#but macavity done right is cats done right
murdleandmarot · 1 month
platoria or demelurina for the ship bingo? ^_^
Platoria!! 🤍🎀🌹🩰
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Good lord do they drive me fucking insane. Plato is a gorgeous gorgeous deer boy cat with eyeliner and pretty hair for days and Vicci is the jellicle moon the stars the universe the baby ballerina of all timeee. The original ‘she’s everything. He’s just Ken.’ Daphne and Fred. Mrs. Piggy and Kermit. I promise I’m not trying to be pretentious or anything but these two are like if Romeo and Juliet wasn’t tragedy. If they were doomed and there wasn’t an age gap. Platoria is that. To me. And also holyyyy shit they’re both gorgeoussss. Truly the best to ever do it. No notes. 10/10.
Deme and Bomba are under the cut :)
Demelurina!! ♥️🧡💋🍷
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RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY MAKE ME CRAZY!!!!!! Not in the same way as Platoria but like….different. Their personalities are so different but they love each other so much….i love it when they go crazy during Macavity or completely body the harmonies in Grizabella the Glamour cat. Gillian Lynne has a vision, and I see and understand and want to eat the vision. Their shared trauma with Macavity makes their dynamic really interesting, because Demeter was clearly the one more hurt by the whole ordeal, so the way they parallel and contrast each other during the song is ACTUALLY insane. When I sing Macavity for fun, there’s always a very noticeable difference between the tones, and the way the two of them ebb and flow with their voices. Actual ear candy. Stunning.
Revivals need to get SO MUCH MORE INTENSE AND INTIMATE WITH THE CHOREO. I’d never thought I’d say that about fictional characters, but PLEASE let them interact more. This is a DUET!!!! LET THEM TOUCH EACH OTHER AND ACKNOWLEDGE THE OTHER ON THE STAGE!!!!
Anyhow I love them so so much and they’re beautiful and great. Bomba baby, Demeter honey, I love you both <33333
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clovenhoofedjester · 3 months
jellicle lineups; part 3/4
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LETS GO PEOPLE!! LETS GO !! sorry for taking so long to get around to this one !
demeter | 🔒 🍰 🌇
ive seen a lot of complaints about demeters design being toned down over the years so i decided to bring some of the bolder design choices back for mine. mullet demeter is REAL now ! honestly i couldve done more w/ their makeup but shhh its ok....
i tried to push the gold in their design by making the eyeshadow really obvious and giving them gold lips. enjoy their lacy dress too... i tried to design something which they could dance comfortably in
demeters newer 3 words (nervous, sensual, secretive) mean everything to me. love them so much. i think theyd be 29 in human years
bombalurina | 🌹 🍓 🛼
so i totally based her hair on that concept art for drag queen bomba. the bob is too cute ! i had a blast doing her design for the most part. i struggled w that makeup and the color of her dress but its ok.
i also tried to give her something she could dance in—just like. imagine the length of the dress a little shorter. im not going back and fixing it
i based her color palette/patterns directly on her concept art because tbh, i dont love blond/ginger bomba ! so black/white/red hair bomba it is
i think she would be 27 in human years
hysperia | 🪴 ⌚ 🍡
this is my version of exotica, renamed hysperia, because i do not love her og name. its not fun. the name hysperia is taken from an ensemble kitten character from the og london production
i also based her design on a multitude of things, asides from her 2 costumes in 98—like some nbq/greycat designs since i feel like that design not becoming a common ensemble character was a waste. A WASTE I TELL YOU! ive also based her fur length on warsaw victoria because oh my godddd that design is so good. peak
her neck bow is a nod to the 2019 movie... the macavity girls w/ those bow collars. they were onto something there
she would have a much more prominent role than the few times she cameo'd in 98, still retaining the elegant/shy personality she shows in the film. shed be 29 in human years
cassandra | 🪐 ♠️ 🥯
i originally made her makeup a lot closer to her replica designs but decided to go for something a little different based on a makeup look i saw on pinterest LOL. so like. enjoy her slight earthy gothic vibes. i also didnt struggled too much on her outfit since i came into this knowing that i wanted her to be wearing something formfitting and bejeweled. a little circus-y too
more people have got to play up her disdainfulness. she'd be 26 in human years
alonzo | 🎹 🍢 🎳
once again, another design pretty similar to his standard replica one. i just tried to make the black patch on his face a little greyer and with some white detailing. because tbh every alonzo with white mascara makes me go crazy its so cute
i also tried to make his head fur/bangs a little distinctive—inspired by a random pic from a production i dont know the name of
enjoy his little cute fit too. pinklonzo. pastelonzo
that one gif of him pantomiming eating a playing card IS canon to me. he'd be 28 in human years
munkustrap | 📼 🥧🎙
verrrry similar to standard replica munks makeup-wise ! however, fur wise.... say hi to mulletstrap. to manestrap. 2 me he is tuggers brother so he gets that. i have no justification for the mullet other than idk, looks good, is funny, and the oslo 1985 production was right to give him one. also he and demeter can match now
i do like when theyre seen as something of a prince... so say hi to the gothenburg and opera populaire-esque epaulettes. theyre cayoot. they also get warsaw munks Big Pant Vibes
give this man a break. hed be 30 in human years
macavity | 🔥 🥂 🎯
he was actually one of the first cats i made design notes for when i started hyperfixating on this musical like.... two months ago. i really tried to mix elements from a bunch of different designs 4 him.... and sorry yall hes a deut brother too. im predictable
the manginess, mane, more ginger-y head fur, tugger-ness and the mouth markings from the 2016 revival... the big big hair, white fur and general makeup from his replica design... and the stylings of il sistina mac with the fitted coat. he also gets unique eyelashes like tugger—this time white instead of gold. he also gets that ominous magic cat eye shading
i think he would act a lot like 2019 mac... suave. but also not as dorky and desperate as he is in that movie LOL. he'd be 33 in human years
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afairytalestray · 1 year
So last week I saw the UK/Int tour of Cats in Switzerland and oh. My. GOD. I have thoughts and I am going to share them right now! I have vaguely attempted to keep them organised by timeline/character but I scribbled these down at the intermission and on the bus back to my hotel as quickly as I could before I forgot anything (fully made myself travel sick but it was worth it).
Act 1
First thing I noticed was that Demeter, at the start, was so shy and skittish around the other Cats. I think they were definitely playing into the idea that she had just escaped Macavity and come home. The only one she was ok with right away was Bombalurina. They two were so sweet together – Bomba was always making sure she was ok. Dem got really into her role in the Gumbie trio and was having a great old time.
TumbleBailey got to ride on the flying trapeze during JSFJC and he was living his best life. The boy was not happy unless he was gymnastic-ing.
The lift that Munkustrap and Victoria did in ‘98 was done by Coricopat and Tantomile which I thought was fun! Always happy for my boy to get more screen time 💪
Side note: This is my third time seeing Cats, but because of Covid it was my first time getting to see the Cats all come in down the aisles at the start wearing the green goggles! I was in the front row, so I didn’t get the full effect, but it was still cool.
Tugger’s song was so much fun. Harrison Wilde was so energetic! During the number he came down off the stage into the audience (again the first time I got to see this!), and began twirling the security lady and dancing with her. 11/10. Bomba was SO PUT OUT when he said “no” and booped her away – like, she was raging, it was so funny. Munk was so annoyed the whole time. Peak big brother energy.
I got the impression almost right away that Jennyanydots is Cori and Tanto’s mum, they were interacting quite a lot and she was always looking after them. Ditto with Skimbleshanks and Jemima - he was definitely her dad - he was so protective of her when Grizabella showed up, it was adorable! I hadn’t considered that relationship before (despite my love of Skimbledad), so it was super fun.
This Misto does not like rice pudding, this is not a drill! The face he pulled during that line in Bustopher Jones was hilarious, he looked so disgusted. Misto was definitely more of an adult than he was in ‘98 or the Broadway Revival. Liam Mower is a bloody FANTASTIC dancer; I couldn’t take my eyes off him! He was clearly loving life and I appreciated every moment.
This production said Casslonzo RIGHTS and we love to see it. They kept on snuggling up to each other when they were in the background and you can bet your ass I noticed EVERY TIME. We stan a power couple of protectors. Alonzo’s actor Sebastian Goffin's voice was so deep and I was LIVING. Like I was not expecting this voice to come out of this man. Twas brilliant. Cassandra was so beautiful I nearly cried like ma’am PLEASE HAVE MERCY. She was definitely an obvious protector with how she was always looking out for the other Cats. Also during the first song she was lying right in front of me and I had to try so hard not to explode.
Old Deuteronomy was such a loving dad to everyone, he had such a warm vibe and energy and I just wanted to hug him! Like all of these Cats were his babies and he adored them all. He and Jerrie and Teazer had a wee “oh, you”/slightly nervous giggling moment when they had just come back on stage after getting busted in their number and it was excellent.
Cori and Tanto were definitely portrayed as younger than they were in ‘98. Cori in particular reminded me of Misto from ‘98; like an adult and everything, but a young one who still had a bit of kittenish energy. Their wigs were pleated up the sides which I thought was unique and cool, I don’t think I’ve seen Cats wigs like that before! Cori was so pissed when Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer ran under his and Tanto’s arms during the back-and-forth dialogue-y bit of the Jellicle Ball and interrupted them. He enjoyed hissing a lot which I can respect. Nothing but love for my hissy prince. I actually think Milan was covered by a swing on my night. There wasn’t anything saying so, but I don’t think it was Milan? Idk, it could’ve just been the lights or my position. Either way, loved her. This tour gave the twins so many characteristics unique to it and they will definitely affect my headcanons from now on.
Ok but every time Grizabella showed up, Munk genuinely looked like he wanted to/was about to cry, which I thought was an awesome bit of character work. I really got the impression that she was his mum, and she had abandoned him when she left the tribe. Russell Dickson was trying to make me feel things and he succeeded, I was so invested in his performance.
Also, during the ball, he was sitting just below Old Doots on his tyre who was patting his shoulders. A WHOLE DAD AND HIS BOY.
Jemima’s actress Lottie Stephens was also a fantastic dancer who was leaning just on the edge of cryptid and I loved it.
Plato spent a lot of time trying to look like a very distinguished boy and it was so cute. He definitely still had some kittenish moments though. He wass definitely learning to be a protector; every time there was a protector moment on stage he was there, just to the side or behind the others, looking nervous but wanting to make Munk and co. proud.
Act 2
OK OK OK Moments of Happiness? Not usually my favourite song of the show, but there were two excellent moments of personal happiness for me. First, Shakeel’s Cori slinked right over in front of my seat and I became even more unhinged than before, to the surprise of probably 0 people. But SECOND was omg, so Demeter and Munk were sitting a bit apart at the front of the stage and the atmosphere and chemistry between them was literally off the charts. Dem had become more comfy around most of the other Cats throughout Act 1, but here she was acting really nervous and shy. So the two of them locked eyes for a moment and it was EVERYTHING. Like I cannot describe in a human language what they made me feel at that moment but it was SO MANY. Dem almost immediately looked away all shy like, but Munk kept looking at her until the end of the song in the most softest beautiful way. Like omg the acting was SO GOOD and I’m still not normal about it. Like you could tell both of them really liked each other but were too nervous to do anything about it and inside I was screeching infinitely.
Jellylorum my Queen. Aimee Hodnett was actually mind blowing I was totally enraptured. Her expressions and vocals were outstanding. When Old Doots said to Gus “you could do it again” before Pekes and Polls her face was like ‘exsqueeze me sir what are you doing? Desist immediately!’ But then she got involved and it was great.
I really enjoyed that Gus and Munk shared the narration of Pekes and Polls. Gus’ actor Hal Fowler was so expressive and dramatic and everyone was loving it and laughing along with him, and Munk still got his stressed-theatre-director moment.
TumbleBailey was super put out when Gus had his “youths today” lines, like, he proper turned around, folded his arms, and sulked. He was a whole baby and it was precious. PounceBucketty looked a bit more maturely cowed (he was definitelythe big brother of the two), but Cori was actually DEVO’D. Like my boy was so hurt, he needed a big hug from Tanto before Skimble’s song started. Tbh my reaction to Shakeel’s acting throughout the show was practically feral. On the outside I was calm, but inside it was like Guy Fawkes Night, Christmas, and Hogmanay all rolled into one.
Both Cori and Jerrie seemed to be close pals with Tugger – Cori even got a Tugger hug at one point. Shakeel’s Cori is very cuddly and I love it with all my soul. He doesn’t seem to like Jerrie all that much though, which is hilarious to me as a dedicated Coricojerrie stan. Good thing enemies to lovers is a popular trope amirite 👀
Jerrie has so much respect for Skimble it was so sweet. He was really active all throughout his song, helping him out and pointing out when others weren’t doing what they should be (the irony) during the “hilarity and riot” lines. Top notch stuff. He was also the bottom step of the Skimblestairs at the end of the song.
He definitely has respect for Alonzo as well, he was always on his best behaviour when Lonz was nearby. I loved these little character relationship decisions SO MUCH, like you could tell the actors had put a lot of thought into their characters and that they truly cared about the show.
Bomba was in the background for parts of Skimbleshanks, but she started making flexing motions at the “weak or strong” line and Tugger was next to her ooh-ing and ahh-ing appropriately. It sparked so much joy y’all I love her forever.
SPEAKING OF BOMBA HYPE – Macavity. Omg the song slapped! Dem was super spooked, but Bomba? She was absolutely ripping the piss out of Macavity and I loved every second. Not a single facial expression missed, every one clearly read: oh, you think you’re hot stuff? You’ve got NOTHING YOU LOSER. She was so smirky and sassy, almost like she was challenging him to come and have a go.
Macavity Fight was A++ 5 gold stars stuff. Demeter has a moment when “Old Doots” comes back, and it was great how at first everyone was like, “girl wtf get a grip,” only to be like OMG MACAVITY when my Queen rips into him. Mac starts to drag Dem away and then Munk starts to batter him. The fight was super dramatic and gripping, and when Munk went down he went down HARD. But then we got this magical moment when the whole tribe was like “NOT TODAY SATAN” and started fighting back together, and I feel like this production made more out of this moment than others do. Of course it wrecked me, because I am weak. (Also the Cat standing over Munk and protecting him was my angel Cori so I was delighted by that.) After that, Dem and Munk said Demestrap supremacy and the image was so magical of them nuzzling in the light of the single lamp when everything else was dark, it was *chef's kiss*.
So like, I was never sure why I wasn’t the biggest fan of the new Quaxo look for this tour, but now I think it’s because it’s just a bit too different from the Mistoffelees costume? Like I know Jenny also has a really dramatic costume change, but that change happens on stage and we see her transform. But for Misto, this change happens off-stage and we don’t get to see it, so it just seems a bit less smooth of a transition. I know Mistoffelees is kinda like the stage persona of Quaxo, but I guess I prefer it when they’re clearly the same Cat. I presume this was intentional but, and you’re supposed to be like, omg is that really him? But idk, just not my personal fave.
Having said that, IT WAS STILL LITERALLY THE BEST PART OF THE SHOW FOR ME. Because I’m Misto trash so I guess it doesn’t matter. I really liked that they made it a Tugger solo again, I like that a bit better than the duet. Everyone was appropriately surprised and awed at the magic, but it obviously was not new information to Tugger, who was standing there like, “oh, haven’t you heard?”. And the only word for his expression when the dance solo started was adoration, it was so lovely how enamoured he was. And the slow lines when Tugger addresses Old D were so soft and loving and I die. So my hc for this production is that they were close friends up till this point (and Tugger is the only one who knew about the magic), and this is when Tugger realises, oh, I LIKE like him. May write a thing around this later because I am predictable and basic and easily pleased. Also Cass was so nervous about being Misto’s chosen assistant – she wasn’t even volunteering when he picked her! It was such a cute moment.
Then there was more Casslonzo lounging in the background when Grizzy showed up again. Ok so all throughout the show I was worried about Memory, because Jacinta White started really strong in Act 1, and she did again with her big solo and I was like, oh no this is going to fizzle where can it go from here? I have never been happier to be a fool and a jester. That woman has some set of pipes I was blown away. Think my jaw might have literally dropped.
The bows were fab, but especially TumbleBailey. He came out last as usual and did his flippy flips across the stage, but then he decided to do an extra backwards one, and I don't think it was planned as he nearly kicked Jacinta and Martin (Doots) in the face and they looked surprised. Either that or they're really good actors! Everyone was fine though, and they were laughing about it.
But yeah. So glad I splurged on my Swiss weekend and saw this show. Worth it.
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millenari · 4 months
Munkustrap for the ask game? 🥺
1. Canon I outright reject
I CANNOT find the post but there's this one Jack Rebaldi interview where he mentions something about how 'no one likes Munkustrap because he's the leader and nobody really likes the guy always giving you orders' and as much as I love Jack Rebaldi's Munk I just don't agree with that interpretation. Everybody loves Munk. To Me.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
On the flip side of Munk actor interviews, Michael Gruber saying
'[Munk is] entrusted with giving the information to the other, maybe younger cats who have not been to the Jellicle Ball before. He gets up and says exactly what they're here to do. He's also caretaker of the kittens. He wants to make sure everybody's safe; in all the Macavity scares, he's there to protect the tribe. So he is the protector'
about Munk is really fundamental for me and how I see Munk, Munk's role in the tribe, and Munk's role in the story.
3. Obscure headcanon
His owner is an old unmarried lady who lives in an apartment by herself; she calls him Felix and he feels responsible for her bc she 'has no colony'.
4. Favorite line
Michael Gruber's American-ass delivery of 'or hairier' in Pekes is my favorite comedy moment in any and all versions of Cats I've seen, it gets me every time.
5. Best personality trait
He cares, deeply and personally, about pretty much everyone, and never hesitates to put himself out there to assist if someone needs it. He's a natural leader and a quick decision maker even under pressure, but he's still patient and compassionate with everyone he meets-- even when he's stressed or angry, he still makes efforts to be kind.
6. Worst personality trait
Munk physically cannot remove himself from a situation if he thinks he's needed, even if he's actively making it worse. He also is one of those people who refuses to let people just vent at him and tries to solve everyone's problems even if they don't want a solution to their problem.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Munk is shorter than Tugger but significantly stronger than him, so he can just scoop Tugger up in a fireman's carry and remove him from a situation if he's being annoying.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
Honestly I think I'm even more normie about Munk than about Tugger. I don't think I have any truly unpopular hot takes about him.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
I do love his part of Jenny's song-- the way he's singing directly to the kittens on the ground, and his section of the song has this lullaby feeling to it that's just so calming and tender. I really love how for that song it's a duet (sort of) between a young dude and an older lady, but the older lady gets the snappy upbeat part and the younger dude gets the slow & sweet part. It really just establishes Munk as this soft and nurturing figure from the beginning.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
Bway revival Macavity fight imo. It's just so damn good.
11. Faceclaim for the role
Michael Gruber is rlly my Munk, even the unique shape of his wig in 98 sticks out to me as a Fundamental Munk Thing™.
In human aus he's kind of this lighter-skinned 'racially ambiguous' kind of guy with dark hair, smile lines, a little bit of stubble, and a frequently worn sweater vest.
12. Crack headcanon
I feel like his human version would be a Beyonce fan, but like in the cringiest middle-aged-dad way possible.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Munk's always been a pretty level-headed and mature guy, even when he was young, so there isn't much that he's done that I can label as 'stupid' except perhaps jumping into dangerous situations to protect someone without considering his own safety first. My hc for how Plato joined the Junkyard starts with Munk running straight into traffic on a busy street bc he saw baby Plato abandoned between two lanes and petrified from fear.
Random ass kitten Munk had never seen before in his life, and he charged right into mortal danger without a second's thought about it. Brave, but also stupid.
14. Most heroic moment
Munk's doing heroic shit all the time. My previous answer is actually a good example, plus, you know, he's tangled with Macavity more than once.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Munkustrap Has Never Done Anything Wrong, Ever, In His Entire Life.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
I don't know if this is 'never admit to himself' levels but Munk wonders a lot if he shares some blame for how Macavity ended up. He and Mac grew up together, and while he always knew his older brother had a temper, he really and truly thought Mac was just rough around the edges, and that he really did care about Munk and the rest of the tribe deep down. But when Macavity betrayed the tribe and started doing Evil Deeds, Munk was left wondering if Macavity had always been rotten deep down, and hid it from all of them for all those years, or if he'd just.... snapped somehow, from the pressure of being Deuteronomy's heir, or something, and maybe there was something Munk could have done to help him before things got too bad.
As is, Munk may never know.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
Stress & setting too-high standards for himself, probably.
19. Vices/bad habits
Never resting, for one. He basically never gets enough sleep. It's funny, in my human aus both Tugger and Mac suffer from insomnia, but Munk is oftentimes just as sleep deprived as those two despite being the only Deut bro without insomnia, just because he's always doing things. That man is responding to his work emails at 1:24AM for no goddamn reason.
20. Scars
He's got plenty of scars, most of them not huge, but he's been in all sorts of fights and even if asked he wouldn't even be able to identify how or when he got them.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
I think he drinks wine in one scene in my human/celeb/soulmate fic, otherwise he's a real coffee man.
22. Best physical feature
I don't know what other cats would consider his best feature! By cat standards Munk is a handsome dude, but kind of in a normal, average way. Just, you know, a handsome guy you'd see on the street. Honestly I think his general vibes are his most attractive trait, though that's not physical. But nobody in all the world can look at a large muscular man being sweet and cute and patient with little kids and go 'nah 3/10 for me'.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
I'm thinking like... forest or campfire or something like that.
24. Most annoying habit
Asking someone to complete a task for him and then changing his mind and completing it himself before they can get to it.
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Again I need more details for this question but a book for sure regardless.
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
Munk I think is a pretty boring character as far as getting-stuck-in-an-elevator shenanigans go. Except for Macavity, that would probably be interesting. Anyone else would probably just be the two trying to escape together and then rock paper scissors for the next six hours.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Human Munk probably has a variety of snackies he considers guilty pleasures, like special chocolates or whatever. Cat Munk would probably say it's 'oh sometimes I go off somewhere in the Junkyard by myself and just sit for a while and enjoy the silence' and the person he's talking to is like THATS NOT A GUILTY PLEASURE THATS JUST KEEPING YOURSELF SANE
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
I headcanon Jemima as being Bomba and Macavity's daughter, though this is a fact Bomba very much keeps to herself-- she's only admitted it to two people and Munk is not one of them. However Munk.... has eyes & he's perfectly aware of who Jemima's father is, though he's never gotten Bomba to actually admit it. This kind of creates a. .. . not 'weird' relationship, but a kind-of sad one, because Munkustrap knows he's this delightful little girl's uncle but she doesn't know it in return, and her finding out will probably be more devastating than anything, because it would come with the knowledge of who her father is.
So Munk just kind of has to treat Jemima just like he does the rest of the kittens and keep the knowledge of their relationship to himself, though he's always wanted a big family.
29. Eating habits
Munk is a Deuteronomy, so in both cat and human aus he can eat for fucking forever. Human Munk likes to cook and bake as well, and he and Demeter make their dinner together every afternoon, and very rarely order takeout.
30. Sleeping habits
Whoops, I already talked about this. He doesn't sleep as much as he should, but he sleeps soundly whenever he does get around to putting his head down.
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
Probably politics. Plus some pictures or art or such that he finds interesting.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Kittens being cute will very easily get a smile out of him, though he doesn't laugh-laugh terribly often. One thing people don't know about him is that Tugger suffering something that he 1000% brought upon himself absolutely will get an evil grin or two out of Munk.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
Just like Tugger's answer, Deuteronomy's death. Munk's not a big crier I don't think, but when he does cry he's usually pretty quiet.
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
Most of these I think would result in Munk throwing himself into his work with vigor to get his mind off of the Bad Feelings. Munk's not quick to anger but he is quick to calm down after an outburst, and his excitement is usually going to be expressed through singing or dancing.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
This man will honestly be like 'yeah the perfect day would be a bunch of relaxation with my tribemates watching the kittens play and so on and so forth' and then refuse to stop working for ten minutes to make it happen.
36. Their favorite season
Late winter/early spring, the time of the Jellicle Ball and the incoming of the warm season.
37. What they really think about themselves
Munk struggles a lot wondering if he makes the right decisions as a leader and measures himself up to Deuteronomy all the time. He really wishes he could do more even though he's already always busy, and worries a lot whether the trust that the tribe places in him is justified.
38. Favorite holiday
Christmas bitch. Probably also a thanksgiving bitch as well.
39. Favorite game
He probably likes Monopoly. Like an insane person.
40. Favorite book
I imagine he likes reading but I'm not sure what I would say is his favorite book! He probably likes books about history and such a lot, and the occasional historical fiction.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Probably his mother, whom he doesn't remember well.
42. 3 comfort items
UHH for human aus: he loves the old scrapbooks from when he and his brothers were kids, his favorite flannel jacket, and uh........ does his wife count as a comfort item,,,,
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
You KNOW Munk has got to be a steak guy. Unlike Tugger he can probably enjoy a good salad, and box mac and cheese is probably one of those things he whips up every once in a while for childhood nostalgia reasons. There probably aren't a ton of foods Munk even dislikes, much less despises.
44. Their happiest memory
Like I mentioned before, this question is hard for me. I hc that he and Demeter have triplets at some point after the events of the musical, so maybe when they were born.
45. Their favorite celebrity
He seems like the type of guy to like Elvis, idk why.
46. The person they most admire
Deuteronomy. I feel like that one is easy lmao
47. Their dream job
I don't think he really had big career aspirations, more of a family man.
48. Scariest moment of their life
Probably when Macavity betrayed the tribe.
49. Favorite toy as a child
He seems like a stuffed elephant kind of guy. Or maybe his collection of the little green plastic army men.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
I don't think he really has any memories he's consciously or subconsciously blocked out. There are things he tries not to think about or remember, but not on the level of fully blocking anything from his head.
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white-cat-of-doom · 11 months
Thoughts on the Macavity interlude?
Assuming we are talking about the one introduced by the US RevivaI after Old Deuteronomy, I am not really a fan :). Seeing it done live did not really sway that view either, unfortunately.
From a structure standpoint it seems very forced and out of place. The pacing is drawn out longer than I think it needs to be, and the fact that it comes directly before The Jellicle Ball does not help. It sticks out too much and was not made cohesive with the two scenes it was inserted between. All this all comes into the emotion change that is shown when The Jellicle Ball starts, as if everyone just forgot what happened (which also ties into how the revised beginning of The Jellicle Ball is not great).
I see it as a bit unnecessary the way it is conducted as well, perhaps because it focuses strictly on the Queens in an unflattering way in my opinion. The Toms are perfectly still and low to the ground, while all the Queens have spotlights to writhe around and sing. If there was a mixture of both sexes, then I think It would make more sense? That obviously is not the case, as they want to keep it to the same characters as Macavity, the Mystery Cat in Act II, but it is too on the nose either way. Macavity is someone who is feared by more than just the Queens, but the interlude only focuses on them and makes it seem more like he is a sexual predator in a way. What makes it somewhat even further less appealing to me is that I do not see the need to have a young Queen like Sillabub or (potentially) Victoria there in the way the scene presents its connotations, especially when none of the younger Toms are even on stage! It all just seems too much in spreading the physical and/or sexual abuse aspect that should be held by Demeter first and foremost to all of the female characters, even the young ones, when it is not necessary. It depends on how you read into the scene I guess.
Adding onto the above, they introduced the Macavity interlude but still cut the brief Grizabella, the Glamour Cat reprise right after the Ball with Jellylorum and Sillabub, which to me makes much more sense in the context of the musical to actually have. Mocking Grizabella again shows how bias and discrimination is perpetuated by the Tribe to even the younger members who may not understand what they are doing and why, but go along with the others who they trust. The reprise also gives more emotional depth to the failed dancing of The Glamour Cat before she sings Act I Memory, as she is accosted and has somewhat given up hope, but continues on regardless. The reprise also feeds into how Sillabub is used as a conduit for Old Deuteronomy's message in The Moments of Happiness!
If it were up to me, I would cut the Macavity interlude and bring back something like the reprise of Grizabella, the Glamour Cat back that, to me, adds something to the overall musical instead of "Hey! Look! Women!".
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greenelectricsky · 3 months
How do you start your day?
Admetus: Waking up?
Alonzo: Trying to sort anything I can before Munku comes in and finds out what we have done all night...
Amun: Ask me when I wake up.
Bill Bailey: Running somewhere? For something? Away from someone? With something? Depends?
Bombalurina: With delicious stretch every single muscle in my body... Go away, you pervert.
Bustopher Jones: Breakfast! What else?
Carbucketty: Morning zoomies!!!
Cassandra: Not your problem.
Coricopat: Figuring it out. What figuring out? That is my sweet secret.
Demeter: With utmost despair.
Electra: With new ideas for fun!
Etcetera: With a kiss to Tugger's picture!!!
Exotica: With a nice nap in the sun...
George: Making pranks before someone catches me and makes me do my part of chores.
Tumblebrutus: Trying to not get into any prank...
Grizabella: Weeping and cursing.
Gus: In my days, real actor...
Jellylorum: With a nice cup of tea and... Gus? Gus, where are you going... Oh...
Asparagus Jr: Looking for dad with Jellylorum.
Jennyanydots: Usually mice are waking me up because they want... No, kittens want breakfast, mice want...? I'm sorry, it was a tiresome day.
Jemima, hiding something (body): Picking flowers!
Macavity: Fuck off.
Mistoffelees: You wanted to ask "How do I start my afternoon...?"
Mungojerrie: Trying to untie sheets I tangled when I sleep.
Munkustrap: How I start what? How can I start a new day when I didn't end the day before?
Old Deuteronomy: Looking at all they are doing and thinking "It's time to go..."
Pouncival: Exercises! Exercises!
Plato: Trying not to meet exercising Pouncival.
Quaxo: Some magic! And some catastrophe usually...
Rum Tum Tugger: With the most perfect, handsome and clever cat in a junkyard! Me!
Rumpleteazer: Usually from a figuring out, where am I...
The Rumpus Cat: You don't want to know.
Sillabub: With a happy smile and darkn... happiness! in my heart!
Skimbleshanks: With coffee and hope. Some days mostly with coffee... others, mostly with hope...
Tantomile: Praying to old gods, so they didn't let the world fall down... For now? It's working.
Victoria: Dancing and being wonderful!
Jemmysweets: With sun.
Silenia: With murder.
FinFun: It's cooking!
Silenia: Do what you want in the kitchen, bogboy, and let me do my things in peace...
Cysiek: Day isn't starting before I wake up.
TuśTuś: How do I...? Oh, crap! I forgot about something, right?
Adonis: Kissing all my wonderful husbands! And getting pushed away when I start tickling them.
Sky: Trying not to get tickled.
Cream: Making breakfast for everyone! And forgetting to eat mine...
FanFanGrace: Oh? So nice of you? Let me list it for you...
FinFun: Oh! This is a hard question! I don't know, I'm not there usually...
Mirage: Listening to the chime of my bells and screams of my enemies.
Papyrus: Picking up a book I was reading in the evening.
Tango: Blep.
Moon: Wishing I won't need to wake up.
Star: Wishing everyone a good day and not meeting me... till afternoon.
Sun: Looking fabulous in the laziest position you can find a cat.
Haze: I didn't start anything, you can't make me responsible for that!
Shyny: I'm trying to break free from some octopus hugzilla...
Almondisco: Hugging my tiny lover before he wakes up and runs to his duties.
Amberlina: With a plan for a day, healthy breakfast and song in a heart. In a heart, Vanilliarity!
Flowerflow: Hitting Vanilliarity with a pillow. More than once if I have to.
Vaniliarity: Singing! And being hit with a pillow for that...
Earthyrose: Laughing at all those losers who had to wake up early.
Honeytrap: Trying to figure if that day is worth waking up.
Spicyjuce: Trying to figure out how to not kill anyone for a whole day.
Oranglow: Fighting with nature for my right to live.
<prev next>
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tcrmommabear · 1 year
A Kiss in Time
Well I figure, with the new year, and @catsafarithewriter kicking everything off with some sweet Bureau humor, I should return to my roots and start us off with some angst!
Hopefully this year will be kinder to us all. If not, you know where to go to get your hearts broken in some delightful ways.
Emara!AU for anyone who has seen or remembers it, enjoy folks!
As far as first kisses went, she could imagine worse.
Certainly better ones as well, but hell, you get what you put in times three.
Where she was concerned was how much could be read through pursed lips and an iron grip on his shoulders reigning him into place. Not a lot, she imagined. She was doing a lot of that- imagining, thinking- to keep herself distracted from the task at hand. But there was only so much she could do and she’d had worse ideas.
What hurt was it seemed to be working.
He still clawed at her arms and beat against her chest, but the hits didn’t have the same power as before, the same vitriol and rage. They still hurt, and she’d be sure to remind him of that.
It wasn’t until his own grip found her shoulders did she realize she could probably let go. It took a hand in her hair, angling her better, did it register that she should let go. After another few seconds of deliberation, and the stark reminder that they were very much in public and surrounded, did she break away. She caught some air in the crook of his neck, adrenaline streaking fire through her blood.
God were her shoulders bruised.
“Demeter?” he asked, and she prided herself on the fact that he also seemed flustered, but remembered he’d been in hulk mode longer than her kiss counted for.
“Yeah, it’s me,” she gasped.
“Oh good. I’d hate to have wasted that on someone else.”
She wasn’t expecting the laugh to come out of her mouth, but it seemed to spook the both of them, because his arms tightened around her, shifting to tug her even closer. He felt very warm through the layers of superhero suit they wore, his magic pinging off the metal of her legs.
It all felt too good and real and no longer like an objective for a mission. And she hated how much she cared. How much she felt deep in her skin, past the cold objective fear and the hum of Creation magic, deep into her heart and soul. She’s gotten too attached.
“Well now! Quite a spectacle, but I can’t argue with the results! Well done, Haru.”
Oh right. That cat is out of the bag.
She didn’t want to turn and face Macavity.
But she knew this moment ended long before he even spoke.
And her chance to back out and keep Baron, keep Humbert, safe, was long gone.
All she could do was play along.
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Wax & Wane
(Part 3)
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Tw: Violence, Blood, Gun, Swearing, References To Scars/Past Wounds, Medical Stitching, Bo being Bo, also Bo & Percy get ever so slightly suggestive w/ their PDA lol.
Ellie who is mentioned here belongs to @rottent33th!
Percy belongs to @the-pinstriped-hood, also thankyou Pin for your help in writing her and all the great ideas and excerpts you offered to me in this!
Summary: Percy awakes to find an invader in her home and must bargain with her in order to survive. In turn, she finds herself connecting with the mysterious girl.
Part 1
Part 2
Dividers by firefly-graphics
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A loud door slam from downstairs woke her rather suddenly from her peaceful dreaming, and the psychedelic mountain biking trip she’d been taking gave way to the fine grain of a table and darkened rows of books. A familiar sight.
Percy looked up from where her cheek was nestled on the silver laptop and, rubbing her bleary eyes, saw how her dashing hero Halloran had gone from wittily chatting up her newest femme fatale character to babbling incoherently, including various numbers, hash signs and exclamation marks.
Well, she always said that he’d developed a mind of his own. Turns out he’d learned to speak in tongues.
Clicking on an antique lamp she once scavenged from one of the old abandoned houses, she roused herself from the wooden chair she’d pulled up in the library, stretching luxuriously. Her glasses had left a thin indent on the side of her head where they’d been left askew. Readjusting them now, she realised she couldn’t see Macavity anywhere… Maybe he was snoozing on her and Bo’s shared bed? Percy stifled a yawn as she leaned back against the well-loved bookshelves. She had gotten up from her seat a little too quick and now she felt slightly lightheaded and dizzy. Her vision swam around for a while.
She clapped her laptop shut and wandered into the dimly-lit landing, joints still popping. Her work ethic meant falling asleep at the desk wasn’t rare for her, but it always left her with a not-so-pleasant ache afterward.
“...Honey?” She called out sleepily.
Percy peaked around various doorways upstairs, searching for her bad-tempered lover. She supposed he was still down in the kitchen or living room…
The door slamming didn’t worry her - Bo had his stormy moods at times but he would never be violent or abusive towards her - but she did feel a twinge of motherly concern tug at her heartstrings. Was it a victim? An argument with Vincent? It was usually at least one of those two things, in her experience. She'd learned her Bo-ology so well by now.
She descended the creaking staircase, still wiping the post-nap gunk from her eyes. It was one of those old fancy ones done in a winding spiral; something Percy had always liked about this house. A yellowy fluorescent light coming from the kitchen told her Bo was probably raiding the fridge right about now.
I wonder if he found my gift yet?
She grinned to herself cheekily, remembering the big sandwich she told him she would prepare for him earlier. Had all of his favourites in it and everything; mayo, onion, tomato, lettuce, all the fancy meats, she had even made the bread from scratch herself. Percy knew he would love it. All she could think about was lounging in his lap like a spoiled cat and having him all to herself for the night…
There was no time to prepare for it. Percy swallowed thickly as a large kitchen knife pressed harshly against her throat, and her blood froze. She felt her windpipe constrict as her body was immobilised, arms forced behind her back.
I’m being held hostage. By an intruder. Breathe.
"Excuse me..?" She asked in the gentlest voice she could muster. "Can I help you?"
“Yes, you can.” A sharp voice hissed from behind her ear like a serpent; blowing an icy puff of air that caused her to shiver. “Be my little flesh shield.”
The lightbulb surged a vile green up above, blinding.
So bright. Bo. Everyone… Is this how Ellie felt?
“You don’t have to kill me.” She began, her mind racing with panicked thoughts.
The woman’s body felt eerily like a stiff, gelid corpse.
Be diplomatic. Be smart. Like Halloran…
“I can fix this, I’m part of the family, I-I know they’re after you. I can convince them to stop…”
The air was dead; putrid, necrotic.
“No. No.”
Her refusal chilled Percy in shock.
“See, here’s what’s going to happen here.”
Percy squeezed her eyes shut, wary of the lethal tip of the blade looming ever closer to her neck. If only she had her baseball bat right now, if only…
“When those two break down that door…”
It’s too cold. A vice grip clamped down on her shoulder like the bite of a viper. The dining table and chairs stacked were up against the other door. Oh. Bo’ll have to-
“I’m the only one who’s getting out alive.”
Her mouth went dry. It seemed all her eloquence as an author left her now. The situation was dire; perhaps this would be it, this would be her end…
Then, Percy was made faintly aware of something warm seeping into the back of her flannel.
“You’re bleeding...” She licked her lips, pouncing on the opportunity. “Does it hurt?”
Percy couldn’t tell if the silence was a good sign or not, but she pressed it, her voice dipping into the warm, maternal tones she used on her ‘kids.’
If logic and rationality won’t get through to her, maybe emotional appeals will… She clung to hope that the invader wasn’t entirely heartless.
“It’s alright… I know it probably does. There’s a soothing balm in my bathroom cabinet that could help once we get it properly cleaned up.”
Her heart leapt as she felt the blade waver; unsure.
“If, if it’s a bad wound then it probably needs proper attention and stitches, or you’ll lose a lot of blood… There’s no clinic for miles around, so-“
She almost yelped as her grip twisted painfully, an almost electric crack flashing in the atmosphere as the lightbulb flickered a bright, sickly green again.
“You’re saying it would be better for me to let you do it, let you near me with a needle, is that what this is?” Percy could hear the incredulous sneer in her voice.
“So I should just let you sew me up?”
“…Yes.” Percy carefully kept herself calm, trying to ignore the sharpness pricking her neck.
“It would be safer for you. if you’ve already lost that much, you could g-get dizzy and faint before you even get to a hospital…”
“…I’d worry.” She added hastily.
That statement was preposterous considering the circumstances, but she found herself genuinely empathising with her. After all, if she hadn’t been lucky and made a deal with the devil, wouldn’t she have been in the exact same position back then?
A mixture of logic and emotion.
There was a weighty stillness as Percy waited with bated breath for her response. She hoped that she was at the very least contemplating her offer.
“And I promise not to do anything else but patch you up, okay?” She reassured gently, feeling the woman slightly loosen her hold on her.
“You can even keep the knife.”
While this bargain was fairly risky for her, it seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Her body screamed out in relief as her arms were released from the uncomfortable entanglement and she felt like she could actually breathe again. She blinked back her numbness as the Louisiana heat returned slowly to the kitchen, melting the frost that had glazed over the walls and countertops.
How…? It’s Summer…
That question lingered hazily in her mind, but her gladness for freedom soon overtook it. She had barely registered the strange phenomena from earlier…
It was then Percy slowly rotated her position and got her first glimpse of the other woman. It was a disturbing sight: she was hunched over and gaunt, much shorter than she expected, with green eyes, dark, knotted hair and grey-ish, pasty skin; a sort of unhealthy pallor she misattributed to blood loss.
“Stay there,” the corpse-like stranger instructed, still holding up her knife menacingly towards Percy as she moved to shut the door she had come through. “And don’t move.”
“Alright…” She obeyed, holding up both her hands in willing surrender.
Percy watched the steel handle of her baseball bat, sitting ready in the hall, disappear from view. The intruder retrieved one of the dining table chairs from her barrier and, that unsettling gaze never leaving the other woman’s form, sat down rigidly.
“I’ll sit,” her captor said quietly, noticeably wincing as she did so, “and you…”
“…I’ll go get the medkit.” Percy finished for her, nodding in agreement.
Percy saw a vast array of scattered medical supplies spread over the kitchen countertops, which told her that the intruder had obviously found their stash, but she clearly wasn’t an effective nurse. She allowed herself to relax a little now that she was no longer under direct pressure from the weapon, and then proceeded to inspect her new patient: she was gruesomely scratched and bruised; crimson stained bandages wrapped were haphazardly around her arms and thighs, which had already had a nauseating amount of scars carved out of them to begin with.
She cautiously tip-toed over to the supply, taking care not to make any sudden movements, as if trying not to startle a wild, wounded animal.
In a sense, that is what she is…
Percy approached her with the needle and thread in her open palms to show she was not concealing anything, but when she tried to gently pry open her crossed arms to look at her injuries, she flinched violently away from her hands as if burned, and silently threatened a stabbing.
“Look, I only want to help you…”
Her words were met with a suspicious glower.
The woman’s behaviour reminded her distinctly of a dog who had been frequently beaten, now accustomed only to painful and contemptuous touch. With that comparison, she no longer seemed like someone to fear, but rather more sadly pathetic.
With a weary sigh, her captor eventually relented. Slowly, Percy was allowed to gain access to her knife wound, which was ironically located by the same arm whose hand held her own blade, jabbing out warningly near her hip.
“If it helps, my name is-“
“Don’t,” the intruder interrupted, twitching her fingers restlessly around the handle.
“Names have… Power. It’s not wise to give them away so freely to someone like me.” She squeezed her eyes shut tightly, as if fighting off a migraine.
…Someone like you?
“…You’ll probably figure it out soon anyway.” Percy argued back gently, reminding herself that Bo was probably still scouring over Ambrose for her…
She watched the black-clad woman hack a ragged cough, her free hand flying to her mouth to contain blood and spittle.
Does she have an internal injury too?
“But I would not receive it from your own words. That is the difference…” She wheezed hoarsely.
Percy furrowed her brow as she continued to meticulously thread the needle through her wounded flesh, minding her occasional sharp intake of breath. She proceeded to dab away the dribbles of blood that would trickle out of the cut with a tissue.
Then… Is there any hope I will learn hers?
For a brief moment the future seemed uncertain, and she puzzled in her head for ways to reconcile all the conflicting persons at war here. Of course her immediate goal was survival and so far she had achieved that, but as she finished the suture on the woman’s knife wound, her sympathy grew further. Percy’s empathy was one her finest traits, and there was indeed a side to her that wanted to adopt yet another little waif; certainly everyone in Ambrose had their own story to tell, without her family to take her in, she herself wouldn’t have found her place here.
A brilliant idea revealed itself to Percy then.
“So…” She began, switching places to tend to the bullet graze on her other arm. “Do you like to read?”
“…Do I like to read?” She echoed back, blinking owlishly. It was a sort of childlike reaction that almost made her chuckle, despite her situation.
“Yeah!” Percy replied.
The girl knit her brows in deep thought for a moment, peering at her askance before seemingly deciding that this would not be overly sensitive intel.
“…I do. But why ask this?”
Is it so strange to want to know more about the person currently holding me hostage?
“Because,” Percy cleared her throat, brushing stray strands of hair away from her face as she finished patching up her other wound. “I’m a novelist.”
Her captor gave her a dubious stare, but Percy thought she detected a hint of rising curiosity in her eyes.
“I write noir style mysteries, if that rings any bells?”
She shook her head in response.
“Be more specific.”
Percy smiled a little. “Well, I was just wondering… If I told you the title of my book series, would you be able to guess my name from that?”
She let her grin grow wider. Her interest was piqued; maybe talking about Percy’s favourite pursuit would ease the uncomfortable atmosphere.
“It’ll be better for you to sit down, in that case.”
Percy was then surprisingly allowed to retrieve her own dining chair, (under the obvious condition that she would not use it to bash her brains in) and pulled it up beside her in the kitchen. Now the knife lay harmlessly on the floor, just beside the woman’s scuffed boot.
“Actually,” her captor began, and Percy’s heart sank a little before she continued: “Telling me the answer would be too simple. I’d prefer to solve it with clues.”
…So first you hold me at knifepoint, and now we’re playing games? Percy was frazzled for a moment. This was… really not the turn of events she was expecting. The girl’s wan face held a grimly serious countenance, revealing no hints of playfulness or amusement. Once more, she was reminded of a sort of overgrown child, albeit a dangerous one.
“That’s fine.” She decided with a shrug, glad for her strange enthusiasm. That was better than a threat. “I guess I can make it into a puzzle for you.”
The woman’s green eyes narrowed slightly. “Yes. A mystery novelist should find no difficulty in that.”
“No, I guess she shouldn’t.”
“Then go ahead.”
Percy sucked in a breath. “The protagonist… Is considered very attractive.”
Just like Bo… His blue eyes flashed in her mind.
The girl clicked her tongue in a sort of defeated annoyance. “Well, that rules out ‘Phantom Jar.’”
Oh, I remember that series, we were neck and neck in book sales for a while…
“…It’s not ‘Donovan Fletcher?’”
“No.” Percy shook her head, smirking.
J.C. Price has nothing on me, sorry.
“They’ve been a suspect before,” she offered.
“‘Sub Rosa?’ ‘Void Library?’ ‘The Scarred Poet?’”
“None of those!”
She appeared to be deep in thought for a moment. Percy was mildly impressed by this selection, remembering sifting through them herself. The formidable talent that made up her competition was not to be scoffed at; and all writers are avid readers.
Although TSP was kind of a flop, Sub Rosa is practically a cult novel…
The intruder gripped the bottom of her chair like she was being asked to solve some kind of impossible maths question. Percy decided to throw her a bone.
“I’ll give you another hint: ‘Ice Drops‘”
This obscure reference seemed to click with her.
“It’s Midnight Papertrail…” She murmured, a sort of awe-filled realisation dawning on her face as she looked back up at Percy.
“…By Persephone Jones.”
“Yep! That’s me.” Percy smiled back happily. It was then she had realised she’d almost relaxed all tension from her body, and her captor mirrored this.
The intruder tilted forward, holding her knees.
“You’re Persephone Jones?”
“Yeah, I am, though most here just call me ‘Percy.’” She pushed up her faltering glasses. “I came here about… A couple of years ago?”
Percy saw her shocked expression and laughed.
“You’re probably wondering how I survived, right?”
Her captor nodded soberly, evidently finding no lack of things to criticise about the Sinclairs’ rather unique concept of ‘Southern Hospitality.’
“Let’s just say… I made a deal with the devil.” Percy leaned back in her chair, for now content to leave it at that. Eventually she’d figure that one out…
Then the dark-haired woman cast her a weighty gaze that struck Percy, again, as unusually grave.
“…A deal with which De-“
Then, a raucous slamming from the hallway, the stomping of boots, and a heavy weight banged hard on the door, followed by a masculine yell and beside her clattering of wood on tiles as her captor shot instantly to her feet, knife in hand!
Percy jumped from her seat in fright, her breath stolen so abruptly from her lungs…
“Percy! Percy!” Bo’s voice shouted out as a series of fierce kicks assaulted the door so viciously that it rattled the dining table pushed against it across the kitchen floor. A terrible silence followed and Percy’s gut dropped, knowing that if he had his shotgun, she’d be caught in the blast!
“Bo!” Percy yelled quickly, “I’m in here!”
She could hear the raw desperation in his voice as he screamed, pounding the wood even harder now, frantically jiggling the knob.
“N-no, It’s fine, I’m fine!”
Percy shot a glance at the other woman, who had now abandoned her chair as it lay sideways on the floor. Her venomous green eyes were fixed intensely on the handle, fingers still curled tightly around the large knife.
I don’t know why, but that lock has something to do with you, doesn’t it?
“Stop!” She ordered, no longer afraid of her wrath. “You’re only making things worse!”
Percy came to stand in front of her, blocking her line of sight with her taller figure. “Listen, I can fix this situation, but I need you to cooperate!”
“Will he?!” The girl spat through gritted teeth.
“Yes, he will because it’s me!”
Then, the raucous shattering of glass as a large hand punched through the kitchen window, and Vincent’s waxy visage appeared.
They must have staged a pincer attack…
His black boot kicked away the remaining shards as he attempted to vault the newly created opening. The woman ducked behind Percy and threw her knife straight at him, which he deflected smoothly, his blue eye blazing with protective fury.
She snatched up a knife block and drew up another, notably serrated blade. Though her negligence led the kitchen door flying open and revealing Bo with his double-barrel shotgun, she faced down both twins as if ready to fight to the death.
“You witch, you get the fuck away from her!” He hollered, brandishing his shotgun in rage. His nostrils flared in realising Percy was close enough to be hurt!
“Bo, stop!” Percy waved her hands, hurrying to stand between all of them. “She’s fine!”
“…What?!” He gawked at her in complete disbelief.
Bo had no choice but to halt his plan to fire with Percy shielding his target, who consequently looked as dazed and confused as he did.
“She‘s fine,” Percy repeated, strangely out of breath. “Bo, Vincent, stop, she’s not going to go to the police!”
Well, I don’t know that yet, but…
“I’m not hurt, look!” She urged, gesturing to herself.
There was no concealing the worry that lined his face as he did so, and Vincent himself stood stock still, muscles still taut as if to strike.
“I… Wha…”
He seemed at a loss for words as he looked to his brother, then to his would-be-victim, then back to Percy, his aim faltering somewhat.
“Look, everyone, it’s all going to be fine,” Percy repeated, “Just calm down…”
The woman drew in a sharp breath behind her.
“No need for fighting.”
It was Vincent who broke the standoff first, lowering his knife, though still tense and poised for action. Percy noticed his clothes were scratched and frayed somewhat, but he did not appear injured in any capacity. He loomed menacingly over the intruder, who mirrored his black hair and pallor so much she almost looked like his little sister.
“… I … Perc, what the hell is goin’ on, here?” Bo spoke again, not daring to lower his gun. He was similarly unhurt, though sweating hard from exertion. His dark hair curled against his damp forehead, his mechanic’s coveralls soaked with wet spots.
Oh, he still looks far too handsome…
The intruder peered suspiciously over her shoulder at the two men, and Percy gave her a stern glance.
“Put the knife block away.” She ordered.
Percy knew that, exhausted as she probably was, it would be wiser to take this opportunity while it was still available. Clearly, she was smart enough to take it, and dropped the block where she stood, her narrowed eyes never leaving Bo’s. A selection of knives spilled out, clattering on the kitchen tiles.
Honestly, she’s just like a cat or something…
Still, she was mildly shocked that she held so much sway over her. Already, she appeared to have tamed this wayward child.
“See?” Percy looked to her fiancé again, watching him try to work out the situation in his head. His shotgun wavered slightly.
With a hitch of her breath, the girl concealed another cough, as if any sign of weakness would doom her, and lifted up her chair again. She seemed unable to relax, still glaring at the twins with unrestrained malice. Vincent retreated back into the shade, his long curtain of hair concealing his masked face.
Then Bo’s broad shoulders slumped in defeat, exhaling a shaky sigh. He seemed to start to speak once, then threw his hands up helplessly. Instead, he turned around and sluggishly opened the fridge.
His handsome features once again contorted in rage.
“You ate my fuckin’ sandwich?!” Bo whirled around to yell at the unnamed woman.
The intruder’s eyes popped open momentarily in a sort of shocked realisation. Still, she sent him a sharp, venomous glare to match his own.
“You ate my fuckin’ sandwich.” He repeated through angrily gritted teeth, fuming. “That Percy made for me.”
He slammed the door, and it shook the whole fridge from the heavy impact.
“Ya’ sure got some nerve walkin’ in here, sittin’ down on our goddamn chairs eatin’ our food, ya’ fuckin freak!” He spat, jabbing a finger in her direction.
“Well how about you consider it compensation for trying to murder me?” She hissed back, coiling up like a defensive snake.
Percy tensed up again. It seemed they both found it impossible not to fight.
“Both of you, stop…” She began, but…
“Is that right?” Bo ignored her in his fury.
“And what about all those cars you destroyed, huh? Or, I don’t know, the priceless piece of artwork ya’ messed with, you with your fuckin’ godless voodoo!”
The woman rolled her eyes; in which Percy was unwillingly reminded of a petulant teenager.
“You should be grateful I showed mercy on you.” She sneered haughtily, somehow looking down on him even from her modest place on the chair.
“Oh, mercy?” Bo scoffed, a glint of dull amusement in his eye. “So that’s whatcha wan’ call it, huh? Alright. Alright…”
He shook his head, chuckling mirthlessly.
“Me, I’d call that runnin’ away like a wounded animal. Real pathetic like, I guess I got you scared. And not a hit on me, how lucky! In spite of all yer’ big talk.”
The girl’s face fell swiftly, but she said nothing in response. Her glare was withering, as if she hoped to disintegrate him on the spot.
“Ya’ got bloodstains fuckin’ everywhere, y’know. Vincent ain’t too pleased about that, let me tell you.” Bo pounced, seeing an opening; a chink in her armour.
(The man in question sent him a look from where he was silently watching the exchange, half-hidden by the darkened doorway.)
Bo lit up with a smile, as if he’d just had the most wondrous idea. “In fact, just maybe I’ll have you personally mop it off the goddamn floor so you can compensate me! Now how about that!”
He still kept his fingers curled around the wooden underside of his shotgun, and he gestured threateningly with it now, causing Percy’s heart to jump right up through her throat.
“How’s that bullet wound doin,’ by the way?” He smirked mockingly and thrust his chin forward in a taunt.
The intruder scowled.
“Just fine, seeing as your aim was so shit.” She grumbled quietly, holding a self-conscious hand tightly over the wound on her upper arm.
A bead of sweat appeared on Percy’s forehead as her eyes darted between the two hotly bickering, very dangerous individuals. She could practically feel the taut, barbed razor wire sizzling in the air, ready to snap at any moment.
This would not end well for anyone…
“Guys, please…” She tried to interject again, but…
“You sound so very defensive.” Another sharp retort cut through instead, as the intruder seemed to have recollected herself.
Percy goggled at the woman. She was trying to help her here, did she seriously want to get herself shot!?
She smirked. “I suppose you must feel quite ashamed, letting this single unarmed woman run figure eights around you and your lackey. Not exactly something to brag about, in my books.”
(It was then Vincent came to share his brother’s angry stare)
“I think you were afraid, Bo.” She spat out his name with acidic vitriol. “You needed that shoddy tool to fend off my… What did you call it? Voodoo? Hah!”
The witch laughed; a high-pitched, shrill cackle.
“Did that little stumble earlier remind you of that fact perhaps? Hm?” She batted her eyelashes with a coy head tilt, as if mocking the girls in his magazines.
Bo tightened his jaw, gnashing his teeth together with an unpleasant grinding sound. There was a joyless grin on his face that Percy recognised as one of murderous intent, bubbling just beneath the neatly groomed surface.
Oh, no, he’s going to-
“You should be grateful I don’t blow a fuckin’ hole through your ribcage right now, you little-“ He started, raising his gun as if to actually do so…!
Percy’s eyes practically bulged out of her head.
“Stop fighting!” She suddenly yelled, loud enough that both of them jumped in reaction. It was if they’d both forgotten she was there in the midst of their vicious banter.
The green-eyed woman took a breath, the wooden chair squeaking as she leaned back. She refused to look at him, as it seemed he ultimately repulsed her. Bo huffed in indignation - clearly just as disgusted by her - but he backed down as well. He turned a kinder look to Percy now, softening his gaze.
“You alright, darlin…?” He offered, drawing her closer to him and away from the interloper.
“Yes, I’m completely fine.” Percy reassured him. “I just fell asleep in the middle of a paragraph, you should see the mess it made of my dear detective.”
“And don’t worry, I’ll make you another sandwich…”
"Y'promise?" Bo’s voice fell to a hushed whisper as they blocked out their audience, pressing her flush against himself.
She giggled a little, forgetting them all.
"Of course. I'll even melt the cheese this time!”
“An ice cold beer, bubble bath..." Percy whispered enticingly in his ear, feeling the heat creep up his neck. Vincent averted his gaze respectfully, shuffling his feet as if he no longer felt it necessary to be in the room anymore. The green-eyed woman sat gaping at the two, silenced.
“…You gonna join me?" Bo gave her a subtly pleading stare, reminding her of a begging puppy dog.
"Absolutely, honey. I'm just glad you're okay.” She purred, caressing his lapel. “Now c’mere…”
They shared a loving kiss, sealing an unspoken deal.
And that was how Percy convinced her begrudging fiancé to take in another stray.
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(Taglist: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @the-pinstriped-hood, @goldrose-star, @soupbabe, @bluecoolr, @flower-crowned-lady, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, @solmints-messyocdiary)
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ashtonisvibing · 10 months
okay, muffins have been consumed, let's fucking go-
so, i should preface this by saying that i haven't seen cats (2019) yet. so mayhaps i was the one mischaracterizing mr. mistoffelees, but judging on the clips i've seen, i think i've got a pretty solid idea on what they've done to him. and oh god it isn't good-
if you've never seen any stage production of the original musical... well, go watch it. right now. like straight up, here's a link to the 1998 filmed production. trust me, it is as weird as you think it is, but it's fucking amazing in how weird it is. it makes no sense and honestly that's why i personally love it.
now, if you still don't wanna watch it, fine then. might as well fill you in myself. mr. mistoffelees is one of the characters in the musical, obviously. he's described as "the magical cat". in the musical that's taken very literally, he performs magic tricks for the cast and audience, and (SPOILERS) is the one to summon old deuteronomy after he's kidnapped by macavity. i'm assuming he's supposed to represent the type of cat that causes things to happen without you figuring out how, almost like it was magic that caused it.
mistoffelees, from what i've seen, is extremely proud of his magical abilities. he's described as incredible and mystical, and he very much flaunts those titles. sure, it's not him singing his title song (that would be rum tum tugger), but there's never a moment where he seems to disagree or try to humble himself. he's the incredible and magical mr. mistoffelees and god does he fucking know it. for all my fellow jacksepticeye fans, he's just fanon marvin but as a literal tuxedo cat.
so, how did they mischaracterize him in the 2019 film? by stripping all of his confidence away. like i said, i haven't seen the movie so i'm just going off of clips i've seen from his song. but it seems that either laurie davidson (mistoffelees' actor) or some other force decided to make the magical cat this shy and under confident character. he talks about the things he can do like he's trying to prove to the cast that he can do magic. instead of just... confidently proclaiming "yeah, i can do magic!"
this may just be a me experience, but when it came to school talent shows (at least in media), there was always a joke about the one middle schooler who did a magic act. usually this magic act would be poorly done, just simple magic kit tricks. mr. mistoffelees in the 2019 film feels like that kid, but he's very much aware that he's the magic act. he knows he's just walked on stage in a goofy magician outfit with his magic kit and he's about to get laughed at. and that's not mr. mistoffelees. i don't think i need to repeat how mistoffelees is supposed to be, i've already said it multiple times.
i don't even really care that they had him sing his own song. sure, it takes away the entire point of the jellicle cats singing about each other (they're a community that loves and respects each other), but whatever. honestly, it makes a little sense that the cat that's so confident about himself sing... well, about himself. but you can't then completely reverse who he is as a character.
and this isn't the only mischaracterization we see. victoria is changed from some one off cat to the star of the show (and they by extension mischaracterized jemima by giving her relevance to victoria but that's probably a different post altogether). grizabella is shown to shy away from touch even though the whole point of her character was that she wanted to be touched by a jellicle cat, thus meaning she was accepted into the group again. bustopher jones is shown as a slob who eats out of the garbage even though he's supposed to be an aristocrat cat (an aristocat if you will) that's fed extremely well. and i can't put my finger on it but there's just something about jennyanydots in the film that just doesn't feel right.
all in all tom hooper, the director of this movie, just... did not understand anything about this production. he didn't understand the music (but if you've seen the movie adaptation of the musical adaptation of les misérables then you'd already know that), he doesn't understand the story. and he, quite probably, didn't understand the characters. cuz my god how did you fuck most of them up?
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munku-collar · 1 year
How did Demeter's relationship with Macavity influence her newfound relationship with Old Deut? How about the other way around? Did he treat her differently than he would have otherwise?
It was a little awkward and tense at first, but mostly from Deme's side. She didn't know anything about Deut really, because Mac had kept it that way, only spoke about his parents long enough to claim that they were neglectful and had driven him away, but after a day or two with the Jellicles Deme could safely assume what her former mate had told her wasn't true, so she wasn't really sure what exactly to think or expect. She did however feel anxious at how she'd be received, because she was just as guilty as Mac in some instances, in things she'd done or encouraged and come to regret, and she was afraid of some kind of reprimand or rejection for them, especially when she came to realize the position of power that belonged to Deut. Munkustrap had taken to her quickly enough, but would his father? She worried a lot.
For Deut it was a strange kind of thing. He had no idea what to expect of her, of the woman his estranged son had apparently fallen head over heels for. There was clearly something about her that he found lacking in his family, in his tribe, so it made Deut quite sad really, to think that Macavity had a side of him he couldn't share with his family, which still ended in disaster, wasn't enough to stymie the toxicity in his heart. They'd done bad things together, but from what he understood, Macavity had led them in such endeavors, so he couldn't quite blame Deme for her mistakes. Demeter herself seemed alright enough, clearly anxious and withdrawn, traumatized, but a good cat at her core, and full of regret for things it became increasingly clear Macavity would never feel regret for. So he did his best to greet her like any other cat, tried not to dwell on the past or allow his curiosity to sour conversation. Basically she was afraid of him bringing Mac up and he was afraid to bring Mac up.
As far as differing treatment, I do think he would've been a bit more boisterous or relaxed right off the bat, if there wasn't history between her and Mac. But there wasn't any bad treatment in either direction, ever. It just took a little bit of time to become comfortable, to kind of let the stale air out of the room. Munkustrap's obvious affection for Deme helped in that regard. His affection helped Demeter find her footing in the tribe, let her become more open and less ruled by her trauma, and Deut in turn could get to know her better, and found that he approved of her, regardless of things that had happened in the past. He maybe worried a little, about how attached Munk and Deme grew in a short amount of time, but he'd loved and lost many times over, so if his second son had taken a shining to Deme as much as his first had, she was clearly a special queen worthy of the attention she attracted from them. In short: it wasn't really his business. And as time went on Deut and Demeter grew more relaxed around each other, and came to enjoy each other's company.
In time they were able to speak about Macavity too. Deut had wondered so many times about Mac, the tom he had grown up into. Deut hides it well but he bears a lot of shame really, feels that he was responsible for his family falling apart. And although Demeter would never go back to Macavity, knows that he is too far gone to change his ways (not to mention she's unbelievably happy with Munk) there is a part of her that will always miss him, or the potential of him, really. So they've chatted about that a few times, are able to connect with it, beyond the fact that Deme has given Deut two excellent little grandkittens to adore, and she has elevated Munkustrap's daily happiness to a level Deut couldn't anticipate.
So yeah. A tiny bit of a rocky start, which was smoothed over with time.
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realreulbbrband · 10 months
For the flower ship asks thing, (you dont have to all of them I just wanted to give you a choose lmao)
Dahlia & Rose : MistoJerrie
Water lily & Sunflower : TantoDemeter
Daisy & Bluebell : AlonzoTeazer
Ooo variety thank you
Rose ; Who's more romantic?
Generally? It’s sort of 50/50 since they have different love languages.
Mungo loves finding (and stealing) gifts to impress Mistoffelees with and taking him to places around town he hasn’t been to before. 
Whereas Mistoffelees is a little more casual, sure he’ll do some tricks for mungo whenever he asks but sometimes (mostly on occasions like anniversaries) misto will try to surprise him. Most of the time Misto is more of a words of affirmations type though.
If you’re asking who’s more flirtatious then 100% mungo cheesy pick up lines but some generally sweet ones too. 
more below
Dahlia ; Do they keep secrets from each other?
I can see Misto unintentionally keeping secrets from mungo, Misto likes to keep his personal things to himself generally so near the start of their relationship he isn’t exactly used to opening up to someone that isn’t victoria. Over time however he does learn to trust and speak to Mungojerrie more.
However In a very specific scenario Misto seems like he’d keep mungo out of the loop on certain situations until they’re over and done with. He just doesn’t want to trouble him.
When it comes to Macavity- yea mungo keeps a lot of secrets, like Misto it’s more instinctive (at least at first) he doesn’t really talk about Macavity with anyone who wasn’t there with him and prefers to leave his past in the past. 
However if Misto tries to bring up the topic Mungo tends to shut down the conversation or just down play whatever had occurred if he went to see Mac recently. (if he even admits he did). 
It’s complicated, keeping secrets from each other is a habit they both grow out of the longer they’re together but it’s never truly done with malicious intent.
Water Lily ; Which one cares about their appearance more? Ooooo tough one
Tantomile (before they got together at least) really wanted to impress Demeter, and make a strong impression. But that’s a tad bit difficult when you have an identical twin. 
So Tant may or may not have asked Bombalurina for advice…which she was more then happy to give ofc. (Which is why tant has red lipstick) 
Dem ofc doesn't care about appearances of others that much, but Tantomile did develop a bit of a liking to pampering which eventually did get to dem. 
It became less about them wanting to have great appearances all the time and more about some morning self care (I don’t know if cats actually have makeup but like 2019 has a bunch of cats drinking milk even though they’re lactose intolerant so logic doesn’t matter) anyways they have some morning routine pampering together along with self care dates. So equal amount. 
Sunflower ; Which one would go to jail for the other?
I want to say Tantomile but Demeter will literally commit a felony and go against anyone for someone she loves (cough cough jumping fake deut). So purely because girl is the right amount of unhinged Demeter. 
Daisy ; Which one sings while doing chores? Are they good at it?
Alonzo does, and fairly well but only when he thinks he’s alone and then when Rump catches him and ofc teases him about it he acts like he doesn’t know what she’s talking about until she eventually moves on.
Rump sings loud and proud, cats from outside the den could probably hear. It’s mostly nonsense she made up on the spot or related to whatever chore she’s doing. Alonzo appears neutral but he genuinely enjoys it, sometimes he’ll even hum teazers silly songs while on patrol.
Teazer tried singing a lullaby to him once it was bad but hey it cheered him up
Bluebell ; Who's more emotional?
They’re both fairly emotional, Alonzo tries to toughen up sometimes but that crumbles quite quickly. 
As for Rump 90% of the time she’s an open book. 
I don’t have much more to say….just Alonzo finds himself opening up to Teazer quite easily since she’s good company.
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indianasolo221 · 1 year
it's time to go
Demeter could feel her world crashing in around her. Was that right? Maybe not. Maybe the world was crushing her. Really, she wasn’t sure.
She was never sure.
She had lost track of when the tears started, but once they came her body was hot and tense and wracked with sobs. Demeter didn’t even really know what started them. She could blame it on him, blame it on the fact that he left her out of something she could have actually cared about, blame it on the fact that he forced her into this position. She could blame it on her parents, who’s faces and names she couldn’t even remember. But really, it didn’t matter. She was a grown cat. It was all her fault.
No, she couldn’t stop him from holding the truth. Couldn’t even stop him when every fibre of her being was screaming at her to make him stop, when the words on her very tongue were, “Please, Macavity, don’t do this.”
She couldn’t (and wouldn’t really want to) turn back time and beg her parents to take care of their daughters.
Demeter couldn’t stop these things from happening, but she didn’t have to stand around and watch them happen. Or at least, that’s what she told herself.
If you want things to change, you have to change them.
That was easier said than done.
Change required her to wipe away her own tears. Change required her to stop scratching at her own skin and pulling at her matted fur. Change required her to stand tall, to speak up, to scream if she needed to. Change required her to use her teeth and claws for a good cause, to use them against him.
Change required her to leave.
She shuddered at the thought. At least here, there was shelter. Here was a place where, when it seemed she’d suffered the worst of torment, the door would creak and he would come in and tell her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her, even though he continued to use her up and then leave her here to rot.
She couldn’t change, she didn’t even know if she wanted to.
And yet…
A golden paw drifted over her belly. Through no fault of its own, there was something inside her that gave power to the word want.
She had lived this powerless life too long. She didn’t want it for anyone else.
She didn’t want it for anyone else.
She didn’t want it for her child.
Her child.
She blinked away the blur of tears. Her head raised, and she pulled herself up on her hind legs, her tail swishing ominously behind her. She wiped her face, and, ignoring the fact that her nose was still dripping, took the first few steps towards freedom.
She could change.
She wanted to change.
She would change.
Alone, Or not.
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the-clockwork-three · 8 months
here's my school's cats poster!
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Oh this is so cool. a lot of the characters are actually caught quite accurately considering the fact that I'd say most of the makeup was probably done by the actors themselves.
okay heres my attempt to name the cats. considering the cast is like... 40 people i have to assume theres some oc's in there but also I'm going to pretend thats not an option and start naming them increasingly obscure swings
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From left to right hese are Grizabella, ???, Victoria, Old Deuteromy. Considering these are the uhhhhhh plot relevant characters I assume ??? is Jemima
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Misto and Tugger!!!
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I thought this was Tantomile and Coricopat, but looking at the pose its actually likely Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser.
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this is deff the other set of twins. the colouring says rumple and jerry, the fact that we cant have two rumples and jerries says tanto and cori. I have no goddamn clue who the middle guy is. I'm going to say victor. because hes grey.
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Oh hey its "victor" again. and Bustopher Jones. and other unidentifiable swings. I want to say the second from the right is The Rumpus Cat, mostly because the costume has a cool design, but I think YAE doesn't have his song. And the final guy is *spins wheel* Tumblebrutus.
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LIGHTNING ROUND. Alonzo. Skimbleshanks and Munkustrap. Macavity.
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Oh hi Cassandra. How i can I tell its Cassie? 1. shes less fluffy than the others. 2. shes doing a really good impression of 1998 Cassie's "Do something really weird and look straight into the camera and try to pull it off as cool and fail miserably" act, which i consider a fundamental part of her character.
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.... gus? the theatre cat? Wearing clothes means songcat, and i read these clothes as "English Teacher" but also i genuinely cant tell if this is a boy or a girl. if this is a girl ummmmmmmm this is Jennyanydots because griz and rumple are accounted for. and this is objectively the best makeup in the cast omg the lines are so neat.
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this one vexes me personally. my first instinct upon seeing the makeup is Quaxo from Shiki productions. however it is unlikely that this American school production is drawing inspiration from japan. so then I think Jellylorum. and then we have the dress. on one hand i sorta think its just that this person arrived a bit late and didn't have time to change into their full costume. on the other hand it reminds me of Bombalurina or Demeter in some non-reps. considering the colouring of the makeup is far closer to deme than bomba I lean more heavily towards her.
For the funsies I'm saying this is Deme
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shes grey. shes a cat. this ones Greycat.
we have now reached the end of Solid Ideas. so now i'm just going to speedrun all the "important characters" that i missed and assign them at semi random
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Jennyanydots, Bombalurina, Jellylorum
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and my favourite girl chorus cats: Electra and Etcetera. decisions made entirely off of ear colours.
wait i actually think "electra" is "jemima" from the very first picture. my favourite girl chorus cats: Jemima/Sillabub (because this is an American production and i a little bit forgot but i will not be changing to the Broadway names) and Etcetera.
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ok i HAVE to talk about my 1998/2019 munkuswap fic because i feel awful that i've literally done no work on it
i'm specifically excited to write 1998 Munk and his meeting with the 2019 jellicles, because i think Munk in general is a cat that takes great comfort from the "sameness" of his surroundings, always knowing who he's going to see, knowing exactly how his brother and mate behave, knowing his daughter and her friends and how they laugh, even knowing Macavity's behavior patterns.
1998 Munk being thrown into an unfamiliar world, filled with versions of his family that is just not right, that's probably his worst nightmare. His beloved little brother looks at him like a stranger, his daughter is terrified of him, his mate isn't his mate, even his best friend is part of Macavity's team.
What's worse is that there will be cats missing, and new cats added. Munk prides himself on always having an eye on every single kitten. But in this place, Tumblebrutus and Pouncival aren't there, and Alonzo doesn't know who they are. Amunet isn't there, and Cassandra just looks at him suspiciously when he mentions her sister. Bombalurina isn't there. There's a new cat who says he's Plato's twin, but Munk's never heard his Plato mention a twin.
1998 Munk is going to have a TIME AND A HALF in the 2019-verse, and I'm incredibly excited to write it, because Munk angst is always so delicious
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theimpossiblescheme · 2 years
Plato wasn’t terribly good at being a Protector.  At least, that was how he saw it.
It wasn’t solely about being strong, about fighting and coming out on top, about barring the way from someone bigger and stronger than you.  It was about being able to stop fights, too, about using your body as a barrier and being able to withstand what came next.  It was about being gentle, knowing the right thing to say and do at the right time.  About holding yourself in such a way that other cats knew you were safe, that they were safe.  That you wouldn’t let anything happen to them.
Just tonight, Plato could think of a dozen different ways he’d failed.  Of course, there were all the usual things--his big clumsy paws smacking into everything and throwing off everyone’s balance, including his own, and his tongue going leaden in his mouth at the worst times.  But he couldn’t keep Jerrie and Teazer from running away with whatever they’d stolen this time.  He’d almost dropped Victoria at least twice because his paws were shaking so much (she insisted she was fine, he didn’t do anything wrong, but he found it hard to completely believe her).  He couldn’t scream at Macavity to leave and never come back, no matter how much he longed to.  He couldn’t stop the cat who was barely his father from taking away the cat who was.
He’d treated Grizabella so poorly.  He hadn’t done anything himself, but he’d watched Pounce and Tumble take swipes at her and done nothing about it.  Just looking at her now, he felt so ashamed.
So when Skimble let go of her paws and passed her to him, Plato froze for a moment.  What could he do?  What could he possibly do to ask her forgiveness, to make up for just how badly he’d messed up?  There was nothing he could say, even if his throat hadn’t closed up from how overwhelmed he felt, so he didn’t try.  All Plato could manage was to squeeze both of her paws as softly as he could and bow his head.  She was shivering, he noticed, so he pressed ever so slightly into her fur to warm them before letting go.  Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but he imagined he saw Grizabella smile at him just a tiny bit before she moved on.
Gus was next, and he bent his head all the way over her paws as he took them, holding one up to his face as if to kiss it.  In return, Grizabella curtsied very slightly, a warmth in her expression Plato had only seen around Victoria, Jenny, and Demeter when she’d met them.  When Gus finally released her and straightened, his eyes were glassy, not entirely with tears, and he was also trembling so much he didn’t even think to reach for his blanket.  Plato couldn’t quite read his expression, but he looked... lost.  Like he was grieving a million things at once and barely remembered half of them--the same way Grizabella had looked when she sang.  Reaching for some way to comfort him, Plato stretched out his arms to let the old tom rest against him.  Almost unconsciously, Gus sank back against his chest and let Plato rest his paws so delicately against his arms, taking care not to crush his frail frame.  And there they stayed until Grizabella reached the end of the line and Old Deuteronomy made the Choice at last.
It wasn’t much.  It was the very least Plato could do.  But it was still something.
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flame-x · 2 years
Wrote this short thing for Grizabella's day for Elder Cats Appreciation Week!
Warning: angst, mentions of death and abandonment. One mild swear word at the end.
She never liked humans, when she was young. They would try and take her away to keep for themselves, try and pet her gorgeous fur, try and coax her into their homes. But when she wanted their love, when she was old and sick and poorly... they didn't want her. They chased her away, threw stones at her when she sat at their doors, hurled abuse at her if they saw her by the gate. "Get away, you mangy thing!" they would yell, and so Grizabella would limp away.
Regret and remorse filled her, now. She often wondered why she had pushed the other cats away, why she had snubbed and laughed at them in their homely little Junkyard always full of life. Sometimes she caught sight of the cats who lived there now. Many of the cats she once knew were long gone- her adoptive mother included. Grizabella didn't find out she'd died until well after the fact. There were cats she'd heard about though, a white cat so graceful, a storyteller like no other and his faithful second, a child prodigy in magic or two or three. She caught glimpses of them sometimes while she hid in the shadows, as they leapt across gardens and over walls, patrolling for danger and looking for their next meal, keeping an eye and an ear out for lost kittens.
Lost kittens.
Grizabella knew a lot about those. There were four lost kittens, in her mind.
She was one, after all. Her heart ached for the young kitten she'd once been. A young kitten unaware of the tradgedy around her- her parents slaughtered by dogs, her brothers starved to death- well, best not to linger on those thoughts.
Her two daughters. And what fine daughters they were. She saw them sometimes, with the other cats. She'd heard their names too. Bombalurina and Demeter. They had their own kittens, now. Grizabella had never liked the idea of being a grandmother one day. They hadn't abandoned them, either. Demeter had worked with Macavity, she knew. But now she was with the storyteller, the one unlike any other before him. And Bombalurina... well, she didn't know.
And the little white kitten. Grizabella thought it'd been dead. She hadn't even checked to see if it was a tom- or queen-kitten. It hadn't been breathing. Grizabella had gathered her strength, gotten up and walked away. The Junkyard cats must have found it very soon after for it to be alive, for now that kitten was the beautiful one, the graceful dancer to be envied, and her own mother was in exile. But Grizabella could hold no animosity towards her youngest daughter. Victoria was a much better cat than she could ever be. Victoria was inherently good, and Grizabella couldn't hate her for that. After all, what more could a mother want?
Grizabella knew three things. The first was that she didn't have much time left. The second was that the one thing she wanted more than anything else in the world was to be forgiven by her tribe and to spend her remaining time with them. The third thing she knew was that she didn't deserve that forgiveness she so craved. But she'd be damned if she didn't try for it. She'd try almost anything; manipulation, begging, pity. She'd done a lot of awful things, why stop now?
After all, Grizabella always got what she wanted. Right? They wouldn't see through her. She wouldn't break and show the raw desperation she was made of, the desperation she'd always been made of. Anything but that. Then she'd be out in the open, vulnerable for everyone to see and read as easily as the humans read their books.
Well, that was the plan. She'd make a show out of it if shit hit the fan, at least. That's what she was known for, eh? Glamour. Glamour, and a big show.
She'd always loved the attention anyway.
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