#but i am so excited to see this develop and to draw more cass she's everything
2aceofspades · 8 months
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Short update but it's ✨her moment✨ okay??
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Season 3 Episode 8: Day of the Animals
Guess what time it is?!!
Sorry it took me so long to write this one but we’re getting to it now which is all that matters!
First of all, this episode kind of grates on my nerves because it wasn’t necessary. This is purely a filler episode, we don’t even get any snippets at the beginning or end. We are is episode 8 of season 3! Why are we making filler episodes? Where is my backstory on the sun drop? What about Demanitus? I want to know more about him! Why did his followers betray him? I don’t want this garbage!
Don’t get me wrong I love Pascal, Max, and Ruddiger a lot, but their friendship was kind of already developed (and could be further developed in other episodes as background). We didn’t need an entire episode centered around their inability to get along and how to overcome it.
Really the only reason I like this episode is because my children are all on a road trip together!
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Like LOOK at my son (even though he’s like two years younger than me) He’s so cute hiding behind Rapunzel’s hair! I love him!
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Ok, I think I’ve already mentioned this before but Ruddiger’s a little shit and I love him.
Also, this whole thing could have been solved if Max would have just gotten another apple!
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Fucking Dwayne
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I love this bit (not just because of the evil grin on Varian’s face) because Varian is 15ish, he’s still very much a kid! And therefore, when a pillow is thrown at his face he’s gonna throw it back! Then Raps just casually snatches it from him and he looks confused and then POUTS because he couldn’t mess around.
Also Angry (I’m calling her Angry because it seems as though she wants to be called Angry still and everyone continues to call her Angry but call Catalina Catalina) calls him V and if that isn’t sibling love then I don’t know what is.
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Honestly, if Hamuel were to die mysteriously I’d be perfectly fine with it.
This bird causes more problems than fixes any and I am so sick of dumb comic relief characters (even if their animals) that aren’t actually funny.
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O M G!!! Look at her leaning on Varian and Angry’s heads! Gahhhh!
Also, look at my precious girl Catalina! I love her to bits!
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Do you understand how much I love them?!! Do you?
Pascal really was so done in this episode. The chamaeleon is tired of being the mediator let him rest.
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Just wanted to draw some attention to how Dwayne switches his sword from hand to hand as he’s singing to himself.
It’s so simple, yet animated in such a beautiful way and I can’t explain why I like it so much, I just do.
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Ok, but also! You may hate Dwayne, but I love him. He’s hilarious and, honestly, if I were a thief I too would annoy all the main characters, constantly be making weird faces and body movements, and wouldn’t be able to spell my own name.
Speaking of body movements, this entire camp fire scene is my absolute fav of the episode! The way he moves! I can’t!
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They’re morons! It’s great!
I die with laughter every time characters do this!
I already said why I didn’t get too excited about this episode from the beginning. This just seems like a season 1 episode and I’m not into it.
Sure, it was funny and we got to see more of the animals, but there was no point. I would have rather had an episode about Demanitus’ past, what caused Zhan Tiri? Who is the little blue girl with Cass and what her deal is! Anything but this.
Besides that, I got a nice Varian episode, so that makes me feel better but still.
4/10 for episode 8. I didn’t hate it and it’s not my least favorite episode (that one where the got turned into birds in season 2. What??), but it’s not good. Sorry if that disappoints anyone. I have no problem with any of the characters in this episode, but there is no reason for it.
I want to get the rest of Season 3 done before Wizards: tales of Arcadia comes out August 7th, but if I don’t I’ll finish this before I do them. (That is if you guys are cool with me reviewing them too?)
Anyway, another one soon :)
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chiscribbs · 5 years
What an awesome surprise to log on to! The timing couldn’t be better, because I was just hit with a massive wave of “uuuughhh, I miss this showww” vibes this morning (again) and this news just brightened my day right up!
You know what time it is now, time to start theorizing about the new content! Sharing a few of my personal theories under the cut:
First things first, let’s address the elephant in the room:
Okay, now that I’ve gotten that out my system...
So, we now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Cass is, in fact, a legit antagonist and it was not just some red herring. (Heck, she’s even got the “lurking mischievously in the sky behind the protagonist” thing goin’ in the season 3 poster.) Which personally, I’m happy about, because I think this is going to give way to some fantastic character development for her. I’m really excited to see where all of this build-up with the door and the moonstone is leading.
We're also informed that Corona has apparently been “overtaken by an old enemy” in the gang’s absence...hmmmm. 👀🤔 I wonder who that could be? Now, I know what everyone’s first thought is...and I won’t lie, it’s mine too. Seems highly plausible. But there are, actually, a few possibilities and I want to discuss them each a bit.
First, the Most Obvious One - Varian:  This seems incredibly likely considering the way things have been arranged in the story thus far. He’s in Corona, we haven’t seen a lick of him since the others left (outside of Rapunzel’s idol-induced vision); and the last time we saw him, he was carted off in shackles swearing he would make his dad proud if it was “the last thing [he] ever [did].” Definitely sounds like the boy means business. Not to mention Varian IS the antag who came the closest to snuffing them out so far, and we do know he’s set to have a much more involved role this season than in the past two. Granted, I still firmly believe Varian and Raps (or maybe he and Cass???) will be teaming up at some point during the finale. So if this is the case, I’m very interested to see how it all goes down.
The Less-Obvious One - Andrew:  He may have given off all the vibes of a one-note, episodic, villain- BUT...we have seen the symbol of the Separatists appear since. Andrew(or Hubert) on his own may not be especially threatening, but let’s not forget that he represents a rebel group that has been plotting, for AGES, to take down Corona. And now would be the perfect opportunity for an uprising. I’ve always been under the impression that we haven’t seen the last of him, or of the Separatists - especially given Tom’s fascination with the seemingly basic character. xD We don’t actually know what happened to Andrew after his planned was foiled. We can assume he’s been taken prisoner, but even then, he wasn’t on the prison barge with LC, sooo… Also, I want to make a callback to SOTSD when Varian had the entire kingdom busy with a monster hunt. If Varian was able to sneak in during this time, who’s to say somebody couldn’t have snuck out?
The Unexpected One - ??? I want to really quick draw attention to the phrasing of this plot point; it says “Rapunzel returns to the kingdom of Corona only to find that it has been taken over by an old enemy.” It doesn’t specifically state that the “enemy” in question is someone that Rapunzel & co have faced in the past. This could mean it’s an old enemy of Corona, of Rapunzel herself, someone from Eugene’s past excursions, maybe, or even a former foe of King Frederic’s. Although I do believe it will most likely be someone we recognize, we haven’t actually been given enough information to be sure of this yet.
Who I’m 95% Sure It Probably WON’T Be: Willing to bet it’s not Lady Caine, as she’s been used thrice already and has always shown herself to be a one-hit bad guy. In fact, pretty much anybody who made an appearance in Peril on the High Seas, I think we can rule out. The chances that they’ll have a greater role as a villain this season after their easy past defeats are slim-to-none. I also don’t see it being Mother Gothel. Mostly because Donna Murphy was not credited anywhere in the cast (and this is definitely the type of appearance she’d be credited for), but also I can’t see anyway for them to go that route in a way that makes sense. For one thing, she’s already dead. And even if she were to, say, come back in spirit form, she’s never expressed any interest in taking over Corona up til this point. It would be a very strange twist of her character to come back now, especially when we still have a whole new line of more present threats to squeeze in.
So anyway, those are my current theories regarding the series premiere event (based on the info we’ve been given thus far.) Feel free to tell me what you thought while reading these, and also, share some theories of your own, I’d love to hear them!  We still have a lot of blanks to fill in, especially regarding Cass’ motivation and what she saw behind the door. We also have been kept pretty much in the dark about what’s been happening in Corona over the almost-year the gang has been away (although, we now have a pretty good idea of where it lead,) AND Zhan Tiri’s inevitable return still awaits us.
One other thing I'm just now noticing:
Adira isn’t mentioned at all in the casting? Which is strange, and slightly concerning, considering how prominent her character has become in recent episodes. Here’s hoping it’s simply due to her having limited screen-time and not...the worst case scenario (gulps).  
Anyway, I can’t wait to see what the cast & creatives have in store for us this season! Just when I think I know where the story is heading, they always manage to surprise and impress. It’s a tad bittersweet, knowing this is the final installment, but this season is longer and - I imagine - more jam-packed with plot than ever before. And with a whole new colorful cast of characters to enjoy!  So I can’t wait to find out what this show’s epic conclusion will be! 
SEASON 3, HERE WE COME!!!! 👏💜💕☀🌙🎵🙌
Oh yeah, and one last thing I forgot to mention, um--
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notsosmallbean · 5 years
Hey guys, so I just reposted an art countdown where I'll be drawing something for each episode of season two of TTS, but I've only just started season two. So, I will be recording all of my episode thoughts on here as I watch it!
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Beyond the Corona Walls
New intro song visuals, nice
Why?? Did they change?? The title???
Cue me being way too excited about my son's one line in the recap of season one
Oh shoot I forgot about rock sword lady
Not even gonna try to comment on whatever that rock castle and its mysteries are...
Pfft wow that was a big change in mood
I'm digging the new outfits, ngl
Ugh, why'd they have to bring Hookfoot...
Okay so I'm kinda glad they did this proposal stress thing because it super-solidifies that the series takes place between the defeat of Mother Gothel and the end of the movie. I was confused, so that's good to know.
No no no no no! Not this guy too! I hate this guy...
Rapunzel is too optimistic for her own good. like girl stop pretending this town isn't a shithole
Any form of logic whatsoever: "okay so the baron has already been marked down as a really threatening bad guy. this ought to be intense." My last two brain cells: "hehe he's feeding swans"
Yo okay it's rock sword lady-
That is way too many baguettes...
OH NO RAPUNZ- oh okay she was just pwning them
That is one unfriendly looking group hug
Yeah I don't care if your name is Adira, I think that I'll call you Todoroki. No idea why...
We STAN a protective Cassandra!
Oh no poor Pascal! He's sad she called Cass her best friend...
*yeets Cassandra* I dOn'T wAnT tO fIgHt
Hah, Cassandra is threatened by an angry Rapunzel
I mean, obviously they're going to beat the baron, because we see them getting married in the movie, but this is still really tense !
This song has me on the verge of tears,,,
Rapunzel being catty about Stallion is what I'm here for
I'm losing my mind over Pascal eating that fly from Rapunzel's shoulder
@ the dude stealing what appears to be handfuls of sweetrolls: me too sis
Eugene and Lance actually have a really sweet relationship I'm s o f t
That swan statue does not deserve Rapunzel's ridicule
It bothers me so much that nobody here is in wedding attire
Okay does no one in this universe know what a chameleon is?
Also I've been holding this burn back since she appeared on screen...
Is her name Stallion because she has a horse face?
Where does the Baron keep getting these spiders?
Ahhh Pascal you absolute KING
Why are they letting them go???
Why is everyone acting like marriage is going to mark the end of the line for Rapunzel's freedom?? Like, she's adventurous, not promiscuous.
Can I just say I love the characters even more this season? Like, Rapunzel and Eugene are meshing as they were meant to, Cassandra is being more supportive, and everyone feels way more developed than in season one.
So I'm going to place my bets on Adira being the end villain for this season. Just because she follows the exact same mesh that Varian did: a new character introduced at the beginning of the season who is originally presented as an ally if not friend. Although, Disney isn't really the type to follow a mold, so you never know. I welcome her addition to the cast, whether she ends up evil or not! She seems fun.
I'm already loving this season, so I can't wait to go on and watch the rest ^^
Alright, I've finished episode one! This episode was pretty long, and I had a lot to say, so I'll be posting its commentary by itself. I am going to keep watching, but I think this is enough for one post!
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polkadotmask · 6 years
14x02 Refelction
Okay, this is probably gonna be all over the place, but I'mma try to go over everything from this episode.
*First off, I am EXCTATIC over how good his episode was!! The style and characters fit perfectly with the precedent of season 5, which this season is mostly drawing off of. Richard Speight directed this one and I am really happy with his design choices for camera angels and color schemes, especially with Michael's slaughter house.
*Castiel's character was better repsected! Not so much by everyone else, but in terms of how he would react, it seems more in-character than going after random demons from last episode. (Seriously? Wtf!) His fatherly talks with Jack were heartwarming! Even his over-protectiveness was founded and not overly bearing. Good papa!
*Also with Nick: At first I was a little unsure about them bringing him back. I thought the writers only brought Nick back to keep Pelligrino (which I guess I won't complain). But I'm glad to see that they actually have a plan for Nick's character besides proving that yes, the "archangel blade" killed Lucifer and spared the vessel. (The whole archangel blade business is verging on the point of me considering it not Cannon, but that's just personal opinion.) I've always loved when the writers explored the vessels of the angels. (Love "Angel Heart"!!) Jimmy Novak was a well rounded charchter in the few episodes we saw him in (even Hannah's vessel too) so I hope Nick will get the same jusitce. I've always hoped they'd touch more on his origin story and it looks like this season will deliver, which I am here for!
*Nick calling Cass a Bodysnatcher was rude, but justified. It's true in all regards. Cass even reminded us that Jimmy is indeed dead and he feels remorse for splitting up the Novak family, but it's important for Castiel to still be reminded of that tragedy. It might not be fair or what Cass needs to hear now (Lord knows that angel is losing it mentally after all he's going through) but it's a good step forward for the show's development of his character.
*Michael was intimidating and I loved it! His experimentation was strange, but it shows that he has a plan or some sort of end-game in mind. Working with monsters was definitely not something I saw coming, but right now I'll settle with it. And as far as Dean is concerned, I am absolutely certain that Michael is using the guise of Dean to trick Sam and get information on what the Hunter is planning. It only makes sense. Not like suddenly leaving his perfect vessel. (Where could he even go?) My only question is how he is going to trick Castiel. We caught a glimpse of an angel's true form in the last episode, how does it work when an angel is dormant still inside a vessel? This reminds me a lot of Gadreel, so let's hope that Michael is actually allowing Dean to interact somewhat rather than just purely pretending to be Dean. (Just had a thought: what if this is the premise behind bringing Nick back? He's showing signs of acting like Lucifer, which he doesn't seem to fully remember or be aware of, so what if Lucifer is still kinda-sorta there? Hm...)
*Jack got to meet his grandparents! That scene was so adorable and heartwarming! And Jack handled it very well, as if he were on a case. He's getting better at going in under cover and keeping his cool. (He's learning!) It was hard for him to keep up the act and not just tell them that Kelly is his mother and that she is dead, but I think he did the right thing. It wasn't really his place to tell them all that, it's strange enough that he's full grown, just let them fawn over how you look like their daughter. This is good development for Jack, he's actually making decisions to learn the truth for himself rather than relying on others. Let's just hope that he doesn't lower his self-worth anymore or aquaint it with his levels of grace (which will apparently take a while to manifest, but let's be real, it's a TV show and they will most likely have a flare-up some time this season).
*Mary's fighting this episode was pretty good. But when she still used the silver knife after Sam just yelled that silver bullets don't work??
*Bobby's FBI skillzz
*Babysitter Cass needs to learn how to watch the babies.
*Sam was an admirable leader this episode. I don't really have much criticism for him. His character was consistent, that's all I can ask for.
*Nick killing that guy in the end -- I'm actually ok with it, surprisingly. I didn't think his character would resort to something like that, but it's not beyond him. I just hope it was in a scheme to bring the original killer back for the "copy-cat" crime, rather than just hammering the guy's skull in out of rage.
*Nick's baby was a boy! I don't know if that was said before, but I'm glad we got a little reveal, however bittersweet it was.
There's a lot more that I probably haven't touched on, but I'll have to rewatch the episode to comment further. But final thoughts: I'm really impressed with this episode. It felt more so like the season premiere we deserved. Definitely raised the bar from last week and I am excited to see what lies ahead for season 14!
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Tangled: The series Q&A with Chris and Ricky.
This is a recapitulation from today’s (July 1st, 2018) Questions and Answers sessions with Chris and Ricky on the Tangled Discord Server.
They did their Q&A sessions separately, so the first part of this post are from Chris session, while the second part is from Ricky’s session.
Chris’ session.
Q: Was any form of martial arts used as reference to Adira’s fighting style? A: Tt’s tough to keep her style consistent because our board teams rotate and so do the animators... you’ll see the style change a bit.
Q: I noticed that Rapunzel's new outfit is really reminiscent of Belle's blue-white dress in Beauty and the Beast, only more geared for the wear and tears of adventure and long distance traveling. Was that an intentional nod by any chance? A: Not intentional. We just wanted her to be a little more... flexible. Adventurous. We worked very hard on it.
Q: Where did the inspiration come from for Adira's outfit? A: Adria’s was very much Ben’s creation. I believe it’s very influenced by Korean costumes.
Q: How did you design her personality? A: Well, we wanted her to be intimidating, yet funny and quirky. We all have friends like that! She needed to have this feeling that.... You don’t know whether to trust her or not!!!
Q:  Does the caravan have an actual name? A: Ya know? It doesn’t! We just called it the caravan! 
Q: How do you decide on the perfect names for the characters you introduce?  A: I tend to spend a lot of time on names. They mean a lot to me. I pick some and the writers pick some. I can’t really discuss how we come up with them.
Q: Is it confirmed that Cassandra is 23 years old? A: No age’s are confirmed. Only Rapunzel.
Q: Who is one of your favorite characters to work on? A: Well, everyone knows I love Cass. She has my heart!!! Isn’t she just the coolest? I’d want her as a best friend!!
Q: Who is Ricky? A: I am a writer on the show so I help come up with what happens in each episode/the overall series and write the scripts...so essentially what the characters say, do, etc.
Q: Is there a particular episode that's already aired that stands out as a favorite of yours? A: Fav episodes of mine are: Pascal's Story, Quest for Varian (I wrote those so I'm partial) and I have a lot of love for Return of Strongbow, Rapunzel's Enemy and In Like Flynn.
Q: My friend was wondering how to write for animation, it's one of the forms they can't wrap their mind around. Like how to go about it and little tips to remember. A: For one, writing for animation isn't all that different than writing for live action. We format our scripts in the same fashion (well, tangled scripts have their own style, but overall it's the same). There is a particular focus, at least for me, on writing visually compelling action lines/descriptions so that my work and intention is clear for the story artists. Live action may have a little less emphasis there. But overall it's the same concept.
Q: Are there any particular shows you cite as influence when writing for Tangled? A: Ummm... different things influence the different writers/Chris/Ben, etc. I am sure that many of the visual artists/designers/board artists are influenced by different shows like that.
Q: I remembering reading something that said that the story for Tangled The Series was all figured out, that even before the show started airing the idea for the ending was already figured out. A: Well... It is and it isn't. Meaning, there is are... We'll call them "goal posts" along the way that were established very early on and the challenge of the show is building stories in between that build to those and do those moments justice. It kind of goes like this: Touchstones/key moments of the series are established, then we map out each season with those in mind (think of it like you have pillars and then the season arc is the roof held up by those pillars).
Q: How do you go about writing female characters or do you simply just portray them as a character first without special attention to gender? A: We just do our best to get inside each character's head... Be they female or male or horse or chameleon... and then write their character as true to who they are as we possibly can. There is a lot of discussion in the room when breaking story about "would Rapunzel do X or Y" and after a while, the characters become second nature to us. I have spent as much time with Rapunzel as I did in high school....so you really get to know them.
Q: So you have a rough outline for the series and as you go you flesh out ideas? A: Yes. There are certain things that we've always known would happen. Like, with Varian, we mapped out which episodes in Season one he would appear in and how his character would progress (so, ep 3, 9, 13/14, 20-end). The specific "how" wasn't always there. That becomes part of the story. How do we get Varian from A to B in each episode so by the end he is no longer a cinammon roll.
Q: Which character do you personally enjoy writing for the most? A: My favorite is King Trevor. As far as the mains, I mean, IDK  it depends on the episode. I love writing Rapunzel when she loses her cool a little bit. I love writing Eugene quips, I love writing Cass snark.... it depends on what they're doing.
Q: I do like how it seems even what can be considered filler episodes progress the story and characters in some way. A: Yeah, filler episodes.... yeesh not a term we like haha. The thing about a series is that we are always building character or establishing something. So yes there are eps that don't talk about the rocks or feature the main villain, but they show where the characters are in their particular place and time. Also, if you look at the season as a whole, you'll see that it mirrors the movie in some ways. There are moments in the movie that are straight up silly and fun and then there are scenes that are all badass action and then there are sad, dark moments and our episodes are like that. Some are Rapunzel's enemy and they are silly and fun and some are Quest where they are super dark
Q: Who is your least favorite character to write for? A: Hopefully this isn't a cop out, but I don't really have one. Like, I might say King Frederic in the first half of season 1, but then In Like Flynn comes around and it's so fun to lean into how much of a square he can be.
Q: How excited were you to finally introduce fans to the mysterious Baron? A: We were super psyched to finally get to use the Baron.
Q: Speaking of the darker parts of the show, are there any surprising limitations in place at Disney as to how dark you can go? Some, I'd imagine are obvious (no swearing, explicit content)- but are there any that'd surprise people? A: There are things that Disney doesn't let us do, but usually they aren't with "dark" things. THey're usually with some phrase they don't like or something. Like I wrote a line in Quest for Varian where Eugene calls Owl a "cold blooded bird of prey" and even though he was actually joking about Cassandra, we got a note that they didn't want to deceive children into thinking that owls are cold blooded when they are in fact warm blooded. Stuff like that is surprising.
Q: What there ever a character or an idea that you liked but had to be changed or removed (At least in season 1)? A: Definitely. I am the worst in the room because I get super attached to a lot of ideas and stories and characters and when they don't happen I get feisty. One I will reveal/can talk about was in Pascal's story. There was more of Pascal's journey to the tower in there and I had a scene of Pascal seeing a long blonde braid and getting happy, thinking it was Rapunzel. But then it turns out to be this dandy/crappy minstrel whose story kind of mirrored what Pascal was going through and he sang about how his girlfriend left him and at first Pascal thought he found a buddy, but he quickly got super annoying so Pascal bailed. I really liked the minstrel. I was sad he didn't make it in. He was so silly.
Q: In Quest for Varian the line "We're gonna get squished!" was that a Disneyfied line or was Varian just being a dork? A: Ummm...the squished line I can't remember honestly. We wrote that episode 2 years ago so sometimes it's hard to remember where they all came from.
Q: In the movie Raps hides behind Eugene a lot, and now in the show I've been noticing recently it's Eugene who's hiding behind Rapunzel, and that kinda body language totally sticks out towards their development because it shows how much braver and stronger Raps has become and also how Eugene trusts Raps, isn't as totally hung up on his ego, and also knows there's someone who can and wants to protect him, so my question is, are moves like these written into the script or are they mostly storyboard choices? A: I would say that much of the credit for the staging of the shots goes to our awesome storyboard artists. Certainly, there are times where we might write something like "Rapunzel steps forward and draws her frying pan" but other times, it might not be so specific and just as we pay a lot of attention to how Raps would act, they do as well and they work so hard to bring that out.
Q: What did you think of him (Varian) when he was first thought out and how his story progressed? A: Well, when I first got there he was just a name on an index card. And his trajectory was roughly laid out in that he would start out a friend but end up a foe. I didn't think of him as a kid initially, that came from someone else (either Chris or Shane) and I remember being worried about making such a young kid a villain because...and this is going to sound weird, but I was like "Can we punch a 14 year old in the face? Because if he's a villain we might have to do that." So I was skeptical at first, honestly. But the more we got into how he behaved and how quirky he was he just became super fun and sweet and then he fit naturally into the world.
Q: Is there a certain line that stands out as a personal favorite for you that you've written for the show? A: There are certain lines. One of them is when Rapunzel blows up the tower and they ask her what she's doing and she says "Letting down my hair" because it was fun making that famous line into a badass line. And everything Eugene says when he gives Max the tour of the tower. And when Eugene is confused about Chutney I laugh because that is based on a guy that I saw in Target trying to explain chutney to one of the workers who didn't know what it was.
Q: If you could do a crossover with another Disney Show/Movie which one would you want to do? A: Hmmmm... I think Enchanted. Would be cool to see Rapunzel and Eugene get thrown into New York with a slightly more street-smart Giselle.Or to see them go to Andalasia .
Q: Why is it Eugene hasn't had issues with his near death death? A: Well, he has mentioned his near death. He brings it up in Pascal's story and then in quest he talks about it. I think Eugene isn't the kind of guy that holds onto things like that. Like he might hold on to emotional hurt, but I think he looks at that as one of many close calls (okay, probably the closest call) he's had throughout his life and now that it's behind him, he faces it with humor.
Q: If you could turn another Disney movie into a series which one would it be? A: If I could turn any Disney movie into a series it would be Incredibles.
Q: Is there any music genre that fans might be surprised to find Rapunzel liking if she were to hear it? A: Hmmm... I think Rapunzel is the kind of person that would be open to anything. It's hard to imagine her hearing something and NOT liking it or at least giving it a chance.
Comment: Dude, Eugene's tour to Max through the tower was so funny, hahaha. Ricky: They cut a line out of the tour, which I was sad about. It was something like "See this stain on the floor? That's my blood. Seriously look at all that blood! Oh, boy, I am a bleeder." Comment: I loved Eugene's comment about Max climbing Rapunzel's hair when they were escaping the tower. Ricky: Hahaha yeah sometimes Eugene has to call out the strangeness haha. All of that is kind of paying homage to the movie. Like when he says "YOu should know this is the strangest thing I've ever done!"
Comment: I know it won't happen in the show, but it's stuff like that that makes me wish we'd be able to see Sora from Kingdom Hearts appear in the show. Eugene would be a goldmine of meta commentary on all the bizarre shenanigans that come with everything pertaining to Kingdom Hearts. Ricky: And to the Kingdom Hearts mention, it would be fun to do a crossover like that, but we can't really do crossovers like that. Every now and then I try to throw in an obscure Disney name or reference and it always gets caught (sulks).
Comment: I loved Lance's line in today's episode about the bee pheromones being  on the table in a drinking  cup. Ricky: LOL yeah. That was Jeremy's line. Tonight was his first episode (he started in Season 2 so he's a "new" writer this season). Comment: When you say Jeremy do you mean Jeremy Jordan? Ricky: No I'm talking about Jeremy Shipp. Jeremy Jordan doesn't write, he just sings like a god damn angel.
Ricky: Fun facts about tonight's episode: the lady that called Raps a "Clod" was voiced by Eden Espinosa. Also the first version of the story had Quaid as an old, out of work actor that the gang dresses up as a Sheriff. And then of course, the story evolved from there and stuff.
Comment: About Eugene dying, I would think the reason that's not mentioned much it's because Eugene simply isn't the kind of person that would hold to that stuff (Since we already know the show doesn't shy away from those kind of topics, for example, the King still dealing with Rapunzel's kidnapping even though she's been home for months now, and Rapunzel still dealing with her first 18 years with Gothel). Like, the characters don't get magically better, they keep dealing with stuff even after everything is done, and I think that's really cool. Ricky: Yeah. We show that Rapunzel still holds on to stuff. And Eugene does too (you see in the movie he has some issues and changes his name as a result), but Eugene covers a lot of that stuff with humor and sarcasm.
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impeccablebackside · 2 years
Have the queens ever been ‘caught’ in public/walked in on? If so, by who, who with, doing what?
This is a good question, as I have never really thought of it. Walking in on a queen going solo would be quite the sight, but I am no voyeur, so it would be a quick turnaround. Same thing would sort of go with a couple (or more).
Anyway, the risk of public sex / masturbation raises the excitement level I suppose, even though it is not really my thing.
Victoria, Tanto, Demeter, and Jelly all have been sneaky enough to not get caught or have simply not been walked in on. Though, there have been a few closer calls in separate scenarios involving Vic and Deme getting down with their respective partners or by themselves.
Rumple gets caught enough that no one really gets surprised or appalled by it. She gets horny often, and always wants to rub one out as soon as she can. She is a quick and effective 'jiller', but still gets caught from time to time. Rumple will use her fingers and hand to do the job, and also likes rubbing her pussy against things and dry humping objects. However, she does not stop if found out, when she is masturbating she is reaching the end no matter what. Even when she takes her time to tend for herself, and is caught (typically in a compromising position), she still finishes the job. Depending on who finds her, she will tease them and put on a bit of a show, spreading her legs and fingering herself or seductively slowing her riding pace while moaning to try to see the finder's pulse quicken. Up to this point, no one except for Munk, has been able to resist not joining her.
Aside from this, she has been caught fucking Mungo more times than she can count, and again, no one really is surprised anymore. They fuck a lot, usually in sort bursts, and have been found by 'older' protectors like Alonzo or Munk, and trainees like Plato, who all just let them keep going at this point. Though, it took a bit of time for Plato to learn not to stand and watch a bit. Usually they are found in a position with Rumple on top of Mungo, as is their usual go-to. Plus, they are not exactly quiet by any stretch, which usually means someone knows they are fucking, and chooses to find another way around or another time to chat. If you drop by her den, you have a good chance of interrupting something.
Once she was riding Vic's face behind something in the junkyard, with Vic being more or less hidden under her, and had to play it cool when she was questioned, all while Vic was frantically gasping for air underneath her.
Cassandra sometimes likes being fucked in a higher spot, looking down at others, but this has meant that a few cats have seen her getting fucked doggykittystyle by Alonzo or Tugger while on top of an oven or car. Mind you, they have also seen Cass absolutely peg either of those two, and both of them are not overly quite when getting railed, but Cass does also like loudly 'barking' instructions and praise to her subs. Obviously it is the subs fault if they get caught however. Munk has discovered her getting fucked and being the would be fucker, and now has developed a bit of a fantasy of finding her alone and taking advantage of the situation (with consent of course - always with consent - consent is sexy). She would not mind in the end if she draws another tom in like a sexy siren.
Cass also climbs up quite high to spend time to just fuck herself from time to time, and has been found out by eagle eyed individuals who see her fur flash in the light, and both Coricopat and Tantomile individually. Both of the twins have either joined her, rutting one out themselves as a quiet shared mutual masturbation, or been invited in to experience her body. Sometimes Tanto and Cori may or may not use their intuition to know that Cass is somewhere jerking it, and just so happen to find her. Cass is not dumb, but she does not mind.
Bomba is loud when she is getting fucked, so some cats have rushed to find out why she is screaming just to walk in on her being railed by her male suitors (and by Cass with a strap). The 'finders' are usually more embarrassed, and turn heel quickly. Sometimes Bomba notices are screams for them to fuck off, which is ironic.
Once Munk ran in because he heard both Bomba and Demeter sort of yelling, and found them intertwined scissoring vigorously or with a double-ended dildo (if those exits in their world mind you). He stood there in shock and utter glee. Needless to say, her joined them to add a man into the mix, and still thinks about that day from time to time. They collectively broke his mind.
Jenny was caught once getting fucked in the ass by Busto when Skimble dropped by unannounced one afternoon. Busto was just giving it to her, and they all made direct eye contact before Skimble backed away slowly. He still goes beet red and sweats a bit from when Bustopher looks at him in the eye, not sure if he should be ashamed, impressed, or scared. He had trouble shaking Busto's hand paw for a bit as well.
Another time Jelly walked in on her dressed up in her tasseled outfit whipping / flogging a bent over Tugger, who was having a good time. Tugger is embarrassed by it and denies everything, Jenny does not care one bit, and Jelly went home with ideas for her own future exploits.
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renaroo · 7 years
Wednesday Roundup
We have a new addition to the party this week! Ghostbusters 101 -- and I’m very excited to see where all our continuing stories lead us. So let’s look into ‘em without further ado...
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DC’s Batman Beyond, DC’s Detective Comics, IDW’s Ghostbusters 101, Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, DC’s Wonder Woman
DC’s Batman Beyond (2016-present) #6 Dan Jurgens, Bernard Chang, Marcelo Maiolo
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Well, I will give this comic one thing: it truly understands what attracts fans like me to Batman Beyond as a franchise to begin with: everyone giving Bruce crap for his stupid, stupid ideas and the consequences he doesn’t think out all of the way in canon. And Matt and Max are easily the best parts of each issue for that reason. That and Max’s undercut. The best things.
Alright, so I was completely accurate in my assumption last issue that the fact that every batboy in the franchise got a shoutout because it’s going to turn out that Damian has now been brought into the fold of the Beyond universe. And it’s probably going to have something to do either with the AI of the new Batsuit or with the plot from the DCAU where Ra’s takes over a younger descendent’s body in order to regain his own youth -- formerly it was Talia, now it is logically Damian. 
It still makes me angry that we don’t get shoutouts to Kate, Cass, Steph, Harper -- literally any woman in the franchise while the boys get every solitary universe but whatever.
Not really whatever, but I am willing to grant that the comic is still young and there’s an opportunity that as ‘Tec works to make the extended Batfamily’s stars rise, that they will receive some due credit in the Beyond timeline as well. Batgirls: Futures End anyone? Just food for thought.
Anyway. This was an enjoyable issue, but a rather quick read compared to everything else this week. Most, if not all, of the meat was put into that last page reveal because of course it was. But here’s hoping the pace picks up next issue now that everything’s out of the way. 
DC’s Detective Comics (2016-present) #957 James Tynion IV, Christopher Sebela, Carmen Carnero, Karl Story
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A one-shot issue? A complete story that focuses on character development and world building with previous setup being paid off and future setup being presented? Are we sure this is the Detective Comics run I’ve criticized for its pacing and drawn out stories for the past year? Are we sure this isn’t a bizarro world issue I got a hand on somehow?
Okay, all joking aside, I have been harsh on this run in the past but I think this issue proves pretty much everything I have critiqued before because Tynion, with help from Sebela, focuses on his strengths -- character, voice, simple storytelling devices, and presenting a critical opinion of the genre while also very much showing a love for it.
This is honestly why I have been baffled by people who have said they hated Tynion’s characterization of Steph in this run. I didn’t like how he wrote her in Batman and Robin Eternal, but almost everything in this issue embodies the parts of Steph I have loved about her character over the years. Striding the line between insider and outsider, loving and protecting Gotham while questioning and being critical of the harm Batman’s crusade has don, not wanting glory but still wanting to be be better and to help. She’s confident, she’s resourceful and clever, and yet there is a loneliness and sacrifice to how she’s chosen her path. And even if she doesn’t mention it directly, because we’ve followed Steph as she got to this point we know there’s still a question about how she’s affording her equipment, where she’s living, who she’s in contact with, whether or not she’s going to school.
This issue gave me so many feelings and it really does reward me for having confidence in the creative team seeming to have a plan and direction for Steph as a character. Something, I should note, I don’t always feel the most confidence with when it comes to this run thus far.
More comics like this, Tynion. I’m begging you.
IDW’s Ghostbusters 101 (2017-present) #3 Erik Burnham, Dan Shoening, Luis Antonio Delgado
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On the basis of my three-issue policy, I am happy to say that I am as excited as I can be on the direction of IDW’s Ghostbusters 101. The quality of the Ghostbusters franchise as it’s been handled by IDW for over a decade now has always been among the top tier of comics and probably one of the more under appreciated productions of the medium. I mean, I read them but how many of you read them?
Erik Burnham has become the defining crafter of what I consider “my” Ghostbusters as it comes to the original cast, and I have been very excited to see how he and Dan Shoening translated the recent 2016 cast into the multiverse and into their distinct styles of writing. And I’m more than happy to say that it translates beautifully.
The team ups we’ve all been waiting for since the very first announcements of the rebooted movie has finally come...
And by that I mean that, finally, in the third issue, after two issues of buildup, we finally have some interactions between the Original Crew, the Real Crew, the EXTREME Crew, and now the Answer the Call Crew. 
... See, one of the barriers for entry into these comics is you kind of have to accept that almost all the comics are written with the Big Picture in mind. Erik Burnham has always been a slow burn of a writer, and that was very much evidenced not only with my favorite of his Ghostbusters runs -- the  Ghostbusters (2013-2014) run --  but especially in the IDW crossover of Ghostbusters/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He takes his time, and the buildup will have payoff, but it might be a bit slow to wait issue-by-issue for for some fans who want the immediate excitement of the characters interacting. 
I mean, I’m a fan and I waited until I could read all three of the first issues together, if that tells you anything.
It is a joy, and worth picking up for fans. Just be aware of your tastes before judging too hard. 
Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (2015-present) #19 Brandon Montclare, Natacha Bustos, Tamra Bonvillain
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If you care about the future of the medium and about comics attracting younger fans, or just having goo wholesome comics for all ages, I have no idea why you aren’t already reading Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur because it is just one of the prettiest, most inventive, and most genuine all-ages books that I’ve read in a long time. 
Lunella and Devil have become such an iconic pair, and the beauty of this comic is how the effort and storytelling are treated with the authenticity and effort of “adult” aimed readers, including having Lunella’s point of view be prominent but obviously still marked by immaturity and lack of experience, while still very much at its heart being the story of a child in a world of superheroes, growing and learning and becoming herself even when she doesn’t necessarily know what that means. 
The at is gorgeous, specifically the coloring of this issue is just jaw dropping, and getting Lunella into space and having her so attached to Devil to bring him along in a ridiculous but wonderful dinosaur-sized space suit is just amazing. 
I love everything here in this comic and really hope those of you with kids in your lives or just the love of good superhero comics with unique tones and stories are picking this up already. 
DC’s Wonder Woman (2016-present) #23 Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp, HI-FI
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We’re coming to the end of Rucka’s amazing run and I’m just very grateful at the moment. I’m grateful to this run and I’m grateful that the Present Day stuff finally actually caught up in quality with the Past storylines because man it was super shaky for a while there. And it really took the whole picture unifying for it to really work for me and that’s probably going to mean that on re-read, at least for me, the parts I have been critical about when it comes to this run will read better.
Okay the racism won’t read better. Seriously, what was the point?
But Diana won with love. Veronica will still have a reason to be antagonistic with Wondy even though she saved her daughter. Diana and Hippolyta met each other again for at least momentarily. There were so many good things -- especially good conversations. Liam Sharp’s art was pretty top notch.
Just overall this was a good Beginning of the End, so to speak, and I’m really looking forward to where we go from here. 
So the books this week were very different in tone and story overall, but it has to be said, with the maybe exception of Batman Beyond which still had a pretty prominent female characters feature, this week is really the week of Superheroines. And I love that. I love that we’re at a time and place in comics where women and girls are allowed to be so many varieties of characters and still heroic, still masters of their own stories, and still geared toward so many different tastes and audiences. 
It really shows, at least for me, what’s going right with the industry at the moment, and I hope it progresses that way.
But it’s time for the pick of the week, and as much as I really enjoyed all the comics this week, I’m going to give this week’s pick to Detective Comics. It was a great stand alone, it was very focused and character driven, and it’s just so wonderful seeing Stephanie’s independence and more individualized view of justice getting to be front and center of a ‘Tec comic. The times where she was treated with this amount of respect as Spoiler were few and far between in the previous continuity and it’s good as a fan to see that the current creative team can love and appreciate the 2000s comics and draw from them while still adjusting and moving past their flaws. 
But that’s just my opinion on today’s pull! Do you guys agree or disagree with me on any of them? Think I missed picking up something great? I’d love to hear from you! See you next week <3
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inexcon · 7 years
RSI Comm-Link: Something Every Tuesday: Finding Fiona
[ Music ]
Announcer: The other days of the week will make you blue, but that’s why we bring you Something Every Tuesday with your host, Esen Landari!
[ Applause ]
Hello everyone! Thank you … enough, you’re embarrassing me. What a great audience we’ve got tonight. We’ve got an amazing show for you. We’re almost as loaded as Ellroy Cass at the Crimson Tower premiere last week.
[ Laughter ]
If you’re a Cass-fanatic, like me, it doesn’t get much better than this. If you haven’t seen this yet, you are in for a treat. Cass stumbles out of the theater right in the middle of the Crimson Tower premiere, and as you can see, he might be a little high. Maybe that’s not the right word. He’s stratospherically high. At first, he tries to play it all cool. You know, not wanting to draw any attention from the few paparazzi still there. But they start calling his name, asking if he’s all right, until he stops dead in his tracks …
After a moment, he looks directly into the nearest camera and smiles before suddenly tackling one of these prop “Crimson Towers” they had lining the red carpet. Everyone nearby was just stunned. Mainly because that was easily the biggest hit Cass has been a part of in years.
[ Laughter ]
I adore you, Cass. Would love to have you on the show. Just have your people comm mine. I’m sure we could fit you in anytime after we finish bolting everything to the floor.
[ Laughter ]
Now, Cass wasn’t the only one who had a rough week. Diners at a brand new Xi’an restaurant in Prime flooded a nearby medical facility, claiming that they had contracted severe cases of food poisoning. Food inspectors investigated and guess what they found? Xi’an food.
Apparently no one told these people that’s what it was supposed to taste like. How ridiculous is that? That’d be like getting angry at Herschel Foods because one of their “Too Much Soup” vending machines literally gave you too much soup.
[ Polite Laughter ]
Speaking of feeling sick to your stomach, how about that leaked report showing that the Senate committee on Economic Development was actually considering a proposal to rent prisoners to companies in a ‘work-exchange program’?
[ Boos ]
Just when you think our elected officials can’t get any worse. Of course Senators have been falling all over themselves to state that it was just a staffer’s draft proposal and there’s no way it would’ve been approved, but I am making a pledge here and now that if such a heinous act ever gets passed then I will be extremely nice to our new heavily tattooed writing staff.
[ Laughter ]
We’ve got a great show for you tonight. The Dardanelles are warming up backstage to play their latest single, Empress of Sol, and will be making a very special announcement a little later on in the show. Trust me, you won’t want to miss it.
But my first guest has achieved Empire-wide fame thanks to her performance as Commander Salana in Lost Squad. Tonight, she’s here to talk about her portrayal of Fiona Messer in the controversial new vid Sparrow. Let’s welcome the accomplished and enchanting Jasmine Dupree to the show.
[ Applause ]
Jasmine Dupree: Thanks for having me!
Well, we’re excited to have you here. You’ve been on quite the ride recently. The first season of Lost Squad was a huge hit and your portrayal of Commander Salana is one of the main reasons why.
[ Applause ]
Jasmine Dupree: Thank you. Being on Lost Squad has been such an amazing experience, but to be honest, I just showed up every day and did what Jenna and Hadrian told me to do. I have such faith in their vision, and I’m just lucky to be along for the ride.
And the second season of Lost Squad starts soon, right?
Jasmine Dupree: Yeah, we’re almost done shooting it. Luckily, there was enough downtime between the seasons for me to sneak away and shoot Sparrow.
Since you already know what goes down in the second season of Lost Squad, maybe you can settle a bet for me here. Is your Lost Squad character, Captain Salana, going to be show’s lone survivor?
Jasmine Dupree: You know I can’t answer that.
Why not? I promise I won’t tell anyone.
Jasmine Dupree: The less I say about it, the better. The entire series hinges on this secret so I’d hate to be the one to spoil all the fun. Plus, Jenna and Hadrian would send me to Vanduul space if I gave anything away.
Well, I respect your discretion, but just so you know, I’m not above bribing you so I can win the office pool. How about this, you tell me who it is, and I’ll split the winnings with you? Just saying.
[ Laughter ]
Now, let’s get back to the business at hand. You have a new vid coming out called Sparrow, which has drawn criticism for its portrayal of Fiona Messer. How hard was it to go from playing such an honorable character in Lost Squad to such an odious one in Sparrow?
Jasmine Dupree: That’s part of the reason why I found the role so intriguing. Fiona Messer is completely different than Commander Salana. It’s been fun playing powerful women who use very different tactics to accomplish their goals.
Among many other ghastly allegations, Fiona Messer was accused of orchestrating the Khanos Stadium bombing that killed thousands in Angeli. At any point were you worried about painting Fiona in too sympathetic of a light?
Jasmine Dupree: Actually, I enjoyed the challenge of trying to make someone who’s inherently unlikable, likable. There’s the cunning, ruthless and duplicitous Fiona Messer that dominates the textbooks, but like anybody, there was more to her than that. It’s just that these other nuances of her personality get overshadowed by all the terrible things she did.
So is your portrayal of her based on any real evidence or is it purely speculative?
Jasmine Dupree: I actually spent almost a week at The Ark with experts and historians reviewing old comm messages and vids related to Fiona. I must say, despite her many, many shortcomings, people liked her. Fiona was known to be extremely charming and personable, so I wanted to show that side of her to people. It was necessary, actually, to help lend credence to the vid because she uses her connections and charms to escape the UEE following the revolution that overthrew her family.
Yeah, for those who don’t know, most of the vid takes place after the revolution, and imagines Fiona Messer’s life as she tries to stay one step ahead of a UEE government that’s willing to do anything to bring her to justice. Was any of that drawn from the research you did?
Jasmine Dupree: No, all of that was fictionalized. Even the experts at The Ark have no idea what really happened to Fiona Messer. That’s why it’s one of the great mysteries of the past few centuries. Considering all the crazy conspiracy theories out there, it was fun to explore what might have happened.
What if she became just another person trying to get by with a new identity while hiding a dark secret? That’s what Sparrow explores. Is it possible for someone like Fiona Messer to reinvent themselves, or even find redemption for all the terrible things she did?
So, I gotta ask, did you grow to like Fiona Messer while playing her?
Jasmine Dupree: It’s hard to ‘like’ someone who did all the terrible things she did, but for most of the vid, I’m playing a fictionalized version of Fiona. One that’s seen the error of her actions and is trying, in some small way, to right the wrongs both she and her family did. I grew to like that version of Fiona Messer.
Well, even with all the controversy the vid is generating, your performance is still receiving rave reviews. So congratulations on the accomplishment.
Do you have a few minutes to stick around and play a few rounds of “Spin Cycle”?
Jasmine Dupree: Spin Cycle? Is this my punishment for not saying who the survivor is?
I’m not gonna say. SET has its secrets too … But yes, it absolutely is.
Now, we need to take a quick break, but don’t go anywhere. There’s more with Jasmine Dupree followed by an exclusive performance and special announcement from The Dardanelles when Something Every Tuesday returns.
[ Music ]
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