#but im not writing this with yennefer included in the relationship at all
Prompt 27
Geralt is fighting a mage who takes his memory of the last 30 or so years and plops it in a jar before fucking off. Geralt is confused, but even moreso when he returns camp and some guy in obnoxious clothing is waiting for him. The man gasps at Geralt's appearance - No big deal, humans always do - Before rushing over to him and pouncing to attack. Geralt does the smart thing and flings the human away. The human slides in the dirt a bit and looks up at him with hurt in his expression, which is... odd. Roach also seems a bit peeved. Maybe because there's a strange man in their camp? "Geralt, what's gotten into you? That- That was rather rude. You could've just said you didn't want me to hug you today." "Today?" "Yes, Geralt! I hug you after every hunt gone well! Every day! What are you, a doppler?" "Are you?" "Hah hah, very funny Geralt, I'm laughing, truly, I am." "...How do you know my name?" And suddenly the human looks very worried. "Oh fuck- Did you hit your head or something!? Do you have a concussion? Can witchers even get concussions!?" The bright man screeches, reaching for him again. Geralt very awkwardly flails his arm up to swat his hand away with a harsh "Don't touch me." and the man glares at him, before slowly just looking... sad. Deep down, Geralt dislikes seeing this man look upset. It causes this odd ache deep to his core. Geralt begins interrogating this man about why and how he knows him, and the man keeps talking to Geralt as if he's some poor wet puppy in a box. Eventually Geralt tells him to leave the camp and not follow him. The man doesn't listen. Geralt is getting really fed up with him, until the man tells him he'll leave Geralt if he takes him to some woman named "Yennefer" because "She'll hopefully know how to help." This in turn becomes Yennefer saying Geralt's lost all his memories of Jaskier, Jaskier sobbing into Yennefer's shoulder as she awkwardly comforts her weird gay friends, and then her sending Jaskier and Geralt (and or also coming along) to track down the mage and get the jar of memories back, even though the entire time Geralt is adamant about Jaskier not coming, fearful for the human who seems to care so much about him for some reason. Either he can't trust this "Jaskier", or even worse, this Jaskier who seems too perfect to be true is real, and does indeed care for Geralt this much, and thus Geralt can't let ANYTHING bad happen to him.
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bardicious · 2 years
Notable Witcher Season 2 writing I willingly discard completely from my canon of the show:
Geralt's instant parenting skills
Roach being alive for 33 years.
Eskel's death (though personally I like that it might have been a doppler or something similar and he comes back after the season ends)
The unreasonable amount of Witchers still living. And their fighting skills (that are subpar and henchmen like). My canon has only ever had Coen, Lambert, Eskel, Vesemir, Geralt, and whoever else is still alive (if they become relevant in Season 3, if not than I don't care - they don't exist either)
The other Witchers' armor that can't compare to Geralt's or Vesemir's.
Toxic Masculinity in the Witcher keep! BLEH! (Or I turn it into Toxic Witcher...inity? Cause they've had a hard life and hate outsiders now or something. Idk)
Rience finding the Witcher keep somehow???
Jaskier's fumble while sandpipering
Geralt's whole ass personality, really. (As in, take out all the toxic masculinity, the apparent uncaring of his friend and past lover, his only emotion being "protect ciri")
Anything Rience does past Jaskier's torture scene (cause I really don't get how he got to be anywhere in that story, also let him use more magic! I get it, he likes fire! But I need more, wtf)
Emhyr's whole ass face.
Any too ridiculous comic relief bit with Jaskier (they went way too much into it at several inappropriate times - which they've done in Season 1 and I've happily ignored in those instances too + though Im not saying I can't see Jaskier making jokes to lighten up tense moods - thats something I happily accept in his character and is in my keep list)
Yennefer and Ciri making it all the way back to Cintra... (feels like it makes light of Ciri's journey outside of there).
Triss' sudden wig, and Ciri's.
Lots of costuming choices this season.
Triss' attraction to Geralt and their whole thing... felt awkward honestly.
Alternatively Witcher Season 2 writing I will be keeping for angst purposes, things I like despite everything, and things I love.
Jaskier accepting Geralt's apology and Geralt not giving him a better one (thats really just on par with their relationship)
Geralt and Jaskier's entire rocky relationship
Jaskier's drinking problem before and after Rience (clearly started either after Geralt abandoned him or possibly another result of how the war and the persecution of the Elves has hit him hard)
Jaskier's destroyed lute (I miss you, I love you, but aaaangst)
Jaskier's sense of humor at the wrong place and the wrong time. What can I say, the man hides his tension and fear well.
Yennefer's everything. She's perfect. I love her.
Ciri, my love. You're doing wonderful.
Jaskier is fantastic too accept for how they did him dirty.
Lambert, Coen, Eskel's Netflix looks (yall are all lovely, and we don't need no game!canon versions).
Deathless Mother/Baba Yaga - I GUESS - she's the main villain of this Season so I have to keep her, but I wish she weren't so anti climatic. (She needs rewriting)
Every Witcher has their own personal medallion (I think it's really neat)
Jaskier and Yennefer bbfs. <3
Rience, my beloved.
One more, just for good luck, Witcher headcanons I add in to make myself happy and angsty:
Jaskier's torture burns are not healed up and he hasn't showed anyone the marks.
Jaskier's general ptsd after Rience tortures him.
Rience mildly (or a lot?) obsessed/attracted with Jaskier. (Why, yes, Jaskier, he is a big fan)
Rience finding Geralt, Yen, and Ciri by mistake and then attacking them.
Eskel is alive, and he's got a goat, he just hasn't made it back to the keep yet.
There are more Witcher schools (just in case there aren't in the Netflix version)
All the Witchers, including Geralt have scars on their faces.
Geralt starts showing facial hair.
Jaskier isn't human, but he doesn't know about it.
Stregabor is dead (I hate him - I hate Vilgefortz and Emhyr too but unfortunately they're too important to sacrifice to the canon gods)
Triss gets a change of heart, and makes up with Ciri. (no book/game canon Triss here, I know she's awful)
A year and a half passed - since Jaskier saw Geralt last. (I don't know how much time really past, but it needs to be more for me cause this all happening at once is too much)
The Deathless Mother is the reason Yen lost her powers.
The Deathless Mother's grip on Yen being so powerful Yen doesn't realize herself, how little in control she was. She believes it was her decision to sacrifice Ciri, and on some level it was, but she would never have done so if her mind was all hers.
Ciri and Yen bond for more time before Yen ultimately tries to sacrifice her. It's her budding love of the child that fights the Deathless Mother's grip in the end, but not quick enough to stop completely from her goal. Geralt still stops her. They still fight and don't quite make up for the finale.
Lastly (only one point), things I know f*ck all what to do with:
Jaskier's purpose for being in Kaer Morhen (WHY DOES GERALT GET HIM OUT OF JAIL???? NO REALLY? WHY?) I haven't the faintest how to place Jaskier there in a way it makes sense. Because the way Geralt's been acting, there's no real reason for him to have gone to jail break Jaskier (who was in trouble, but when he got there, Geralt didn't seem to care anyway, sooooo....)
This list is not at all concise enough. I have more thoughts and rewrites, mentally speaking. But Imma leave it at this.
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gayregis · 4 years
Hi, just wanted to ask, how did you get into the witcher franchise (did you read the books before you played the games or vice versa?). Love your blog, byeeee :)
ty for the ask!! i hope you dont mind if i go too in-depth because i was legit thinking about this earlier today... 
tldr: i played tw3 and liked it, then read the books
i got into the witcher because one of my favorite gaming youtubers was doing a playthrough of tw3 on youtube in around i think september 2017. i liked this specific gaming youtuber for being shit at games and not caring about it... but tw3 was a different game. it felt like the decisions mattered, that there was an actual story here, that when this youtuber made shitty decisions and didn’t really care about the characters involved, i got frustrated because this game seemed really good... so i picked up the game myself and played it though, it was magnificent. not to r/witcher “the witcher 3 is literally the best game created in this history of ever” but it was sincerely good... not only does it have a great story, characters, and graphics, but it is genuinely comfortable to play as a game, even if you’re not great at games (i like playing video games but i’m not good at them when it comes to combat, i literally just would prefer to hack and slash through). so, i played through tw3 and the fact that it made me cry multiple times i found to be really interesting... but it was still just a game to me, it wasn’t something i thought about when i have time to daydream headcanons. i had read i think the witcher (short story) halfway through playing, just to get a feel of what tw3 came from, but from that, i realized the books and the games were incredibly different entitities, and i decided to not read the books until i had finished the game, or at least until i had more free time on my hands (mind i was in high school and was a senior, and during this time was when i was submitting college applications... exceptionally stressful, and the reading/writing part of my brain was absolutely fried from essay writing and reviewing). i was particularly struck by geralt and ciri’s relationship and the isle of mists quests fucked me up pretty bad. 
then around later 2017, i was really enjoying tw3, and had finished tw3′s base game and hearts of stone, and was now making my way into blood & wine. i was just playing it like normal, then came the part when geralt met regis. at first i wasn’t too interested (i mean, i was, but in the story of blood & wine, not in the books) until the little journal text pop-up appeared on my screen. you know, the one about quests you just received, or characters you just met. it was going through the motions of saying i finished this quest, picked up this new one, i was all like fine, fine, okay, alright, and then it just fucking puts regis’ long-ass name on the screen taking up a good amount of my FOV and i am immediately like, what? what the fuck? who the fuck? that’s the name? of the guy we just met? that guy??? he didn’t seem like someone with a name like that? who the fuck IS this guy.
so i head over to the wiki page for regis. i thumb through the basic information, i’m pretty interested, this quest stuff to find ciri sounds interesting. i decide to give the witcher books another try, because i have more free time now and am way more invested as everyone here as characters. also, i want to find out more about yennefer, because she was being badmouthed by everyone i saw online, and i wanted to read more about her and see if she was really so bad (spoilers: she’s not at all, the internet is just misogynistic).
i don’t think that i’m going to actually really care about these books, i just want more flavor and explanation about how in hell a witcher met a vampire and these two somehow became friends. so, i don’t care about reading them in order. i go online and find fan translations of every book, i open baptism of fire and i just start reading the bit about the fish soup. i’m suddenly just laughing my ass off, really interested in who these other characters are, milva and cahir, and how dandelion seems to actually be the best friend to geralt that he was said to be in tw3. i also notice immediately that geralt... oh my god, geralt’s such a cranky bitch. i’m SHOCKED at how annoying geralt is. i realize that this is probably what geralt’s been like, this whole time, and tw3 just gave me a sterilized version of him. i’m trying to decide if i like this change or not, at first i HATED it... but then realized it actually gave him a character, where in tw3 he feels a little more... empty, waiting for the player to project a personality onto him.
so, i just read all of the hansa bits of baptism of fire, skipping over anything i don’t understand. i am saddened when i can’t find any more, so i move onto tower of the swallow. and then lady of the lake. “oh, so that’s why geralt was surprised to see regis in blood & wine...” feeling at a loss after reading stygga, i start at the beginning and make my way through the books chronologically, like they should be read. i soon realize that this series really isn’t about killing monsters at all, and i’m thrilled. i thought the series was just going to be about geralt killing things in a swamp and reporting back to whoever hired him, like in tw3... and i was wrong. this series is about personal connections! relationships! ... and fatherhood. [see read more for personal junk]
i can’t remember when i started disliking tw3. it must have been around the time that i finished the books (im using the word finished loosely... i still havent finished some scenes because theyre too violent to read and continue with my day in peace, and i also read tos/lotl by skipping around, so i never got the full experience of reading them as full novels).
i just distinctly remember returning to my tw3 new game+ save after rereading the fish soup scene, and thinking about how lonely the game felt... i just felt so dispairingly alone, this loneliness that i hadn’t felt while playing before, that i had to put the game down. i returned to the game again, but i had just reread edge of the world... and i felt so alone again. 
so reading the books ruined tw3 for me, not out of malicious intent, but just because i think i realized geralt isn’t meant to be the lone wolf. the novels center around him and his family and friends, and i just genuinely missed that when replaying tw3. plus, i began to realize a bunch of things, like ciri’s scar is supposed to be bigger, geralt’s supposed to wear his hair in a headband, yennefer’s hair is actually curly, dandelion’s supposed to actually be in the game. there were so many inconsistencies with the characters i had imagined while reading the books that eventually i just stopped playing tw3 (i already played it once, so nbd) and got really into the books. 
sometime later i saved up like $80 to buy the paperback versions of the books (UK versions including season of storms) because i knew i was in really deep lol and i wanted the official translations super badly, also we were doing an assignment in class that allowed us to do something with our favorite book, but we needed to have it in-person and not as an e-book, so it was the perfect excuse. much time spent on hansa headcanons later and... here we are today.
a read-more, because this is more personal. 
the witcher series picked me up at an eerily appropriate time. two things in it stood out to me: 1) geralt’s relationship with ciri 2) regis’s alcoholism. 
i distinctly remember an event where i started crying in front of my parents because my dad was being so absent in my life or maybe it was because they were arguing, something like this... and i remember referencing tw3 isle of mists quest actually by saying “i shouldn’t have to learn it (good parenting) from a video game” ... lol. it wasn’t an epic burn from a 17 yo, but it was just a painful remark made in anger. i still think back to it because of how first watching geralt hug ciri made me feel and how i was actually really bitter because i was jealous of ciri for about a week after completing the quest. then i kind of pushed it out of my mind and didn’t think so much about it, until the night i mentioned it.
in late march of 2018, something very bad happened in my family. that’s probably the best way to describe it. the situation ended in my parents finally separating. my mom and i were pretty afraid and lost after that. after i had collected my thoughts and everything and went back to as “normal” as i could, about a month later, when the creative part of my brain finally began to function again and wasn’t inhibited due to fear, i clung to the witcher more than i did before... and this time, actually particularly to regis, because guess who has a whole redemption arc relating to not being alcoholic and being a genuinely good person who speaks gently and heals the vulnerable?
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hey abby guess what. 1-30
1: Favorite season?
you KNOW you KNOW a softe bitch loves season 5 its just pure and nice and comforting to watch and also has so many goode episodes and macden moments in it... i literally have the url iasipseasonfive saved like need i say more
2: Favorite character?
its mac... like ofc it is ive loved dennis and dee in the past and of course i still have a soft spot for the trash twins esp their childhoods but mac’s coming out arc is just perfect and he just wants to be a happy boye! honestly it might change but my big three are den dee and mac sorry gruesome twosome 
3: Favorite cast member?
i kin glennato and like LOVE his weird music taste but i have 2 say kaitlin olson shes so present on social media and the utter reverence with which the other cast members speak abt her is just. beautiful! she’s credited with literally saving the show by making dee just as despicable as the rest of the gang she’s a feminist queen and also managed to cuff rmacelhenney like kudos girl! angel queen gorgeous etc
4: OTP?
it’s mac and dennis honestly their relationship can get my heart pounding and it was the main reason i was drawn to the show in the first place... kings of being repressed sexually and emotionally and honestly i related to that feeling of being repressed and in love w your best friend like not to project on characters that have nothing to do w me but they rlly helped me work through some issues!!! im not as ride or die as before because theyve already done so much but fingers crossed for s14 lads
ooooo this is difficult bc i love charmac but mac and dee is the friendship we deserve.... she could help him get over his raging misogyny and he could introduce her to the gay lifestyle how perfect would that be?? also i just feel like when they r alone they could be so nice to each other and i want that for them
6: NOTP?
one of them raped the other, what more can i say?
7: answered
8: Least favorite character?
it has to be frank like i get so angry thinking about how he abused dennis and dee as children he has almost zero redeemable qualities but like.. i could learn to love him if mfhp was a turning point... i just can’t ever get over the fact that he owned a sweatshop the joke stuff just isn’t even funny to me it makes me feel ill
9: Least favorite episode?
uhhhh if you’ve seen iasip ranked you’ll know that we ranked a cricket’s tale and frank’s brother as the worst but i’d also like to put up there the gang goes on family fight bc dennis’ breakdown is painfullll... other episodes that hurt me personally are the gang broke dee and how mac got fat
10: Favorite crack ship?
deetress started off as a crackship but it’s become honestly very serious and i hold it v close to my heart... if you don’t believe me watch one single minute of the boggs ladies reboot.... honorable mention is charden 
11: Favorite headcanon?
hhmm i think that one of my favourite ones of all time is dennis is the bar like that was inimitable... also like hc that dee is lesbian bc she is
12: An episode you wish you could change?
all lethal weapon episodes... imagine how iconic they could be and quotable as well if they didn’t include blackface :(
13: An episode you wish you could write?
i want to write a vegas ep for sure.... like imagine also i would NOT do it justice but the episode where mac and dennis first get together, oof actually you’d do a better job of it tbh
14: Favorite thing about the show?
it has to be rcg like what other showrunners would care so much about the fate of the show and adapt it so much as time goes on... as much as i slander them on this website they really created one of the best shows to ever air
15: Least favorite thing about the show?
hmmm aside from all the blackface and the fact that they should have hired black writers if they wanted to address race in the show.... the fact that the gang r being so mean to mac and the whole ddl thing it’s a nightmare why didn’t they tell us what was going on with dennis??
16: Favorite running gag?
charlie’s illiteracy......... iconique also repressed mac was a good gag while it lasted i am glad he is out though
17: Best Mac shirt?
18: Best Dennis rant?
hnndg im gonna have to say the whole keeping the skin,, skin glass box thing in season 10 i forget the name of the episode but GOD that kills me every time glenn really went to julliard huh
19: answered
20: answered
21: Favorite end credits message?
idk i never watch the end credits messages! send me your favourites if you have any lads :)
22: A character you’d write off the show?
ngl probably cricket... he really bores me and like a cricket’s tale cemented that i think everything they can do with the character they have done but for longevity they have to keep him so he can supplement the gang’s schemes
23: An actor you want to see on the show (bonus points if you can think of a character for them)?
ooooooooo i’d love if dax sheppard came back on the show!! also i WISH lili reinhardt could come on but as betty from riverdale.. like a 30 second betty from riverdale cameo would be so ideal you have no idea it would be so stupid but like... hh
24: Favorite fic?
Yphrum’s Law by @lesbianfreyja chapter one made me BAWL (andchaos on ao3) and also anything by @macfoundhispride (yennefers on ao3)  and also your fics michelle !!! everyone go check her out she’s peraltiagoisland on ao3 
25: Favorite promo shoot?
the fuckign ingrid bergman one for season 8 i have no idea why they would do that but it’s incredible..... so niche i feel like it was glennato’s idea
26: Best Waitress hair-style?
sexeyyy episode charlie and dee find love her hair was so pretty long but also i love it now im glad she went brunette again good for her!! any waitress hairstyle is a good hairstyle
27: Fluffy hair Mac or hair-gel Mac?
28: answered in GREAT DETAIL
29: Overrated character?
cricket... not to bash cricket again.... but also frank and charlie are overrated imo i can’t understand why charlie is the show’s darling i’ve never been that interested in him
30: Underrated episode?
the most underrated episode of all time is pop-pop the final solution i love it sm.... GOD it’s so good it truly has everything and like the nazi stuff was well executed.. questions abt life and death,,, deception, ryan gosling? i love it also dennis reynolds an erotic life is amazing 
this took me like an hour and a half michelle i hope you’re happy!! also if you’re still reading thank you for putting up w my bullshit
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gayregis · 5 years
consider this my official “why do you care so much about regis becoming a mentor and trusted adult figure to angouleme” note, if you MUST know my issues
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okay no for real: 
like all gays i think i have a fucked up relationship with my dad and so this is me “cOpInG”
like my Father , regis used to be a selfish and self-destructive alcoholic, and this culminated in a “rock-bottom” scenario of violence that led to his expulsion. UNLIKE my Father, regis was able to realize what crimes against his life he had committed and adopted not only the views of, but the actions of kindness and protecting the vulnerable... and he doesnt seek pity for his past life... he condemns his actions... he wishes he could go back and change it all, this overwhelming regret is only superceded by the logic in him that this is not possible, and then his drive to be a good person, based on the view that “you cant change your past self, but you can change your future self” ... can i make a self-reflection joke here
other similarities include being emotional as all hell and “philosophical” but regis isn’t hateful of his emotions, he sees it as strength ... kindness to the vulnerable IS of the highest priority and like... when u are around him u know ur safe... thats what it boils down to i think
and considering that im litcherally going to be 19, angoulemes age, in a week from writing this post... [it checks out.png]. plus i think i admire angouleme for her absolute rebellion towards authority, which i, a coward, have always struggled with... angouleme operates outside of the systems that i am regrettably confined to.
so while the canon parental relationships of geralt and ciri / yennefer and ciri are so incredibly powerful and yes they do tear my fucking heart out, i think that the reasons i gravitate towards this in particular is because my dad couldn’t be a good person like regis is in This Stage of my life to mentor me and encourage me so i need to find a fictional coping strat LMAO
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