#but it shows he values lucienne
sic-vita · 2 years
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The Sandman | Morpheus awkwardly trying to apologise
I did not mean to imply that your efforts beyond the library are without value. I really wish to relieve you of your responsibilities, with which, had I been here, you would never have been burdened. 
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cammys-imagines24 · 2 years
•Being in a Relationship with Dream•
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Although Morpheus has had many a past relationship you're the first one where he's felt like he couldn't exist without you. Like he really, truly needs you and he's never needed anyone before.
He may be an endless, anthropomorphic being but you make him feel like a simple man very much in love.
Now, it is no surprise that Dream's job has to take first priority most of the time. That's just how it is and has to be and you knew what you signed up for.
Though still he always tries to include you in everything he does. Learning from past relationship mistakes that even if he's preoccupied with work that by having you beside him he can still spend time with you.
So, if there's a runaway nightmare that needs taking care of, you'll travel to the Waking World with him. If there's a problem in the realm or someone else's dream, then you're coming along for the ride as well.
There is no part of his realm he won't show you. He rather delights in showing you every nook and crevice of the Dreaming and seeing your reactions.
Morpheus loves telling you everything about his world and his long existence. He is incredibly open with his infinite knowledge and abilities.
One of his favorite pastimes is visiting your dreams but he never disturbs them. Rather he just likes to quietly marvel at what your imagination has come up with. And, of course, he will personally destroy any nightmare that dares enter your head.
Dream's nicknames for you will be "love" or "darling" but he especially enjoys when he can introduce you to someone so that he can say "this is my partner" or "my wife." He likes when he can openly call you his.
The King of Dreams and Ruler of Nightmares is definitely one who let's his actions speak louder than his words.
He will face off against Lucifer and all of Hell for you should the need arise and he will not hesitate to battle even his siblings should one of them be foolish enough to mess with you.
He would dismantle the universe and lay waste to humanities unconscious just to keep you safe but saying "I love you" is a rarity reserved for only the most special of times.
You don't mind of course because every starry eyed gaze he gives you is a constant reminder of his everlasting love for you. His is the kind of love you can feel with every look and touch.
You're getting a raven whether you like it or not. Even when he's not near you he likes having a way to check up on you and make sure you're safe.
Matthew and Lucienne are your besties. Death is like a cool older sister to you as well.
Morpheus will not hesitate to offer you his coat if you're ever cold or if you fall asleep in the library or his throne room while he's still working he will cover you with it like a blanket.
He knows all too well the effect his voice has on you and though he'd never admit to teasing you with it, he does and does it all the time.
No matter how long you've been together nothing pleases him more than how his captivating, deep voice can still make your heart pound like a drum in your chest and bring you to your knees.
Despite Dream's more reserved nature he is an incredibly passionate lover. He is also gentle and kind. Your every wish he will fulfill. Your every dream will come true. He will give you pleasure far beyond what you could even fantasize about.
He uses his past relationship failures as cautionary tales to ensure that he doesn't repeat the same mistakes with you.
Morpheus tries, he really tries to always make you feel loved and above all else, valued. He makes sure that though he is Endless, without you he would feel like nothing.
Not a day goes by where you don't feel cherished.
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roguelov · 10 months
horny dream i could handle but romantic dream? im a puddle on the floor he'd say the most cheesiest stuff but he'd make it sound so beautiful he's taking you out for a walks around his palace, to show you the wonders of the dreaming and he'd put all the famous poets to shame with his words
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I would be a puddle either way 😂
The gentle breeze from Fiddler’s Green brushed over your cheeks. The soft haze of a perfect sunny afternoon streamed in through the foliage above. Under the shade, you rested comfortably on Dream’s chest while Dream leaned into the tree.
You silently read a new book, a recommendation from Lucienne. A soft smile painted across your lips as you enjoyed this lazy moment. Dream, however, kept his attention solely on you. His arms wrapped around your waist, unwilling to ever let you go. He sighed, and kissed your temple.
“You look lovely, my dear,” he whispered.
You chuckled, still reading the book, “Do I?”
“Yes,” he hummed, starting to kiss down your face and neck. “Lovely as always.”
You sighed, blissfully, “Thanks, that’s very kind of you.”
“Kind? I am merely stating facts, my dear. Anyone can see it.”
A heat rose to your cheeks and bashfully mumbled your thanks.
Dream lifted his head. He gently cupped your cheek, turning your head to look directly at him. “Do you not see what I see?”
“I do - I, uh, I’m just taken back a little. I usually don’t hear compliments so often.”
“My dear,” he purred. “Stars do not compare to the twinkle in your eyes. Your smile could cast out the sun and prevent any dreary rain for eons. Your laughter is the sweetest melody and my most valued treasure. You are the reason my heart beats, and the reason I take another breath. To be in your presence is to live.”
Your eyes widened. Your heart fluttered in your chest like a hummingbird. You let out a shaky breath, “Oh, wow, um, thank you … I … uh … that’s very sweet of you to say.”
Dream smiled softly, and kissed your forehead. “I only know of sweetness because of you.”
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also. i think for the most part the netflix adaptation vastly improved on the comics, and even where it didn't, i understand from a scriptwriting perspective why those decisions were made
but as a whump fan. i need show only fans to know how the original imperfect hosts went, because dear god dream was having A Time
like, the show kinda goes alex nightmare -> briefly unconscious -> lucienne finds him and they go check on the palace. he's struggling to get back to full strength but he still seems mostly okay, physically
comic dream, however...
first up, cursing alex took power. power that he did not at all have to spare, he was already hugely weakened from [overture spoilers] even before the cage, and the hundred years did not help. he's that committed to his revenge he's burning up his final reserves here
which means (and this probably happened in show canon we just didn't see it), when dream tries to travel back home, he can only just barely make it to the edge of his realm, where it's just storms and nightmares and sand. and he spends hours just trying to make it to the gates, but even that's too much
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which in the show, after who knows how long, is where lucienne finds him
it's gregory that does, in the comics. and like, lucienne definitely a more personal connection, i prefer that way round. but god i wish we'd gotten these lines, because i think that might be the only time dream has ever asked for help from someone who isn't family
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(also like. he says in the panel above he doesn't remember anything in between passing out and waking up in the bed in cain's house, which means he was out of it enough he does not remember asking for help)
and that's not the only memory issue here! this line hits me really hard, because with the combination of the hundred year isolation and how tired/hurt he is, for a moment he doesn't remember who abel is
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he knows he should recognise him! cain and abel were the first non dream beings to come live in the dreaming, they should be more familiar than anyone. but he can't place it. and god, that's gotta be terrifying for anyone, but especially someone like dream. both in that he's already failed at his duty in such a devastating way, for someone who values responsibility so much anything that continues to keep him from doing his job is horrifying, but also that if he can't rely on his own mind (which i would not be surprised if he was already struggling to, after over a century in a cage), he truly has nothing left
and i'm kinda doing these panels in reverse order, but lastly, this one
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like. show dream is having a hard enough time with the fact that he can't instantly restore everything (though he tried as hard as he possibly could)
comic dream? before all this you could create whole worlds by barely more than thinking it. now, it's dark, and you don't know where you are, and you're really not feeling well. and all that power is gone. to the point where you need to rely on someone else's actions just to see.
here in the darkness, and all that
but like - creating light is the tiniest of magics, in the past you did it without even thinking. it barely qualifies as magic. right now, though, even that's beyond you. you've never been more powerless in your life, and you have no idea when or if you'll get those powers back
neil gaiman really said just fuck this guy up
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
There shall be night - Part.5 Morpheus x priestess! reader
Walking around his realm, Morpheus was doing his usual check-up on dreams and nightmares. Everything was going smoothly so far, no creations of his have gone rogue lately. The Dreaming was humming with life and the Lord of Dreams was pleased with his work. Engrossed in the contemplation of his realm, he almost didn’t hear Lucienne approach him. 
“My Lord, if I may take a minute of your time?” asked the librarian with her usual polite tone. 
“Go ahead Lucienne” answered the deep voice of Morpheus. “What matter brings you here?” 
“I reviewed some lists of dreamers, the most recent ones mostly, and I can’t help but to have some worries sir” 
Morpheus turned toward his librarian. It took quite something to have Lucienne worried. 
“What did you find?”
Lucienne adjusted her glasses and conjured a book in her hands. “I’m sure you have noticed the increasing number of dreamers these days. Nothing unusual given population growth is a natural thing, but those numbers are not the only ones raising at an alarming rate”
“What do you mean by that?” frowned Morpheus. Sure, sometimes were more propitious to massive dreaming, but he hasn’t felt such an important urge to dream lately. And he felt everything within his realm. 
Lucienne held the book open in front of him, and pointed to the fluctuating numbers. 
“It is not much about the numbers, but the intensity with which the sleepers are dreaming, sir. A lot of them have very intense dreams, dare I say powerful ones”
The Dream Lord thought about this for a moment. “For now it isn’t yet a problem,” he said, “But should this…fluctuation continues, what are the risks?”
Of course, he knew what the risks could be; difficulty administrating dreams and nightmares, potential escaping of his creations, possibilities of sleep illnesses to falling back on dreamers, etc. But he still wished to hear the librarian’s insight on the matter, for he valued her opinion. 
“Well,” began Lucienne with a pensive look “We might face some difficulties with the most rebellious dreams and nightmares, they might use the general agitation to sleep away from any supervision”
“Let them try” growled deeply the Endless “I’d like to see them going against my authority”
The librarian held a tight smile. “We also may lose some dreamers in the in-between, sir. The vivid dreamers held such dreaming energy, they could tend to push away the other and confuse them on the way of the Dreaming. Without guidance, they might stay in the in-between and never reach the realm, my Lord”
That put Morpheus in a confused stare. “Has it ever happened before?”
“Occasionally only, not enough to be considered as a sensible problem” informed the librarian. 
“How come? How did the lost sleepers reach the realm until now?” 
“Your priestesses, my Lord” answered Lucienne. “It has always been one of their duties to guide the lost dreamers to the lands of the Dreaming”
“And how come they cannot help on the matter?”
She could only offer him a sorry expression. 
“A lot of priestesses have either passed away or quitted their duties, my Lord. There is not much of them left I’m afraid” 
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This time he didn’t take two centuries to pay a visit to his most faithful priestess in the Waking world. He showed up at an inn with almost no lights left except for a few candles on the upper floor. He was a bit surprised to see the place where (Y/N)’s trace had led him. Jessamy didn’t come with him this time, he had found her throughout other people's dreams. 
Entering the darkened main room, where chairs had already been put on the tables given the late hour, he saw a dim light emanating from a door behind the counter. He approached silently, only stopping at the door to peek through the crack. Here she stands, his priestess busy over some meal preparation. He noticed the hollowness of her cheeks and the slight dark circles under her eyes. But apart from that, she hadn’t changed the slightest from the last time he saw her. 
Her lack of reaction made him frown. By now, she must have sensed his presence. 
Gently cracking the door open, he entered the room, standing a few feets behind the busy figure of the priestess. 
“(Y/N)” he greeted softly. 
Her movements stopped at the sound of the deep velvet voice. She turned back, eyes wide and mouth slightly hung open.
“Lord Morpheus” she whispered, holding herself on the edge of the table. Her legs were so tired from the long day - and week - of work, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to stand on her own. She just couldn’t believe what she was seeing; the Dream Lord, in the Waking world. It was quite a surprise. 
“I didn’t expect to find you in such an Etablissement” observed the Endless while casting a look at the kitchen. “I thought you would still exercise as a doctor”
Her cheeks were tinted in a light shade of pink. “I…yeah, I’ve let the medicinal work on hold for a few years now. A woman skilled in any kind of science is still easily framed as a witch these days”.
She instinctively brought a hand to rub her throat as she said it. That didn’t go unnoticed by Morpheus who frowned slightly. She must have witnessed many barbaric acts of the Inquisition, but had she also been accused of witchcraft herself? His thoughts were interrupted as (Y/N) approached him. She only stopped a few inches before him, taking a full sight of him with her tired yet mesmerising eyes. She couldn’t believe he was here and her finger tingled in wanting to touch him, to feel him in all of his reality. But she refrained herself and turned away her gaze before drowning in his deep obsidian eyes for good. 
“Let’s take this upstairs, there’s room to sit” she said while washing off her hands on a nearby apron. 
She grabbed a candle and started to make her way upstairs, Morpheus silently following her. While they were escalating the steps, her cheeks burned in the realisation of the familiarity of the situation. Hopefully, he wouldn’t take notice of that. They reached her room, small but comfortable enough to live in. 
“I’m sorry for the triviality of this” she excused herself humbly while sitting on a stool, letting her armchair to the Dream Lord. 
“It's fine,” he answered in a low rumble. Something told him that the priestess had already been in worse places. 
(Y/N) fixed the candle on a table and looked up, only to catch Morpheus’ gaze in hers. A beat passed, for them to stare into each other’s eyes for what felt like an eternity to them. Dream was almost relieved when the priestess tore her gaze from his, for he was surprised himself by the intensity of their silent exchange. 
“What can I do for you today, Lord Morpheus?” asked the priestess after a moment of composing herself. 
He immediately thought of his last visit to her in the Waking world, and the way she had whispered his name. Music to his ears, warm and haunting memory that resurfaced along with the want of hearing it again. Selfish thought of not being a Lord but only Morpheus.
But he couldn’t share those thoughts, instead, he said: 
“I’ve heard there are not much priestesses left” 
A flash of surprise passed on (Y/N)’s face before it morphed into a sad expression. 
“No, we’re not as many as we once were,” she said in a tone full of regrets. “A lot of us passed away due to illnesses, and some decided to quit their duties so they can live along their loved ones”
“They choose family life over their duties to the Dreaming?” he couldn’t help himself to ask, a slight drop of bitterness in his voice. 
“Do not blame them” she pleaded in a gentle voice. “Elongated lifetime comes with its lot of struggles, and finding a trustworthy life partner isn’t always the easiest thing. I’m glad they choose to live the remains of their lives with their loved ones rather than spend eternity in sorrow. All of them had served you dutifully my Lord, I’ve always been happy to take on their duties in order for them to find happiness”
Morpheus remained silent for a moment. How to respond to that? The devotion she held not only to his realm but also to her former sisters was truly inspiring. Centuries ago he would have lashed out at his former devotees who fled their duties. 
“Their absence has consequences”
(Y/N) released a deep sigh.  
“I know…as much as I don’t blame them for walking away, I sometimes wish they stayed to help… There are less and less priestesses, but more dreamers to take care of” 
Her tired eyes looked away from his heavy gaze for a moment. 
“I’ve accepted to carry on with their duties, but sometimes…sometimes it’s a lot to take for only one person.”
She knew she was sounding dramatic, that she wasn’t the only priestess. But the recent intensity of the dreamers recently had taken quite a toll on her. This late year of 1788 had its lot of emulations of revolutionary ideas, and as minds were already quite energetic in the Waking world, dreamers’ ambition could make their sleeping lives chaotic.
“I probably shouldn’t complain to you” she mumbled, her voice tinted in shame. “I merely apologise for the occasional disturbance it may cause to the Dreaming”
“Have you ever considered it?”
His low voice, free of all reproaches, startled her and made her look up. 
“Have I ever considered what?” she asked in confusion.
“Retiring from your functions, starting a family with…someone?”
She definitely didn’t expect that. 
“I…I haven’t. Things never really went that way. Marriage is not an easy thing when you’re granted longevity” she chuckled at the end. 
Morpheus didn’t respond. Thinking back at his own past union with Calliope, he thought that she kind of had a point. 
“As for children, well…I’ve been with men in the past. Sometimes in a relationship with them for some time. Yet I have never been pregnant” she exhaled deeply, blinking away a tear that had made its way under her lashes. “I think that if I had been able to get pregnant, I would have been by now.” 
She sat here in silence not particularly waiting for an answer. She had made her peace with the fact that she couldn’t have children, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt anymore. Maybe that was why Corinthian’s occasional visits became less and less weird as she realised the extent of her sterile condition. The way he jokingly still called her mother from time to time somehow seemed to mean more in their deep hearts than they cared to admit. Maybe they found in each other the familiar connection they both missed; a semblance of caring parental figure for the nightmare, and a kind of dysfunctional-yet-loving-son-figure-every-other-month for the priestess. Somehow, it worked and provided them with a drop of comfort from time to time. But on the long shot, it was barely but a band-aid to stitch a bleeding heart. 
“It seems that life as a priestess hasn’t always been kind to you” observed Morpheus. 
“Life rarely is for those who chose devotion” she answered casting her eyes down. It almost seemed like she wasn’t utterly convinced herself. The Dream Lord subtly cocked his head to the side. 
“The lack of priestesses is bringing up quite the weight upon you. You’re obviously drained from the engagements that lays with your duties” the Dream Lord’s observations weren’t marked with judgement, although being clinical in its analysis. Like (Y/N)’s very soul was being dissected for observation. 
“Your faith had been put to test more than once”, I’ve made you question your faith, he added silently in his mind. “Would you abandon your faith if your conscience was at peace with it?”
The room suddenly turned very cold and all air in (Y/N)’s lungs disappeared in an instant. She froze on her spot. Not only because of his question; but also because the logical reaction she must have had was to give a “yes” or “no” answer, yet she didn’t. Because her short instant of hesitation made her realise that she didn’t know what to say. She was lost. 
All at once, all of the doubts, that she spent buried deep inside her for centuries, came back in a raging wave, crashing on the already fragile walls of her convictions. Unable to hold all of them in place and keep a semblance of decency, she felt tears well up in her eyes. Before she could restrain herself they were flooding down her face. 
Her ears were ringing and her head felt like it was stuck in cotton wool. Every sensation was tuned out and nothing but the deafening sound of her heartbeat resonating behind her eardrums could reach her. She couldn’t feel her heavy breathing, feel the never-ending tears, or even hear the deep voice calling her name. Everything was just swirling so fast and at the same time so slow in her head she couldn’t focus on anyth-
The low rumble put her out of her paralyzed state as a hand clamped around hers. The first thing her re-focusing eyes noticed was how white her knuckles were from gripping tight on her skirt. The next thing she noticed was the long pale fingers of Morpheus wrapped on her smaller ones. Never in her life she could imagine the Dream Lord kneeling in front of her. Yet, here they were. 
Looking up at an agonizing low pace, (Y/N) finally locked her blurry eyes to the Dream Lord’s starry ones. He wore an expression she never thought about seeing on his pale face, eyebrows knitted together, his usually pouty mouth slightly open, and concerned eyes. Concern. 
“Tell me” he whispered softly.
Her lower lips wobbled ungracefully and she took a long exhale as to give herself some strength. Morpheus squeezed her hand in encouragement. 
“I’m so lost” she whispered back, almost too afraid to admit it out loud. “It feels like I’m entrapped in this life, yet I can’t escape or run away from it. And…and… it scares me” 
She ducked her head again, sniffling loudly before carrying on. 
“I can’t lose faith, because I know what I believe is real. You are real” she added with a small smile to Dream. But the curtain of tears on her face couldn’t be brushed off, should she even put on her brighter smile. 
“I should feel lucky to have proof of my beliefs” she chuckled in a bitter tone. “There’s not many people that can say the same” 
Realising how selfish she might sound, another sob escaped her. 
“But I’m so tired” she cried, her tears cascading all over again. “It feels like I’m drowning I-I-I can’t abandon my faith in the Dreaming because it’s what motivates my very existence and-and I deeply believe in it but…” 
She sighed heavily and let her upper body fall limply forward like drained of all of its energy, so her forehead was pressed on the Dream Lord’s shoulder. He tensed for a second then relaxed. And certainly didn’t let go of her hand. 
A few long seconds of an agonizing silence passed. None seemed willing to utter a word. Yet, (Y/N) gathered her last remaining forces to whisper faintly, 
“I can’t help the feeling of faith being enough to keep me alive anymore. I’m spiralling down, and the impression of never being enough is what is going to bury me. I wish I’d be enough to make a difference ; but I can’t even trust myself and it breaks me”
Her whole body seemed to respond to her self-conscious confession and went completely limp in Morpheus’ arms. It released all tension, for numbness take over everything else. (Y/N) realised she wasn’t just tired; she was exhausted. 
A warm hand gently cupped her cheeks and left her face up so she could face Morpheus’ gaze, their noses almost touching. 
“You are enough, (Y/N)” he assured, softly caressing her cheekbone with his thumb, brushing away the tears. “You had always been”
The hiccup that escaped her lips was probably meant to be a gasp but none of them cared about it. She glanced at his lips, then at his infinite eyes with a broken look of pure adoration. Not a divine adoration, like he had seen many times in her eyes in the past. A look of deep gratitude and adoration. A look that held a cry of pain; and of healing. 
And at this moment, Morpheus realised what he had to do. 
Bringing her face closer he pressed his lips to hers. The way she responded to his kiss had something sinful and innocent at the same time. Feverish kisses, while his hand was still on her cheek, brought her closer to him, making her fall to her knees on the floor with him. Both of his hands soon cradled (Y/N)’s face, holding her like she was the most delicate thing in the universe while his mouth was devouring her like a hungry man. He was drinking the moans that escaped her opened mouth as he needed them to breathe. A soft grip on his coat interrupted him, and he slowly let go of her bruised lips, looking up at her. 
Softly catching her breath with closed eyes, (Y/N) rested her forehead on his. She opened her eyes a few seconds after, looking at him with glossy eyes and pink cheeks. 
She needs my help, thought the Dream Lord. She needs to know she matters. 
Gently nudging her nose with his Morpheus exhaled deeply, letting this moment sink into their memories. 
“Let me help you” he whispered. “Let me serve you this time” 
For a second he wondered if he would scare her. But he soon felt a pair of hands cupping his jaw and bringing him to her lips again. She was still crying, Morpheus could feel the salty taste through their kiss. Pulling them both together by guiding her in his arms, he never stopped their kissing. 
Clothes slowly fall on the floor as their hands explored each other’s bodies, eliciting moans and soft sighs from one another. There was so much passion, so much pain too, yet so much gentleness in each of their gestures. They quickly ended up falling on (Y/N)’s bed, still entangled in each other’s presence, perfectly unaware of the rest of existence. Stopping the kiss for an instant, Morpheus took time to admire the view under him; hair sprawled on the mattress, lips red due to their intense kissing, chest heaving with ragged breaths, half-lidded eyes holding all passion he could ever wish for and more. 
The sight of a fallen goddess. A call to worship that can’t be resisted. 
She reached for his neck to tangle her fingers in his black hair and brought him down on her. Every moan sounded like a prayer to him, every heated sigh like a confession to his only ears, every kiss like a blessing. Her hands gripping his exposed back as he rocked inside her echoed his tight grip on her hips. They both needed to feel, to feel the other under their touch because they were craving it.
As they reached their high, nothing else seemed to exist anymore. For those two beings find themselves entangled with each other, baring their bodies and souls to the eyes of the universe, with their mutual affection as only armour. 
(Y/N) released a deep moan, head thrown backwards in pleasure as she came down from her high. Above her, Morpheus let his head fall between her neck and shoulder blade, catching his breath. He then gently pushed away a strand of hair on her forehead before pressing a loving kiss on it. She was already feeling the heaviness of her eyelids when he pulled out of her and took her delicately in his arms. The familiar feeling of sleep was spreading throughout her mind, as she felt Morpheus press one last kiss on her temple. 
“Sleep well, (Y/N)”
Something bloomed in the Dreaming that night. 
And the next morning, as she woke up alone on her bed, (Y/N) smiled softly. For now, she wasn’t so lost anymore. She knew what had always been. 
She trusted him; 
And he trusted her.
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A week later, the Corinthian visited her. (Y/N) was in the middle of finishing another batch of pies when she sensed the familiar dreadful presence creeping behind the kitchen door. She excused herself to the two other girls in the room - another priestess and a regular woman who helped from time to time - and slipped away from the inn. Strolling at the back of the building, she finally noticed the nightmare casually sitting on a small bench put against the stone wall. 
“Hello Corinthian” 
His head whipped to her direction and his usual cocky smirk appeared on his face. 
“Well, hello (Y/N)” he crooned. “You look radiant, as always”
She chuckled softly and walked closer to him. With the years, she knew that flattery and teasing were second nature to him. She probably looked like shit many times when he said that, but it was his way to communicate. 
“How are you doing these days?” asked the priestess as she sat down on the bench next to the blonde nightmare. 
“Oh, the usual you know” he responded, waving his hand into the air. “Scaring humans, being the most terrifying nightmares, threatening to steal eyes, normal days on the job.” 
“I’m glad to hear it” she smiled tightly. 
Even if she knew what the Corinthian was capable of, for she had witnessed many nightmares resulting from him, (Y/N) couldn’t be mad at him. He was created with this purpose, even the most terrible nightmares were needed, after all. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked gently. 
“Can’t a poor nightmare visit his mother dearest without ulterior motives?” answered the Corinthian in a false outraged tone. 
“Corinthian” she pressed in the same gentle, amused tone. She knew him well, and didn’t even respond to his “mother” provocation; she stopped a long time ago. 
“Fine, I came here for a reason” he admitted, never losing his lopsided grin. “I wondered what you did since the Dreaming literally burst with life last week.”
Her eyebrows rose up in surprise. “What makes you think I have something to do with it?” she asked in all honesty.
“Aw come on, don’t make me sound like an ungrateful son now. I know how your presence feels like in the Dreaming, and I’m absolutely certain you had a role in it”
She frowned slightly, searching in her memories for what could have happened to trigger this. Last time she checked, there hadn’t been anything unusual, she carried on her duties to guide the dreamers, with a surge of renewed faith since– oh.
The realisation hit her and pink spread on her cheeks. The high and light feeling that had followed that night had made her unaware of such change in the Dreaming, she had just thought it was her own feeling of the place. (Y/N) would never have thought of having such an impact on the realm. 
“So you did do something” observed the Corinthian, judging by her reaction. “And by his absence of reaction to such power display, I’m starting to think that the Dream Lord has also something to do with all of that…”
Her blush deepened and she slightly ducked her head to the side. She didn’t want him to catch a glimpse of her red cheeks, or of the fond smile brought by the memory of what happened. But the nightmare did notice.
“Oh” he said in realisation, although he already had his suspicions. “I didn’t see that one coming. Or better, I didn’t actually think it would happen. Gross.”
That made (Y/N) laugh gently. 
“Don’t worry Corinthian, I’ll spare you the details” she assured in a somewhat amused voice. 
“Please do” he grimaced. 
A silence followed. It was rather rare for (Y/N) to manage to have the nightmare lost for words. She hummed in contentment. True, the Dreaming had been more vivid since that night. And even if she still had a lot to carry, the revival of her faith, in both the Dreaming and herself, has made it possible for her to continue. 
“I was wondering when it would happen” admitted the nightmare. “I wanted to warn you sooner, but I guess it never hurts to say it late than never”
She turned her face toward him, looking slightly confused. 
“He’s using you, (Y/N)” said the Corinthian in an unusual seriousness. “He just needs what you can give him as a priestess, nothing more.”
In a way, he wasn’t wrong. The intimacy Morpheus and (Y/N) had shared resulted in a powerful renewal of her faith, and thus ensured she could continue to help throughout this delicate time full of revolutionary dreams. Their chaotic and unstable nature could be quite unpredictable. 
“He’s keeping your hopes up so you will keep serving him” continued the blond nightmare. “He does that to people. He uses them, and then he tosses them away like they are nothing. You know that”
“Yes, I know”, she responded in a resigned yet slightly pained tone. “I…I know that what happened is a one-time thing. We’re not bound to be something else, and I’ve made my peace with it”
“Did you really?” 
The way she adverted his gaze gave the Corinthian his answer. No, not really.��
“I can’t ask for more” she whispered. “And he helped me, as much as I helped him. No hard feelings here” she assured looking up at her son-like figure. 
The nightmare didn’t look quite convinced, but he knew that faith was a powerful thing. He couldn’t make her change her mind, no matter how hard he would try. Instead, he simply nudged her shoulder with his own. 
“I just don’t want you to be hurt because of him. He does not deserve any of your tears, mother”
She laid her head on his shoulder, in a rare showing of affection. 
“He won’t hurt me. I promise.”
The Corinthian didn’t add anything else. After all, he knew that all of his love couldn’t make her change her mind. She might have affection for him, but her faith was lying somewhere else. He could only hope that she didn’t put more faith in the Dream Lord than she put in herself. 
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The next centuries were hectic and (Y/N) had been travelling more than ever. As the number of priestesses continued to decline, so did her obligations to stay in one place for long. Travelling alone or with less than 10 people was easier for a nomadic way of life. She could carry on her duties while posing for an itinerary healer, or herbalist. Times were sometimes harder than others, but she had seen worse. All the while, her duties in the Dreaming had been dutifully taken care of. Every time she entered the realm, the warm and comforting presence of Morpheus wrapped around her like a comforting armour. They didn’t saw each other directly since that night of passion. But it was alright for her. She knew she couldn’t expect anything more; his trust and affection were enough. 
At that time, war was raging on - again - in Europe, as the priestess has never seen before. Every country was bleeding out from losses and battles, and (Y/N) naturally found her place in a civil hospital. Even if her times as a nurse or a doctor during vast pandemics and conflicts had always been the hardest in her life, she couldn’t walk away from people in need. The year 1916 was no exception. 
The patients liked her, her efficiency and kind words always seemed to make their sleep easier. 
“How’s the leg today, young one?” she asked while sitting at a little girl’s bedside. 
“Way better! I think I’ll walk again very soon, you’ll see!” chipped the child happily. 
(Y/N) smiled fondly at her while checking her bandages. Children’s hope was always a blessing to anyone’s day, especially in such a hard time. The priestess put all of her tools on a platter and gave the girl one last reassuring smile. 
“I’m going to check if any letter had arrived today. Maybe your brother had written you one”
“I’m sure he did!” exclaimed the young patient. “Will you help me to write him back? Pretty please?”
“I will” promised (Y/N) in a warm tone. 
She started to walk away, mentally taking notes to check on another patient, when she felt the most excruciating pain she ever felt in her life. The platter she was holding clattered on the floor as she held herself onto a nearby wall to avoid falling face-first on the tiles. She felt a cold hand squeezing her heart so hard it made it impossible to breathe. A nurse passing by noticed her and rushed by her side, trying to help her stand. But (Y/N) couldn’t focus on anything the pain was making her head turn in a maddening way, like she was punched on the head non-stop. Between her ragged breathing, only one coherent thought was resonating inside her mind: 
Something is wrong. 
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A/N: The last time I wrote smut was like 6 years ago and it was so cringe so I’ve decided to limit damages here lmao.
Also the Corinthian being so emotionaly invested with the “you’re-my-mother-now” thing was so not planned at all frbekfgrekr but I couldn’t resist 
And I NEEDED to write down that you, YOU READER, matters because hell you do. I love you and you matter, remeber that ♥ 
(my anxiety and imposter syndrome are litteraly looking at me rn like “bitch tf ur the one to talk” lmaoo)
Jokes aside, if you ever struggle with anxiety, confidence issues or other issues on the matter, know that this blog is a safe place and you’re always welcome to talk about it if it can help you. I see you, and I understand you 
Taglist: @endlessdreamqueen @boofy1998 @layla2-49 @witchxlove​ @ londonbrandcandy 
Plz tell me if I have forgot you in the taglist 
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bunnyandbooks · 2 years
The Sandman episodes 1-4
So I’ve seen through “A Hope in Hell,” and thus far I’ve really liked this adaptation. It’s definitely higher production values than some other DC productions, particularly the Berlanti shows, but yet it feels practical in ways that make sense.
Take, for instance, Morpheus’ appearance. At first I was fixated on how human he looked, with his hair that’s not the big birds’ nest but ordinary unkemptness, his stylish but wearable coat, and especially his normal eye appearance. But it did increase the impact when Morpheus’ Dream eyes finally appear at the end of the episode, and I figured that’s probably why they chose to go this route. It was fantastic. I do miss James McAvoy’s almost ethereal timbre, though. Tom Sturridge’s interpretation reminds me of RPattz’ Bruce Wayne, but this doesn’t feel wrong, either.
Cain, Abel, and Lucienne were really great. They chose to remove Abel’s stuttering for something that feels more natural to convey the timidity of his nature, and Cain isn’t nearly as villain!hammy. Vivienne Acheampong has a very striking look that makes it hard to take your eyes off of her (kind of like Anya Taylor-Joy?) and you could believe that she’s part of The Dreaming.
Episode 5 was really fantastic. Despite being the B story, the John Dee subplot was compelling and so full of tension because of how they set up the dynamic with John and Rosemary that I almost was impatient to skip over the Hell sequences, which were beautiful and morbid but slow, until we got to the battle of wits between Lucifer and Morpheus. I love, love how the implications of the battle became physical. I also liked Lucifer, but if anything my complaint was that Lucifer seemed almost too sympathetic and not intimidating enough? But maybe that was also the point.
I know I’m purposely dragging my feet on watching the next episode because the chapter it was based on is easily one of the most brutal things I’ve ever read and I’m not sure if I’m ready to see that on screen. But of course, I must.
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marwahstudios · 4 months
12th Edition of Global Festival of Journalism Noida Inaugurated with Great Pomp and Show
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Noida: The Marwah Studios at Noida Film City witnessed a spectacle of grandeur as the 12th edition of the Global Festival of Journalism was inaugurated amidst great pomp and show. Under the esteemed presidency of renowned international media personality, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, who also serves as the Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts, the event marked a significant milestone in the realm of journalism.
The primary objective of the Global Festival of Journalism is to propagate the values of love, peace, and unity through the medium of journalism, echoing the belief that the world is one family. Dr. Sandeep Marwah, also the President of the International Journalism Centre, emphasized the importance of constructive journalism in fostering global harmony.
With participation from seventy-two countries, hosting 52 events, featuring 60 speakers from diverse corners of the globe, and attracting over 500 media houses, this three-day extravaganza has once again surpassed its own records from previous years, drawing in more than 20,000 attendees.
His Excellency Dr. Ali Achoui, Ambassador of Algeria to India, lauded the concept and vision of Dr. Marwah, expressing admiration for the unique platform that brings the world together. He pledged support to the mission of promoting unity through journalism.
Echoing similar sentiments, Her Excellency Dillah Lucienne, Ambassador of the Republic of Chad, commended the exceptional setup of Marwah Studios and emphasized the pivotal role of journalism in societal progress.
Former Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh, Deepak Singhal, acknowledged Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s pioneering contributions across various domains, underscoring the significance of the festival in advancing the field of journalism.
Faya F Millimouno from the Embassy of Guinea emphasized the core values of journalism, advocating for clear thinking, accurate reporting, and fairness as essential tenets of the profession.
Adding to the discourse, Abu A Jazer, Media Advisor at the Embassy of Palestine, highlighted the immediate impact journalism can have in effecting change, emphasizing its role as a potent short-term weapon for shaping narratives.
Distinguished media personalities including Ranjana Singh Rathore from News Nation, Jaspreet Kaur from News 18 India, and Sumit Chaudhary from TE 9, also shared their insights on the occasion of the International Day of Journalism celebrated on 12th February.
The event also saw the release of poster of International Day of Journalism-12th February to mark respect to the day and a book titled Bombay to Bangkok authored by Amber Sharma, further enriching the literary landscape of the festival. The event received generous support from AAFT University, World Peace Development and Research Foundation, International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, and Asian Unity Alliance.
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dailyfanfix · 2 years
Fic Rec II: Today I Bury You in Me, ch. 3
fic by: @the-darklings
Main Post
Thoughts on Chapter 3 (Spoiler Warning): Year 304
This chapter starts off strong. Immediately you’re given a snippet of what it’s like to be immortal and cursed. And then BOOM–
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If you’ve read this, you already know that heartwrenching feeling. 
I like how the value of The Dreaming is truly emphasised on this first part. Because the contrast of it compared to everything else Wanderer has been through makes the future events of the series even sadder.
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I also love how Lucienne literally stayed with her while Wanderer recovered—literally being the MVP here. That scene builds their bond, and you really begin to appreciate her presence as something very personal to Wanderer.
Then she goes and says that Wanderer is under Morpheus’ protection—AKDHALDHA—but seriously, I like the subtle nod towards the fact that he’s starting to actually care. And I like how Lucienne told Wanderer that so she can be reassured.
Literally—the empathy Lucienne shows in this scene is greatly written. 
Then this next scene with the Corinthian:
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First off, I like how the author didn’t just randomly make Corinthian a character that most of the readers empathize with. In this fic, he’s given reasons to have turned out the way he did—and his dialogue there explains a lot of it in very few words.
His dynamic with Wanderer, especially in this scene is so good because you can really feel how both of them strive to understand each other, and eventually do, which makes their bond deeper, but also tragic because he eventually murders people when we get to the series timeline. 
I like how this part of the story doesn’t sugarcoat Corinthian’s personality. It’s written around who he is, and how Wanderer accepts that. She sees Corinthian’s flaws, and she recognizes them, but they don’t scare her away because that’s just how they are. The complexity of their dynamic I think shows really well in this scene.
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I can’t even begin to describe how much I adore this line. At it’s core, this is who Wanderer is. It’s a big deal that she says this to Morpheus, as well. 
For humans, purpose is good. Humans need a sense of purpose, because they don’t just have one given to them. And Wanderer is human, but she’s spent enough time with entities who aren’t that she’s come to know that what they want is the opposite. 
She’s literally cursed to wander—she can’t exist anywhere and therefore can’t really have purpose, but she’s learned that she can still help, which I think became her own sense of purpose.
But between Wanderer and Corinthian, the common denominator is they both want to be free. Corinthian from his purpose, and Wanderer to be able to simply exist and have the freedom to even want purpose instead of her fate being dictated by her curse. 
AND THE ENDING—I won’t spoil that one, it’s too good, but it’s the first we really see Morpheus kinda empathize with Wanderer, and it’s a beautiful moment. 
Except when Wanderer says “you’re safe”. It’s sad…if you’ve read the part with the future argument about Destruction. 
Yeah. That scene. 
Posted on Sept. 29, 2022
Posted by Sophia
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