#but 100% ganon made to taunt link
justjonesingaround · 1 year
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somewhere, ganon is laughing to himself about this one
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Calamity Ganon, as we know, was more like a primal force of nature, though it did display some level of intelligence with its ability to formulate and execute plans (Spawning the blights and unleashing them, corrupting the Guardians, etc) it wasn't exactly a big brain genius. I mean, come on, it had 10,000 years to plan, and the best it came up with, while effective, was "Uno reverse lol" And with an additional 100 years its plan became "Cyborg time!"
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And then just. "Big pig!"
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It wasn't a tactical genius. It won because Hyrule was overly reliant on the ancient Sheikah technology to the point that they were helpless against that very technology when it was turned against them.
But what the hell was Calamity ganon? Well, we see it in three, maybe four forms. Pig Cloud
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Which Creating a Champion states is a "spirit composed of malice"
Fashion disaster Ganon
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An incomplete, slapped together body made of Malice and machinery (Apparently he started building this body when he sensed Link awaken in the chamber of resurrection)
Kaiju Ganon
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A body formed of pure malice as a final "screw you though" after his cool new cyborg body was destroyed.
And the fourth body is possibly the malice itself, seeing as he seemed to be hell bent on using it to make his new bodies. It was like clumps of flesh just sort of laying around waiting to be assembled into something.
So now that we know the calamity's 3 (or 4) main forms, I want to focus on the pig cloud, because I think that is Calamity Ganon's truest form. The malice is something it created, either intentionally or as a byproduct of simply existing, and its other bodies were things made of that malice.
Now, we know that Calamity Ganon was utterly destroyed at the end of Breath of the wild. It didn't like, return to Dry Ganondorf in the depths. That thing got nuked.
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And that means that Ganondorf's consciousness was always in his dry body and not acting through the Calamity. In fact, when Rauru seals him away, he taunts Rauru and says "Thousands of years will pass in the blink of an eye" which to me says he knows he gonna be stuck in that spot for a hot minute.
The Calamity spawned from him, but it was not him. Its almost like a giant, out of control Phantom Ganon thats just sort of up there doing its best. But with Ganondorf sealed away, how did Calamity Ganon get loose? Well, it might seem odd, but I think Majora's mask (the object) can point us in the right direction
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Majora's Mask was once just a normal mask. Carved from normal wood. (actually if you look at the renders it looks more like it was carved from stone, but whatever) It wasn't alive, it didn't possess magic powers. It was just a mask. A mask used in ancient hexing rituals. Over time, the negative energies created from those hexing rituals sort of infected the mask and eventually became conscious, with the mask acting as a body. It was a Tulpa that was housed inside the mask. (A tulpa is a concept in mysticism of an object or being that is created through mental or spiritual power. To make it extremely basic: A tulpa is an imaginary friend that stops being imaginary. Actually in that sense, Phantom Ganon is basically a tulpa.)
So, Ganondorf, sealed away, conscious or not, was just seething. Pure hate for Hyrule, for Rauru the first king, and all his descendants. That hate was so pure and intense that it basically manifested as Calamity Ganon. The pig cloud. A separate entity born of Ganondorf's sheer spite and hate.
And if you need further proof that they are not the same entity, we need only look to Ganondorf's profile in Tears of the Kingdom, unlocked after completing the game.
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Ganondorf had been slowly working on his revival for 100 years INDEPENDENTLY of Calamity Ganon. Link and Zelda just pulled a "wrong place/wrong time" when they found him at the exact moment the seal finally weakened enough to break.
Man what would Ganondorf have done if he broke out of his seal like 5 or 8 years earlier, made his way to the surface, and found pig cloud ganon just up there partying?
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izunias-meme-hole · 9 months
My Top 10 Ganon Incarnations (Remake)
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Number 1. Tears of The Kingdom/Breath of The Wild - It's honestly surprising how this duology managed to crank out one of the greatest incarnations of Ganon in the series. In the first game, we see Ganon's power in the form of a demonic beast known as Calamity Ganon, and while this thing was basically an animal, it basically is the primary season why the world of BoTW is as baron as it is, and this monster does have both a large presence, and decent amount of activity though the Guardians, Blights, Divine Beasts, and blood moons, creating a fear factor for a good chunk of the game, which dissipates when you see that this things final form is just a flaming pig. However, in ToTK we meet the source of Calamity Ganon, the original Demon King Ganondorf from the era of Hyrule's founding and man does he deliver. He basically stays underground for a majority of the game after shattering the Master Sword and almost killing Link, but he never stops feeling like an active threat because of his Phantom Ganon's, Puppet Zelda, and the most dangerous thing in his arsenal, gloom. Not only that, but ToTK goes out of it's way to still present Ganondorf as a darwinistic asshole who worships power and actually thinks that his actions are justified, however unlike his other incarnations he has a terminal case of insanity from the get-go, which rears its head at every chance. These games made Ganon into a legitimate demon on all fronts, first introducing his pure demonic power without his dangerous mind and then introducing the true Demon King himself later on. And his final fate is ALL too fitting.
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Number 2. Ocarina of Time/Twilight Princess - This was the best Ganondorf incarnation of a LONG time. He’s a timeless classic with simple, yet effective characterization who does so much with such little screentime. He starts out as a king of thieves with a large ambition who is willing to kill anyone who gets in the way of his prize, and said prize was the triforce, and he actually gets it, well a piece of it. Then in the future, he goes from that to a true King of Evil, and judging by the impact his reign has had on the land, and the fact that he nearly genocided the Zora and Gorons, is honestly enough to inform the player that he's somehow crueler than before. Also HE PLAYS HIS OWN THEME ON AN ORGAN IN REAL TIME AS YOU TRAVEL HIS CASTLE! And how could we forget about that horrific beast form. Also let’s not forget about his return in Twilight Princess, picking up where he left off after getting snitched on by Link. He's active through Zant for a lot of the game, and when we hear about him, he's basically built up as a ruthless ass bastard with a god complex, and he himself is such a god damn great final boss. OOT/TP Ganondorf was and IS the blueprint for any future incarnations of the character, and he was the best for a long time, especially when he returned in Twilight Princess. But now he finally has an equal.
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Number 3. Hyrule Warriors - To sum up this incarnation of Ganondorf, he's a magnificent bastard, and arguably the best representation of Ganon outside of the main series. He thrives on the battlefield, has learned from previous defeats, has his arrogance and ambitions on check, operates in the shadows if he has too, and most importantly HE GOT THE FULL TRIFORCE. He also has a dank design. Were it not for the fact that he's in a warriors game, this Ganondorf would've been worshiped by everyone.
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Number 4. Super Smash Bros - He was a last minute inclusion in Melee, a bad character to play as in Brawl, a joke in smash 4 gameplay-wise. So why is he Number 3? He was a good "Orcus on His Throne" villain in Subspace, he got a HUGE upgrade in Ultimate, and the aura around him and the energy he has in ALL the games is 100% Ganondorf, from his taunts to the heaviness of his attacks. One of his taunts is literally him taking out a sword and putting it away, implying that he could use it, but only needs his overwhelming power to beat his enemies, and it's the type of arrogance I expect from Ganon when he's at the height of his power. He ain't the best character in the games and is in need of buffs, but I do believe he's a good representation of Ganon outside the main series. Also when do you ever see Ganon interacting with Bowser, Sephiroth, Ridley, AND King Dedede in offical media?
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Number 5. Wind Waker - After reassessing this take on Ganon, I realized that his biggest problem isn’t a lack of presence, because he does have that in spades still. His problem is a lack of general activity, aside from princess kidnapping which does end up hurting him a lot. But at the end of the day, Wind Waker’s Ganondorf carried by a great final battle, a good design, and genuine depth as a character. The best way to sum him up is "The Lord of A Dead Empire," and everytime he's appears, that becomes clearer and clearer. Despite this characterization of the big bad king being sadder than usual, this guy is still downright evil to the bone, so don't be caught off guard. Sure, he's lower on the list, but he's still pretty amazing, and he's also 50% of the fandom's favorite incarnation of him, which is honestly an achievement.
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Number 6. A Link To The Past - I don’t feel like we give this man enough credit. He mainly pranced around as Agahnim in A Link To The Past, so he doesn’t have enough time to truly be himself, but even then he was still a great villain and a great final boss for his time. He’s aged like fine wine as a villain lore-wise and in some story elements, especially since Agahnim would not only be the inspiration for Zant, but the Phantom Ganons, literal extensions of Ganon himself. Sure he’s still a big blue boar, but he’s actually conniving, he’s got his mind intact, an entire realm that he has full control over, he actually took over Hyrule Castle via posing as a hero during his time as Agahnim, AND HE HAS THE FULL TRIFORCE. Sure he ain’t beating OoT Ganondorf, but he's the best Classic Ganon due to lore, feats, and the fact he walked so the other Ganons could run. Also this is the game that revealed snippets of Ganon’s origin, which we got to see in full in OoT.
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Number 7. Yuganon - Ganon was feral and mindless before this, but after basically fusing with the narcissistic artist Yuga, Yuganon here basically became more destructive and ambitious than both Yuga and Ganon. Yuga was already a good villain and creative villain, but combining him with a mindless and feral Ganon just established that “yep… he’s Lorule’s Ganondorf.”
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Number 8. Four Swords Adventure - I’m honestly split on this guy. While he’s honestly not astounding, Ganon was decent here. He’s a reincarnation of Ganon that was active as Ganondorf, but only appears at the end as Ganon. However I do feel like he could’ve made just ONE appearance as Ganondorf the man at some point rather than just final boss pig beast Ganon. Aside from that, he’s just decent altogether. Nothing infuriating, but nothing good either.
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Number 9. Oracle Games - He's basically a prototype Calamity Ganon, but he never got a full time in the limelight because Twinrova revived him at the end. However, he is here because, well... this is ironically a fitting fate for Classic Ganon at this point in the timeline. Being reduced to a mere mindless beast that only cares about destruction and nothing else.
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Number 10. Zelda 1 - Nothing special, but he’s the first Ganon, so he’s kinda an honorary member here.
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totk-headcanons · 5 years
Hey, what if the Old Champions manages to survive the blights and got put in the Link treatment? (In a coma for 100 years and lost their memories) Would they go on a adventures with Link?
This got very long, sorry no cut, I'm on mobile. However, enjoy the champions waking up, and facing their blights!
He had a sinking feeling when he first saw the cave that it was like the one he awoke in, and, unfortunately, he'd been right. There was a zora in the pool of water, and he hesitantly touched the slate to the console. A dull memory pounded at the back of his head as he watched the water drain, one of friendship and love and warmth. And then she jolted up into a sitting position, eyes wide, breathing shaky. Her gaze drifted to Link, and she calmed.
"Who... Who are you?"
"I'm Link. Who are you?" She paused, thinking.
"Mipha. Where are we? Why don't I remember anything?" He shrugged.
"Your guess on the memory is as good as mine. But we're near Zora's Domain." She nodded a bit to herself, climbing out of the pool.
"Well, I suppose I should thank you for... Waking me?" He shrugged again, unwilling to tell her she'd nearly died. "Would it be alright if I came along with you for a while? Until I find something I want to devote my time to."
"Not a bit. Welcome aboard, Mipha." He gave a bright smile, and she returned it.
Vah Ruta
"This thing doesn't like staying still, does it?!" She ducked out of the way of its spear, coming up with her own.
"Not really!" An arrow sunk into the eye of the thing, and it howled in pain, shooting upwards. And then the water, and the four platforms in the room, began to rise.
"Get on a platform, Link. No offense, but you're useless in the water."
"Great offense taken! But so is the advice." He clambered onto a platform, readying his bow. The thing was in its orb form, deciding where it would reform. It settled for right on top of the hero. Before he could fire or she could intercept, the spear slammed into his side. He was sent flying, and she was reacting before she knew what was happening. One hand reaching out, grabbing Link, power flowing through it and into him, closing his wounds. The other pointing toward the creature before lifting, a column of water slamming the thing into the ceiling. She shot through the water, depositing Link next to a platform, spear ready. The blight was dazed. She sunk her spear into it again and again and again, and it writhed. Screamed. She felt no remorse for the thing. And it hovered away awkwardly, reforming oddly. It screamed one final time, and exploded. Vah Ruta was free. Mipha had a brother to get to know, a father. A friend to help, and one to free.
His gut sank when he saw the shrine built outside the cave, the shield and sword that were left to rest there. He quietly entered, and sighed as he saw another shrine of ressurection. A gerudo lay in this one, her long hair splayed around her face. He activated the shrine, studying her. She felt... Familial, almost, though he clearly was unrelated to her. And then she was awake and on her feet. A warrior, his gut told him, though he felt no fear. She studied him for a moment, and then he took a breath.
"My name is Link. You probably have no memories, I didn't either when I woke up, you almost died a hundred years ago, so anyone you did know is probably dead. Well, aside from myself and Zelda, but we're weird cases, and-"
"You've certainly got quite a mouth on you." His eyes widened, and he clamped his mouth shut, looking away, earning a soft chuckle. "No, no, please, I'm teasing. It's pretty endearing, honestly. So, where are we?"
"Not, uh, not far from Gerudo Town. But I'm actually headed the other direction, have to get something back from the yiga, and-"
"I'll come with." He was surprised at the cold fury in her voice, and for a second, it looked like she was too. But it passed, and he nodded, turning to exit.
"Well, let's go then."
Vah Nabooris
"Shield, Link!" He glanced at her, and lifted his shield to her, bracing it with his other hand as she leapt off it at the blight. A swift slash had it screaming, shooting upwards. And then there was a thunderclap and lightning coursed through its sword and its shield. A shouted curse in gerudo had the hero staring at her in disbelief (because of the shout, there was no way a Hylian voe knew gerudo, right?), and then she was bolting forward, dodging slashes and stabbing past the shield. The pillar that slammed down next to her had her diving off the edge of the walkway, rolling at the bottom. Link was doing something with that slate of his, holding the pillar next to the blight. It's own lightning struck it, and she raced over to attack it. When it started flying again, she snapped on instinct, and lightning struck it. She grinned, Link and herself lunging in to finish it off. It's death scream had her grinning in relief, and she grinned wider at Link's relieved laughter. Now, to find a place for herself before the big battle...
He was far from startled by the shrine, walking in and studying the rito as he activated the pedestal. There was a rivalry, was it friendly? He couldn't tell. The rito slowly sat up, looking drowsy. His gaze landed on Link, and his eyes narrowed.
"What are you looking at?"
"You, idiot." The rito stood.
"Excuse me?" Link was about to retort, but he bit his tongue, taking a deep breath.
"I didn't mean to call you an idiot. Sorry." The rito's puffed up feathers settled, and he lost his threatening posture.
"It's fine, I guess. I was being rude first. ...I'm sorry as well." Link nodded, held out his hand.
"Let's start over. I'm Link." His hand was envolped in feathers a few beats later.
Vah Medoh
The blight's cannon was aimed at him. He darted into the updraft, let it carry him up, and fired four times in quick succession. One for the cannon, three for the eye.
"Nice shooting!"
"Thanks! See if you can keep up!" Link laughed, driving his sword into the stunned creature.
"I'm gonna be the one that kills this thing, bird boy!" It broke away from the hero, drones beginning to circle Link. And then they were all swiftly shot aside so that Link could have a clear shot on the beast.
"Only because of my help, wingless wonder!" The banter was easy, and it kept their spirits up while the thing danced away from their shots. And then a lazer, fired without an ounce of warning, slammed into his side. He hit the ground, rolled, and noticed the red dot painted on his chest. He felt a tugging urge in his gut, and trusted it. Steadied himself, spread his wings, and wind erupted beneath them, shooting him up at the last second. He whooped, firing, grounding the thing. Link finished it off, and Revali landed next to him. "You know, I do wonder when I learned to do that..."
"Make wind? I'd bet it was a long time ago." A soft slap had the hylian laughing, and Revali had to admit that it was infectious. He'd never say it out loud, but he quite liked his new beginning.
He'd sought out the shrine as soon as he had gear to survive the volcano. He activated it, studying the goron. He felt safe, comfortable. And then the goron was up, looking around.
"Hi. I'm Link." The goron looked to him, and his extended hand. Grabbed it gently, and Link found himself very reminded of just how strong gorons could be by how careful he was to ensure he didn't break his hand.
"Daruk. And I'm definitely supposed to be doing something, though I haven't a clue what at the moment."
"Well, let's go find you something to do." The goron laughed a bit.
"Sounds good, little buddy. I like your attitude!" The two left, walking in step with each other, and it felt like they'd done it a thousand times before.
Vah Rudania
The creature began sucking in air for a fireball. Link threw in a bomb, and they both ran in to attack when it exploded in the things face. And then it was upright, a massive swing slamming into Link and bouncing off of Daruk's magical shield. It wouldn't hold under many hits like that. He swung his own massive blade, managing to dent a piece of the machinery the thing was made of. An arrow fired into its eye had it on the ground again, and Daruk continued to attack. The blight was defeated fairly quickly, Daruk thought, and he grinned at Link, who smiled tiredly back. It was a good fight. He wanted to make sure Link didn't have to fight for a long while.
Dark Beast Ganon
Link was exhausted. His horse was fleeing, he was half dead, and the thrice forsaken thing wouldn't stop. Zelda was quietly encouraging him, but he hurt, and he just wanted to be done. And then there was a loud whoop, and he saw arrows flying into the things sides.
"You have the wrong bow, bird brain!" Revali swooped down, having quickly abandoned his attempt when he saw it was doing nothing, and held his hand out.
"Then give me the right one, blue eyes." Link hesitated, and then nodded, quietly handing over the bow. He could vaguely make out other shapes coming closer, but he was on his way to unconsciousness, and everything was blurry. And then there was a hand in his back and warmth in his body and his vision cleared. He looked to Mipha, who smiled warmly. Daruk was taunting the thing, catching its hooves and throwing them back at it to make it stumble. Urbosa was rushing forward, and snapped, the lightning enraging the beast.
"Thank you, Mipha. I have to go help them."
"We, Link. We have to go help them." He grinned, and the two rushed in to join the effort of keeping the thing from paying Revali any attention while he shot arrows of light into it.
She was back. All the champions kneeled to her, all in varying states of injury. And she smiled, tears in her eyes, overwhelmed by the fact that they'd all come for her, that they'd all survive. The first quiet sob had them all looking up, and before the next one came Urbosa was on her feet, enveloping her in a hug. The other joined, and she sobbed in relief, clinging to the gerudo. She was alive. They were alive. They were all safe. Hyrule had been shaken by the calamity, but now, now they were all together again. And watching them in the days that followed, she realized she had to get to know them again. Link spoke, now. He and Mipha were far less reserved. Daruk had lost some of his recklessness, and Revali didn't need to show off every moment. Urbosa, she thought, was the least changed. Until she caught her and Link sneaking out, wearing matching lizalfos masks. Yes, she had to get to know them all again. She didn't mind, she found.
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zephyrylis · 5 years
Voices of Mockery
A Breath of the Wild short story
•In the early morning chill of the Gerudo desert, Link carried forth. His mission given by Gerudo Chief Riju was to infiltrate Yiga headquarters, save her soldiers, and retrieve the heirloom that was once Urbosa’s. His lungs burned as he hastily moved cover to cover, hiding away from the sharp eyes of the Yiga clan members. Once close to the entrance, Link sat and allowed his adrenaline to build. He watched his warm breath mingle with the air around him, unsure if it was okay to remain out in thin Sheikah clothing. Link’s heart raced as he knew if he was caught too soon, death will be guaranteed. Quietly he crawled through the entrance, hiding once more when voices echoed through the halls. Link listened closely, he could tell the Yiga were mocking Riju’s soldiers. He crawled closer to the stairs, they were heard smearing Urbosa’s name. Though he had nothing but a sliver of memory about the Gerudo chief one hundred years ago, Link’s blood boiled at the sound of their mockery. She wasn’t the one who failed Hyrule, Urbosa deserved no ridicule.  
A shadow quickly moved from the corner of his eye, breaking his concentration. Link was struck with slight panic, thinking he was caught, he prepared for a fierce fight that would most likely end up with him failing the people once again. The thought of failure saddened him, how could he have let this happen? What had he failed to endure 100 years ago? “you’ve better things to do besides think of a dim past.” A firm voice rang through Link’s head. A voice he felt a wave of familiarity with, but he was not sure who it was. Heaving a silent sigh, Link found a decent sized pebble and tossed it. It contacted with pottery, sending each member scrambling towards the sound.  
They were mumbling amongst themselves when an eerie call echoed through the dark and damp halls. All members wandered in a trance-like state to the calling. “Ah, that Kohga guy is weird.” He heard one prisoner say. Link popped his head up, looking at the women in confusion. They weren’t scared? “Oh, look at this one... Aren’t you trailing a little behind the others?” One asked.  “Here to taunt us a bit more?”   Link shook his head, “I am here to break you out.” He whispered They eyed him suspiciously, then with a grain of salt they trusted him.   The key wasn’t too well hidden, it reflected the light from the torches. “You can all go back to your village, I will retrieve the heirloom.” The women were sincere with their gratitude as they quickly left their holding cell. Now, he was the only one left in that dingy mold covered room. Apprehension washed over him, anxiety caused his muscles to tense and his voice barely above a whisper. He hated when this happened, it made him feel weak.  
“As you should... Foolish boy. Do you really think that you can save this forsaken place? The Goddesses left it to rot for a reason.” A dark voice boomed in his head, causing him to collapse to the floor. “What’s this, you crumple under mere words? What a pathetic boy you are. You couldn’t even save your precious princess... You couldn’t save the champions. What a knight, what a mighty knight. Useless brat...” It felt like he was kicked in the stomach, and his lungs felt like they were being ripped apart. Link’s muscles constricted, he couldn’t move. He heard footsteps, they were returning to the cell. Link panicked, he was curled up on the ground in tears and could not breathe. Suddenly as quickly as the pain started, it vanished, and he was able to get up and rush to a corner. “You’re fine Link, stay strong.” The female voice rang.  He struggled to his feet and steadied himself, pressing into the corner as much as he could.  “Ready a bomb, it will take most of them out. Then, use a bomb arrow.”   
“You’re fearful.”  
“Ignore that voice, Link.”  
“You regret being alive.”  
“Ignore it, Link.”  
“You wish you were still dead.”  
“Pay no mind to it, Link.”  
Link didn’t remember much of what he had done during the time these two voices were arguing, echoing in his head and causing him a headache. Link was able to finally see what he had done after the voices had abruptly stopped; it was as if he walked into a slaughterhouse. He caused this, blood dotted the walls, limbs scattered about the room, a severed head with a broken mask revealed a grotesque face. Link scurried with his back pressed against the wall, now travelling deeper into the hideout. “You’re a Monster.”  
Link shook his head, the voice needed to stop. He wasn’t supposed to do that, was he? “A cheating knight. A fraud!” The voice shook Link’s skull. The headache turned into a migraine. Link’s vision became spotty and his ears started to ring. Link toppled to the dirt floor once more, unable to see clearly, and alone. Fear took over, a scream wanted to escape but he knew that death would come running down the halls towards him. His soul was in chaos, whipping around and crashing like a raging sea. He didn’t want to kill them, it just happened. He had no memory. “You failed to protect lives, just as you did one hundred years ago.”  Links breathing became ragged, tears formed in his eyes.  
How he wished he was still dead.  
He wished that he saved the champions, and the princess. But here he is, curled up on the floor of the enemy's base. In the aftermath shock of the bloodbath he caused. Link just wanted the voice to stop whispering, to stop putting pressure on his head. “Such a brave knight can’t even defend himself. You are wasting such good space in this kingdom. It makes you wonder why the princess chose you as her appointed knight.” The voice continued. The agonizing pressure becoming heavier on Link’s head caused him to cry. The Calamity was slowly seeping into him through the small cuts that appeared on Link over the course of his journey. This was why his mind felt hectic.  
Just as Link was about to give out, a softer voice called out to him. “Link, we will be okay... we’re proud of you.” It rang like music through his head. The pressure eased, the pain stopped, and his heart rate started to slow back to its calm pace. He felt warmth on either side of his face, as if two hands were there. It was the princess, he knew it. Link hoped to see her face, maybe not now but soon... soon. “You will be okay, there’s no point in thinking about the past. You’ll only give Ganon an opening to attack, focus on The Champions and me. You will be fine... I promise.” The warmth lingered before slowly fading. Link stood back up, regaining his composure he readied himself for the battle with their leader. The guilt of murder became an anvil tied to his ankles, dead weight that would slow him down for the rest of his life. But he had no choice but to carry on, no matter the mockery he had to persist.  
For Zelda.
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