#but i've already written one scene heavily inspired by him and it makes me happy
clone-medic-patch · 11 months
Patch thoughts:
It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but I’ve been writing a fic with Patch in it, and I’ve had a lot of thoughts on his character development recently, so I thought I’d share! When I post the next chapter, I’ll probably post a link here as well!
Patch is an original 104th member (pre-Malevolence); he was in the escape pod with Wolffe (in his medic grays) when the Malevolence attacked, and has some related trauma 
Appearance: has a sole patch on his chin (like Waxer’s, but rounder), hair slightly longer than regulation (just a bit of grey); he’s slightly less active than his brothers, so he’s not a stick like most clones; (his metabolism is also starting to slow down, being one of the older clones). His armor has a grey stripe on the chin like his sole patch, and his paint is wolfpack grey, except for one of his gloves, which has a stripe of red paint.
Patch is very warm and affectionate around his brothers (great bedside manner), but can lash out in anger a little bit when he’s triggered; has dealt with depression in the past, but is doing a lot better nowadays
Has aviophobia (fear of flying/dying in something that flies), and definitely had a panic attack the last time he tried going on a Jedi cruiser
Was struggling mentally after the Malevolence, but it came to a head at the Battle of Khorm, when he lost his last batchmate, Blunt, and developed depression. During this time, his aviophobia got bad to the point that he had to be sedated anytime he went on a gunship.
Through some finagling, General Plo managed to get him reassigned to Coruscant, where he was stationed at the Coruscant Medical facility, and took classes to be a rehab specialist (although he’s still officially listed as a member of the 104th). The 104th, being a rescue battalion, is on-planet more often than most, so he still gets to see them fairly often.
Saw mindhealers at the jedi temple for a while, where he learned multiple grounding techniques to combat his aviophobia, including eating a mint, listening to music, and the occasional fidget toy (he likes the textured ones). He’s more than happy to share his coping strategies with his vode, and can use CBT strategies as part of his training as a rehab specialist (although isn’t certified as a mental health specialist).
After the Umbara campaign, multiple 501st troopers are needing PT/OT services, so when Rex sends out the temporary assignment request, Patch accepts (he’s doing better mentally now, and has been wanting to face his fears and hopefully join the 104th full-time soon, now that his rehab specialist training is done)
Doesn’t like taking off his armor because of Malevolence-related trauma, and only really does so to sleep; sleeps with a weighted blanket gifted to him by General Plo (bunks near Tup and Dogma when with the 501st)
Is on temporary assignment with the 501st (in my fic); hopes to rejoin the 104th afterwards, assuming he can handle living on a Jedi cruiser again
has a lot of old-man habits, and constantly acts like he’s 50-years old instead of barely 26 standards
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Just me rambling about my fanfic projects
(I didn't really proofread, I'm sorry.)
Listen, I know nobody's really gonna give a fuck, but screw it, I need to word vomit a bit.
I've posted on another platform about how I've been writing some Twisted Wonderland fics behind the scenes – three of them, to be exact. I haven't published them because I've been enjoying writing and indulging in this hobby in a stress-free manner, because I sometimes feel overwhelmed when having to cater to an audience, which incidentally takes the fun out of writing for me and causes me to block or burn out easily.
Doing this has really been making me happy, and I'm on the fence about publishing the fics. I probably will at some point; it would be a waste to not share the works. Plus, they're already written in a reader insert format, so it's not like I'd have to change much about the stories to cater them to my typical audience. I think I'd publish them only when I'm nearing their completion or when I have a lot – and I mean a lot – of chapters done. That way, I can set a consistent upload schedule.
But regardless of what I end up doing, I'd like to share the basics of the three books I've been working on! So continue reading if you're interested! ~
I'd like to give a preemptive warning that the second story I talk about is heavily NSFW-based. So, if you're uncomfortable with that, then skip over to #3.
Another thing: the reader is referred to with she/her pronouns throughout the explanations, though if published, they might be changed to GN, but I'm not really sure yet.
So, the first book I want to talk about is called 'The Devil's Wonderland.'
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This story is definitely inspired by some elements of Obey Me, though you don't need to have played Obey Me to understand what's going on because although it's inspired, it's not a crossover and the OM characters are never mentioned. 
This book does follow Twisted Wonderland's main story, though, with some artistic liberty taken to make it more unique to me and my story-telling. The reader is the highly-respected and somewhat feared demon lord of the Nether Realm (hell) and runs an institution where demons of all ages learn various things about the Nether Realm and important skills to have as a demon. The idea of the institution was first brought forth by the previous demon lord, her father, but the reader is the one to have actually gone through with it. Much like the Twisted Wonderland side of things, the institution has seven dorms with one demon at the head of each of them, and each dorm is based on one of the seven deadly sins. The dorm heads are personally very close to the reader in one way or another, and all come from different social standings of demon hierarchy. 
Her office has a mirror that allows her to look into different universes and realms, as well as travel to said universes, which is where the reader learns of Twisted Wonderland, a Realm she finds absolutely enchanting and fascinating and was contemplating taking a vacation there. However, when one of the freshmen, a mischievous cambion who has already earned himself the reputation of being troubled, gets called into the office, he goes into the mirror and Twisted Wonderland. So, with her trusty right-hand demon man at her side, they go into the mirror, where they are transported into Twisted Wonderland at NRC. They end up using humanoid disguises with magic to not draw much attention to themselves — they're unaware of what constitutes normal for the world — and originally have a mission to retrieve the troubled student and bring him back to the Nether, but they get dragged into the mess of the prologue of the main game. The thing is, the reader realizes that she likes being in Twisted Wonderland because of the way she's being treated. She's not being treated with fear and superiority. People aren't sucking up to her or blindly following and adoring her for her status because the NRC men don't know that this is the literal queen of hell.
She likes it. She likes being just another person. Hell, she gets excited when people outright disrespect her because nobody would ever dare say their true thoughts to her back in the Nether. So, she wants to stay in Twisted Wonderland to experience a semblance of normality, though she still has to flip-flop between realms because she has duties back in the Nether, so she's living this double life. Much to the chagrin of her right-hand man.
To make the story more unique to me, I've implemented a lot of elements of the original universe I've been building for myself and OCs, and there a few of OCs that will be added to add a little something! 
I'd like to briefly introduce these OCs to you. Please note that all the artwork that I'm about to show you have not been made by me. They are all paid commissions of my characters, directly taken from my ToyHouse account. I'd also like to apologize for the poorly-done collages of the images. I tied to condense things as much as possible.
Obviously I won't be revealing too much info on them as I don't want to spoil things should the books come to the public, but I want to share a few tidbits!
Starting off with my personal favourite and one of the most relevant characters, meet Alastair:
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Al is the right-hand man and butler to the reader. His loyalty to her knows no bounds, and he's almost always seen with her. They actually have a very close relationship and respect each other as way more than just business partners, instead seeing each other as very close friends. Alastair is an absolute badass in his own way and possibly my favourite character. I'd even go as far as to say that he's my favourite of ALL of my OCs. I've just grown super attached to this dude and can't wait to show him off in story.
Next, we have Luka:
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Luka is the cambion that got Alastair and the reader in the mess in the first place. Being half demon and half human, he struggles with his identity as he's unsure of where he fits in best. He faces prejudice in the human community for being unpure (racism is actually a big thing in my universe regarding human views on non-humans) and the demon community often reject cambions for being 'not demon enough'. Luka gets a lot of character development throughout the story, and his relationship with Alastair is pretty comical, and the relationship he grows with the reader is so wholesome to the point where I'm debating not making Luka a love interest because I feel like they have a very familial bond.
So, Luka and Alastair are the main OCs and the ones that are seen the most. The other OCs get introduced slowly but surely and are less present — though they still hold weight — so I will rapid-fire them at you.
So, let's get into the seven dorm heads of the demon institution!
First, we have Melchom:
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Melchom is the dorm head of the Superbia dorm, which is centred around the sin of pride. He is a noble who is very well-acquainted with the reader and her family, being a childhood friend of hers. They were brought up with the intent of wedded to one another, but that didn't happen for reasons I'm not spoiling. With striking good looks, great power, a high rank in demon society and the sheer confidence he exhibits, Mel is definitely one of the more popular and admired demons at the institution, seemingly being perfect in every sense of the word.  
Next is Lucius:
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Lucius runs Avaritia, the dorm based around the sin of greed. Although neither a noble nor anywhere near royalty, Lucius is a pretty successful business demon. He's incredibly skilled in business affairs and has made a name for himself in both the Nether and human realms, but is his money all from honest, hard work? Probably not. But he sure is good at convincing others that it is. He's a demon, give the shady man a break!
We move on over to Jinn!
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Jinn is at the top of the Invidia dorm, which is based on envy. Out of all the dorm heads, Jinn is the most difficult with which to get along. Deep-rooted insecurities manifest as envy towards his comrades for one way or another, making it difficult to form a genuine bond. 
Next is the duo of Gael and Aziel:
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Leading the Ira dorm, based on wrath, are Gael and Aziel. Gael is the only human that currently inhabits the Nether Realm, and he shares his body with a demon named Aziel. The reasons as to why Aziel is possessing Gael are redacted for the time being as I don't want to spoil, but much like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing, Gael and Aziel are completely different in terms of personality, and Aziel can take over Gael's body.
Next, we have Ezekiel, or just Zeke for short:
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The Luxuria dorm is based on the sin of lust, and Zeke is the one who runs it. Zeke is a super open, chill and fun-loving guy who is all about self-expression and will absolutely shame kink and slut-shamers. He's allergic to wearing proper shirts, but if he must, he will. He also runs various clubs at the institution, including a dance club and a yoga club.
Next is Iblis:
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At the top of the Gula dorm, home of gluttony, is Iblis. Iblis is an absolute sweetheart and cinnamon roll, whose tail and butt will do little waggles when food is involved. Despite constantly eating, he's rather fit due to gluttony demons essentially being bottomless voids, nearly immediately burning up anything they consume. And yes, his tail is as warm and squishy as it looks, and he's all for letting people use it as a weighted blanket. Once a human, reincarnated as a demon after death, one really wonders what the hell this guy has done to wind up in hell, he's such a sweetie... ~
For the last dorm head, we have Izzin:
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The last dorm, representing sloth, is Acedia, which is run by Izzin. Much like, Iblis, Izzin was also once human and turned into a demon after death. Being a sloth demon, Izzin is forced into a perpetual state of sleepiness and because of that, he's the most uninvolved of all the dorm heads. Make no mistake, even in sleep, he's somehow perfectly aware of what's going on around him. He hears all, don't test him. Though when he's awake and aware, he's amongst the more mischievous and scheming of the dorm heads and often gets involved in Lucius' scams- I mean business.
There's one last character I want to show, and that's the reader. Now, in and of itself, the reader is not given a set appearance. The skin colour, body type, hair colour and style, eye colour, etc. remain ambiguous so that the reader can insert themself or their OC. Plus, this is made to be my sona as the MC of the story, but I still wanted to show! This is more to show what I have in mind with the outfit, crown, wings and horns when in demon form.
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OKAY. Moving on to the next book!
The next book is... something. It's called 'She's a Monster.'
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Let me explain this book's existence with a simple conversation between my friend and I.
Friend: Hey, Britt! You know how everybody writes fics where the reader is a monster fucker?
Me: ... yeah?
Friend: Well, hear me out... what if the reader is the one who's a monster, and the guys are the ones who are monster fuckers??
Me: ...
Me: *Opens Google Docs.* Say no more.
So... this book is a collect-all-the-men reverse-harem-porn-with-plot... thing.
To make this simple, it's Twisted Wonderland, but the reader is a big, strong, naga woman that brings out the monster fucker in the NRC men. There's the plot that follows TW and my added plot lines, but there's a lot of sex and kink exploration.
My portrayal of nagas is not accurate to our real-world legends. My portrayal of nagas is purely driven by my original universe and narrative, so keep that in mind!
The gyst is that the reader is a naga — half human, half snake monster — a rare creature on the brink of extinction in Twisted Wonderland. The reader has been living completely isolated in the depths of a forest near the Dwarf Mines. She's rather lonely and craves having a clutch — what nagas use to refer to their group of mates — so when she sees Yuu, Ace, Deuce and Grim adventure into the mines, she's compelled to help them out a bit and interact.
Now, in this story, nagas are rare and almost extinct, so while it's not normal for her species, the reader is willing to get with humans and humanoids because she's a little desperate. Here's the thing: nagas have a weird male-to-female ratio, with females being much rarer than males, where there's only about a single female for every nine males, so it isn't uncommon for females to have multiple partners, and this instinct is still very present, and so that is why the reader is compelled to get with multiple guys. However, despite this, female nagas are very respectful and gentle with their partners and love them all equally.
The reader in this can shift between her proper, monstrous form and a more humanoid form where she has legs, though she's not fond of being in that form as she gets sore from containing her monster form. So, there are scenes where the men fuck the reader in her human form and some scenes where it's human on monster.
The reader is portrayed as a switch in the book, but there's a focus on her being dominant. I'm just tired of always writing submissive readers, so I'm trying something different. Plus, female nagas, in this interpretation, are typically larger, stronger and more dominant than the males.
Also... the reader has both female and male anatomy. I primarily work with female anatomy in the story, but when in her full monster form, the reader can sheathe and unsheathe two dicks, so there are some scenes where the dudes get dicked down.
There's some genuine fluff and emotional connections made, it's not all smut, and there are definitely some comedic moments, especially with the reader just... not understanding everyday slang, technology and human things in general.
So yeah, this one is definitely sexually charged and not for the sexually squeamish.
I'd like to give a visual reference of my OC that I've used to base the reader off. Again, keep in mind that my showing you these images is only to give you an idea of the physical traits the reader has in her monster form. Her skin/scale colour, hairstyle and hair colour, body type and shape, eye colour, etc, are all for you to pick. The basic appearance of the reader's insert is their choice, but this is a template for you to know what I have in mind when writing in terms of physical traits. The reader's 'colour palette' while in her monster form isn't mentioned, so feel free to think of her as the colour of your choice. Doesn't have to be purple and gold.
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Her name's usually Lilith in my universe, but she's (Y/N) here, obviously! I have some more art of her, but the images are... very NSFW. So, I'm not showing.
Onto the last book!
The last book is called 'Monsters & Magic.'
I don't have a cover for this one yet, but here's a commission that's in progress that I should get this week. There's gonna be a nice background of NRC's courtyard!
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Okay, so this book is a little different... it's kind of a CYOA? 
Also, you don't NEED to be a pokémon expert to read this, but it definitely helps.
Basically, the reader is a champion-level and gets yeeted into the world of Twisted Wonderland thanks to Arceus. Basic stuff. But here's where it gets a little different: the book has three prologue chapters, and in the third prologue chapter, the reader stands in front of the mirror, and the story branches. There are seven branches for the seven dorms, and the reader will be placed in one of the dorms, and you choose which paths you want to read. So there are basically seven stories in one.
I decided to do this because I wanted to follow the stories of Twisted Wonderland, but I wanted the reader to experience the events of every dorm from the perspective of someone who's in that dorm. I wanted to write a bit more of an inside view of the dorm dramas and characters, with added plot lines and scenes made by me, of course. This is also a good way to give more depth to some characters I feel got screwed over by the writers. Leona, my love, I'm looking at you.
The reader also changes depending on the dorm she's in. Her personality and backstory are different, her pokémon team is different, etc. This is for variety because I don't want to write the same character over and over again but in a different setting.
The reader is from a different region for every dorm and has experienced the events of the main games associated with that region, plus more. The thing is, there are nine main regions and only seven dorms, so I can't honor them all. Plus, if you count Hisui, Orre, Fiore, Almia and Oblivia, there are even more regions.
Since I wanted to involve as many of the regions as possible, I fused some of them together, so here's what I got:
Heartslabyul: Paldea + Galar
Savanaclaw: Sinnoh
Octavinelle: Hoenn + Alola
Scarabia: Orre
Pomefiore: Kalos
Ignihyde: Kanto + Johto
Diasomnia: Unova
Because Hisui is basically old Sinnoh, I decided to not include it at all, but there are some nods and references to Legends Arceus, notably in the prologue of the book where Arceus brings the reader to Twisted Wonderland, and how pokémon are portrayed to be, as they are, wild creatures that can be extremely dangerous when not tamed.
Fiore, Almia and Oblivia... as much as I love the ranger games, I decided to not include them. Mostly because I haven't plsyed the games in so long that I don't remember them that much, but also because I wabted the reader's history to be more trainer-oriented.
Orre is included becasue I'm a sucker for the GC games, but also because I think the story and atmosphere based on those regions is great, and I'd love to incorporate it!
All in all, I'm having so much fun writing these books, and if I ever release them to the public, I hope y'all will enjoy them as well! 
Welp, thank you for coming to my TED talk! See ya!
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photogirl894 · 2 years
Congratulations with this aniversary of Sun and Rain! 1 year and hopefully it will continue on much, much longer. I think it will not come as a surprise that I fell in love with this sentence : She would wait until the light of all the stars in the galaxy burned out, if she had to.
That is jusy beautiful and I wish I could have written something like this!
I have to admit, I am fearing for the time when order 66 will come and how things will change for Kimber and the gang. I am still heavily defending Crosshair and demanding his return with the Batch !
Kimber is becoming more and more the person she wants to be and wishes she would be, what is your inspiration for her growth and how she reaches that goal?
Oh Echo needs to be severely hugged btw ! please sent him a big ol hug from me!
And I loved that Fives has visited Kimber, that was so sweet and powerful.
Thank you so much, @ladykatakuri !! 💜 Your reviews of my chapters have been some of my favorites! They're always so personal and in depth and I love them! And oh yeah, this story still has a long way to go! 😊 I have a feeling we may be back here in another year!
Okay, you're seriously making me blush with how much you love that line!! 🤭😊🥰 That makes me really happy! I actually came up with that line while sitting in church, to be perfectly honest. I wanted something to really describe how long Kimber was willing to wait for Hunter and give him space and that was just something that came to mind. With how often they travel in space (and having hardly traveled before meeting the boys), the stars have become important to Kimber and I thought that was what would come to her mind. That is how much she loves Hunter and how willing she is to wait for him.
I know, I'm dreading Order 66, as well, especially given Kimber's close relationship with Crosshair. Honestly, I never intended on them growing as close as they are, but as the story progressed, I started liking their dynamic more and I fleshed it out more. Though that thought came to me of when Order 66 happens and Crosshair's betrayal...oh gosh, I'm dreading writing that and other future scenes! I've already got certain parts mapped out and I hate myself for it 😩 Like I've mentioned before, it's canon compliant, so unfortunately, Crosshair is still going to join the Empire and all of that, but Kimber will still affect certain parts of that.
You know, my inspiration for Kimber's growth and becoming the person she wants to be kind of came out of my own frustration with the story 😅 I kept having her end up in trouble and I just thought, "I need better ideas than her being a constant damsel in distress. I want her to be a stronger character." Then I had the idea of having her get training with other people. That kind of also came from my desire to include other characters, hence how Jesse and Kix came to be in the story, as well. She's now a stronger soldier and the BB boys will see her in action once more better than ever.
Oh Fives, my beloved! I'd recently rewatched Clone Wars and just fell in love with him all over again and I thought, especially after learning about him from Jesse, that Kimber just had to meet him and...well with him being dead, that made things a little bit difficult 😅 But I decided to spin it into something that served as both a sweet moment between Kimber and Fives as well as foreshadowing of events soon to come (and we all know what that is, of course) Plus, Kimber deserved a good dream, for once. That whole dream became a setup for her returning to the squad and everything else that's coming. It was fun to write for Fives, even if it might just be the one time. I love him and miss him so much 🥺
Don't you worry, there will definitely be more Echo hugs to come! 💜
Thank you again, my sweet friend! I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts as "Sun and Rain" progresses!! 🥰
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