#only w less death and more guilt tripping and manipulation hahaha
cheemken · 1 year
Oooohh yeah, having Diantha give the mega stones out before the tournament makes more sense
I think taking the second route is more fitting. Diantha doesn’t seem like she could be calmed down at the moment, especially since her brother just told her how much of a monster she is. She doesn’t feel any love towards him at the moment only anger and hate
Having them try to kill Diantha still makes sense cause she’s trying to kill Leon, has already killed rose, and is endangering the people trapped in the stadium. To them it’s may be hard because they all care about and love Diantha but it’s still their job to protect the people of their regions. So if Diantha is a danger then they have to take her out
I imagine that Diantha finally realizes it’s time to escape the battle when Leon and Charizard get enough energy back to Gigantamax and Leon commands Charizard to use G-Max Wildfire straight at her. Or even worse, Augustine is actually set out to injure her to stop her, maybe not kill her because he still loves his sister, and that’s when she knows he isn’t playing around when he commands Xerneas to use moonblast, not at Yveltal but at her
Also does she only teleport herself away? Or does she take Lance, Geeta, Iris and Hau with her?
God fucking imagine how hurt she'd be knowing Augustine is helping Leon. Like imagine her being so bitter abt it thinking that Leon probably manipulated Augustine too to help him bc why would her brother every really go against her? It's all Leon's fault! If he just told the truth, if he just accepted the fact that the Galar League is corrupt, then Augustine wouldn't have to go against her, w them making him believe she's in the wrong.
But no worries, she guesses, Augustine will always come back to her. Like that time he said he'd leave the apartment after not getting smth he wanted, he was back before sundown, crying to her, apologizing, he'd do that again, she just knows it. She knows her brother. Knows him more than anyone does. But right now, he should calm down first, and he knows where to find her, or rather he also believes he knows where'd she'd be if he's right and she'd try to escape
And pfft nah Dia really left everyone else owo
Before she teleported away, she asked Gardevoir to make a barrier around Lance, Geeta, Iris, and Hau, one last time just so they won't get hurt by both GMax Wildfire and Moonblast, her thank you for them for being such devoted and loyal followers. And as soon as GMax Wildfire was gone, so was Diantha
Even the ones within the barrier, as soon as it dissipated, were shocked that Diantha was gone too, not a single trace of her left
Would they try to track her down? I wanna say they did try, for a month, but after not finding out anything abt her, they thought that maybe she is dead, that maybe Yveltal took her life through the chaos that was happening. But nah, she's just hiding somewhere, hiding within the empty and abandoned Carnet manor, smth not even Augustine would be willing to visit. So hey, since she's been quiet, the other champions thought she truly is gone, but were just preparing themselves in case she does show up again
But this time y'know, I actually want her to one by one visit the champions and manipulate them again, slowly but surely breaking their minds and their trust towards Leon, and it will work this time, she'll make sure of it.
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