#but all my knowledge of breaking bad is tumblr memes and meta
warfared · 10 months
i want to write jesse pinkman sooooo bad but i’ve never watched breaking bad what if i just turned him into an oc instead
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theoriesontheory · 3 years
Can Your Heart Be on Your Sleeve while Your Tongue is In Your Cheek?
Irony, Sincerity and the Internet
In their video essay “David Foster Wallace – The Problem with Irony” Schoder breaks down David Foster Wallace’s views on the downfall of entertainment, namely tv due to a saturation of irony. (2016) After introducing the problem of an overly ironic, snake devouring itself, media landscape, the solution seems to be proposed, a tonal shift towards sincerity. (ibid) Shows like The Office and Community and Parks and Recreation in some cases maintain post-modern traits in order to subvert them but more and more, mainstream media is focusing less on the deconstruction of the meta narrative and more focused on the micro-relationships. (ibid.)
In August of 2017 Kirin J. Callinan uploaded the music video for his latest single “Big Enough” featuring Alex Cameron, Molly Lewis and Jimmy Barnes. In September of 2017 a tumblr page posted a clip from the video, which was later uploaded to youtube and went viral as “Screaming Cowboy” (knowyourmeme, 2018)
The remixes and overdubs spread like wildfire and to this day, through apps like tik tok and Instagram the song and meme is heard around the world by listeners who potentially could never have heard anything else the artists have done or anything beyond the 43 second clip. In interviews on the piece featured artist Alex Cameron explains that the piece came out of the idea that people would constantly compare himself and Callinan in the relatively small Sydney Pop scene and thinking about how the world is so often divided. They wanted to remind people that everything wasn’t all about conflict but there can be unity. (Fluffy, 2018) Callinan himself describes the song as “sincere.” (Gaca, 2017) Beyond being a song about unity, represented by the two artists coming together but it also represents a deconstruction of genre boundaries for the artist. When first experimenting with making EDM, a genre he did not care for Callinan describes making something “aesthetically displeasing and pretty unexciting as an idea,” with “a euphoria that’s just infectious.” (ibid.) He continues, detailing how after hearing Sweedish House Mafia’s ‘Don’t You Worry Child’ that he was able to get past his own preconceived and taught notions of genre and boundaries between high and low art and understand that the heart of the work was important. (ibid.) This is immediately shown in this piece, bringing together the unique blend of two underground pop artists from Sydney, a world famous whistler and an Australian Rock icon. This song is the perfect representation of the idea of synthesis, it feels like a creative artist having fun while telling a sincere and genuine story about unity, not only in the lyrics but in the production of the song and the incorporation of a diverse range of cultural touchstones, the work is an intellectual masterpiece!
… But it’s still a meme and I didn’t actually listen to the whole song until around two years after it came out when I finally heard it through a bad Bluetooth speaker in a backyard somewhere. The question then stands, does the fact that something is a meme make it any less valuable as art? Looking back at the Schoder video, the first wave thinking of post modern media, the thinking that spawned shows like Seinfeld and Always Sunny, (2016) would say that this song was brilliant and funny. It’s a deconstruction of the notions of pop and using all kinds of semiotic messages that are understood by the knowledgeable and reference soaked internet generation, it did exactly what it was meant to do clearly, it’s making fun of the entertainment industry. And while it is all of those things I don’t think that is all the song is. I think this song is an example of an Office type TV show as described by Schoder. (2016) this song and the video does all of those things but still feels very human and genuine. It doesn’t stop at the deconstruction but also works on focusing to the right thing, connection and community.
Despite this wholesome message at the song’s core, some argue that the last refrain takes the song into parody
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Image: Screenshot of Lyrics to ‘Big Enough’ from Genius.com
But if you think about songs that have called for peace and unity before,
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Image: Screenshot of Lyrics to ‘Imagine’ from Genius.com
 I think that ‘gen z’ who was raised in cynicism would see both sentiments as equally as realistic. Meaning the only differences between the two songs are the choice of instrumentation and who’s singing it. Toward the end of the Gaca interview Callinan says, “I’d like to write more songs that are emotional and real and not full of so much fucking bullshit. But at the same time, it’s the bullshit that makes it fun. No one’s interested in listening to an acoustic singer-songwriter.” And I think that this song is a move in that direction for him.
To insert some of my own romantic thinking, in a way the fact that this song is being shared to so many different people in so many different contexts as humour, shows that the message of unity is being spread through comedy.
While the internet took this song and video and gave them a life of their own, at their core still stands an artist with a message. While a majority of people might know the song as humour, Callinan was able to achieve his artistic goal and make a song that he enjoys, as well as collaborating with a friend in Alex Cameron, an interesting and unique person in Molly Lewis and a childhood hero in Jimmy Barnes. It was funny, it was serious, it was entertaining, it is art.  
Gaca, A. (2017, November 8). What Exactly Is Going On With Kirin J. Callinan? Spin. https://www.spin.com/featured/kirin-j-callinan-bravado-interview/
Fluffy. (2018, January 18). Interview: Alex Cameron Talks Style and Substance. Under the Radar. https://www.undertheradar.co.nz/news/13758/Interview-Alex-Cameron-Talks-Style-And-Substance.utr
Knowyourmeme, (2018). Big Enough. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/big-enough
Schoder, W. [Will Schoder]. (2016 October 7). David Foster Wallace – The Problem With Irony [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2doZROwdte4
Other media in order:
Kirin J Callinan. (2017 August 17). Kirin J Callinan - Big Enough (Official Video) ft. Alex Cameron, Molly Lewis, Jimmy Barnes [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvrZJ5C_Nwg
CarrierBK (2017 September 9) AHHHHH [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBLdQ1a4-JI
Image: Screenshot of Lyrics to ‘Big Enough’ from Genius.com Captured 07/07/2021 https://genius.com/Kirin-j-callinan-big-enough-lyrics
Image: Screenshot of Lyrics to ‘Imagine’ from Genius.com Captured 07/07/21 https://genius.com/John-lennon-imagine-lyrics
Red Lama (2017 October 5) Dank Meme Compilation – Big Enough [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWc-7Q8NbVA
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asklotarasarrin · 7 years
Getting Started Role Playing
I’ve had a number of asks on this topic over the years, and rather than retyping the same thing repeatedly, I’m gonna try and collect my thoughts on how to go about this. All of this is assuming you’re on desktop; mobile makes some things a little more difficult. Feel free to add to this; I’m sure there’s things I’m forgetting.
Warning: Long Post!
First things first: Preparation
Get your blog in order
Create a character bio - This should include character name, a description, and a background. If your character is a canon character, then it’s not so bad to forego this, but I think it’s a good idea even for canon characters, as not everyone is going to be familiar with every single character in a universe.
Put a short explanation of the blog in the blog header - This is like a pitch or an introduction to what your blog is about. This should indicate you’re an RP blog, who you RP(if you have multiple muses on the blog, I think it’s okay to just say ‘multiple OCs’ or ‘multiple muses’), and maybe the universe your muse is from. Some blogs also include if they’re selective or not, multi-ship or not, open to cross-over/multiverse or not, etc, but not nearly as necessary.
Rules page - not necessary, but sometimes helpful if you have any particular things, such as being unwilling to RP smut, or you have some triggers/sensitive topics that you aren’t will to do, etc.
Make sure your inbox is open - Seems silly, but I forget this one frequently when I’m making a new blog. Check other blog settings as well- (submissions, anon, etc)
Follow other blogs - This seems obvious, but it is key. Follow other blogs you want to RP with! Find others from the universe your muses are set in. Do take the time to read their bios and rules pages, if they have any.
Write an Introduction post - Not everyone does this, but I think it’s very helpful. It should be a SHORT post, in or out of character. Many blogs are disinclined to reblog long intro posts because people instinctively skip over walls of text.
Reblog RP memes - The Intro post will help generate interest, the RP memes make it easy to break the ice.
Next Step: Getting Out There
Provided you have taken the time to read other people’s rules and bios, reach out!
If they’ve reblogged memes you are interested in, send an ask with that meme - These are GREAT icebreakers so you can get started with relatively low effort. Friendly reminder: Read the meme carefully. Typically the meme has some form of explanation or instruction in it, and it is very frustrating when someone sends in a meme when they clearly did not bother to actually read what it’s about.
Use the messenger to ask to plot - Sometimes blogs don’t post memes often, or they reblog memes that don’t quite work for your character. Politely ask to plot. Try to come with ideas. It can be frustrating when someone comes to you wanting to plot but has NO idea about what to do. I personally will frequently take premises from memes I like and adjust them as necessary.
Open starters - Alternative to memes, sometimes blogs will post ‘open starters’. These are usually open ended in-character posts that other role players can reply to. It isn’t a bad idea to post your own open starters either, if you’re feeling up for it. Note: Generally speaking, open starters once taken by someone are not available for additional role players unless otherwise noted in the tags. If you like an open starter that has already been taken, you can also use the messenger to ask if you can also get in on that. Many RP bloggers use thread trackers, so the starter would need to be copied to a new post before beginning RP.
Important Notes: Etiquette
There are a number of rules and behaviors that are important to keep in mind, some obvious, some not so much. In no particular order.
Patience - This is my number one thing. RPers come from all walks of life- full-time students and career people, big and small families, personal struggles, different time zones, language barriers abound. And Tumblr is not a well programmed website, so notifications don’t pop up, or get buried under other things. So don’t panic if people don’t immediately reply. Don’t be rude when following up after a reasonable amount of time has passed. Give people the opportunity to measure their replies to you.
Try to keep your In Character and Out of Character clear/separate - Some RP blogs are actually a mishmash of personal and roleplay. Many blogs indicate in the tags or with markings of some form(the most common being ‘//’ slashes or () parentheses). It can be confusing for people without these markers.
Do not reblog RPs you are not involved in - This is a personal pet peeve. RP posts are often only snippets of the overall story, and when reblogged it is taken out of context. The other problem is it adds notifications to a thread that aren’t from the partner, and can be confusing. RPThreadTracker doesn’t have a problem with it, but other forms of tracking can struggle.
Respect and ‘Don’t like Don’t follow’ - universes big and small, OCs and Canon Characters over the top and from humble beginnings, we’re all here to have a good time. You’re not going to like every mun or muse you come across. Not every other blog is going to like you or your muse. People talk shit about self-inserts, teenage OCs, people who like to RP almost exclusively smut, and myriad of other things. But those muns are doing things that make them happy. And you don’t get to control what other people do. If you don’t like it, don’t follow. Don’t RP with them. Let it go.
Self Care - This is part of a larger topic and related to the above bullet point, but important to at least touch on. Not everyone who RPs is well or good. This is meant to be fun. So if you are stressed out or overwhelmed by an RP partner or thread for whatever reason, talk to your partner about it. If they do not respect your requests or needs, then it would be better to not RP with them. There are people who struggle with a myriad of health and situational issues. You will at one time or another meet people who will insist you cater to their every whim, try to control you and your muse. Block these people.
Read tags - This may not seem like an etiquette thing, but this is important. Some people communicate extensively this way. It will help to prevent communication errors.
Read More - use the read more function for NSFW threads. It’s the [...] at the end of the options bar
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Tagging - Tag NSFW, triggering content, and anything else you think appropriate. I also try to tag my different verses, my in character and out of character posts, etc.
Trim Your Posts - This is hard to do on mobile, but necessary. When a post has many reblogs, it can be tedious to scroll past. Trimming them/cropping them makes a big difference. [Link here for a tutorial on how to trim - Browser]
Mun and Muse Knowledge [Meta Gaming] - There maybe things your character does not know, and cannot know, that you know. Remember to keep the distinction. Nothing kills my desire to RP with someone than their character somehow reading my character’s thoughts.
Controlling other Characters [God Modding] - You control your character. Your partner controls theirs. You don’t control if they get hit by a punch, if they dodge, if they punch back. It’s part of the give and take.
Drive the Story - Role Playing is joint story telling. Don’t put all the burden if directing where the story goes on your partner. Give your partner something to react to, to build on. If you only ever give one sentence replies, it’s going to get tedious fast.
Other Tips and Tricks
I am a big fan of XKit, a browser addon that makes Tumbling much easier for RPers. [Link here!] The specific functions that are most helpful are Editable Reblogs and One Click Reply. Editable reblogs makes it far easier to trim in post. One Click Reply makes it possible to reply to comments and other notification forms.
In addition to those two, I also like to use the Blacklist, and Post Block functions. Some RPers or topics I particularly cannot stand, so I use Blacklist to keep them from my dash. Post Block is great for those discourse posts and individual RP threads that just squick you out for whatever reason.
I also am easily lost and confused by the innumerable notifications I get on the daily, so it became very important for me to use a website called RPThreadTracker. I highly recommend it, as I occasionally have threads that don’t get replied to for weeks. They also have an add-on button so you can click to add a thread to your list quickly and easily.
There is a bit of a jargon with this. Sorry if it’s been confusing thus-far!
Mun - the writer behind the blog
Muse - the fictional character, the character
IC/OOC - In Character / Out of Character
OC - Original Character
Thread - the roleplay, the chain of posts making up the story
Selective/Semi-Selective/Private/Mutuals Only - This is often in a blog header - indicates how picky the mun is about selecting RP partners and threads. Read their rules. Respect their decisions to RP or not to RP.
Multi-verse - Indicates the blog is open to threads outside of their designated universe. (IE, my Warhammer character being willing to RP with an Overwatch character). It is advisable to message the mun to hash out the details.
DM or PM - Direct message or private message. Both indicate the tumblr message system.
AU - Alternate Universe. Indicates a deviation from the traditional universe.
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yumi-michiyo · 7 years
my lost was saying found [1/1] - the extended author’s notes and meta
Rating: T
Genre: Slice of Life/Romance/Angst/Friendship
Pairings: unrequited Quinn Fabray/Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray/Marley Rose, background Santana Lopez/Brittany Pierce
Summary: Quinn didn't ask for any of this to happen. Unrequited Quinn/Rachel, Quinn/Marley endgame. Rarepair. AUish. Oneshot.
Links: FF.net | AO3
On the origins:
A couple of months ago, my good friend Curionenene sent me a link to a Kpop song called Star by Heize. It's a nice but sad song, and I enjoyed it until she mentioned that it sounded like a slowburn romance.
As it were, I was still working on For You I'd Burn the Length and Breadth of Sky and didn't take her up on the offer. Besides, I didn't have any other pairings that fitted the song.
Everything changed when the Fire nation attackedwhen I saw a bunch of Melissa Benoist publicity pics, as well as candids from Supergirl. Now, Melissa is a complete cinnamon roll, in Tumblr meme parlance, and far too good and pure for this world; the only reason I'm not in the Supergirl fandom is because I don't want to throw away my feels on yet another femslash pairing that is Not Canon.
Digression aside, I felt that Marley (who is more or less Melissa herself) would be an excellent partner for Quinn (or at least a version that is more Dianna). She has a lot of fandom!Rachel's strong points, but far more patient and down to earth. Apart from the dangling storyline Glee gave her, she's just a confused kid finding her place in the world – much like S3!Quinn. More importantly to my horndog self, they're both incredibly attractive women.
I remembered reading a lovely Marley/Quinn fic, and the headcanon that Marley was the freshman who told Quinn never to change in the famous bathroom Metro pass scene, and this fic got its start.
On the writing process:
Not gonna lie; writing this fic was a lot tougher than nearly all my other Glee fics. I didn't know where I wanted to go with the story (a first draft had Rachel and Quinn getting together, then Rachel died) or how I wanted to get Quinn and Marley together.
The sharp-eyed and fanatical reader will notice a lot of continuity and canon errors littered through the fic, where I couldn't be bothered to research the facts due to frustration with the pace of the fic, and being too busy with real life.
The turning point came, 3k words into killing Rachel off, when I realised that there were worse things than death I was also quite distraught while writing Quinn's suicide in FYIBtLaBoS and didn't want to kill off someone again. I reworked the fic to have Rachel and Quinn break up, before hitting yet another revelation; canon!Rachel is rather self-centred (especially in S4) so why not just have her be completely oblivious to Quinn's feelings? Why can't the girl raised by two gay men be absolutely, completely straight?
While talking to Curionenene about those things, I realised that the main dynamic of this relationship working (based on my understandings of their characters) is if Marley is the patient one who waits while Quinn stops running away.
Armed with those three pieces of information, the fic practically wrote itself, coming to a halt at a staggering 12k+ words.
On Quinn Fabray:
This has always been Quinn's story. I balked at it initially, because this is the first time I'm writing from Quinn's POV. I have never felt confident writing Quinn because her character feels a little too close to home – especially fandom!Quinn.
Over the course of the story, Quinn grows from being just Quinn Fabray, to reconciling the different Quinns, and Lucy. A lot of her emotional walls come down – some with her knowledge, some without – and she learns how to accept help, and accept herself. Most importantly, she learns that she can be stronger and not weaker by letting others take care of her.
Being from Quinn's point of view, she is a unreliable narrator half the time when she's not paralysed by her insecurities and her latent hang-ups about how a person should conduct themselves; whatever is not apparent in the story has to be inferred from her interactions with other people.
On Marley Rose:
Confession time: I watched S4 more than a year ago, in a single sitting, and do not remember much of Marley Rose's character apart from the plot. I do remember she was a good kid who, like many other kids her age, was pretty confused about everything, and made plenty of bad decisions. I decided that she got a pretty bad treatment by the writers (what else is new?) and tried to rebuild the character from the basic facts.
My interpretation of Marley's character was also largely influenced by the very talented and amazing ineedtoleavethissite's and her Santana/Marley fics, especially Maybe This Time. This writer made me pay attention to Marley as a leading woman, and made me go off on a Santana/everybody tangent for a while, but that's another story altogether.
On Rachel Berry:
I genuinely like canon!Rachel. I love fandom!Rachel. In S4, she became less Rachel and more Lea, and that was fine too. But for this fic, I simply stuck to the self-centred aspect of her character, and capitalised on the huge story gaps between S3 and 4.
Rachel is still recognisably our 110%, driven Rachel Berry, but she's the version that doesn't have a homosexual bone in her body (figuratively speaking) and doesn't seem to understand that the way she cares for Quinn is gay to the rest of the world. Being Rachel, she doesn't let it stop her.
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shannaro-kamo · 7 years
SasuSaku Meta Masterpost
This post has comprehensive lists of large swaths of the SasuSaku meta on Tumblr. I’m including both my own posts and those made by others. Some of the links under “Others’ posts” link to my reblog rather than the original post so that if someone deactivates their blog and thus the original post, it’ll still be possible to view the post on my blog (without me having to go back and find my reblog). This is for my own sanity, and hopefully this will come in handy for the SS fandom in general. :)
My posts
Sakura’s actions, feelings, etc.
Sakura tries to understand Sasuke during the war
Sakura’s knowledge of Sasuke and his past is extensive
Karin was not more selfless than Sakura by any means
It’s impossible for Sakura to be selfish and a doormat at the same time—especially because she is neither of those things
Sakura understands Sasuke better than most antis ever will
Sakura vs. Hinata
Sakura doesn’t guilt trip Naruto
Ino and Sakura
Sakura tries to learn all she can about Sasuke to help him
Ino and Sakura, again
Sakura’s guilt etc.
Sasuke’s actions, feelings, etc.
Sasuke needed to sever his bond with Sakura to become “strong,” just as he had to sever his bond with Naruto
Debunking the notion that Sasuke shows signs of being homosexual
Sasuke and PTSD
Thoughts of Team 7 cause Sasuke to unleash his first Amaterasu
The adorable Team 7 dynamic
Sasuke and Fugaku parallel
SasuSaku in general
BoruSara and “heteronormativity”
Sasuke and Sakura don’t need to use their fists to communicate, thankfully
Naruto and Harry Potter
Sasuke cannot be compared to a middle school bully, so don’t even try
Fandom problems
“Respecting” rejections — NaruSaku fandom hypocrisy
“Tag stalking” is not a thing
The Naruto Fandom in a nutshell
Sasuke’s and the SNS fandom’s hypocrisies
Stop breaking down people for shipping problematic hetero ships while you ship an equally problematic gay ship
When the SNS / Anti-SS fandoms actually think “boys will be boys”
Sakura and Naruto have nearly identical motivations for wanting to get Sasuke back, so stop creating a double standard
Saying Hinata and Sakura “ruined” the lives of Naruto and Sasuke IS misogynistic
Heteronormativity in the SNS fandom
“Nice guys finish last” is touted by NaruSaku fans, and it’s misogynistic
Naruto is far more demanding of Sasuke than Sakura is
More anti hypocrisy about NaruSaku, SuiKarin, SasuSaku, NaruHina, etc.
If you didn’t care about Sakura throughout the story and didn’t pay attention to her, then you probably don’t know shit compared to someone who does love her and did pay attention to her.
People will listen when Karin says something, but not when Sakura does because hypocrisy
The SNS fandom plays the victim
More SNS fandom hypocrisy
Some Sasuke fans are bigger fangirls than Sakura
Sakura hater bingo
Haters and headcanons
Ship wars, Kishimoto, and bullshit hate towards the women of Naruto
Miscellaneous discourse
The SS fandom is not composed of sheep
“True fans”
When antis don’t get it
Kishimoto, Interviews, Studio Pierrot, etc.
On Kishimoto respecting the wants and needs of female characters
Sasuke Shinden stuff
Karin’s “reason” for loving Sasuke is a contrived retcon
Kishimoto projecting himself onto Sasuke and Naruto
SP makes it clear that Ino was two-faced
Kubo is not better than Kishimoto
Others’ posts
Blogs featured especially prominently: madara-fate, its-naruto-universe
Sakura’s actions, feelings, etc.
Sakura is not selfish
Sakura does not guilt trip Sasuke
Sakura’s selflessness
Sakura never burdened Naruto with anything
Sakura is neither abusive nor a fangirl in Gaiden (or anytime for that matter)
Why Sakura is a feminist character
Sakura’s feelings for Naruto
Sakura saving Naruto’s life—and his dream
Sakura’s growth
Why fangirling is mostly positive
People Sakura has impressed in canon
Ino and Sakura
Sakura’s backstory is underrated
Sakura hugging Naruto is important
Some beautiful Sakura moments
Sakura defending Sasuke
Sakura is a queen
Stop hating part 1 Sakura
More people being impressed by Sakura
Karin responding to Sakura’s sadness
Sakura encouraging the Konoha soldiers
Sakura can triumph over Tsunade because Sakura doesn’t maintain her youthful looks with her seal
Sakura during the Pain arc etc.
Sakura and Tsunade
Defending Sakura
Sakura IS the strongest kunoichi
Sakura didn’t abandon Ino for Sasuke
Negative claims about Sakura nullified
Sakura holds her own when surrounded by OP bastards
Sakura greatly affected the story
Sakura develops the most naturally
“Even the roughest woman is tender to the guy she loves”
Sakura is smarter than u
Sakura’s development in two panels
Sakura and Chiyo saved the Sand Village
Identifying a fangirl
Sakura’s personality around Sasuke
Sakura hate is pathetic
Sakura hate is ridiculous
Crying on the battlefield
Tenderness again
Sasuke’s actions, feelings, etc.
“Don’t get in our way, Naruto”
“One and only friend”
Sasuke never wanted to hurt Sakura
Sasuke wasn’t going to allow Sakura and Kakashi to fall into lava
Sasuke’s actions speak louder than his words
Sasuke is connected to Konoha through both Naruto and Sakura
Sasuke is whipped (with canon receipts)
Sakura the cheerleader
Sasuke & Affection: The Meme
Sasuke being surrounded by cherry blossoms in the anime
Defending angry characters
The extremely problematic ship that is SNS
Uchiha Love
Why SNS is unhealthy for Sasuke
Sasuke is attentive to Sakura and acknowledges her abilities
Why Sasuke stays away from the village after the war
Sasuke being some type of annoyed at Naruto for leaning on Sakura
Sasuke asking Sakura who hurt her in the FOD
Some people need to stop defending Sasuke so hard
Sasuke shows that he cares about Sakura throughout the series
Sasuke and cats
Konoha caring about Sasuke
Everyone in Naruto is sad
Sasuke does not awaken Amaterasu for Karin
Sasuke’s perspective
Sasuke wasn’t bluffing at Orochimaru’s hideout
Sasuke making sure Sakura is okay
The selflessness of Sasuke’s mission
Sasuke worries about Sakura being alone
Negative claims about Sasuke nullified
Sasuke acknowledging Sakura
Hints of jealousy
Sasuke being “OOC”
Sasuke and Fugaku in terms of showing affection
Sasuke quote to Sakura about the curse mark
Sasuke quote telling Naruto to save Sakura
Sasuke winking at Sakura
Sasuke and asexuality
Sasuke’s remorse
SasuSaku in general
It was obvious that SasuSaku was in the running for being endgame
Sarada’s resemblance to Sakura
Debunking various bullshit arguments
Home is family
“Sex doesn’t mean love” misses the point entirely
Sakura being the “missing puzzle piece” of Team 7
Things SS has that SNS doesn’t
Sasuke giving Sakura...a salad
Long distance relationships
Just a cute fanart interpretation of the SS timeline
SS beats NH and NS at having the most manga panels
Sakura fills Sasuke’s lonely existence
A summary of every chapter containing SS
What Sakura has done for Sasuke
Romantic SS > Romantic SK and Romantic SNS
Sasuke and Sakura weren’t in a relationship during the war, so pre-700 SS cannot be called abusive
Analysis of the forehead poke
Sarada bringing Naruto lunch reminds him of team 7
Comparing Sakura and Itachi
Sasuke and Sakura acknowledging each other first at reunions
The not so little things
Sasuke being proud of his girls
Sasuke and Sakura being (relatively) balanced in power & mutual respect
Just another analysis
SS content masterpost (chapters, interviews, etc.)
Debunking the notion that Naruto is driven by romantic feelings to want to save Sasuke etc.
An analysis of Gaiden
Whether you see it or not, Sasuke loves Sakura
The appeal of SS
A hefty analysis of chapters 482-484
Top 3 Sakura moments and Top 3 Sasuke moments
SS is not anti-feminist
Comparing SS to real life
The many sweet moments of Gaiden
The fake confession and “reasons”
Gaiden didn’t hurt SS
Kakashi in 693
Sakura ended Sasuke’s inability to love with her love
The desert scene
Comparing the development of SS to the development of other Naruto ships
The only thing Gaiden “ruined”
SS in part 1
Anti goggles vs. unbiased reading goggles
Stop criticizing SS for not being fluffy
Fandom problems
Tumblr “homophobia”
The SNS fandom’s view of “homophobia”
Girls aren’t crazy for being possessive
Denying canon still happens unfortunately
Stop bashing Sakura while blindly praising Hinata
When the SNS fandom says that the term “brotp” is a homophobic slur
Overlooking or excusing abuse in gay ships is not helping the LGBTQ community, never has, and never will
Again, stop sugarcoating abuse in queer relationships, especially while ranting about abuse in heterosexual relationships
Stop whining about crosstagging when it’s not thereStop whining about crosstagging when it’s not there part 2
Stop invalidating girls’ feelings
The SNS fandom objectifies Karin as a babymaker for SNS (and still denies Sakura’s motherhood)
The SNS fandom bullies the SS fandom
Sakura isn’t the only fangirl in Naruto by far, but it’s rare you hear about it
People are jealous of / threatened by Sakura
The ignorant reasoning behind Sakura hate
Anti “logic”
STFU about “fake fans”
SNS fandom hypocrisy, again
When Misty lovers are Sakura haters
Why people really hate the ending
@ people who only sympathize with “cope shippers”
Antis have the reading comprehension of Sarada, a child
When antis think they know the story better than the author himself
“Fangirl” and housewife Sakura can still beat your ass
Don’t be an ingrate who thinks Kishi is actually a bad writer
More slapstick hypocrisy
NH fandom hypocrisy
Naruto was never focused on romance in the first place
Most of the Naruto girls have done nothing wrong, yet they get the most shit out of all of the characters because of shipping
STFU about fiction affecting reality, it’s not that serious
Making fun of “self-insertion” makes you an asshole
When antis are threatened, they go low
Tumblr gets confused about who to defend and who to attack
Gross things antis do
This fandom has a fucked up way of judging characters
A summary of the anti fandom
“I’m not a shipper but...” doesn’t help your case
Shipping isn’t everything
Hetero!SNS would still be platonic
Protect the female characters of Naruto
SNS fandom hypocrisy, again
“Usuratonkachi” and “you’re annoying”
The vicious cycle of the anti fandom
Sawyer calling out hate
Antis attack the wrong things
Hetero!SNS analysis
Antis still attack the wrong things
People attacking the wrong things in general
Kishimoto, Interviews, Studio Pierrot, etc.
Gaiden was a middle finger to those who harassed Kishimoto
Studio Pierrot and the tsundere trope
Stop guilt tripping Kishimoto
Sasuke Shinden fact-checking
Studio Pierrot didn’t need to make Sakura punch Naruto during Sasuke Shinden
How SP handled Sasuke’s travels
Sasuke’s seiyuu on SS
Sarada’s VA wants the SSS family to go on a picnic
SP not seeming to mind NH compared to SS
The smirk
Kishi talking about not wanting to write romance
Kishi’s assistant preaching respect
Sasuke’s seiyuu talking about Sasuke “fearing” Sakura
Brazilian SasuSaku song
Being nice
Shikamaru and Naruto have a beautiful friendship
Naruto SD Lee and Sasuke moment
SS moment voted most impressive in Japan
SD comic ft. dandyism jutsu
Portugese SS
SS posters
Order the characters were created in
Animator’s sketch of a SasuSaku kiss
Sasuke’s seiyuu doing sexy dialogue?
Naruto letting Sakura go
Kindness is not weakness
Chibi Sasuke blushing
Sarada calling her parents “mama and papa”
On eyeglasses and genetics
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