#but like goddamn
indigosabyss · 1 month
I was rewatching the Kakashi ANBU arc of Naruto Shippuden and there's a moment near the end where Hiruzen Sarutobi explains the logic behind putting a very talented rookie and a genin who's lagging behind on the same team. Bc it's a trend that happens so much it'd be crazy to not have some sort of system behind it.
And I kid you not. The explanation was that it was meant to push the deadlast genin to work harder. AND. To also build a situation where that genin is seeking to be validated by the more talented one, who will theoretically grow to become more appreciative of hard work.
Y'all this is just straight up psychological warfare.
In the scene where this is happening, Kakashi immediately thinks back to Obito and then blames himself for never acknowledging him, since that meant Kakashi broke the system and caused Obito's death.
Genuinely everyone in this goddamn village needs help.
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drizzledrawings · 11 months
I have so many thoughts about how Dutch and Hosea took in a 14 year old kid, called him their son, raised him, taught him how to read, cared for him and all the things that come with watching someone grow up,, saw him go through immeasurable grief
And never wanted/tried to do better for him,, encouraged his anger, encouraged violence and killing,, idk idk idk Dutch’s insistence of loyalty, Arthur’s dedication that’s almost cultish idk idk idk !!
God it’s all he was raised to do and it makes me go insane!!!
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jenanigans1207 · 6 months
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Well, I’m finally watching supernatural.
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that-art-hoe · 2 years
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brunettesco i need you
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noose-lion · 10 months
I miss my siblings.
I miss them so much it hurts. A constant ache in my chest. I sit like a dog at a grave.
Like a part of my soul is withering to nothing with them so far away. No longer just down and across the hall.
I've known them since their birth, beheld them as tiny, helpless infants new to this world.
I cared for them. I fed them. I protected them. I hurt for them. I cried for them.
Nothing in this life is more dear to me then my siblings. Nothing holds light to the two people that I hold closest to my heart.
They are the thing I have lived for.
I would kill and maim and steal and burn and ravage just to see them well.
They are getting so old. They are blossoming into such beautiful young adults. My heart aches with the weight of my unconditional love.
They are perfect.
I miss my siblings.
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arctic-hands · 8 months
I keep making and deleting this post. How do we talk about what happened to that hospital in Gaza without feeling so much despair you feel numb inside or start crying even if you're continents away and it doesn't affect you
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handsomegentlebutch · 3 months
been playing cyberpunk for 12 hrs straight. been forced to stop for food by friends. mean to me >:c
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bookshelfpassageway · 6 months
looking into the youtuber reviews on Disney's Wish and feeling real :( about the state of cool fuckin cartoons in the Western style
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cis-chan · 8 months
The thing is, I don't even have a problem if you want to casually date more than one person! Its your sex life I don't give a fuck. I do however give a fuck when people make it out like being poly = being gay. Or when they make it out like they're actually oppressed.
Or when they act like their relationship is sooo much stronger than mine. Or when they imply that because I'm monogamous, I'm a cheater.
I just really fucking hated that comment lmfao
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lizardhawthorne · 1 year
This bitch was out cold for thirty three fucking generations???
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kitcheninaman · 9 months
i don't think ive ever been so stressed about a gig before in my LIFE
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bullshit-bulltrue · 9 months
pls these bitches tryna skateboard in the hallways
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transjudas · 10 months
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VR on chicken.
is it not enough that we eat them, we gotta do this shit too
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firehandlerfred · 1 year
My parents decided to watch fast and furious (the ninth one), and in 30min the laws of physics have been destroyed so much I'm waiting for aliens to show up or smtg
I Can't believe the space launch WASN'T the least believable part of this shitshow
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james-silenthill · 1 year
It's like they're all reverting back to kids they're staying up late fucking around in the kitchen they're sitting on the floor looking up at the grown ups having fun they're goofing they're playing and it's bittersweet and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop for reality to kick in
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mintedwitcher · 1 year
I've fallen down the rabbit hole of self-diagnostic autism screening tests, and they're all saying pretty much the same thing, so why am I taking more of them?
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