#but you're always ready ; being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble? (the sons of casterly rock)
casterlygldcs · 4 months
who: @arronlannister when and where: kings landing, the morning the lyseni rogares arrive to kings landing; the brothers of house lannister remain within the private quarters within the lannister apartments, eating dinner privately instead of in the main feasting hall of the red keep this day. this is set prior to the untimely murder of lord garland hightower; though at this point he has returned back to the reach as according to salma's canon.
the conversation within the gardens of the rock, down at the grounds whilst what was the true reality of their world remain towering above them, had truthfully remained within the back of his mind - as much as he would not admit it to any other than the man that sat before him. there came a danger in a lion feeling as though he had no pride; an exiled lion never survived long in the wild, and such was the reality in this case. it would be rare for any to be able to physically overpower the prince of fair isle, and yet the slippery world of plots and schemes were a reality - as much as they were a reality the man attempted to distance himself from. the lion king had the knowledge that arron was inherently able to grasp the severity of such plots - and what was needed in order to deal with them.
it was their father that had warned tyland of the impending realities regarding house reyne and house tarbeck; his whole life, had been as much of a waiting game as it was dealing with them. for even lions needed to deal with challenges of being the head of the pride. "lord marbrand briefed me of some reputed issues stemming from silverhill." tyland spoke, slicing into the venison on his plate; he paid no attention to the sound of his blade against the porcelain, or the way in which the pink flowed from the venison. they had spent the majority of the evening with one another, deciding they would remain absent from the celebrations and festivities this day: the other courtiers, most notably the hand of the king, would represent their interests.
"religious dissent." tyland sliced his meat as though he sliced the hunt himself - the way their father had taught them to skin open a deer, and strip the carcass to take all from it, leaving nothing to waste. he remained silent as he saw the facial expression of arron lannister change slightly; there was a reason tyland lannister had intentionally kept a distance from the high septon. the master of whispers had reported the swirling rumours that seemed to be spirited within the west, the notion that jaehaerys targaryen was ready to help the king and the high septon come to some sort of conciliation. "i will send lord ambrose serrett to round up those within his own lands - it is their responsibility to ensure the matter is dealt with, imperatively." another sound of cutting, the knife against the porcelain of the plate - if the noise bothered arron, tyland himself did not notice.
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"lord westerling advised against the entire group being executed - too soon following the matter at the starry sept." where westerland septons had fled over the border to seek sanctuary from the high septon, instead of swearing an oath of fealty: in the end, there was bloodshed on the septs of the starry, and the septons themselves seemed to meet their timely ends following their confessions being taken. the wonders of wine representing blood. "the most prominent will be hung within lannisport's square, and the rest can be held in solitary confinement or sent to the isles to be put to work." he uttered.
tyland lannister was wholly aware of any of the personal complications that came in the life of arron lannister these coming days, unaware of the tensions that had swirled between the princess and the princess consort; though he knew and understood it would be arron and fair isle who would take guinevere's son as a ward. the rumoured bastard; the thought was enough to almost make him shake his head. what they had, was the rightful heir to the vale; the dead king's son. "how is fair isle taking to the changes?" tyland asked, referring to the reformation and the changes. truthfully, he understood there would be some resistance: the early work needed to be pushed forward now.
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ezpezlemonsquez · 4 years
Okay, so I've heard about that theory in which princess Yue was to be the Avatar but since Aang hadn't died but just had frozen himself, the cycle was somehow broken and that's why Yue was born so weak and had to be saved by the Moon Spirit. This actually gave me a fanfiction idea, so
in this concept Yue is Sokka and Suki's child, as Lu Ten is Mai and Zuko's. They spend a bit of their vacation at their houses in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se. Everything is peaceful. Everything is fine.
Lu Ten was screaming. He didn't have any control over his body, needless to say, his mind. He just wanted it to be over. Suddenly, he felt a gentle tug on his shoulder and he shuddered. Then he felt the second tug, a little bit more intense than the previous one.
"Lu" said someone with a really soft voice. "Lu, wake up."
So Lu Ten screamed for the last time and this time he immediately woke up and sat up on his bed. He was panting heavily, the sweat dripping off his body. At first he couldn't see anything. Only after a few breaths was his vision slowly getting better.
"Everything's alright, Lu." The same voice rang out again, finally letting Lu Ten fully get back to reality. It was kind of like his anchor and though he had sometimes heard it in his dreams, it had never been so clear before. Lu Ten blinked and he realised why this time it was different.
"Yue" he whispered and lied down again, utterly exhausted, as he saw his beautiful friend right in front of him. Her dark brown hair tickled his face when she leaned towards him to make sure he's awake. For real now. Lu Ten took one last deep breath and got up from the bed. He walked to the table and drank some water he'd prepared himself in a cup. The rest of it he spilled on his head. Yue came up to him and gently touched his shoulder.
"Everything alright?" she asked caringly. He nodded.
"Yeah" he answered, not being completely sure if he reassured her, or himself. "Yeah, everything's fine, it was just, uhm..."
Yue raised her eyebrow.
"A nightmare?"
"No, no, I don't have nightmares, no." He forced a laugh.
"Right" snorted Yue. "You know, you may be one really powerful firebender but that doesn't make you any truthbender."
"You say so?"
"I literally heard you screaming, Lu Ten. I woke you up."
The boy shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe you needed something?" he suggested and he suddenly realised something. "Wait a second, why were you even here?"
Yue seemed a bit confused for a moment.
"Uhm, I heard your scream" she answered finally, trying to be convincing. "I walked in to make sure you're not in any trouble. As always."
"Very funny, Yu. You were saying something about being a truthbender...?" he said, as if he was wondering.
"Excuse me, I'm the daughter of Sokka and Suki, I was basically born with the power of truthbending. Gotta have a talent, you know?" she said jokingly, throwing her hair behind her back.
"Yeah, of course. Come on, Yue, what were you doing outside this late?" He nudged her teasingly. "Perhaps a date or something? You know, holiday fling?" He insinuated, while feeling a bit of jealousy that she actually might have confirmed.
"I wish." She winced. "I... I was, uhm, kind of having nightmares myself" she admitted finally. "I woke up and I decided to take a walk. Moon soothes me."
Lu Ten's face changed immediately.
"Yue, I'm sorry." He shook his head. "I didn't mean to..."
"It's fine, really. Now come, you want to take a walk with me?" She held out the hand to him. He smiled.
"Sure. Let me just put on some shirt."
She nodded. After a while, they were walking by calm, peaceful streets of the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se. Neither of them was saying anything, they just walked silently, hand in hand, being happy of each other's presence. They stopped at the fountain. It was a clear, warm night, so they took off their shoes and sat down, letting their feet dip into water. They were sitting silently until Lu Ten spoke up.
"It's a beautiful moon."
Yue smiled.
"Yeah, it really is. You know, my dad used to tell me the history of a girl from the Northern Water Tribe. She was a princess, actually. She was beautiful, and kind, and very brave, because when the time came, she was ready to sacrifice her life to become the Moon Spirit. I was named Yue after her."
"Did your parents know her?"
"My dad, yeah. They seemed to have been pretty close, you should've heard how he talked about her."
"Yeah, listen, from what I've been told, you should've seen my granduncle's face when my parents told him I was gonna be named after his son. Apparently, he cried so much. My father told not once that it was the least he could do for him for... well, everything."
"General Iroh was more like a father to your dad than Ozai, wasn't he?"
"He was." Lu Ten nodded. "He still is."
Yue looked up at the moon, thinking.
"You want to tell me about this nightmare that's bothering you?" asked Lu Ten softly. Yue sighed.
"This dream it... It comes back to me every full moon. But please, don't laugh, okay?" She looked at him pleadingly, with a weak smile.
"I won't, I promise."
"Okay, so, in this dream... I am about to become the Avatar. I can feel it's a great power, so I'm preparing myself to take it in. I'm waiting and waiting and it exhausts me but I reassure myself that once I take in the Avatar's powers, all my strengths will come back to me three times as great. And suddenly, something happens. Light blinds me, but no new strengths came. Instead, I'm just getting weaker and weaker. I don't know what's happening, but I can barely breathe. It's like, the circle has been broken and I don't know what to do. I try to scream but I can't even open my mouth. It's... it's horrifying." Tears appeared in Yue's eyes. She lowered her voice to whisper and she just looked at her hands. "I'm dying" she said barely audibly. Lu Ten didn't say anything. He took her hand and gently stroked it. He wanted to remind her she didn't have to be scared, because he was there. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to her.
"Anyway" she said after a while, when she managed to collect herself. "That's when I wake up." She looked at him with a sour smile. "Every time. No sooner, no later. I don't know what it means, so."
"Have you told about it anyone?" he asked, moving closer to her. She laughed quietly.
"No, absolutely not. And I forbid you to."
"Okay, no worries, just... I want to help you."
"I know, but please, don't tell anyone. I'll manage. So, you wanna share your dream now?" she asked immediately, trying to escape from the uncomfortable subject. Lu Ten let go of Yue's hand and smiled sourly.
"My dream is strictly connected with this city" he started. "I'm in Ba Sing Se but this isn't, you know, our Ba Sing Se. I'm in the Fire Nation's Army uniform. I have my own unit under command. It isn't big but I feel like it's great anyway. I know I trust these people. And suddenly, we begin to fight. At first, we win. We're going further and further into the town and I feel I'm on a tear, so I don't stop. Somebody's shouting my name but I ignore it. I run and I fight. I shout I don't need any more people, I'm calling off the reinforcements. Everything's great. But then I'm trapped. Earthbenders, more than I can possibly take, surround me. It's just me, my whole unit has suddenly disappeared. I try to fight them but I can't hold off them all. Nevertheless, I don't call for help. I just... try to take down these people. They're an obstacle. Someone shoots me, so I scream. I feel warmth of my blood. My vision blurs. I give more shots, and I get the same amount at me. Finally, I collapse. In my head there's just granduncle's song. It bores into my mind, I can't think of anything else, I can't hear anything but this song. It's more powerful than any thought, any sound I try to focus on. It hurts more than my wounds. So I scream. And I scream again and again, until I can't scream anymore." He looked at Yue seriously. "I'm dying, too" he whispered. Yue didn't say anything. She just moved closer and hugged him. He hugged her even tighter. The tears started to fall down their cheeks. They were both crying, because that felt like the only right thing to do.
"Don't tell anyone" whispered Lu Ten after a while.
"I won't" promised Yue.
They sat there, hugging each other, for a long time. They barely moved. Then Lu Ten cleared his throat and slightly moved away.
"We should go back home."
Yue nodded, sniffling.
"Yeah. Yeah, we should."
"I bet granduncle Iroh could make us some soothing tea, if you'd like."
"I would love to, but tomorrow, okay? We'll go to The Jasmine Dragon."
"Okay. Come on, I'll walk you." He held out his hand. Yue took it without hesitation.
"Thanks" she said quietly, smiling weakly. They didn't talk on their way back home. They really didn't feel like it. When they arrived at Yue's home, she hesitated.
"What is it?" asked Lu Ten.
"Actually... uhm..." She looked at him awkwardly, then she shook her head. "You know what, never mind."
"No, tell me, what's wrong?"
"I was gonna ask you, since I won't be getting much sleep tonight, if you wanted to keep me company" she admitted, smiling. "But then I figured you'd probably want to catch even a few hours of sleep."
"Actually, no, not at all. And I'd rather sit silently with you than alone, so." He smiled. "I would love to keep you company."
She looked at him gratefully and open the door. They sat on the carpet, near each other, trying not to fall asleep. But after a while they didn't even realise they did. They were sitting, leaning back against the wall, Yue's head resting on Lu Ten's shoulder and his head resting on hers. And when they were together, no more nightmares bothered either of them that night.
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trynnabemultifandom · 5 years
Bodyguard| Captain America x Reader
Requested: No, made it coz I like the idea of it
Summary: you're the presidents daughter and because of a traumatic event that has happened in the past, he hires Steve Rogers to be your body guard when you visit. Will this trip be all happy families? keep reading to find out
Warnings: swearing(ish) towards the end
A/N: Y/N = Your Name
F/N = First Name
L/N = Last Name
From a young age, my life had been hectic. 'Why?' you might ask. Well because, my father had decided to run for mayor. Crazy right? I know what you might be thinking, 'having your dad as mayor will be a good thing', but it has been nothing but trouble. My life got destroyed when I was 7. I watched my mother get shot right in front of me and that is something that stays with you forever. Some people say it was my dad's fault and others say it was her own because she got involved with this sorta stuff, but I honestly have no clue who's fault it was. the thing that angers me the most is that I wasn't even able to do anything to prevent her getting shot, for the past couple of years I have been blaming myself for it all happening and people do try there best and tell me it wasn't my fault, but I know it was. I could have done something to stop her being shot. Moving away from that, my dad was really getting involved in all the political stuff and not backing down from it. As I grew up, I had given into the fact that my dad wasn't going to stand down any time soon, so I just had to accept that. When I was 13, my dad had ran for president. it wasn't until I was 16 that he got enrolled though. I am now 21, no longer living with my dad and doing ok on my own. It has been a while since I have seen him so why not give him a visit.
(Time skip to when you're at his house)
It is now 6 o'clock. I have finally arrived at my dad's house. The last time I saw him, I was a depressed 17 year old, who was still trying to cope with my mother's death. My taxi pulled up in front of his big house. "Mason, wake up. we're here" I said to my 3 year old son. Once I was ready, I started to make my way to the front door. Before I even got a chance to knock, the front door opened and 2 or 3 people were ushering me inside the house. They picked up my bags while talking fast and saying "we'll take your bags to your room" I nod and look down at Mason who was still sorta still sleeping with his head on my shoulder. He looks so peaceful.
I decided to put him to bed. When I came back down, I saw my dad sitting on the sofa with a good looking guy wearing a blue, red and white suit and a cool looking shield on his hip. I walk over to them and sit on the seat beside my dad "hi dad" I smile at him "hello (Y/N)" I look at what he's wearing "are you going out somewhere?" he looks at me "yeah, I have a meeting downtown. I will be home later though" he stands "Mr. Steve Rogers will be here protecting you, and if you want to go out to town, he will act as your bodyguard" before I can say anything in protest, he was gone. "and just like that, he's gone" I put my head in my hands and sigh. I feel the sofa dip on the side my dad was sitting on before he left. I look up to see Steve sitting beside me
"why don't we get to know each other" i nod "sure" "ok, I'll go first. My name is Steve Rogers, I work with Nick Fury and a bunch of other badasses and when we are all together we're called The Avengers. Of course, none of my team mates are as badass as me" I chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood "of course not Mr. Rogers. so I suppose its my turn for the introductions now" Steve nods and smiles. I take a deep breath and continue "ok, my name is (F/N) (L/N), I currently don't have a job, I came here to try and have the father-daughter relationship I missed out on years ago. I have a 3 year old son and his name is Mason" he looked shocked at the last part
"you have a son?" I nod and look down "yeah" I can already tell he has a lot of questions about it all "where's the father" i freeze on the spot "he's uh- he's gone" i try my best to hold back the tears. I feel a hand on my shoulder "hey, it's ok. for as long as you're here, I promise I will do everything I can to help and protect you and your son" I look up at him and smile letting a couple of tears fall "thank you Steve, that means a lot to me" he smiles and I hug him "all part of the job" he says hugging me back. we were pulled from our moment by small footsteps making their way down the stairs
"mommy I can't sleep" I turn around and see Mason standing there looking tired "come here baby" I reach out my arms for him to sit on my lap "you ok Mace?" he shook his head and hid behind me. I turn him around "Mason this is Steve, he'll be looking after us while we're here" I turned to Steve "Steve this is Mason, he's a little shy" "mommy can I have some food?" I smile "of course darling" I leave Mason and Steve to get to know each other and head off to make food for Mason
(Time skip to when your dad comes home)
Because I had arrived just hours ago, my clothes still had to be unpacked so Steve told me to go unpack and he'll keep Mason occupied. I have to say, for someone who has to keep it so professional, he's really childish and sweet around Mason. Just as I finish unpacking, I hear dad come in the front door with all his little minions. "oh shit" I mumble to myself. he doesn't know about Mason. it's not like I wanted to keep it a secret that I had a kid but I know how he'll react. I quickly get my stuff put away and run down the stairs, I was too late to stop him from seeing Mason. As soon as Steve saw me, he had the look of he sorry written in his face. I mouth "its ok" just so he knows that I'm not mad at him
When dad seen that Steve was looking over towards the stairs, he then looked in that direction and seen me "when were you going to introduce me to this little guy?" I didn't know whether to be cold or not when answering him because I know no matter what I say to him, he'll be mad and act out. My dad wasn't really the best of people, although he never physically abused me in any way, he would always prioritise his work over me and that made me feel shit "when you were gonna stick around for more than 5 seconds" he looked shocked at my answer "I'm here now aren't I (Y/N)?" I scoff "i am not talking about this here. I want Mason upstairs with one of the maids before we even discuss anything"
At the snap of his fingers, Mason was being brought upstairs and my dad was showing me to his 'study' as he calls it. I was honestly scared to confront him after all these years, because not only will he probably react badly to the fact I had a child at 18 and the father is gone, I never even told him. I thought it was just us two until I look behind me and see Steve standing at the door. he gives me a look of reassurance. I turn back to my dad and I was going to figure out where to start but he already bet me to it "so when were you going to tell me you had a kid, and don't give me shit saying 'when you stick around more' or whatever. I want the truth because nows your time" I nod, "if I'm being honest, I don't know when I would have told you" "I suppose you don't know who the father is" I look at him for a second
"I'm sorry, who do you think you are? Are you forgotting that I'm your daughter and not some hooker you seen on the side of the road?" I can feel my anger bubbling already and I haven't even started yet "tell me when it happened" I was hesitant at first because not only would my dad be ashamed of me, but so would Steve "my 18th birthday party, I got drunk and some guy took advantage of me. I ended up pregnant which in a weird way was the best thing that ever happened to me. although it wasn't under the most perfect circumstances, Mason is my everything. he is my sunshine" my dad scoffs. I glare at him "look, I'm just looking out for you. Now that you're with me, you can unwantedly be in the attention of the public and people could try to harm you like what happened to your mother" oh that's it. he's crossed a line
I stand up abruptly, tears forming in my eyes and so angry "Don't you fucking dare talk about her. you hardly knew anything about her because you were always busy working to pay attention to either of us. you weren't the one who was standing right beside her when she was shot and killed and you weren't the fucking one who held her lifeless body and cried for her to come back. No because you were too busy, too busy to check and see how I was at her funeral, too busy to check on me everytime I had a nightmare and too busy to get me through the hardest time of my life. So please, don't you fucking dare pretend like you feel the same amount of pain I do, because I know you don't" i take a breath and start to fully breakdown. I run out of the room and into the living room.
I was too busy breaking down to realise that Steve had come in after me "hey (Y/N), come here" he immediately imbraced me in a hug and I just let it all out, at this point I didn't care if I looked a mess or not. After a while of Steve hugging me as I cried, I finally pulled away and looked up at him "i am sorry you had to see and hear that. you probably think I'm a disgrace" he sighed and shook his head "never. if anything I think you're very brave. the way you explained how much Mason means to you and how you actually managed to tell him how you felt and get everything off your chest" he hugged me once more and rubbed my back. "get comfortable, because you're going to put on a movie and I'm gonna make you some food. you need it. I'll see if Mason wants to join us" I smile "thank you so much Steve. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here" he smiled and went off to find Mason and I sat down on the sofa to pick a movie. Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all
please give me your honest feedback from this because I want to know if its good before I can make a part 2. tell me if there's anything I need to fix
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its not even close to valentines day and im not sure if you're taking requests but i just thought of it for some reason: Little kieth doesn't know what cupid is. His friends tell him that cupid shoots you with his love arrow and you fall in love. Kieth doesn't let shiro go outside cuz he thinks his dad's gonna get shot by love baby. Shiro goes out to water the flowers and pretends to get shot on the front lawn. Kieth screams. Btw im totally cool with you not writing this until like, February.
Thank you for the prompt! This made me laugh, and we needed this after that sad oneshot with Red. It’s not near Valentine’s Day but I still had to write this. Poor baby muffin, he just wants to protect his daddy! Thanks guys for always sending in prompt and keeping this AU alive! Enjoy!
              Keith was only four-years-old when he discovered Valentine’s Day, and life was never the same after that. Not for Keith at least, but for Shiro.
              It was all thanks to hearing about the upcoming Valentine’s day party that Allura was hosting in her daycare with the kids and their families. That was the first time Keith had ever really heard about Valentine’s day and at first, he could care less about the day. Yuck, kissy love like Grandma and Grandpa is gross. Keith had his dad’s love and now his new friends and that was all he needed. He didn’t need a holiday to show love, so he didn’t get the whole point of the holiday.
              That was until Lance opened his mouth.
              “And there’s this guy called cupid who goes around shooting people!” Lance stated factually, a week before Valentine’s day at lunch. Hunk continued to chew his food, and Pidge rolled their eyes.
              “But why does he have to wear a diaper?” Pidge asked, causing Keith to nod. However, if he were being honest, Keith was more stuck on the fact that this cupid guy willingly shot people, rather than his lack of attire.
              “I dunno,” Lance shrugged with a frown. “Maybe he’s got bad diarrhea or something?” Pidge and Hunk both made a face at the comment but continued to eat their food. Keith’s frown deepened.
              “Wait, so he’s got nasty poo and he shoots people?” Keith asked, setting down his sandwich. Lance nodded as he bit into his own food, making Keith’s stomach churn a bit more. He did not like the sound of this cupid guy. No not one bit. This cupid sounded like trouble and Keith would be perfectly happy never seeing him. Ever.
              “That’s gross.” Pidge commented and Keith nodded.
              “Yeah but wouldn’t the arrows hurt?” Hunk finally asked. Keith nodded eagerly, agreeing with Hunk’s statement. That was exactly what he had been thinking this whole time. Lance laughed at Hunk and gently patted his hand.
              “Duh. It’s arrows. Of course, it hurts. I bet if he misses your heart, then you’ll probably die!” Lance exclaimed, causing Keith’s stomach to sink. This holiday was sounding worse and worse by the second, all because of this cupid guy. He was even starting to sound worse than the drunk leprechaun that came in March. It was then that Lance noticed the troubled look on Keith’s face before a grin overcame his facial features. He was going to take any chance to mess with his “eternal rival.”
              “Plus, I hear he only goes after, like super-hot people. Like Daddy Shiro.” Lance grinned when Keith’s eyes widened and his eyebrows shot to his hairline. Instantly, Keith dropped his sandwich and gasped dramatically. Pidge and Lance both giggled at their friend’s expression while Hunk looked nervous.
              “He wouldn’t go after my daddy!” Keith snapped, before swallowing. “Would he?”
              “I dunno. Your daddy is pretty cute.” Pidge admitted. Keith felt his heart sink to the floor while Lance cackled to himself.
              “Yeah. Cupid will probably pick your daddy first! He’ll hunt him down and ­– pow! Shoot him right in the chest.” Lance said, closing one eye and aiming a finger gun at Keith’s chest. Keith scowled at Lance before nervously fiddling with his shirt.
              Lance and Pidge were right. His daddy was the cutest. There wasn’t anyone cuter than his daddy, which meant that his daddy was doomed! He was doomed to be shot by this stupid, poo diaper cupid. Other than that fact, Keith knew that his daddy was hopeless when came to protecting himself. Just the other day, he’d nearly tripped over a rock in the driveway.
              There was no way his daddy would be able to defend himself against this criminal mastermind.
              If anyone had noticed that Keith was quieter than usual, no one said a word.
              “No! You can’t go outside! No.”
              Shiro was startled by the sound of his son’s sudden yell, that he let go of the front door handle immediately. He turned around to see his son running down the stairs, still in his pajamas, and certainly not ready for day care.
              “What?” Shiro asked. He was even more surprised as Keith started to pull his hand, to pull him away from the door, with all his little might. Keith grunted.
              That was too close. Daddy nearly went outside, where that love baby criminal is! Keith thought, priding the fact that he had kept his daddy from going outside. However, he knew that until Valentine’s day passed, he would have to keep a close eye on his daddy.
              “You can’t go outside. No, it’s not safe.” Keith announced once he had dragged his daddy to the couch. Shiro was still baffled by his son’s action but he allowed Keith to pull him onto the couch before Keith too jumped up and snuggled into his side. Of course, Shiro put an arm around Keith and held him close, though not without a look of confusion.
              “I can’t go outside? What on Earth do you mean, little star?” Shiro asked, slightly amused by the whole ordeal.
              “Valentime’s day is Monday,” Keith announced suddenly.
              “Valentine’s day.” Shiro corrected with a nod.
              “Lance told me all about that cupid guy.” Keith continued with a tiny and determined frown on his face. Shiro almost cooed at the precious look of anger on Keith’s face, but luckily, he refrained from doing do. “And you’re not safe today. He’s gonna take you out because you’re hopeless.”
              Shiro’s jaw dropped, and he couldn’t even come up with something to respond back to Keith. He was more than just a little baffled that Keith was worrying about this. For a moment, he was worried that Keith was upset about the idea of Shiro falling in love. Shiro hadn’t thought about a relationship in nearly a decade, especially once Keith had come into his life. He wasn’t opposed to a relationship and would allow it to happen, should it, but he had no plans to head into a relationship anytime soon. Valentine’s day or not.
              “You’re worried about me?” Shiro finally asked, causing Keith to nod.
              “Yes.” Keith chirped. Shiro opened his mouth to reassure his son, only to be cut off by Keith glaring out the window as if searching for someone. “Cupid is a dangerous man because he shoots people in the chest! Why would someone even do that? And you’re hopeless because you are the cutest daddy ever and of course he’d want to shoot you because he can’t if you don’t go outside and if I keep an eye on you.” Keith babbled, eyes still searching outside.
              Shiro quickly turned his head and coughed in order to hide a laugh that was bubbling in his throat. For Keith to be worried, that reason was not quite what he had been expecting. The entire situation sounded ridiculous to Shiro, and if Keith wasn’t such an adorable child (the most adorable if you ask Shiro) Shiro would have laughed.
              “So, your plan is to keep me inside for three whole days, so cupid can’t get me?” Shiro finally asked with a chuckle. Keith looked back at his dad with a proud grin and nodded. He then patted Shiro’s should gently.
              “Yes! This way he can’t ever get to you!” Keith clapped happily causing Shiro to sigh.
              “Keith, you can’t keep me indoors all the time.” Shiro explained.
              “B – But…but…” Oh no, he’s pulling out the crocodile tears and the wobbly lower lip. Shiro had to stand firm in the wake of his son’s tears and he knew that he couldn’t back down. Not now. Not even when Keith was pretending to sag his shoulders and pout.
              “Keith. I’ll be safe. Don’t worry. Cupid can’t get me.” Shiro grinned, ruffling Keith’s hair. Immediately Keith swatted away from Shiro and flapped his hands.
              “No, you won’t! You can’t even walk down the hall without running into a wall!” Keith huffed dramatically and Shiro gasped with a hand over his heart. He pretended to faint, laying across Keith’s little body, listening to Keith’s squeals of laughter. Keith squirmed and wiggled to try and get out from under his daddy.
              “I suppose it’s a good thing I have such a brave. Strong. Kind son.”
              “You’re still not going outside daddy.”
              Shiro did not pout at that.
              “Keith, sweetheart, we do not glare at babies.” Shiro scolded quietly, dragging his son away from the shopping cart to the side of them. The cart had a baby inside of it, in a carrier, and was minding its own business while the mother shopped. Keith had seen the baby first and his first instinct was to run up to the cart and glare at the baby. The mother was pleasantly surprised but with a charming and apologetic smile from Shiro, she was laughing at the situation. Shiro was just happy the baby hadn’t started crying.
              “But what if that’s cupid!” Keith said, grabbing onto their own cart while Shiro pushed it along. He squeezed himself between the back of the cart and Shiro’s legs, making Shiro awkwardly maneuvered around him. “Lance says he looks like a dumb baby and wears a diaper.”
              Shiro groaned. Thanks, Lance.
              “I promise you that was not cupid,” Shiro said as the two of them headed down another aisle. Unfortunately, this aisle had a toddler, outside of the cart, wearing diapers. Shiro heard Keith hiss between his legs and he quickly tried to maneuver the two of them back out of the aisle.
              It was too late, however.
              Somehow Keith had gotten a hold of a floaty noddle and he was stalking towards the toddler. The toddler squeaked and laughed happily, probably thinking that Keith was playing rather than about to destroy it.
              Just as Keith let out a breath to attack, Shiro had scooped the four-year-old up into his arms and was quickly walking out of the aisle, with the family and toddler oblivious to Keith’s intentions. He briskly walked into another aisle, breathing a sigh of relief when it was empty. Only then did he let Keith down, before putting his hands on his hips and tapping his foot.
              “Keith. No more. Cupid is not here today. If you cannot behave you’ll sit in the cart.” Shiro finally reprimanded causing Keith to scowl.
              “How do you know?” Keith argued back and Shiro counted to ten in his head. He breathed out a long sigh and reminded himself that this was what happened when you had a four-year-old. This was life with a toddler and this was what being a parent was all about.
              “Because Allura helped me with a super special cupid tracking device that works in this store only!” Shiro smiled sweetly. He saw Keith take the bait and slowly Keith’s eyes widened. “There isn’t any trace of cupid in this store at all, so we’re safe here!” It took a few more seconds before Keith finally nodded. He grabbed onto the cart and squeezed himself between Shiro’s legs again, letting Shiro breathe a sigh of relief.
              Luckily, Keith did not wish harm on any more children in the store.
              He did, however, make a baby cry because he stared at it the whole time through the line.
              This was getting ridiculous now.
              Keith had been adamant about not letting Shiro out of the house this weekend. Or not letting babies near Shiro. Or always watching Shiro.
              It was Monday morning and Shiro nearly cried to know that this would all be over after today. Keith wouldn’t be so paranoid anymore, and hopefully, by next year he will have grown out of this horrific phase. Shiro kept glancing at the clock, knowing there was only an hour left in Allura’s little Valentine’s Day party.
              Shiro had fun, chaperoning the party. Allura had combined her small group of kids with several other kindergarten classes to have one massive party. There was tons of cakes, candies, and sugar which meant kids on sugar highs and rushes. Cards were passed out and bags given to each other. Several other parents and families had also come to join the celebration and Shiro had a pleasant time at the party.
              More importantly, Keith was having fun.
              He stayed with Hunk, Lance, and Pidge mostly and kept away from the crowds but he ate the sweets and gave his cards to those three. He’d smiled shyly when all of them had given Keith a card too, and grinned when Allura gave hers to him. Overall, he was having fun and it made Shiro’s heart swell as he took picture after picture.
              And best of all, for now, Keith had forgotten all about cupid.
              Maybe this would keep up and Keith wouldn’t remember cupid at all today.
              However, that was short lived when Shiro felt a tiny tap on his leg. He looked down and ‘Awwed’ so loudly upon seeing a kid dressed as cupid. He didn’t have a diaper on, but rather a white toga. His brown hair was curly all along his head with bright green eyes staring up at him. A tiny halo attached to a wire sat upon his head, and Shiro could even see big, white fluffy wings on his back.
              Quickly, Shiro knelt and the kid beamed.
              “Why hello there! Who might you be?” Shiro mocked a bow at the kid, causing him to giggle. He too tried to bow before fiddling with a tiny heart arrow in his hand.
              “I’m cupid! I’m here to spread love in your day!” The kid screeched happily. Shiro chuckled at the boy’s enthusiasm and nodded. That was when the kid smiled, before pushing his heart arrow against Shiro’s chest, where his heart was and Shiro pretended to gasp, clutching at the arrow. Of course, the little boy giggled at his dramatic actions, but that was the exact moment that Keith had decided to find his dad.
              And Keith screamed when he saw his daddy clutching an arrow to his chest, with a mini Cupid next to him.
              In less than ten seconds, a box of candy hearts was thrown at Shiro and cupid, cupid started crying, Keith was dialing 911 and a food fight had erupted from the other kids.
              It was mortifying having to explain to the fire department that showed up, that, “No there wasn’t an emergency. My son hates cupid with a passion and flipped out when he saw that I was ‘shot’ by a cupid and now there’s a sugary food fight.” Luckily, the fire department men were satisfied with some cake and were content to watch the children run around in a panic.
              And Shiro could only ask: Why me?
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