began packing her bags. "I want you to focus on yourself. You're doing amazing, and I know you'll do even better."
"No, Amélie, please."
"Charles, please... Don't make this harder," she said, wiping her face. "If you love me, then you'll understand that this is the best thing for us, please."
"Are you going to come back?"
"Promise me you'll come back to me one day, Amélie. Promise me."
"Perhaps someday," she murmured. "I want you to fulfill your dreams first and let me fulfill mine."
"Do not stop looking at the moon, Amélie, never stop looking at the moon," he sobbed, pulling her into an embrace and giving her one last kiss, breaking the blonde's heart completely, and causing her to sob. "I will always love you, ma petite lune."
"I will always love you too, Charles."
"Don't forget to call every night," Arthur warned her. "Send me the schedule of your doctor's appointments, I'll do the impossible if necessary to be there for all of them."
"Okay," she nodded softly, smiling as she gave him one last hug. "I'm going to miss you so much, Arthur."
"And I'll miss you too," he said, looking at her with sadness. "Don't worry too much, okay? You’ll be fine, I'll take care of whatever is needed."
"Thank you, that's thoughtful of you," Olivia said, patting him on the shoulder as she walked toward the entrance
"I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about my niece and Ames," he frowned. "Anyway... Take care, all right?"
"Of course, we will."
July 2019
Arthur rushed through the hospital corridors, still wearing his racing suit, holding the trophy they had given him, and feeling incredibly tired. But Amélie's call had surprised him immediately after stepping off the podium, so he hadn't taken any time for himself. He insisted on getting a flight to Milan right away.
"Is Miss Amélie Dupont here?" he asked at the reception desk.
"Room 207," the nurse pointed out, and he started running again. "It's on the other side."
"Thank you."
He reached the room and opened the door without much care, startling the nurse who was inside.
"Only family members are allowed in," the nurse complained.
Amélie chuckled and sighed.
"It's okay, he's family," she said, laughing.
Arthur entered the room slowly, taking in every detail. Amélie was lying in the bed, wearing a dreadful hospital gown, her skin free of makeup, and she had dark circles under her eyes. But she didn't look upset; on the contrary, she appeared incredibly happy, and Arthur couldn't help but smile upon seeing her. His eyes traveled to Amélie's arms, and a shiver ran down his spine as he saw the small bundle nestled between them.
"Are you the father?" the nurse asked as she checked something on Amélie's monitors.
"Uncle" he corrected, smiling proudly.
"Congratulations. I'll leave you alone for a moment."
As soon as the nurse left, Arthur practically sprinted to Amélie's bed, approaching with gentleness to see the baby. Amélie adjusted the blankets so that he could fully admire the baby's face.
She was so tiny, extremely tiny; her lips formed a little pout that completely melted Arthur's heart. His heart swelled with happiness and pride at seeing her there, simply existing.
A lump formed in his throat, and he wiped away the treacherous tears that threatened to roll down his cheeks.
"Uncle Arthur brought you something, beautiful," he whispered as if she could hear him, lifting the trophy he carried as if the baby could see it. "It's for you. Today I won for you."
Amélie couldn't contain her tears because she could vividly imagine Charles saying those words. Their voices were so eerily similar that she even closed her eyes and imagined him for a second.
"Do you want to hold her?" Amélie asked, her voice trembling, and Arthur nodded eagerly before placing the trophy elsewhere. "Be careful."
He gently cradled her in his arms, taking utmost care as she seemed to slip through his arms due to how tiny she was.
"Hello, my little angel," he whispered, smiling, unable to control the tears now rolling down his cheeks. "I'm your Uncle Arthur, and I love you. It makes me so happy that you're here." He softly brought his lips closer to the baby's head and placed a gentle kiss on it. "Do you have a name yet?"
"Eliane Juliette," Amélie murmured. "Juliette is for Jules... I know he won't know, but I know he would have wanted it."
"Eliane Juliette Leclerc," he whispered with adoration, giving her another kiss. "Welcome to the world."
Next: Chapter 1
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Gerard Cédric Berger-Lacroix is a 38-years-old African-European man. Born of a Cameroonian mother, Nadine Berger, and a French father, Cyril Lacroix, Gerard was mostly raised in France, his home city Strasbourg in the north-east of the country.
Since childhood Gerard had showed a disposition towards the military career, thanks to his love for precision, schedules and hard work; his family could not expect anything less, since the Lacroix’s had a military history of great relevance.
His studies were focused on his future as an operative soldier, the peak of it was the admission at the illustrious École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr where he impressed most of his superiors thanks to his dedication, his determination, his love for his country and his innate skill as a leader. Gerard’s military career started officially on his 22nd birthday as a special operative on the German-French border, where hundreds of rebellious omnics had formed a command centre. In six months, Gerard’s war merits gained him a place as his unit’s commander, and later commander of the entire platoon. What Gerard excelled at was covert ops, information gathering and espionage-oriented missions; he was offered a place in DGSE, France’s external intelligence agency, but he preferred to continue his career inside the military.
Gerard’s platoon worked closely with Overwatch during the Omnic Crisis, and in particular, due to its deployment, with Overwatch member Reinhardt Willhelm. When the war was won, Lacroix’s name was suggested as a member for the newly founded Overwatch covert team Blackwatch.
There, Gerard worked closely with Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morrison (under the callsign “Prophète”) to flesh out the team and its objective; and it became clear that one of Blackwatch’s main objectives had to be stopping Talon.
Shortly after, in Paris, Gerard met the étoile ballerina Amélie Guillard. He was 27. In a year, he and Amélie got married. In the meanwhile, Gerard’s career inside the organization proceeded fast. Thanks to his successful operations devised against Talon, Lacroix was assigned his own squad, named Overwatch Anti-Terrorism Division (OWATD) whose duty was to operate espionage and counter-espionage missions against major terroristic organizations (Talon, Beznă, and several others); to put it in Morrison’s words, Gerard’s division was “Blackwatch’s public façade”. For five years Gerard (known as “Le Étranger”) had been more than a thorn in Talon’s side, costing their criminal empire great losses in money and operatives. Talon’s counter-attack didn’t take long though: Amélie, Gerard’s wife, was kidnapped and Gerard moved heaven and earth to retrieve her from their hands.
Bringing her home, anyhow, didn’t help Gerard to cope with his burning sense of failure and disappointment in himself… on the contrary, it only caused him more fears. Gerard was not, indeed, a fool, for just a fool would think Talon would give up the ace up their sleeve so easily as they had given up on Amélie. He hated himself for thinking ill of his wife, yet he could not rest at night, watching her ever so peacefully closing her eyes and cuddle next to him. You are just being paranoiac, elle est ta mignonne Amélie, Gerard. And yet, she had that gaze… Lacroix made a deal with an old friend of his, Jean Dupont, now working for France SS; had Gerard stopped reporting for more than six hours, he had to be considered dead. Amélie attempted to poison Gerard on Christmas day. Gerard was 33. Thankfully, Jean rescued Gerard before it was too late, but there was no turning back for Amélie. And, in a certain way, for Gerard too.
Overwatch declared him and Amélie dead. The first hypothesis formulated involved Talon in the murder of the Lacroix spouses. Gerard never bothered to correct Overwatch; Gerard was no longer Gerard indeed.
Born again with the name “Le Pendu”, Gerard’s only life goal is to destroy Talon piece by piece to pay them back for the existence they robbed him of… and to bring Amélie back. He has raided one of Talon’s facilities in Europe, only to acquire insight and data on Project Widowmaker. In this occasion, Gerard has stolen the blueprints of Widowmaker’s Recon Visor.
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duancocobay · 4 years
MIRACULOUS | 🐞 CATALYST (Heroes' day – part 1) – Akumatized 🐞 | Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
► Subscribe for new videos every week! ► Miraculous Ladybug Specials ► Miraculous Ladybug Interviews
MIRACULOUS – TALES OF LADYBUG & CAT NOIR OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL Two high-school students, Marinette and Adrien, are chosen to become Paris’ superheroes: Ladybug and Cat Noir. They each have a Miraculous, a jewel linked to their the magical creatures (Kwamis) that give them powers.
Their mission is to keep Hawk Moth – who wants to steal their Miraculouses – from wreaking havoc on the town by creating increasingly dangerous supervillains – all while living their high school lives and keeping their identities secret.
At school, Marinette has a crush on Adrien but cannot tell him, so she acts awkwardly whenever he’s around. As a superhero, Cat Noir loves Ladybug, but his ego annoys her: Marinette prefers Adrien anyway! Throughout the school year and their adventures, Ladybug discovers many nice qualities in Cat Noir while Marinette grows ever closer to Adrien, making huge efforts to overcome her shyness.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng a.k.a. Ladybug is an aspiring fashion designer at Collège Françoise-Dupont. Marinette is sweet, joyful, and a bit awkward, but respected by her peers. She has a big crush on Adrien, whom she can barely speak to out of nervousness and embarrassment; her best friend Alya is often seen trying to help Marinette declare her love to him, although it ends in disaster. She can transform into the superheroine “Ladybug” with the help of her Kwami, Tikki, to defend Paris with her crime-fighting partner Cat Noir. Her special superpower, Lucky Charm, creates an object and allows her to identify other key objects that she can use with the created object to defeat the villains. Among the superheroes that use Miraculous, she is responsible for capturing and purifying the akuma butterflies. As Ladybug, she brushes off Cat Noir’s advances, unaware that Cat Noir’s alter-ego is the source of her own affections. Astruc describes Ladybug as a positive character who brings happiness, like a candy, and like Amélie Poulain crossed with Spider-Man.
Adrien Agreste a.k.a. Cat Noir is Marinette’s classmate and a popular fashion model for his father’s clothing company. He transforms into the superhero “Cat Noir” with the help of his Kwami, Plagg, to assist Ladybug in saving Paris. Adrien is kind and well-liked, and hangs out often with his best friend Nino. Though his family is wealthy, he laments his poor relationship with his stern father, Gabriel; his mother, meanwhile, has disappeared. He is in love with Ladybug, despite not knowing her true identity, and tries to impress her, although he makes bad jokes and cat-themed puns as Cat Noir, which frequently annoy her. His special ability, Cataclysm, allows him to destroy an object that he touches with a swipe of his paw.
Hawk Moth is a mysterious villain who has the power to create new super-villains with his akuma, which are butterflies that he corrupts with his dark power. He preys on people who are at a point of weakness and appeals to their negative emotions, such as fear, sadness, anger or jealousy. In exchange for granting them powers to exact revenge on those who have wronged them, he asks his villains to steal Ladybug and Cat Noir’s Miraculouses for him, so that he may use both to gain immense power. He possesses the Moth Miraculous. Long believed to be lost, its original purpose is to create superheroes, but because Hawk Moth has it, he is able to use the power of both Miraculous and its Kwami for his plans.
For more Miraculous Ladybug check out: Website: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook:
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kimduancocobay · 4 years
MIRACULOUS | 🐞 CATALYST (Heroes' day – part 1) – Akumatized 🐞 | Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
► Subscribe for new videos every week! ► Miraculous Ladybug Specials ► Miraculous Ladybug Interviews
MIRACULOUS – TALES OF LADYBUG & CAT NOIR OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL Two high-school students, Marinette and Adrien, are chosen to become Paris’ superheroes: Ladybug and Cat Noir. They each have a Miraculous, a jewel linked to their the magical creatures (Kwamis) that give them powers.
Their mission is to keep Hawk Moth – who wants to steal their Miraculouses – from wreaking havoc on the town by creating increasingly dangerous supervillains – all while living their high school lives and keeping their identities secret.
At school, Marinette has a crush on Adrien but cannot tell him, so she acts awkwardly whenever he’s around. As a superhero, Cat Noir loves Ladybug, but his ego annoys her: Marinette prefers Adrien anyway! Throughout the school year and their adventures, Ladybug discovers many nice qualities in Cat Noir while Marinette grows ever closer to Adrien, making huge efforts to overcome her shyness.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng a.k.a. Ladybug is an aspiring fashion designer at Collège Françoise-Dupont. Marinette is sweet, joyful, and a bit awkward, but respected by her peers. She has a big crush on Adrien, whom she can barely speak to out of nervousness and embarrassment; her best friend Alya is often seen trying to help Marinette declare her love to him, although it ends in disaster. She can transform into the superheroine “Ladybug” with the help of her Kwami, Tikki, to defend Paris with her crime-fighting partner Cat Noir. Her special superpower, Lucky Charm, creates an object and allows her to identify other key objects that she can use with the created object to defeat the villains. Among the superheroes that use Miraculous, she is responsible for capturing and purifying the akuma butterflies. As Ladybug, she brushes off Cat Noir’s advances, unaware that Cat Noir’s alter-ego is the source of her own affections. Astruc describes Ladybug as a positive character who brings happiness, like a candy, and like Amélie Poulain crossed with Spider-Man.
Adrien Agreste a.k.a. Cat Noir is Marinette’s classmate and a popular fashion model for his father’s clothing company. He transforms into the superhero “Cat Noir” with the help of his Kwami, Plagg, to assist Ladybug in saving Paris. Adrien is kind and well-liked, and hangs out often with his best friend Nino. Though his family is wealthy, he laments his poor relationship with his stern father, Gabriel; his mother, meanwhile, has disappeared. He is in love with Ladybug, despite not knowing her true identity, and tries to impress her, although he makes bad jokes and cat-themed puns as Cat Noir, which frequently annoy her. His special ability, Cataclysm, allows him to destroy an object that he touches with a swipe of his paw.
Hawk Moth is a mysterious villain who has the power to create new super-villains with his akuma, which are butterflies that he corrupts with his dark power. He preys on people who are at a point of weakness and appeals to their negative emotions, such as fear, sadness, anger or jealousy. In exchange for granting them powers to exact revenge on those who have wronged them, he asks his villains to steal Ladybug and Cat Noir’s Miraculouses for him, so that he may use both to gain immense power. He possesses the Moth Miraculous. Long believed to be lost, its original purpose is to create superheroes, but because Hawk Moth has it, he is able to use the power of both Miraculous and its Kwami for his plans.
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