#by which i mean: five still tells everyone he's a serious and important sixty-year-old man and believes htis about himself
july-19th-club · 2 years
most top-shelf dynamics in s3:
the thing where lila may or may not be gaslighting a guy and a kid into believing they are father and son, for reasons known only to herself
viktor and luther’s little-man-big-man routine like an old-timey comedy duo. you lock a guy in a basement ONCE and then feel bad about driving him to blow up the moon and then an objective four weeks later he’s your best man. love those guys
klaus decides that his not-exactly-father is suffering elder abuse and in an attempt to recreate a relationship, submits himself to the familiar emotional abuse of that very elder. also lets the old man kill him many times
a bereaved alison goes season one viktor and that’s fair. good for her. you look so hot baby destroying all your relationships like that
five picks the worst possible time to start unconsciously acting his age
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navpike · 5 years
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it’s that time of year yet again folks! time for me to round up the lot of everything i wrote this year and throw it at you all like a proud parent! this year i managed to publish 217,613 words across 22 fics, with an untold number more unpublished (some of which belong to an original novel i started at the beginning of the year, and an autobiography i dipped my toes into as well!) let’s dive in! 
(a ** denotes some personal favorites!)
Time And Again (28303 words) [batfam, bg dickwally, jayroy, superbat]:
Dick Grayson comes to live with Bruce Wayne on a Tuesday afternoon when he’s nine years old. It’s a Tuesday like any other, so Bruce settles the boy in and leaves him in Alfred’s capable hands after dinner and heads out for patrol. Gotham’s underworld does not take a day off, and therefore Batman cannot either. Dick awakes in the middle of the night and Bruce isn’t there. Alfred calms Dick down and sits with him and assures him that Bruce would have been there if he could and Dick believes him. Alfred's words can only maintain that belief for so long. Or, the one where Bruce doesn't tell Dick that he's Batman at first and things spiral out of control until people start communicating like adults.
Gold-Plated (1279 words) [batfam]:
It starts like this. Dick follows Jason into the cave, shouting at his brother’s back, while Jason roughly tugs at the release for his helmet. “I mean, I know you’re not going to stop dealing with all of your problems by shooting at them, but could you at least have the decency to not do that while I’m around? Could you at least pretend you still follow some sort of-” “Shut up!” Jason roars, whipping around to hurl his helmet at Dick’s head.
**Every Fiber of My Being (21376 words) [dickwally, batfam, bg timkon]:
As much as Dick and his siblings have argued, Bruce has never budged on his "Keeping Secrets Policy". There's not a person alive outside of the family that knows the secret identity of any of the Bats. Not even Dick's boyfriend. Dick understands the need for some secrets, knows that keeping their identities safe keeps them and their loved ones safe, but when he takes up the cowl, team dynamics aren't the only things that begin to change.
Tremble, Tremor, Shake (2118 words) [batfam]:
Tim doesn’t answer. He lurches like he’s going to go for the toilet again, but he doesn’t quite make it, instead dry heaving once, twice and then slumping against the wall again. Dick thinks that’s the end of it. He’s wrong. Tim slumps against the wall and immediately starts seizing.
**My Brain Occasionally Malfunctions (2243 words) [batfam]:
Dick was shot in the head. Such a serious injury is not without consequence. In which Dick's gunshot wound causes him to develop epilepsy and Jason has some thoughts on the fact that Dick tried to hide it from them.
Teenagers (1280 words) [dickwally]:
Dick and Wally have just found out that their twins have abilities and Damian's been training the twins behind their backs. Looks like everyone's revealing a secret tonight.
**Sign Your Life Away (23927 words)[timkon, batfam, bg dickwally, batcat, clois]:
The Wayne family is a good one, well known, well off, charitable, likable, politically unaffiliated. So when a treaty with Krypton is hinging on an arranged marriage, the Wayne boys are some of the first they approach. Tim is very, very aware that the name right underneath 'Wayne' on the UN's list is 'Luthor'. He can't allow some poor stranger to be forcibly bound to Luthor for the rest of their lives. So when they ask him, he says yes, before he can stop to think if this is actually a good idea.
**Project: Light (54526 words) [stucky]:
When Steve and Sam finally track down the Winter Soldier, the last thing they’re expecting is to find Bucky with a girl who’s calling him ‘Dad’. Steve doesn’t quite know how to handle that. The others know how to handle it only marginally better. Or, how to win over children and influence monsters: how Bucky’s surprise daughter helps the Avengers help Bucky find himself again, and how he finds Steve again along the way.
Always So Certain You're Fine (2252 words) [gen]:
They're grieving, sure, but they have a war to win, still, and by some miracle, they do it. Or, the Infinity War fix-it that no one asked for.
Suffer in Silence (6416 words) [thundershield]:
Five times Steve Rogers was in pain, and one time he finally wasn't.
**A Hero, Like Spiderman and Better Hawkeye (4286 words) [gen]:
If pressed to answer how he’d gotten to the top of the Avengers’ list of preferred babysitters/dog watchers, Peter’s not too sure he’d know what to say. In which MJ, Ned and Kate Bishop get roped into helping Peter babysit/dog watch, and things spiral wildly out of hand in a Starbucks.
Unexpecting (1893 words) [thruce, valsif]:
When they find themselves largely alone on Earth, tasked with preserving Asgard’s history and her people and working with Earth’s governments to settle political issues, and it seems like battle in another form, Thor and Brunnhilde find themselves seeking comfort in each other. It is harmless, (mostly) innocent fun, until they find themselves staring down at a little indicator, telling them that Brunnhilde is pregnant. In which Thor, Brunnhilde, Bruce and Sif raise a child together, and grow a little themselves in the process.
**What the Desert Will Let Him (5471 words) [samsteve]:
There’s an itch at the back of Sam's mind, that tells him to stay in DC and he thinks maybe this has something to do with The Voice and why he was thrown ass over tea kettle back into this world when he desperately didn't want to come back. In which Sam dies with his wing-man, but something sends him back to live out the rest of his life, because he's not done. There are people who need him, even if he doesn't know it yet.
**Wake Up Calls (4379 words) [gen, bg stucky]:
Bucky Barnes wakes up in Wakanda, the first time, and the second, and the third and fourth and twenty-eighth and sixty-first... Shuri starts out as an ally, and becomes a friend, and then might as well be his kid sister. Bucky and Shuri's relationship told through a few wake-up calls.
Dead Men Walking (16629 words) [gen]:
They don't always show it, but they've each got their own demons to battle. Peter keeps happening upon these battles. OR a bunch of times that Peter was there for the Avengers in a moment of need, and one time they were all there for him.
LGBTQIA(vengers) (3656 words) [stucky, natpepper]:
Steve Rogers comes out on a Tuesday afternoon. By Wednesday morning, it's hit every major news outlet. Twitter has some opinions, and Pepper Potts is taking no prisoners.
**Impact (6087 words) [winterhawk]:
Clint Barton is not born with wings. He is not a mutant, though he doubts that would have helped his case. He is an ordinary boy, until he, one day, is very suddenly not. Or: the wingfic nobody asked for, in which Clint's wings have brought him nothing but trouble until one day, they suddenly don't.
Perfect Men and Other Crimes (2069 words) [stucky]:
Bucky Barnes knows that he is lucky. He still cannot help but feel decidedly unlucky when he hears the New York Police Department’s new policy on partnering regular cops with enhanced ones. Bucky doesn’t have anything against enhanced individuals. He really doesn’t. But he is still profoundly uncomfortable around people who could snap him like a twig. Detective Steven Grant Rogers is exactly that.
Same Monster (2610 words) [gen, bg thruce]:
After returning to Earth, Bruce goes to visit his cousin when a case brings her to New York City. It doesn't go as planned. Or, the one where Jennifer Walters becomes She-Hulk, Bruce feels guilty, and Thor is a good boyfriend.
Can't Help DNA (5146 words) [mcdanno]:
The first time that Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams meet, Danny Williams is not holding a weapon. He has his hands in fists and Steve’s skin is singing in that way it does whenever he’s around someone else with the SuperGene. Steve, for his part, is pointing a gun at Danny’s chest and screaming at him which probably isn’t helping the situation, but he’s not going to admit that. He’s shouting, and then Williams is shouting and they eventually get their IDs out without Steve shooting anyone and without Danny’s Gene flaring up. It’s a win in Steve’s book.
Situational Awareness (6461 words) [mcdanno]:
Steve McGarrett has a soulmark from the moment he’s born. He has a mark that his dad covers up when he’s a baby, an ugly black thing in the shape of knuckles splayed across his cheekbone. Danny Williams gets his mark a few months after he’s born. There’s a black smear across the back of his hand and down two fingers and Danny dreams of the day his soulmate will touch him for the first time and set the mark alight with color. Steve McGarrett grows up hating his soulmark, Danny Williams dreams of the day he'll meet his soulmate. Somehow, against all odds, they find each other.
Things Unseen (15206 words) [mcdanno, bg konocat]:
Steve's known almost his whole life that his anchor was going to be one of the Kelly-Kalakaua family, the only ones strong enough to tie him to the Seen when he needed to talk to a spirit. What he did not know was how important a cop from Jersey who doesn't believe in ghosts would end up being. In which Steve and Kono are peak mlm/wlw solidarity, Danny is a wreck, Chin is tired and there are some ghosts.
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this page by putting an arrow to the object/s. [No need to indicate what type of Figures of Speech they are]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
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Notes: Most Commonly Used Figure of Speech
1.     Alliteration is the repetition of initial sounds in neighboring words.
Example: Fresh fern fronds from the forest
2.     Allusion is a figure of speech that quickly stimulates different ideas and associations using only a couple of words, thus making an indirect reference.
Example: Describing someone as an “Adonis” makes an allusion to the handsome young shepherd loved by the goddess of love and beauty herself in the Greek myths.
3.     Anaphora is a stylistic device that consists of repeating a sequence of words at the beginning of neighboring clauses to give emphasis.
Example: You are lovely, you are gorgeous, you are pretty, you are glorious, you are, you are, you just are!
4.     Anticlimax refers to a figure of speech in which a word is repeated and whose meaning changes in the second instance.
Examples: He got his dignity, his job, and his company car.
In the car crash, she lost her life, her car, and her cell phone.
5.     Antiphrasis is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used to mean the opposite of its normal meaning to create ironic humorous effect.
Example: She is 65 year young.
6.     Antithesis is a figure of speech that refers to the juxtaposition of opposing or contrasting ideas. It involves the bringing out of a contrast in the ideas by an obvious contrast in the words, clauses, or sentences within a parallel grammatical structure.
Example: To many choices, too little time.
7.     Apostrophe is an exclamatory rhetorical figure of speech in which a speaker or writer breaks off and directs speech to an imaginary person or abstract quality or idea.
Example: Oh, moon! You have seen everything!
8.     Assonance is a figure of speech that refers to the repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences.
Example: A certain purple curtain, captain. (note: cer in cetain, pur in purple, and cur in curtain. Also tain in certain, curtain, and captain.)
9.     Climax refers to the figure of speech in which words, phrases, or clauses are arranged in order of increasing importance.
Example: Three things will remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
10.  Euphemism is a figure of speech used to express a mild, indirect, or vague term to substitute for a harsh, blunt, or offensive term.
Example: saying “passed away” for “died”
Saying “in between jobs” to mean “unemployed”
11.  Epigram refers to a concise, witty, memorable, and sometimes surprising or satirical statement.
Example: Oscar Wilde’s “I can resist everything but temptation,” or “I am not      young enough to know everything.”
12.  Epiphora (or epistrophe) is a rhetorical device that consists of repeating a sequence of words at the end of neighboring clauses to give them emphasis.
Example: “…a government of the people, by the people, for the people. (Note: The phrase the people is repeated twice after it was first mentioned.)
13.  Hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses exaggeration to created emphasis or effect; it is not meant to be taken literally.
Example: I told you a million times to clean your room.
14.  Irony is a figure of speech in which there is a contradiction of expectation between what is said and what is really meant. It is characterized by an incongruity, a contrast, between reality and appearance.
Example: The explanation is as clear as mud.
15.  Litotes is a figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite.
Example: Instead of saying that someone is “ugly” you can say that someone is   “not very pretty.”
Instead of saying that the situation is “bad” you can say that it is “not      good”.
16.  Merism is a figure of speech by which something is referred to by a conventional phrase that enumerates several of its constituents or traits.
Example: saying “young and old” to refer to the whole population
Saying “flesh and bone” to mean the whole body
17.  Metaphor s a figure of speech that makes an implicit , implied or hidden comparison between two things or objects that are poles apart from each other but have some characteristics common between them.
Example: The planet is my playground. The Lord is my shepherd.
18.  Metonymy is a figure pf speech in which a thing or concept is not called by its own name, but by the name of something intimately associated with the thing or concept.
Examples: Using “Malacaňang” to refer to the president or the government
Saying “a hand” to mean “help”
19.  Oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines incongruous or contradictory terms.
Examples: open secret, virtual reality, sacred profanities
20.  Personification is a figure of speech in which a human characteristics are attributed to an abstract quality, animal, or inanimate object.
Example: Red punctuates and makes bold statements, says something, and means it like an exclamation point!
21.  Simile is a figure of speech directly comparing two unlike things, often introduced the word, like or as.
Examples: A smile as big as the sun. She prays like a mantis.
22.  Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole of something is used to represent part of it.
Examples: Sixty hands voted. (The part “hand” is used to refer to the whole person)
The country supported the president. (The word “country” is used to refer to                        the people.)
23.  Understatement is a figure of speech used by its writers or speakers to deliberately make a situation seem less important or serious that it really is.
Examples: A nurse to give an injection saying, “It will sting a bit.”
To describe a disappointing experience, a participant may say, “It was …different.”
Look for literary pieces and take note some lines in it that expresses figures of speech listed below. Write your answers on the space provided. (One example for each)
 1.ALLUSION: The Outsiders (1967) by S. E. Hinton
I barely heard him. I came closer and leaned over to hear what he was going to say.
"Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold ... " The pillow seemed to sink a little, and Johnny died.
 2.ANAPHORA: "London," William Blake
In every cry of every Man,
In every infant's cry of fear,
In every voice, in every ban,
The mind-forg'd manacles I hear
 3.EUPHEMISM:Dropping the Euphemism, Bob Hicok
   When I said
   I have to lay you off
  a parallel universe was born
  in his face, one where flesh
   is a loose shirt
   taken to the river and beaten
   against the rocks. Just
   by opening my mouth I destroyed
   his faith.
4.EPIGRAM: Sonnet 76 (By William Shakespeare)
   “So all my best is dressing old words new,
   Spending again what is already spent:
   For as the sun is daily new and old,
   So is my love still telling what is told.”
  5.LITOTES: Fire and Ice (By Robert Frost)
   “Some say the world will end in fire,
   Some say in ice.
   From what I’ve tasted of desire
   I hold with those who favor fire.
   But if I had to perish twice,
   I think I know enough of hate
   To say that for destruction ice
   Is also great
   And would suffice.”
 6.METONYMY: Bartleby the Scrivener (Herman Melville)
   As I afterwards learned, the poor scrivener, when told that he must be conducted to the Tombs, offered not the slightest obstacle, but in his pale, unmoving way, silently acquiesced.
  7.OXYMORON: Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare)
   Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow,
   That I shall say good night till it be morrow.
 8.MERISM: "There is a working class—strong and happy—among both rich and poor; there is an idle class—weak, wicked, and miserable—among both rich and poor." (John Ruskin, The Crown of Wild Olive, 1866)
 9.ANTITHESIS: Community (By John Donne)
   “Good we must love, and must hate ill,
   For ill is ill, and good good still;
   But there are things indifferent,
   Which we may neither hate, nor love,
   But one, and then another prove,
   As we shall find our fancy bent.”
 10.IRONY: The Necklace (Guy de Maupassant)
   “You say that you bought a necklace of diamonds to replace mine?”
   “Yes. You never noticed it, then! They were very like.”
   And she smiled with a joy which was proud and naïve at once.
   Mme. Forestier, strongly moved, took her two hands.
   “Oh, my poor Mathilde! Why, my necklace was paste. It was worth at most five        hundred francs!”
Journal Entry #2
What’s the language of the piece?
Read a literary piece (prose or poetry). Review and examine the language used by the author (Tone, Diction, Style and Figures of Speech). Include photographs to add creativity and visuals in your writing. Your answers must not be less than ten sentences.
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                                     To an Athlete Dying Young
                                           A. E. Housman
A. E. Housman has also include literary devices in his poem in tittled " To an athlete dying young" to express and share his feelings towards the athlete. The literary devices used are: Personification, Assonance, Metaphor, Oxymoron, Consonance, Symbolism, and Enjambment.
 The poem or him shows the run or the cycle of how a man's life goes. The first stanza shows how people (close one) gets happy, great, and proud seeing us fighting to live and achieve our goals. But nothing last forever, time will come and all of these will stop. And all of those who really know, support, and been there for us will also be the one who will march our dead body towards our grave. Even our glory, dreams, achievements, and hardwork will be gone. It stated there that our lives is like how fast a single roses losses its own petals. Our eyes will forever be close it will be dark as a night and there will never be any color. Whole body will be numb nothing to hear, nothing to fell. And only those close ones will remember our name and our deeds. Life is a competition and we should keep running 'til everything stops. Everything has its ending point. It has no exemption and that everyone includes our life.
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genjiequalsdaddy · 7 years
A Ninja’s Gaiden: Chapter 7
Warning: Blood, Violence  “Arriving to Lijiang Tower.”
Everyone who was aboard the Orca were silent as they were doing one last equipment check before they arrived at their destination. Angela holstering her pistol and grabbing her her staff, she looks around the ship watching her teammates prepare.
Lucio, who was in full gear, was working on the console helping D.Va do some last minute calibrations on her Mekka suit. Fareeha was by the door in her Raptora suit ready to get the go ahead to fly out. She was mouthing some kind of prayer as she looked out the window. Towards the front of the plane, Lena was piloting as usual and Mei was manning one of the side terminals.
Angela now looking to the back of the ship, she sees Genji sitting on top of his legs, his hands on his metal thighs. ‘A quick meditation session before going on a mission?’ Angela thought to herself.
“We’re sixty seconds from your drop off point, Genji.” Tracer shouts over her shoulder.
As Genji began to stand up, he grabs his blade that laid right next to him. He twirls the blade before slamming it down into the sheathe on his back. He turns around and starts heading for the door. Just as Genji was walking past Angela, he stops when she grabs him by the wrist.
“Please,” Angela says gripping Genji’s cold metallic wrist harder, still looking in front of her. “Be careful.”
“With these individuals by my side, I have nothing to worry about.” Genji says putting his free hand on her arm. He lets go and takes a couple of more steps before stopping again. “I’ve also have a certain angel watching over me.”
“Thirty seconds, opening hatch now.” Tracer shouts again as she presses a button that opens up the side door. Cold air blasts both Fareeha and Genji who were standing in front of it.
“If all goes to plan, I won’t even need to fire a single rocket.” Fareeha says loud enough for the ninja to hear her. “Watch yourself out there, Genji.”
“Same goes to you, Ms. Amari.” Genji nods.
“Get ready to jump,” Tracer now manually piloting the ship. “In five, four, three, two.”
The Orca flies by a small vacant landing pad and Genji leaps down to it, rolling as he lands.
“Genji, can you hear me?” Mei says over the communicator.
“Yes, Ms. Zhou.” Genji says looking around him.
“Right now you’re in the night market. The satellite images show a mass sum of men in the tea gardens another 30 floors. You’re going to have to find a way up there.”
As Genji starts to walk through the market, he takes notice that there’s no one present. The ramen stand that was in front of the landing pad had no customers or chefs.
“Where is everyone?” Genji says walking into the ramen stand. “Food is still cooking on the stove, and the bowls of ramen are still warm on the counter.”
“That’s strange. I’m not seeing anyone else in the market, or the entire floor for that matter. You think the triads could’ve made the people leave?”
Genji leaves the ramen stand and heads out further into the market. “I do not see any blood, so they must have forced people to leave. This meeting must be important for them to do something like this.”
“There’s an office building near you that can lead you up to the gardens. But be careful Genji, I’m picking up heat signatures and the last three floors. Could be patrolmen.”
“Yoshi, let’s do this.”
After silently taking out twenty Triad thugs with ease, Genji arrives to the entrance to the garden. He climbs onto a nearby rooftop to observe the area.
Triads in suits were posted all around the garden. The men were either carrying automatic weapons or handguns. What caught Genji’s eye was the heavily armed guards that were scattered among the Triads.
He heard a small thud come from behind him. Knowing who it was, he didn’t reach for his short blade. “You finally show yourself, brother.”
“Do not call me that.” Hanzo says walking towards Genji and crouching next to him. “What’s the situation.”
“Triad leaders are here to discuss something. My orders are to capture them, and turn them over to the authorities.”
“You can’t be serious.” Hanzo scoffs. “These people should die for the things they do.”
“You did worse, Hanzo.” Genji fires back at him.
“Genji, do you copy?”
“Yes, Ms. Zhou.” Genji responds.
“There’s three tea houses in the garden. I’m guessing the one the crime bosses are in would be the one with the heavily armed men standing in front of it.”
“Wait, those men. It can’t be.”
“Is something wrong Ms. Oxton?” Genji asks.
“Those men wearing the helmets, those aren’t Triads. I have to double check but this situation can change real quick if I’m right.”
“Rojā,” Genji nods. “Is everyone in position?”
“Roger, Pharah in position.”
“D.Va standing by.”
“Lucio ready to jam.”
“Mercy on call.”
“Ok, wait for my signal to att-”
“Genji wait!” Tracer interrupts the ninja. “Athena is picking up a conversation from the tea house by the edge of the tower. She and I are trying to get a better signal without being detected.”
“Patch it through.”
Static comes through the communicator at first, but then it slowly starts to clear up a little. “Thank you for com- see us in such short notice. We know your organi- very hard to contact.”
“Athena,” Tracer says over the communicator. “Can you clean it up just a little more?”
“I assume you have looked over our terms of agreement.” The static voice says over the communicator.
“I did,” A woman with a french accent starts to speak.
“No!” Tracer says worryingly. “It can’t be!”
Back in the tea house that was overlooking the city, there were four people sitting around a table. Three old men in suits were all sitting on one side as a blue skinned woman sat on the other.
The woman with the cold blue skin was sitting in her chair taking a sip of her tea, staring at the old men as she drank. She was wearing a skin tight purple jumpsuit that exposed her chest. Her purple hair was up in a high ponytail as a visor sat on top of her head.
The woman pulls the cup away from her lips and places it down onto the table. “You went through a lot of tough obstacles to unite the three big bad syndicates of China, so you can have this little meeting. You ask for many things towards my employers. But I ask, what can you do for us?”
“Well,” One of the old men clears his throat. “With the three families coming together, we have an incredible source of income, we have territories all across Asia which we operate in, and we have control over some high officials in China’s gover-”
“Non!” The woman shouts getting up from her seat, slamming her hands onto the table. The cups that were on the table all shook. Triad men stationed outside started to head inside, reaching for pistols that were inside their suit jackets. They were stopped by the heavily armed guards.
“You can promise riches and lands to us, but can your so called ‘families’ give your full cooperation and loyalty to the organization?”
“What do you mean exactly?” Another one of the old men start to speak with confusion on his face. “We united three families that have been fighting for many years so we could have this meeting. Of course we’re going to give you our full cooperation.”
“So you’re willing to let's say, blow up government buildings?” The woman asks as she sat back down in her chair. “Assassinate influential people? Kill a mass some of innocents to make a mark? Your contact obviously didn’t tell you what our organization does. We don’t just supply weapons and tech to the highest bidder. Oh no, we have one goal, and that’s bring down chaos into this world so we can bring it up with our own agenda. And we will do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.”
“This lady can’t be serious!” Lucio says over the communicator. “History has proven that these kinda plans always crash in the end.”
“So what’s it going to be?” The woman says as she leans back in her chair, arms crossed. “Are you going to join us, or did you waste my time coming all the way here?” The men look at each other not saying a word. “I’ll tell you one thing before you make a decision. You decide not to join and go back to killing yourselves, I won’t guarantee that anyone of you will make it to the end. Talon will be victorious in the end, and we’ll crush anybody that stands in our way.”
“Genji, the mission has changed drastically!” Tracer shouts. “We need that woman alive! She was the one that killed Mondatta. Capture Widowmaker at all costs!”
“So,” Widowmaker says grabbing her cup of tea once again. “What’s it gonna be gentlemen?”
The old men look at each other and start whispering things to one another. After a couple seconds of discussing, one of the men stands up from his seat. His face shows he doesn’t want to give his answer. “We’ve come to the conclusion that.. you.. will get our full cooperation.”
“Incroyable! My employers will be pleased.” Widowmaker says standing up from her chair raising the cup of tea in the air, a grin on her face. “To a new partnership. À votre santé.”
Just as she was about to take a sip, an explosion happens at one of the landing pads near the tea houses. The rumble from it caused Widowmaker to spill tea onto the ground.
Both the Shimada brothers watch as the explosion happened. The Triad members from the other two tea houses as well as the ones spread across the garden start to rush towards it as they hear the cries from the men who were caught in it.
The Triads stop in their tracks as they see dark figures emerge from the flames. What stood before them, was four men in black traditional samurai armor. Glowing red eyes illuminate through their covered faces. Their presence was very menacing and would make anybody terrified to be in front of their way. Both the thugs and Talon soldiers raise their guns up to the intruders, ready to fire.
One of the samurai breaks off from the group and starts walking towards a Triad. The sound of his armor grew louder and louder with every step. The Triad had a pistol aimed at the figure, but was too terrified that he couldn’t pull the trigger.
Behind the Triad, a thug falls to the ground as a stray arrow punctured through his head. He turns as he heard sound of the body hit the ground. The group of men look around trying to find whoever shot the arrow. Archers on nearby rooftops show themselves and start to pick off people in the garden.
“Tāmen zài wūdǐng shàngle!” One of the men shouts.
The scared Triad looks back to see the samurai towering over him, staring at his glowing red eyes. The man in armor grabs hold of the handle of his katana and pulls it out of it’s sheathe. With an upward motion, the samurai slashes the Triads chest; killing him instantly.
“What’s going on outside?” One of the crime bosses says getting up from his chair as one of the Triads ran into the tea house they were in.
“We-need to get- you guys out of here.” The man in a suit says trying to catch his breath. “Samuari are attacking the garden.”
“What did you just say?”
“No time to explain. We’re going to escort you to the shutt-”
An arrow was shot through the opening of the doorway and stuck into the mans neck. The man fell to the ground and that’s when Widowmaker knew it was time to make her exit.
The three crime bosses look over to the opening behind and see a ship hovering above the railing. The ship’s door was open exposing two hooded samurai with bows drawn at the bosses. Behind them, two more men in armor step off the ship, their hands gripping their katana handles as they walk on either side of the table.
As the old men were staring at the two scary looking men, they felt a thud behind them that vibrated the room. Everyone turned to look at another samurai in the doorway. His armor was different from the rest. It was a dark red color that had gold trimming and was bulkier than the rest of the men. His hand was relaxed on top of his katana that was sheathed on his side.
“These are the men that lead their clans?” The man in the red armor says in a dark robotic tone.
“Yes, my lord.” One of his men nod.
The man in red walks to one of the old men and grabs him by the neck, picking him off from the ground. The crime boss moves frantically, trying to get out of his hold.
“What is it you want?!” The other crime lord shouts.
“Nothing.” The red samurai says as he watches his victim try to get out of his grasp. “Your operations are going to be a blockade for our master’s creation.”
With those last words, the samurai closes his grip and a loud snap was heard. The other two men are stricken with fear as their partner's lifeless body hits the floor next to them.
“Wait!” One of them shouts. “We can make a deal! Please don’t-” The old man’s plea is cut off as a blade goes through his chest. The same goes for the other.
“Leave no survivors.” The man in red says as he makes his way outside.
Back outside, both the shimada brothers watched as the Triad and Talon soldiers started to get overwhelmed by their enemies who wield swords and bows. Their bullets would get through their armor and kill them, but the number of samurai that kept coming at them was overpowering.
“Whoever planned this attack made sure they would not fail.” Hanzo says not taking his eyes off the battle in front of them.
“Genji! Widowmaker is escaping!”
Genji quickly looks back to the teahouse they were in to see the woman running the opposite direction of the battle with two of her guards behind her.
“Hanzo after that girl in the purple!” Genji commands to his brother, pushing up shuriken through his fist. “I’m going after the leaders.” The ninja then dashes right off the roof.
Without hesitation, Hanzo stands up and fires at an archer who noticed Widowmaker and was about to shoot. The arrow hits his head and the archer falls off of his ledge he was posted on. Hanzo jumps off the rooftop and quickly follows the woman.
Flinging his shuriken, Genji hits a samurai directly in the eyes just as he was about to slice a Talon soldier who was unarmed. The soldier quickly looks behind him and a metal fist meets his face, knocking him to the ground.
He runs a few more steps before two more samurai come charging in on the ninja. With his quick reaction timing, he takes out his wakizashi and blocks the first katana strike. Genji kicks the man in the chest pushing him back. Raising his short blade again, he blocks the other attack. Once blades make contact with each other, Genji pushes upwards causing the samurai to lose control of his grip and let’s go of his katana. The ninja slashes the man’s stomach and falls to the ground. Quickly turning back, he counters another attack from the first attacker and swipes across his neck.
“Here comes a new challenger!”
Looking up, Genji notices a pink object coming down from the sky at incredible speed. The object lands on two Triad members that were fleeing from their attackers, crushing them. What landed turned out to be D.Va in her Mekka suit.
“Time for you to go creepy looking samurai guys!” She says before firing her fusion cannons, gunning down a group of the soldiers.
“Aw man, I’m loving this!” Lucio shouts as he skates past Genji firing his sonic amplifier. “They ain’t coming across this bridge on our watch!”
Following close behind, Fareeha fires her rockets as she soars through the skies above the battlefield. Angela swooping in next to the ninja, swings at a Triad with her staff who was coming towards Genji with a metal baton. After hitting the man she unholsters her blaster, firing at a Talon soldier in the head.
“What are you doing here? I said move in on my mark.” Genji says to the doctor who was reloading.
“The gunfire and the explosions were more than enough for us to come in.” Angela says after firing more shots into a crowd of enemies. “What’s going on here Genji?”
More ships start to approach the scene as more samurai drop from them. The number of men opposing the attackers were dwindling down and soon they would focus on the Overwatch team.
“I can ask questions later. You need to get to those men and get-” Angela get’s cut off by one of the ships getting hit by one of Pharah’s rockets and crashed into the side of the tower.
“Genji, more of the same ships that our dropping off these men in armor are coming in from the distance.” Pharah says over the communicator. “I don’t know how much longer I can take care of them with these archers shooting at me. You need to hurry.”
“Genji go!” Angela shouts at the ninja pushing him towards the tea house. “Go! We’ll cover the two bridges.”
With that push, Genji rushes to the teahouse doorway. Stepping in he dodges a blade swing that nearly misses his head. The ninja quickly picks up his short blade once again blocking another strike. The strength of whoever was holding the other blade was overpowering and made Genji jump back. Standing up, he looks up to see the samurai in red armor walk through the doorway with two of his men behind him.
“Who are you? Why are you doing this?” Genji says as his grip on his wakizashi tightens.
“Kare o korose.” The dark robotic voice says.
The two samurai next to the person who was giving orders to them take out their katanas and charge at Genji. The ninja counters them both with ease, slashing one across the stomach and stabbing one through the neck.
“Enough of this.” Genji says looking up at the person in front of him. “Why are you doing this?”
“I’ve come to eliminate the men that would pose a threat to my master’s vision.” The red samurai says as stares down the ninja. “I can see that you and your acquaintances have taken out many of my men without breaking a sweat. You pose the same threat as these sicking dogs. I will personally be seeing your death by my blade.”
As the man in red brings up his katana, Genji pulls up his short blade. Both stand in silence, staring at each other as gunfire and explosions happen around them. With a blink of an eye, they both dash at each other.
Sparks fly as their blades made impact. Even in the heavy armor, the man in red was able to defend every attack Genji gave. They start moving slowly underneath the tower that was in the middle of the garden, blades still striking one another.
“You’re swordsmanship is impressive.” The dark robotic voice says as Genji jumps back to catch a moment of rest. “Even with a Wakizashi, you manage to defend every attack I make. Who ever taught you knew well.”
“Sir, Triads have been cleared.” A voice says over the red samurai’s comm. “There are a few of those masked men left, but the group that came unexpectedly are stopping our advance. We completed our orders, sending a shuttle for evac to your location.”
“Understood.” The samurai in red says keeping his eyes on Genji. “It seems our fight ends here. Maybe one day our paths will cross one another once again, and I will take your life.” The man then sheathes his katana and walks away from the ninja.
“No you’re not leavi-” Genji was quickly cut off by him deflecting an incoming arrow.
A ship descends down to the ground next to the tower. Two archers stand at the opening of the vehicle, bows drawn at the ninja. The samurai steps onto the ship and the doors close,
“No!” Genji shouts as he runs after the ship that was taking off.
He leaps into the air and dashes towards the shuttle, landing onto the side of it. Losing his grip, Genji quickly stabs into the metal of the ship holding for dear life.
Back on the ground, the strike team had the samurai assualt on a stand still past the bridges. Lucio and Pharah were on one side, D.Va and Angela on the other. They see that the attackers are slowly retreating, the strike team starts to advance.
Angela, who was ready to follow Hana in her mech, looks back hearing the sound of a ship taking off. Inspecting it closer, she notices Genji hanging by the handle of his short blade. “Genji!?” Angela exclaims through her comm. “What’re you doing?!”
Genji tries to pull himself up, but with the ship moving, it was impossible. With him letting go, the ship would get away and he wouldn’t get any answers on why these mysterious samurai’s attacking.
Without giving any thought, Genji immediately goes to his comms.“Pharah! Take down the ship that’s leaving the garden! We can’t let it escape!”
Pharah, who was flying over to the retreating forces, quickly stops and turns to see the ship Genji was talking about.
“Moving to intercept.” She says before rocketing towards the shuttle.
“Do not engage!” Angela frantically shouts. “I repeat, do not engage! Genji is on that shutt-”
“JUSTICE, RAINS FROM ABOVE” Pharah yells as she gets ahead of the ship and fires her rocket barrage.
The pilot of the ship tries to maneuver away from the projectiles, but a rocket hits an engine and the shuttle starts to spin out of control. Genji panics as he grips for his life, trying not to let go.
“GENJI!” Angela yells as she watches in horror.
Pharah’s eyes widen after hearing Angela through the comms. “Genji was on that shuttle?!”
The doctor starts to sprint towards the crashing ship. Her heart beats out of control and tears fly off her face with every step she takes. She gets to the edge of the building as the shuttle passes her. The heat from the burning engine warms her body for a second.
Not giving a second guess, Angela leaps from the edge. The wings from her valkyrie suit spread out and she pursues after the smoking shuttle.
“I’ve lost controls!” The shuttle pilot shouts as he’s frantically presses buttons. “Prepare for impact, sir!”
The ship starts to shift to left and is seconds of slamming into the tower. Using the handle of the blade, Genji pulls himself upwards and onto the top of the shuttle, extracting his short sword while doing so. Before he could catch his balance on the roof of the vehicle, the ship collides against the building and sends Genji off into a free fall with shards of glass and small debris with him. His metal back facing towards the ground, his arms and legs facing upwards as the ninja fell to the earth.
A few feet above him, the shuttle engine’s exploded. Genji saw the burning pieces of steel flying towards him and there was nothing he could do.
This was it, this was the end of Genji Shimada’s tale. A boy who survived the brink of death from the hand of his brother, a ninja assassin who killed off his own clan, a man who became a new person by the guidance of an omnic monk, was going to die without doing the thing he wanted to do the most before passing.
Just as debris was about to hit Genji, Angela swoops into the ninja and crashes through a window to one of the office’s in the middle of the tower. Their bodies rolled for a bit until stopping a few feet from some desks. Genji stared at the ceiling above for a couple of seconds as he laid on the floor, wondering what had happened.
The ninja turned his head to the voice and saw a worried Angela running towards him. She kneels down next to him and places a hand on his shoulder. “Genji, are you alright?” Angela notices Genji trying to sit up straight so she places her other hand on his arm, gently pulling him. As he sits up, she slowly wraps her arms around his neck pulling him close into her. “I thought I’d I lost you.”
Genji smiles and places a hand on her lower back after hearing those words. “You saved me once again, Dr. Ziegler. Arigato.”
She lets go of the cyborg and stands up again, using her staff as support. She then gives Genji a hand helping him up off the floor. Both look over to the broken window and see smoke rising from below.
Genji walked over to the window and peers down to see the shuttle had crashed into the building that was close the the edge of the night market.
“We need to head down there. Find anything in that wreckage that could lead us to where we can find more info of this new threat.” Genji says turning back to Angela.
“Mercy to Orca, do you copy?” Angela says holding up two fingers against her ear. “I repeat, Mercy to Orca, do you copy?”
“They might still be focusing on giving air support to the ground team.”Genji says as he walks past the doctor and turns his head back to her. “The elevators out, so I hope you don’t mind going down a few flights of stairs, Dr. Ziegler.”
“We’re on the 50th floor, Genji.” Angela scoffs. “But I rather have my feet suffer than falling to my death.”
Genji gives out a small laugh before following Angela to the stairwell.
Finally reaching the night market once again, the ninja and doctor find the vacant marketplace now covered in burning debris from the shuttle and the pieces of building above.  Walking further they see a hole in the traditional styled building that was at the edge of the market where the shuttle crashed into.
As they both got close to the entrance to the building, voices could be heard from the inside. Genji quickly grabs Angela by the arm and takes cover by the doorway.
“What’s goin-”
Angela gets cut off by Genji putting a finger on her lips. With that same finger, he puts it up against his mask where his lips would be motioning for her to be silent. He slowly moves closer to the doorway trying to get a peek of what was going on.
There were five talon soldiers rummaging through the pieces of the crashed shuttle that covered the back of the room.
“There’s nothing here.” One of the Talon says dropping a piece of metal back into the pile of debris. “The ships shredded into pieces. The other half of the ship is in the streets below and even that is completely destroyed.”
“We got orders to salvage anything we can bring back.” Another Talon soldier shouts across the room, as he paces back and forth, rifle in hand. “You rather be fighting upstairs? I don’t think so.”
“Sir, we got movement over here!”
The rest of the Talon soldiers stop what they’re doing and quickly run over to where pieces of steel were moving. Rifles aimed at the ready, waiting for what was to come.
A loud screech was heard that made everyone in the radius wince. In the pile of debris that the soldiers were aimed at, a piece of metal was tossed aside and a red figured appear from the rubble. Taking a closer look, Genji realized that the figure that emerged was the samurai that he was chasing after.
The screech slowly turned into agonizing yell and the samurai looking up to the ceiling as he rises out of the debris. Finally out of the mess, the men of Talon are in horror as they look upon the man that was in front of them.
The samurai’s armor was severely battle damaged, exposing parts of his body. Blood dripped from his left arm that laid limp. He looks down to meet with the men that stand before him. The only thing that could be heard was the samurai’s heaving breathing. With his good hand, the samurai slowly places it on his blades handle.
“Take him ou-”
The samurai lunges straight towards the commanding officer of the group and slices across his throat. Blood splatters from the open wound as the officer hits the ground. The remaining soldiers open fire. Both Genji and Angela watch as the wounded samurai takes on the Talon troops with ease in the state that he’s in. He pulls out his katana from the stomach of the last soldier and immediately falls to one knee.  
Seeing that the samurai’s stamina is low, Genji decides to come out of hiding to confront him. Angela hesitant at first, follows close behind.
“You again?” The samurai says in between heavy breaths. “It seems the devil himself has blessed you.”
“Who are you and what business do you have with the triads.” Genji says staring at the man in front of him.
“Urgh-I am one of the thirteen Sukui Samurai.” The man in the red armor grunts as he stands up. “I was sent to eliminate a group that would tarnish my master's future plans.”
“Who sent you? What plans?”
With the samurai’s good arm, he raises his katana towards the ninja and the doctor. By doing so, Angela raises her pistol. Genji, who is still calm and collected, just stares at the man in front of him.
“Enough! I may have completed the task I was given, but you and your group killed many of my brothers. And for that, I’ll make sure I drain the blood from every single one of you!”
“Very well.” Genji says as he reaches for the handle of his Odachi. “Dr. Ziegler, would you please stand back.” Without hesitation, Angela takes a few steps back while still having the Samurai in her pistol’s sight.
Genji’s metallic hand grips the handle of his blade as he stares into the red eyes of the battle damaged samurai across the room.
“THIS IS IT FOR YOU, NINJA!” The Samurai yells as he charges towards Genji. “SHINU!”
Angela is cut off as a giant spark quickly appears in the middle of the room, blinding her. Opening her eyes again, she’s startled by the sight of the damaged samurai now mere inches from her.
The sound of his katana echoed across the room as it hit the ground. Soon after the Samurai falls to his knees.
Looking down he notices a giant slash across his chestplate. His good hand touches the wound. When he see’s the blood coating his black gloved hand, the man is struck with fear. Blood is coughed up and starts to spill from an opening of his helmet. With one last agonizing groan, he falls dead onto the cold floor.
Angela breathes out a sigh of relief at the sight of the man in front of her, having the satisfaction of holstering her blaster. Taking her eyes off the dead body, she looks over across the room to see Genji walking over as he sheaths his sword.
“You’re not hurt, Dr Ziegler?” Genji asks.
“I”m alright, Genji.” Angela says with a reassuring smile. Her relieved face then turns serious when she kneels down and starts to inspect the body. “If we had Torbjorn here he would know what kind of metal this is, where it’s from.”
As she continued examining, Genji notices the katana beside him. Picking up the blade he feels the weight of it. It was much heavier than his Odachi, making the man an expert swordsman the way he was able to move the blade with such speed. Taking a closer look, something catches the ninja’s eyes that made the grip he had on the handle tighten in anger.
“I can’t find anything that would give us any leads on who these people are.” The doctor says standing back up again. She see’s Genji staring at the katana in his hands. “Something wrong?”
“The symbol on the guard.” Genji says giving Angela a closer look. “It belongs to the Shimada Clan.”
“What!?” Angela says wide eyed. “This can’t be! You made sure the Shimada’s were no more.”
The two look over to the entrance  of the building to see a badly wounded Hanzo leaning against the doorway. His hand covering an area of his side that was drenched in blood.
“Hanzo!” Genji shouts as he runs to his brothers aid. He grabs his arm and puts it over his shoulder. “What happened?”
“I-urgh” Hanzo winces in pain. “I followed that woman through the offices. Took out the men with her, then had a confrontation with her. In the end she got the better of me, but I made sure she left with a remembrance of me.”
“Genji, he needs medical attention right away.” Angela says after quickly looking over Hanzo’s injury.
“No..” Hanzo grunts. “Leave me here so I can finally die..”
“Stubborn as always.” Genji sighs.
“Mercy to Orca do you copy?” Angela says through her communicator. “We need immediate evac on our location! We have a wounded.”
“This is Orca. We have your location and coming for pick up.”
Above them the sound of the Orca’s engines roared as the ship went across the sky and descended at the edge of the market. The doors open and Pharah runs out.
“Sorry about the wait.” Fareeha says as she catches up to the ninja and doctor. “The Chinese government decided to show up and then they started to fire upon us. Had to get the hell out of there and shake them off.”
“Quick, help Genji with him while I set up for an emergency surgery.” Angela says handing the side of Hanzo she was supporting off to Fareeha.
Genji sat at the tail end of the ship, back against the cold steel, still staring at the katana he picked up. Looking at the Shimada emblem, he felt frustrated. He made sure his former clan would never think about rising to power and becoming the biggest crime syndicate in Asia once more. But what was a samurai doing with a seal of a ninja assassin?
Genji immediately takes his attention away from the katana to look up and see Angela standing in front of him. She was still wearing her white jumpsuit but the top half was unzipped and around her waist, showing off  her black tank top with the Overwatch logo.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” She asks. Genji scoots over and the doctor takes a seat next to him.
“You look very tired, Dr. Ziegler.”
She sighed, “Well I did just come back from a deadly mission and performed a impromptu surgery. There were three bullets that were lodged into your brother. It was a miracle that none of them hit any major organs. They were easy to take out, it was the bleeding that I thought would never stop. He’s all better now and is resting on the cott.”
“Arigato.” Genji says nodding his head. “I knew you would be able to help. If you can save me from the brink of death, this must’ve been child's play.”
She chuckles at his remark. Noticing Genji was still looking at the blade in his hand, she could tell the ninja was experiencing different kinds of emotions.
“Hey,” She says placing her hand onto his that was facing upwards on his thigh. This makes him break away from his thoughts and directs his attention over to her. His green visor and her blue eyes meet. “We’ll figure this out and stop whoever these people are, together.”
Even though those words might’ve meant little to any other person, but for Genji, it meant a lot.
The ninja smiles underneath his mask as he places the katana onto the ground next to him. “Thank you, I needed to hear that from you.”
Genji, to Angela’s surprise, interlocks his metallic fingers between hers. The doctor blushes at the ninjas action. It was nice seeing Genji show signs of affection towards Angela instead of the other way around.
Across the ship Fareeha, D.Va, and Lucio were all gathered around the booth. All of them were exhausted from the mission except for Lucio who was on his tablet.
“What’re you doing there, Lucio?” Fareeha says as she places an ice pack onto her shoulder. Filling out a field report already?”
“Nah, those things bore me.” He says swiping his finger across his device. “The mood around here is dead. We need some tunes to lighten it up a bit, but at the same time, give us something to relax to.” He was still fascinated with the music he got from Genji’s tapes, he decided to look through those songs. Finding one that look promising, he pressed play and broadcasted it across the ship.
“Starry nights, sunny days, I always thought that love should be that way.”
“Oh, this is the jam baby!” Lucio exclaims. “Definitely some music to chill while flying back to the base.” He then looks over towards the back of the ship and see Genji and Angela sitting with one another. “This is also a little something for those two.”
Back at the tail end of the ship, Angela was bobbing to her head to the music that was playing softly through the ship's speakers. “This song sounds love-” Out of nowhere a yawn escapes her. “I’m sorry Genji, it’s been awhile since I last slept.”
Hearing this, Genji scoots closer to Angela motioning his head towards his shoulder. The doctor smiles and lays her head on top of his shoulder. She let’s out one more yawn before closing her eyes.
“Oooh-oooh baby, we've been a long, long way. And who's to say where we'll be tomorrow.”
“Genji,” Angela whispered. “I want to stay like this forever.”
“Well my heart says, no. But my mind says, it's so.”
Genji tilts his head a bit to respond to the doctor, but he notices that Angela had fallen asleep. Genji chuckles to himself, “Sweet dreams, Dr. Ziegler. You earned a much needed rest.”
As he was staring at the sleeping Angela, he noticed pieces of hair where dangling in the middle of her face. Trying not to wake her up, he uses the tips of his fingers and slowly moves the hairs to the side, gently touching her forehead.
As he was sliding his metallic fingers across her skin, something ignited deep down in his heart. A feeling of warmness and happiness came over him. For some reason with the touch of her face, he finally realized something.
“I’ve fallen for you… Angela…”
“That we've got a love, is it a love to stay. We've got a wham, bam shang-a-lang. And a sha-la-la-la-la-la thing.”
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Ask Lisa Advice for the Multiracial Community #3
This is our third Ask Lisa Advice—an advice column found exclusively on Multiracial Media. Whether you are a multiracial person or the parent of a multiracial child, we hope the questions posed and the responses offered are helpful.
Ask Lisa Advice Question #1
Ask Lisa Advice for question 1
Dear Lisa,
My mother, who was black, died ten years ago, leaving my father, who is white, feeling hopeless and depressed. They had been married almost thirty years and he was somewhat dependent on her.
Six months ago, my father, who is sixty-eight years old, began dating a new woman. It is serious now and they are planning to move in together, possibly to get married. This woman is white and for some reason I am having a problem with this. The truth is I am furious with my father, though I have not told him how I feel.
I should be happy for my father. I am not a child; I am thirty-five and married myself (to a black woman). I am a proud black man, but also mixed and I know genetically I am just as white as black. So what’s wrong with me? Why should the race of my father’s fiancée upset me so much?
Dear K.L.,
I wonder if your father’s choice of a white woman feels like a betrayal of your mother’s memory?
Normally, when an adult child harbors unexpressed anger toward a parent, I would suggest a gentle conversation to air thoughts in a constructive way. In your case, however, I think it’s important for you to first explore your feelings on your own or with a therapist.
If I were your therapist, I’d want to know more about your relationship with both parents. Were you close with your mother, for example? Did you identify more with her or with your father? You mention being a proud, black man, yet you say you are just as white as you are black. This makes me wonder how race was discussed in your family while you were growing up. Did race-related conversations take place exclusively between you and your mother? Was Dad involved? Either way, I can understand feeling abandoned in light of your father’s new relationship. Dad’s choice may change his status in your mind. As a white guy dating a white woman, Dad is no longer just the surviving spouse of an interracial marriage.
You acknowledge that your father is no longer depressed since meeting this woman. I am sure you know he is entitled to his happiness. Still, once you have sorted out your feelings, I think a conversation is in order. You can tell him you need to know that by choosing a white woman, he is not distancing himself from you. There is nothing wrong with asking him to reaffirm his love for you, for your mother’s memory and the family you once were.
Ask Lisa Advice Question #2
Ask Lisa Advice for question 2
Dear Lisa,
I am twenty-two and white, so I hope it is ok for me to submit a question. Here it goes: I am starting to date a black guy who is handsome and smart and funny and kind and so far seems to like me as much as I like him (which is a lot). Since I have never dated a black guy before, I need some advice.
Are there certain things I shouldn’t mention? Like the police, in case he has been racial-profiled? Or questions I shouldn’t ask?
Nervous in a good way
Dear Nervous
First let me normalize: Most people in the heady beginning of a relationship are nervous-in-a-good-way, excited about getting to know the new person, worried about saying the wrong thing. And, everyone in every new relationship, everywhere, will say the wrong thing at some point. When that happens, it will be embarrassing, but it won’t be a very big deal UNLESS you make it one. Find your commonalities, embrace the new-ness. Don’t obsess over which topics are taboo or you’ll kill your intimacy before it has a chance to get going.
Also, any time someone is different from you physically, you might be fascinated with the differences, but try not to belabor it. Do not objectify his blackness. Instead, see him as a guy. Yes, he’s black and that’s one of the things that makes him who he is, but that’s not all he is—just as you are many things besides white. Talk about your families, the cultures in the homes you were brought up in. This kind of thing builds intimacy and helps you learn about one another in a healthy, organic way.
Ask Lisa Advice Question #3
Ask Lisa Advice for question 3
Dear Lisa,
Our daughter, whom we adopted from Guatemala, is eleven. We have always made her culture a part of our home and learned Spanish as a family so that she would never feel distanced from her home and culture.
In the past few months she has been rejecting everything related to her home country. She took down the pictures from her wall, got her long hair cut and layered and is refusing to speak or study Spanish at all. When we asked her why, she began to cry and said she is sick of us forcing her to be Guatemalan. She says she is American and that’s final. She even wants to take French in Middle School instead of entering a specialized conversational Spanish program.
We believe our daughter comes from a beautiful land and it hurts us to have her reject it. How can we help her accept her culture again?
2   Worried American Mommies
Dear Mommies,
First, I have to commend you on all the work you have done to support your daughter’s connection to her culture and language of origin. Regardless of how she feels now, she can one day visit her homeland and feel a sense of belonging. You have created a safe, loving, accepting environment and this will serve her well all her life.
That said, I think it is time to follow her cues and dial it back for now. Nearing adolescence, her peers are more important to her than before, as is fitting in. Tweens are on the cusp of identity formation—a period where they will be figuring out who they are apart from parents’ influences. Teens tend to break away from parents, trying out new ways of dressing, new music, new (and sometimes infuriating) behaviors. For adopted kids, the teen years usually involve thinking about birth parents and their heritage, about what it means to come from an unknown family somewhere else in the world, wondering who they’d be if circumstances had been different.
In your daughter’s case, though, breaking away from you and your wife also means shaking off (temporarily, I am sure) everything you’ve taught her, including the embrace of Guatemala. If you force the issue now, she may truly rebel and reject her heritage in a way that could be harmful to her evolving self. However, if you let her be—let her experiment, let her take French, let her wear lederhosen if she feels like it!—she will have a stronger, more confident, American and Guatemalan and thoroughly unique identity in the end.
    Ask Lisa Advice for the Multiracial Community #3 if you want to check out other voices of the Multiracial Community click here Multiracial Media
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