#but uh other than that uhhhmmm. hmm. i think i just need to be better at rmbring gender for nouns… im so Bad…. TT
andronauts · 1 year
things i like abt the german language as someone trying to learn german
-words are pronounced exactly the way theyre spelled
-english is germanic, so many words are similar enough that u can easily figure out the meaning jst by looking at the word (Milch=Milk, Buch=Book, Bruder=Brother, Schwester=Sister, etc etc)
-other words are just word+word and german is so Literal with naming shit so if u know some words its easy to kinda figure out what smthng means (Handschuhe = literally, “Hand Shoes” = Gloves)
-vocabulary is So Easy to remember bc of these above 3 points like frfr
things i hate abt the german language as someone trying to learn german
-CONJUGATIONS as well are horrible (especially PAST TENSE VERBS and literally every conjugation of the verb WERDEN) (its so HARD to remember and understand)
-PLURAL VERSIONS of nouns are so DUMB (it makes NO SENSE)
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NCT- A Strange Answer || Gang AU- part 6
Group: NCT- all members
Theme: Gang AU
Type: Series- fluff + angst
*Warning- this series will cover some dark themes such as abuse, drugs, and crude language so please read at your own discretion, if these themes make you uncomfortable at all, please do not read this
Plot: Continues from when Taeil and Hansol discover Kun and Winwin eavesdropping on them. After both parties clear the air, we go back to you and Renjun as you two share lunch. But of course, nothing can be normal with Renjun so you greet the last disruptor- Jaehyun. After that then Renjun finally tells you the truth about his parents.
Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
       “What are you two doing here, together?”
Kun looks at Winwin to see if he has an answer but his face is void of emotions except shock. “Uhhh, we could be asking you the same question hyung. What were you two talking about, something about certain secrets slipping out?”
“Listen to me Kun and Winwin, we’re gunna ask for you two to forget everything you just heard. Clearly it wasn’t meant for anyone to hear so please, please just this ever happened,” Hansol begs.
“But what was all that even about? Why do you guys have to worry about Y/N? And how do you know about Y/N?” Winwin asks, turning his head to direct the question to Taeil.
“Uhh, he/she is-”
“Kun? Taeil hyung? Heyyy, what are you guys doing here,” a sweaty Ten huffs as he jogs towards them while removing his headphones.
“Oh god,” Taeil sighs, facepalming himself.
“Oh, am I interrupting something here?” Ten asks as he takes a step back after he notices the two strangers.
“No no, it’s alright. We were just leaving, bye guys,” Hansol says as he grabs Winwin’s hand. He stops for a second to give Kun a look that says ‘don’t forget what I said’ before walking away.
Winwin and Kun just look at each other helplessly, both feeling confused since none of their questions got answered and they were sure they stumbled on something that they shouldn’t forget about, regardless of Hansol’s request.
“So uh, what are you two up to?” Ten tries again.
Taeil lies, “Nothing, we just bumped into some friends. But how was your jog?”
“Oh it was fine, are you two heading home now or you gunna stick around for a while?”
“I’m gunna go home, I have a headache. But I don’t think Kun would mind staying for a while, right?” Taeil asks Kun hurriedly.
Kun shakes his head. “Not at all,” he slings his arm around Ten’s neck and ruffles his slightly damp hair.
“Alrighty then, see you guys later,” Taeil waves.
Kun waves a peace sign and Ten returns the wave, “Byee, hope your headache gets better hyung.”
“Not with you yelling excitedly like that it won’t,” Kun says mockingly, walking away from Taeil, who was already walking away briskly.
“Oh shut up, at least I’m not this soulless kinda person unlike sooomeone I knowww,” Ten drags out.
“I don’t know who you’re referring to because I’m not soulless,” Kun rolls his eyes.
“Ohoo, you are now. Who was that guy?? What really happened because we both know Taeil hyung is a terrible liar.”
“Haha truue. Hmm where to start,” Kun says, stroking his chin. “Well for starters his name is Winwin and yes I know he’s a literal angel so I call dibs.”
“Don’t worry, even if I wanted to date him I couldn’t because I uhhhmmm amalreadydatingsomeone so yea,” Ten says with a smile as he tries to look away from Kun.
“Tennn what the heck dude. Who’s the lucky guy?” Kun wiggles his eyebrows.
“I can’t tell you, I’m sorry. It’s a complicated relationship but I promise when you see him, I’ll tell you. But for now I really can’t say,” Ten explains with his head low.
“Hey it’s alright dude. I understand. Winwin was wearing a black leather jacket, I hope it doesn’t mean what I think it does.”
“UGH, I’m starvinggg!” you groan dramatically as you pick up your order from a sandwich shop you and Renjun stopped at.
Renjun just rolls his eyes, “Ugh, when are you not gunna be hella extra. Like calm yo tits boy/girl, its just food.”
“’It’s just food’??? I am shook asfff. Food is love, food is life. We can’t be friends if you don’t love food more than me,” you say as you find a booth to eat your lunch.
“So you’re telling me to love something more than you?”
“Yea, of course. And speaking of love. You like anyone?” you ask as you take your first bite into your po’boy sandwich.
“No. But I know you have one on Jeno because somebody wanna be staying over at his house and shit,” he says sassily, taking a bite of his own sandwich.
“Um no, excuse me. It’s not like I had much of a say here. I really did just meet him though yet he’s hella nice and takes good care-”
“Renjun?” a honey brown haired guy slurs, swaying a bit.
“Jaehyun hyung? What are you doing here, like this?” Renjun clearly hints at his drunken figure.
“Oh this? It’s just an errday thang. What are you on a little date or somethin?”
“No, can’t I just have a damn meal with my friend in peace?”
“Don’t talk to me like that.” He gives a ferocious look while pointing a finger but it quickly slacks back to his intoxicated look. He moves his finger in your direction and asks, “You’re the punk from yesterday aren’t you?”
“Hey leave him/her outta this. Just leave why don’t you?” Renjun presses his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose with an annoyed look.
“You little-” he Jaehyun hisses as he grabs Renjun by his collar, ready to throw a punch but you push him away from Renjun.
“Hey! Excuse me sir, I’m gunna ask you to leave the shop. Here’s your order now you may leave,” a stocky middle-aged man asserts, handing Jaehyun a plastic bag with a hand on his back leading him towards the door. Jaehyun grumbles something and moves his shoulder away from the man, the action clearly takes a lot out of him since he wobbles towards the floor but catches himself. He huffs once again and just marches out the door, glaring at the owner then at Renjun and finally at you.
“Son, I’m sorry you had to experience that violence in my shop. As an apology, I would like to offer a complimentary meal,” the owner says as he takes off his flat hat and looks down solemnly.
“Sir, its not your fault, you don’t have to do that. Please, he’s just a friend of mine so I’d like to apologize on his behalf,” Renjun says sincerely.
“Alright son, but may I offer a word of advice?” Renjun nods. “You look like a fine, smart lad so for your own good, I suggest leaving those kinda people if you can. I know they may seem fun right now but in the long run, they won’t be doing much good for you or your friendship. So heed my advice son, I would hate to see someone like you end up like one of them. You have so much potential and you really have the rest of your life ahead of you, so live it wisely,” he advices, patting Renjun on the back.
Renjun just looks up at the owner, “Thank you, I’ll do my best to heed your words sir.”
“Haha ok, and the same goes for you too dear,” the owner points at you. You just reply with a nod and a simple smile. “Alrighty then, I’ll let you two get back to your lunch, enjoy,” he says with a smile and one last pat on your’s and Renjun’s shoulder before returning to his spot behind the counter.
You look at Renjun before sipping your lemonade, “I hope you meant what you said to him and that they weren’t just empty words.”
He scoffs. “So much for a simple lunch together,” he mutters to himself.
You pinch his ear, “I heard that. Just hurry up and finish so we can get outta here.”
“So. Your parents, what happened?” you ask softly as you watch children play in the playground. You felt your eyes stinging, you were feeling overwhelmed again. These kiddos were so happy just playing around, enjoying the good life. Even you couldn’t enjoy those simple pleasure as a kid because you were so caught up trying to make sense of your family that falling apart before your eyes.
But you always had Renjun. And his parents. Fuck, you really don’t want to hear what Renjun is gunna say but you want to know what happened to those selfless people who never deprived you of the parental love and guidance you were missing from your own.
Your hand finds its way to Renjun’s and you squeeze it just as you squeeze your eyes shut. Renjun turns and puts his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into a hug.
His voice quivers slightly as he mutters, “I’m really sorry Y/N. I should’ve told you sooner, I know how much you love them. I don’t know if I should feel proud or stupid to say that they were arrested for admitting to a crime they didn’t commit. They ‘confessed’ to kidnapping someone, but they took the blame for someone else. Apparently it was to save a close family friend but they never had the chance to tell me why they really did it. Although, I had a lot of time to think about it. And I think they did it because they were missing something in their life. Things really changed when we moved away from you and I guess they never really wanted to admit that they were missing you and were mad for not bringing you with us. They knew what you were going through at home and felt guilty for not being able to save you. You were what they were missing in their lives. So that’s why I think they just took the blame, because they felt guilty for leaving you behind to suffer.”
You just look at him blankly, the feeling of sinking and falling hits you. A tear falls, and your grip on Renjun’s hand falters. You stand up from the bench that you shared with Renjun and say in a low, wispy voice, “I’m gunna go home. If you see Jeno, tell him I’m not coming. And don’t follow me. Please I need some time alone.”
Renjun stands up as well and just gives you a tight a hug, “It’s alright Y/N, I understand. Just please call me when you’re home.”
You nod feebly as he wipes your tear and holds your face, “You know I love you right? There’s no one like you in my life, you really are my brother/sister. It’s not the blood that matters but our bond. If you want me to come over, gimme a call and I’ll be right over ok? Take care Y/N, I love you so much, I hate to see you like this. Go, I’m rambling too much now.”
You hug him one more time and just mutter, “Thank you Junnie. I promise I’ll call.”
“Good, I’ll see you later bro/sis,” he barely chuckles.
You muster a small smile and sniffle, “Shut up, don’t call me that. It’s too cheesy.”
He chuckles as he holds you again and smooths your hair. “Ok, go now before I drag you off with me,”  he sniffles as he wipes away his tear.
You begin to walk away, starting your path to a contemplative night alone but now it doesn’t seem that way since just after passing the other side of the playgroup you see Jeno and Jaemin’s familiar faces engaged in an animated conversation.
—– (While you and Renjun were talking earlier, this was happening on the other side of the playground …)
“Jaemin, is that you?” Jeno asks, coming from behind Jaemin carefully.
Jaemin turns around in confusion and his face softens when he recognizes Jeno. “Yea that would be me, and you’re Jeno right. From the Colorpop ga-”
“Yea I’m from school haha,” Jeno says quickly, trying to cut him off intentionally but just slumps when he sees Jaemin’s disapproving face and cocked up eyebrow. “Ok yea, I know we’re not supposed to be talking because of the whole.. you know. But I mean come on, we’re in the same group for English so we’re gunna have to talk a lot with each other anyways. You seem like a cool person I want to get to know you better.”
“Hmm ok. I kinda figured you weren’t here to talk about solar power. So what do you wanna know about me then?”
“Uhh stuff like your hobbies or interests or somethin. What ever you’re willing to share I guess.”
“Alright then, I like to run and dance a lot. Music is cool too and I like to watch boxing and wrestling matches and some extreme sports on TV whenever I get a chance.”
“Nice, nice. I like music and wrestling too. Hey, tryouts for wrestling are next week, are you gunna come?”
“Nah, I don’t think I could ever make it into the team.”
“Why not? I think you’d be great, you have a good build for it. Come on, it’s always worth a shot and you never know unless you try right?” Jeno asks encouragingly as he pats Jaemin on the shoulder.
“But look at me, it looks like I’m the one who’s been wrestled,” Jaemin says miserably, looking at his shoes.
“Hey man, you can’t control that but you can make a change. And that change might be trying out for wrestling for yourself. You don’t have to be worried about proving something to someone. Do this for yourself Jaemin, work hard so you can learn to defend yourself man. Sitting back and tolerating this isn’t a way to live, stand up for yourself.”
“Yea that’s a good point but-”
“No ‘buts’ or ‘ifs’, do this for yourself. Prove yourself to yourself, your own self-worth and strength dude. Alright, let’s talk about music now. What genres or artists are you into?”
“I enjoy listening to SLCHLD, Rheehab, and other indie artists similar to ‘em.”
“For real dude? I do too! Did you hear their collabs?”
“DUDE, which one though? There’s so many, I love them all but my favorite would have to be ‘call this love’.”
“Sammme! I love the beat, I believe its a sample from Aso-”
Jaemin nods eagerly, “Yup, its called ‘Sun in My Face’. But the lyrics are really good too. Hmm, you’re not as bad as I thought.”
“What do you mean ‘not as bad’? When have I ever been bad?”
“Oops, you weren’t supposed to hear that,” Jaemin says a bit nervously, rubbing the side of his arm, causing Jeno to chuckle.
“You’re not bad yourself Jae,” Jeno says as he leans over to boop his nose softly.
“Jeno… and Jaemin? What are you doing here?” Renjun wonders as he was trying to make his way back home.
Jeno steps away from Jaemin as he straightens himself up, “Oh nothin, I just saw Jaemin as I was-”
“I thought I told you to stay away from him,” Renjun quickly comes up to whisper in Jeno’s ear, grabbing him by his collar lightly to bring Jeno’s ear closer to his mouth.
“Renjun hyung, it’s alright. Really,” Jaemin says, stepping up to separate them. “We were just having a simple conversation-”
“But you know the consequences if John-”
“Yes, I know! But it’s not like he can make me feel any worse,” Jaemin says sadly, looking at his feet again.
“Hey, I don’t know what’s going on so I’m just gunna head back home-” Jeno starts softly, stepping away while gesturing with his thumbs.
“Wait, before you go Y/N wanted me to let you know that he/she is gunna spend some time at his/her own place so he/she won’t staying over with you guys for well, at least not tonight. He/she just really needs some time to him/herself right now, trust me,” Renjun informs.
“Oh, ok,” Jeno says quietly. “Well, I gunna go head home, it’s getting late. I’ll um see you guys around, bye.”
Jaemin waves while Renjun mutters a barely audible bye. They stand in silence for a while, watching Jeno walk home and seeing the sky turn from a rainbow sunset to rapidly rising dusk.
“Why’d you have to do that, huh? Why in front of Jeno? Why’d you have to say anything about Johnny hyung? This was my chance to meet someone who doesn’t know my story. Now he’s just gunna start to pity me like the all the rest. Don’t you dare say anything to Y/N ok, he/she seems like a cool person. I just want people to know me for me, not my story. It’s a dumb story anyway, that’s what got me into this whole mess. If Dongwoo hyung hadn’t died, things would’ve been much different. Sure he didn’t interact with me much, but at least then I wouldn’t have to suffer so much because of him,” Jaemin mumbles miserably to himself.
Renjun holds Jaemin into a tight hug, “Jaemin, I know how much you have to suffer because of your brother’s death but-”
Jaemin wriggles out of Renjun’s grip, “Renjun hyung, stop it. I know what you’re gunna say and I really thank you for always being here for me and standing up for me at home and countless other things. But today you really crossed a line by mentioning Johnny hyung’s name in front of Jeno. You know I don’t care about what Johnny hyung thinks anymore, it’ll always just have the same ending. I just wanted a chance to feel normal, even if it was with Jeno, someone who we’re ‘supposed’ to keep away from. Anyways, let’s just go home hyung. It is getting dark, Hansol hyung will start to worry.”
Jeno starts to walk up the driveway with his hands lazily hanging in his jean pockets, as he thinks about Jaemin and the pleasant conversation they shared. Just as he makes his way towards the front door, it blots open loudly and Taeil bursts through the door angrily, clutching his car keys firmly.
“That damn Johnny boy’s gunna get it from me,” Taeil fumes to himself as he slams his car door shut.
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Part 7
*IM SOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR UPDATING SOO LATE, I promise I wasn’t trying to put this away on purpose, I just got caught up in some stuff its still my summer break man 😭😭
*anyways, I really do hope you enjoyed this part. What do you guys think about all these ‘accidental’ interactions, the truth about Renjun’s parents’ arrest, and finding out about Dongwoo, Jaemin’s older bro? Ooh, who do you guys think Ten is dating, lemme know, I’m rly curious to know hehe.
*also, I didn’t intend to make Taeil come off so angry all the time but I promise you’ll find that out all very soon in the up-coming parts as well as alll the other lil things. But lemme know if you need any clarifications bc ik this series just has toooo many lil secrets u have to pay attention to, so if you have any questions I’m here to help ya out
*here’s a link to the song Jeno and Jaemin were talking about, its very good, I highly recommend it, X
*once again I apologize for the super late delay but better late then never I guess. Anyways I hope you guys are having a great summer, make sure to always stay hydrated, and take a moment to bask in and enjoy all the lil things whenever you can, love ya and see u real soon ✨
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