#but this song makes me soft for them
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Playdate in peril, the homosexual thoughts be upon ye.
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
heyyy have y'all ever thought about how 'the one that got away' is john's song for gale?
in another life, i would be your girl
john watching gale with marge and wishing he could be smaller and prettier and daintier and blonder and softer, thinking that if maybe he was a girl, gale could love him back
we'd keep all our promises, be us against the world
always promising each other "us against the world, buck" "always, bucky" but deep down john knows it'll end when the war does
in another life, i would make you stay
john hoping that in some other timeline, things turn out the way he dreams, they're able to have that house with the white picket fence, they raise children together, they get to stand across from each other in a chapel and john doesn't have to love him in secrecy
never one without the other, we made a pact
i mean c'mon. it's buck and bucky, bucky and buck. in a different timeline and era, they're the type of friends to make a marriage pact– "if we're still single when we're 30, we'll just marry each other, yeah?"
should've told you what you meant to me, cause now i pay the price
john spending the rest of his life wondering if things could have been different if he had been brave (or stupid) enough to tell gale how he felt. he knows realistically it wouldn't have changed anything, he knows he's not meant to be that person for gale, but sometimes he lets himself dream.
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stinkypeanutbutter · 2 months
I’d like to headcanon that some of the squad have shared playlists , and one giant one for them all . They check out each others Spotify or Amazon or YouTube idk what they use anyway they check it out and if it pairs similar to their own , they join together and create one to play when they are chilling or showing to the others . The BIG one is them all together , meaning lots and lots and lots of bickering over what song gets put in and what doesn’t . Usually , it’s just Aiden complaining about the songs he can’t add ( VERY mixed style , some songs are a little too goofy . But don’t worry , he’ll add them on when no one’s looking )
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velvetjune · 2 months
the chapter songs in Alan Wake 2,, flawless
#they deserve more love and discussion#saying this while also not knowing what to say other than they’re so fucking good#alan wake 2#i think it’s partially because poets of the fall’s tracks are iconic so of course they’re in the spotlight (as deserved)#but also the CHAPTER SONGS. them being made for a given chatacter(s) with the help of Sam lakes poetry#the changes with ‘this road’ by Poe with every Alan chapter. becoming more distorted and revealing lyrics and the spiral#the scratch song being 1) hilarious and 2) similar to Zane’s poetry in the aw1 arg#the emotion in superhero when saga feels lost at the story making it so Logan was gone#the lines of her feeling like a ghost in this story forming around her.. how she feels guilty and absent for both what the story’s doing#and being away from Logan because of her job. ashdhhhhjhh my heart#AND. follow you into the dark HAS to be alice. which kills me because at for at I thought of Alan#but no. Alice jumped in the dark place after him. it’s so !!!!!!!!!!!#the rabbit hole line. Alice spiraling deeper and deeper into a dream—into wonderland#the Lost at Sea one is also good. intrigues me. the Bowie and Lynch references are blatantly aw2 Zane#but it’s so similar to diver Zane and the ‘originals’ death. being lost in the dark place with illusions of escape#and losing any sense of identity. whether he’s real at all or the monster of this sea or just a lost soul.#the soft and calm vocals / instrumental really makes the whole thing#NEED to stop typing more tags because this is a Lot. however.#‘no one left to love’ is also a phenomenal song and one of my favorites from the album. GORGEOUS vocals and how it all flows together.#such a powerful and beautiful way to end a chapter#anyway that’s all I had to say :)#god. I’ve started to watch a few playthroughs of the game and 90% of people have skipped the chapter songs and every time im#that’s fair but my brain and soul might implode if I don’t see anyone else talking about how good these songs are
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justafriend-ql · 10 months
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Never Let Me Go x The Japanese House Tried to keep my eyes closed I want you so bad Then I awoke and it was so sad
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theloverislost · 11 days
listening to strawberry mentos (by leanna firestone) and thinking about wesper
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coconut530 · 5 months
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tswwwit · 1 year
Have a short thing of pointless fluffy bullshit, brought to you by mindlessly going through radio stations while bored and driving.
Dipper catches sight of yellow in the corner of his eye, and starts glaring. 
Being caught singing to himself isn’t the worst. Bill’s seen that before, teased him about it before no less - but this time? 
This time, he’s not going to get as far as he thinks. 
Before Bill can start, he points his toothbrush at his stupid grinning face in the reflection. “Don’t even start.” 
“Aw, sapling, look at you! What a massive nerd.” Bill spreads his arms wide, stalking forward. Dipper makes a noncommittal grunt, brushing his teeth again as Bill moves in for the kill. “You weren’t even born when that song came out, and you know it by heart! What’d ya do, wear out Stanley’s old record player in your moodier teen years?” 
Augh, Dipper hates it when Bill’s… insightful. Living in the middle of nowhere with spotty internet, the easiest way to get music was by digging through Stan’s old collection. 
Anyway, Bill’s taken the wrong tactic. BABBA kind of rules, and Bill’s taste in music - when it’s not way weirder-  is way older. 
“Ha! Knew it. It figures.” Bill tsks, shaking his head at Dipper in the mirror. “You gotta get out in the world more, kid. Spend less time with some outta touch old man.”
“You can say that again.” Dipper mutters, through foam and brush alike. He spits in the sink, wiping his mouth while his ancient, immortal demon husband makes a face behind him.
“Rude,” Bill responds. He didn’t miss the double-talk; if anything he’s grinning wider. He’s also wrapped his arms around Dipper’s waist, just above the towel. “I’m way more in touch than anyone else you know.”
Technically correct. If you’re into multi-layered conversations. Dipper rolls his eyes anyway. 
“I mean it. Don’t. Start.” Dipper jabs the real Bill in the chin with the toothbrush, watching his nose wrinkle up at the foam on his chin. “You’re playing with fire, Bill. I’ll use it.”
“Oh?” The smile is, if anything, more smug. “Go on!”
“Don’t tempt me.”
“Why not?” Bill rests his chin in Dipper’s hair, thus sharing the mess. “Go for it, sapling. Let’s see this-”
Dipper doesn’t wait for Bill to finish his taunt. He’s already snagged his phone from the bathroom counter, scrolling through for his perfect retort. 
God, he was hoping Bill would open with that, and he has. Now Dipper can use his secret weapon.
“Aha!” Dipper turns around in Bill’s arms, brandishing his evidence right in Bill’s face. “Take that, asshole.”
Bill leans back a bit, eye squinted to get a better look. Dipper guesses he was holding it a little too close.  
He takes a second to focus on what Dipper's showing him - then gasps.
“Why, Pine Tree!” Bill exclaims. He sounds scandalized, which is great. And… delighted. Which isn’t really what Dipper was aiming for. “Going around snapping creepy pics of the biggest demon celebs, huh? A real paparazzo.” Bill clasps a palm to his cheek, fluttering his eyelashes. “You pervert.”
“I- What?” Alarmed, Dipper checks the picture he took again. 
Shit, right. He had a towel on for his show - but Bill didn’t. 
Dipper was so proud of his find, and so used to Bill, that he simply didn’t take it into account. If Bill wasn’t half-turned away in the shot, it’d be completely indecent.
“Okay, shut up. That’s not the point.” And there's another one of those to make - “And we’re married, anyway.”
“How many of these have you got around, huh? A dozen? A hundred?” Bill leans in again, grinning wide. Dipper feels himself turning red, he doesn’t - this was - “Been waiting for me in some tight pants to get a better view of the outline?” The smugness is palpable; Bill’s implying so, so much that’s wrong, and he revels in it. “Lemme know if you need a model for your next-”
“I can hear you in the shower just as well as you hear me,” Dipper interrupts, before Bill can completely change the topic. Though he has to admit, it was a nice try. “I’m not the only one serenading himself, am I?”
Bill’s jaw shuts with a click, and a little huff. Looking annoyed, now that Dipper’s re-railed their conversation.
“I caught you,” Dipper feels a triumphant smile building, he tugs Bill closer by his tie. Let him try and escape now.  “Singing pop songs in the shower.”
“Ugh. Sure I was, what’s your point?” Bill shrugs, nonchalant. It’s almost like it barely affects him. “I’ll serenade whoever I like, and lemme tell ya - never met an ungrateful audience for long.”
“Oh yeah? In your own words - ” Dipper tangles his fingers around the tie, smiling now - “What a massive nerd.”
Bill’s nose scrunches up. His eye is narrowed; he’s leaned in close enough to cage Dipper against the sink. 
Not that it matters. Dipper’s won this round.
“Takes one to know one, Bill.” Dipper jabs his idiot husband in the chest, with no small amount of pride.  “You can’t make fun of me when you do the exact same thing.” 
“Sure I can!” 
“What?” Dipper gives him a little push, annoyed. Bill certainly doesn’t look like he’s lost; he’d hoped this would deter him longer.
“‘Cause you get embarrassed about your little bathtime ballads.” Bill pats Dipper’s sides, looking pleased. “Have you seen the colors you turn? Look in the mirror sometime, kid. No way I’m missing out on those.” 
Ugh. Of course. Stupid Bill; Dipper didn’t think this would stop the teasing, necessarily, but he’d hoped it’d buy him more time. Guess he’s got more of this to look forward to, Bill’s impossibly persistent and he never gives up when he spots a good time to be had.
He turns back around, rolling his eyes. “I need to shave.” Behind him, Bill grins, wide and insane - a bright flash, as a straight razor appears in his hand - “Back off, Sweeney Todd, I’ll do it myself.”
Bill sticks out his tongue, but settles down. He leans up against Dipper’s back as he shaves, eye looking off into the distance as he contemplates something. 
Maybe Dipper’s going to hear an earful about this every time Bill catches him - but really. Joke’s on Bill, this time. If he thinks he’s gotten away scot free, he’s got another thing coming. 
Bill says he’s not embarrassed about singing in the bath? Well. Dipper has some choice commentary to make about his taste in music. They’ll see who’s turning colors when Dipper teases him right back. 
“So! You doing anything this evening?” Dipper glances at him in the mirror again. Bill’s wearing a delighted smile on his face. Like he’s just had an excellent idea, and he’s altogether too pleased with himself. “Just saying, I know a great karaoke bar on the other side of  the solar system. Huge playlist. Great drinks! And it’s been a while since I hit up the place.”
Dipper wipes his face, thinking for a moment. Sure, he wasn’t really doing anything. Bill’s warm and close, fingers tapping on his stomach and bouncing slightly on his heels. Waiting for an answer. 
“Well, kid? You coming?”
Dipper sighs, and despite himself, starts to smile. 
Okay. Maybe he’ll let Bill’s bad taste in music slide for the evening. There’ll be plenty of chances to tease later, and he can’t pick every song.
Who knows? Maybe they’ll find something terrible they both like. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“Yeah, alright. Why not.” Dipper relents, and watches Bill beam at him. Feeling squeezed tight, and hearing him start to cackle. He cups a hand over Bill’s, meeting his eye in the mirror. “It’s a date.”
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bredforloyalty · 4 days
the last few years have been a nice detour* but i think it's time to get back to being cringe
*: not that i wasn't cringe recently just that i need to crank it up and lose followers also
#as in become shameless and earnest as soon as possible#and i've been thinking about this recently with the release of clancy and with me going cuckoo and with me having watched an interview wher#tyler said something after being asked about negative responses (this was after the mtv movie awards i think).. what he said is he doesn't#understand how anyone could listen to a song that someone honestly wrote and say it's bad. and it hit me in that moment‚ the contrast‚#like when i come across a man who loves animals. because‚ i grew up with a man around‚ always around‚ who criticizes everything incessantly#everything. all the time. and doesn't know what it's like to love an animal and take care of it btw. he judges everything and never#makes anything. so maybe that's why i liked them so much‚ as individuals but as musicians too. and tyler as a songwriter. and let's say it.#let's say it. and the clique. and before that i liked vocaloid and etc etc i've been thinking that to me there is a real appeal to things#that many would describe as weird or unconventional or annoying.. i will find the beauty and the authenticity at the heart of it (if there#is some) and i may even cherish it.#and i like soft things too. i like disgust and fear and being shaken up by art and it's been a huge turning point to recognize all that#but god do i need a different dimensions sometimes. like let's be on a different axis let's move sideways#+ let me like something just because#that's what i mean by cringe ig! i am who i am and sometimes i find new ways to be uncool or get back to the old ways#and it's fine#kata.txt
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yoohyeon · 9 months
Kpop stans reblog this post and tell us in the tags what’s your favorite song(s) by your ult(s) group(s) / soloist(s) 💜
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
– give me a call, if you ever get lonely ♡
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kingthunder · 1 year
trying to nail the characterization i like for geralt and jaskier is like trying to balance on one of these bitches
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flowerakatsuka · 13 days
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wip while i'm at woooork~
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daz4i · 4 months
franz ferdinand (the band. not the historical figure) is such an anomaly to me. it feels like everyone's heard at least one of their songs - take me out - bc when i play it they go "oh yeah i know this one!" or "woah this is really good!" yet i don't know anyone aside from myself who actually regularly listens to them. many don't even know their name or only recognize take me out by its riff. one of their songs is now an anime opening 20 years after it originally came out
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0-hoony · 2 months
[the number you have dialed is not available]
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thedreadvampy · 9 months
I tried listening to Olivia Rodrigo and I'm sure this is really good for its target audience of Teen Girls Going Through A Breakup but has she actually ever put out a song that isn't about a guy cheating, breaking up with her and moving on to someone else?
like babe he's not coming back it's been 2 years you gotta find something else in your life
#red said#it's not to my taste. tbh#content aside pop music is going through a very early 2000s breathy oversinging phase#hated it with xtina and alanis hate it with ariana and olivia sorry#it's a personal taste thing but to me however hard you go with the backing track that kind of soft pretty vocal style kind of#drags it back into midtempo sludge for me#also tbh it's just extremely normal music. like i went over to her yt bc people were talking about how Weird vampire is#it's not though????? it's super not????#anyway the only one I've got anything out of is good 4 u cause she sounds more involved and less self-pitying on it#every other Olivia song I've heard sounds kinda the same bc they all have the same earnest self-pity vibe#which is what a lot of people need out of music! music that makes them feel the depth of their anger and sadness!#but idk it's never done it for me i like there to be something of a tongue in cheek or a hysterical edge#i think most of the songs I've heard from her are just too controlled and polished for them to not sound to me#like she's the person who sees you crying cause your partner is in hospital and goes YEAH I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL#MY EX CHEATED ON ME 5 YEARS AGO AND IT REALLY TRAUMATISED ME AND I'M STILL NOT OVER IT and then you have to comfort her#like i recognise she's a 20 year old making music for teenagers so that is. appropriate.#but i struggled with the wallowing then too. were i a Teen at school with Olivia's character i would be so desperate to tell GROW UP#and it's not the lyrics it really is the music#heartbreak is a perfectly good theme to write on but oh my god not every song about it needs to be a mouthful call to arms
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