#but its a sarutobi...
anubisthe1 · 9 months
Hate hate hate that the sarutobis are increasing (asumas daughter) while the uchiha die with sasuke ( I don't consider boruto canon for the sake of my mental health)
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
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I stopped to think about short haired Kiba for two seconds and had to drop everything I was doing.
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ratsunie · 1 year
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inspired by this post by @phanb
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sannin-three · 3 months
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Is it really any wonder Jiraiya (and Orochimaru) turned out messed up when this is their role model??
Even young Jiraiya knows this is messed up
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kiljoius · 1 year
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Art commissioned from @asiriyep !!!
To celebrate finishing 270 FUCKING THOUSAND words for my longfic, Tag, about Konohamaru x Hanabi, my partner offered to buy art for it and it's SOOOOO CUTE.
I love it so much, I'm crying 😭🥰😍💕❤
Look at them they're so beautiful!!!! Thank you so much @asiriyep it's perfection 🥰
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mokutone · 1 year
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thank you kikuneesama 😄
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eegnm · 2 years
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hungrywhales · 2 years
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sounds about right 
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kairunatic · 1 year
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akatsukitrash · 2 years
Nothing's funnier to me than Hiruzen and Jiraiya being unable to kill Orochimaru who doesn't give two shits about them and would kill them in a heartbeat but Tsunade whom he refuses to kill and is partially why he became obsessed with immortality is ready to throw hands whenever she sees him. Unrequited friendship
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cloudcountry · 7 months
the way my heart dropped out of my ASS during chapter five of sasuke's route.
no route has given me THAT much of an adreneline rush like i'm not even KIDDING. mitsuhide was like "hey bestie ur friends name is on that letter" and i was like :O SHIT.
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anubisthe1 · 9 months
When sasuke wanted to get revenge over the murderer of his clan, a member of a criminal organisation, that also happened to be the brother sasuke loved and adored so much. Making sasuke create a plan on how to get strong and include as very few people, if not none, to the case.
Kakshi: You should stop. Revange is not a good thing.
When shikamaru got sad that his sensei died after he fought two akatsukies, whom he knew none about, with such arrogance. As if his pregnant wife wasn't waiting for him home. And when shikamaru had choji and ino help even though they might not make it.(Spoiler alert: they would not have made it)
Kakashi: I'll help you random citizen of konoha that isn't even my student.
Spoiler Spoiler : they had to get Naruto for help, atherwise it would have ended in a tragedy.
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lryghe · 10 months
NARUTO thoughts; an exploration of the male gaze
This won’t be a particularly ground-breaking post, but I did want to touch on some of my favourite examples of misogyny and sexism within the Naruto anime itself, and also from the fandom. Yes, this post will contain spoilers, but also, it’s just going to ramble because I have a lot of thoughts on this. Naruto is by far one of the most absurd and dehumanising examples of the male gaze I've seen in the big 3 of anime (old OR new gen). In fact, one could argue that a central theme to the show is the fact that it's being catered towards a traditional male audience. It’s my least favourite thing about the show, but it’s interesting to explore the female characters regardless of their lack of depth or whole character arcs.
When you think of sexism and the female characters, Hinata (probably) isn’t going to be your first thought. She’s the most heralded female character of the show, the main love interest, quiet and compliant, and she’s got big boobs so she’s a fan favourite. But seriously, Hinata is the very epitome of an “outdated peak male fantasy”. In fact, she may not even be outdated considering male fans still go crazy over her, but she certainly is a male fantasy (keyword here being fantasy). Hinata is a key to acknowledging the sexist tendencies both the studio and the fans have towards women, because Hinata is glorified for her quiet and submissive attitude, her shy and devoted attitude (to a probably unhealthy amount) to Naruto, and her stark difference to the other female characters of the show, like Sakura or Ino or Temari, who are all loud and boisterous. This was probably a deliberate decision, and it worked perfectly, because no one likes Sakura for her brashness but Hinata’s seriously weird obsession with Naruto remains well received. And that’s not to say that these traits are bad, because wanting to be in love and being quiet are definitely traits and dreams that are beautiful and should be celebrated in characters. I see a lot of people criticising her role in Boruto as just a housewife, but she doesn't have to be doing anything groundbreaking, she’s allowed to want to be a mum, and allowed to be quiet and silently confident in herself. But her role in Shippuden and the original series is plain weird in places, and I hate how the studio twisted such beautiful and kind characteristics just so she could serve her love interest.
In relation to the beginning of my first paragraph, this is probably the character you think of when you think about sexism in Naruto. Because Sakura is the most hated character in Naruto, and one of the most hated characters of all time. And this will not be a defence of Sakura (though I wish it was), nor is it a defence of any of these characters because honestly, they all suck in places. But Sakura is in fact overhated, and it has to do in relation to the bias towards Hinata that Studio Pierrot had. Studio Pierrot drastically altered a lot of the characterisation of Sakura and Hinata, removing scenes with Sakura and adding scenes with Hinata. And all of this was done to create a bias against Sakura. Of course, she still does shitty things in the manga, but the company did a lot to ruin her character so that she could be contrasted with Hinata, bringing up Hinata’s popularity, and dragging Sakura’s through the dirt. They even ruined her design in the anime to contrast Hinata, which is so unbelievably stupid. And the dudebro anime fans fell right into this trap to pit the girls against each other to gain recognition. Even fans of Sakura or Hinata fell for it, dragging down the other to highlight their favourite. Fans hate Sakura, the studio hates Sakura, I think even Kishimoto must hate Sakura. 
Since I’ve already spoken about some of the ridiculous sexism in relation to the main characters, I don’t have much to say in regards to the other female characters. Which is actually a great point when I think about it, because the absence of female voices is precisely something that should be talked about. Kishimoto put no thought whatsoever into his female characters, but other male side characters like Asuma, Neji, Shikamaru, and so on are highlighted in various parts of the show. I think the closest we get to proper female side characters is Tsunade, but her character arc revolves around her dead boyfriend. So like. Feminism is wasted on her. I think Ino is an interesting and frustrating character to explore because what do you mean she can essentially ninja-read minds. She had potential, but was pushed to the side in favour of being used to explore how hot and cool Sasuke was. Ridiculous.
I would like to finish this by reiterating that Naruto was made in Japan and is catered towards a traditional Japanese audience, hence why the women in this show have no depth whatsoever, because Japan is a notoriously conservative country (not a jab, just an informed statement). Thank you for reading, I think this turned into a rant halfway through.
Words: 872
Reading time: 3 mins
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sannin-three · 3 months
Making a sideblog specifically to spread my "Jiraiya is Hiruzen's secret illegitimate kid" propaganda
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rin-enjoyer · 3 months
It's late. Even underground, in the winding labyrinth of tunnels beneath Konoha where no natural light falls, Danzo can tell. There's a scent to the air.
Normally, he works through these quiet hours with the same dedication that he carries at all times. Tonight, however, his stacks of paperwork have all been meticulously combed through, signed, and filed. No one needs his attention. Nothing is wrong.
Danzo picks up his cane and begins the trek back to his old clan compound. He does not visit often. He is usually busy. He is not busy tonight.
His bones ache with a sort of weariness that denotes no real problem. He has learned to ignore this sort of pain. He ascends out of the tunnels, not bothering to muffle the sound of his footsteps with chakra.
He does not blink when he comes out to Konoha's streets. It is just as dark out here as it was in the tunnels. It is late out. A glance at the thin, crescent moon puts the time somewhere around 1.
Danzo makes his way past shopfronts, apartments, and fields. His memory of the layout of the village is annoyingly spotty. The streets have changed too much since the Kyuubi's attack, and he does not spend much time in them.
He walks past Hokage tower. The light in Hiruzen's office is on, casting a dim, yellow glow into the air. Danzo does not stop to see him. Soft, tender moments would ruin the sparks between them. He cannot think of anything more unappealing than stopping to relearn everything about the man who puts poison in his tea once a week.
He used to know Hiruzen. It was a mistake. A good shinobi does not have time for sentiment. Teamwork is a strength- relationships are weaknesses.
He wanders the streets for what seems like an eternity, a ghost in the village he has given and will give everything for. He does not regret it. He does not regret anything. He has done everything right.
Like the dull, distant pain in his hip, something tugs at his gut. Danzo ignores it. He knows what he is protecting. He knows why he does the things he does. He does not regret it.
He does not look back at the light in Hiruzen's office. The hair on his neck prickles- he can feel Hiruzen's gaze, how it carefully avoids him, observing the street around him, but not Danzo. A good shinobi has no time for sentiment. Hiruzen may be starting to fall apart in his old age, but lessons he learned alongside Danzo decades ago still stick to him like wet, rotting leaves.
Danzo finds his way to the Shimura Compound. There are heaps of fertilizer sitting in the garden, ready to be mixed into the soil. The smell of rotting leaves dances around the smell of the night. Crickets, hiding in bushes of nightshade, chirp a quiet, steady song.
The siding of the buildings in the compound is all pristine, brown and orange and achingly unfamiliar. Danzo knows how to ignore aches that do not matter. There are twelve in total, each housing one or two families. Danzo knows every name and face of his clan. He has met sparingly few of them.
He does not miss them. He does not miss the way he used to live. He creeps into the house in the center of the compound, past the rooms where the clan head and her four nephews sleep, into his old, dusty office. He will rest here, for the night, only because there is nothing else for him to do.
Danzo reaches across old scraps of paper with shaky writing and sloppy drawings and turns on his old lamp. A dim, yellow glow fills the room. He leans back in his chair. His hip aches. His hands shake. He does not regret anything, but quietly, because there is nothing else to do, he allows himself to feel very, very bad.
The lamp burns, and the leaves rot, and the crickets chirp. Dim yellow light slips through the window and paints stripes through the garden of poisonous plants. Danzo rests, and lets himself ache, and the night drags on.
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kitsquared · 19 days
Genuinely naruto kid arc has my whole heart. Every time i go through it it's so wholesome man
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