#but also yeah. if you scrutinise that exchange a lil more and think about wanderer's life..... yeah.
the-darklings · 2 years
hii love! since u are so open and kind to answer any questions regarded to tibyim, i have one! feels like it was kinda obvious, but what was meant to be said in this part?
On your lengthy trek back to Hob’s flat, he asks, “Have you ever…?”
A gnawing pain ricochets through your chest. “Yeah.”
Hob appears crushed at your strangled admission, his voice gentle and kind, “Okay.”
hope this ask will reach u, since i bet u get quite a lot of them!! thank u so much and good good luck and lots of adoration<3
Pretty sure at least 1/4 of the messages I've gotten since part 9 dropped have all been about this moment.
And all I will say about it is: it's purposeful. Purposeful in its fragmented shortness. Purposeful in the very potent heaviness emitting from essentially three lines in over 8k chapter. I know what I intended to say with it (and I think certain people reading it will be able to as well, just based on emotions portrayed here alone), but I like to leave it up to reader interpretation.
In a similar manner, I have never outlined (or plan outline) the exacts of why Wanderer was cursed. You will get more information on the curse, and the individuals involved, but the exact details I like to leave up to you. That's mainly because I love the idea of each reader coming up with their own explanations, meaning that each version of Wanderer is just slightly different and unique. Very fitting to the actual character and the lore surrounding them.
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jamaisjoons · 4 years
intro her mini #7 ⤑ knj | m.
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you enter namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? not to mention your own emotional baggage. 〞single dad au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: single dad!namjoon x marine vet!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 2.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: some slight teasing from joon, a lil hint of daddy!joon but nothing too wild !! it’s all fluff y’all !
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: hello 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 i felt bad not posting this weekend so enjoy this mini 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 i sincerely hope you enjoy it
⏤ beta read by the lovely @luffles424​ // commissioned by @jooniesdimplesworld​ in exchange for a blm donation
⇥ Main Series Masterlist
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One warm summer day, you find yourself sitting beside Namjoon, his hand resting on your thigh as your eyes flit around the room. Currently, you’re in the Zoolung Zoolung Animal Theme Park. Though, really, it’s just a petting zoo - albeit, a much fancier one - with more exotic animals. Rich shades of browns blend with softer shades of creams and large glass enclosures line the perimeter; other more open pens sporadically littered around. It’s nearing late into the evening - almost closing time, and besides you, Namjoon and the boys, there are only two other families.
As a result, most of the animals have been put away, only a few still out. In one corner, a woman stands - dressed in the tan uniform, and a toucan perched on her arm; in another section, stands another woman, a dwindling smile on her face as the tiredness of the day sets in. Part of you feels for her - you know it can’t be easy to have to handle not only the animals but also the children running about on a daily basis. Nonetheless, despite the evident exhaustion she must feel, she continues amicably speaking to the family gathered around her.
All of a sudden, you feel a pressure on your thigh, and turning your head, you smile at your boyfriend. “Are you tired, love?” Namjoon gently asks, his hand tenderly stroking your flesh.
“Hmmm, no I’m okay,” you reply. The corners of Namjoon’s lips quirk downwards for a moment, and you watch as his eyes cast over your face.
“Are you sure? You had work earlier in the day, and then you drove us here. If you want to go home, we can,” he mumbles, his voice quiet as he presses a kiss to your temple. Momentarily, your eyes slip shut, and your heart clenches as you savour in the affection he lavished upon you.
Taking in a deep breath, notes of amber and vanilla waft through your senses, causing you to let out a deep sigh. “I’m okay, really,” you answer once again. Namjoon lets out a low hum, and you know your boyfriend well enough to know he’s contemplating your words. Thus, you angle your head up, and press your lips against his for a brief second, before “I promise you I’m not tired,” you murmur.
With how close your mouths are, your lips brush with each word, and you feel Namjoon purse his lips and lavish you with soft kisses. “I just worry you push yourself too much to spend time with us,” comes Namjoon’s sudden admission.
Instantly, you feel your heart grip, a sudden fuzzy warmth coursing through your stomach at his words. Humming, “And sometimes I worry you push yourself too much to spend time with me,” you reply, causing Namjoon to let out an amused exhale. Hand moving, you rest it onto the back of his, and weaving your fingers between his, you lift it from your thigh and caress his knuckles with your lips.
Pulling his hand from yours, Namjoon cups the side of your throat, and gently pulls you into him. The soft petals of his lips slot against yours, and immediately, your eyes slip shut. His kiss is slow, and gentle; your lips moving leisurely and causing you to let out a dreamy sigh of content - the sigh swallowed by his mouth. Sooner than you’d like, he pulls away, and pressing a kiss to your forehead, “You’re right,” he chuckles.
A grin tugs at your lips, and eyes twinkling with mischief, “I’m always right,” you teasingly purr. Briefly, Namjoon’s eyes darken, and responsively, he lets out a little growl.
“Are you sure about that, baby girl?” Namjoon asks. His voice is low, the rich timbre tremoring through the air; his eyes simultaneously flashing with heat. His hand drops to your thigh once again, and feeling his fingers slip beneath the hem of your dress - the pads of his digits ghosting over the top of your knee - you let out a gasp.
Batting his hand away, “Namjoon. Not here,” you hiss, your eyes casting around the area.
It’s late in the evening, and besides you and Namjoon, there are only two other families. Luckily, the area is pretty quiet - and vacant - and thus, no one had seen the interaction between you and Namjoon. Letting out a sigh of relief, you feel your boyfriend’s body vibrate against you - a low chuckle escaping his lips. Leaning his head down, he presses his lips to the crown of your head, and, “I was only joking, Angel,” he grins. You roll your eyes at his words, but rather than responding to him; you simply get up from the picnic bench style table.
Brushing the non-existent creasing out of the skirt of your dress, you grab your purse and sling it over your shoulder in a dramatic display of mock indignation. An amused expression crosses Namjoon’s face, and he watches as you blow a random lock of hair out of your eyes. “I’m sure you were,” you drawl, a faux air of ire around you.
Namjoon knows you’re just teasing him. He knows that. And yet, he still gets up and wraps his arms around your waist - a pout forming on his lips as he nuzzles into the side of your neck. “Don’t be mad at me,” he mumbles, his words muffled by your flesh.
Feeling the light reverberations of his words against your skin, you can’t help but giggle. Swiftly, you shy away from him, “Joonie, stop it! That tickles,” you laugh.
Your boyfriend growls playfully, and nuzzling further into your neck; he presses a soft kiss to the base corner of your jaw. “Only if you say you’re not mad at me,” he responds.
For a second, you maintain your false air of bravado; only for it to melt as you smile at him. “You know I can’t be mad at you,” you giggle. Then, pulling away from him, you hold out your hand for him, “But also, we should get going. I think they’re getting ready to close,” you say.
Slotting his fingers through yours, Namjoon interlaces your fingers together with a smile. “Let’s go get the boys and go home then,” he replies.
Then, the two of you begin walking towards his sons. If this were any other circumstance, you’d both have a firm hand, and trained eyes, on the boys; and you’d make sure to stick right by them. However, with how deserted the animal centre is, and from your previous vantage point in the food court, you’d had a clear view of them as they’d run about. Of course, at the start, you’d wandered around with them - peering at all the animals and even petting a few of them. However, after about the third time around the centre - the boys ceaselessly begging to see all the animals again - you and Namjoon had agreed to let them go around by themselves while you’d watch them enjoy from afar.
That was about a good half an hour ago, and they have to be done looking at all the animals now. Walking hand in hand, the two of you slowly approach the boys. Currently, they’re by the chicken coop - Jimin’s small body practically leaning on the edge of the fence as he pets one of the baby chicks. As you approach the boys, you watch as Jungkook gasps, Taehyung quickly nudging Jimin - causing the oldest boy to retreat from the pen swiftly. At their suspicious behaviour, you and Namjoon glance at each other - both of you knowing that they’re up to something.
“Boys, is everything okay?” Namjoon asks, approaching his sons and looking them over. Almost as if planned, their faces pull into innocent smiles, and if it weren’t for the fact that you’d caught them behaving evasively, you would assume they were real.
“Yes daddy!” Taehyung replies, his lips etched into his signature boxy smile.
Beside him, Jimin looks up at you, his eyes twinkling as his plush lips pull into a grin, “Are we going home now?” he asks.
“Yeah! Let’s go home,” Jungkook pipes in, Taehyung nodding in agreeance. Their words immediately have you and Namjoon drawing to your full heights, your gazes narrowing as you scrutinise them. It wasn’t like them to be so eager to leave somewhere - especially not when they’re having fun.
As the boys smile up at you, their faces a picture of innocence, a loud silence befalls you. The dulcet sounds of the centre’s music fill the air, the mellifluous tune mingling with the ambient sounds of animals shuffling around in their enclosures. When they don’t say anything else, you and Namjoon look at each other momentarily - a silent conversation exchanged between your gazes.
Nonetheless, eventually, you turn away from each other - wordlessly agreeing that you would believe them. However, it’s at that exact moment that you hear it. The faint sounds of baby chicks tweeting. Coming directly from Taehyung. At the soft sound, Taehyung’s body immediately freezes, and you watch as he discernibly avoids your eyes. Gaze casting over him, your eyebrow quirks, an amused expression creeping on your face as you notice the evident bulge in Taehyung’s hoodie. A moving bulge.
Crouching down to his height, “What do you have there, Tigger?” you ask, causing Taehyung to blush.
“N-Nothing,” he stammers out whilst backing away from you and closer to Jimin.
“Are you sure about that, bud?” Namjoon asks as he squats down beside you. Pointedly, Taehyung purses his lips, keeping his mouth closed. Realising that you’re not going to get any answers from him - and already knowing that you won’t get any from Jimin either - you turn to Jungkook.
“Gukkie, how about you? You want to tell Noona what Hyungie has?” you ask softly. Jungkook opens his mouth, only to hesitate and glance at his brothers, and seeing them look at him with wide eyes; he shakes his head.
“Are you going to lie to Noona, Jungkook? You’ll upset her,” Namjoon says. Easily, you hear the playful lilt to it, Jungkook not so much - because immediately, his face twists into an expression of horror.
Tutting at your boyfriend, you softly smack his bulging thigh. “Noona won’t be mad, baby. But you do need to tell the truth,” you gently say. Once again, Jungkook hesitates, his eyes looking from you and his father to his brothers, and then back to you.
“You promise you won’t be mad?” he quietly asks, his feet shuffling around as he looks at the ground.
Face softening, you nod your head, “I promise,” you reply.
“Gukkie no,” Jimin whispers, already sensing that his youngest brother is about to rat them out. However, it’s too late, because Jungkook is already speaking.
“We just wanted to take them home and play with them more,” Jungkook confesses, his large doe eyes impossibly wider as he looks at you imploringly. Simultaneously, he reaches into his pocket, before gently taking out a baby chick and holding it up to you.
Eyebrows shooting into your hairline, you watch the peacefully sleeping chick. The pale yellow ball of fuzz happily rests in Jungkook’s palm; its eyelids twitching intermittently as it snuggles into the warmth of Jungkook’s hands. From beside you, Namjoon breathes out deeply - and despite the heavy sound - you hear the amused inflexion. Turning to his twins, he cocks a strong eyebrow at them, causing them both to sigh. Small hands pushing into his clothes, Taehyung pulls out a chick from the large pocket of his hoodie. Unlike Jungkook’s one, Taehyung’s fledgeling is wide awake, soft peeps slipping out of it as he jumps around his hand.
When Jimin doesn’t move, “Jimin?” Namjoon’s deep voice calls out. Lips pulling into a deep pout, Jimin’s shoulders deflate.
“I didn’t get one, Daddy. You and Noona came back before I could,” he confesses with a sulk. Hearing his words, you suddenly realise just why he’d been practically leaning into the coop, and despite the situation, you can’t help but giggle. Moving onto your knees, you shuffle closer to them, before gently petting their heads.
“You know we can’t keep them, right?” you delicately begin, your heart clenching at the disappointment on their faces. You feel a large hand splash across your back, the comforting warmth of Namjoon’s palm radiating from his flesh and seeping into your skin.
“Noona is right, boys. They need to stay here. And you all know stealing is wrong. You could have gotten into a lot of trouble - or worse - the chicks could have gotten hurt,” Namjoon takes over as he begins scolding them. His tone is gentle, but firm at the same time, and under his softly reprimanding voice, the boys nod.
“Sorry, daddy,” they mumble, causing Namjoon to nod.
“I know you didn’t mean to cause trouble, but you need to think about your actions. They’re still babies and need to stay with their mother. You wouldn’t like it if someone took you away from Noona suddenly, would you?” Namjoon continues, and hearing his words, you suck in a sharp breath. Peering at Namjoon from your peripheral vision, you silently glance at him. He’s still chastising his sons - his voice as calm as usual - and as he continues speaking, you realise that he hasn’t noticed what he said. He hasn’t realised that he’d inadvertently referred to you as their mother. He’d done it entirely subconsciously.
Heart fluttering at his words, your face crumples. It doesn’t matter how often you hear the sentiment - or how often you speak about it - because each time he alluded to you being his son’s mother; each time he unconsciously includes you as part of his family, you feel your stomach bloom with butterflies. Staring at your boyfriend with soft eyes, you watch as he helps his sons return the chicks to their pen. Once the fledgelings are safely in their coop, he lets the twins and Jungkook say their final goodbyes, before leading them back to you.
Slowly, you rise to your feet, Namjoon tenderly smiling as he approaches you. Seeing the heavy emotion in your eyes, and the wistful smile on your face, he stops. A look of worry crosses his face, but before he can say anything, you’re already closing the distance between the two of you. Hands pressed to his firm chest, you ride to your to the very tips of your toes, before pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips.
“Are you okay, love?” Namjoon questions, his eyebrows creasing in concern.
Nodding your head, “I’m perfect. Just glad I met you,” you reply, an easy smile playing at your lips. For a moment, Namjoon opens his mouth - as if to say something. However, mere moments later, he closes his mouth and returns your smile. He doesn’t say anything, and he doesn’t need to. Because you already know he feels the same. So instead, you hold out your hand to him - Jungkook already grabbing your other hand - and “Let’s go home,” you say.
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a/n: no baby chicks were harmed in the writing of this au,,,, please lemme know what you think 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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