#but im getting so tired having to witness this in every single fandom
toonophiliac · 11 months
some of ya’ll got drama brain worms. I’m constantly reminded why i choose not to interact w anyone in any given fandom aside from a few choice people here and there (love ya’ll who choose to interact with me btw 💕). none of these strangers have ur back or give a fuck about you. just know some of us are watching for who is willing to cry wolf at the drop of a dime. Its also weird ya’ll call everyone else into question if they just happen to interact or associate w them to any degree. you’re so self righteous it’s embarrassing
hey guys, there’s this hip new word; it’s called “nuance”. majority of the time these people arent a threat and dont deserve the same treatment given to abusers and groomers.
I’m not even worried on my own behalf, it just gets tiring having to be like, oh I can’t interact with this person’s work anymore lest people think i condone and agree with everything they’ve done. and not to mention these people don’t deserve the treatment and stress ya’ll give them. you’re not as great as you think you are
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
Yeah yo Im done. Y'all too much for me. You cannot not even express an opinion without someone saying anti tom or anti uncharted. I played those games I enjoyed them and was excited for the film, and I didnt like the film b/c it can be better it lacked so much of what action films do and fails to capture the charms and wit of the game. Like instead of accusing me of being anti tom or anti uncharted like ask yourself what aspects of the film you liked, what things in the script worked for you, what about the CGI or character that you liked cause Im curious to hear your persepctives. All I keep hearing is its fun, silly or tom is shirtless okay cool is that it. So then tell me what parts of the film were fun or silly. I shared my grivances for the film, box office doesnt equate enjoyment. You can buy ticket for something and come away massively dissapointed. Like criticism is part of watching a movie. Friday night at freddys was successful and people loved it and at the same time people were also critiquing it saying how it could have been better and what was lacking despite being box office successful. Like I said tom has charisma and I wished the director utilized , its not even a bad take this is common complaint for the film.
Im sorry that this isnt a space for that conversation here. I regret being paet of tbis fandom, I literally just gonna focus on other things in my life. The convos here arent even worth it, so much more important things to focus on. But not liking something and then it being framed as me hating tom is silly when I never said tom is bad actor or dumb for picking uncharted or discredited the films box office success.
Anon, you're perfectly welcome to your own opinions on my blog. That doesn't mean that everyone will agree. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I just think that a lot of Tom fans (including myself), are just a little sick and tired of so-called fans constantly nitpicking about Tom, or every single project that he does.
It's one thing to be generally positive and list a few areas that you feel need improvement, vs having smthg to complain about regarding him and his career just about every single WEEK. 🥴 The latter just gets old. 😩
And honestly? I feel like he gets a lot of unnecessary pressure and complaining than needed.
Instead of fans being happy for a POSSIBLE new project for him, a lot of you all have been complaining about how you hated the first movie. 😭
I mean, you don't have to like every single movie your fave does, but isn't it easier to just watch the films you want to see and just ignore the ones you don't? 👀
Anyway, I think some fans are just a bit sensitive because of the unnecessary nitpicking.
If you're not an anti, then thank you for clarifying that for us.
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astrologista · 1 year
i hate to say it but all bruce does these days is whineeeee. which i feel like is antithetical to how i understand him as a character. like yes, he broods and he does obsess, but he doesn’t really whine unless some of the time if only alfred is there to witness it lol.
like, fr. i haven’t really been keeping up with comics, so maybe i’m off base with some of this, but here’s what it looks like from the outside
bruce’s relationship with dick is under-served or just basically ignored, when they do bring it out, it’s only for very quick angst fuel then right back to business like they don’t know each other at all
bruce accepting jason back into the family was rushed and handled by sub-par writing which didn’t support the emotional gravitas that said reunification should have involved. i’ve seen a lot of fics that did it way better than what they did. it feels shoe-horned. also, why is bruce tacitly rubber-stamping jason as batman-affiliated when he’s still using GUNS? like WHAT. how does that make any sense. do bruce’s emotional boundaries matter at all? does everything have to be jason’s way or the highway? bruce is notoriously stubborn. much as he loves jason, i can’t see him letting that slide IF this were to work. DON’T SKIP OVER THE IMPORTANT CHARACTER WORK. like, set up the foundations and then build on top of that. don’t just jump to the payoff and try to walk things back as you go! it’s lazy and shows where editorial mandate stymied good storytelling. and there are way more issues with it that i have than just that. of course i love to see bruce and jason caring about each other and getting along as much as the next fan but the way they chose to go about it raises SO many questions
tim who?
no tim has been flanderized so fucking bad. actually he’s been transformed more into the fandom-lite version of himself, which i do kind of hate. oh yeah, he’s with bernard now. WHOOP TEE DOO! the fans have been clamoring for that pairing for years i’m sure.
there have been an assortment of good-to-middling damian comics since the 2010s as at least some writers seem vaguely interested in that dynamic with bruce but for every 2 mildly tolerable issues they drop one that’s got fucking jack shit bonkers writing in it and relies on only the most tired of “U LIED TO ME” tropes. nothing will compare to the tomasi 2011 batman and robin run and that was like the single decent output of the new 52 and the best thing dc has released in years. i’m right
among the newer characters they’ve released, it’s sad that they never really seem to... stick? PLEASE INVEST IN SOMEONE. more duke! more harper! more LITERALLY ANYONE!
bring the fun back to comics. where’s the storytelling. decide whether you want to create a new shitty joker and/or riddler iteration, or a new army of jokers and/or riddlers and/or scarecrows. or just create a new poo poo shitty villain of the week who will age like milk. why not have one based on social media. that’s a new one that i’m sure no one will ever see coming.
STOP SOFT REBOOTING EVERY ISSUE. we know, you’re going to start the next new groundbreaking run, take everything back to basics so nobody is confused, bring on the new readers with this cool new jumping on point, simple just batman alfred and the joker with juuuust enough of a new “modern” twist to it to differentiate it from the thousands of other times you did this. great job dc. doing great. when you’re done with that let’s do another mass cataclysm event across 20 books. im sure people will want to collect all those variant covers.
and i love how there are SO many fics that do it so, so, so much better. jesus fuck. and fic writers aren’t even being PAID! we’re not even being PAID!!
so, yeah, i’m kind of done with comics for time being. i’ve been dabbling in anime and games again, getting back to roots, but so far, it’s mainly been independent web content free of advertisers, executives, editorial and other bullshit that’s caught my fancy lately. the artistic freedom is really needed to tell a good story now. the multiverse / soft reboot / re-configure the universe every year bullshit that marvel popularized has infiltrated, like, everything, as well as the netflix model of “let’s cancel immediately after season 1”. there is no buildup. there is no excitement. there is no story. mba’s and boardrooms do not understand “story”. they don’t know what creativity is. they know what numbers, profits, engagement look like, and they are optimizing for that curve. i do not know why they are shocked when that curve sinks lower and lower every year. i just simply do not understand.
im so mad. kevin conroy’s dead and we’ll never get something like b:tas ever again. media has been my life since i was a baby. so i have to find some kind of stories to try to enjoy even if i have to eke it out in the margins of society lol
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a-tomb-with-a-view · 3 years
thanks for making the reggie not getting a partner post. i think about that like every day bc itd be so much better if he didnt! but that seems to be an unpopular opinion? its just that im so tired of everyone, especially teens, in media (and in fandoms, though ig theyre just having fun) always getting paired of just for the sake of everyone having a partner even if half the time they barely make sense or feel way too rushed/forced. like, theres nothing wrong wit being single? and itd be so refreshing to just have a character without a love interest, without it being a big deal. like romance is cool and all but i feel like in the show it wouldnt really add anything to his character, if not take away from it? i love his character so much and he deserves more attention and development on screen without that also being centred around a love interest.
as an aromantic person myself i absolutely love the aro reggie hc too but the chances of them actually making that canon are smaller than tiny unfortunatley but even so! having a teenager just existing on tv without a romance arc and no specific interest therein is so nice to see, regardless of his romantic orientation and if we get a s2 i really hope they keep it that way bc it made me so happy.
(also im so so glad they didnt end up pairing him up with flynn! )
anyway sorry if i basically just said what you said again but you make good points and it just made me really happy to see someone else say it, so i wanted to share my thoughts :)
I didn’t see this and idk how, sorry! But yeah I just feel very strongly about Reggie not getting a partner in the show, as much as I love the shipping potential he has, that potential comes from how his relationships in the show are so full of love for everyone, not because he needs someone, and I think it would be p neat yk. I’m glad you agreed with it, thanks for letting me know!
- meg xx
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“I loved your A/B/O fic with Rin!! I was wondering if you could do another one with BNHA? Idc the plot or the character! I really love your angst and when the reader ends up rubbing it in the face of another character so maybe that again?? im so sorry if it’s repetitive!!”
Alpha’s bakugou katsuki, mirio togata x fem! Omega reader
fandom: boku no hero academia / my hero academia 
note / song recommendation: i know I always use bakugou for my shitty characters and i apologize for that but he’s so good to use! / hold up, best thing I never had. - beyonce 
“Well I’m sorry for being such a shitty Alpha!” Bakugou exclaimed sarcastically as the two of you stared daggers at each other. “You know how hard it is for an Alpha to be courting an Omega for the first time!”
You gave off a tired sigh. “It’s not fucking rocket science, you complete dumbass! I know it’s hard! You think it’s easy for an Omega? Especially when their Alpha is basically non existent in the relationship?” You yelled back. “No but I’m tried and I am done with it. I’m done feeling like shit and I deserve to be treated better as an Omega.” 
The entire 1-A dorm watched the two of you argue back and fourth. No one was expecting this argument to happen, especially in the public. Even the top three, Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki, watched the argument go down. They had originally came to the 1-A dorms to ask Midoriya a question but felt uncomfortable to leave during such a heated time.
“I know I’m not perfect but I refuse to feel this worthless as a Omega.” You continued. You turned to Uraraka and she could tell that you were on the brink of angry tears. “I don’t want to lose my pride but I’m gonna fuck me a bitch.” You marched up the stairs of the dorms until you got your dorm. 
You ravaged your dorm for everything Bakugou had ever given you during the time he courted you and put it in a bag. You were able to tell that everyone was still downstairs watching Bakugou as he remained in place, stunned. 
Once they heard you coming back downstairs, they seen a semi large bag in your hand. 
“I know the Omega is supposed to be the ‘submissive’ person in the relationship but look at us now, Bakugou!” You screamed through your now angry tears. 
“I look like the Alpha now! So, you know what? Everything you ever gave me during the time we courted is in this bag. If I find something of yours, I’ll give it to a beta. From now on, don’t look at me, don’t speak to me, don’t even go near me! Because the next time you do, I promise you, I will fuck you up. Trust me, I know this isn’t Omega behavior but when an Omega is tired of being treated like shit, this is what happens! So to all the Alpha’s in the room, don’t be a Bakugou!” You whispered as you looked at Shoji, Kirishima, Todoroki, Iida, Mirio, and a few others. 
The Omega’s in the room were able to feel your heartbreak and your anger. Everyone knew the two of you were courting but they had no idea how bad the relationship actually was. You gave one final look to Bakugou before walking to the elevators. 
“Woah.” Was all Mirio whispered to Tamaki and Nejire. 
She gave him a sharp look that indicated to shut up. “Don’t be insensitive, Mirio. You have no idea what an Omega is going through.” They quickly told Midoriya goodbye before leaving the tension filled 1-A dorms. 
You had called yourself out sick for a few days. You claimed that you had a really bad case of the stomach flu so when Recovery Girl checked on you, you were able to fake the symptoms enough to get out of dorms for a few days. 
You had went back home and got yourself together, after you explained the real situation with your parents. Once the few days were coming to a close, you asked your mom, a fellow Omega, to help you get back on your feet before you left. 
She suggested that you pamper yourself and offered to drive you to get your hair done and get a complete makeover. 
It wasn’t that Bakugou didn’t let you dress up or anything but once he courted you, you didn’t realize that you let yourself go. You hardly wore makeup, when you didn’t have to wear a uniform, you were leggings with a sweater or interchanged them with sweatpants and a big t-shirt. 
Once you got back to campus, you came back with a new haircut, freshly colored hair, and a bit of your confidence back. The first person who greeted you was Momo, who was taken back by the sudden change in your style. 
“You look great!” Momo said as you followed her to the kitchen. “It hasn’t been the same since you’ve left.” 
You gave her a sympathetic smile. “I know but you know I couldn’t be around Bakugou. If I had seen him during the time that I was gone, I think he might’ve been dead.” You heard other voices coming down the stairs and seen it was Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Kirishima. “Hey everyone!” 
Tsuyu gave you a wave as the Alpha and Omega stood wide eyed. You gave them a quick wave to face. “Midoriya, Kirishima! Hello!” You exclaimed as you snapped your fingers in their face. “IZUKU, EJIROU!” Once they heard your screamed, they zoned back in. 
“Wow, I thought you had the flu.” Kirishima mocked as he sat in the chair across from you. “I’m just kidding, you look great! I’m assuming you’re coming back to classes now?” 
You nodded as Izuku gave you a big smile. “That’s amazing! How has everything been?” You asked the four people in front of you. They looked at each other as if they were having a silent conversation between themselves. “Uh, everything is good! We’ve been doing the usual routine.” 
They were lying, you could tell but you knew not to push it. “Well, I need to go to my dorm and unpack the few things I brought back. See you guys at dinner?” They all nodded but as you started leaving, you seen Midoriya running towards you. 
“Hey, I need to talk to you really quick!” Midoriya exclaimed. You gave him a look of confusion. “So, you know Mirio right?” You nodded. “Well, he was wondering if you could talk to him about something tomorrow. I don’t know about what but he wants to see you.” 
“Uh yeah, sure. Did he say where?” You asked. “Oh yeah! During lunch! He said it’s important!” You gave Midoriya one more thank you before going to your dorm room. 
You woke up in the morning and took a shower before getting dressed and making coffee. Being that you had gotten up early enough, you made a spare cup for whoever you seen first. That person was Kaminari. 
“Denks! Want coffee?” He nodded enthusiastically. “Let’s go to class, I’m sure Aizawa needs to give me all the work I missed and I know I’ve missed a bunch already.” 
He shook his head no. “Not really. We’ve been training most of the week. You’ve missed maybe three assignments?” Kaminari explained. “Great! Second question, do you know why Mirio asked to see me during lunch today?” 
Kaminari knew the reason why but didn’t say why. Kaminari was lucky enough to act dumb and get away with it. “No but I can’t imagine why he’d want to see you. Maybe someone at the company he interns at wants you to become an intern as well?” You shrugged as the two of you walked into the classroom. 
After talking to Aizawa for a while and getting the work you needed, you turned around to see half the class already in their seats. One of them being Bakugou. You snuck a quick glance as you were able to see that he was staring dead at you. Being that you were privileged enough to sit across the room from him, you didn’t bother to look back at him. 
You sat in your seat as Aizawa started the class. For the most part, it went by agonizingly slow and all you wanted to do was get to lunch and figure out why Mirio wanted to see you. 
Once lunch came, you walked to where Midoriya told you to meet Mirio at. You waited for the most part about five minutes until you seen the big three walking down the stairs. You were able to see that Nejire and him were arguing with each other and Tamaki put in his opinion every so often. 
Mirio noticed you standing at the place he asked Midoriya to tell you and immediately his face was plastered in a blush and a huge smile. He waved bye to his friends before running over to you. 
“Hiya, ( your name )!” Mirio’s scent immediately washed over a sense of comfortability over you. “You look different from the last time I seen you!” Mirio muttered as he scratched his neck nervously. 
You gave him a sheepish smile. “I know. I’m sorry you had to witness what you seen a few days ago. I didn’t mean to cause such a scene in front of upperclassmen.” 
Mirio waved you off. “It’s not your problem. An Omega has needs that need to be attended too and I understand that as an Alpha. That’s also what I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” Mirio muttered the last part even more nervously. 
“About me being an Omega?” You asked confusedly. “I don’t get what you’re trying to tell me.” 
He gave you another nervous smile before explaining why he had you waiting for him. “Sir Nighteye’s company is having a dinner to celebrate third year interns on their future graduation and we’re allowed to bring dates! It’s at his company and since you’re now a single Omega, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me. You’re totally allowed to say no since you just got out of a courting situation but I thought I’d be willing to give it a chance.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his rambling. 
“Mirio, relax!” You exclaimed. “Of course I’ll be your date! Is it casual clothing or should I go out and buy a dress?” 
Mirio let out what was in between a squeal and a manly shout of victory. “No, just business casual. No need to go all out. But thank you for saying yes! I appreciate it!” 
“No problem! Now want to catch lunch? I’m sure you’re just as hungry as I am!” You asked as he nodded in agreement. “Well, let’s get to the lunch line or maybe Tamaki and Nejire will let us cut the line.” 
“We’ll cut the line so let’s go!” Mirio exclaimed as he grabbed your arm and ran towards his two best friends. 
The dinner he asked you too was on a Sunday afternoon and you were a bit nervous to say the least. It had only been a week since your outraged argument with Bakugou but after a few of the Omega’s in your dorm told you it was completely okay to go out, you knew it was fine. 
You were going out on a date, not like Mirio asked to court you or anything! You were happy to finally be out and hanging with friends again, which you hadn’t done in what felt like forever. 
“Hey guys! Are you guys coming to the dinner as well!” You asked Nejire and Tamaki. They nodded yes. “That’s awesome! I had no idea all of the agencies were having it together!” 
The four of you hopped on a train to get to the agency. It was exactly like Mirio said. A bunch of interns, heroes, and their friends and family. It was a relaxed enviornment for Omega’s to be around as you noticed that Tamaki was just as relaxed as you were. 
All of you got a table together, along with the heroes they were training under. You could tell that Fatgum must’ve been one of the funnest heroes to intern for while Nighteye would take getting used too. 
While you were up getting dessert with Nejire, Nighteye whispered over to Mirio. 
“Is she your date?” He asked. Mirio nodded shyly as they watched you talking with Nejire happily. “Not like you’re looking for my approval but I like the two of you together.” 
Mirio gave him the cheesiest smile as you finally sat down at the table. After a while, all of you mentioned to get a cup of coffee and while the heroes denied it, the four of you excused yourselves and went to the shop a few blocks down. 
“So, if you don’t mind me asking.” Nejire said cautiously. “Do you mind explaining why you and Bakugou broke up that night? The two of you were mated for a while so we were all surprised when all of that went down.” 
You sighed. “Well, we had been going strong for a while but after our two month anniversary, I felt the connection between us wasn’t as strong? The only time we would be around each other was during my heats and his ruts. Other than that, he would take me out on a date once a week, maybe if that. It shouldn’t have blown up in the way it did but it happened and I’m over it. I just hope the next time someone decides to court me, the Alpha knows the responsibility that comes when courting an Omega.” You gave Mirio a small quick smile before returning to your coffee. 
Nejire nodded. “I’m sure your next Alpha will be the one you mate for life with! I can sense it!” Nejire joked as you choked on your coffee. Mirio followed as Tamaki and Nejire started laughing. One of the barista asked all of you to hush down which caused the four of you to continue giggling. 
Once all of you were finished with the coffee, it was decided to finally head back to UA. Mirio offered to walk you back to the dorms and while he did, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. A part of you squealing that you would have Mirio’s scent on you and vice versa. 
He walked you to the front of the dorms and the two of you chatted for a bit. 
“Would you like to do this again?” Mirio asked nervously. You nodded as you seen him holding the cardigan he was wearing in his hand. “When you get back to me on our second date, you’ll be getting this back.” 
“Fine, you won’t be getting your necklace back until then either!” 
He gave you the typical Mirio smile before yanking the necklace off your neck and running away. You rolled your eyes jokingly as you walked into the dorms. Everyone was in bed and you knew the next morning, you would be bombarded with questions. 
“So, how was the date?” Jirou asked with a relaxed tone. You were glad that Jirou was a Beta and not an Alpha or Omega who would’ve hounded you down for the answers. 
“Great, he actually slipped a note in my locker this morning mentioning that he was taking me lazar tagging on Friday!” You managed to say before Kaminari decided to blurt it out. “Really! Are the two of you courting already! Is that why you have his sweater and he has your necklace!” 
You pushed Kaminari off his desk as everyone who heard, gasped. “Shut the hell up, Kaminari!” You screeched as you hid into the sweater and covered your face. 
Everyone stared at you before Aizawa called attention to him. Every so often, someone would ask you a question but you gave them a one word answer until lunch time was called 
The class immediately ran out as you swiftly put everything into your backpack and grabbed your lunch out of it. You were meeting Mirio at one of the benches outside of the campus to have lunch. 
“So, you and Mirio?” You heard Bakugou ask. Your body stiffened in place as you turned to look at him. 
“Yeah.” You muttered. You were sure that Bakugou could smell Mirio’s scent but you weren’t really worried about that at the moment. “Why do you ask?” 
“No reason, just wondering.” 
You nodded as you grabbed your lunch and walked out of the class to leave Bakugou to his own devices. Mirio was waiting outside of the class and overheard the conversation. 
“Was he bothering you?” Mirio asked as he put his arm around you and held you close so his scent would emanate more. “Because I can handle it if you’d like.” 
You shook your head no. “No, it’s okay, Togata. Let’s go to lunch before we run out of time.” You knew that Mirio would eventually end up your Alpha and having someone like Mirio sounded a lot better than Bakugou. Bakugou would have to work on himself before he even thought of going for another Omega. No Omega would deal with him for as long as you did and every Alpha deserved to live a happily ever after with their Omega. 
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monsterkitties · 5 years
Hopefully this doesn’t make you uncomfortable but that “tired of people talking about sex” post reminded me, you’re like one of the only Liv Fans in the ITSV fandom I genuinely like. I’m far from a prude or anything (for lack of a better word) but a lot of them tend to make everything with her super sexual and I’m getting tired of going along with it just so I don’t feel lonely. (1/2)
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IM NOT UNCOMFORTABLE AT ALL infact im honored! i actually avoid the tags for this exact reason among others lmao, i haven’t been in a single tag for the movie since it came out, and i just talk to my mutual/friends about it
i haven’t personally witnessed a lot of horny! myself! because i specifically do everything i can to avoid witnessing people being horny completely unabashedly in general, because i think it’s weird and a little annoying, BUT BUT BUT i cannot confirm PERSONALLY people are MOSTLY horny for her but i honestly would believe it i would i really would
one thing i had/have a problem with, is i saw one post calling her a lesbiotic sex symbol and i was like! please lets not call this finally for once super cool WOMAN villain a sex symbol! please! literally every other female villain is made to be overly sexy, and i’m really tired that we keep doing this! also! she’s in a kids movie! so i would LOVE it if we could TONE it down a little with the calling her a sex symbol and stuff (just because it’s a kids movie doesn’t mean adults can’t enjoy it but it ALSO doesn’t mean you get to call characters from said movies sex symbols bc you and others personally find them sexually irresistible, and the first person to mention jessica rabbit gets their shit kicked in)
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