#but i also wanna say that augustine geeta and her league will
cheemken · 1 year
with the last ask, is diantha's humanity resurfacing every day or are you also lying to us to make diantha's own lie and manipulation to her league seem believable and genuine–
Maybe ouo
Dia just wanted a sense of normalcy, y'know
Growing up w Mom Carnet, Diantha's childhood was rough, like ofc homegirl's skin got fucking branded, that'd fuck up anyone. But it's her upbringing y'know. Even when she got Sycamore, there wasn't a sense of normalcy in her life.
Back w Mom Carnet, everyday feels like a battle, she couldn't remember the atmosphere being not unnerving and tense, everyday she feels like dying under the constant pressure and abuse that Mom Carnet gave to her instead of actual parental love. But ofc, Diantha endured it, she endured that pain no matter how much she wanted die. And she knows her being branded, being only seen as a tool for her mother's own fame, how her mother always poured liquor on her and blame her for everything in her drunken rage, how she was abused, wasn't right. It wasn't really normal.
That added w the fact that she's an actress and has to work w other actors and such, and how she could just see what kind of horrible people they are under that persona of kindness and generosity. And that isn't supposed to be normal too.
But it's the only thing she knows.
And no one taught her anything else. No one really told her what's actually right or wrong. Not Augustine, not Geeta, not even her own League. Diantha wholeheartedly believes that what she's doing is right, so they can all achieve that normal life she also wanted, that they don't have to worry abt bad people hurting them, especially the one she loves.
And hey she thinks she's much better than those other people y'know, she's the Champion, she has more rights to set standards, she has more rights to use people, and bc she doesn't hit or attack anyone unless they attack her first, or if she's just doing so in defence. And as Champion, as the strongest trainer in the region, her duty is to protect the people of Kalos, no matter how dirty that job may be. But it's fine, she knows there are a lot of people willing to do that dirty work for her.
Lying and manipulating people is one of the only thing she ever knows when interacting w others, bc she grew up w lies and manipulation too, and no one really taught her anything else. That's why she conditioned Augustine to always tell her the truth too, she couldn't stand other people lying to her, and that's where she's a hypocrite. She hides a lot from everyone else, but she has eyes and ears in every corner of Kalos to make sure no one talks bad abt anyone she hold dear in her heart. She doesn't like being used but uses people to achieve her own goals. She doesn't like being manipulated, but she'll dig up every skeleton you ever buried to get the upper hand.
Diantha's life is a mess from the moment she was born until present time, and she hated it, she absolutely hated it bc she knows there's another timeline, another universe, where she and the ones she loves wouldn't have to suffer under corrupt and abusive people and leagues and just everyone who she doesn't deem as worthy
Dia just wanted a sense of normalcy in her life, and the closest she ever got to it was being w Augustine, being w her League, being w her friends and the other Champions. And suddenly they went against her, and suddenly they started attacking her. And she did the only thing she knows how to actually do, to break them one by one, to expose their darkest fears, to show them how powerful she really is. And to the other who are still questioning her ways and her cause, well, a little lie won't hurt anyone, right? Just give them the reassurance they need, the words they wanna hear, and they'll follow her every command. And maybe then, when they realize they're wrong in going against her, she'd spare them mercy, and they too can live in the new, much beautiful world she's going to create.
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cheemken · 8 months
KNIGHT ‼️‼️‼️
But yeah, all the Champions families can’t even bring themselves to watch the live feed because who wants to see their daughter and granddaughter get mauled to death? Or see their son being slowly burnt alive while he pleads for mercy? Or watch as their uncle struggles while his head is held underneath water. Or even their sister who’s being skinned alive from her feet to her head. Even their big bro who’s being tossed around like a rag doll between two large Pokémon fighting over him
Giovanni is a BITCH for bringing Clair and Silver into this. Like they weren’t even given a chance to live just for the sole reason they’re important to Lance. And Gio wants to see Lance break even more after he had to witness his daughter and wife die
Also, which of the Elite Four members and Gym Leaders do you think would join Team RR? Either out of fear or just because they think they can benefit from it?
Your honour that's so fucked up I can only imagine Drasna really going through it but also still trying to comfort Augustine, but they're both really so out of it man, especially how Drasna knew of the threats Dia's mother said to her; Drayden's there on the hunt for Plasma, just letting his rage out on all the grunts he sees, the sages, until he gets to Ghetsis himself; Joseph couldn't handle it man, he already lost his wife now he lost his son, the sound of Steven's screams haunts him; god Lisia too, the only family she had left and now he's being drowned, and she cursed the irony of it, of Wallace being so drawn to the waters but it's also one of the reasons for his death; Cyn's sister and grandparents tho chdmdb like Cyn's sis knew Cyrus was her friend, and she couldn't believe Cyrus would do that to Cynthia; and then there's Hop, crying his poor little heart out, screaming for his brother, the once great champion of Galar reduced to nothing but a chew toy for those pokemon.
Ough that's fucked up, but also where the fuck is Geeta in all this— imagine tho in the au of an au where she's evil, imagine she's the one to tell Lysandre what would really break Diantha, bc Diantha confided in her y'know, told her everything, her best friend, her platonic soulmate, then suddenly Geeta looks at her with cold and calculating eyes, suddenly she wasn't the friend Diantha knew, and god that fucking broke her man, how Geeta used Dia's vulnerabilities, how she knew each and every one of em, and used that to her advantage chsnnd
But for the not evil Geeta thing imagine if she did hid herself tho, and everyone else called her a coward. But that was the last thing Diantha told her, Dia made her promise to hide, like what she said to Iris, to just hide, to not let Giovanni find her. But that backfired on Geeta tho, and now everyone, especially the family of the other Champions, called her cowardly, how she couldn't even try to help her fellow champions, how she couldn't even try to save them. But man that would haunt her too, having to watch Diantha die, having to watch her friends die, it fucked her up so so much and she hated herself so much that she didn't defy Diantha and went to her side to help her
As for the league members thatd join Team RR
For Kanto idk, since in the manga majority of em was associated w Rocket,, well let's go w that. Sabrina, Surge, and Blaine are my top three for that, tho I wanna say Blaine was blackmailed into joining bc he was one of the people who made Mewtwo. Green would be against them tho, I know the Kanto trio would team up w the rest of the Gym Leaders to stop them.
For the Johto leaders, I really can't see any of them joining Team RR, even if they're threatened I think some or most would rather go down w a fight than to join em. For the Indigo E4, low-key I think Koga and Will would join em.
For Hoenn's league, Norman. And for Sinnoh to Unova none of em they'd be against RR, Unova especially man they really fought tooth and nail to stop Plasma only for Plasma to be part of RR and is now more threatening than before. For Kalos, I honestly think Lysandre would threaten and blackmail Malva to joining again, idk if she'd cave in or not bc holy shit™. Alola to Paldea, none too, idk, bc Alola didn't want to be part of it ofc, their league is still fairly new, most of their members are children, if anything I wanna say they'd try to fight them off if they do get to their region. The Galarian people got Rose Tower demolished man they're so fucking pissed at Rose, no one's ever seen Raihan and Sonia that pissed before too like these two especially want to hunt down Rose. And for Paldea, well, not only are they mourning the other Champions but also mourning and kinda hating on their own Champion too, my guy, Geeta's really going through it, she doesn't wanna lose anyone else, so she keeps an eye on her league members within the shadows, to make sure none of them ever join RR
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cheemken · 1 year
Where do each of the champions go after Diantha disappears? Do they go to their leagues and discuss what happened? And how to protect their regions if Diantha ever comes there. Or do they just hide from the public
But what about the champions on Diantha side? I imagine if they ever go back to their leagues then they’re gonna threaten the gym leaders and elite fours. That if they don’t stay on their side than they’d face a worse consequence than death. Or maybe they don’t want to go to hard so they threatened to have their lives ruined if they betray them
But like uygnhh Lance, Iris, and Hau have family in their leagues. I don’t think Clair, Drayden, or Hala would take well to being threatened, so they’ll try argue back or reason with their champions only for them to let out one of their Pokémon who quickly attacks, not enough to kill but it definitely injured them well. Seeing their champion attack family would definitely show the rest of the league that they aren’t joking around
One more thing I wanted to ask, do you think the leagues, or at least the family members, would realize or suspect that Geeta/Lance/Iris/Hau is being manipulated and/or brainwashed by Diantha? Like they know that a strong enough Gardevoir can manipulate emotions? Or do they just think that this is a side of their champions that they’ve never seen
The champions did head back to their own respective region, Leon especially became so paranoid he discussed matters abt it w his own League. But I also wanna say that even his Gym Leaders start to low-key question him, not really saying it to his face y'know just being quiet when he talks, bc ofc, Dia was right, Rose did threaten them. Raihan got threatened the most, and Nessa knows how much Rose threatened Sonia to the point she gave up on the gym challenge in fear of being killed. I want Bea to be protective of Allister too, Leon would ask where the Ghost Gym Leader is, and Bea would just tell him he's at home, he may be Gym Leader, but he's still a child. Leon insists that next time Allister joins their meeting, he doesn't care if he's a child, he's a Gym Leader, it's still his responsibility.
Idk if the others would be that paranoid, I wanna say that maybe Steven kinda is, but he believes Wallace so much when he says that there's smth in Diantha that can still be saved, and Steven isn't one for giving up on his friends, especially since that friend also helped him out at one point and gave him Metagross' mega stone. But the two did became a bit more cautious, in case that uproar would encourage more fights and an actual war
Idt they'd stay out of the public, especially now since there are actually people on Diantha's side of the argument, justifying her actions too. I wanna say that the champions who were loyal to her were helping them justify those actions too, and told them that Diantha could still be saved, that maybe they should also help each other out on purging all the evil of their world
And just cbdmnd man idk I really don't think Hau would attack, neither would Iris, since the entirety of the Unova League is kinda like her family. Geeta I believe would just threaten, but y'know she does care abt her league, and her voice is too weak and too tired to be considered as an actual threat. Lance tho? Lance will kill. Like this mfer had his Dragonite Hyper Beam someone, and he will do it again, no matter who's at the receiving end.
Can you imagine the parallels between Lance/Clair and Diantha/Augustine tho😭
Lance is there glaring at Clair, his Dragonite right beside him, and Clair glares back, her own Kingdra preparing to battle.
"This is my last warning, Clair."
"So, it's okay for you to hurt others and none of us can ever question it?"
"You told me you weren't like the elders, Lance."
"I'm not."
"Hah! Right, you're so much worse."
God that low-key fucks me up hahaha
But y'know, idt Lance would attack Clair, more like get pissed at her more and threaten her to retire her of her E4 duties (since Clair is one of Lance's E4 in my hcs, and Silver's the one in charge of Blackthorn's Gym) and he'd take her pokemon away. But Clair thinks that's all a bluff, and just left to head back to Blackthorn. The other members of the league do follow Lance, Clair just kept quiet now, if Lance won't listen to her then so be it, whatever happens will happen, and she's just gonna accept and watch that shit show go down. Will she join a side? Perhaps, maybe Diantha would convince her to join Lance, or maybe... Clair would see that Lance is right, and Diantha's cause was right too, that it really would be better to rid the world of all things evil. It would be nice, recreating a world, reliving her life, but this time around no one would be there to tell her everyday just how much of a disappointment she is
As for the family members,,, Drayden and Hala did think abt the kids being controlled by Diantha, Hala believes it. Hala believes that it's bc of Diantha Hau is acting strange, the boy would always say how he'd like to be in Kalos w her. Hala's not sure why, but even back then he didn't trust Diantha that much, or maybe that was his own envy over the fact that she could somehow make Hau happy, more than he ever could. Drayden doubts it a bit bc he had met Diantha before, and the Kalos Champion was so nice and kind and so caring to Iris. And even from the stories Iris tells him, she could ask for anything she ever wanted, and Dia would be happy to give it to her, Diantha even gave her a Goomy egg, since she knows how much Iris loves Dragons. So for Drayden it was,,, something,,, he does think maybe Diantha's just controlling the kids, but he also thinks that Gardevoir's or maybe even Yveltal's influence made Diantha like that
Geeta's league fully fucking believes Diantha controls her. They already know just how loyal Geeta is to Diantha, she wouldn't even question her no matter what, and that's one of the downsides of their own Champion. And maybe they think it's their fault too, Diantha showed Geeta kindness when they were still young, until now, accepted her despite how eccentric she was, despite the fact Geeta can't feel anything that much, and maybe if the Paldea League did just that too, maybe Geeta wouldn't have been easily manipulated.
Lance tho? His own League knows how hard he can get, he's always driven by his own beliefs and conviction, they don't think it's Diantha's influence, rather they believe that Lance finally snapped or maybe he thinks this is a mission he should finish, and Arceus above knows how fucked up he can get just to finish a mission he had set for himself. That fight w Rocket was actually really bloody, the news just won't tell you that. Some do believe Diantha had some sort of influence on him, but that was overridden considering that Lance was already brutal when it comes to criminals or just anyone who goes against him, even before he met Diantha.
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cheemken · 1 year
Oooohh yeah, having Diantha give the mega stones out before the tournament makes more sense
I think taking the second route is more fitting. Diantha doesn’t seem like she could be calmed down at the moment, especially since her brother just told her how much of a monster she is. She doesn’t feel any love towards him at the moment only anger and hate
Having them try to kill Diantha still makes sense cause she’s trying to kill Leon, has already killed rose, and is endangering the people trapped in the stadium. To them it’s may be hard because they all care about and love Diantha but it’s still their job to protect the people of their regions. So if Diantha is a danger then they have to take her out
I imagine that Diantha finally realizes it’s time to escape the battle when Leon and Charizard get enough energy back to Gigantamax and Leon commands Charizard to use G-Max Wildfire straight at her. Or even worse, Augustine is actually set out to injure her to stop her, maybe not kill her because he still loves his sister, and that’s when she knows he isn’t playing around when he commands Xerneas to use moonblast, not at Yveltal but at her
Also does she only teleport herself away? Or does she take Lance, Geeta, Iris and Hau with her?
God fucking imagine how hurt she'd be knowing Augustine is helping Leon. Like imagine her being so bitter abt it thinking that Leon probably manipulated Augustine too to help him bc why would her brother every really go against her? It's all Leon's fault! If he just told the truth, if he just accepted the fact that the Galar League is corrupt, then Augustine wouldn't have to go against her, w them making him believe she's in the wrong.
But no worries, she guesses, Augustine will always come back to her. Like that time he said he'd leave the apartment after not getting smth he wanted, he was back before sundown, crying to her, apologizing, he'd do that again, she just knows it. She knows her brother. Knows him more than anyone does. But right now, he should calm down first, and he knows where to find her, or rather he also believes he knows where'd she'd be if he's right and she'd try to escape
And pfft nah Dia really left everyone else owo
Before she teleported away, she asked Gardevoir to make a barrier around Lance, Geeta, Iris, and Hau, one last time just so they won't get hurt by both GMax Wildfire and Moonblast, her thank you for them for being such devoted and loyal followers. And as soon as GMax Wildfire was gone, so was Diantha
Even the ones within the barrier, as soon as it dissipated, were shocked that Diantha was gone too, not a single trace of her left
Would they try to track her down? I wanna say they did try, for a month, but after not finding out anything abt her, they thought that maybe she is dead, that maybe Yveltal took her life through the chaos that was happening. But nah, she's just hiding somewhere, hiding within the empty and abandoned Carnet manor, smth not even Augustine would be willing to visit. So hey, since she's been quiet, the other champions thought she truly is gone, but were just preparing themselves in case she does show up again
But this time y'know, I actually want her to one by one visit the champions and manipulate them again, slowly but surely breaking their minds and their trust towards Leon, and it will work this time, she'll make sure of it.
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