#bureaucratic hurdles
my-favouriteiot · 3 months
Hospertz: Your One-Stop Partner for Building a Successful Healthcare Facility
Hospertz: Your One-Stop Partner for Building a Successful Healthcare Facility
Streamlining the Journey: Hospertz India Pvt. Ltd. (HIPL) caters to the healthcare industry as a turnkey solutions provider. They offer comprehensive support, guiding medical professionals through every step of establishing a new medical facility.
From the Ground Up: Their services encompass the entire process, from selecting a suitable location and obtaining necessary licenses to securing funding and attracting investors. They even assist with hiring qualified personnel and developing a strategic marketing plan.
Addressing Modern Challenges: HIPL acknowledges the growing complexities within the healthcare landscape. Their expertise helps navigate the increasing bureaucratic hurdles associated with setting up a new medical establishment.
Experience You Can Trust: With their extensive experience, HIPL has a proven track record of assisting doctors, dentists, and other specialists in building multi-specialty healthcare facilities across India. Their meticulous approachensures every detail is addressed, from acquiring high-tech equipment at competitive prices to recruiting qualified staff.
Focus on What Matters: By partnering with Hospertz, medical professionals can concentrate on their core competency: delivering exceptional patient care. HIPL takes care of the rest, handling day-to-day operations, licensing procedures, streamlining processes, and staff protocols. Their objective is to establish a smooth-running, patient-centric, and profitable healthcare facility.
Realizing Your Vision: HIPL acts as a trusted advisor, providing end-to-end project consultancy and management services. Their comprehensive solutions encompass the entire project lifecycle, from initial concept to final commissioning.
A Guiding Light: Driven by the vision of fostering quality-conscious and profitable healthcare institutions, HIPL leverages its three core strengths:
Physician-Inspired Knowledge: They understand the specific needs and challenges faced by medical professionals.
Unrivaled Technology: They provide access to state-of-the-art equipment and resources.
Impeccable Services: They offer a comprehensive suite of services to ensure a seamless operation.
A Collaborative Approach: HIPL prioritizes client satisfaction. They maintain continuous communication throughout the project, addressing any potential roadblocks and ensuring a collaborative effort towards achieving the desired outcome. Their ultimate goal is to transform your vision for a successful healthcare facility into a reality.
Building Trust: HIPL emphasizes transparency and honesty in all their dealings with clients and investors. They recognize that your vision is paramount, and they strive to make it the cornerstone of their every action.
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mass-convergence · 7 months
Becoming more and more motivated to acquire the means to get top surgery and finally rid myself of my boobs.
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room42 · 2 years
Missing signature page in your passport through no fault of your own? You can now overcome bureaucratic hurdles to get it
Missing signature page in your passport through no fault of your own? You can now overcome bureaucratic hurdles to get it
If your Indonesian passport was issued after 2019, get it out along with your KTP (ID card) and print copies of them. You’ll need them to obtain a signature page that is missing in your most essential travel document. Recently, a citizen aired her grievance on social media that she was unable to obtain a visa for Germany after the German embassy in Jakarta rejected her application on the grounds…
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autisticadvocacy · 2 months
Ten million Americans lost Medicaid coverage as states decide who'll continue to receive benefits; more than 70% lost coverage because of bureaucratic hurdles, not because they were ineligible. More than half that lost benefits are likely people of color.
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Yesterday (Feb 29, 2024), the IDF opened fire on Palestinian civilians hoping to get food from aid trucks in Gaza City. You can read what we know in full detail here (NPR, MSF, Reuters, CNN), but I'd like to highlight a few things.
Kamel Abu Nahel, who was being treated for a gunshot wound at Shifa Hospital, said he and others went to the distribution point in the middle of the night because they heard there would be a delivery of food. "We've been eating animal feed for two months," he said. He said Israeli troops opened fire on the crowd as people pulled boxes of flour and canned goods off the trucks, causing them to scatter, with some hiding under cars. After the shooting stopped, people went back to the trucks, and the soldiers opened fire again. He was shot in the leg and fell over, and then a truck ran over his leg as it sped off, he said. (NPR)
Initial statements by the IDF claimed deaths were due to a stampede as the desperate crowd rushed for food. However, conflicting reports from Israeli officials have already come forth reporting otherwise. The articles from NPR, Reuters, and CNN that I've linked above all report the IDF firing into the crowd due to "[feeling] under threat" (CNN), as well as report the firing of tank rounds at the site of the massacre.
Critically, CNN reports the following regarding the IDF's statements regarding panic and stampede: "A local journalist in Gaza, Khader Al Za’anoun, who was at the scene and witnessed the incident... said that the chaos and confusion that led to people being hit by the trucks only started once Israeli forces opened fire" (Bold for emphasis done by me).
I'd like to add that even if the IDF had truly not opened fire and there was only a desperate stampede, I would fully hold the IDF and the Israeli government responsible for the deaths regardless. You cannot starve people and obstruct aid (AP News, TIME Magazine, a different article from Reuters) and then claim you are not responsible for their deaths. Especially not when deliberate starvation has long been known to be a weapon of war and tool of genocide.
This situation is the direct result of the string of unconscionable decisions taken by Israeli authorities while waging this war: a relentless bombing and shelling campaign, a complete siege imposed on the enclave, the bureaucratic hurdles and lack of security mechanisms to ensure safe food distribution from southern to northern Gaza, the systematic destruction of livelihood capacities such as farming, herding and fishing. (MSF)
This January, the Israeli government was ordered by the ICJ to "to 'take all measures within its power' to prevent acts of genocide" (TIME Magazine). It is blatantly obvious that Israel has failed to comply (but if you need more convincing, have this statement by the Human Rights Watch).
"Israel is intentionally starving Palestinians and should be held accountable for war crimes – and genocide, according to the UN’s leading expert on the right to food." (The Guardian)
I doubt that any of us who have been advocating for Palestine are surprised - statements by Netanyahu and other members of the Israeli government have long expressed genocidal intent (AP News). The question now - and indeed, the question has always been - what will the world do to stop this? There is no other option than to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire, with the acknowledgement that ceasefire is only the first step towards justice. Keep putting pressure on your representatives and governments, keep donating, keep boycotting, keep boosting Palestinian voices and affirming Palestinian humanity - we do not have the luxury of hopelessness.
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pokemonfangame · 2 months
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PS: The First Journey: Alternate Ending [Multiple Endings] ( PS : Community Content)
It is the year 1947. Samuel Oak, a 20 year-old prodigy, has just returned back to his home country after spending three years in the world's best university. With him, he brings science, technology, and the true spirit of trainerhood. On a mission to establish the first ever League in the East, Oak will have to adjust to local battling traditions, overcome bureaucratic hurdles, and introduce local uneducated Tamers to the proper way of doing things. If this sounds familiar, then you're on the right path, my friend.
Unravel the journey in a different light, the way "YOU" want to, Unraveled Paths takes the journey the way the player chooses and unfolds different endings.​ Welcome to The First Journey: Unraveled Paths, the first PostScriptum (PS) community project, made by yours truly. The beauty of this mod is this gives players the option to choose their own paths in the story, unlike vanilla linear storytelling, now players can take their own paths as they see fit and complete their journey without any regrets. The mod is not limited to the choices but also covers the build up towards the decision, the choice is yours ;) Features : Completely new story direction based on the player choice with a blend of ;
New Portraits.
New Soundtracks.
Non-linear journey.
This is a fan-made mod for another fangame! Check out the base fangame here
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triptychgrip · 29 days
Several years post-canon: expanding Ice Castle into a Nishigori/Katsuki-Nikiforov skating academy
Chapter 16 of my married Viktuuri 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic is up! It was one of my favorite chapters to write, as it touches upon Yuuri and Viktor's long-term plans once Yuuri retires (after the 2022 Games): partnering with the Nishigoris to expand Ice Castle into a world-class skating academy.
If you've read/are in the process of reading my fic, you'll know that figure skating politics are a huge part of my story, specifically because of a non-doping related scandal that shakes up the 2018 Games and affects the figure skating community for years to come. This same scandal/its aftermath deeply influences Yuuri and Viktor to usher in change within the sport, emboldening them to think through how their/the Nishigoris' future academy could push an aspirational advocacy agenda forward.
Below is an excerpt from this latest chapter, which I hope piques your interest in checking this fic out, or my other Yuri!!! on Ice work.
“Yuuko and Takeshi are so invested in this vision we have, and they’re sticking their necks out for us a lot. I’m just glad that they’re also so passionate about the waves we’re hoping to make.”
Viktor nodded before taking a hefty bite of his own onigiri, evidently catching on to what he meant.
Even with the preliminary conversations they’d had with the Japan Skating Federation, the four of them knew that some of the core principles of their future skating academy might be a hard sell. However, they were ones that they refused to compromise on, given everything that had happened at the PyeongChang Games (and in the aftermath).
In witnessing the struggle that both Seung-Gil and Yura had undergone to break away from the Korea Skating Union and FFKKR, respectively, the Nishigoris and Katsuki-Nikiforovs were committed to prioritizing at least 4 slots – 2 for the Men’s division and 2 for the Women’s division – for Russian and Korean skaters that wished to skate independently of their federations. But in doing so, they were creating something of a headache for themselves: each one of these prospective skaters would need to find a way to completely self-fund their careers. As such, it would be more important than ever for them and their future staff to acquire some savvy when it came to sponsor recruitment and retention.
Along with this, in a dramatic departure from the way things are typically done, all four of them knew that they wanted their skaters to be well-versed in understanding the politics of the sport.
Though the realities were sobering, there was simply no way that he or his spouse would be able to operate in good conscience and send their Novices and Juniors off to their first ISU competitions without at least some semblance of understanding around how judging worked. Or rather…all the ways it didn’t work.
And by continuing to model the pathways to reform, they wanted their future students to feel empowered to be vocal when it came to ushering in change within figure skating.
The two other priorities he and Viktor decided on with the Nishigoris would be less difficult to garner support around, but even so, they came with their own respective bureaucratic hurdles.
In seeing the way Phichit had hustled to both make and maintain a name for himself in a sport so dominated by the big-name federations, they wanted to reserve at least two spots in their inaugural year for skaters attached to smaller name federations. Working out a fair selection “rubric” would be complicated, and they’d already begun to pick Phichit-kun’s brain as to how one might devise such a process to be the most fair.
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schmetterlinq · 2 months
"In the heart-wrenching plea from Amira, a soul caught in the crossfire of war and displacement, the desperation for help resonates like a haunting melody. Her words echo the harsh reality of life in the Gaza Strip, a place that was once a home but has now transformed into a battleground where survival is a daily struggle. Amira introduces herself as a bridge between two worlds—one in Germany, where she now resides as a refugee with a new lease on life, and the other in Gaza, where her family grapples with the devastation of war. The urgency in her message is palpable, a plea for assistance to salvage the remnants of a shattered family life. Her mother, a 70-year-old woman, bears the weight of not just age but also the burden of chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Stranded in Rafah, a city where essential medications and treatments are scarce, she resides in a shelter with living conditions that border on the inhumane. The vivid image of their once-beautiful house in Gaza City, now lost, adds a layer of profound grief to the narrative. Amira's brother's family, too, has become a casualty of war, stripped of their possessions and left to rebuild from scratch. The dire circumstances extend to her sister's family, a unit of seven people, including three children, who find themselves homeless in the aftermath of conflict. Amira, now in Germany, grapples with the challenges of providing support from a distance. The bureaucratic hurdles further complicate the situation. Amira, driven by the desperation to reunite her family and provide her mother with the medical care she urgently needs, attempts to navigate the complex visa application process. The German-Palestinian Embassy's closure in Palestine necessitates a journey to Egypt, adding financial strain to an already dire situation. The exorbitant costs associated with traveling through the Rafah crossing become a formidable obstacle, especially for a family of considerable size. Amira, despite her own struggles as a refugee in Germany, extends a hand, seeking support from others. The sincerity in her request, coupled with the offer to provide evidence for her words, creates a compelling narrative that beckons compassion. The mention of potential channels, such as Western Union or a trusted person in Egypt, showcases Amira's resourcefulness in the face of adversity. In closing, Amira expresses gratitude for any contribution, emphasizing the collective power of individuals joining hands to make a difference. Her plea is not just a call for financial aid but a plea for empathy, understanding, and solidarity in the face of human suffering. It's a poignant reminder that, even in the darkest times, the human spirit can shine through, connecting us across borders and inspiring hope in the face of despair."
(This is not my gofundme, I'm just boosting.)
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theviolenttomboy · 3 months
watching one of Sakurai's videos, he says that when covid started he and his dev team had to continue work on the Smash Ultimate DLC from home. There were a lot of unexpected hurdles, but he did his best to smooth everything out, which included skipping over the bureaucratic tape by immediately buying everyone whatever WFH equipment they needed out of his own pocket so that they could continue without delay. (hot dang, he's technically a freelancer, and majority of his team aren't even Nintendo employees, they're Bandai Namco ones) Despite that, he estimates that the dev process as a whole was slowed down by around 30%.
...I think I know what happened to the New Horizons updates. Covid really did screw the planned schedule over. I'd say a safe assumption is that they could at best only release half of what they could've if covid wasn't a thing? Adding to that, the team that works on Animal Crossing is also the Splatoon team, so by the time all cylinders were firing again, focus probably already moved to Splatoon 3 (and likely the AC game for the next console). I can see why/how support dried up pretty fast.
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theehorsepusssy · 1 year
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Thanks everyone. Im ok. Just annoyed as fuck by the all the bureaucratic hurdles on top of days of bowel prep and hours upon hours of delay. And when I could finally eat, we have broiled fish for dinner. Gross
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max1461 · 2 years
Why do you think sorting by talent is a barrier to working great works? I would say the exact opposite, especially in cases how well a group of people does matters.
Because in order to have opportunities to work the works you must first pass various bureaucratic hurdles; you must prove to others via the means they find convincing and legible that you are the sort of person who will do well at the things they want you to do well at. Only then do they give you the opportunity to try your hand at the works themselves. This is, in some sense, bullshit. The proof that you can work the works should only need to come in the form of the works themselves.
Of course this is always a barrier in life. We're never going to escape a world in which you have to make yourself legible to others to some degree. But it should be kept in mind that this often requires quite a different set of skills (and perhaps luck) than does actually working the work itself. So we should try to minimize these barriers.
In an ideal world, a world where we all are afforded a right-to-strive, spontaneity should not be punished. People should have maximal opportunity to say "I think I'm going to try and become good at the piano now" on some afternoon, and regardless of their initial apparent level of talent or their externally-judged prospects for success, have access to all the resources they need to learn and hone their skill and try their hand. And whether or not they succeed in becoming a great pianist should be judged by their playing, not by tests or certificates or anything else.
Of course, such a world is hard to achieve. In the past, the biggest bottleneck has simply been an insufficient number of good teachers for all the would-be students. But technology has made a lot possible that wasn't possible before. Maybe we aren't yet in a world where a true right-to-strive can be implemented, but we might be close. Our institutions, however, are not prepared, and are not leveraging the technology that does exist because it isn't in their interest to do so. Cf. widespread credentialism in academia.
But the mindset which says "bureaucratize the expression of all skill, bureaucratize learning and opportunities for effort, make people prove they are sufficiently likely to succeed before we give them the chance to try", presented in standardized testing and gifted programs that select for the best-performing students at the expense of the rest and the entire UK A-Levels system, is precisely antithetical to this sort of free access to worthwhile endeavor.
It's an old cliché, but recall that, most often, the point of working a work is the working, after all. The work itself is secondary. It's not always this way, but it's this way a whole lot of the time. Meritocracy makes sense if the point of working a work is getting a work. If that's the case, and you've judged someone unlikely to succeed, why waste resources letting them try in the first place? But this view fails to understand something pretty significant about the human condition. So I have to object.
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prodeskk · 5 months
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Golden Visa Dreams: Pro Desk's Expertise Unleashed
At PRO Desk, we believe in our capabilities and leverage our years of experience to offer professional and exceptional services for establishing new businesses, company incorporations, and related matters in both Mainland and various Free Zones Authorities.
Dreaming of a second home? Look no further – we are your gateway to paradise with our premium Golden Visa Services. Our streamlined process, sprinkled with golden opportunities, is your ticket to a new horizon.
Our Golden Visa Services pave the way for global mobility. We simplify the intricate, guiding you through the paperwork maze effortlessly. With PRO Desk, it's not just a service; it's a journey towards realizing your dreams.
Navigate the bureaucratic hurdles effortlessly as our expert team tailors a personalized plan just for you. Say goodbye to visa headaches; we've got the golden touch to turn your dreams into reality.
Why settle for the ordinary when you can embrace the golden? Our services go beyond the basics. We're not mere consultants; we're dream enablers, transforming aspirations into tangible addresses.
Ever wondered what life could be like with a second home? We unlock a realm of possibilities. Dine in a new city, wake up to a different skyline – your golden adventure awaits.
We understand that a golden journey transcends paperwork. It's about dreams, aspirations, and a touch of magic. We're not just visa facilitators; we're dream weavers.
Concerned about the nitty-gritty details? Worry not. We are your golden concierge, handling every aspect with finesse. From paperwork to settling in, we've got your back.
Envision a life where borders don't confine your dreams. PRO Desk's Golden Visa Services dismantle barriers, making a second home just a golden step away.
Seize the moment and embark on your golden journey. PRO Desk is more than a service; it's your partner in turning dreams into tangible addresses. Let the golden adventure commence!
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autisticadvocacy · 3 months
Ten million Americans lost Medicaid coverage as states decide who'll continue to receive benefits; more than 70% lost coverage because of bureaucratic hurdles, not because they were ineligible. More than half that lost benefits are likely people of color.
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meekmedea · 1 month
conversations over tea (XII)
previous chapter
Upon her discovery of the deed to Lavinium, Coriolanus had taken a glance at the will. “Clem, I don’t think he could have made it clearer to anyone else that Lavinium was to be yours. He even goes so far to write that should you accept it, then this jewelry box and all its contents are yours.”
Then after she’d accidentally let slip that perhaps her discovery would stop the sad attempts at threatening her into submission, he’d more or less dragged her out to the lawyer’s office, demanding to see both of the wills that were being contested for their validity. 
“That qualifies as harassment and why should you put up with it, Clem?”
It’s a peculiar sight, watching people scurry about and Clemensia was rather glad to not be on the receiving end of Coriolanus’ ire. The office that employed her aunt’s lawyer had quickly learned that answers of proper paperwork and following procedure weren’t what he wanted to hear. Or accepted. 
If President Snow wanted something done, he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He wanted it done immediately. A bit tyrannical, Clemnsia supposed, and rather unorthodox, but at least he was able to get through the bureaucratic hurdle with ease. 
Because when Clemensia and her family had tried to get a look at the ‘new’ will that her aunt had found, they’d been continuously met with the same barriers and unable to pass by. What they had been struggling with these past few days was now being rapidly solved.
Mr. Lamont is summoned as well, to produce the copy of her uncle’s will that he’d read on the day of her uncle’s funeral. Mostly for appearance’s sake and to verify that the copy Clemensia held was just as valid. 
On an impulse, she called for the Dovecote family lawyer to come as well; if there were any legalities she needed to be concerned with, she wanted proper representation. She didn’t trust any of the lawyers here to have her best interest at heart. 
Coriolanus’ eye was getting twitchy as they waited and she pitied the next person who’d set him off. 
It definitely translated to their skittish behaviour upon dropping off two cups of tea in front of them. They looked terrified that the President would order their heads to roll if they breathed too loudly in his direction, much less look in his direction.
“Well,” he snapped upon Mr. Lamont’s arrival, “can you prove that the copy we have and the one you have are identical?” Then his ire landed on the unfortunate intern that was passing by. “And where is that blasted copy of the so-called ‘new’ will?”
Upon seeing her aunt’s copy of the will, Clemensia realizes a glaring issue. “Oh.” Laughing was wrong, but she couldn’t help the strangled noise from escaping. Was this why they kept stalling, preventing her family from seeing the will?
“Clemensia?” Coriolanus’ ire had turned to concern as he turned to face her.
She points to the date listed on the will. “Uncle would have been dead for nearly three days when he signed this.”
A gasp came from the door, they turned to find her mother and her aunt standing there. Her pale-faced aunt who looked as if she wanted to run. 
With such a glaring revelation, ownership of Lavinium is uncontested. 
Her grandfather denies any knowledge of her aunt’s misdeeds and begs for forgiveness, and Clemensia wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. After all, he’d been so quick to take Aunt Agave’s side of the matter, even going so far to say that the forged will should be followed to the letter when it had first come out. 
It will take some time before she can look at him again without the sting of betrayal. 
Not a word escapes to the media – physical or otherwise – about the entire debacle. Father’s influence, and his consideration for Mother’s wishes. Because even though she couldn’t forgive her sister for her actions, she didn’t want to give them any more attention than they needed to. 
It didn’t stop the Valencik family from running into a bout of bad luck though – recently her aunt’s husband’s business had been audited and there were a number of metaphorical skeletons that had been unearthed. 
So Lavinium is hers to run. 
She settles into the business – thankfully the staff are there to help make the transition easier – but sometimes, she forgets that uncle is no longer around when she looks for a second opinion. 
It’s a slow process, but it gets easier with every passing week. 
Clemensia won’t make him regret choosing him as heir to the business. 
Coriolanus and her weekly teas continue. Though he might not be the same boy of her childhood, it didn’t mean she couldn’t get to know the man that had grown up since then. And to call that individual a friend. 
Because that was part of growing up, was it not? She was no longer the same little girl either, so it’d be hypocritical to expect that he’d remain the same since childhood. 
It is just another of their teas when they have a surprise visitor – no, not Sirius. But Invidia. 
Invidia looks furious, and her rage grows even more upon seeing Clemensia sitting across from Coriolanus. “You,” she says, her voice full of venom. 
“What’s your excuse now? Busy every Saturday? Hah! As if.” Her finger pointed at Clemensia. “I knew you’ve been seeing her behind my back.” Invidia doesn’t wait for an answer from him when she turns her ire to Clemensia. “And you! You’re that slattern–”
“I think you’ve got me confused–” tries Clemensia. 
“Confused?” she interrupts. “No, I don’t think so. After all, you’re the one he bought those earrings for.”
This was over a pair of earrings? 
“Are you done embarrassing yourself, Invidia?” cuts in Coriolanus. He almost looked bored by the accusations. “Do you hear what you’re saying?”
“Do I hear what I’m saying? Of course, I do,” she snarled back at him. “How dare you shame me like this, Coriolanus? With this…” She gestured wildly at Clemensia. “...her?”
This seemed like a private matter between the bickering couple, and Clemensia wondered if she should make her excuses to leave. But the moment she shifted in her seat, making to get up, Coriolanus’ gaze turned to her. 
“Where are you going?”
“I–” She wasn’t sure what to say. “I should head out,” she tries. 
“No. Stay.”
“Her? Stay?” screeched Invidia. “Is this your choice?”
Clemensia wanted nothing more than to leave the room. Before she could insist on it, Coriolanus gave her the look that usually had people fearing for their life, but she’d known him for years and it wasn’t quite so effective on her. “The gardens,” she concedes. If those two wanted to deal with their relationship, they could, but Clemensia had no wish to be in the middle of it. 
“Very well.”
Coriolanus finds her by sitting on the edge of the fountain. “Kore said I might find you here,” he says in lieu of a greeting.
She didn’t say anything to that. 
“I’m sorry that you had to see that,” he says, settling beside her. “Invidia has been sent away.”
This time, she made a small hum to acknowledge that she’d heard him. 
“It was a long time coming.” At this, she glanced sharply at him, yet Coriolanus continued on, “I should have ended things earlier.”
Had he just broken up with his girlfriend? “Coryo–”
“You’re not the first girl that she’s accused me of having an affair with,” he says, offering up a wry smile. “Every female that more or less glances my way is regarded with the same brush she tried to paint you with.”
“Oh,” is all she can say to that. 
“And she admitted to sending you that dead dove.”
“Oh,” she echoed dumbly. Well that was a bit disturbing. 
“I don’t appreciate my friends being threatened.” 
She doesn’t recall much of the rest of her visit at the mansion. 
The image of the plucked dove in the gilded bird cage is too horrifying to make her a good conversation partner. 
first chapter
next chapter
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metamatar · 1 year
the global north really subjects third world citizens to some absolutely bonkers bureaucratic hurdles.
you have to get verification for about 10 vaccines that are famously not mandated in for usamerican citizens. a doctor's signature is not enough evidence. i need the batch numbers of the vials i got injected from in 1998. but since nobody was recording that on my vaccine card in india, i have to get expensive blood tests for antibodies. india does not have measles outbreaks yknow.
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masllp · 1 month
Streamline Your Business Journey: Company Incorporation in India
In the dynamic landscape of Indian commerce, establishing a business is not just a milestone but a strategic decision that lays the groundwork for success. Company incorporation in India is the first step towards realizing your entrepreneurial dreams, and at MASLLP, we understand the significance of this process. With our expertise and comprehensive solutions, we aim to simplify the journey of company incorporation for businesses of all sizes. Let's explore why MASLLP stands out as your premier choice for company incorporation in India.
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Expert Guidance: With years of experience and a team of seasoned professionals, MASLLP brings unparalleled expertise to the table. Our experts possess in-depth knowledge of Indian corporate laws, regulations, and compliance requirements, enabling us to provide expert guidance and support at every stage of the company incorporation process.
Tailored Solutions: MASLLP recognizes that every business is unique, with its own set of goals, objectives, and challenges. That's why we take a personalized approach to company incorporation, offering tailored solutions that align with your specific needs and aspirations. Whether you're a startup, a small business, or a multinational corporation, we have the expertise and resources to support you on your business journey.
Comprehensive Services: MASLLP offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to simplify the company incorporation process from start to finish. From initial consultation to post-incorporation compliance, we handle every aspect of company formation, including name reservation, drafting of memorandum and articles of association, obtaining necessary approvals, and obtaining the certificate of incorporation.
Transparency and Efficiency: Transparency and efficiency are at the core of everything we do. MASLLP believes in keeping our clients informed and empowered throughout the company incorporation process, providing regular updates, clear communication, and transparent pricing. Our streamlined approach minimizes bureaucratic hurdles and accelerates the process, allowing you to focus on building and growing your business.
Compliance Assurance: Staying compliant with regulatory requirements is essential for maintaining the legal and financial integrity of your company. MASLLP helps clients navigate the complexities of corporate compliance in India, ensuring adherence to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. With our proactive approach to compliance, you can minimize potential liabilities and focus on achieving your business goals.
Dedicated Support: We're committed to providing exceptional service and support to our clients. MASLLP's dedicated team of professionals is here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide expert guidance every step of the way. With personalized attention and responsive support, you can trust MASLLP to be your reliable partner in company incorporation in India. In the competitive business landscape of India, company incorporation is the first step towards realizing your entrepreneurial dreams. With MASLLP as your trusted partner, you can navigate the complexities of company formation with confidence and clarity. Contact us today to learn more about our company incorporation services and take the first step towards building a successful and sustainable business in India.
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