#but I see as late-20/early-30. same as mammon
cnl0400 · 3 months
Do people see Thirteen in the "younger" bracket or the "Older" one? I like to think that she's around the same age as Mammon/Levi, and her sister (Candy) around the same age as Lucifer
For what she has described in S4, I like to think her relationship with her sister Is similar to Lucifer-Mammon, but Thirteen Is much more selfish and Candy much more distant. I'm so curious about what Thirteen did to her that they don't talk anymore...
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lightvsdark18 · 2 years
Obey Me! Headcanon: Appearance
Levi has a fork tongue, normal size in both his human and demon forms while his monstous form it's long and more snake like.
The clothing the brothers wear in their demon forms change after every century.
Satan natural had black hair and use to love it as a kid because he looked like Lucifer, but the resentment took over and changed it with hair dye, then permanently by magic.
Since Satan is a full-on demon, he was the tallest of his family and used his height to his advantage when he was a child until Lucifer asked Diavolo for a spell to make shorter in his human form (5'0). Then later, Diavolo decided to use the same spell on himself because he wanted the brothers to be more comfortable around him. (As Satan mentally aged, he got taller)
Asmo has freckles and grew to hate them after the fall, continuously hearing comments on how he would better without them. So, he covered them up with makeup. (But someone saw his bare face one night)
All of the brothers have scars from the war and fall, mainly on the chest and arms. Satan also has scars but baby scars like a cat scratch or a cut from something sharp. They all grew to accept their scars and stop caring about the markings on their bodies, however, Lucifer couldn't stop hating the scars where his third pair of wings were. (Until someone said they were beautiful)
Solomon is covered in pact sigils and is always wearing long pants and long sleeve shirts because of it. Asmo and Barbatos's sigils are the only ones that glow; Asmo's on his right shoulder and Barbatos's on the left hip.
Barbatos dyes that small strand of hair bright turquoise because he wanted to change up his appearance a little bit and liked it enough to keep doing it.
Belphie has a undercut beneath his hair to have less hair to brush.
Simeon is forever baby faced, no facial hair.
Diavolo has a birthmark on the front of his right hip.
Mammon secretly got a tongue piercing, but had to remove it from almost ripping it out by accident.
Beel has rough hands. Because he plays games and has people asking him to carry stuff that is heavy, his hands became rough and tough.
The physical age I see them as.
Lucifer: mid 30s
Mammon: early/mid 30s
Levi: early 30s
Asmo: late 20s
Beel & Belphie: mid 20s
Satan: mid 20s
Barbatos: early 30s
Diavolo: mid 20s
Solomon: early 30s
Simeon: early 30s
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