#but then i realized that wasn't accurate
wildflowercryptid · 4 months
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i made an edit for mjv!bb kieran so ya'll know what that means. enjoy the memes, everyone.
kieran's edit underneath the cut!
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i only did a half-body like i did with florian bc there was no fucking way i was redrawing their entire official art, i don't have the energy rn. 😭
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welcometogrouchland · 10 months
I just think Hunter was obsessed with Willow and didn't even know it during the period from any sport in a storm to labyrinth runners. They maybe don't talk as often as they could, they're both busy and have conflicting schedules, so when they do talk, Hunter absorbs everything she says.
After roughly 3 weeks of texting (hexting? I feel like the kids would call it hexting), He knows that her favorite colour is orange, she likes her tea with extra milk and a bit of honey during winter, she likes working out to the noisiest angriest music in her playlist, her dad Gilbert is a construction witch who specialises in pottery, she used to listen to breakup songs and think about her childhood best friend (Hunter doesn't know it's Amity) and she actually has a mild pollen allergy despite being a plant witch and has to take potions for it.
He casually drops all this info piece by piece during their stay in the human realm and willows like. Well I can't not marry him. It'll have to be a winter or fall wedding to account for her allergies </3
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fortyfive-forty · 3 months
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laugtherhyena · 1 year
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Plant woman and her giant snake gf
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n7punk · 1 year
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*looks at the camera like im on the office*
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max1461 · 7 months
Oh. The climate denier anon is white nationalist anon. That's why he is unable to parse a single word of what anyone is saying on the subject.
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lilalilan · 2 years
There's just something kind of lonely about being trans in a way that doesn't line up with the mainstream narratives about transness
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peachcitt · 1 year
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normally i never make resolutions because im of the opinion that you can change your life whenever you want and technically speaking any day of the year can be the start of a new year. that being said. my past year was kind of garbage.
so! i have decided to be more keen on new years resolutions, especially making ones that will hopefully make me feel better if something i can't control affects me negatively. i actually made a huge list of resolutions, more than i put here, that all kind of boil down to trying out ways to make my life more comfortable and fulfilling for myself and the people around me.
happy new year everybody i hope this year treats us all kindly :)
#new year's resolutions#new year's resolutions 2023#my art#peach stuff#also i know it's a scientific fact that if you write your goals down you're more likely to achieve them#have i ever written my goals down if i wasn't forced to before? no. and maybe that's why ive been so shit at reaching my goals<3#also about the goal that's about finding a hobby that uses my hands: ive realized recently that both of my main hobbies#(reading and writing) are both very brain-heavy things to do. like those are both two things that require a lot Being Inside My Head#and you know! maybe ive realized that it's Not Good to be in my head so much!#so i want to find a more tactile hobby that won't require so much brain time and can connect me more with the physical world#also i drew this all in ms paint with my new laptop and laptop pen and maybe i just don't understand ms paint enough#but this was kind of a bitch to draw. where is the layer function. why was my laptop screen still registering my skin when i was using pen#but still i like how it looks. especially the peach and my hair. the peach just because it looks cute and peach-like#and i think this is the first time ive drawn/colored my hair since i died it this past summer so it was fun to experiment with#how to make it accurate but still cohesive with the colors i already had down#my hair is actually variations on an auburn sort of shade since its faded from a really shitty (self-done) red dye job#but the pink here is fun :)#anyway. that's all
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
"I can't handle the fanon depictions of anyone", this is so true it hurts 😭
I‘ve never been so hyperfixated on a piece of media, without being able to read anything about it. The way every character get‘s flattened like a pancake and forced into a archetype is unreal.
I have like- 5 stories I can read and don‘t really engage with with the fandom in any way.
It‘s all just:
Monkey King is depressed and MK has to mother him and kiss all his boo boo‘s.
Macaque never did anything wrong in his life, it‘s all Wukong‘s fault. He is also secretly a mom.
What is Mei? Do you mean the month? Bitch can‘t even spell right.
Red Son‘s parents are still assholes, because parents changing for the better is impossible and children can‘t have decent parental figures I guess.
-Casually bastardizes everyone into an asshole so my fav has a reason to be sad-
"What is Mei? Do you mean the month? Bitch can‘t even spell right." IS THE FUNNIEST THING. HOLY SHIT. I'M CACKLING.
"I‘ve never been so hyperfixated on a piece of media, without being able to read anything about it" is also so relatable. I've never had my fandom experience be so self-generated before. I'm just kinda stewing over here, having fun, making my own gif sets and analysis posts. Maybe I reblog some fanart from time to time.
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yappacadaver · 8 months
i s2g no one gets my feelings on raymond like INSYM does
WHO ELSE is going back into this game saying shit like "i kinda just want to see raymond. should we get the fuck you raymond ending? lets kill him I want to kill him. lets end on a banger and kill raymond for the last ending."
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snekdood · 5 months
at least i can say that when i fell for conspiracy theories, it wasn't because I wanted to justify unchecked antisemitism. unlike yall, apparently.
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thelastspeecher · 1 year
honestly with watching the Kingdom Hearts III cut scenes all at once I have been doing some skipping around bc ten hours is a LOT
and I am v consistently skipping the Maleficent scenes. girl, you haven't been relevant since the first game, just give up.
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senadimell · 2 years
It’s been several weeks since I started watching Nosferatu, and I finally picked it up last night since I now have a knitting project suitably mindless that I can do without having to look at it and can watch the movie in peace. I’ve finished the third act, and I have to say, this is honestly really faithful to Dracula. Since it’s never been a secret that Nosferatu is heavily inspired by Dracula (read: an unauthorized adaption), I’m going to assign Dracula names to the roles characters play in the story rather than use their actual names most of the time.
The character combinations are interesting, but make a lot of sense given the large cast of characters in the book. I haven’t gotten far enough for most of the secondary characters to be a major presence, but I’ve read that they’re mostly absent, so the focus remains mostly on the Jonathan and Mina figures.
One of the biggest changes so far is that Mr. Hawkins and Renfield are combined into Knock, a now-malicious solicitor secretly in kahoots with the Count.
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Narratively speaking, this actually makes a more of sense than it might sound at first. Mr. Hawkins is mostly a plot device in the original story, not really a character, and given the restraints of a silent film, it would be rather challenging to establish why and how the Count wants to visit England. When you strip down the conversations from the captivity portion of the novel, you’re left with the challenge of how to convey the Count’s desire or to establish how exactly he made arrangements with a foreign solicitor, so giving him an agent abroad is a pretty economical way to convey that. Then, when the Count is travelling, using Knock as a Renfield-figure and thrall of the Count serves to heighten the tension, and while the “the life is in the blood” speeches are a little less mysterious, they do pair very well with the back-and-forth between the not-Demeter and not-Van Helsing teaching a botany class about carnivorous plants. 
The major downside of that choice is that it removes much of the nuance present in the books regarding the characters under the Count’s sway. Renfield and Seward’s back and forth about the nature of sanity is so far completely absent, and I expect this will be the case through the movie, going off of the visual language’s cartoonishly malicious depiction of Knock. Renfield’s humanity is really just not shown, and while Knock’s gleeful manner while eating bugs is quite similar to Renfield’s manner in the book, I highly doubt the element of resistance will show up.
Still, overall, this feels like a simplification rather than a warping of the story. Unfortunately, it’s a simplification that results in a caricature of mental illness, and yet I don’t think it’s a fundamental misreading of the story, unlike Drac/Mina pairings.
The second major change so far is that Mina and Lucy’s role have been combined into one, and given their similar narrative roles as vulnerable and beloved targets, this makes a lot of sense. Now, the Mina-figure is the sleepwalker. There is a slight change in that the prophetic dreams start earlier, but it also serves to emphasize her connection with Jonathan without the letter and journal devices. It also establishes her vulnerability early on, pretty much as soon as we realize that Jonathan is in peril, which is an effective way to convey the peril of Lucy-Mina without diary entries and serves to jump-start the middle act of the story (which I admittedly found rather slow during Dracula Daily)
In a related vein, there’s another convenience change that’s either big or small depending on what you view as an important theme. In Dracula, the Count seems primarily interested in England, and his later vendetta is the result of his predatory nature, not the driving motivation. In Nosferatu, that’s flipped, and his primary motivation to leave his castle is to track down not-Mina. He presumably did first send for a solicitor, though, so the motivation isn’t absent, it’s just less developed.
Apart from character changes, the biggest other change is that the Count spreads plague rather than just killing or turning characters. So far, it doesn’t feel fundamentally different from the book, but I don’t know yet if it will have larger plot implications down the line.
I will say, though, that the time period is always waiting a little bit uncomfortably at the back of my mind. It came out in 1922, and there’s just so much going on in the Weimar Republic at this time. It’s a culturally wild time. I don’t know a lot about this film, or its make, or how it was received, so I’m just left with vague implications about the various changes and how they would be received. What does it suggest that he spreads a plague? What does his increased focus on preying on Mina mean? What are the implications of the fact that he has an apparently willing agent abroad, or that Renfield is only a slavish caricature, totally devoted to the count?
I don’t know the answers to these questions, but they’re always looming somewhere as I watch.
#dracula daily#nosferatu#i initially was confused by why he was travelling by boat before realizing i'm conflating germany and the weimar republic#and forgetting about different territorial boundaries#then i also wondered whether or not the plague device diminished the effectiveness of the captain's sacrifice—why was he tying himself up?#i think i would not understand why he's doing it if i wasn't already familiar with dracula#still though i really loved those scenes#which i guess makes sense. the demeter passages were one of my favorite parts of Dracula Daily#however i will say that watching the captain and mate throw the corpse of their crewmate overboard was visually effective#in a way that i think the fearful journal entries would not have been able to translate directly to film#and i think one of the most impactful changes made by the chronological format (she says having only read it that way)#because for me the slow terrifying countdown was one of the most ominous parts of the book#because i was both concerned for the crew of the demeter but also worried about the main characters#if they survive and make it that's terrible; if they don't it's a tragedy#and since as a modern reader i already kind of know that dracula is a vampire and bad news#i don't think that the unravelling the mystery of the abandoned ship would have led to any real dread#i may not have known much about Dracula but as a modern reader i do know that the count's a vampire and that means bad news#(okay more accurate to say until her dream)#I have to say: epistolary to silent film might be one of the widest gulfs to jump (with maybe only ballet being further?)#because your ability to use words is very limited and an epistolary is all about the words#the thing they do have in common is the need to distill things down to their essence#because the conceit of the epistolary requires you to at least believe the characters are recounting what happened#so you can't get TOO detailed or verbose without an explanation for how their memory is so good or they don't get fatigued#and when they recount things they're really summarizing what happened. so they have to pick what matters most#and with a silent film you're trying to convey emotions without verbal/speaking people's primary form of communication#so body language is exaggerated and you are very limited in how much you can use words#and have to boil things down to their essentials
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wikipedie · 9 months
Not me not knowing whether or not I have romantic feelings for someone and taking a quiz which responds with"idk bro just as confused as you"
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emberoops · 1 year
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biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
Okay BUT that ancient idea that all 'good' women don't have any sexual desires at all, only men do is highly destructive and still influencing society today...
For a very long time, I was so uncomfortable with the idea of having a sexuality at all because I internalized that shit. YES, REALLY!
For many years, I fought for the rights of my gay friends fiercely (all the while not connecting the dots of why it mattered to me on a more personal level).
I was loudly vocal about LGBT activism at my college, all while living like a nun and avoiding ever having to deal with any of my personal feelings.
Suppressing yourself like I did is NOT healthy. I wouldn't suggest it at all.
#I tell you I was probably the least self aware person you have ever met#granted I am sort of glad it turned out this way because I didn't know I was bipolar until I was 22#So somehow younger me was just put all her manic energy into really loving the gays...hmm wonder why#I would not want to be a scary unmedicated girlfriend nooooooo because trust me it would have been UGLY#and somehow I thought I was asexual...I was just very good at supressing things which I can't any more because of the bipolar#and because I wanted to be the perfect daughter I tried to be straight and failed horribly at it...comp het is horrible it really is#don't waste your entire 20s trying to be someone you aren't#look you can be ace and be a woman that's not my point#hypersexuality which is a symptom of bipolar disorder pretty much rules out being asexual- sorry but I realized it#I wasn't asexual because I wasn't interested in men I was gay because I had been interested in women the whole time#I just aggressively ignored it for the most part since I had some fucked up ideas about myself and cared too much what people would think#one of my best friends is a lesbian irl and many many of my friends in school were LGBT of some kind#I purposely sought out other LGBT people to hang out with- because on a level I knew I belonged with them#I definitely miss the communities at school and I could just be around other gay people and just chill there#I'm lucky in that way I think and I hope all LGBT people experience that sense of belonging in their lives#Idk but I was thinking about the damaging confinement of assumed asexuality for women when uhhh that's not accurate WOMEN CAN HAVE DESIRES#mychatter
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