#but it literally affects my income? directly? to rate things lower than that
keplercryptids · 11 months
i just think if you purchase someone's art or other handmade crafts, you shouldn't give negative reviews unless what you receive is like, wildly different from what was advertised, etc. "always rate your uber drivers 5 stars" but for indie artists, please.
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avaaricee · 2 years
My 21 Day Challange Plan
What natural resources or other environmental issues do you want to tackle?
Canada is known throughout the world as the number one country with the most freshwater, but little do people know how wasteful our country can be with this privilege we have been given. I’m going to focus my 21-day challenge on freshwater usage.
Why did you choose these natural resources or environmental issues as being important for you?
The reason I wanted to do this is
Because of how we as a society in Canada waste so much of the freshwater we have on very simple things we think don’t have an effect.
-More than 580 billion liters of drinking water, the equivalent of 236,000 Olympic swimming pools, are being wasted every year by homeowners in the Great Lakes region of Ontario
-3% of the earth's water is fresh. 2.5% of the earth's fresh water is unavailable
-Most people around the world do not have access to safe freshwater: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/access-drinking-water-stacked?country=OWID_WRL~Low+income~Upper-middle+income~High+income~Lower-middle+income~Sub-Saharan+Africa~Central+and+Southern+Asia~North+America+and+Europe~Latin+America+and+the+Caribbean~Western+Asia+and+Northern+Africa
-Most of the world doesn't have water, yet Canada has so much but wastes it:
-One of the few countries with access to freshwater and we waste it
What environmental impact is your lifestyle directly or indirectly causing?
My lifestyle is directly causing anthro, eco and biological issues affecting our Earth on a global scale. The problem is due to Canadians fresh water privileges and availability we have come to abuse our amount of freshwater causing lots of problems such as:
Anthropocentric(Humans central importance)-places where clean water is scarce, overusing or wasting household water limits the availability of it for other communities to use for drinking, cleaning, cooking, or growing—and thus contributes to disease, illness, or agricultural scarcity and starvation.
Biocentric(Earth's organisms central importance.)-species rely on freshwater besides humans as a vital component to their survival. Also, as we divert more freshwater from aquatic environments to supplement agriculture, many plant and animal species are threatened or can become endangered.
Ecocentric(Earth's interactive living and non-living importance)-wasting water while our demand for water increases means that we need to compensate for this lack of freshwater by pulling it out of aquifers or groundwater supplies when the regeneration rate is lower than the extraction rate. unsustainably decreasing long-term water security and availability.
Rivers, lakes and aquifers are drying up or becoming too polluted to use. More than half the world's wetlands have disappeared.
A large amount of water evaporates from the surfaces of oceans, rivers, and lakes every day.
Unless water use is drastically reduced, severe water shortage will affect the entire planet by 2040.
Water wastage leads to water scarcity, which can lead to drought. If drought occurs, there are a number of severe environmental impacts that not only cause irreparable damage to our ecosystems and plant life but to humans, too.
Describe your environmental action plan.
This graph shows what the average middle-class Canadian wastes the most water on, and looking at the graph and reflecting on my own life choices and habits; I’ve come to realize that I am most definitely a contributor to the freshwater wastage issue. I’ve decided for the next 21 days I am going to cut back on my water usage, I will do this by:
having shorter showers, mine average 30 min, I’m going to cut tat in half to about 15 min tops
Wash my clothes only when I have a full load of laundry, sometimes I do my laundry when it's not full when I need a specific item of clothing cleaned
I’m not going to keep the faucet running any longer than 30 seconds under any circumstance, because I don't really have any need to do that to begin with, I just find it's a hassle to turn it on and off again which is super wasteful
What aspects of this environmental action plan do you think you will find most difficult and why?
I will have the most difficulty with the showering time cut in half. I don’t necessarily know how I’m going to wash my entire body and shave when I need to do so, but I’ll figure out a solution.
Also keeping the sinks running out of habit, Because I do it out of habit I may not even notice it is running for long periods of time which I will have difficulty adapting to.
How will you honour the commitment you have made in your action plan? What are the rules you will set for yourself? What will you do when you want to cheat? What will you allow yourself to do and not do?
I will honor my plan by simply following it to the best of my ability. I have thought of a way to keep myself motivated if I fail any of the three criteria I’ve set. Depending on the severity of my breach of commitment I will do various workouts. For example:
- I’m going to set a timer for my showers before I take them and if I happen to turn off the alarm or something I'll have to do squats. I have to do 15 squats for every minute I fail to meet the timed requirements.
-Everytime I catch myself leaving the sink running i have to walk around the block and pick up any garbage I see.
-Every time I wash my clothes I have to clean a room in my house; either bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, etc.
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babbushka · 3 years
I’m confused, I was always taught that Reagan was one of the best and most progressive presidents we ever had, granted I went to a Catholic school way back when, what did Ronny do? (In a not accusatory or snippy way)
Hello my dear anon! Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to talk about this, because while I am firmly a believer that everyone can have their own political opinions, objectively, Raegan literally ruined the country through something called Raeganomics -- and that's not just an exaggeration.
Here are some of his biggest lasting legacies that make people remember him in a negative light:
Purposeful inaction on HIV/AIDs
Purposefully widened income inequality through 'trickle-down' economics
Suppression of unions
Slashing of public assistance
Excessive corporate influence on government
Explanations under the cut (with links to articles for further reading, if you're so inclined)!
Purposeful inaction on HIV/AIDs
One of the most notable things that Raegan was responsible for was his failed response to addressing the HIV/AIDs crisis. The first case was recorded in 1981, but one of the first nationally pieces of recognition, the New York Times, posting an article about it in 1982. This was when it was first called GRID, or Gay-Related Immune Deficiency. Because it was affecting primarily gay men, the general public, and the government itself, did not feel any need to stop the disease from spreading. Literally, because it was the gay disease, the overall perception was that this was God sending a cure for the country.
Raegan said and did nothing, not about the disease, or about the deaths, or about the hate crimes that were growing more and more prevalent against queer people. So despite YEARS of begging and marching and millions of people dead -- it's not until 1985 when he even publicly acknowledges the disease that had thousands of Americans dropping dead on his watch. It's not until 1987 when the administration finally forms a committee to look into trying to cull the disease. 47,000 Americans are estimated to have been affected by AIDs by then. It's not until Ryan White, a straight white young man who contracts AIDs and dies when he is only 18 in 1990, that the disease becomes a matter of importance for the rest of the country, because suddenly they understood that disease does not discriminate. HIV/AIDs is still a disease that we deal with today, with over 1.1 million people living with AIDs today in the united states.
Purposefully widened income inequality
It is no secret that associated with the Raegan administration is something called 'Raeganomics', which, while being a very complicated economic theory, ultimately boils down to establishing a "trickle-down" economy. Where, in theory, those at the very top who hold the majority of wealth in the nation, allow that wealth to move down through the middle and lower classes by either investing it or spending it in communities.
And of course, as is well evident, that just, didn't happen. The wealthiest of the nation received large tax cuts in order to hold onto their wealth to trickle down, but instead of actually spending it, they put their money into off-shore banks and then asked for more. I could get into the why's or how's of economics, but just know this -- the tax rate used to be anywhere from 71 and 94% for the highest tax bracket, money that was used to fund this nation's infrastructure, roads and schools, maintain a healthy economy, provide public services and budgets for progressive programs.
Raegan slashed it down to 28%, and in doing so widened the income inequality gap almost immediately, something that we're still seeing today. The reason why you and your family pay more money in taxes than billionaires like Bezos and Musk is directly because of Raeganomics.
Suppression of unions
The backbone of this nation has always been fought by the Unions, which are organized groups of laborers who fight for better working conditions, safer working conditions, and good pay. The reason you have a weekend is thanks to the unions. The reason why we don't have child labor is thanks to the unions. And in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, unions were an incredibly powerful part of working society, because they ensured that workers would not and could not be exploited by the CEOs who want so desperately to exploit them. Well, thanks to Raeganomics and the tax cuts, CEOs were starting to play a much larger role in the The Raegan administration, and ultimately, Raegan sided with them to effectively put measures in place that slashed the importance or power of unions.
It first started with dismantling the Air Traffic Controller's union, then followed up with slashing taxes for the elite rich who employed the union workers. Then it continued when the recession that the tax cuts caused laid off workers in the auto industry, and still declined when he appointed a "management-sided" man named Donald Dotson to chair the National Labor Relations Board.
But what really put the nail in the coffin, was his push for something called the Right To Work law, which mean that state governments have the option to not fund or support unions, removed protections for unions, and that employees do not have to join unions if they don't want to. What happened as a result, is that companies began firing employees who threatened to unionize, turning the unions from having great PR, to being a thing of fear.
This is directly related to why minimum wage has been so low for so long. Thank Raegan for that.
Slashing of public assistance
Because of the enormous tax cuts for the ultra rich, the country fell into a deep recession, and as a result many programs were cut for the poorest of the nation. Food Stamps, the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Federal guaranteed loan programs for higher education, Legal Assistance, etc., all took a big hit.
The reason your student loans are through the roof? Raegan. The reason unemployment benefits are near impossible to navigate? Raegan. Directly his fault.
Excessive corporate influence on government
I think one of the things that's very important to understand is that Raegan was a film actor before he went into politics and became president (sound like someone else we know?) and he was actually neither a Democrat nor a Republican -- he was a Libertarian. And what Libertarians do, is look at America like a business. Which is exactly what Raegan did, and exactly why his presidency fucked up our nation. He thought that the president was like the CEO, and that the people were employees, which, is fundamentally not how that works.
So it's with no surprise that he allowed SUPER-PACs to completely take over political parties in accepting money donated heavily by them to write the policies that shape this country. The reason why so many politicians, particularly Republicans, are in their seats of power is because of the millions or sometimes billions of dollars that CEOs fund them, to write the laws they want. That's entirely Raegan's fault, and at his encouragement.
So, from these 6 major things alone, we have a country that has been ravaged by disease, thrown into poverty and recession, killed the middle class, boosted the wealthy 1%, accrued enormous amounts of debt, and prevented economic mobility for anyone to hope to climb out of it. And that's not even mentioning his war on drugs and increase of mass incarceration for privatized prisons, his insane military budget leading a larger budget deficit, the Iran-Contra scandal, among many many other things.
As I said earlier, people are allowed to think he's a great president if they want, but factually, his actions (and inactions) have fundamentally and irreparably broken the economic landscape of our nation for the poor, working classes.
I encourage you to research further into this, if you so desire. There's a lot more than I mentioned here, I only picked what I thought to be the most famous of his failures as a president.
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thirteenthspirit · 5 years
A Sustainable Pokéconomy
I thought about combining two of my biggest interests – Finance, the economy, capital markets, etc (basically what I do for a living), and Pokémon (what I wish I did for a living).
Yes, I would call myself a wannabe Pokémon Master. I’m proud to have a career of over 20 years of Pokémon catching, training, breeding (gimme that Ditto) and exploring. Apart from competitive battling, I’ve practically done it all, spanning multiple consoles and generations. And I am still just as excited about it as I was.
That’s my response when people ask me “What do you do for a living?”. Followed by “I also work for a bank”. Then they chuckle and I say “Just kidding”.
Something we’ve been working on, at the bank, is repositioning our Client’s assets under management (AuM) to a more resilient stance – the global economy is pretty late in the economic cycle, so a downturn is expected, in the near future. The last recession hit everyone pretty bad, not just the financial sector. Families worldwide struggled - guess they ran out of PP - Purchasing Power, since many jobs and companies collapsed.
This made me wonder whether they have recessions in the Pokémon world. Certainly an economy where there are state-maintained Pokémon centers in every major town, has a pretty high tax rate – at least judging from how much is deducted from my salary for social security and the like… And given people seem to retire at an early age – at least our mother in one of the generations was a former nurse Joy, and she seems pretty young to be fully retired… But don’t mind me, I’m just taking my fictional mother’s pixelated measurements.
Gym leaders also seem to be state-operated. Maybe the Elite Four has something like the “Pokémon’s Guild of America” (PGA) and funds every Gym and employee. Not to say they have a lot of money, but… Chuck you have LITERAL WATERFALLS IN YOUR GYM AND LIEUTENANT I’M SURE THOSE SWITCHES DON’T RUN ON SOLAR POWER. In gen III our father works at the Petalburg gym, so that’s the family’s main source of income. Yes, because in Hoenn kids don’t send their mothers part of their earnings for safekeeping (and the occasional purchase of Sitrus berries). So trainers come and battle, when they lose they pay the winners - workers for the gym – let’s assume they work (partly) on commission. How many battles they win, directly translates to how much money they get to play the slots at Celadon. So only part of their income is state-funded – maybe even none of it.
Hm. Perhaps instead of reallocating from stocks to bonds, I should start advising my Clients to open their own Pokémon Gym in their local town. I wonder if that’s under the “Real Estate” or “Alternatives” investment space.
They could then create a network of gyms which exist co-dependently, culminating in challenging the Elite Four. Maybe the proceeds could be shared among the gyms, I mean, assuming Clair wipes the floor with her Kingdra much more often than Falkner does with his Pidgeotto…
But the question is – is this model sustainable? Or is the Pokémon world headed for recession, no better than ours?
Well, let’s put the cards on the table – there is a global event that triggers the down cycle. The Fed (Federal Reserve) has no choice but to announce a recession, while Europe is already seeing its GDP constrict more than a Shellder on a Slowpoke’s tail. People get scared. They still remember what it was like in the last one – millennials (for as irresponsible as people like to paint us) grew up during the financial crisis and live fearful of seeing themselves unemployed. “João used Unemployment!“ -It’s not very effective... at sensitizing politicians to the living conditions of lower-income households or avoiding the downturn in the economic cycle.
What is the first thing people do, in a recession? They tighten their purses. They cease spending, they ponder first before spending their entire monthly wage on 5 Fire Blast TM’s (because THEY MIGHT COME IN HANDY AND IN THEIR COUNTRY THEY AREN’T REUSABLE). So let’s assume parents will stop allowing their kids to go on the Gym challenge – the losers have, after all, to pay the proceeds to the victor, so clearing the competition altogether sounds like a plausible reaction. Gyms react. They see their proceeds decrease, and some gyms end up having to fully fund others. And unless they are covertly run by the mob (*cof* Viridian *cof*) or change their layout every year (yes because a ROLLER COASTER WASN’T ENOUGH ELESA), they will have no choice but to close their doors. This in turn means Trainers would skip that town on their quest to be the very best, affecting local Poké Marts, stores and businesses. Companies would relocate, families would follow suit – investment would go to new and profitable areas. It would take years before a certain degree of stabilization could be achieved.
Which is exactly what has been happening since 2007 – that financial crisis was deeper than the 99F dungeons in PMD and we have only now recovered from it. Families were able to save a bit and achieve some stabilization, companies restructured their debt at (record) low levels, unemployment is at an all-time low and earnings are still sky-high. It’s been a long way to recovery. And like the move Recovery, the economy’s just an accurate Dynamicpunch away from losing its entire HP and reverting back to its most vulnerable state.
It’s a frail state, no one knows where the punch is gonna come from, whether it’s gonna spillover from low manufacturing data from Germany, or president Trump’s abuse of Hyper Voice, or the collapse of tech unicorn Sylph CO due to poor sales numbers (because ghost spotting is still more reliable than WeWork’s business model).
So buckle up, grab those Iron Defense-using Torkoal and reallocate your assets to non-cyclical sectors and classes. Because something is coming. No one knows what, or when, but make sure you do something before it’s too late.
And don’t forget to call your mom.
Best of luck with your spawns,
                                                                                                 -João A. (Pachiren)
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jamesatkinson · 7 years
Union Editors & Universal Health Care in California
Tumblr media
Above: nurses & activists rally the California Senate Health Committee to vote YES on SB562 - April 25th, 2017
Hi. My name's James Atkinson. I’m a union editor, I'm volunteering for Healthy California, a universal health care campaign, and I wanted to ask you for help.
Here’s the Deal
Healthy California (SB-562) is single payer health care bill in the California state senate. It's like a statewide version of "Medicare for all" - it would provide great health insurance to every California resident, and lower costs for about 90% of us. It's not a pipe dream - it has momentum & could actually pass, since California's state government has a Democratic supermajority. One crucial ingredient to making this happen is popular pressure - California Dems are more likely to vote in favor of SB-562 if they know their constituents want it badly.
So far, multiple unions have already endorsed SB-562 and I'd like to add Editor's Guild to that list! I've talked with the Editors Guild office a bit, and it seems like they'd like more info on the bill before making a decision.
I want to give them that info! I've talked with Labor For Health Care - they're kind of like the union outreach team for Healthy California. They'd love to send a policy expert to give a presentation to the Guild (this would also give the Guild an opportunity to give feedback on the bill). My plan is to send a very polite letter asking the Guild to hear them out, and alongside that letter, I want to include a pro SB-562 petition featuring union editors like you and me!
The Only Thing You Need To Do
If you're an Editor’s Guild member and you’d like to help, and all I need you to do is sign this petition (by signing it, you're basically saying "I support SB-562, and I'd like Editors Guild to meet with the campaign and explore the bill".)
Please feel free to forward this page to any other union editors who might be interested! Also, please email me if you want to get more involved with the campaign.
Thanks! - James
Okay, You Can Stop Reading Now
... but if you're curious here's a FAQ:
Q: Why should a union member support universal health care? We've already got a great plan. Here's 3 reasons:
1: Under Healthy California, you can keep your health coverage no matter what, even if you're too sick/injured to work. This is one of private health insurance's big weaknesses - if you get too sick to work, you lose your job AND your coverage! I have personal experience with this: When I was in high school, my dad got cancer. He couldn't work, and our family eventually declared bankruptcy.
2: Private health insurance eats your paycheck. American health care is expensive, and the costs are increasing faster than the rate of inflation. As these rates go up, the studios shift the costs over to us (which means we get raises less frequently). One example of this phenomenon: the recent WGA negotiation where health fund contributions were a central issue. Cost shifting is a widespread phenomenon in the US. A recent survey for University of South Carolina says 71 percent of Fortune 500 companies plan to raise employee contributions for their health insurance.
3: The Cadillac Tax (aka The Excise Tax) This sounds boring but it affects your life! It keeps getting delayed, but eventually (maybe by 2020) a 40% excise tax will be levied on all insurance costs in excess of $10,200 per year for single coverage and $27,500 for family coverage. As In These Times puts it: "These caps are set to rise at a much slower rate than the costs of health insurance, which means nearly all union-negotiated plans will eventually face the choice between radical cuts to coverage or paying the hefty tax."
Q: How much will this cost me? How is the bill funded? The California State Senate Appropriations Committee is discussing this right now (and an economist is preparing an impartial financial report due within a month or so), so soon there will be more precise answers.
For now, I can tell you that it would be funded by...
1) Savings: Public health insurance is more efficient than private plans, and a big patient pool of 40 million Californians will have the leverage to negotiate much lower prices from health care providers.
2) Already existing public funds: Taxpayers already pay for about 70% of healthcare expenses. Healthy California will consolidate these funds, and direct them to this new universal plan.
3) The remaining percentage will be covered by a new progressive tax mix: "Taxes" is a taboo word, but this would be a net savings for 90% of Californians. Instead of having a chunk of your pay go to Kaiser or Blue Cross (ie our current system), a smaller chunk would go to Healthy California. Also, there would be no out of pocket costs (like deductibles or co-pays) for anyone in the state.
Q: Are the benefits good? The benefits are great and compare well to our plan. (I copied the below section directly from the bill and bolded some of my favorites)
"Covered health care benefits for members shall include, but are not limited to, all of the following:
(1) Licensed inpatient and licensed outpatient medical and health facility services. (2) Inpatient and outpatient professional health care provider medical services. (3) Diagnostic imaging, laboratory services, and other diagnostic and evaluative services. (4) Medical equipment, appliances, and assistive technology, including prosthetics, eyeglasses, and hearing aids and the repair, technical support, and customization needed for individual use. (5) Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitative care. (6) Emergency care services. (7) Emergency transportation. (8) Necessary transportation for health care services for persons with disabilities or who may qualify as low income. (9) Child and adult immunizations and preventive care. (10) Health and wellness education. (11) Hospice care. (12) Care in a skilled nursing facility. (13) Home health care, including health care provided in an assisted living facility. (14) Mental health services. (15) Substance abuse treatment. (16) Dental care. (17) Vision care. (18) Prescription drugs. (19) Pediatric care. (20) Prenatal and postnatal care. (21) Podiatric care. (22) Chiropractic care. (23) Acupuncture. (24) Therapies that are shown by the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health to be safe and effective. (25) Blood and blood products. (26) Dialysis. (27) Adult day care. (28) Rehabilitative and habilitative services."
[it goes on for a while longer, read the bill here if you're curious]
Q: Why do I care about this? I have a few reasons!
For one, last year, my Mom had a liver transplant. She's doing great now, and one thing that save her life (and saved us from another bankruptcy) was the fact she had a single payer insurance program - Medicare. I think more people deserve these kind of great benefits!
Also, at the hospital, I met a lot of transplant patients - and I learned they have to fight through debilitating, multi-year symptoms (like chronic pain, immobility, comas, childlike confused thoughts, etc). They also have very intense medical needs (for example, my mom takes expensive immunosuppressants a few times a day - if she misses a dose, or can't afford one, it could be fatal). These patients *already* face very difficult challenges - if Trump's AHCA goes through, it would literally be a death sentence for some of them. Healthy California could make their lives a lot better. Anyway that's one reason why I have a sense of urgency about this.
If you're curious, here's a good article on the nightmare that is liver failure under our current health care system.
Q: What happens next? The California State Senate health care committee just voted YES on the bill. The Appropriations Committee votes on it within a month or so. Right now the campaign is focusing on canvassing those senators.
Q: What's the long term time frame? This is a big campaign with a lot of variables. I've heard people estimate it could take 1-2 years to pass this bill.
Q: How can I help? 1) You can join the campaign and get regular updates on how to help (we'll be canvassing regularly)
2) You can donate to support campaign activities (like bussing supporters to Sacramento to rally Senators)
3) If you know anybody else in any other union who supports single payer, feel free to have them email me! I'm working with the campaign on a broader outreach effort.
4) If you want to train to speak/campaign for the bill, join the campaign, and contact your regional coordinator. Q: What if I have more questions? The flyers on Healthy California’s page answer a bunch of questions! Also, you can email me, or contact Labor for Healthcare!
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foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
"Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the best way to get car insurance for a new driver?
I'm buying my first car soon, probably a Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris or possibly a Ford Focus. The vehicle will be used and I only have my G2 (since Dec. 2011). I'm over ...show more""
Insurance question for 17 yr old driver (sports cars)?
At the end of the summer I am allowed to buy my own car. At that time I will have been driving for about a year and a half under my parent's insurance. I have 2 options as far a buying a car: putting about a $5000 down payment on a car and my parents paying off the rest before I graduate college, or buying a car for $5000. The cars I would buy for $5000 would either be a mitsubishi 3000gt or a nissan 300zx. I like both of these cars, but they're not very professional and since I hopefully will have whatever car I buy through college, I want something that doesn't scream hey i'm fresh out of high school and stuck with a sports car! As far as putting a $5000 down payment at a local dealership, my limit is about $16,000 at the most. For 16,000 I was looking at a used (obviously) BMW M3, Mazda Rx8, and Audi A4, or (if I get extremely lucky and stumble upon a) Infiniti G35. These cars look a little more mature than the ones I would buy for $5000.""
Car insurance for 18 year old student?
Wht is the best possibly cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old student. I don't care if it's the lowest coverage.
Im wondering how much i should expect to pay for car insurance?
im 17 years old and got my license about 2 months ago (without drivers ed) and i have a 1989 honda accord coupe im just curious how much i should expect to pay for insurance for..1 month? 6 months?
""I was rear ended, will my insurance go up?""
I was rear ended and filed a claim with my insurance company. It was clearly not my fault since I was hit from behind. However, I wonder if I want to get the car fixed through my insurance company and pay the deductibles, will my insurance go up in the future? Any help is much appreciated.""
Do I need to buy car insurance before I buy the car?!?
I'm going to buy my first car. Do I have to show the dealership proof of insurance before they will let me go with the car? OR I can buy the car just fine and it's not their business whether I have insurance or not ? I doesn't make sense to me to buy insurance for a car I don't have yet. How does this work? thank you.
if i was to work for pizza hut or dominos or any other delivery shop in the uk.and they would provide a car for me.would i have to have my own insurance on my name.or would they cover this
What company provide cheap life insurance?
What company provide cheap life insurance?
""In Las Vegas, do you have to have car insurance in order to drive? Is it required.?
Do you have to have car insurance to have a license?
How easy is it to change my car insurance?
I am 23, and never changed my car insurance before. I had it for 5 years. I paid $65, then after a ticket, over a year ago it suddenly went to $87. That is with progressive. Esurance offered me $55 for same coverage. If I usually pay on the 20th, can I call them up, set up new plan, and have it start on 20th, and have old one stop on 20th, without another bank deduction?""
I will be 16 soon and I was looking at getting an 01-03 BMW M3. Any ideas on how much insurance would cost?
I live in Florida and I'm a new driver, also this will be my first car (if that helps with info about the insurance)""
Affordable health insurance?
I'm nineteen years old and I don't have health insurance. I'm going to be a college student in the fall. I was wondering if anyone had any idea how I could find good, affordable health insurance? Also some help as to how the whole co-pay thing works would help out, too. I used to have a certain health insurance for people from low-income families but they just cut mine off so I need to get some. Thanks in advance!""
Someone hit my car and driver has no insurance i have full coverage will my insurance cover me?
my cousins roommate reversed into my car with his friends truck and he said he doesn't have insurance. i have full coverage with a deductible of 500 will my insurance cover me even that it wasn't my fault and driver has no insurance?
""Solo accident, going to file sr-1, repair estimate $2200. should i tell insurance? (2nd accident in 5 months)?""
first of all, yes, i am a bad driver and i'm really going to drive slow from now on. this is my 2nd car accident in 5 months. the first one was deemed 70% my fault(my car and another one involved, we went through insurance). in this most recent one, it was just my car and a wall initial repair estimate is about $2200. i'm going to file an sr-1. so it looks like i have several options: option1) file the SR1, don't even call the insurance company, pay out of pocket option2) file the SR1, tell insurance, get them to pay for some of the repairs, and i pay for the rest option3) file the SR1, tell insurance, have them pay for all of the repairs how would my future insurance premiums be affected in each situation? how would it affect my DMV record and points against my driving record? i'm guessing the insurance company will find out even if i don't call them directly because of the SR-1 i'm going to file. but if i don't make the insurance company pay, will they not hike up my premiums as much? any suggestions or knowledge about sr-1 and insurance? thanks!!""
Whats the average price of insurance for a moped ...vespa...49 ccs in Los Angeles?
I'm 17 yrs old and am planning on buying one when im 18... so i want to know the average price of the insurance for someone barely obtaining their license... i'm guessing its way more convenient then paying a ton of money for car insurance...
What's the average insurance premium for first drivers these days?
I'm 18, and im going to buy a car. It's a 2002/2003 car, so not too recent. Im looking for quotes online and the cheapest im getting is about 4500. This is me being the policy holder and not any other family members. Does this sound right? Personally i think it's outrageous... Thanks.""
""(new driver) quoted 3600 /year for insurance, do they really expect me to pay that? lol?""
past my driving test about a month ago now, im insured on a family member's car as a 2nd temp driver which is pretty cheap but its short term insurance, im driving this car just fot more experience, i want to buy a Vauxhall Astra in about 2months and i did a check on the insurance and got a quote, heres the details 3,645.42 Instalments Deposit: 769.08 Monthly: 11 x 318.15 Total: 4,268.73 Do they really expect me to pay that? Im employed full time, i earn about 1000 a month, if i get the astra (on finance) thats about 200 /month for the car, 300 /month insurance, 80 /month parking and not to mention petrol, lets say 60 a month, Its way too much, MY QUESTION, Is there any other insurance options for me?""
Car insurance cover query?
I have had an ongoing problem with a succession of worn ignition keys that are a pain when trying to start or open the bonnet on my Ford Focus.Will standard fully comp car insurance cover the cost of a replacement key/barrel if i take it to the dealer?
What characteristics in a car make the insurance lower?
i am 19 year old male in Ontario buying my first car. and insurance prices are REALLY HIGH! i was just wondering when picking out a car, what i should be looking for that will result in less costlier insurance rates. for ex: certain makes? year? THANKS! also if you have any tips for me, that would be much appreciated!""
Age for car insurance?
I have heard that you cannot get your own car insurance policy untill you are 18. Is this true for new york state?
Drink driving insurance?
I was convicted of drink driving last year. Just got my driving licence back. Does anybody know where I can get cheap car insurance, theres loads of companies that say they specialise in convicted driver insurance but some of the prices I have been quoted have been astronomical. 1000+, Ive tried all the comparison sites, is there any companies out there that specialise in providing insurance for convicted drink drivers?""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?
Which Insurance company is best for Whole Life Insurance ?
I have search only 2 big compnay Metlife and New York Life. I am 24 years old and want that whole life insurance for my life. So i want to know which compnay i need to choose for whole life insurance.... Metlife or New York Life ? I have quote from metlife Insurance...Agent told me my premium payment gonna be $3510.00 per anuual for $500,000.00 ( insurance amount). and i am 24 yeras old it has cash value too.. So i need some information from ur side...should i take it or ?""
What is the most affordable cancer insurance for a girl in her 30s in japan?
not including shakkai hoken and kokumin hoken. i got those already. i want supplement insurance
""CAR INSURANCE FOR A 17-YEAR-OLD, 5000 quotes. Genuinely can't find any quotes less than 5000?""
1.3 KA 2002, immobiliser, no tracker fitted yet (intend on). Not bought the car. 17-year-old as the main driver and owner, passed a month ago (roughly). I know it's obvious, but KAs are the easiest cars to buy, the car is valued at 995 (the one in mind). I can literally find 5000 quotes. The car is worth less than one fifth of this. And yes, I know that car insurance will be expensive, but reading over forums etc, some people have managed to get it down to 2000. I've tried Diamond, elephant, comparethemarket, gocompare, literally everywhere. Admiral won't give me a quote and places like Tesco will only quote 18-year-olds. I will literally LOVE anyone who knows of any quotes around 2000-3000. Any less, I believe is impossible. And I realise that insurance companies take the Michael, but please don't state the obvious with a comment like Insurance will be expensive - 5000 is about right , surely it can't be, I've found so many forums of people saying they have quotes from 2000, but not telling me where from. ):""
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Tips on how to get first time drivers car insurance down?
Hey, so I have my driving test on June 3rd but i am looking to buy a car before then in these next few weeks. Ive been getting some quotes on some possible cars but the cheapest quote i am getting is 4,500, which is absolutly ridiculous! I thought 2,000 was pushing it and i dont intend to pay more than 2,000 a year. The cars ive been looking at are Peugot 206s, Vauxhall Corsa SXI, and Renault Clio's. Which i believe are in the cheapest insurance band. I just dont understand why im getting quotes of 4000/5000. Most of my firends with similar cars pay 1,500 a year which seems right. I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone give me tips on how to get the price down. Should i add my mum as an additional driver? Do modified cars (alloys and tinted windows) dramatically increase the insurance price? Any reccomended insurance companies? Thanks guys!""
How Much is insurance for a mini cab diver?
Hi i am 21 years of age and live in london. I was hoping to take up mini cab driving but need to know on average how much insurance will be for me on a Vauhxall astra 03 plate. please let me know and if theres any good websites with instant quotes do let me know many thanks,.""
How long on workers comp can you keep you health insurance from your work?
i mean like for things not related to my work injury? how long do they have to keep my job for me?
Do all full times jobs give you health insurance?
I just got a full time job. The guy really didnt say anything about health insurance or any kind of insurance since its full time i was wondering if i get it? its about $9.00 an hours. not sure if that helps any tho
Can anyone tell me about affordable life ins. after age 80?
I have a term policy that will expire in two months, and would like to find an insurance co. that has some ins. that is not priced so high that I can't pay the premiums. Thanks for not sending any SPAM !!""
My car insurance went up 50 more dollars a month. They said it's an increase in Florida ?
Do any one know where I can get some good reasonable car insurance
""If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
Most Comprehensive Health Insurance for a College Student?
I'll be going to college in a few years, and I'm fully aware of the healthcare crisis. Although money is an issue, my health is more important. Assuming that money is not ...show more""
What is the best health insurance for a newly married couple to get?
My husband and I just got married and are looking to get health insurance. we both can not get insurance through work. we live in arizona, my husband attends ASU. We are both involved in masters programs. We are looking to start a family poss. with in the year! what is the best coverage we can get, with our student incomes? thanks in advance for any advice / guidence you can provide!""
What health insurance can i get? i have been rejected by all the insurances do to the fact that im obese?
im 20yrs old and weigh 350 pounds im only 5 7 and dont have health insurance ive been rejected by all. i need to see a doctor because lately i haven't been feeling to good and i know its because of my weight. also i would like to get a gastric bypass but i need good insurance but no one is willing to give me insurance. but i would atleast like to have any kind of insurance to go see a doctor. please help because im slowly diying. oh and i live in california and my job doesnt offer insurance.
Car insurance question?
My car got hit... the bumper is almost falling off. It is not my fault and the other person's insurance is covering it and they are sending me a check to cover the cost of it being fixed. Here's the thing... my car is a POS. I doubt it's even worth $1000. Do I have to get my car fixed with the money? Or can I use it how I want (such to help get a new car with)? I know the ethical thing to do would be to get it fixed, but it may actually be totaled (still drivable but the cost of getting it fixed may be more than it's worth). I was thinking about telling the insurance company, but I don't want to risk losing the $ to get it fixed... I've heard of other people getting in accidents, then getting the check and just not getting the car fixed. Anyone know?""
Help with car insurance?
I am 15 with 1 month before my birthday, and of coarse my license. I have made some sort of a deal with my parents. This deal allows me for every month I postpone my license i get a percentage of the insurance they would have payed. How much is insurance, how much of it should i get, and is it worth it?""
Which is the type of insurance to avoid?
Which is the type of insurance to avoid? A- mortgage insurance B- identity theft insurance C- disability insurance Why?
How much will my insurance go up if I am at 100% fault ?
I was in a car accident that was found to be 100% my fault. Accident itself was not too bad -- other car's front bumper( one side) dent.. so how much should I expect my insurance to increase ?
""I was misled by auto insurance company, what are my rights here?""
OK i signed out with all-state insurance company. The quote was $380, the agent faxed me only papers to sign since i was happy about the quote. I asked her 2 fax me the Insurance Id card but she did not(i waited a week). After tired of waiting and being turned down by DMV 2 renew my car registration i called the office and asked someone else 2 handle my case. Things went fine without her help , the new guy sent me the Id card immediately. On Friday i received all the papers & the ID cards but i was suprised when i saw $415 ...i called but didn't speak with her, the guy that helped me B4 was like but you signed the papers, i asked him 2 send me the papers i signed again..and guess what? The psycho lady played me cause, she only faxed me papers 2 sign but not the papers that showed $415, all i agreed was based on the quote she gave me which is $380. She never sent me the $415 papers. What can i do with this cause they are not prepared 2 refund me or fix their numbers""
What's the benefit of saying you have no car insurance?
I need Insurance help?
Hey, I just got a full-time job that pays very well. I make roughly $1500 a month, and I was looking to get a new vehicle as a means of celebrating my new step into adulthood. The vehicle I was looking at was a 2005 Pontiac GTO. I'm 19 years old, so I would have to get my parents to help me with cosigning. That wouldn't be a problem, since my parents have good credit. Now, my parents said that they'd cosign if I pay for both the car payment and insurance monthly. I also pay $200 a month for medical insurance, phone bills, etc. The car payment monthly would be about $400 a month, so that would be about one check. My question is, does anyone know roughly how much insurance would be for me? I currently pay $122 a month on a 2002 Taurus, with just one speeding ticket on my record. Any ideas? Thanks""
Will State Farm full coverage insurance pay for my car since it was total loss and i still owe the bank?
the guy had full coverage was his fault and im up side down with my bank car loan?
Can a car insurance company sue you if you want to cancel mid term?
For what reasons, if any would they have to sue you if you decide to cancel your car insurance mid term?""
Do you buy insurance before buying a motorcycle?
which comes first?
Is farmers insurance that bad?
I've read a lot of bad reviews about farmers insurance. i have an interview with them next week for a bilingual office claims representative position... What would be the career goal at this position. to become an agent in the future?
""I have AETNA insurance full coverage, and my hospital bill is $42,519, will my insurance pay all of it???""
i was in a sever car accident, lost control hit a tree. and my hospital bill is $42,519, for only 5 days in the hospital. No broken bones, no surgies. i only had a minor head concussion, and a few bruises. i have AETNA full coverage insurance and i am a full time college student. now will aetna pay all of the hospital bills..or do i have to pay some. im really confused.""
Is lowering ur car high for insurance?
So I'm in a situation with my dad in buying a car which is my first car. It's an 96 integra. First ima start off saying I'm interested in import cars just the way it looks. And I find this car on Craigslist that's already been lowered. I'm Tryna convince him about it. But he thinks its gunna be high insurance. Can someone tell me what he's worried about? He thinks I like low cars so I could hug turns but I just like the style. Someone help me!!!!
What is the best cheap car insurance qoutes in the uk!!?
pleas help!!
How to get cheap car insurance ?
I have just passed my driving test 2 weeks ago and im 18 ive been searching forever to get a cheap quote but its not working anyone know what to do and who to go with
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Will my premiums go up on car insurance if I'm not At Fault?
I live in the state of Michigan. Someone rear ended me at a stoplight. My tail light is broken and my bumper is sagging along with other minor scratches etc. I have 2 main questions ...show more
What auto insurance gives the cheapest full covarge becuase my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year?
What auto insurance gives the cheapest full coverage because my friend thats a guy says its 4000 dollars a year since his girlfriend totaled his car.. looking for prices ranges typically around 2500 a year
Massachusetts Health insurance?
Massachusetts Health insurance? I am in fifties and currently living in California. Due to the California high cost of medical insurance, My wife and I are thinking of moving to Massachusetts state, get a small home there and retire there eventually. The reason that we are thinking about is that we overheard Massachusetts have a much lower health insurance cost ($50/month ?). Please advise us if you are currently living in Massachusetts state or other states that have less expensive health care insurance and housing cost. You advise is greatly appreciated. Jo""
What is the average cost of insurance for a teenage driver per year?
I'm 17, and in about a month I'm getting my provisional license. My parents are having me pay for my insurance, and I was wondering if anyone had a rough idea of what I might be paying. Thanks!""
I got into a motorcycle accident. insurance question...?
When I wiped out on my bike I tried to make a claim after I got home from the hospital. Little did I know that my insurance coverage had ended two days before the accident. Now my question is, will my health insurance pay for my medical bills from the accident or will they deny me because of my lack of motorcycle insurance at the time of the accident? When I found out about my lack of coverage, I immediately paid and got up to date but they told me that those two days when my coverage ended will not be covered... am I gonna get hit with all the medical bills? Or will my health insurance step up and cover me?""
Couple questions on cars and insurance..?
Here are a list of questions i appreciate being answered.. Why would your car be stopped if your taxed and insured? Could I use my name and everything on the insurance but change a couple of details like age and stuff? Ways to make insurance cheaper? Could I use my dads insurance and use his details? WHat does a provisional licence allow me to do? This is because i have been looking into buying a Range Rover sport on a finance with my dad but the insurance has come to 17 grand!!! I am 17 with a provisional.
Cheapest way to insure 19 yr old boy with one year no claims bonus?
owns own car,has pass plus. been driving 1 yr on own insurance.wants me to put him on mine as he can't afford another yr on own. Can i do it? Is it legal? Is it cheaper?""
Car with cheap insurance and cheap to run.?
Can any one advise which car to look for that has cheap insurance , low tax and is economical to run .I dont need a powerful car .""
Health insurance for low income college student?
I was just wondering if anyone had some suggestions for reasonably priced health insurance in Minnesota. I am very physically active, do a lot of running and weight lifting; so my primary concerns are coverage for treatments involving possible breaks, fractures, muscle and tendon tears/breaks, and other things of that nature common with active individuals. Preferably something under $100/month because I am in school and with my current income I am lucky to average $800/month take home. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated because I have not had health insurance for 9 years since I was no longer eligible for my mothers health insurance.""
My car got totalled and my car insurance expired. HELP!!!?
My brother totaled my car and i cant get it fixed because my car insurance expired. Can I wait to get my insurance renewed and get it fixed or just forget about it and get a new car under a new insurance policy?
Car crash and insurance?
i had a crash today, it was not my fault (was told by the police), i had my insurance, but the other party does not, i was told i have to pay for my car full coverage because the other party does not have insurance. Is that true? please help me, thank you!""
""If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
Help with car insurance cost?
I'm a 18 year old male with a clean driving record I'm on my parents insurance plan I want to get a used jeep wrangler with a lift kit what's a good estimate on how much it would cost monthly for me to have this vehicle?
How much is registration/insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anyone know how much car insurance is in QLD australia for 6 monthda and a year for a 17 year old
Selling a car with no insurance?
I am selling my car but have already cancelled my insurance policy. Can a potential buyer test drive my car on their insurance or does my car have to be insured separately?
How much would insurance be for a 2003 Acura RSX?
I am a male, 22 years old, clean record, live in Whitby Ontario. I also went took driving lessons (people say that will help lower insurance) and i am a class G driver (full license) I know coupes are usually more expensive for insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate of how much insurance would cost per month or for the year? I know i can call and get a quote but I want to see what the average is. Thanks!""
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and ...show more""
Where do i get health insurance in texas. im 18?
18 year old male. Parents dropped me. Sad day:(. Haha so where would I find cheap good health insurance :)
Nice cars with out the insurance?
first off what is the difference between a normal cars insurance and a luxurery car like a ferrari.second, i have $100,000 and im looking for a nice fast car, but i dont want to buy a ferrari or sumthing cuz of the insurance is a lot higher i heard. i was even thinking about buying a 2009 ford f150 and souping it up with rims and everything but i'd rather a car thats really nice. does anybody have any ideas for a nice fast car with normal insurance?""
Damaged rental car. How much should I pay?
Hi. I was involved in an at-fault car accident while driving a rental. Here is the rental situation: The rental car was not insured through the independent rental company. My insurance won't cover it either. I was never offered rental insurance and there was no contract signed regarding the car in question. The owner of the rental company has a rent-to-own business as well, and priced the car at $6,000, but is letting me pay just $4,550. According to Blue Book, the car is worth anywhere from $2,100 to $2,900. I'm willing to pay for the car. My question is, do I pay what he is asking or pay what the car is worth according to Kelly Blue Book? If I would have bought the car before the accident I would have never paid $6,000. It was only in fair condition when I got it. Thoughts? Thanks""
Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca?
What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California?
How much is auto insurance in China for an American?
I'm studying in China for about 18 months. I want to buy a car there and drive it. I've already figured out the licensing stuff, no big deal, but how much/how do I get car insurance in China?""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in San Antonio?
I'm just looking for a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!!
Car insurance questions?
1. if I have 5 years no claim bonus, can I use it on 2 different cars? different insurance companies 2. if my car insurance will ask for my no claim bonus will they return it or keep it? 3. lets say I bought a car for my dad, for his birthday but put my name as the owner of the car by mistake, can I just call DVLA to change the owner name before they send the documents to me? 4. which companies give no claim bonus for second driver? is it only Direct Line?""
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Citroen c2 1.4 insurance why so expensive how to get smaller quote?
I just bought a C2 1.4 04 plate less than 30000 on clock semi auto and when I came to insure it nearly died! More than I paid for car! I am 30 and have been driving for 5 years, the first year I had my own car then I have driven hire cars or been a named driver on relatives cars. No claims, points, accidents or offences. WHY SO EXPENSIVE??? Please help me I feel in so annoyed as can't drive without insurance and at this rate can't afford to insure! Any info greatly received :)""
Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?
Do insurance or real estate companies hire teens (16+) for part time positions?
Huoniao 125-8 Insurance?
I'm buying this bike in a couple weeks time brand new. And I was just wondering what insurance is best/cheapest for a 17yr old rider. Thankyou! Also i've heard about this company called Rampdale, it's cheap, but apperently they completely **** most riders over?""
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
How much does it cost to add a minor to my (RACQ)insurance if there under the age of 25?
Cheapest car to insure?
Hi Everyone, im 21 male from ontario canada and im looking at getting my frist car, I've been driving my parents mini van for the last few years as I am a college student and live with then when him home, which isnt very often because im in school all year round. So im wondering, what are some cheaper cars to insure, both new and used? Thanks""
Cooperative young drivers insurance car modification?
Hi, I am looking forward to install a tuning box/chip tuning into my car, it is a under the hood performance modification and doesnt show anything on the exterior. Thanks!""
What exactly does term life insurance mean?
I have been paying in to a Chase Life term insurance policy for $100,000.00 for over 10 years. I have recently received a quote for $250,000.00 term policy for LESS than I am paying for the $100K policy. Do I lose anything by changing companies?""
Affordable Health Insurance Florida Question:?
So I'm looking up affordable health insurance florida sites for more information. Found nothing useful so far. Can anyone help? I just need the best or most reliable site you can share.
How much will my speeding ticket be?im 57 never once had a ticket/moving violation..it was in a school zone?
i was caught going 20 on a 15. i was driving my friends car will her insurance go up now?..i am on her insurance since we live togeather. does anyone know how much this ticket will cost me i am in las vegas
How do I get money from my insurance company when car is titled in divorcing husband's name.?
I totaled a car that is registered and insured in my name. The title is in the divorcing husband's name. He won't sign the title to get insurance check. Even if he did the check would go into his name. What can I do to get the money? Or what should I do? Lawyers are not much help right now.
Does anybody have Affordable Health Care benefits for individuals and the entire family?
Are you or your family looking for affordable Premier Health Care Savings Plan with up to $2,000 Accident Coverage with only $100 Deductible(on or off the job at school or at play)You ...show more""
Is it legal for insurance companies to require that you have a certain amount for personal bodily injury?
coverage before they can give you an insurance quote.
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Car insurance trying to be cheap on repairs?
I was recently in a car accident. The other driver T boned me and he's at fault. I have my car towed to a certified BMW repair shop. The insurance adjuster assessed my car and approve the repairs.I later found out that they are going to repair my car with piece meal parts from used car from a junk yard. Half a door and part of the frame will be welded. Is this acceptable? BMW said it will not fit there standards but it is what the insurance paid for. Is the insurance trying to cheat me or is this standard practice? Do I have any say on this? Should I get a lawyer?
Do red light camera infractions hurt your insurance?
on the ticket it reads: this infraction will not be a part of your driving record and will be processed as a parking infraction. I live in Seattle, WA.""
Insurance salvage cars?
i want to buy salvage and damaged cars from insurance companies which have been written off. I understand that salvage yards do this. does anyone now how i can buy written off cars from insurance companies
UK car insurance question?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old boy, 3rd party F&T. 1. Provisional licence holder 2. Full licence holder Thank you""
Why is health insurance important?
Why is health insurance important?
What happens to your health insurance if you get sick & can't work?
What if you have health insurance and something happens where you get so sick you can't work, so you can't pay your health insurance bill each month since you can't go to work anymore. Will your health insurance be active while your sick and out of a job? Or will it shut off since you stopped paying the monthly bill since you weren't able to work? I don't get it, why would someone buy health insurance if when they actually get sick, the health insurance will be canceled? What if I break my leg, and can't work...and in 3 months of not working my health insurance gets cancelled...but it takes 6 months to heal your leg. I don't get it.""
I haven't received my national insurance?
I'm 16, going to turn 17 this year. I am from Bolivia (south america) I have live in the UK for 7 years and I don't received any benefits ... I haven't received my national insurance and i don't know why if any one knows why or how i can get? then please tell me thank you""
Car insurance for my 18 year old son Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 Getting Quotes of 5000 !!! HELP !!!!!!!!?
Car insurance for my 18 year old son Vauxhall Corsa Value 800 Getting Quotes of 5000 !!! HELP !!!!!!!!?
What are my rights? re: car insurance?
I'm a bit short of money at the moment, so on the 31st January i phoned my car insurance company and asked them to suspend my insurance. They told me the direct debit request for February had been sent on the 29th January, which they couldn't stop, and would be taken from my bank account on the 1st February and i would later bee refunded that amount. Today i received a letter in the post telling me they would hold the payment and use it when i continue the policy or use it towards a cancellation fee if I don't unsuspend the policy. The policy ends in June! The reason i cancelled is because im on benefits and just don't have the money to afford this right now. Anything i can do?""
Car Insurance Help..?
I just turned 16 and got my license about 2 months ago. My dad and I are now car shopping for me and I found a car that I really liked, but don't know if it would be expensive insurance or not. If you could help and give me an idea of about how much it will be a month? 2001 Acura TL $5200 (Private Owner) 6 cylinder 3.2 liter vetec 4 door sedan automatic has a salvaged title passed state inspection 77,000 miles I also live in Ohio and my dad has state farm.""
Can I drive a car and get it insured in my parents name?
I'm thinking of buying a car as soon as I pass my driving test next month and I heard that car insurance for a 20 year old is really expensive so I was wondering if I was able to ...show more
If you didn;t need to buy car insurance till you get into an accident?
Would you buy insurance till you needed it. Same with Health insurance, why buy it till I need it. Obama Care says you can not be denied health care for pre existing.""
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
Cripple Creek Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80813
0 notes
djgblogger-blog · 6 years
For richer or poorer: 4 economists ponder what 2018 has in store
At least one economist worries we'll be mostly poorer. AP Photo/Go Nakamura
Editor’s note: We asked four economists to offer their thoughts and insights on what they expect to be a key theme or issue in 2018.
The Gilded Age returns
Greg Wright, assistant professor of economics, University of California, Merced
Income and wealth inequality are currently at levels last seen during the Gilded Age – when the top 10 percent of Americans owned nearly three-fourths of overall wealth, and the bottom 40 percent had virtually no wealth – and 2018 will see things get a whole lot worse.
Now, the richest 1 percent of Americans own 40 percent of U.S. wealth, more than the bottom 90 percent of Americans combined.
In spite of this, Congress just significantly reduced taxes on capital and on high-earning individuals. Other income earners got smaller, temporary cuts.
Meanwhile, the government has yet to renew federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, a program affecting 9 million poor families, and the tax bill repealed the Affordable Care Act’s individual insurance mandate, which may ultimately lead to a loss of coverage for millions of low- and middle-income Americans.
Other policies that will be enacted or pursued in 2018 that could further widen the income gap include cuts in important programs like Social Security and Medicare and a continuing rollback of financial, environmental and other regulations that benefit a few companies at the expense of all Americans’ living standards.
Why does widening inequality matter?
While some argue that inequality is irrelevant as long as all incomes are rising, even that has not been true in the U.S. for decades. The average income for the bottom 50 percent of Americans has been unmoved at US$16,000 since 1980. In addition, recent evidence indicates that family income in childhood is a strong predictor of the likelihood that an individual will produce innovations as an adult. Poverty and social inequality thus lead to “lost Einsteins.”
Not long after accepting the Nobel prize in economics in 2014, Robert Schiller stated, “If we wait until income inequality is much more severe, we will have a whole class of new superrich who will … feel entitled to their wealth and will have the means to defend their interest.”
In 2018 we may begin to put these fears to the test.
War on poverty, revisited
Patricia Smith, professor of economics, University of Michigan
By many measures, such as GDP, income and wealth per household, the U.S. is among the richest countries in the world.
At least one measure, however, makes the U.S. look not so rich: its poverty rate. The share of American households living on less than half of the national median income, a commonly used measure for international comparisons, is the second-highest in the developed world, at 17.5 percent. While the official U.S. poverty rate puts that lower, at 12.7 percent, even by that measure over a quarter of children under 5 lived in poverty in 2016.
Past presidents have tried several ways to fight poverty. Lyndon Johnson declared “unconditional war” in 1964 and championed anti-poverty programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Bill Clinton changed the battle strategy 32 years later by pushing people to work more.
House Speaker Paul Ryan has once again reopened the debate on how best to win the fight by declaring poverty will be a focus in 2018. The rhetoric of the Republican plan sounds promising, beginning with “If the American Dream isn’t true for everyone, it isn’t true for anyone.” It would make work more rewarding in anti-poverty programs and improve education and training.
But Ryan has also made clear he plans to cut Medicaid, Medicare and other anti-poverty programs to reduce the national debt, all of which were central to reducing the official poverty rate from 22 percent in the early 1960s.
Part of the argument supporting a focus on cutting debt is that it spurs growth, which in turn reduces poverty. The U.S. did experience this prior to the mid-1970s, when growth appeared correlated with less poverty. Since then, however, the poverty rate has responded little to economic growth.
In fact, the correlation may work the other way around because research suggests that lowering poverty rates cuts health care costs and federal spending and boosts growth. Specifically, improving health and nutrition for the poor is critical to long-term growth, leading to higher productivity and incomes. For example, economists estimate that the cost of childhood poverty in terms of lost economic productivity approaches $294 billion annually.
Economic optimism and health care
Christos Makridis, Ph.D. candidate in labor and public economics, Stanford University
Americans began 2018 more optimistic about the economy than they’ve been in at least a decade.
How can the government sustain and build on this hopefulness – a key driver of consumer spending – among individuals and small businesses in 2018?
In my view, one of the most important ways to do this is by reforming health care in a financially stable way. Rising health care costs and the tax plan’s repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate mean it’s urgent that Congress tackle this in 2018. Health care exchanges may implode without the mandate.
Health care spending made up a record 18 percent of U.S. gross domestic product in 2016, up from 17.3 percent five years earlier. While spending has slowed a bit from previous decades, it’s beginning to accelerate and is forecast to reach 20 percent of the economy by 2025.
Following last year’s tax cut, some in Congress – perhaps ironically – are arguing that the focus now needs to be on reducing the budget deficit in the short-term. But the deficit is a long-term problem that is nearly impossible to balance without figuring out a way to rein in health care spending in part because it makes up so much of the economy.
Scholars from both sides of the aisle agree the status quo is problematic: There is far too little competition and incentives are too weak. While there is no easy answer, structural changes like introducing penalties for poor hospital performance in Medicare reimbursement claims could help.
Health care is one of the few items that matters to literally everyone, from small business owners and corporate executives to households of all incomes. It’s also one of the trickiest because of its life and death nature, with quality of service difficult to gauge and costs often not borne directly by patients.
I believe the tax cut President Trump signed into law in December will help turn the current economic optimism into tangible reality for tens of millions of families. By tackling health care next, the government could continue that momentum. Delaying reform will only make things tougher down the road.
Trade takes center stage
William Hauk, associate professor of economics, University of South Carolina
President Trump made it clear during the 2016 Presidential campaign that he intended to either renegotiate or withdraw from most of the United States’ international trade agreements. In 2018, he may finally focus his energy on these campaign promises, which would put our prosperity at risk.
Early on in 2017, he announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. We’re already beginning to see the negative impact of that decision. Our economic and political influence in Asia may decline in 2018 and the years ahead.
He has also set his sights on the North American Free Trade Agreement and began renegotiating its terms. Talks are likely to accelerate in 2018, with the pact’s unraveling a real possibility.
And in interviews, he has declared the World Trade Organization “a disaster.”
International trade deals are an often misunderstood part of U.S. economic policy. However, they can have a large impact on the economy.
Since the end of World War II, the U.S. has taken the lead in setting up a multilateral, rules-based system of international trade. Central to this system was the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. In 1994, this agreement was transformed into the WTO.
Under this system, world trade has expanded dramatically over the last 70 years. In 1947, trade accounted for approximately 6 percent of U.S. gross domestic product, whereas it now accounts for approximately 15 percent. Today, U.S. exports support over 11 million jobs, while imports of many staples from overseas increase the purchasing power of domestic households.
A retreat from a multilateral, rules-based system of trade brings with it many problems. Domestically, it increases the probability of “trade wars” with our major trading partners. Relatively minor disputes could easily escalate into trade sanctions and counter-sanctions, like in the aftermath of the Depression-era Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which raised tariffs on hundreds of imports.
Internationally, it could make it more difficult for developing countries to engage in trade relations with their much larger and wealthier counterparts.
While the Trump administration has drawn attention to the U.S.’s large trade deficit, most economists agree that trade agreements have little to no effect on that.
Certainly, some aspects of institutions such as NAFTA and the WTO can be questioned. However, a general retreat from the postwar system of trade could be a dangerous path for both the U.S. and the broader world economy.
Christos Makridis has received funding from the National Science Foundation.
William Hauk has received funding from the Center for International Business Education and Research.
Greg Wright and Patricia Smith do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.
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topinforma · 7 years
New Post has been published on Mortgage News
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2jt5F0d
Trump blocked FHA mortgage-insurance cut -- here's what that means - CBS News
When Donald Trump, on his first day as president, halted a planned rate cut for government-backed mortgage insurance, Carlos Fernandez was worried about what it meant for his plans to finally buy a home. He even tweeted a plea for information:
Mortgage and Real Estate experts! I need to know if after Trump’s FHA decisions if I’ll still be able to buy a house this year.
— Carlos A. Fernandez (@notjustdrums) January 23, 2017
For Fernandez, a 30-year-old who lives with his wife in Jersey City, N.J., it was a surprisingly personal brush with politics.
“Most of the stuff that Trump was planning on implementing doesn’t actually affect me directly,” he told CBS MoneyWatch. “This is the first time that a president sat down and started making decisions that personally affected me. It was literally an hour after he became president. That was a little scary for me.”
The order, one of several Mr. Trump signed within an hour of his inauguration, essentially keeps the cost of government-backed mortgage insurance through the Federal Housing Administration at its current level. But for people like Fernadez, a first-generation American who works as a worship leader at a local church, it’s a worrisome sign that homeownership won’t get any easier, especially in some of the country’s tightest housing markets.
“When my parents pass away, I know I’m not going to get anything from them,” Fernandez said. “I need something to start with and FHA was the closest thing to that–and the fact that it’s not going to get any easier is troubling.”
Watch: Trump signs executive orders on first day as President
Donald J. Trump signed executive orders in the Oval Office on his first day as the President of the United States. Watch the clip here.
About 700,000 to 800,000 Americans are affected by the president’s action, according to the National Association of Realtors. Here’s a breakdown of what it means.
What changed with FHA rates?
On Dec. 27, the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that premium rates for mortgage insurance on loans backed by the Federal Housing Administration would drop by a quarter of a percentage point, bringing them in line with what rates were before the housing crash. Homebuyers getting a government-backed loan and who put down a small down payment would have benefited from a slightly smaller monthly payment in the first years of their mortgage.
The change was set to go in effect on Jan. 27, 2017. Ben Carson, President Donald Trump’s pick to head the housing agency, told a Senate committee on Jan. 12 that he would “really examine” the change, and noted that the transition team was not consulted on it.
About an hour after Trump was sworn into office as president on Friday, he signed an executive order putting the rate cut on hold.
The administration could, however, reinstate the rate cut at some point in the future, several experts noted.
What is FHA mortgage insurance?
Conventional mortgages require a homebuyer to put down at least 20 percent of the price of a home. A borrower can put down less, but would be required to pay mortgage insurance, which protects the lender in case the borrower defaults. This is because these types of mortgages are considered higher-risk. The cost of the mortgage insurance is added to a homeowner’s monthly payment, along with the mortgage interest, principal, and homeowner’s insurance that protects the property and its contents.
The Federal Housing Administration is one of several organizations that provides mortgage insurance. But other lenders use “risk-based pricing,” meaning that borrowers considered more risky pay more, according to Laurie Goodman, co-director of the Housing Finance Policy Center at the Urban Institute. Because of this, a so-called risky borrower would pay less if they went with an FHA mortgage over a private lender.
“The FHA does a disproportionate amount of loans for first-time buyers, minority buyers, low-income buying; it’s hugely important,” Goodman said.
Nationally, the FHA backs about 16 percent of mortgages, according to the agency’s statistics and figures from the Mortgage Bankers Association.
Historically, the interest rate for FHA insurance has hovered around 0.625 percent. Again, that rate is in addition to whatever mortgage rate a borrower can secure. During the housing collapse, the price of insurance rose dramatically as people defaulted on their mortgages in high numbers. After the Obama administration cut the FHA insurance rate to its current level, in January 2015, home purchases saw a corresponding bump.
With the rate now remaining at a relatively high 0.85 percent — compared to its historic average — it’s uncertain how the housing market will be affected.
How much does it cost?
For a family buying the median home — which cost $234,900 as of November — the cut would have reduced their mortgage insurance payments by $576 a year, according to the NAR.
Because the rate is a percentage of the mortgage loan, however, its effect varies widely across the nation. In expensive housing markets, like those around New York, Washington, D.C. or the San Francisco Bay Area, homes often start at half a million or more. In that situation, a homebuyer could benefit tremendously from a small cut of 0.25 percent.
Part of the rationale behind the planned FHA decrease was to offset rising interests rates on mortgages, which have been steadily increasing since the election and are expected to keep rising as the economy improves. That could make it harder for borrowers to get mortgage financing.
Who’s affected?
While the change was set to go into effect on Jan. 27, because mortgages often take a long time to process, many lenders had already alerted their customers about lower rates, said David Stevens, president and CEO of the Mortgage Bankers Association.
“Some lenders already told borrowers that their rate was going to go down. Now they have to re-disclose, go back to the borrower and tell them their rate is going to be higher than they expected,” he said.
“Some people will actually get priced out of the market; for others this will be more of a headache,” said Ken Fears, an economist with the National Association of Realtors. “For those who will be priced out of the market, it’s a big deal.”
The NAR estimated that some 30,000 to 40,000 people who would have been able to afford a home purchase with the anticipated lower fee will now be shut out of homeownership, while 700,000 to 800,000 will pay more for mortgage insurances than they otherwise would have. Others may have to adjust their home purchase plans — as a Twitter user named Jim Bennett noted.
@SJerzGirl@realDonaldTrump@CNNMoney We’re buying later this year.. I guess we have to look at smaller houses. The Real American Dream!
— JimBennett_EOF (@EbayChumps) January 21, 2017
Stevens and Fears both noted that the rate cut has been suspended — not eliminated — which means the administration could choose to reinstate it in the future.
But given the president’s promise to reduce the size of federal programs, it’s far from certain that some homeowners will get the help they need.
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topinforma · 7 years
New Post has been published on Mortgage News
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2j5C5hM
4 Things to Consider in Retirement to Make Your Money Last
In the years leading up to retirement, you can keep your financial focus pretty simple. It’s all about working and accumulating money.
But the closer you get to actually calling it quits—and permanently stopping those paychecks—the more important it is to drill down a little deeper, to make sure you have a plan in place to help you preserve your wealth so that it lasts for as long as you live.
SEE ALSO: 10 Financial Decisions You Will Regret in Retirement
Here are four things to consider in retirement:
1. Be tax efficient.
It’s what you have left after taxes that counts.
If you’ve been preparing for your eventual retirement, you’ve likely been putting money, tax-deferred, into a traditional 401(k) or individual retirement account for years. It might even be your largest asset, maybe worth more than your home.
But getting excited about the number on your statement is kind of like celebrating the score at halftime. You aren’t in the clear yet. The government is going to expect you to pay taxes on that money when you take it out on the back end. And if you take it out in a rising tax environment (which, let’s face it, is likely to happen in a country saddled with trillions in debt), you’re probably going to be giving more to Uncle Sam and putting less in your own pocket.
There are ways to be tax efficient when it’s time to start taking withdrawals, but you have to have a plan. You might consider, for example, a Roth IRA conversion, which would have you pay tax today at lower rates in exchange for future tax-free growth, helping to offset your future tax liabilities in the event rates rise. Another consideration may be offsetting your retirement account tax liability with tax-free life insurance.
So the million-dollar question (perhaps literally) is: When is the last time your financial professional asked to see a copy of your tax return?
I don’t prepare taxes. I don’t want to prepare taxes. But I know my way around a tax return. I know what to look for, and I can give more actionable advice from a financial standpoint by knowing your tax situation.
If your adviser hasn’t looked at your return and hasn’t talked to your tax preparer or your attorney, that may be a red flag.
2. Develop an income plan.
When you get to retirement, the whole idea is that you’ve saved enough money that you can make that leap. You can say, “Okay, I did it; I finally can stop working.”
Your Social Security and pension (if you have one) probably aren’t going to be enough to replace that regular paycheck, so you’ll have to use your savings to generate income.
That means you have to know your number.
How much do you need to have coming in every month? And what is the rate of return you’ll need to have every year to generate that income?
Depending on what financial vehicles are in your portfolio, your income is going to come from two places. The first is dividends—cash flow from the investments you own. The other is market returns, which rely heavily on hope—hope that the markets behave, that the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates low, that the circus in Washington works out, that there isn’t a terrorist attack. As investors, we hope all these things because they affect the stock market.
How much are you relying on hope? Let’s say you decide you need 6% a year to live off of during retirement. If you buy a low-cost index fund, which is what some people say you should do, and it pays 2% in dividends, the other 4% is coming from hope. Two-thirds of your return expectation is coming from something outside your control.
An income-focused plan can help take the burden off hope and give you more confidence in your financial future. Focusing on higher dividend paying blue chip stocks, preferred stocks or other durable income producing investments (real estate, for example) rather than a buy-hold-and-pray index fund may help generate your needed retirement income.
3. Control the downside.
Losses in retirement hurt more than gains help.
Imagine your friend has a $1 million portfolio. And in one year, it goes up 60%, so he has $1.6 million.
Meanwhile, you had $1 million, and you made 30% that year. You came out at $1.3 million —not nearly as much as your friend—who no doubt has been bragging at the golf course.
But the next year, he doesn’t do so well. He loses 40% and now has $960,000. You lose too, but just 10%. So you have $1,170,000 in your account.
You both have an average return of 10% per year, but you have more money.
Financial advisers and some investors (like your friend) like to talk about average returns. But in retirement, when losses really count because you’re no longer contributing, it’s the real return that matters. Managing the downside risk can help keep you afloat.
4. Build your fiscal house as you would a real house.
Of course you want to start with a strong foundation, with money that’s principal protected, such as certificates of deposit, fixed annuities and government bonds. But you also need a roof—what I call your risk money. You wouldn’t risk it unless your objective was to get high growth. This is money you could lose due to forces outside your control. That’s anything that trades on an open market—stocks, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, variable annuities, currencies and commodities.
The walls of the fiscal house are made of investments meant to provide various benefits, such as income, cash flow and inflation protection. They might include private investments—such as opportunistic real estate, senior secured debt, core equipment and private equity—that aren’t correlated to the stock market.
Now you have to determine how much you should have at each level.
Start at the top. For risk, you might follow the prudent investor rule: take 100 minus your age. If you’re 65, 35% is the maximum you should have in the roof. And you can build out the rest of the house from there, depending on your needs.
Just as you wouldn’t go without a blueprint when building a real house, you shouldn’t skip this stage in retirement.
Pull all the parts of your plan together now, and you’ll be far more comfortable when that much-desired retirement day comes.
See Also: How to Build a Retirement Strategy While Reducing Risks
Curvin E. Miller IV is vice president of Russell & Company Total Wealth Management. He is a Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor designee through the College of Financial Planning, has passed the Series 7 and 66 exams and is a licensed insurance professional.
Kim Franke-Folstad contributed to this article.
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