#but who the hell doesn’t love him??
mrsaltieri-real · 11 months
Please do Billy as a BF (both SFW and NSFW) headcanons, thank youuu ❤️
Billy Loomis as a boyfriend (SFW AND NSFW)
Of course, of course!
I’m absolutely loving doing these headcanons dude, it’s ridiculous.
For this one I had to get some knowledge and insight from our resident Billy Loomis specialist @bisexual-horror-fan because she knows him far better as a character than I do, especially with the NSFW stuff.
But yes yes yes let’s get into it!
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(He looks so cute in this gif dude. Like that’s literally me when I see titties too)
Honestly in my opinion, if Billy genuinely cares about you he’s a really good boyfriend
He’d be very particular about you as a partner, he wouldn’t just date anyone
Regardless of what happened with Sidney I feel like he’d really have to be sure that you love him before anything else
Very very protective
He won’t stand for anyone looking at you the wrong way, he’ll blow his fucking top fr
Definitely the kind of guy who’ll secretly follow you around to make sure you’re safe
Going to a friend's house to hang? He’ll be in the car right behind you tracking your every move
Honestly, the amount of love he’ll have for you would shock you to your core
He won’t be particularly physically affectionate I don’t think
But he absolutely will ensure you know he cares about you in his own way
He’ll leave sweet notes and gifts in your locker to surprise you
Uses the pet names babe, baby and sweetheart
Princess on occasion
He’s fiercely loyal
Needs validation. NEEDS. IT.
I feel like in the lead up to the ghostface attacks he would try and put you at a safe distance so you don’t get caught in the crossfire
He wouldn’t ever let you leave him. No way.
Once he’s got you, that’s it. You’re not going anywhere
He’d literally kill for you
He’s honestly a fucking sweetheart once you get to know him
He loves to love and be loved in equal measure
Perfect date night? Watching a movie with you at home. No one else around, just the two of you
His love languages are words of affirmation, quality time and gift giving
He loves fucking you
Probably one of his favourite things to do
Although not touchy feely in the romantic sense, it’s completely different when it comes to foreplay and sex
He cannot keep his hands off of you
Loves leaving hickeys scattered across your body
Visibly too, marking what belongs to him for all to see
“Billy, my parents will see.”
Loves loves LOVES when you wear pretty lingerie for him
Wear something specifically made for fucking and let him fuck you while you’re wearing it? He is GONE
Will stare at you for hours GIVE HIM A FUCKING SHOW
Appreciates that you went through the effort to look all pretty for him
He likes positions where he can be as close to you as possible
And sat up with you on his lap with your legs straddling him, just gently riding his cock with his hands on your waist and yours resting on his shoulders
But it’s not boring
NOPE, far from it
It’s intense as fuck in the best possible way
He likes watching your expressions change and hearing you moan right in his ear
Likes to kiss your neck while he’s fucking you too
Doesn’t like condoms and will absolutely want to fill you up with his cum
A tit guy 100 percent
Loves being sucked off. Loves. It.
Let him cum on your tits after you blow him and he’ll fucking melt
As mentioned in the SFW section, he’s a jealous fuck
He feels like you’ve been talking to a guy too long? He’ll be sure to reclaim what’s rightfully his in whatever way he sees fit
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maddymoreau · 1 month
Fallout New Vegas DLC Sleeping Arrangement Headcanons:
After making my post about my thoughts on how the sleeping arrangement inside the Lucky 38 would work with all the companions.
I couldn't stop thinking about the DLC characters so here’s my headcanons!!
Honest Hearts:
The Dead Horses and The Sorrows are always courteous offering my Courier Six a bed to rest in:
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When traveling with Follows-Chalk if it's too late to return to the Dead Horses Camp, they'll find somewhere safe to sleep. The plan is to have one guard while the other rests. However, they stay up wayyy too late talking. Follows-Chalk teaches her how to read stars while she tells him stories from her travels.
Waking Cloud wears and uses her Yao Guai Gauntlet as a pillow (it also allows her to quickly spring into action). She misses her children and as they're falling asleep, tells Courier Six stories about them.
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Joshua Graham is usually the last to go to bed, so he'll sleep on whatever bed isn't taken (or the floor). I imagine he always sleeps on his back. Since it distributes the pain evenly instead of putting a large amount of pressure onto one spot.
If my Courier Six is also awake she'll say a prayer with him before bed.
If Joshua is up late working on inventory and my Courier Six is inside Angel Cave, she'll be lulled to sleep by the fire and noises he makes.
Dead Money:
You know how Dean Domino has secret stashes hidden everywhere? He also has hidden sleeping spots. Multiple pillows and blankets which he does NOT like sharing but will begrudgingly with my Courier Six.
Dean Domino has lived in the Sierra Madre the longest, which has caused him to become a light sleeper. He will always bitch about back pain, regardless if he's sleeping on an old mattress or couch.
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Once, when traveling with my Courier Six, she got VERY sick and dizzy from the red cloud, forcing her to rest. Dean thought about ditching her (but couldn't with the whole "wedding rings around their necks" plus he wants to use her for protection). So he dragged her to one of his spots. When Courier Six woke up she thanked him and offered to keep watch, so he could rest as well, which he reluctantly accepted.
Courier Six is the only one he'll sleep around.
Christine has an extremely hard time falling asleep because she’s afraid she'll wake up in the auto doc.
My Courier Six offers to sit next to Christine, hold her hand and keep watch while she tries to sleep. My Courier Six's perception isn't high enough to understand Christine, but she can sympathize with how difficult it is to fall asleep in the Sierra Madre.
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Dog and God sleep sitting perched up against a wall. Dog snores while God doesn’t. He's far too large to sleep comfortably on most of the furniture scattered around. Courier Six worries about him but can't convince him to sleep differently.
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Old World Blues:
My Courier Six sleeps in the bed inside The Dome. However as she slowly begins repairing everyone inside The Sink (Muggy, Toaster, Jukebox, ETC.) it becomes harder to sleep in there. She also feels WAYYY too guilty about the idea of turning them off.
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So near the end of the DLC after getting closer to everyone she starts occasionally sleeping inside The Think Tank. Specifically using the weapon trunk and table next to Dr. 8 as a makeshift desk.
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My Courier Six has 100% woken up to some of them hovering over and observing her sleep 👁️👄👁️ (especially Dr. Dala).
After she peacefully resolved things with Dr. Mobius, before returning, she slept on his floor. Making sure not to sleep on or touch any of his notes. Despite this, she woke up with math equations written on her face.
She has no idea how he did that.
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His humming and silly singing soothes her to sleep:
Lonesome Road:
My Courier Six is FIGHTING for her life in The Divide and sleeps whenever she can (which isn’t often). Ulysses is watching her from a distance and will also (sometimes) sleep when she does. Due to his past as a member of the Legion and a Courier. Ulysses is able to sleep easily in odd places.
ED-E watches over my Courier Six while she sleeps. Alerting her to any danger. However, until she falls asleep, ED-E lets her hold him like this:
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It makes her think of home (The Lucky 38). Since that's how she usually sleeps with her ED-E in the Presidential Suite.
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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someone come put me out of my misery~🎃
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aeoris4lovers · 6 months
i know travis guiding them was 100% travis and not in character as chet bc he didn’t even have the voice going, but i also would like to imagine that chet did exactly that.
i like it generally bc he has moments like that where he drops the chaos when things get serious (i’ll never forget watching him and orym talk about will and realizing that oh god, under all those layers of whatever the fuck is going on with him, he cares so much).
but i really like it in this specific situation too bc i’m pretty sure imogen was the one to step up after his confession and immediately say they weren’t going to leave him, and i can totally see him avoiding the conversation in the moment but then stepping up to guide her and taking it really seriously out of appreciation.
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elizakai · 4 days
i love the MTTRIO because they are all judgy hypocritical little shits living off of spite and appy juice
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trash-can-sam · 2 months
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What happens when your coworker kills your other coworker but both of you are in a relationship (kind of) with the same ethereal woman who had an admiration for said dead coworker.
+bonus Evandrey because it’s funny to me (I’m sorry Eva.)
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#pathologic#pathologic 2#andrey stamatin#yulia lyuricheva#eva yan#evandrey#yulieva#evaandrey#Eva yahn#Andrei Stamatin#see I think that Eva is very okay with Eva being how she is- promiscuous and spreading her love (Maybe a little jealous but more rooted in#self loathing and insecurities)#and she’s like look I’m okay with this whole open relationship (technically we aren’t in a relationship even though I really want to be)#thing BUT why HIM. I have to work with him and he’s by far the worst man I’ve ever worked with (besides maybe his brother because at least#Andrey actually talks but really they’re a package deal anyways) I need to have meetings with him often and it’s horrendous every time#like spread your love it’s noble really.#I wouldn’t expect anything else from you#but maybe give him less he’s annoying as hell#I also think that she’d figure out pretty quickly that Andrey and Peter killed Farkhad#just bcuz like. yk she’s there. she’s seen the already shaky relationship crumble beyond repair. she’s seen them argue in meetings.#she knows the stamatwins are not above murder. especially for art. and she’s clever.#And andrey knows that so he doesn’t try to hide it. she doesn’t have recourse anyways-#the kains (who I think helped cover up the murder) employ her too#and andrey respects her to a degree- he assumes she’ll see reason.#and honesty. Yulia might be upset that Andrey killed one of the only other architects but also she does not miss him that much.#she’s like I don’t agree with this whole murder thing but you are kind of right he had to go he was getting on my nerves#the meetings will be 10x more tolerable now that the twins can’t argue with him about things that aren’t even real#it’s awful but it did drive Eva further into my arms so necessary evils.#my art#sorry for the essay in the tags.
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zeebreezin · 2 months
I haven’t been able to write much recently because of exams, but good lord, Dr. Laurence Frost is such a guy. Like, his situation is horrific, right. He’s living a psychological horror story but does not recognize that whatsoever. There’s some real shit going on with him because I really want to capture how cults actually work, especially on the ways they prey on vulnerable people - and despite him objectively being a pretty terrible person in his own right I wanna make sure I capture the nuances of his situation accurately.
However, and this is really important: he’s also fucking hilarious.
Imagine having resting bitchface so severe even the dawn machine leaves you the definition of -_- <- having a great time. He invented a genuinely impressive treatment for migraine headaches out of love & devotion and then immediately used that same formula to torture rebels. Despite being an utter shell of grief at the time he was still a decent guardian to Bev. He let Bev play with matches. And chemicals. He’s the only man on this Geode with a smidge of self awareness. His gift for Vincent’s stag party was cosmogone laced cocaine. Vincent chose him to be the godfather of his child. His closest direct inspiration is the fucking 300% fatality surgery guy. He works two jobs. Canonically he has no friends. I love him.
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the-diabolic-acid · 1 year
everyday i think about the lost angst potential of rose finding out what she did to jack and i punch a wall
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
don’t mind me just thinking about teenage billy meeting up with argyle after a bad night with neil and argyle is all “what’s up, little dude?” and billy just scrunches his nose up and wipes away his tears before saying he wants to go get pizza together
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shima-draws · 5 months
The fact that this won’t even be the LAST time Sanji gets horribly manipulated by another woman. I’m just 😔
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moonilit · 7 months
Bunch of teams that i think are fun and been playing with lately just because talking about them making me excited and thats the point of this blog so:
Noelle burgeon team
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(Non of these teams are supposed to teach you anything) I like Noelle, i actually like most healers so I really wanted a team of her that felt *to me* fun to play and her burgeon team is pretty fun, she is a healer, driver and shielder she is on 4p exile and a fav claymore, i get her burst before we are done one rotation and its so fun and feel freeing in a way, noelle feels so right for this team, and the burgeon dmg looks amazing lol (tried it once in abyss and got two stars but i play on mobile so idk if someone more pro can actually get all three)
2. Lisa vacuum cleaner
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I Like lisa, actually every character i bothered making up teams for i do like so, but i like lisa especially i crowned her lol, its an aggravate team, but the release of Baizhu made her more fun to play, venti is much more fun than C0 kazuha especially in the overworld but if i want an effective dps lisa team it would be c2 kazuha or sucrose depending on who is available atm (with fischl ofc)
4. Keqing&Tignari team
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Ngl the entire point of this team is working around no Miko in my account but still wanting to maximize tighnari team dps, And who would have thought these two would fit together :D!!
it works thanks to baizhu mwah mwah, with him both healing and shielding we are killing baby lets gooo quick swapping never been this quick swapping before
Honorable mentions go to Candace and my mistsplitter kaeya because hydro infusion, extra buff, extra dmg, nice blues etc etc i love them please send me suggestions to who else to add
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Teams im waiting for hoyo to give me something for: more variations of wanderer teams because im dying here plz give me something new for him i don’t want broken dmg i want functioning funny, also double geo double electro team just because purple and gold look nice together like come on ppl!!? how are we still here-
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djungleskogs · 26 days
#OK I NEED TO STOP engaging with 911 ship wars but i have ONE MORE THING to say (probably lying)#i think it’s genuinely concerning how many people believe a ship has to have years of emotional connection before you’re allowed to ship it#like. imo you should be allowed to ship characters for any reason#crackships and rarepairs exist for a reason#secondly and probably more importantly#i think it’s really weird how many people are uncomfortable with the idea of gay sex#not in general but like#people were saying they were uncomfortable and weirded out because#an actor vaguely insinuated that the fictional character he plays would enjoy having gay sex with his partner#like people were calling him a freak#I THINK THATS WEIRD AND CONCERNING#it’s giving ‘my ship doesn’t have sex they make love while holding hands’#i think it ties into the first point#relationships are allowed to be built off attraction#you don’t need years and years of bonding for your relationship to be valid#and i think the visceral reaction against bucktommy because they’re not besties who share a kid is borderline homophobic#like there are plenty of valid reasons to dislike tommy and bucktommy like tommys previous behaviour#but being sooo against a ship based on the fact that there wasn’t enough ‘build up’ and that they don’t have a deep emotional bond#weird#and i don’t think it’s fetishisation to enjoy a canon couple im sorry that’s just a fucking crazy take#like it’s insane to me that apparently enjoying a gay ship is fetishisation unless it meets certain ‘emotional bonding’ criteria#also bathena is one of the most beloved ships on the show and their ‘build up’ was one date and a church hangout#and no one claims that they’re rushed and underdeveloped and that’s why one of them should be written off the show#like i said i think there’s a lot of valid reasons to dislike the ship (even if i do enjoy it)#but some of the arguments i’ve seen are just weird and i think you guys need to look at why it makes you uncomfortable#engage with other fandoms with more diverse ships and maybe you’ll calm down a little#911 discourse#for clarity the tumblr fandom seems to be okay but 911twt is an actual hell scape
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bare with me bc im fatigued but unable to sleep so i’m just here thinking and need to get my thoughts out, but i think much of louis’ passivity stems from his relationship with his mother and family. we don’t really see him become passive until claudia arrives. please correct me if i’m wrong but i believe that side of him is awakened once that traditional family structure is solidified in his home and i think the du lac family has a lot to do with why he’s like that and not just that he’s incapable of acting or choosing.
i see him and i see the child/mother that doesn’t want to repeat his mother’s failings on his own family but takes it so far to the extreme that it means he refuses to confront anything ever bc he feels he’s communicating the unconditional love he never received. he really is someone who wants the ones in his life to know they can be loved through anything. whether or not people receive it in the way he gives it i don’t think should be put on his shoulders as much it is.
he doesn’t have healthy understanding of discipline/consequences bc he was punished for things he couldn’t help like his queer identity. it doesn’t really seem like growing up he got into much trouble, again correct me if im wrong. other than paul his pimping isn’t really admonished by the du lacs bc it affords them their lifestyle. they are willing to distance themselves from it bc they get the house and the staff and the honeymoon trips etc. but they won’t overlook who he is. and it outweighs anything else. and that’s a weird thing to process being punished for bc the only thing you can do is deny yourself. but they know. so you hiding it and they know and they show you they disapprove even if you’re trying to play by their rules. it creates a complex.
then there’s paul. he’s the only one who really took it on to take care of paul and establish a relationship with him. i think florence probably didn’t push back against his institutionalization and grace seems to agree he belonged there. louis was the only one who saw how it negatively impacted paul. he loved paul that was his favorite person and then he killed himself and florence blames him for simply being there. this is where he starts to go from the favored son to the scapegoat which is a fucked transition to experience and i think its super underestimated how badly louis is impacted by it. it also happens when he starts to openly entertain lestat so it’ll never matter that his last moments with paul were expressions of love bc his all florence sees is that he’s been acting in sin and so of course he must of done and said something to kill her baby who he was raising and caring for in her place btw. when paul was upset he went to louis not florence. the last thing he ever said to paul was he loved him and he still died and florence blames him for it. he’s always punished for loving as far as he’s concerned.
then he does make “a choice” to become an immortal monster/companion/wife, which given all the circumstances is very much not much of a choice on his part, but he decides to go with what he wants and that choice is at the center of the unraveling of almost all the things he cares about and links to his human identity. and he clings to his human identity so i believe that fucks with his ability to trust his own decision making for sure. it’s the loss of his role in his family slowly but surely and everything he did he did for them. he always struggles with his decisions about how he supports his family and how he copes w the impact it has on his community. so if in choosing his own desire to love and be loved for once strips him of his family and his community what does that say about the decisions he made along the way? what was it all for? and then on top of that he didn’t even know what he was choosing in choosing immortality with lestat. he’s rocked by being faced with the reality of his choice so much so that he forgot his brother died for a moment. he’s probably developed an inability to take a step in any direction bc every step leads to a new rock bottom and he doesn’t trust himself anymore. that’s a very real thing that happens.
so how does that manifest when he has his own lil nuclear family?? well
with claudia he doesn’t ever want her to feel like she could ever lose his love for her for any reasons. like his family showed him. so bc his own punishments were correlated with who he was and not things he did really i don’t think he’s able to see disciplining claudia as guiding her towards better actions i think he sees it as punishing her for being as she is which he blames himself for and also for loving (where charlie is concerned but i’ll get to that…). it was his choice to bring her into this life so how can he trust himself beyond loving her unconditionally. that’s what he wants so that’s what he gives. claudia does what she does bc she’s a vampire and she didn’t choose that. he did. so he retreats when the consequences of that crop up and becomes passive. he doesn’t want to take a step in any direction on top of the patriarchal structure that the father is the law of the house, but then charlie happens.
claudia didnt kill charlie out of maliciousness. it was young love with all the demanding of the insatiable hunger of a vampire. even lestat recognizes that she got carried away so to louis punishing her or even makeing her feel bad for the action was too deeply entwined with punishing her for loving at all and that is a sensitive thing for him. he doesn’t handle it better than lestat that’s not what i’m saying what i’m saying is he doesn’t have the tools to guide her through this. what he has is the desperation to not repeat what harmed him growing up. it’s after this that he decides lestat cannot be the law of the household where claudia is concerned until he realizes his approach seriously blinded him to the fact that claudia ,yes is a doomed child vampire, but she’s a doomed child vampire making decisions and her actions have serious consequences for all of them and he doesn’t have the tools to guide. he can love her through anything, but how can he of all people really guide her. this isn’t as simple as no running in the house and listen to your elders. the mother is learning her daughter is her own person (and vampire) not an extension of her and with character traits like her father too. (plus the mother has to realize that she can’t heal herself through her daughter) whew. so louis decides to step back and to let lestat be the law again and then claudia LEAVES and on her way out she challenges his decision to turn her at all (with good reason. these two vampires should not be raising a baby!!) louis is literally so distraught he wants her to come home but he can’t bring himself to go after her and bring her home. he doesn’t want to take a step!! he doesn’t want to decide. it never leads to what he thinks it will. i don’t think he believes he can trust himself to make good choices. so he loves her unconditionally on broadcast for every vampire within radio earshot to hear because that’s what he can do. thennnn she’s harmed while she’s gone and i’m sure he’s feels in a way responsible. he wanted to be her protector so badly (when actually she’s his but i’ll get to that in a bit) and wasn’t able to. and of course there’s that scene™️ in ep5 with being put in a position where he was pressured to choose between lestat and claudia and because it LOOKED like he MIGHT choose claudia and because he didn’t IMMEDIATELY choose lestat disaster ensued. that’s a lot. fuck.
and when the nature of his relationship with claudia shifts more to siblings because she’s getting older, wants more agency and claudia realizes she is also a replacement for grace, this is where the passiveness that is the result of his relationship with grace developed. bc while its true claudia takes over for grace, she is the sister to louis that grace never ever was. on top of the fact that her solution for their issues was “you’re dead to me,” grace never actually accepted and supported his queer identity truly like claudia and she definitely never protected him like claudia either (defending mama du lac in regards to paul comes to mind and also her husband being the replacement son). and louis needs and wants both those things as well as someone who won’t abandon him like grace did and he let’s claudia be them but takes it to the extreme where the last two are concerned. Louis doesn’t think he can save himself from his situation and claudia believes she can save herself and him. she isn’t gonna leave him behind. he leans into that heavily. it’s not just that he can’t and won’t make choices to get them out of their situation it’s also that he’s traumatized by his past choices and also he’s also loving lestat unconditionally as well on top of that (in the way he’s able to). i don’t think louis could see a way out like at all. he was shrouded in darkness. the best he could do was compartmentalize his love for lestat to protect himself when things were at their worst that was his flashlight in that darkness. but like when it was necessary for the success of the plan that he allow himself to love lestat fully he said if i feel it there’s no way out of this fr fr. he knew he wouldn’t make good choices. choosing lestat is the decision he will always make for better or worse. but that’s at the expense of claudia on top of choking her.
like idk we joke about his inability to make decisions but that trait in him is drenched with trauma. and his family is a huge part of why imo. i just get so upset when i think about them. i really rambled on and on here. not sure how much sense this makes but i guess this ties into my feelings about this as well. but yeah not choosing as a trauma response and not just as a way to get out of confronting his problems even tho that is a symptom. if that makes sense. idk. my brain is mash potatoes right now.
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
Kevin is a fun character for me because the character the game repeatedly tells us he is and the character the game repeatedly shows us he is are just… blatantly two different characters, but regardless of which one you choose to believe is canon, he’s still one of the most sympathetic mf in the game and I will be very upset if he’s actually killed off
#honkai impact#kevin kaslana#where are my fellow Kevin enthusiasts at?#‘the only person he cares about is Dr. MEI-‘ hoyo you literally introduced him by showing us him repeatedly reliving one Sakura’s death#and the guilt that consumed him because of it and the various other sacrifices he had to make#those are not the actions of a dude who doesn’t care!!!#he built Hua a god damn sanctuary to keep her safe!#he chose saving Su’s life over completing project stigma (you know… Dr. MEI’s frickin legacy)#the Kaslana stigma version of him shows that he fucking loves his family and values their accomplishments#he cried over Elysia’s death#the ER version of him fucking risked it all to save her sim#hell he even recruited Mei just to honor Ely’s legacy and show her she won#in ‘the demon’ rememberance vessel they explicitly say he was desperately trying to keep Su out of the fight all together#and also did his best to keep Mobius away from Su#and in EE he only talked to Aponia just so Su didn’t have to#Mihoyo these are not the actions of someone who doesn’t care#also he kept Fu Hua’s feather safe and gave it back to Senti so she could get her body back#Kevin deeply loves all his friends and family and nothing Mihoyo says can convince me otherwise#he did everything for them not just for Dr. MEI#I can’t even judge his actions#like he’s literally just some guy- how is he supposed to know how to save the world#these aren’t even his plans. he’s just trying his best#I’d also go a little insane if I was powerless to stop most of my loved ones from dying and the world from being destroyed in front of me#I can’t blame him for not immediately trusting the power of friendship#man makes sense to me
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fideidefenswhore · 5 months
i feel like they basically tried to transpose the storyline/dynamic btwn coa and mary boleyn from tobg in tsp (with coa and bessie blount) and realllly overdid what was already well-done and entertaining.
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cynningly · 7 months
i love reading the tags on reblogs of HABIT posts cause they’re all like
“i want him DEAD i want him to BURN IN HELL i wanna see him get BEAT TO DEATH and SUFFER and DIE i wanna see him DROWN IN MISERY and be DISMEMBERED and feel PAIN but hehe i love him he’s so silly <3”
cause honestly same
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