#butcher neil au
aftgficrec · 6 months
Fics where Neil gets in a fight and actually wins!! I know it’s more commonly said that he can start fights and not finish them but let’s be for real, the boy was raised by two mafias and is scary as hell (I think i’ve seen someone ask this a while ago but i’m not sure if there’s an updated list) Mainly wondering for like post-canon fics, but au’s are cool too!
There’s quite a bit to discover on this topic, be that AU or in the context of canon.  Of course, Neil rarely comes out of these troubles unscathed, but he wouldn’t be Neil if there wasn’t also a little martyrdom involved.  You might find more on this under our bamf!Neil, butcher!Neil and occasionally raven!Neil tags.  Have a browse, and see if there’s anything you like. - S
Some previous recommendations:
BAMF!Neil here
BAMF!Neil 2 here
BAMF!Neil 3 here
BAMf!Andreil w/happy ending here
badass Neil here
Neil fights and wins here
A dark Neil here
Neil says it's fine i've had worse here
Neil protects Katelyn/the foxes/Andrew here
Foxes find out Neil's not soft here (see list of recs at top of post)
Neil hurts/kills in front of foxes here
new BAMF! or Raven!Neil here
dark!Neil & Andrew here
bad boy Neil here
Neil Josten: Moriyama spy here
Neil kills Nathan here
Killing Eve AU here
‘Skin Comes Apart (Angel in Lothian)’ here
‘Bound for Error’ here
‘turn out the lights’ here (completed)
‘From Dungeons’ here
‘Whiskey Sour’ here
‘Negotiations’ and ‘The Butcher's Hello’ here (updated)
‘Shake my Tomb’ and ‘Appendages’ here
‘The  Butcher’s Son’ here
‘it takes two (but you and i are one)’ here
‘monster (under my bed)’ here
post-canon (more or less):
Out for Blood by Aquared46 [Rated M, 27975 words, complete, 2023, locked]
"Neil’s first thought upon opening his eyes was that he was lucky to be in the trunk of a car instead of the back of a van. His second thought was that even if he survived this, Andrew might finally give into the temptation to kill him." AKA Neil is abducted and everyone has a bad time.
tw: kidnapping, tw: torture, tw: nightmares
born for this by dovegraye [Rated G, 1278 words, complete, 2023]
There are some parts of Nathaniel Abram Wesninski that Neil Abram Josten can’t ignore and refuses to play at trying anymore. This is one of them.
tw: violence
My Lover Writes Me Letters by AceSirenSinger [Rated M, 23018 words, complete, 2023]
He feels it again – the fury, of Neil’s taunting precision, of his expertise honed specifically for Andrew. It makes Andrew furious. Andrew has not felt anything since he woke up with his head on fire, in a room with a man made of compressed violence. *** Andrew loses his memory of the last five years, and forgets Neil. Neil martyrs himself because of course he does.
**tw: threatened rape/noncon between major characters**, tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: blood/gore, tw: referenced animal cruelty and death, tw: vomit, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: murder, tw: implied disordered eating 
five times neil beat the babygirl allegations, plus the one time he didn't by r3mus [Rated T, 7488 words, complete, 2023]
neil will NEVER beat the babygirl allegations in MY heart but, alas, he would probably punch me if i called him babygirl to his face.
tw: violence
Damnation by X0X0HauntedX0X0 [Rated M, 15572 words, incomplete, last updated Jan. 2022]
Unkind and ever familiar, that anger Lola had triggered earlier returned with sharp teeth and without mercy. He would rip his time from their hands by force, like he’d been doing every day since he was born. Lola was clever as the devil, but Neil had been raised through the loopholes. She couldn’t hurt his Foxes if she was dead. Or Neil is much more dangerous than anyone gives him credit for.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: torture, tw: blood/gore, tw: alcohol, tw: drugs
NB: fic art of post-torture Neil by @kazzyboy here
Maybe a Mobster by definitely_not_loki [Rated M, 1558 words, complete, 2022]
Neil Josten had transferred at the beginning of this season, and sure he'd been a nightmare for the team, but not in the "I was raised by a serial killer" kind of way. He was hard on the team—way harder than anyone had been before—and he wasn't even the captain. He was just some rookie striker from South Carolina. Most of the time she forgot he was anything but a rookie striker, but then someone would ask about his scars or call him a different name. Those were the few moments she remembered he wasn't just an asshole. He was an asshole with a past. So when The Event happened, she was terrified, horrified beyond all reason, but she was not surprised. Or, Neil is a badass motherfucker.
tw: violence, tw: blood
Neil has some bad habits. by evelynreads23 [Not Rated, 1068 words, complete, 2022]
Neil learnt things when he was young, how to wield a knife, how to hide a body. He was doing good and not thinking about it until someone was telling him he was a fan of the butcher. He was in a haze afterwards and freaked when Jack was being an asshole. This is Neil going to his roots but staying Neil, protecting Andrew and the foxes and not having fun when his past is brought up. Read at your own risk! :)
tw: violence, tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: homophobia, tw: panic attacks
Dart Boards and Knife Fights by clumsylittlewriter [Rated T, 2983 words, complete, 2022]
"As if in sync, both of them dropped down into fighting stances and tensed their muscles. 'I apologize in advance if I end up killing you,' Nathaniel said, his voice dangerously quiet.  Natalie threw her head back and released a sharp peal of laughter, more malicious than anything Andrew had ever heard from her. 'Don’t get cocky, Butcher-boy,' she taunted, her eyes glittering with vicious glee. The Butcher’s smile reappeared on his partner’s face." (a game of darts reminds Andrew that Neil was raised by someone fascinated with knives)
All the masks I've left behind by SagaEllen [Rated T, 1879 words, complete, 2021]
Neil does not cry. Aaron asks for help. And everything is such a mess.
tw: knives, tw: violence
all for his foxes by Olympyas [Not Rated, 2469 words, complete, 2021]
If he wanted to defend his family Neil wouldn't be enough, but someone else would, just this time, just for them. This is how Nathaniel opened the door and managed to stop the knife threw at him. And that was familiar, It even became a reflex by now. They taught him. Lola taught him in a way he wouldn't be able to forget. Lola and Romero come for Neil directly at Palmetto and Neil defends his family.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: blood, tw: knives
Dead Ringer by HalloweenReaper [Rated E, 18892 words, incomplete, last updated Nov. 2023]
“Potential.” Riko slammed Neil against the wall again and whirled on Kevin. Kevin stared back at him, white-faced and tense. “You said that goalkeeper had potential and then wrote him off as useless when I offered him to you....” - The Foxhole Court, Ch. 13. Nathaniel was given to Ichirou as his private hitman after his skills as a marksman were revealed when the Moriyama tracked him and his mother down after they ran away. Riko decided to surprise Kevin with matching “pets” after he found out the goalkeeper Kevin was interested in had a twin. When Nathaniel is ordered to join the Ravens for a year to cover for a series of hits, his smart mouth meets Andrew’s prickly attitude and things get interesting.
tw: abuse, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: animal abuse, tw: panic attacks
Different Roads by frankelled [Rated T, 33944 words, incomplete, last updated Oct. 2023]
Nathaniel became Ichirou's 2nd when he was 10 years old. To protect Nathaniel from becoming a target no one can know, which leaves him in the Nest. When Kevin's hand breaks Nathaniel is in charge of protecting him from Riko, but now in Palmetto
tw: violence, tw: injuries, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: panic attacks
Andrew's Regret by pandaseek [Not Rated, 13860 words, incomplete, last updated Oct. 2023]
“The first three were all former foster parents of Andrew.” Piggins continued, unable to take a hint from the frosty office he’d admitted these things too. “No.” Aaron panicked, staring at Andrew in disbelief. “Andrew has never been…!” Wymack shifted his weight on the filing cabinet, reaching down to grab his trash can and passing it across Andrew in time for Aaron to grab it and spew a cascade of vile liquid into it, while Andrew pushed his chair onto its back legs and avoided all eye contact with those in the cramped office. Andrew knew who did this. The only person who had ever willingly gone to bat for him. A person he had mistakenly believed to be dead long ago; this was proof to the contrary. Except… Except that there was one name missing. - A prompt from Justthislazy, based on my original Lifeline, that I just had to pick up and run with. Thank you for the amazing idea!
tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced csa
Promise, I Can Give You a Reason by maydaykevin [Rated T, 1689 words, complete, 2023]
Something else happens in the fated Millport locker room.
tw: violence
I'm An Accountant by boomba77 [Not Rated, 24101 words, incomplete, last updated Oct. 2023]
Abram Hatford is an accountant. A legitimate accountant. He may work for an infamous crime family, but his hands have been clean for years (of blood, at least). He is a translator and an accountant. He flies under the radar, his existence hidden from the public by his family, and he prefers it that way. For him, the words ‘safe’ and ‘unknown’ are synonymous. So, when one of the Hatford empire’s more lucrative businesses begins stirring up the wrong kind of attention and losing money as a result, the Hatfords require discretion and brains. Their elusive Abram is the only person for the job. Andrew Minyard is a part-time server at a random diner and a part-time bartender at The Den, where he spends most of his time drinking what he’s supposed to be serving. It isn’t until strange things start happening around the club that Andrew decides to pay a bit more attention to the shady shit going on at his work. And then, when a stranger shows up looking for work with a perfect resume and a symmetrical face, Andrew finds his suspicion, and his interest, double. All of the death and destruction is bad, sure, but at least it’s interesting. OR Waiting for death is not living.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: dissociation, tw: nightmares, tw: panic attacks, tw: scars
Rheostat by NeilfuckingJosten [Rated M, 14315 words, incomplete, last updated Aug 2023]
Nathaniel Wesninski, alias Neil Josten is finally out of the Nest and into the world of professional exy. Deadly, smart and worse than his father, Nathaniel will bring a storm into Andrew's quiet world. AKA, they meet in the pro's.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced abuse
I Was Ruined From The Start by BrokenPineTree [Rated M, 39021 words, incomplete, last updated April 2023]
Neil’s grin is audible as he replies. "Riko’s antics getting outed to the public would make him a liability. And I do remember telling you that threats need to be dealt with accordingly." Kevin's stomach lurches into his throat with the conclusions he jumps to. "So, you’re gonna go back to the Nest?" He asks quietly. Slowly. Unsure how to feel about Neil putting himself in that situation again. He can't do that, right? He has other things to worry about now. Neil hums disapprovingly. "Try again," He offers. Kevin does. "You're... coming to Palmetto?" The au where Kevin doesn't have full confidence in Andrew's ability to stand between him and his lurking demons after only spending a few months at Palmetto. But with the dangerous card itching to emerge from under his sleeve, does he really need to?
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: nonconsensual drug use, tw: panic attacks
True Crime by mostly_maudlin [Rated T, 1789 words, complete, 2022]
All Andrew needed was the WiFi password.
tumblr posts:
Neil Does Not Like when people mess with his people. by @hmmm-shesucks [tumblr, 2023]
Whenever any of the foxes are slightly inconvenienced by someone enough to complain about them, Neil always asks, “Do you want me to take care of it?”
tw: implied/referenced violence
Neil gets in a fight by @hmmm-shesucks [tumblr, 2023]
Neil gets in a fight on the court and it’s one of those where gloves are dropped and helmets are thrown and the punches are quick and hard.
tw: blood, tw: violence 
Neil is dangerous and Aaron knows it hc by @thefoxholestuff [tumblr, 2021]
I love the idea of Neil being the really dangerous one rather than Andrew and the Foxes all being Shook and Andrew being a gay disaster over it
Part 2 - an expansion 
here’s an expansion of my Neil-is-dangerous-and-Aaron-knows-it post,
one night the foxes are at edens and some guy starts to harass Andrew hc by @zipperuser103 [tumblr, 2021]
I know that Neil “starts fights that he can’t finish”, but I refuse to believe that he has no fighting skills at all.
tw: violence
bamf!Neil  by @emry-stars-art
(Feat. BAMF? Assassin? Secret Agent? Neil) by @baylecn
Good boy, junior by @jayjuls
Killer In The Mirror by @allfortheslay25
Killing Eve AU by @rainbowd00dles
Wesninski looks good on you by @ouijacine
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dayurno · 3 months
riko in kayleigh’s care au yeahh…
riko: KEVIN WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME FREAK LEAVE ME ALONE??? *terrified for his life*
kevin, an autistic 7 year old: i have this rock in my pocket. for you
AND HE DOES............ riko he has this rock in his pocket. for you.
its cute to me it really is i think they're so funny and kevin is seriously so autistic. riko at this point hasn't interacted with any other children his age outside of little league and kevin is not just patently unusual he's also 1) super intense 2) loud 3) excited beyond belief over having someone to play with. SO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY HE IS. most children would be happy to get a brother no matter what but this child in specifically has spent a lot of time with nannies or in adult-world events with his mother so of course he's happy to have a friend to accompany him!!! are you crazy!!!!!! the way i see it on riko's first day with the days (heh) kevin teaches him approximately three hundred different games in a span of two hours that riko either brutally rejects for not being exy (which kevin agrees with but also says they have to play other games because not all children know exy) (he's shocked by this too) or just outright doesn't understand because kevin's accent is so thick :)
BUT I THINK despite riko's fragile state and the ghosts that will inevitably follow him well into adulthood, it is a happy childhood.......... it's hard and at points feels hopeless, but when riko grows older he does look back and understands kevin's intentions and maybe even is a little grateful that someone was willing to reach out to his angry terrified traumatized 7 year old self. i think this k & r are not as close as they were in canon for a myriad of reasons, the biggest one being that riko's relationship to kevin and kayleigh is pretty complex because he feels like an outsider, but they're also a lot more well-meaning towards each other. they don't understand the other as well as they'd like to (i'd wager kevin will spend years and years trying to understand riko and failing to) but i do think they get impossibly closer after (sorry) kayleigh dies, which i can imagine happening in their late 30s to mid 40s. they'll always be brothers <3:)
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fortheloveofexy · 2 years
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POV: you can’t tell which one is the mob boss and which one is the barista.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Math Nerd AU
I’ve got quite a few time travel AFTG fics banging around in my head but by far the funniest one is this:
Neil dies in 40s to a drunk driver after a respectable professional Exy career, two olympic golds, a very successful and healthy relationship, a steady post-injury career as Ichirou Moriyama’s preferred accountant (kept himself squeaky clean) and years to get his shit together. He wakes up back early on into his runaway life with his mom and is immediately like “oh no I’m NOT doing this shit again.”
He makes a lot of changes, mostly for Andrew’s benefit but also gets Mary to the Hatfords, and gets himself set up in Ichirou’s confidence again because man he’s gonna play Exy again but Ichirou was actually a very solid boss if you’re competent and Neil is very good at managing finances.
Ichirou had plans for Neil. He’s waiting for his father to pass before he brings Neil fully out in the open as one of his since his father is still demanding that the Wesninski heir be given over to his brother and Ichirou is not about to let the only accountant who has ever gotten him a completely legal tax refund go to the NEST. He’s also not about to let the Butcher near Neil so he puts Neil off in the middle of nowhere with a steady paycheck and orders to graduate highschool. Neil picks Millport.
Hernandez still notices that no one ever comes to Neil’s games and that the kid is driven but doesn’t make any real attachments with his teammates despite Millport becoming the Arizona State Champs the year Neil leads the team. So he sends tapes to Wymack and Kevin. Neil is surprised to see them since he’d planned on never getting anywhere near Andrew after he set things up for the blond. (Killed Drake, paid some people to legally adopt and look after Andrew, got CPS to investigate Tilda properly, paid off the right people so that the couple who took in Andrew took in Aaron too, and paid for them to move out to SC (it’s close to the twins remaining family) and then Tilda managed to die on her own from an OD and the twins got the money without Andrew needing to have any part in it.)
Neil ends up signing for the Foxes despite Ichirou having plans for Neil to start attending University of Texas (Great Accounting Program) in the fall. Neil of course completely fails to tell Ichirou this since Ichirou hadn’t said anything beyond finishing highschool and if he had plans for Neil then he should have told him.
Neil, the utterly self-sufficient adult that he is, proceeds to just be the most bizarre stabilizing force the foxes have ever encountered. He knows all about their shit, their issues, their triggers, and how to help them. The Foxes all kind of crave that stability and Neil can take whatever they say unflinchingly. He’ll give as good as he gets but he also makes team breakfast pretty much every morning after he finishes his absurdly early run. Kevin is in heaven with his Striker pick (Neil in this thing is so incredibly boring and well-adjusted that Andrew just cannot believe that he’s a spy so Kevin and Neil start night practices almost immediately & Neil shows Kevin drills that he and Future!Kevin had made and Kevin is just like “I am so good at picking talent. I am a god.”)
The 3 things that make this so funny (at least to me) is:
1. All the Foxes just like not understanding why the hell Neil is a Fox (They’re glad he’s there but it feels like a clerical error that such a nice well-adjusted guy is on the team) until they see him without a shirt and until immediately after the Kathy Ferdinand show where Ichirou shows up and is like “Palmetto doesn’t even have a nationally ranked accounting program!? Also what if this sport gives you a TBI and you can’t do my taxes anymore????”
2. Andrew is just inexplicably and infuriatingly smitten, enamored, crushing, heart-eyes for this BORING ASS MATH NERD. Neil’s sense of humor was honed against Andrew so he’s got like a direct line to Andrew’s funny bone. He never has never once for even a second confused Aaron and Andrew (and they’re a lot closer in this fic because there’s no Tilda angst and the ‘parents’ handled getting Aaron’s rehabilitation handled off the books so he could have a future in medicine.) Even after the whole mob accountant reveal Andrew is seething because even with that Neil is just incredibly well-adjusted and normal despite all the insane shit going on with him. He propositions Neil when Neil mentions having a past male significant other but Neil has the AUDACITY to get all sad-eyed and say that he can’t be with Andrew because his heart still belongs to some CHUMP in his past. (Cue Current!Andrew having an unknowing bitter hatred / rivalry of Future!Andrew and swearing that he’ll woo Neil away from a guy who’s probably in the mob or shitty because Andrew hasn’t seen any evidence of Neil’s SO reaching out to him but he knows Neil isn’t lying)
3. One of the reasons that Andrew is inexplicably and infuriatingly attracted / smitten to Neil is that Future!Andrew did not really spend a lot of time in the future after Neil died and he’s slowly seeping through until Neil’s confrontation with his dad and then Future!Andrew fully wakes up and he’s PISSED because at least in the original timeline Andrew was inexplicably and infuriatingly attracted to the mysterious freshmen who was hiding his appearance, looked like he was seconds away from running across the country at all times, and had a whole aura of danger around him. Now he’s revealed that he’d have fallen for Neil no matter what because he fell for Neil when he was just a BORING ASS MATH NERD and WORST OF ALL Neil went and made him jealous of HIMSELF because Neil didn’t want to cheat on Andrew with ANDREW. What an asshole. He’s gotta kiss his entire face off and tell him that he’s never allowed to cross a street without Andrew again because if a drunk driver is going to take one of them out then it’s going to take BOTH of them out.
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moonsnqil · 7 months
aftg au fic where neil is a psych major and he wants to do his final on the whole nature vs nurture thing so ofc he goes to aaron (they're not friends but they can be found studying with each other and taking turns bringing back snacks from the vending machine when they're both hunched over textbooks at 2 in the morning in the library). aaron only agrees to help bc neil promised he would help him talk to katelyn since they share a class this semester. enter andrew, criminal justice major, he's only here because aaron promised to buy him ice cream for the next month (and neil is hot and andrew is very gay). neil spends the next month or so running his little tests and asking questions. he learns early on that andrew is stubborn, he only deals in exchanges so every other night they find themselves sitting somewhere on campus trading truths and andrew sort of likes how he's revealing the nurture life dealt him and neil just accepts it bc he was dealt a similar hand. aaron doesn't care about the project, he's there for katelyn and maybe a small part of him would admit to needing validation that andrew isn't miles away from him bc look, they both hate candy corn, cilantro tastes like soap, and neither of them ever were too fond of hiking.
andrew wants to quit the project, ice cream wasn't worth this. neils auburn hair and ocean eyes and mysterious scars that were too clean to be anything but intentional. aaron wants to get a gf and find out why his brother doesn't talk to him yet is willing to stab the senior who shoved him. neil just wants to get a good grade, he survived the mafia and his serial killer father so he thinks he deserves a good grade (and if he keeps seeking out andrew in the halls and spends too much time trying to dissect the nature of him, well. good grade, right?)
what happens when neil realizes hes gotten too close to another person in a way he never has before, when andrew begins studying a certain butcher in his class with awfully familiar eyes?
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aftg taylor swift au
hear me out:
instead of being trained in exy, mary convinces the moriyama that they could use nathaniel as a foothold in the music industry. instead of little league, nathaniel wesinisnski gets music and singing lessons
when he turns 15 the moriyama as change his name to neil josten to avoid any ties with the butcher and he releases his debut album. he goes to high school near edgar allen, and was introduced to kevin + riko a while ago and is decent friends with them.
by the time fearless comes out, he is enrolled in edgar allen for music. riko gets more possessive and toxic once an official ravens member, and neil tries to cling on to kevin to escape.
neil meets andrew in his speak now era. riko had dragged him to the first fall banquet as his date, and when neil finally slipped away from the crowds he found andrew minyard. when neil introduces himself, andrew sarcastically says, “enchanted.” as they talk more (not at all bc andrew thought the blue eyed red haired singer was interesting, no) neil jokes that he’ll write a song about andrew so popular he’ll never be able to escape it. when speak now comes out, andrew swore he wouldn’t listen to it but he say a song titled enchanted and his stomach twisted. listening to the song was like a punch in the gut, and neil got the last laugh because the song did in fact haunt him (get the pun?)
after neil’s growing popularity ichirou is getting interested in neil and red is the fall out of that
1989 is neil dealing with riko breaking kevin’s arm and kevin leaving neil behind to go to the foxes. (this album is so them coded, all you had to do was stay, now that we don’t talk, i know places, is it over now, say don’t go)
reputation is after a shitshow. the foxes beat the ravens, riko is dead, and it was revealed to the public who neil’s father is, mb bc he got kidnapped or something. he reconnects with kevin, and by proxy andrew. they fall in love and reputation is born, the rest is history.
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tropical-lycan · 1 year
The Foxhole Camp (All for the Game slasher movie AU)
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BIG UPDATE : Some concepts art are out you can find them on my Tumblr account! ALSO CHAPTER 1 IS OUT
WARNING -> Spoilers for All for the Game trilogy and dark themes (horror)
I GOT SO INSPIRED BY THIS FANART BY @kururusti, the horror atmosphere coming from that fanart gave me literal chills, I love it.
I just had a crazy idea : what if AFTG wasn't about sports and mafia, but was a 1980s/90s slasher horror movie?
I thought of this because when I was younger I went to a French Summer Camp called "La Renardière" (literally meaning something close to "The Foxhole") and also because I'm a big fan of classic horror movies taking place in summer camps, such as Friday the 13th and Sleepaway Camp.
So, my plot idea is that in this universe, all of the Foxes are not sports player, but summer camp councelors, and they have to take care of kids. And Neil's dad is a slasher coming after them (let's keep his nickname "The Butcher", it's perfect for a slasher).
My plot idea is that Neil is the son of a murderous man (who is not a mafia boss in this version, he's just some crazy dude with an axe) and he ran away with his mother because the Butcher tried to kill them (think of movies like The Shining). They're still on the run because the Butcher really wants to finish the job (not sure why tho I have to think more about it). Like in the original story, Neil's mother gets killed and he is still chased by Nathan. One day the Butcher attacks him in the forest and leaves him to die (well I guess Nathan thought he had killed Neil or something like that, but he was just badly injured and survived). The councelors of the Foxhole Camp find him wounded in the forest while doing camp activities with the kids and decide to take care of him. Wymack who is the person running the camp offers him a job there after he recovers from his injuries (and I 100% imagine Andrew taking care of his wounds ❤️‍🩹). The Butcher will somehow discover that Neil isn't dead and he will try to murder all of them.
Now I'll do a quick summary of how I imagine each character's role with pictures from horror movies to illustrate the vibe (I might do my own concept arts later!!).
Note that the gifs I picked are NOT actor headcanons, it's mostly characters or concepts that inspired my ideas. I'll give the name of each movie/TV show if you're interested.
Also, I forgot to mention, but I imagine this AU taking place in the 80s, with a similar vibe/aesthetic to Stranger Things.
(gif is Tommy Jarvis from Friday the 13th)
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As I said, the Butcher was originally after Neil, meaning that in that AU he has the role of the Final Girl. Well...Final boy? Let's say final babygirl. He is the character who knows the killer personaly and has a deep childhood history with them (like Laurie Strode from the Halloween saga). Like in the original, he is very secretive and pretends to be someone else because he is afraid his father might find out that he is still alive. He becomes a camp councelor with the other Foxes and loves to play Exy with the kids (Exy still exists in that AU as part of the camp activities). I also imagine that he has no clue how to take care of kids and is still oblivious af. I mean...imagine that guy looking after children it's the funniest thing ever. I'm sure a lot of them ask him about how he got his scars.
At first he doesn't tell the Foxes what really happened to him and pretends he was attacked by a wild animal.
(gif is JD from the Heathers movie, and yes...Heathers kinda is a horror movie???)
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Okay maybe I was wrong when I said Neil taking care of kids would be the funniest thing...ANDREW DOING THAT IS EVEN FUNNIER. I kinda imagine him to be like a councelor helping Abby Winfield in the Infirmary (and yeah he steals meds and alcohol). He still has his dark and mysterious vibe (and I kinda imagine him dressing in a similar fashion to JD from Heathers, hence my gif choice). He would also be the guy suspected to be the killer (like Eddie Munson in Stranger Things 4), because he still has his mental health issue in that version. I also think it would be interesting to keep the backstory he has with Aaron and their mother, except they end up in a summer camp and not in an Exy team (it makes even more sense for people to think that he is the killer because of the rumors he killed his mom). Most of the kids find him terrifying, but i'm sure most of them see him as a rockstar or living urban legend. As in the books, he really doesn't give a fuck about his job. He will also be the one to discover Neil's secret, and I want a scene where he directly fights with the Butcher. I also imagine a cute romantic scene where Neil and him will go swimming in the lake at night (i'll probably make a fanart of this <3).
Aaron wouldn't change much compared to the books, I just think he would be really pissed when people accuse his brother of being the killer (while not being sure himself that he isn't). He would often leave the camp without telling people in order to see Kathy (who doesn't work there at all), leading people to believe at some point that he might be dead. I also want a scene where he pretends to be Andrew (who is chased by people who think he is the killer) in order to save him.
Drake, who knows that Andrew is working at a camp councelor, will try to trespass the camp at night in order to get to Andrew. And well...I guess Aaron will kill him as well and it will add more tension within the group (as if there was not enough murders happening there).
(gif is Xavier from American Horror story season 9 : Camp Redwood)
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Nicky would stay true to himself: proud to be gay and flirty with the male councelors, even though it must be harder for him since this AU takes place in the 80s. I imagine to be the funny guy of the bunch, throwing one-liners at the killer. I think that he would be more invested in the job than Andrew and Aaron.
(I almost wanted to put a gif of Allison Reynolds from Breakfast Club as a joke but well...It's Chris from Carrie, I'd love to see Allison with that haircut)
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She would be the stereotypical bimbo, but with more personality when you get to know her. I think Seth would be the first one to die and it would impact her character development and make her wanna take revenge on the Butcher. I imagine Seth to be like the stereotypical jock, still a jerk. This time he is killed by Nathan's axe and not because of Riko. I don't have much more ideas for them yet, but I love to imagine that Allison starts as a typical bitch and then she learns how to survive and becomes a badass character (like Emma Mountebank from the horror game The Quarry).
I think that Seth would be killed while the two of them are...Well...Doing... what camp councelor couples do in 80s horror movies... Allison somehow manages to escape the Butcher and to tell the others that Seth died.
(gif is Robin Buckley from Stranger Things)
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I don't have much ideas for Reenee yet but I'm open for suggestions if you guys have ideas. I think her story would stay similar to the original books as well. I just love to imagine that she tries to teach Andrew how to act more friendly with the kids, and making fun of him when as fails miserably to be a sociable human being (come on Andrew, the kids are freaked out by your crazy medicated smile). I also think that in their freetime they like to hang out and throw knives on the camp's archery targets. She is probably one of the most loved councelors.
(gif is Deena Johnson from Fear Street)
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Dan is trying to do what's best for the kids. Her group would still be divided with the monsters on the other side because she is part of the ones who believe that Andrew might be the killer. She is sceptical when Neil tries to tell the Foxes that there is a murderer running around. Wymack puts her in charge when he has to leave the camp (not knowing that Kevin...well, you know their secret) and she takes that role very seriously, as the leader of the gang and "the rational one".
(gif is Chris Washington from Get Out)
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I think that Matt would often try to play the role of the hero, fighting the Butcher many times to protect his friends. I don't have much ideas for him either but I'm open for suggestions!
(gif is Kurt from Fear Street)
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In this version I think that Kevin has something to do with the Butcher too. I'm not sure what, but I'd like to keep the idea that he knows Neil from his former life as well. Maybe he was another victim that survived, or one of his relatives was killed by the Butcher in front of his eyes. In this AU the Ravens are camp councelors from a rival Summer Camp (Evermore Camp). Kevin used to be part of them but he ran away because they have questionable methods when it comes to taking care of the kids (Riko put that fucking knife down, will ya?). Riko would be a psycho bully and a minor antagonist. He would also attack the Foxes and use the Butcher's murders as a cover-up.
Kevin and Riko take the rivalry between the Foxhole Camp and Evermore Camp very seriously. They often battle against each other in events such as Exy competitions and Capture the flag. The Foxhole Camp is considered to be a shitty and dangerous summer camp while Evermore Camp is for rich kids (in a similar vibe to the rivalry between Shadyside and Sunnyvale kids in Fear Street).
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Our slasher!! As I said before he would be obsessed with the idea of killing Neil and the Foxes in the most gruesome way possible. The chemestry between the two will be very personal, like most killer vs final girl dynamic in slasher movies. I'm sure he will have some second winds... As for how he will look I don't know for sure? I like the idea that he is wearing an Exy helmet, in a similar fashion to Jason Voorheese's iconic hockey mask.
So yeah that's my idea for this AU. If you guys want to add ideas you can always contact me!! It'd be so cool to see what you think of it :D
I will do fanarts based on that AU if you're interested enough 🫵🫵🫵 I mean we need Neil and Andrew in summer camp staff uniforms...
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mdoesitmatter · 7 days
I feel like my English is not good enough to write a fanfiction and because it’s been rotting in my head for months, here is my “Neil Josten is a vet and Andrew Minyard is a criminologist” Andreil AU:
So basically Andrew Minyard (and his mental support cat Sir) moved from US to Austria to get criminology degree (why? because I said so?). So, he lives in small city of Austria, Graz. Aaron also studies here is medical school and Kevin sometimes flies from Ireland to visit them on holidays. Niky is still salty theу chose Austria over Germany, (he will live). His life is quiet and peaceful. He is been doing good lately.
For the finals, this year, he needs to write a research paper about some interesting case. He pick the case of Baltimore’s Butcher. Whole research goes great until he stumbles across infuriating lack of information about Butcher’s son, which is well-needed for his paper, so he just stares on only available picture of Nathaniel for hours, trying to figure out what happened years ago.
But as he writes his paper (at 3 am) his cat suddenly gets really sick. (like foam-out-of-mouth sick. He calls Renee (cuz she is a vet) but she is out of town and can’t help, so she gives him a number of her colleague (you guessed it) — Neil Josten. He calls him and ask for help.
Neil agrees to help and literally sprints to Andrew’s place to help Sir (good thing they live close to each other, right?) he makes it on time and saves Sir’s life. Andrew like a super grateful owner offers him a tea.
As they drink tea on his kitchen, Minyard stares at Neil (covered in Sir’s puke, dark circles under his eyes, messy hair, tired af, y’know, the definition of sexy) then his eyes find his laptop (that still has Nathaniel’s photo on display) and then they dart back to the guy that just saved his cat and he goes like:
Andrew: wait a minute, what the actual—
To be continued…
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I know it’s cringe, but it brought me tons of pure joy to write, so I don’t care. Would you read something like this?
Ps: Also if someone by any chance can read Ukrainian, I actually had already written first chapter of a fic based on this story. “Кошача блювота та інші приємності життя” on ao3. Enjoy.
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eeriethacus · 5 months
Would be a twisted and dark AU, but I can't stop thinking about a Hannibal AFTG AU...
Hear me out, Butcher/Raven!Neil as Hannibal and Andrew as Will Graham. Robin Cross as Abigail Hobbs. I kinda need to draw it..so..I will for a future piece..sometime...
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aftgficrec · 2 months
oh i caught you open! can we get some either andrew & kevin or neil & kevin being best friends and supporting each other? i feel like they're not explored enough and the potential is right there :)
Luckily, Kevin and Andrew’ friendship is a topic the fandom is pretty interested in.  So much so that we’ve split this ask.  In this post we’re concentrating entirely on Andrew and Kevin, Neil & Kevin’s friendship will be will be addressed in another ask. - S
Some previous recs:
Andrew & Kevin’s friendship here
Kevin & Andrew’s relationship here
Kevin as Andrew’s best friend here
Kevin’s friendship with Andreil here
‘Where The Wild Things Are’ here
‘I know that you'll come if you want’ here
‘N for nebulous’, ‘And Then There Was One’ and ‘Wear it to Eden's’ here
‘Reckless’ here
‘Trust Me’ here
‘Searchlights’ here
‘fugue in red’ here
splinters beneath our nails by mostly_maudlin [Rated T, 3719 words, complete, 2023]
Andrew hasn’t decided what to do about Kevin Day. A few days ago, he’d have said that Kevin was dead to him. If things had gone differently, that might still be true. Today, he walks up to the car and throws open the door.
Not again by LetThemCuddle [Rated G, 698 words, complete, 2023]
Andrew circled the stony striker when silence answered him. “Hello? Anybody home? The answer is yes, a lot of nobodies, just one is missing. I’ll give you three guesses.” “Pass.” “Never took you for a quitter. This is quite refreshing.” The goalie quipped, lighting a smoke. “Come on, the cars’ still running.” “I’m going to stay here.” Kevin’s quiet voice echoed through the abandoned stadium. Somber, lacking the usual spiteful energy he towed.
right on time by dayurno [Not Rated, 10915 words, complete, Aftg Mixtape Exchange 2023]
"Has your Butcher called back yet?" Oh. “No,” Kevin replies, frowning slightly. “It’s understandable. He is a busy man.” “Kevin Day making excuses,” pulling away, Andrew puts down, “at this rate, you might just write his name on the margins of your books with hearts around it.” “What? No, why would I do that?” “Why wouldn’t you?” Kevin gives him a perplexed look. “Andrew, do you think I like the Butcher of Baltimore?” Alternatively, when the Butcher of Baltimore issues an order for his subordinates to bring him his childhood idol, he forgets what his choice of career entails. Kevin would hold it against him if he didn't find the man so fascinating.
tw: (accidental) kidnapping
Rescue Me by Demiwitchwoodwalker [Rated T, 4564 words, complete, 2022]
“I can protect you, from him and yourself,” Andrew said in a tone Kevin couldn’t quite place after a long moment filled with nothing but the muffled noise of the game playing on Kevin’s laptop. “I can help you stay instead of running further or back.” Kevin stared at him then, finally letting himself actually look at him, and the same feeling from before returned, feeling like a hand clenched itself around his lungs and heart. He pushed his laptop closed, the game’s audio abruptly cutting off, and turned slightly to face Andrew, whose expression had shifted back into the grin that seemed to constantly be present in the day and whose eyes looked almost dead. Kevin’s lips parted, words rising in the back of his throat, but he couldn’t get them past his tongue. How was he supposed to do this? The memory of Andrew the night before floated through his mind again, when he was as close to sober as he could get, more vulnerable than Kevin felt he’d ever seen a person despite the fact that Kevin was the one halfway through a breakdown. "Why?" --- Aka, how Kevin and Andrew make their deal. (Potential triggers are listed in the tags, please be careful!)
tw: self harm, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced suicidal thoughts
The Tide by zoeellendraws [Rated G, 20473 words, complete, 2022]
Kevin and Andrew participate in a showcase that could make or break their ballet careers and discover a promising new talent in the process.  Or Mysterious Ballet AU
tw: implied/referenced violence
I came for the safety (stayed 'cause you made me feel) by Charcoalll [Rated M, 4621 words, complete, 2021]
“Day? We’re gonna get you out of here okay? Minyard’s gonna make sure you get out of here and down to the bus” Kevin looked over Wymack’s shoulder where he could see the figure of the small blonde man. Kevin nodded, how could he do anything but nod? These people were sticking out their neck for him in a way he couldn’t remember anyone doing before. No words could ever describe his thankfulness.  Or: A little glimpse into Andrew and Kevin's relationship before, during and after AftG.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced alcohol abuse
biting down by vincevangothh [Rated T, 2257 words, complete, Aftg Exchange 2017]
kevin learns that in order to understand something, you have to allow yourself to learn, and talks to andrew about neil. '“Did I or did I not tell you that you have asked as many free questions as you are permitted to today?” This time, as Andrew snaps, Kevin hears it. “Free?” he asks around a mouthful of rice, swallowing hastily before he continues. “So if I give you something, I can ask more?” It's a rhetorical question, but Andrew grants him a small nod anyway. “Neil and I have - had - a thing.” Kevin agonisingly anticipates his next words as Andrew scoops up another mouthful of food. Static silence stretches out between them until he swallows again. “Truth for truth. For everything you ask me, I ask you something.” “Deal.”'
Reasons by orphan_account [Rated T, 1895 words, complete, 2016]
“You took me with you when you recruited him,” Andrew muttered, but he knew Kevin was listening. They both knew that it was the closest Andrew could get to a thank you, so they both kept quiet. A list of the times Andrew met Kevin, interwoven with the list of times Andrew met Neil.
Kevin, Andrew and their friendship by @andrews-jort-loving-pipe-dream [tumblr, 2023]
“Why are we here?” “I'm here because it's Josten's birthday next week. You're here because you can't be alone.”
Andrew and Kevin watching a movie together after one of them wakes up from a nightmare. by @foxesbettingpool [tumblr, 2018]
He’d been up the majority of the night, wasting away on a bean bag chair with textbooks, papers, and a mountain of notes surrounding him.
tw: nightmares
Future Andrew & Kevin hc by @thepalmtoptiger [tumblr, 2018]
Andrew and Kevin stay close friends after leaving the Foxes and going pro.
Kevin asks Andrew to be his best man hc by @palmettofoxden [tumblr, 2017]
Kevin asks Andrew to be his best man at his wedding and Andrew just stands up and walks out of the room without answering or even reacting.
andrew & kevin brotp edit by @mint-and-memories
Andrew and Kevin meme art by @foxhole-doodles
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stabbyfoxandrew · 6 months
🕊️ WIP Wednesday 12/13 🕊️
Send an ask telling me to work on one of my WIPs! One ask each please, just to keep me sane. Thanks lovelies. <3
PS: I opened a discord server for aftg fans! Feel free to join. :)
1. Vampire Andrew AU 2. Guardian Angel Neil AU 3. Mafia Front Restaurant AU 4. Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU *click the links for masterposts for each au!
Here's Angel Neil (Part 84):
“So, did Neil ever tell you how he died? I know you were curious about that.” Betsy looks ready to write something down again. 
When Andrew blinks, he vividly recalls the panic attack Neil had yesterday when he'd announced The Butcher’s demise. The wild-eyed, haunted look on Neil’s face when he stuttered out, “They were too late.” Andrew still isn’t sure what that meant. But it can’t have been good.
Andrew blinks again and returns to the present, where Bee is still looking at him expectantly. He clears his throat. “No, he hasn’t.”
“But you still talk to him?”
“Yeah. Any idea why he’s here?” Andrew asks. He tosses a look at the short bookcase behind Bee’s desk. “Is he in any of your little books?”
<- previous | first | next->
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fortheloveofexy · 2 years
Hey hello hii I love ur mafia au wip and wld love if u cld share some more for wip wednesday, please and thank u also i love you... a lot <333
Why wait until Wednesday? You can have a snippet right now, anon :)
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dayurno · 3 months
I will say that I have a severe bone to pick with ao3 Neil but specifically with Raven!Neil and other similar Canon divergence fics in which people cannot write him in the Nest/in proximity to Riko without turning him into either Kevin or Jean, both in terms of personality and plot beats/importance. We could be having a real conversation about what that universe would actually be like and how a different upbringing would affect the Neil we know and instead Im out here being tricked into reading All For The Game 2: without all the parts I like edition
100% AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS!!!!!!! my thing with most raven!neil aus is that often his personality goes entirely unchanged, and it puts him in a position where, like you said, he becomes kevjean's weird divorce kid. to me, when an author writes the same personality in a different setting for raven!neil, it feels so... shallow?! easy?! truly almost lazy. i think a nathaniel who was brought up to be the butcher's sucessor would be so different from the neil who was raised by mary on the run they would be entirely different characters. i think the neil we know would be changed in irreversible ways by being raised as the butcher's first son, and his personality would be closer to riko's than most aftg fans i feel would be comfortable acknowledging
for me the fun part of raven!neil is the way neil would rock perfect court dynamics if he was raised as nathaniel. riko and kevin would not have been as close if nathaniel was there with them; i don't think nathaniel would take kevin's place so much as he would be in a position where he, as a first son and the direct sucessor of the butcher, would be in somewhat of an equal footing with riko inside the perfect court (but never outside of it, let it be clear). in a situation like this i don't even think kevin and nathaniel would have become friends — i think kevin would have still left and nathaniel would have been the number one hound dog trying to get him back, going way further than jean did in the books to make sure kevin is back where he belongs. actually now that i'm thinking of it i think nathaniel would be pretty close to how andrew is in the first book, which would be very interesting to see :)
jean's life would remain horrible either way. i don't think nathaniel would ever be his anchor so much as he would've been a necessary ally to jean, someone who steps between him and riko because he is in a position to do so and because nathaniel needs jean to keep up with him in court, so in a way that would help jean. i don't know how kevjean's friendship would go in this universe though: would kevin being less close to riko give them more space to be friends or would jean's association with nathaniel push kevin away from the perfect court as a whole? to be perfectly honest, i think kevin and nathaniel would compete to be riko's number two for a long time, and i don't think kevin would win. truly telenovela levels of drama
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sammorallee · 4 months
coming back to tumblr with yet another au! sketch
this time — an au! in which Neil never been on the run and actually is an ordinary guy from Milport, who lives in an abusive family, who's obsessed w/ Exy and Kevin Day is literally his idol 🤌
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yup, basically, i just took all the lore, all the information known about who Neil pretended to be, while living in Milport, and just made it... true.
yay, Kevin got what he took and wasn't traumatised by discovering that Neil-ordinary-talanted-guy-from-Milport-Josten is actually Nathaniel-the son-of-a-serial-killer-working-for-my-step- brother's-family-Wesninski 💀
also, there's no Butcher in this au! (i mean, in the form that we know from AFTG; the Butcher is still there, but he's not Neil's father for obvious reasons) so, yeah, basically, Nathan and Mary are just abusive Neil's parents
Mary is more like over-protecting + controlling over Neil, strict and prohibits a lot of things, but she's often gone to Tucson for her work; Nathan is not satisfied with his son's behaviour and attitude, his hobbies and interests, and tries to change him in every possible way — including violence.
when both parents are at home, they usually argue and Neil still gets involved in their fights. So, that's why he usually stays in school and the school's changing room for the night. While home alone, Neil sleeps in his room, as there are no risks.
Neil has scars — marks of domestic violence (mostly from hoses/slaps on his back, also from burns) — which he tries to hide because he doesn't want to get involved with the child welfare authorities and, after turning eighteen, the police. In Foxes, he'll adapt pretty fast as he sees — everyone is fucked up in here so they absolutely won't call the police on his parents, 'cause come on 💀 FOXES. 💀 CALLING THE POLICE. 💀
Neil is Raven's fan (read as "he's Kevin Day's fan and loves the team he plays for just for playing there") and is (before joining and getting along with them) biased against the Foxes because of their backgrounds — deep down thinking that people like them aren't worthy of playing in Class I Exy, or indeed having someone like Kevin in the team.
((but he, obviously, accepts the invitation from Wymack as he kinda wants to get rid of his parents and live a normal life))
apart from Exy, Neil also has other interests — he loves astronomy and space in general — to him, something as large-scale as open space with an infinite number of universes seems absolutely incredible, mesmerizing and inspiring.
in this au, Andrew won't be interested in Neil so much ('cause he's boring and basically he wasn't hiding anything from the beginning, he's like an open book), and Neil either won't be interested in Andrew ('cause he's obsessed w/ Kevin and wants him in any way imaginable, come on). So, yeah, in this au! Kevneils rule the world.
last, but not least, it's a literal fan-idol relationship with an from admiration to disappointment to hate to love trope and I'm fuckin' IN LOVE with this whole concept I've created.
yup i think that's all what i got for today folks
sorry for this tonne of text, hope you enjoyed
and I also hope I'll have enough endurance and patience to write a whole fanfiction based on this au!
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jtl-fics · 11 months
can't decide if I should ask for New Kings or Math? You pick!
WIP Wednesday (7/5/23) - CLOSED | Math Nerd AU
"I will destroy it now before it can do any further damage to the land around it. A blood soaked tree reaching to destroy the only cutting of value to ever come from it's branches is not one I will let remain." Ichirou says and watches as Neil relaxes again against Minyard and as Minyard's hand came up to the back of Neil's neck.
"Lord Moriyama, how many more tree allusions are you planning on making?" Neil asks and Ichirou can't help how his eyes soften for a moment but Minyard was the only one who could have seen it and the goalie was too busy staring down fondly at Neil.
"The Butcher was warned, was told that you were mine and yet he dared to injure you." Ichirou doesn't comment on Neil's teasing, glad to hear his friend's sharp tongue was still intact. "Guards will be nearby until we have taken care of them, you are not to slip them as you have in the past. Some others will watch over your friends to ensure none are used against you." he continues.
Neil takes a long and deep breath after Ichirou finishes and he wonders if another plea will come from his friend's mouth. "Thank you, Ichirou." he says instead.
Ichirou gives himself a moment to be surprised and this time Minyard sees it on him. "Of course Neil." Ichirou says, "You are my friend." he reminds Neil.
Neil lets out a watery laugh, "You're a SAP Ichirou." Neil emphasizes the word to let him know it's a play on his earlier tree allusions.
Ichirou rolls his eyes, "I will contact you later with details of his demise." he says instead of deigning to respond.
"Oh, you're leaf-ing already?" Neil asks.
Ichirou turns to lea- depart. Neil was Minyard's problem for now.
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emmerrr · 2 months
Smoke on the Water
“You realise this isn’t an offer everyone gets.” Agent Browning stares Neil down, not even phrasing it like a question. Neil badly wants to scoff, but manages not to. “Doesn’t really seem like an offer at all,” he deadpans. “On the contrary, Nathaniel, it’s very generous.” Neil feels his eye twitch at the casual use of his real name; the suits have been relentless about using it ever since Neil turned himself in following his mother’s death. His reckless, foolish hope had been that he could leverage everything he knew for a new identity and the chance at a real life. And a new identity he now has, but it hasn’t come without caveats. He shakes his head. “I’m not one of your agents. I’m not trained for this shit. They’ll suss me out immediately.” It’s Browning’s turn to shake his head. “You managed to elude capture by both your father’s people and federal agents for ten years.” “I was with my mother,” Neil points out, but then he has to pause to collect himself. If he thinks about her for too long, he’ll break. He feels like he can still smell the burning in the air; he can hear the sound of her blood-soaked clothes ripping from the car seat as he tried to move her. He can still see the light leaving her eyes. He clears his throat. “I wasn’t alone. I wasn’t the mastermind.” “That’s fair,” Browning allows, “but an accomplished liar, you most certainly are. I have no doubt your mother taught you everything she knew.” “She never would have wanted me to turn myself in, so I guess I never learned a goddamn thing.” “Or maybe you’re smarter than you give yourself credit for.” A pained look crosses Browning’s face at having to admit this and Neil almost smiles. “Aw, I didn’t know you thought so highly of me, Browning.” “That’s Agent Browning to you,” Browning snaps, but then visibly collects himself. “So, Nathaniel—” “It’s Neil, now,” Neil interrupts. Browning sighs. “Neil. Do we have a deal?” Neil leans his forearms on the table. He’s exhausted after the last few days of interrogation and all he wants to do is sleep. A stack of paper sits near his elbow, within which Neil has written down everything he can remember from ten years on the run, as well as everything he knows about his father’s criminal dealings. No doubt he’s also been recorded as well, so his testimony is available in several formats. He should have known it wouldn’t be enough. “Do I really have a choice?” “Sure you do.” Browning smiles thinly. “It’s this, or it’s fifteen to twenty years in federal prison.” His father’s people are in prisons up and down the country. Wherever they put Neil will be within reach of the Butcher’s men. So really, it’s this, or death. Neil’s not ready to die yet. “You’ve got yourself a deal, asshole.”
Chapter 1 of ?
A Point Break AU, of sorts
[locked fic, but i have some invitiations if anyone wants one!]
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