#but we'll bounce back
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
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Thanks @indestructibleheart @junebugclaremontdiaz @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @getmehighonmagic and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tags! Hitting post on this earlier than usual because I feel like death warmed over—I'm posting this and going to bed... at 9pm on Valentine's Day. Follow me for more sexy action stories.
I feel like this snuck up on me this week... I was so focused on finishing and posting sex club spanking that I stopped paying attention to the passage of time. It's a scam anyway, so.
Today's snippet is the opener to chapter three of the Big Secret Collab, because the amount of the Anastasia AU I've shared is getting a bit ridiculous lmao.
Alex is dimly aware that he’s having a panic attack.  It’s not an unfamiliar feeling. He averaged one a semester in law school, not to mention the whole ‘forcefully outed on a global stage’ incident. He has a number of grounding techniques taught to him by an excellent therapist, and Cash’s hand between his shoulder blades, pressing so hard it’s just the right side of painful and giving him a physical sensation to focus on that isn’t his racing heart or sweating palms. He has a boyfriend who— A boyfriend who— “Breathe, Alex.” The hand that isn’t on his back reaches out and Alex grips it, fighting through every breath. He’s pretty sure his nails are digging into Cash’s skin, but Cash doesn’t flinch; he just sits there, solid and dependable and calm, and waits for Alex to come back to himself.
Tagging @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @celaestis1 @celeritas2997 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @cultofsappho @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @matherines @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @nocoastposts @notspecialbabe @orchidscript @rmd-writes @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @three-drink-amy @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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shepards-folly · 10 months
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
Thinking about:
The two moments in ep 1 (6:08) and ep 2 (32:37) when Jihyun is seen in the background between Jaewon and Tae Hyung/Eun Ji respectively.
The way Jaewon's taller shadow engulfs Jihyun's smaller shadow as Jaewon walks towards Jihyun on the beach in ep 2.
Yoon Won singing on the beach.
Just how fantastic Yoon Won, Ae Ri, and Jihyun's boss are.
How it looks like Jaewon drew himself and his younger brother and maybe a young Jihyun in the landscape of the Han river in ep 4.
The way Jaewon tugs Jihyun into him after putting the rucksack on Jihyun in ep 4 (7:03).
The tale of the country mouse who ran back home (ep 4)...and me wondering if it's foreshadowing a separation and/or time skip in future eps.
Jihyun keeping Jaewon's art in case he becomes famous...and me wondering if that will come back if there's a time skip/separation at the end.
The fact that the therapist is always in the same top, which might indicate that the therapy scenes are all from the same session...maybe meaning everything else that's happening are flashbacks from the time of the session...which ends in ep 5. There are no scenes of the therapy session in ep 6.
The bust on the shelf in the therapists room, with hands over its eyes...
Jihyun's dream of going to the Hanson Tower with a lover and putting a lock up there...and me hoping he'll do that with Jaewon.
The "traffic won't stop for you" sign behind Jaewon as he gets drunk in ep 5 and talks about siblings. If it turns out his brother died because he ran into the road I will throw fists.
The way Jaewon's little brother is dressed in a light blue t-shirt with something cream over the top in the flashback and then Jihyun is also wearing light blue/grey under a cream jacket in the next scene.
Jaewon's "We are always living in other's frameworks in this world". And "Don't try to get out of the box".
The silence as the credits roll at the end of ep 6.
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bittyblog · 10 months
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We still don't have a name but he's pretty settled in now, enough to play with my wool when I'm trying to crochet (it's okay he's helping) (he's not but he's cute so I'll let it slide)
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chronal-anomaly · 4 months
Someone put the doomfist fight on my Twitter timeline time to be annoying
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year
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strawberries!!! they're so red and pretty
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amaraudermind · 1 year
he's so in tune with the force I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS
And it's like. Being in tune with the force is one thing, right? Lots of Jedi are, lots of force users in general are, even!
But like. Okay so Hera mentioned in the pilot that Ezra opening the Holocron being a level of test, right? And it sounded like she and Kanan had discussed before something about him opening the Holocron meaning Kanan would train him.
But that's such a horrible test! In clone wars they specified that you could only open a Jedi Holocron as a Jedi. You had to be so dialed in specifically on the light side of the force.
So walk with me here. Ezra Bridger. He not only has a strong connection to the force. He not only instinctively calls on it without knowing a thing about it. He effortlessly tunes into the light side of the force, like it's as natural as breathing.
"but Void" I hear from the crowd "Ezra also tunes into the dark side of the force"
Indeed. Yes. Correct.
No but just stick with my crazed rambling for a sec okay? Because the dark side is supposed to be the easy path, the one that's so simple to fall into, it calls to force users, I mean, we see that the dark side is exactly that time and again.
I bring this up because. It's not for Ezra. The first time he grasps for the dark side he's in a panic, and it hurts him. It does get them away from the grand inquisitor but it almost doesn't. And the next time? It's after encouragement from Maul, and even then he's having to actively pursue it. He has to try to use the dark side.
And, because I think of this oh so much, when Maul needs him to open the Jedi Holocron--after he's been using the dark side and frequently, mind you--Ezra still can.
And like I have so many more incoherent thoughts about him and his force connection there's just so much he has taken up my entire brain<3
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weakling-grace · 5 months
Its okay Liv, we'll get him next time.
No moodboard today bc i'm going to assassinate Jeryd so please accept this in the meantime @rxgirlie
Liv can sit with me and @aurorag98 (and kaninchen) in the Jeryd's victims section. 💀
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eudikot · 1 year
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Man refuses to take a day off.
I wasn't going to follow this comic up but I decided to go into work today
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ahauntedcowboy · 3 months
Hey friend. I noticed you reblogged a bunch of Chronic Illnesses posts in a row so I wanted to just do a check-in. I hope your flare up goes down soon and that you can eat something tasty that you like and maybe get some cuddles from a person or animal if that's your thing. Idk I just know how awful chronic health issues are and wish all my fellow Spoonies the best ❤️
OH!! this is so sweet thank you!!!
i just saw a bunch of those posts on my dash and related to them just in general!! thankfully i'm not dealing with a major flare up atm, but i am pretty exhausted from going out earlier. i'll definitely pay for it for the next few days cause my entire body is already pretty sore from it. totally worth it tho!!! i got tons of cute stuff today.
but i did a good epsom salt soak a little bit ago and definitely plan on going to bed early, so i'll be okay! thank you for asking and checking in!!! i hope you're doing okay!!! ️😊
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mothram · 3 months
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orbmanson7 · 9 months
So I keep hitting roadblocks when trying to write more logan angst
Which means it's time to do another animatic (that's long overdue at this point)
and/or possibly this, like, flashcard art project idea I had where I take song lyrics from a few different songs I associate with Logan and make storyboard-ish art on 2 or 3 index cards based on lines from each song
Or if I do it digitally, maybe just record a speedpaint and put the music for each over those, idk
Hopefully by the time it's done, I'll be back in the writing spirit
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hoochieblues · 1 year
Second pre-adoption meet for Eviebean today! Things went surprisingly well. The dogs were much more relaxed with each other, she likes the people a lot, and they have a clear understanding of her needs and behaviour plan, so.... cautiously very optimistic?
She even had a couple of attempts at play which, given her complete lack of socialisation and knowledge of How To Be Dog, is fantastic.
It was the pretty paddock, too, so gratuitous picspam under the cut.
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Also, Chance handles being left really well. But I feel like there's a slight degree of pouting. Maybe.
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(That is harold, his favourite emotional support stuffie.)
Next week: Evie gets to go check out her potential new home!
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seagulley · 2 years
My bros it truly feels like Kaija and I are making backwards progress in training right now. Hard to believe that we did semi okay in our first rally competition in April because now we wouldn't even make it through a full course...
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omgchloe · 1 year
Is anyone else's immune system just total and complete trash since covid
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