#but then seeing the thing that reminded bf of whitty proceeding to beat the everliving shit out of him
storfulsten · 2 years
How would whitty react to seeing bf (badly injured) after what happened at indie cross? 🤔 🤔
kinda rambly so cut
ah man idk. for one, whitty would want to hunt down bendy and make him pay aka tear him to shreds, but that's not very productive or easy to do given the dimension hopping required to do that so nvm (also I guess to start with he wouldn't know who did it anyways so couldn't do much either way). priority one is bf and making sure he's ok anyways, so putting the anger to the side for now, idk it'd be a lot of emotions and worry. but he'd have to try to supress and ignore all that aswell at least until he's gotten bf to someone who can treat his injuries or something like that. otherwise he might start crying and panic and stuff, and that would help no one in the situation, especially not bf, in fact the gasoline leakage would probably be really bad for bf more than usual in this situation so whitty just has to suck it up for a bit. once bf is safely out of his hands he might take a moment to have a minor breakdown, crying and maybe break something, like maybe punch a tree in half or something idk lol, just to get enough frustrations out. then as fast as possible get back to bf's side ofc. what would his thoughts be in the situation? idk, anger at whoever dared to do this, anger and sadness at the thought that anyone would think to do this towards bf in the first place. anger and dissappointment towards himself that he couldn't be there to protect bf when he needed it. so much worry and worst case scenarios of what if's running through his head like what if bf's not gonna make it, and iffy thoughts like that. he might end up blaming himself for letting it happen eventhough he literally could've done nothing differently being stuck in a different dimension or whatever, none of it is his fault but he's supposed to be there and protect bf when he needs it damn it. so yeah idk, lots of feelings I guess lol. once he's back at bf's side he'll chill out a bit I suppose
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