#but that the inner circle is still hiding things even when they're sharing A LOT
strqyr · 2 years
the amount of information the inner circle is willing to share with the kids during v4-5 and where they, seemingly, draw the line is uh. interesting, to say the least, because it's like...
okay, around the campfire, qrow shares just about everything he knows about the brother gods, salem, the maidens (confirming that yes, magic is real), and the relics. he even tells team rnjr about his semblance. but when he's about to go on a walk and ruby asks him if there's nothing else he wants to tell them, that's when raven-as-a-bird shows up, qrow looks at her, and says "not tonight."
which.. by that point, the audience can tell pretty clearly that qrow can shapeshift, and that it's not his semblance since that's misfortune. so why, after everything else that he has already told rnjr, even the more personal stuff like his semblance, is the bird thing off limits?
and the same follows; they meet lionheart and the talk is all about the maidens and how they're connected to the vaults. they talk to ozpin, and he reveals more about his past and how he was cursed by the gods (which obviously wasn't the full truth, but still, it was talked about). nothing about birds. "not tonight" implies that qrow would be willing to share this information—though it could very well be avoiding it as well—but clearly he's in no rush to do so.
in the end, it's when raven talks to yang and weiss that we learn what this whole turning-into-a-bird business is about, and it's specifically framed as "hey, these people are telling you some things, but they are still hiding stuff from you"—"you said tai told you all about my semblance. well, i doubt he ever told you what oz did to my brother and me."
and when yang brings it up to the whole group later, this is what ozpin says: "hm, that's not a secret i thought she would give up so easily. your mother must trust you a great deal."
so. everything about the gods, salem, maidens, magic, relics... whatever. that information gets shared all the time, not that big of a deal.
but shapeshifting? that's where the line is drawn? that's the kind of information that the inner circle is not willing to share, and actually sharing it is a great sign of trust?
it's stuff like this that makes me believe that there is more to shapeshifting, but in what way is the question.
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yumark-ism · 2 years
I'm new to your blog! Do you have a timeline on here somewhere of their relationship? You write great analyses.
welcome and thank you! i haven't made a comprehensive timeline of their relationship as i am still figuring out some things, but i can write one now form the top of my head:
2016-2017: good friends, not hugely close but share a sense of humour, mark in particular really likes yuta (finds him funny, nice to be around) and it starts developing into a crush (mostly platonic but he seems to also be attracted to him physically). yuta finds mark really cute and wants to get even closer to him to. teases him a lot.
2018: same as above, but yuta has established inner circles with taeyong, winwin, jaehyun, doyoung while mark is closer with haechan, dreamies and starting to get close with jungwoo when he joins the group. yuta continues to tease mark, finds him really cute, mark's crush gets a little worse.
2019 (beginning): winwin leaves the group, yuta loses a friend he related due to their positions as the only two foreign members. mark and him get close very quickly as there is a vacancy for a close friend now. mark graduated from dream so sees them less and 127 tour starts so he's spending more time with them.
2019 (middle): yuta becomes completely enamoured with mark, not just about cuteness anymore but their share a genuine deep bond and yuta wants to spend as much time with him as he can. mark is happy to finally be so close to yuta.
2019 (summer): yuta starts developing feelings for mark, is quite vocal about how much he likes mark but in his usual jokey way. doesn't really act on it because it's not serious for him. mark's crush on yuta is pretty obvious but it hasn't developed into feelings. mark's pre occupied preparing for super m. however, yumark start going on dates outside of schedule. jungwoo leaves the group for personal reasons so mark spends even more time with yuta as he loses a close friend.
2019 (end): yuta has stronger feelings for mark as they spend more time together, go on more dates. mark makes time for yuta despite being busy with super m. they essentially become each other's person.
2020: yuta starts flirting romantically with mark, sometimes even sexual. mark's crush is suddenly aflame and he doesn't know how to hide it, often getting flustered that yuta is actually persuing him.
2020 (end): mark starts developing actual feelings for yuta, he's making it a little obvious. yuta notices and panics, puts some space between them. didn't expect mark to reciprocate.
2021 (beginning): similar to above, yuta is less touchy with mark, they are aware of each other's feelings and try to hide it when with each other but can't. mark leaves the dorm (uncomfirmed if he stayed in their dorm for the entire of dream promotions) to stay with dreamies for hot sauce promo, first time being back with dream since graduating. he is able to rekindle and strengthen those friendships. yuta focusses on his solo career.
2021 middle (may-july): analog trip, nct life, etc: yumark finally have time to spend together and they don't waste it - always together. they're still flirty but mostly just happy to be in each other's presence. the feelings are there, getting stronger but they don't act on it.
2021 august: specifically after mark's birthday, in the middle of august. something happened with yuta in his personal life (maybe he moved out the dorm? i personally don't believe this right now), or something with his family? as 127 starts preparing for their album, yuta notices that markwoo is being pushed as mark's official ship (mark's birthday, all about jungwoo), perhaps he himself was told to tone it down with mark. the 127 loverboy narrative starts, nothing is about yumark anymore. yuta himself stops touching mark how he used to. is a lot more quiet about mark when he's with him, only sometimes being vocal about him. stick together starts, and we see mark being very cling, flirty and needy with yuta while yuta sometimes looks unbothered. mark is getting ready to confess, this tension and lack of attention from yuta is driving him crazy.
2021 september-october: near the end of sept/start oct, mark confesses his feelings to yuta finally, who has been waiting for so long. it's right in the middle of sticker promos when mark posts the glasses instagram post. he's spending more time with yuta again despite mostly in schedules - he thought it was the best time. yuta finally starts showing mark affection on camera again, but very intense so often has to remind and stop himself from going too far. jungwoo realises what's going on between yumark and as mark's best friend and yuta's close friend (there perhaps was some tension between yuta and jungwoo as woo wants to be close friends with them both, although he is closer and likes mark more and yuta found it annoying- yuta has boundaries emotionally and physically.). woo realises they can't be a trio anymore, he has to give the couple their own space. he no longer accompanies them or interferes with them anymore, hanging out with mark when he is alone rather than with yuta.
now: they're in a relationship and it's still new and fragile. they're trying their best to not be too obvious and have their various ways of achieving this whilst also not completely hiding as that would be enormously draining on them and their mental health.
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nexyra · 3 years
RWBY Analysis - Ozpin & Ruby, on the concept of leadership
In her song "Burned out", Dodie sings of her fans, how they look up to her and how uneasy that realization made her. For everyone is at the end of the day just as human as their neighbour; and having the hopes and expectations of others put upon you when you're just as lost as them can be a frightening thing. And this... made me think of Ruby & Ozpin.
On the subject of leadership, Ozpin tells Ruby the following : “Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you are not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?”
While I love this quote, I also have to analyze the drawbacks of this mentality and how they align with both Ozpin and Ruby. At the time, Ruby is a newly appointed leader and unsure of this reality. Ozpin's counsel give her the confidence needed to step up as a leader and take her duties more seriously, which in return appeases Weiss' and make their team all the more balanced. It is, in that context, good advice. A good leader should strive to lead by example and work hard to be worthy of the respect others give them, both in and outside of battle.
However there is one aspect that I find much more complex and that is... what does it mean to "always perform at your absolute best" and to have others follow you ? Note the use of follow, people letting you lead alone as opposed to "standing by your side" or a similar expression. It showcases in my opinion one of the biggest problem of Ozpin's leadership, but one that I feel has been inadvertently repeated by Ruby's.
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To cultivate hope and lies
When it comes to Ozpin's lies, I am of the firm belief that he had good intentions. Soo if you think he's the scorn of this earth, this might be a good time to tap out :D Now, this said I have a lot to say on the subject but I'll keep this short to stay on track (& make another unrelated post to develop my thoughts.)
In my opinion, at the core of his lies stand different beliefs. And on the subject of leadership, I think one stands out in particular and aligns with the advice he gave Ruby : the need to perform at your best to give others a reason to follow you.
Ozpin is the reincarnation of a centuries-old wizard and the headmaster of a school : what is one aspect almost every character agrees on upon meeting him ? "Oh, he's wise. He's knowledgeable. He has the answers. He has his shit together. He can tell us what to do."
Inherently, Ozpin's existence inspires respect and reassure. Just like to a child, a parent is all-knowing and unbreakable, Ozpin's status automatically give others the assumption that he knows what he's doing. And this, in my opinion, is one of the core problems of his leadership.
May it be with his inner circle, with RWBY, with ANYONE really; as soon as Ozpin reveals himself there are unspoken expectations that will chain him. He has the knowledge, he was here when it all began, he's the one calling the shots so he HAS to know exactly what to do. In that situation, breaking down and revealing to everyone how lost Ozpin is, how out of his depth... is unconceivable. And this is where Ozpin's conception of leadership becomes a problem as well. If you always perform "at your best" then you keep your doubts to yourself, you hide your sorrows and you put on a brave face. There are expectations in place that Ozpin wants (needs even) to meet. And thus the hopes of others and Ozpin's desire to fulfill them feed one another, as a perfect recipe for disaster. Because the more time Ozpin spends acting as if everything is under control, the more the expectations pile up... And coming clean about his humanity, the fact that he's just as powerless as the rest of them, becomes impossible.
And in that sense, breaking down the pedestal Ozpin had been put on was probably one of the best thing to do for his own mental health (though the method lacked a bit of compassion in my opinion xD)
The other part that somehow causes problem is how RELIANT on him his inner circle is. Despite their apparent friendship, Ozpin is the clear leader and as soon as he's out of comission, everything falls apart. Ironwood is the only one to call out Oz but in the end still wishes for the wizard to tell him what to do in period of stress. Qrow plays spy and takes order but doesn't seem really interested in stading at Ozpin's side as an equal. Glynda is stern but still defers to him etc...
All of them FOLLOW Ozpin but are just a few steps off from standing at his side. And this is something I see reflected in Ruby.
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Following optimism up until it fails you
In Vol6, as secrets and lies are brought to the light, the loss of Hope that Ozpin feared so deeply happens. Is it worth it ? What are we even going to do with an immortal foe ? Maybe we should just go home. In that situation, Ruby is the simple soul who manages to keep her optimism, stand tall and say "No. We are taking the lamp to Atlas." And from then on her position as a leader and a bacon of light is reaffirmed. As Jaune put it in V4 "You gave us the courage to follow you."
Now is that, in itself, a problem ? Of course not. In fact I loved seeing Ruby come into herself and take the lead in Vol6. The problem in truth comes after, from the ramifications. From Vol6 onward, Ozpin has essentially been rid of his leader position and Ruby inherited it. And on a surface level sure, they are pretty different. Ruby is certainly closer to her partners : they're a family and they care about each other.
However, she is still clearly put at the lead. The others relied on Ruby's optimism and resilience to get to Atlas, and continue to do so. Setting foot in Ironwood's office, Blake tells Ruby "We'll follow your lead". They trust her, and whatever Ruby does... goes. They lie to Ironwood and Yang expresses some hesitations but eventually rally to Ruby's decision. And I emphasize this again : it is Ruby's decision. They did not pre-emptively discuss this as a group and then let Ruby be the spoke-person. Yang herself in Vol8 criticizes not their actions but Ruby's choices. Ruby calls the shots, Ruby is responsible for what happens, Ruby is their beacon of hope... Ruby is the new Ozpin.
Ruby has to be optimistic, and make the decisions and take risks because she's the leader. When Ruby leaves the room to break down, conversation & strategy stalls : the others don't take the lead. When things go south, it's Ruby's choices that led them here. Ever since Ruby has left Beacon, the only person who consistently encouraged Ruby to express the BAD, to share the negative has been Oscar. Even her silver eyes ask her to focus on only the happy memories to go off without a hitch ! The others comfort, they smile, they trust, they love even. But they don't want depressed Ruby finally grieving, they don't want honest "I don't know what to do" : they try to bring back confident and optimistic "we're gonna try" Ruby Rose. They want their earnest and happy but ultimately perfect leader that gives them reason to follow. In the end, even if they deeply care for her and have no shortage of warm coated reassurances for the teen, they still chain her down with their expectations. Ruby is NOT built for this. And I don't even say that in the "why is a kid calling the shots" sense, but "why is a kid put in a position where she's RESPONSIBLE for calling the shots ?"
Ruby is the youngest of the group apart from Oscar. The others should not rely on her this much to function. Blake telling Ruby that she looks up to her and that they'll follow her lead is admittedly sweet, but still builds up the pressure weighing her down. Blake calling out for Ruby's help when the teen has just been crashed to the ground by the Hound isn't even sweet anymore. They're all supposed to be equals. Blake is just as capable as Ruby. Calling out to your mind-controlled friend to bring them back from the edge is good. Calling out to your 17-old sister who's been beaten up because you need her to fight isn't.
They need to recognize that Ruby should not hold up the place alone. Because yes, they love her. But at the end of the day, Ruby is still the one bearing the weight of their decisions... Alone, even surrounded.
He was certain; So was I There was comfort in her sighs
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Dreams and ideas should not be the same thing You waited, smiling for this?
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Oh, she'd want it, if she knew She could take it, I thought too Be careful, be cautious but you just wished harder You waited, smiling for this?
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"But they love you!" Over and over, "they love you!" Thousands and thousands of eyes just like mine Aching to find who they are
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"Oh, they love you!" Oh, you can feel how they love you ! Coated and warm but that's all they can do Words only get through if they're sharp
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Oh, how fitting For one so fake Make me a fairy Whatever it takes
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And just like a tale my dream was a scam You waited, smiling for this?
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I am burnt out I smell of smoke It seeps through her cracks and so I start to choke Sentences sit in her mouth that are templated You waited, smiling for this?
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Oh, maybe I'll talk about it... (maybe I'll talk about it) I can just talk about it... (I can just talk about it) I'll never talk about it... (I'll never talk about it) No, I cannot talk about it...
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Don't build hope on something broken I am not cartoon. Cry for help, I am not joking I might just leave soon
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the-sleuthy-one-a · 2 years
Before 2021 ends... T POSES (affectionately) hELLOOOO owo/ Jas you absolutely beautiful human-being, you! (though I suppose I'm assuming things. Maybe ur a cat or an alien or something idk??) I'm so happy we're not only mutuals—legit catch me sobbing when you followed me bc i was just i'M NOT WORTHY OF THIS HERE GOOD BOY AND AMAZING WRITER T~T—but also have had a chance to write together because I'm just in love with your sokka and am always just thrilled to see any of your content on the dash! (Legit even just your reblogging art and stuff? I see you and I'm like HEART EYES) You understand this good boy so intimately and i have such a deep love for ATLA in general that anything you bless us with, I'm ??? chef kiss. A++++ quality 10000000/10 would recommend. u.u And I know we haven't written too much yet—which is totally fine, btw!! ;w; Reminder that you never need to apologize for taking your time OR dropping a thread, so it's 100% gucci!—but I already am so excited about these two and just so honored to have any interaction at all! I really do believe Leo and Sokka share a lot more in common than they realize (inferiority complex, anyone ??? never thinking they're special or "good enough"? END ME), and I could definitely see a friendship between them being interesting when and IF they ever figure that out. >.> honestly, i just adore them so much and want them BOTH to be happy PLEASE JUST LOVE YOURSELVES, KIDS TTOTT STOP THIS. You also are just such a fun and kind person from the small chats we've had? ;~; I'm just floored that you love my idiot boy so much despite never reading the books—thank you for that compliment and for giving him a chance! You've been so sweet to both of us, and we really do owe you so much for that! I hope we get to write and chat more as we go into 2022, but as always: no pressure ;3 Regardless, I'll always be over here giving so much love and support, and my IMs are ALWAYS open to chat about anything! MUCH LOVE!! Happy New Year!
god i wish i was a cat. but OGDHFUIDGHGFUGUHUGFD SAMMY!!!
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THANK YOU SO MUCH I!!! AUGH I'm so glad that you like my writing for Sokka! Sometimes i start going in circles wondering if i'm getting his voice right or if i'm properly communicating how he's feeling or if i'm just dumping info and i get stumped!! so it's really reassuring to know people think i'm doing a good job :')
AND YEAH THEY DO!! SELF-DEPRECATING KINGS. THEY'D UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER WELL! And I know you said you try and mimic Rick Riordian but i still wanna compliment you BACK because you can really see in every reply you write that you just love Leo so much and you put a lot of care into his inner feelings even though he hides them a lot!
and PLEASE you're always so welcoming and sweet! I always get soo nervous messaging people even when we're mutuals but you instantly relaxed me dude! Even though i am slow at replying i absolutely wanna write more with and chat with you!!! I'm so glad we met this year sdjhkdgsf !! <3
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baddyzarc · 5 years
it always fascinated me whether, either by accident or on purpose, the Arclights seemed to have a connection to the Barians Emperors (bar Nasch and Merag due to plot reasons) via the color they glow when they become—for the lack of a better word—aroused.
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I might be stretching for some of these and the glows could be like, stock-image stuff, but eh, I've been creatively-drained lately due to skool and I wanna write
I found some fun connections between the groups, and it could work especially since the Emperors were the ones who gifted the Arclights with the crests, therefore it could be possible that by giving them the crests, the Arclights "adopted" or inherited parts of the donor's personalities. The show doesnt explicitly state what happened here (although the dub attributed this whole scheme to vector which is,,, hella funny for unintentional reasons,,,) but through fearsome foursome dialogue, we can assume that the Arclights are known to Barian World so the kids must've been slightly more involved in Barian World.
The most obvious connection to me is Trey because you know
This whole thing.
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I'm 99% sure this isn't historically accurate, but let's pretend. At first I thought the gladiator garb was random (since Trey was the only one who did this, we can't gauge what the writers were going for) but it makes a lot of sense if he were to inherite his powers from Alito, who was a gladiator in his past life. When his powers was enchanced through Tron, it revealed the depths of what Alito gave him. Just, gladiator vibes but it's cool though.
Michael's crest is orange but when he gets hella angery, he glows the same reddish tint as Alito, so this still falls in line with my theory. They also share a lot of things in-common, including being the first of their group to befriend Yuma. Both originally came on as kind and devoted to Yuma and not evil, then went full evil for a good chunk of time, both due to circumstances—either through Don Thousand or the enchanced crest. They were also the first of their group to help Yuma after snapping out of their rage state: Trey when he came back to fight Erazor and Alito deciding they should team up to fight Don Thousand. (They also fell into a coma after being defeated by Yuma for different reasons but I don't think this counts for anything). The gladiator stuff sells it for me though.
Then there's Christopher. He glows the same color as Durbe, who is the leader of the Emperors in the absence of Nasch.
The likeness isn't as clear as Michael aside from certain traits. They're both smart (this is up for debate don't @ me) and take on the leader role of their group (after Tron skedaddled for season 2). They're stoic, calm, hot, have intimacy with certain spaceships and a book, etc...
Something I found kinda interesting is this
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Durbe was the first we see to wear a bracelet to control his Barian powers on Earth, and according to Michael, Quinton made the bracelets in order to control their crests. I thought this was a neat tie-in since Durbe gave the rest of the Emperors the Barian Sphere Field cubes to use while Christopher ultilized the Crest Sphere Field during the duel with the barians.
Chris and Durbe has the least relation though, so that's all I have to say.
Tron is weird because he has two glows, which corresponds to both Vector and Mizael. This makes sense since he does have properties from both. If my memory is correct, the purple one only appeared during duel against Yuma (maybe the one before it during a dream sequence but idk), while most scenes gave him a yellowish outline.
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The show portrays Vetrix as sadistic but sly like a fox. This half came from Vector, from how he tortured Hart and Kaito and Droite and his kids mentally. He's heartless, and he isn't afraid to let the world know this. Like Vector. On the other hand, what I think he inherited from Mizael is that "Barian Superiority" complex. Tron said he only trusts barians because they saved him (unrelated, but I think it's funny that he desired Shark, a barian, to fight for him like no tomorrow but then straight-up hospitalized Rio, also a barian), and the only other Emperor who bears this trait is Mizael. Most of the others are like "cool, we barians" but Mizael is proud of the fact and despises humans because of it.
I like to think that Mizael was supposed to give Tron the crest in order to ensure he stays loyal to the Barians, but then Vector shimmied in and infected him with his own powers, thus amplifying his lust for revenge and destruction because Vector would.
Vetrix and Mizael also have big roles in the growth of Kaito's character, where in one it allows us to Kaito's vulnerable side (Hart plots) and the other his compassionate (Galaxy-Eyes Master plots).
And although this has to do more with Thomas than Tron himself, Vetrix's Vector half made him torment and chase Shark around for seemingly no reason (as far as the audience knows at that point in the show).
And this dood. Quattto, I think it's obvious what he got from Vector. The sadism, the cruelty, whatever that was idk it freaks me out I have a phobia of death by machinery I don't like thinking about this.
Most likely Thomas was the one who inherited Vector's nastier traits, and his hatred for Shark. He's shown to be cruel because he finds it fun, and for both Thomas and Vector, they hurt people solely for entertainment. They also have the whole "Ray Shadows" and "Fanservice" thing going on, where they hide their monstrous personalities under a positive mask. Might be a bit of stretch, but both were shown to be kinder when they were young. Circumstance and the crest made Thomas cruel, while Vector became and stayed cruel because of Don Thousand (this is weird bc Vector knows he was brainwashed but prefers being evil anyways). Thomas hurt Rio to get to Shark, Vector killed Merag to get to Nasch. There's a lot if we compare their relationships with Shark.
Furthermore, and this may also be one of those stretches, but the flags on Vector's ships feature a cracked skull with a jagged streak running across the eye. To me, it reminds me of IV's scar (which he acquired after hurting Rio (merag) for Tron (also vector) this is a big circle I have something here but I can't, connect, it,,,) Plus Japanese "4" = death and death = skull
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Furthermore, Thomas was used to awaken the Barian Rage within Shark, and if Thomas had parts of his personality as Vector, it could be said that Shark's inner Barian could be responding to the negativity of Vector through Thomas, hence why Tron used Tombo as bait. Or maybe it just worked out like that.
Lastly, I like to brush up on something else. It's safe to say that the Barians are loyal to Barian World regardless of whether they were originally meant for Astral World or not. After acquiring their true memories, they still fought for Barian World and straight up stated this multiple times, particularly Mizar and Alito. Likewise, the Arclights bore these loyal traits. Trey, Quattro, and Quinton were loyal to Tron even after all the shit he gave them. They were also loyal to their counterpart in the second season (Yuma, Shark, Kite) and defended them with their life. During the Barian Onslaught, Quattro died because he was super loyal to Shark and believed he existed in Nasch despite the evidence. Trey and Quinton died in order to make sure Kaito and Yuma got to their destinations safely, and they knew that would be the outcome. Tron was loyal to his cause of revenge, then to Earth during the final boss duel.
But something's missing. Not Merag and Nasch because they weren't there during the Tron-Emperor fiasco.
Oh, yes GilRag
If the Arclights and Barian have a 1:1 matchup, who does Gilag represent
Obviously it's
the dog
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See, the dog is obviously the best Arclight (this is NOT up for debate) and if you take out Nasch, the best Emperor is Gilag for reasons. This aligns. Checkmate.
Also the raccoon. The dog is furry, the raccoon is furry, gilag is furry, it makes sense okay.
So there we have it, each Arclight corresponds to an Emperor after inheritancing the crest, good night
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