#but like before when I was still in old process mindset I'd get frustrated and think the colors weren't coming out right
salamispots · 7 months
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something something giant isopod sharing is caring pass the detritus
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
😒 Hoo boy, leaks are early huh, all I saw was that one ask and I can already tell whatever is going on with Dabi is going to piss me off. Sure is hard to like a guy when he’s got random shit piled into his character last minute that doesn’t even build off of each other or older details. He went from some nobody to suddenly Shigaraki’s 2nd in command off screen (and literal 2nd Shigaraki as a more self aware in control replacement and hair and name parallel) to now all of this.
(+) Re: Dabi being a 2nd Shigaraki. He even has a “the next ones, will be us” type of line for himself. I really wish he’d comment on why he does things because I can’t decide on his thought process, because in between “grrr Twice is gone?!” to “I got his blood, you use it” he has this calm expression as Compress comments on Toga losing her cool. Is that him realizing, “oh, as long as it’s someone she really loves, she can use their quirk” so he’s all chill after his old anger and gleeful on (+) the Machia Ride, tho I wonder why he waited until now to give her the blood? Because it’d look wierd to do it right after Twice died and better AFTER Toga calms down and he destroys her house and she’s fixated on the war? Yeah, right mindset then just as he was confirming. Or did he look that calm and get the blood because oh here’s Toga actually caring about someone who died instead of moving on like Endeavor did, but that’s all guess work! (+) Before this, Dabi was all “anyway, wanna blow this joint?” to Compress, pretty casual and calm of the guy so forgive me for thinking the guy really had other priorities than mourning his villain found family. A man just died Dabi, and you’re talking like you’re out smoking with your buddies? (+) Lmaooo okay so AFO is saying Dabi gave Toga the blood because he wants to see everything destroyed and gone so it can finally heal his resentment, ok really is a second Shig. Rip Hawks, still haunted by Twices. But I’m glad Hori at least acknowledged he made the right choice here. Honestly who better than AFO to validate that really? He IS the ultimate demon lord, knower of all things hero and villain in the pieces they move on the board and all the routes it can lead to.
It's one thing that's been frustrating about Dabi's character and why a lot of my original enjoyment of his character has faded. I'm not above admitting his character didn't go the way I wanted him too in canon so I lost interest, alongside with the manga.
Hmmm, that is a good question as to why Dabi didn't give the blood to Toga during the Machia ride. My assumption is that Hori didn't think about it until later and that's why but if we are to give Hori the benefit of the doubt and fill in the gaps for him, I'd say it's because Toga wasn't in the proper headspace to use Twice's quirk. Her fury back then was hot and raging but now it's cool and collected, she will think through her actions more.
I wonder if Toga was always a contingency plan if Twice ever kicked the bucket? So many questions so few answers.
Lol, I do find it funny that once again it's pointed out that Dabi's actions weren't for others but for himself and this was noticed by a fellow villain (one who is very similar to Dabi by his own admission). And yeah, I'm glad that AFO acknowledged that Hawks made the right move as well, one thing I will praise Hori over is having an enemy acknowlegde the actions of the heroes and how it hindered them instead of being useless like fandom like to cry.
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Overgrown Metal
Chapter 1: A Distant Roar
Summary of Fic:
Almost two decades ago, the fae rose up from beyond the value with technology far surpassing the human race, quickly taking over after lating waste to nearly everything in their wake. Virgil and Roman, Society escapees and hunters run into an uncertain future while fleeing from their pasts. Remy and Remus stare their only chance straight in the face as they teeter on the edge of reluctant adventure. Emile is left his cousins engineering palace and is given the tools to change the world. Logan, a lone researcher and outcast is found by an old friend who offers him a chance of the century. Hyden (deciet), can shift into anything he so chooses, but staying true to his form as his heritage slaps him sideways proves harder than he thought. Patton mourns the loss of his son as he slowly uncovers secrets he wishes aren't related.
Or less wordy:
Eight idiots with trust issues fumble around each other and try to save the world from killer mechanical beasts and fairies that will snap your neck without taking their hands from their wine glasses.
Warnings: Violence, fight scenes, dark fantasy, apocalypse setting, some gore, blood
TW for this chapter: None? Though if you see any let me know
Ships: Remy (sleep) x Remus. Brotherly Roman and Virgil. Platonic Logan and Hyden (Deciet)
"Long ago, humans existed as a thriving race, full of hope and promise. Their faith was strong, the resulting bond stronger and technology was accelerating towards a prosperous future.
It was a time when the tales of fae were still passed down as children's stories, and warnings were scoffed off as superstitions. Humans as a race believed the shadows of the night hid nothing and when dawn painted the sky whatever evil that may have lurked in the darkness was wiped away as cleanly as the shores by the waves of the ocean.
With that mindset adopted, when the calamity fell we thought only that the autonomous monstrosities were an advanced technology from an enemy country, meant to start another world war to wipe out whatever they could. When reports poured in from around the world, tin hats began screaming of aliens, and the churches filled with the cries of righteous damnation. No matter which reason you picked, it was almost a guarantee you would be wiped off the map given enough time. The creatures were gleaming gold and silver, blinding those who dared look too closely, deafening those who listened too carefully. Heavy as they seemed in their armor of metal they stayed light on their feet, crawling their way up from the earth, bounding through cities from the deep forest growth and swooping down from the unassuming sky.
It was over in mere days, cities laid to waste by the metallic creatures of an unknown origin, plains made unsafe from their territorial prowl; even the sky offered no escape as planes were clawed from the sky and set reeling into the maws of the swiftly growing forests. Trees unnaturally twisted to form barriers of wooden steel, the ruined cities overtaken by growth that should have grown in centuries rather than weeks, wide expanses of fields left unwalkable by twisting vines meant to trap and muffle. And over all of that the protective beasts walked their territories urged on my a master unnamed; following the bidding of a race none knew existed until the foolish humans decided it was safe to venture out again.
The fae, fairies, demons, creatures of another realm; this race went by many names bug the fact remained they were here to take back what was theirs. Too long, their leader said, have we cowered in the cover of your industrial hell. No more shall we hide in fear of your smoke smeared air that kills the very people who make it. We have been here long before your kind, and so shall we remain long after. Group your people however you like. Send any weapon of your choice to try and turn the tides to your favor. We will reign over the ashes you crumble to.
What this race of unnatural being didnt count on was a Hero of Ages to rise in a cliche of a fairytale epic. He stood tall over the bones they crushed his brethren too, sword dripping with vengeance and arms splattered with the fruits of his bloodlust. The day had come, for he, Remus, Harkened Duke of the Unseelie War, had clawed his ways from the depths of hell to face-"
"Babes. I love you...so very much. But you've been monologuing for twenty minutes now and I'd hate to waste my coffee by dumping it on your head."
Shoulders dropping in a pout, Remus turned towards his husband, leaning against the counter as he watched Remy reach for his still-hot-somehow coffee while nudging a can over into a growing pile, the plastic recyclables already having been sorted and bagged some time ago. His dark hair hung low over his tired eyes but Remus could still see the spark of amusement in them even as an annoyed huff left his lips. Smiling, he walked over to sit beside Remy, stretching out his legs and sweeping an entire pile of cans to the bigger pile scattering the displaed aluminum across the floor in the process. Ignoring another annoyed sigh he simply leaned his head on the others shoulder and smiled sadly.
"You never wish for something more than this?" He gestured vaguely around their small apartment they were quite lucky to have as Remy say back on his heels carefully so as not to knock his head of his shoulder.
"We're safe here." Punctuating safe with a flick to the back of the other mans head he continued. "Something more...that would mean going outside. And theres no Original Remus' Specialty coffee brew outside now is there?"
"It wouldn't take much to take the French press with us."
"It's starting to worry me how much you're bringing this up lately. I'm pretty useless," he waved his left hand around as emphasis, metal plating refracting the rooms dip lighting. "And you...are very loud. So very loud babes. We'd last a day, maybe two."
"If we had more people-"
"Which we don't. Unless we get a hunter or two stumbling in here wanting to drag a couple of inexperienced fighters along with them I don't see it happening." Putting the empty coffee mug in the sink, he turned back around to find Remus standing just behind him.
"I could fight for us."
"Very brave, but imaginary blades does not a dead beast make."
Remus swiped at the finger attempting to boop his nose, smirking lightly. "I have real blades!"
"Surgical scalpels don't count hun." Remy ducked under the strong arms attempting to pull him closer and bounded back over to his carefully sorted piles. "Now, either help me these or-"
A faint roar cut his words off suddenly, leaving him trembling from more than just the vibrations running through the floor. Remus was quick to be by his side, pulling him down and looping a protective arm around his shoulders. Squeezing his eyes shut behind the dark shades he wore even though he hadn't seen unfiltered sunlight in months he ducked his head down and moved closer into the protective embrace, tensing as another tremor reverberated through his bones. Minutes passed like hours as the couple stayed tense and alert on the floor, the beast eventually quieting, seeming to move off much to their intense relief. Dragging in a deep breath, Remy sagged against Remus, subconsciously rubbing at his left wrist and sinking further into the comfortable lap.
Gasping as he was lifted quickly, a deep blush colored his cheeks as he found himself being scooped up bridal style and twirled around before being carried through the short hall to the bedroom.
"My responsibility!" He cried out in mock desperation as he reached towards his sorted plastics and aluminum, ready to be traded later that week.
"Your plastic castles can wait until morning. It's late and we need sleep." So saying, Remus dumped his load unceremoniously onto the creaky bed and swiftly hopped in after, rolling to trap the barely struggling man under his body with a laugh.
Remy pushed at his shoulder playfully. "Who died and made you the responsible one?"
The mood sobered slightly, a look of pain flashing in the others eyes before quickly being replaced by mirth once more. Before he could offer an apology it was being swallowed effortlessly with a kiss that left him without a breath to spare one.
"Either sleep or I'm experimenting with bean strength again and make you taste test espressos until you faze into next week."
Laughing lightly, he bucked his hips just hard enough to push the other to the side so he could curl into Remus' arms for the night. "I'd rather not repeat that experiment again. I stay for your coffe, not for my stomach issues."
Remus smiled and threw his leg over his husband's hip to pull him even closer, pulling off his shades before resting his chin on the soft brown locks in contentment, swirling thoughts winding down to a rare dull roar as their breaths matched and evened out for the night.
The mechanical beast roared in anger as its tail lashed out to the side, hoping to catch the annoying pest that had lured it out into the feild. As beats went it was fairly small, resembling a feline with its lithe frame and small sharp teeth, only coming up to about 10 feet at its shoulder. Crouching down and twisting its head around it caught fleeting movement from the corner of its eye and whipped around to face it, only for the past to dart out of its sight again somewhere below it field of vision. Roaring in frustration it leaped straight into the air, turning and flexing its impressive claws hoping to smash down on whatever it was that eluded its attacks. Landing heavily, the beast took a second to recover from the rocky landing, flexing its spring loaded joints as it started to straighten.
A second was all the past needed to run up the length of its tail, impressive gait taking them to the beasts neck in no time at all to bring their weapon down and through the mechanical monstrosities neck, severing vital components and falling it before it got half of it last roar to rise from its throat.
The pest leaped from the beast as it fell to the side, stilling in the grassy plain with nary a twitch to make a passerby believe it was ever alive in the first place. Straightening from where they had landed, the pest sheathed the spear properly on their back and walked calmly over to the enemy, taking out a faded gray notebook as they did so.
Pushing a thick pair of glasses back up his nose, Logan looked over the creature with a passive interest before sighing and putting the notebook back in his pack. There was no use taking down data of a creature identical to one he had already slain a month prior. He knew he needed to start traveling more if he wanted more diverse data but he was loathe to leave his impromptu lab that lay hidden within woods no one dared enter. Looking around and seeing nothing more in the immediate vicinity he sighed again before adjusting the pack on his back and turning to walk back home.
There was always tomorrow.
This is also available on AO3 if you're interested. I can't promise regular updates but I really like this story so I'll be picking at it for a while.
I'm not really sure how to do fanfic layouts on tumblr so if this can be improved please let me know how. Please do not repost, reblogs however, are appreciated.
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