#but i shant name the book
literalnobody · 1 year
“It’s not right to psychoanalyse an author’s morals by what they write” is obviously a good and valid stance but have you ever read a book by a male author who makes his thoughts on women so unpleasantly clear the moment a female character comes on page
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
Shout-out to bisexual girlies who headcanon their faves as bisexual girlies despite them being popularly headcanoned as something else. Keep up the bisexualification. And also to the non bisexuals and non girlies who do this as well. You all are so strong
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fungi-maestro · 2 years
Tumblr media
Single page advertisement for Batman: Gotham Knights Gilded city from DC VS Vampires #4 (2022)
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magpiesbones · 8 months
Thinking about the raven cycle and that exy book and of course on one hand one of those was published professionally and the other was uh. not. and the other thing is that I did not particularly enjoy Kandinsky and therefore I also didn’t enjoy a series populated entirely by Kandinsky but more boring and less magic.
like cmon. if you want a Fucked Up Blorbo Ronan is RIGHT there.
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choicesenthusiast · 9 months
Will you be returning to Choices to play Blades?
after much consideration, unfortunately not. i'll happily watch from the sidelines though! and i WILL. be watching. closely. pb count your days because if you mess this up for me and everyone else then nobody there is seeing heaven
blades ii was a 3.5 year wait. between the delays and the........ no, i shant say... the content..... that they've put out in between (with the excuse of "we need to make money to fund the more high quality books"), it better not disappoint. this is the high quality book we've been waiting for.
from what i've seen the art looks great, so no need to worry in that regard. i do demand they free everybody's luscious locks again tho‼️
what i'll be watching for is if the writers remember the strengths of the first book, namely the worldbuilding as well as the characters and their developments compared to the start of the story, as well as their dynamics with each other. it'd be a shame if they retcon that for some stupid reason (i.e. they forgor).
all in all, i'm excited for you all who're playing it, but i won't be myself, merely just observing. it's likely that i'll become partially involved in discussions too because curiosity will kill the me, so i'll be around the tag for sure. i know this is the "make or break" book for a lot of players so i hope it delivers or pb would've succeeded with edging everyone for three and a half years. booooo.
also i want elaboration on orc mpreg thanks
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shazleen · 3 months
i am now reading babel and like. I am not very far in, but my feelings are
1) it is much better than the book i did not finish (shant name and shame, it was fine but just clumsy)
2) i think this is a good book
3) it is not a subtle book
4) i think everyone said that yellow face was like very on the nose and super obvious / felt like a cartoon villain telling us the story but that’s uhm. This is the same. This isn’t any more nuanced, it’s just in a different setting? Idk.
Our protagonist is not the villain in this but it feels like a through line between the criticism of literature / academic spaces and racism. Like idk guys i dont think babel so far is that much more complex but maybe that’s because tackling post colonialism in academia is my exact niche idk idk
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sibillascribbles08 · 2 years
Okay buckling down and doing this now.
Here’s my propaganda about why Donnie is the most like his dad featuring solid points and some arguable points.
First statement, this isn’t me saying ONLY Donnie is like his dad. All the boys share traits with their father that I’ve noticed (an essay for another time perhaps) I think Donnie just racks up the most points.
Going under a cut tho because long.
So first thing I want to talk about is a lot of people attach Leo as being exactly like his dad, mostly because they have the same vibes on a surface level, but I still argue that Donnie picks up more pieces. The only reason it’s not obvious is because Donnie is very book and technical smart while Lou named turtles Green and Green 2.
Tossing aside some surface level factors (i.e. those eyebrows are 100% inspired from Lou Jitsu and I won’t hear otherwise) some of their shared traits are fairly obvious.
Donnie, much like Leo, not only has an ego (regarding his mind) but is also very vain. While it’s not to a point he acts like he’s the prettiest boy in the room, there are a handful of points he draws attention to his appearance. (”You are the hunkiest” Drawing on eyebrows for nine years, making a titanium bust of himself etc). Even after being mutated, Splinter hasn’t lost a lot of this.
One that was pointed out to me from another post, Splinter and Donnie both have a form of screen addiction. Though seeking it out in different ways, Splinter is often glued to the TV while Donnie panics without having his phone nearby.
Donnie obvs got his love of dancing from his dad. Tragic you don’t see Splinter doing it a lot but he evidently did a bunch of it back before he got mutated. (Also the 80s jams always get you huh Donnie?? interesting)
This technically applies to all the bros tbh, but Donnie is fairly protective. I think Splinter’s desire to break his vow of no more fighting for some turtles he just met gets extended to all the boys and Donnie is no exception. He often seems very aloof, and doesn’t invest a lot of concern into people they deem as their enemies, but he puts a lot of subtle effort into building tech that will keep his family safe.
Mikey already pointed out the freebie in Breaking Purple with that photo comparison. But just to be clear when Splinter’s temper gets the better of him (essp. because his ego of all things is being attacked) the first thing he does is ground the boys. Donnie’s first instincts with Shelldon are the same thing (and with his own father apparently)
Speaking of which: “Oh Papá, if you surrender now there shant be any consequences!” “Hah, that is a lie. I taught him that one.”
I’m not totally sure how good Splinter’s recent memory is, but the show does have him state he remembers all of the names of the stuntmen he worked with. Donnie’s memory is also shown to be extremely on point (”the brain is nature’s notepad”). In some ways because he exercises it so much, but still.
Here’s a fun one. They’re both bad liars (in certain situations). It’s always interesting to me people just flat out say Donnie is a bad liar despite how fast he was with a fake name toward the purple dragons and his attempt to scam Repo out of the mystic armor piece. It seems that given at least some space to plan he can lie just fine, it’s more sudden scenarios where he falters. (”We are just normal humans on our way to a convention.”) But also, despite being trained as an actor, Splinter is also sometimes... very bad at lying. (”I am Randal and I am a normal teenage boy!”) Literally in that episode Splinter and Donnie just have an exchange of a terrible lie. (”I can’t believe he fell for that.” “I can’t believe they fell for that.”)
Oh yeah speaking of actor, Donnie’s flair for the dramatics holy SHIT. I don’t think he’s necessarily brilliant at acting (or at the very least doesn’t have it come as naturally as Leo does) but wow some of the speeches he gives when he’s despondent.... boy.
Some other short point. “You’re so cute but so mean why do I always fall for your type?” (gee, wonder if this is part of the reason Lou was into Big Mama). And also I’m p sure they both snore.
Okay here’s my big wammy one though. Both Donnie and his father are very approval seeking. They may seek it from different sources but it’s very prominent and influences a lot of their decisions. While Lou turned away from his family and their traditions, I imagine there was a part of him that was frustrated that his grandfather (his only parental figure it seems) wouldn’t approve of anything he did outside of their family legacy. Lou decides to go out and be a movie star, lives for the camera, the fame, the attention, and even when trapped in the battle nexus seems to have some fond memories attached to the cheering crowds. He seeks out approval from a bunch of strangers because he was never able to get it from his family. (And on top of that, you sometimes see him desperate for the approval of his sons and get very frustrated when they look up to other people).
Donnie’s in a similar boat. He states multiple times he wants the approval of a parental figure (either Splinter fell out of showing his pride or does it in ways that Donnie doesn’t understand) and in some cases is easily won over by the right kind of compliments being thrown his way. He also seems to want approval from his siblings (making big shows about showing off new inventions. “And applause, and applause, and still waiting for your applause.”) though maybe not to the same degree as from someone he could consider a role model. He attaches his self worth to what he can do, and notes that if his family decides his tech is useless, they may think the same way about him.
You could make arguments that all the boys have this issue but I don’t think it’s to the same degree as Donnie. Sure they all have moments they want to prove themselves, but there’s plenty of other occasions they make it clear they don’t give a flip what the others think.
Anyway much to Donnie’s horror and disgust I think he’s the most like his dad, despite how different they appear at first glances, and so far I’m having a fantastic time playing with that idea.
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1tsjusty0u · 2 months
hm. random things wreath likes perhaps
pre cal. not much!! he likes fiction books and sweet foods but other than that he cant think of anything. he probably does like more things though its just a deep-seated issue for him. for specifics: they always like pumpkin pie its his favorite, and. yeah. finnish desserts they also make due to hateno and he’d also like those a lot! piparkakku and pannukakku (gingerbread and pancakes) he likes as well. uhm. i should note i am not finnish so any finlanders out there if i butcher anything. im sorry…. anyways! fiction books arent just legends of past games for clarification he’d like ones that really dont have anything to do with tloz. if chicory a colorful tale was an ip/book in this universe they’d like it a bit!! also horse fact magazines and cookbooks. he loves those and never reads them after he gets them <3
post cal ..!! you know if this was like. my interpretation of normal botw i’d say the issue from the above paragraph would get better! but uh!! here it actually gets worse. they still love pumpkin pie and food and horse facts however. its getting harder and harder for him to remember what he does genuinely like, + things he Would like start to get stale or dont feel fun anymore like. for example horse facts again. he’ll always like food but other than that he’d have trouble naming most other things. it all just Exists to him. unfortunately going outside does Not fix him no matter how beautiful and wondrous it is
however i shant leave it at that….. while he might not be able to list it he still does like things sort of. he doesnt get excited about these but theyre just Nice to him and nothing more (also realistically he wouldnt care too much about these however pretend this is a parallel universe where this issue doesnt exist and he Would like these!! he still would in this one he just has problems anyways); seeing foxes!! he likes to greet them by spooking them. hes a fan of cooking ingredients and as much as totk sucks i Do like koyins quest (ignoring the romantic implications and the butchering of her character) i think he’d really Really like trading in nuts for milk and collecting them for the cow guy. he’d probably do it even with no milk incentive but thats just the cherry on top. also koyin and him could be slight friends a lot later into the story!! also he likes acorns and seeds and tries to break into them. also i made a whole list of sounds: clippity clops, footsteps on brick pavement, wood chopping board noises, WHEELS ON BRICK PAVEMENT, knife getting stuck in wood or swords etc, clinks of figurines (not hollow and probably like. made up of a gem rather than stone. Heavy clinks), pencil on thin paper on desk. more likes the feel rather than sound. and gear sounds/clicking like guardians. ALSO KEYBOARD NOISES. like the chunky ones i can get a video. zelda also likes these just more mechanical ones rather than soft thonks. also cooking pot noises we cannot forget about those. cutting paper super smoothly by just dragging scissors or a knife feels good and also knife tearing through fabric or specifically a bed mattress also feels good! the sound varies however. alsoalso this made me make a list for zelda because i think she’d more actively like sensory things
if they had a preference for weapons he’d love lynel weapons due to the sheer damage he just would never use them as to not break them. same with robbies ancient sword and other weapons that look cool or have ties to the champions. otherwise he just likes standard one handed sword weapons. pre cal him would honestly like lynel swords More and be really miffed about the master sword only doing 30 damage despite it being a holy sword and people regarding it as this great thing. like it has trouble defeating monsters ganon is going to kill him. i need to play sksw honestly i think he would like fi i just know next to nothing about her besides her being the sword. also he cant hear her Anyways!!
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elleaitch22 · 1 year
The Nanny
Chapter 2
A/N: It’s not as long as I wanted it to be, but we finally meet Shuri!
I hope you enjoy! 🤎 Elle
“Aneka, are there any new updates with our cybersecurity?” Shuri questioned, leaning back in her chair.
Aneka shook her head before speaking up, “No, Panther. There are no threats that have come up.”
“Well then,” Shuri began with a nod, “You all are dismissed. Remember to consult with a Dora if you have any concerns.”
Almost 200 people left the meeting room; all who were left were Aneka, Ayo, Okoye, and Shuri.
“Panther, we have found someone to care for the children as Aneka works.” Ayo stated.
Shuri didn’t reply until the door had shut. “For Bast’s sake Ayo. Enough with the formalities.” She rolled her eyes. “Who is it? Someone in the Tribe already?”
“Ah no. Shuri you know I don’t want those people around my children. Too serious. They would never have fun.” Aneka Buhle was known for her playfulness; it was one of the things Ayo loved most about her. For most involved in the Golden Tribe, the life had turned them cold and stoic. Aneka challenges that fact.
“Her name is Rianna Williams. She is from chicago, and she recently moved here from Boston.” Ayo paused. “She came from MIT.” She finished quietly.
It was no secret that Shuri’s first love was science. It was also common knowledge that she had wanted to go to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology since she learned of its existence. She was even set to go there 18 months ago, then Val and her crew swooped in and ruined everything.
Shuri scoffed lowly, “You trust her with the kids? She clearly isn’t too bright if she left MIT willingly.”
Aneka scowled. “I did a full background check. Her parents are dead and her sister won’t speak to her. I doubt she wanted to get into hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt just to become an engineer. Her test scores in high school rivaled yours.”
A few minutes away, Riri was preparing clam chowder for the kids before she got them up from their naps, texting while she waited for the milk to heat up.
Peter Piper: are u sure u dont wanna come back? i’m sure i could sneak u in.
Robyn Rihanna: I’m sure. I just got a new job with this new family. They seem nice, and if it works out, I’ll be back in the fall :)
Peter Piper: ok. he who shant be named stopped by again. I told him i had no clue where u went.
Robyn Rihanna: TYSM!!!!! Please keep it that way. I’ll book you a flight for spring break. Orphans Club Assemble
If there was one thing Riri missed about MIT, it was Peter. He was her only real friend, and they were able to relate to losing all of their loved ones before they were of age. He was her best friend, always looking out for her and stepping in whenever Jacob was disrespectful.
Jacob Michaels was one of the worst people on campus, but he was smooth and rich. Riri played right into his webs. They had moved in together within months, and that was when the real manipulation started.
The relationship was awful and half the reason Riri left Cambridge so quickly.
Peter Piper: See u in 2 months!!!
Riri threw the rest of the dish together quickly, plating the meal as the door opened.
She looked up with a bright smile on her face, before it was wiped off. “Who the hell are you?”
The woman before her was striking. She wore a black suit with pristine loafers. The matching shirt had the first few buttons undone. There was a gold necklace hanging in the opening, and the jewelry was layered with a thin gold chain. And her face. Jesus. She was gorgeous.
The woman smirked, looking Riri up and down before she went to move.
“Wait.” Riri started, holding her hand out while she tried to figure out how to protect the kids. “How did you get in here? Where’s Nosipho? What’d you do to her?”
The woman didn’t answer, just took a step closer to Riri. The tiny girl threw a punch, one that was swiftly caught.
“I don’t like being hit.” The sexy woman answered. She has the same accent as Ayo and Aneka.
Riri scoffed as she swung her other fist. “I don’t like strangers showing up at my job. Speak.” She gritted.
“You’re so cute.” Sexy woman started, “If Ayo and Aneka had told me, I would have introduced myself earlier.” She said, releasing Riri’s wrists. “I am Shuri Udaku, Ayo and Aneka’s boss.” She extended her hand.
Riri rolled her eyes and huffed. “You couldn’t have said that earlier? Smirking and staying quiet like you were about to kill us.”
“SHURI! Don’t scare the girl off! She’s the only one I’ve liked!” Aneka’s voice came from behind Shuri.
Shuri was the one who rolled her eyes, turning towards the couple. “Relax Neka. I was just introducing myself to Ms. Williams.”
“I didn’t tell you my name.” Riri glared at her back.
“I make it a point to know everyone who is around my family.” Shuri replied.
Before Riri could get a word out, Ayo spoke. “Riri, you are not needed for the rest of the day. Feel free to take advantage of the amenities here.”
The two walked out together, and Shuri smirked at Aneka. “You didn’t tell me your new nanny looked like that.”
“Aye Shuri. You were just calling her stupid, and now you want her? Absolutely not. If she ends up hating you, she’ll quit, and I’ll have to stop working.”
“You’re being dramatic, Aneka.” Shuri whined.
Aneka tilted her head at the bullshit coming out of her friend’s mouth. “If you wish to be with Ms. Williams, you’ll need to court her, properly. From my research, I know that she’s been through a great deal already. Do not make this worse for her.”
Shuri stayed in the foyer while Aneka left to get her children. Shuri would woo the girl, make her unable to resist her advances. Rianna Maree Williams would be Shuri’s if it was the last thing she did.
Tag list (no clue if I did this right)
@mal-urameshi @karimwillia @shuriris-stuff
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verm1c1de · 9 months
📓 give it to us.
aw man time to tell people about libb
its also about gay people, i guess
and me being really bad at human names.
libb is less of a book than it is a non-chronological collection of fuzzy, prose-y memories that can be pieced togefur to figure out the whole story
the story: Red Goes Through It. A Lot.
and dib is there to be a manic pixie nightmare boy to his purritan purrivate school boy
i shant explain the whole plot since this is the one i have the most written out about, but like,,,,,
it is absolutely like 30 pages of boydrama and also reds mom dies 👍
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camillasgirl · 1 year
Tbh I only began an interest in KC and QC recently with the Book That Shant Be Named media circus, so I’m reading back quite a bit and love your Tumblr. One thing I don’t understand is how KC got a reputation of cold, aloof and no emotions because as I go through pages, he comes off v kind, smitten and sweet.
Well, I am glad you're going all the way back through my block and like what you see about Charles.
I think it all came from the ex-wife and also what the press made out of him.
Being with Camilla, he can finally be the really good sport that he truly is <3
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night-dark-woods · 1 year
just finished the cartographers by peng shepherd! the main character's entire family including her are/were cartographers/map and antiquites scholars, her estranged father dies, and she finds the map they argued over 7 years ago in his desk and has to figure out why it was so important.
3/5. would have been a 4/5 if not for the last quarter, i thought the plot pieces were overall set up really well (and very easy to follow, only one reveal surprised me) but i didnt find the main antagonists motivations particularly compelling? and the end overall didnt blow me away either. the concept is really really neat though i shant say more bc of spoilers, but its a fun magical-realism-adjacent little jaunt.
the mc is named nell (helen) and i think it was an intentional hill-house reference as well given one of the settings for the book.
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hardestgrove · 2 years
feel free to ignore this is a vent so yeah
this fandom makes me feel so freaking guilty about being a Billy stan and shipping mungrove. I can literally make an entire book about all the tiktoks and posts I've seen about people bashing Billy stans because billy is racist and what not. (I am black myself) and honestly, I don't see anything wrong with billy yet people make me feel so guilty for liking his character. Don't even get me started on mungrove I really like the ship but people have called me disgusting for shipping it because billy wouldn't like eddie. i dont even know what to say anymore
i shant ignore bc i wanna send you love and support. cause you deserve it.
i've got a long ass post or two about how ppl talk about this shit and how their whole dogpiling on billy stans is just wildly ignorant to how these kinds of things like ??? work??? like if you're walking in with the assumption he's racist that's not??? fucking baked in???? to his dna???? and their behavior is the kind of thing that makes people double down on their shitty beliefs if they have them so like, they're REALLY not helping ANYONE. it's just performative bullshit at the expense of real people's well being.
in my book mungrove is THE ship of the show any they never got screentime in the same fucking season LOL and no screaming dipshits are gonna change that. same with my liking billy. dacre put a beautiful job into breathing life and depth into what was going to be the most embarrassingly basic henry bowers rip off and if they lack the fucking brainpower to respect that then i don't got time for em.
there's a huge amount of eddie stans that are truly vile to everyone who's not a rabid steddie stan i mean they're fucking coming after chrissy and grace too and literally trying to incriminate her with doctored screencaps to make her look racist. these people are just disgusting as people and they think they can get away with it bc they're a big group and they're in the "moral right" when really they're just 00s yaoi fans by another name who violently hate women who "get in the way of their ship" and can't stand anything with more depth than what their stereotyped shit allows and don't like competition.
personally, as someone who's been seeing this shit online since i was like, 12 in the 00s anime geosites era i just block, delete and ignore. either they grow the fuck up or they don't and in that case i hope they get so toxic their accounts get deleted bc they earned that.
i hate that you feel like this bc fandom and shipping and shit is supposed to be FUN we are all sitting on the carpet of someone's bedroom making our barbies kiss and planning out their silly little adventures and giggling about it. some people just fucking can't stand the idea of other people liking different shit then they like it's wild.
my next mungrove content is gonna be dedicated to you (assuming it's not something like vermillion bc that's yikesy and i don't wanna put ur metaphorical name on that bestie lol) cause you're cute and you have GOOD TASTE and you DESERVE IT
but ur gonna have to literally type in /tagged/mungrove into the url bar to find it when i do bc my blog is glitched out of the tags atm lol kill me 💀 unless you wanna make a request in which case i will happily take it and make you a nice thing!!!!
also i'm working on a mungrove story where billy is friends w/ benefits w/ a girl named jodi who's mixed race and then he gets with eddie bc they were ~falling in love~ for like months lol and remains besties with her. (and plot twist! she's eddie's half sister! they didn't know that before lol) and like i didn't set out to win at "piss the psycho antis off" bingo but lol i'm now even more determined to finish that story!!!!
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vincentspork · 7 months
Brbrrbrbrbrbrbrbrbbrrbr comic stuff under da cut. I literally have a server that I could dump this into but i shant
OK so Riley and Empusa go seek out a witch named Trixie, who's known to have a large personal library on witchcraft and its history. Em goes bug mode bc she thinks Trixie will freak out otherwise(read: she knows Trixie has Intel and wants to ambush her basically, but Riley doesn't know this).
Once there Trixie is very welcoming but her wife is very guarded. Riley ignores this and gets to researching, but doesn't find anything regarding the mnemonic device, leading her to spiral. Em gets distressed and they call Nick to update him; Em threatens to get info from Trixie by force, which Nick doesn't rly understand the extent of but he's against. Em's at the end of her rope though bc she's sure that Trixie is withholding information from her, which is stopping Riley from achieving her goal (finding the mnemonic device) and Empusa as well (getting the body she's using back to its original owner intact.)
While Riley's asleep, Em, in human mode, snoops around for leads, but only finds a photo of a teenaged Trixie and two other girls hidden in a book. Kit, Trixie's wife, catches her and immediately deduces that Empusa is a familiar, threatening to report her bc uhhh Empusa escaping is only known by Mimesis employees and not the general public. If that info goes public then it makes Riley look like she's aiding a criminal
The next morning Em catches Riley up to speed and tells her that she knows Trixie is intentionally hiding information. This, along with Kit's threat, leads them to assume that Trixie is still in Mimesis' pocket. They confront Trixie and Kit, but Empusa sees Trixie's injured eye and Kit backs Riley into a corner, asking her if she needs to be rescued from Empusa. This makes Riley realize that Trixie was once also a witch for Mimesis and had Laplace as her familiar, and makes Empusa figure out that Trixie isn't withholding information on purpose; rather, Kit is periodically wiping Trixie's memories of her time as a state-sanctioned witch because they're that disruptive to her peace of mind. Kit is trying to prevent this from happening to Riley as well. Riley insists that Empusa has done nothing but support and protect her. They end up leaving, no new leads on the mnemonic device on hand but now aware of the extent of mimesis' damage
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the-final-knight · 7 months
Knight Log, volume 2:
It has been a few days since I last wrote in this book, I have been very busy.
There is a plot to assassinate me, Drewp, and The Queen and I am trying to stop them. I think that ive come up with a unique and cunning plan though that may give me the advantage. I shant disclose it here as I fear I am being watched.
The assassin is very clever but some sort of moral code has kept them from killing me thus far. They left me quite wounded from our last battle but I did the same to them. Hopefully it shall be a little bit until our next battle.
The Queen has asked me to accompany her and Drewp to the capital city of Yevrin, which I find very exciting. We are, however, riding in a Zeppelin which I find a little daunting. It's been ages since I've been up that high and I am admittedly slightly afraid of doing again. The Queen has assured me it's safe though and I trust her.
On the subject of The Queen I must say I am quite fond of her. She is definitely the nicest ruler I have served under and she tolerates my slip ups. She's been incredibly kind to me and even went searching in the forest for me after a nasty battle with that assassin. My leg still hurts from that, and I have a limp from it, but luckily no one has caught onto that. A knight must be strong through their pain in order to succeed, that is the lesson I have always known to be true.
I have sparring with people and am beginning to learn ways of how to counter magic uses, these are the most important things I've learned thus far:
Never let them have use of their hands or mouth
Resist mind control
Analyze their movements to prepare for any spell they may cast
Thankfully I have yet to face a magic user who actually has intent to harm me, that's lucky, but luck always runs out.
And now for what is by far the most interesting thing to happen in my life.
Someone is... Trying to romance me. I know, it sounds just as crazy to me as it must to you, imaginary reader. They have been keeping their identity a secret so far but have given me the name Augustus to call them by. Now, this is between you, the book, and me, but this is truly the scariest thing to ever happen to me. Never has someone called me the things they call me. Never has anyone gone out of their way and given me something such as what they have.
They gifted me a golden Zweihander. Can you believe that? Neither can I. I don't even know what to say to such a lavish gift. Thankyou is certainly not enough I know that, but I also have hardly anything myself. Before I came to this island I had only the clothes on my back and a few silver pieces. Now everything has changed for me and people actually seem to care about me.
Needless to say it's overwhelming. But also intoxicating. The Queen said that their pattern of gift giving and masquerading follows that of an old Yervin play. And on the fourth day they will reveal themself. If that's the case I don't have much time to think of something to do for them in return. I don't have much to offer someone like that I think, I have no money or promise. I hope they'll forgive me for that, if not I suppose I can give them their sword back.
Alright I think that's a nice wrap up of the past few days, I'm obviously leaving stuff out because of how much has happened but yeah. Have a good day book, farewell.
Ps: I hope the Augustus will forgive me for threatening to slice their throat.
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arlecchno · 11 months
laughs in currently on summer break ,,,,,,
speaking of that tho , ive been busying myself by playing video games so much LMAO me and my silly visual novel names ( because im too lazy to play anything that needs me to put actual effort into it hahahhahahaha - )
SO THE STORY RIGHT - its a think me and my friend have been workin on since like the end of 2021 n its like set in a royal fantasy like au , fantasy monsters are something that havent been brought up in the discussion but we have cool magic stuff LOL . the most stuff thats defined is the very basic plot idea , the MCs r named Ashe Najimek ( prince , any pronouns ) , Rin Vasilios ( princess , she/her ) , and Kiole Soubaki ( king , he/him ) . dont question ANY of these last names because najimeks is just a keyboard smash and the rest were chosen by my friend they have no significant whatsoever LOL . aaaanyways , rin and ashe are basically from this mainland where all the kingdoms are secretly feuding with eachother but in order to maintain peace for the citizens they wont start an actual war . basically its every kingdom for themselves except for their silly trading systems . ashe and rins kingdoms are like at eachothers throats now since ashe and rin were born with the most magical power their lands have ever seen and its that trope where “child gets born into power and parents use them for own benefit causing child to rebel” yada yada but WUH OH WHATS THAT IS THAT 🫢🫢😨😱 GASP ANGST ?!?????!???? yeah lets go were tormenting our characters today baby ‼️‼️ the full book will go into the struggles of rin and ashe and how they end up as a result of how they take their circumstances . and how they become friends bc of those circumstances . lovely friendship . oh and theres two others that are their guards . Sio and Erza Eztli . theyre twins n stuff . THEY WILL GET DEVELOPMENT TOO WE JUST SHANT SPEAK OF IT NOW . im planning to make them long lost siblings tho lmao ! omg ive gone on such a long rant and i still havent talked about kiole . anyways so kiole is the token mentor character which i will not go into detail because SPOILERS MAYBE . he rules the edgy edgy kingdom of DEATH AND DARKNESS and all the other kingdoms have kinda outcasted his so nobody knows the fucker outside of whispers from the shadowed souls themselves MUAHAHAHAH - ahem anyways .
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HERE ARE OUR MCSSS i love them awaaaaaaa
i also JUST read chapter 5 recently and like …
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( for context my friends name / nickname is roof )
RAHHHHH HELLO TO YOUUUU!!!! hope you're enjoying your summer break 🫂
AND YOUR STORY TOO!!!!!!! that sounds so interesting already and ROYAL FANTASY AU⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ SIGN ME TF UP BRO I LIVEEE FOR FANTASY AUS bro you got me hooked with the storyline and characters already and it's still in the works 🤞🤞 their last names are soooo creative too like even if they're a keyboard smash or whatever,,,, still so intriguing like yes sign me up AGAIN!!!! wish my keyboard makes up random and cool last names lmao
THE MCS...... please let me touch their hair i swear they've GOT to have the most silkiest hair in their kingdoms like excuse me let me bow down to them and ask them for tips and tricks 😞🙏
thank you hehe school is.... yeah whatever school's been the same for me but i thrive to live up to the day asphodelus finally ends LOL i need to get that series done before i'm even more burnt out
LMAO YOUR FRIEND'S NICKNAME BEING ROOF IS GOLD 😭 fun fact i was literally like brain dead trying to figure out some bad humour to insert in those lines but somehow ended up with that... (may or may not be a bit of a self insert because i totally don't stare at my own ceiling and wished i was the ceiling instead hahaha definitely haven't.... ever.....)
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