#by jl / jl unlimited dick grayson is already nightwing!
themoonking · 7 months
not to shit on decade old ffn fics but in being nostalgic i've noticed there are a lot of young justice x dcau crossovers from when yj seasons 1-2 were airing that seem like they were written by someone who has never seen a dcau show. like, they're explicitly said by the author to be the dcau. not just any generic justice league, but the dcau (sometimes even specifying around what episode / season!), but there's stuff that directly contradicts dcau canon.
like, the flash will be barry allen, despite the fact that in the dcau the flash is wally west. nine times out of ten, there's some kind of exchange about batman not having a robin and rejecting the idea that he would ever take on a protege, despite the fact that by the jl animated series, dcau batman has two robins and a batgirl. if zatanna is involved, the jl usually says that they don't know her / she doesn't exist, and sometimes this is even said by batman and its like.. bruce! yes you do know her!! you've known her for years!
like i love the concept, i wish there were more dcau x yj crossovers, especially with a s1 yj team (or a yj team a year or so after s1), but a lot of the ones that exist feel like the author watched all of young justice (at the time) but only like. season one of justice league.
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crookedspoonfic · 6 years
crookedspoon’s pairing list
For reference and prompting purposes (check the prompts tag for inspiration). Because I regularly forget which character/pairing I’d like to write. There’s simply too much to choose from in the DCU.
Fandoms under the cut: DGM, DCU, Gintama, TRC, RE, TWD
In short, DCU (Batman-centric) and TRC are my main fandoms and I ship Harley, Dick and Jason as well as Kavinsky with basically anyone.
The List
Mostly sorted alphabetically by last name. Bold indicates faves. Linked are pairings I’ve written already. Gen and poly is also cool. Structure (where applicable) is this: Name | Alias (Verse). Most likely oudated.
Kanda/Lavi, Komui/Bak
The Animated Series, Arkham-verse, Telltale Games
Gotham City Sirens, Joker (Azzarello), White Knight
Assault on Arkham, Under the Red Hood, Batman and Harley Quinn
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay
DC Animated Universe
DC Bombshells
DC TV: Birds of Prey, Black Lightning, Gotham
DCEU: Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Justice League, Aquaman, Shazam
Elseworlds: Gotham by Gaslight, Thrillkiller
Injustice: Gods Among Us, Ground Zero, 2
Justice League
Dark, Unlimited
Nightwing, Deathstroke, Green Lanterns, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Titans, Suicide Squad
Teen Titans
vs the Justice League, The Judas Contract
Young Justice
Akila/Artemis (RHatO)
Artemis Crock/Zatanna
Tabitha Gallavan
Barbara Kean, Lee Thompkins
Artemis, Christina Bell (Arkham Knight), Jessica Cruz, Mary Dahl | Baby Doll, Duela Dent | Joker’s Daughter, Marian Drews | Neo Joker (White Knight), Talia al’Ghul, Pamela Isley | Poison Ivy, Dinah Lance, Louise Lincoln | Killer Frost, Kate Kane, Selina Kyle | Catwoman, Diana Prince | Wonder Woman, Emily Sung | Element Woman, Amanda Waller, Martha Wayne (Flashpoint), Tatsu Yamashiro | Katana, Zalika | Hack (Suicide Squad), Zatanna Zatara
might try, but will need time for research: Karen Beecher | Bumblebee, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Koriand’r | Starfire, Mari McCabe | Vixen, Barbara Minerva | Cheetah, Shayera Hol | Hawkgirl, Lois Lane, Siobhan Smythe | Silver Banshee, Caitlyn Snow | Killer Frost, Leslie Willis | Livewire, Scandal Savage, etc. etc.
crossovers: Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters), Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
please note that at this time I won’t be accepting any more Harley/Ivy prompts because I have a never-ending stack of those to choose from, but if you’re interested in receiving Harley/Ivy fics, stick around. Opportunities will arise soon <3
Barbara Kean/Lee Thompkins
Arthur Curry/Diana Prince, Arthur/Mera
Barbara, Donna, Harley, Kori, Zatanna
Donna: Dick, Jason, Roy
John Constantine, Jonathan Crane, Rick Flag, Dick Grayson, Joker, Waylon Jones | Killer Croc, Floyd Lawton | Deadshot, Edward Nygma | Riddler, Shazam / Billy Batson, Jason Todd, Slade Wilson
Jason: Artemis, Harley, Kori, Rose, Talia
Kori: Dick, Roy, Jason
Barry Allen (JL)
Victor Stone, Bruce Wayne
Dick, Jason, Joker
Bruce, Damian, Garth, Jason, Roy, Slade, Wally
Bizarro, Bruce, Dick, Joker, Roman, Roy, Slade
Slade: Damian, Dick, Jason
Gen / Other
Damian Wayne (ships in the later Injustice years are fine too)
poly!League (with the exception of movie!Supes)
The Raven Cycle
Adam Parrish, Declan Lynch, Richard Gansey, Jiang, Ronan Lynch, Prokopenko, Skov, Swan
Gansey/Henry, Gansey/Ronan
Resident Evil
Chris: Jill, Sheva
The Walking Dead
I’m sure I’m forgetting something (a lot). I’m also always trying to expand my knowledge of the DCU, so I might accept more character/pairing suggestions than are listed here. Just try me ;D
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