lovedinapastlife · 4 years
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The Society by SunlitGarden
A short story on Mr. Chipping's desk convinces Betty that she needs the author in her life and at Stonewall Prep. With enough research and charm, he should be easy enough to convince. Once she meets Forsythe Pendleton Jones III, however, she realizes he's so much more than a brilliant writer: he's her soulmate.
Determined to change the world for the better, she educates him on their elite Society, prepping him to join them. In Jughead's arms, though, Betty feels a whole new kind of salvation.
Read chapter one on AO3
Many thanks to @bettycooper for the moody, fabulous graphic!
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taylunae · 4 years
Day One
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Betty is trapped in New York. Jughead is on the other side of the country. In a moment of loneliness and desperation, she signs up for a month-long writing prompt series. This is her journey in writing.
She had everything she needed. Coffee, food, toilet paper (honestly, of all the things for people to hoard), and plenty of books to keep her occupied.
The only thing that her home was lacking, however, was the one thing she wanted most.
start here
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kurokoros · 5 years
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hold me tight and think of home
Jughead yelps in surprise as she tackles him around the middle, sending them both careening into the bushes beside the dirt trail. His head slams into the dirt and the breath is knocked out of him as she lands on top of him. Bewildered, Jughead opens his mouth to ask what the hell is happening but Betty slaps a hand over his mouth before he can.
She shushes him hurriedly and goes very still above him. That’s when he hears the distant clatter of a horse’s hooves on the path, the sound of a carriage coming up the road. The sound grows louder by the second and he prays the bushes will offer enough covering and that they haven’t been seen already.
Above him, Betty shifts, causing the short hairs falling out of her elegant twist to tickle his cheek. Jughead tenses, inhaling sharply, but it only allows the delicate scent of her perfume to cloud his mind. It’s light, floral, like jasmine and lavender, and for a moment Jughead forgets where he is and what he’s doing. More of her weight sinks onto him and Jughead panics, unsure where to put his hands. Her waist seems like the most natural place, but then he imagines the soft curves he felt last night while they were dancing and opts to leave himself awkwardly sprawled across the ground.
He holds himself very still, trying not to squirm as the coach comes closer and Betty presses tighter against his chest. Her breath is hot against his ear.
read part three on AO3
A bughead stardust!AU
Jughead Jones crosses the wall separating Riverdale from a land of magic in search of a fallen star. He was never expecting the star to be a beautiful young woman named Betty. Intent on bringing Betty back to Riverdale, it becomes a race against time as they’re pursued by pirates, murderous princes, and a witch seeking the heart of the fallen star.
But Jughead may just capture it first.
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aubetty · 5 years
christmas wishes
Christmas gift exchange at the pembrooke.
hello everyone! i finally finished a fic just in time for the holidays. I’d appreciate if you check it out for me. thank you 💓
photo set:
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bitterbenji · 6 years
Bughead Fics
NO OFFENSE to anybody who does this in their fic because you do you, but when I read Bughead fics where Jughead calls Betty ‘babe’ or ‘baby’ I immediatly just change it to Betty (unless it’s in a sarcastic/mocking way) because I just can’t picture them using that.
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clozzersaurus · 6 years
Opinions please
Over the past few months my mental health has taken a massive turn for the worse meaning that my bughead fic hasnt been updated in months. I loved writing it I just havent been able to recently, but i would really like to continue. I cant guarantee how often or when it’ll be updated... but is it worth me carrying on? Would anybody be interested in reading if i continued with it, even though it’s been forever and updates might be sparse?
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coffeeandirony · 7 years
Surprised I haven't seen this yet but: bughead coffee shop au
Okay, I wasn’t satisfied with this, but here it is! Never quite sure what direction to take an AU so I did mid-twenties Betty and Jughead, meeting in another life.
He was here again. Betty felt a little fizz of pleasure run through her - the dark-haired, dark-eyed boy with the sarcastic tilt to his mouth and the keen, perceptive eyes was sitting in his favored spot at the coffee shop counter. Betty had started coming to Casablanca’s only two weeks ago, after moving to Riverdale from Los Angeles, and had initially wandered in, at 10pm, expecting it to be a bar, given the name. Instead, the kindly barista had explained that the owner loved classic movies, and had given the shop an international flair by offering coffee brewing methods from all over the world. The nameless boy had been there then, sitting at the counter with a laptop in front of him, and as she glanced at him through the half-shadows - for the shop had just closed - dark eyes lifted from the screen to study her without expression. She’d been struck, at once, by the quizzical slant of his face, and by the piercing intelligence of those eyes.
Since then, she’d come every few days, mostly for the exquisite, exotic coffee - impossibly sweet Turkish lattes, muddy Sudanese brews with the grounds still floating in them, perfectly balanced Italian espressos - but also to see him. She’d come armed with some notebooks and a textbook this time, for her class on Violence Against Women. The shop was unusually crowded - probably because finals were coming up. Walking up to the counter, ignoring the boy, she studied the menu briefly, trying to decide what to try this time.
“Panama geisha.” A voice broke through her thoughts. “I’m sorry?” she turned to the boy, who had shifted sideways in his seat and was, disconcertingly, studying her. “It’s a balance of sweet and bitter.” He offered her a half-smile that made his eyes crinkle in all kinds of interesting ways. “It suits you.”Betty didn’t know whether this was a compliment or otherwise, but nodded, examining him in turn now that she had a chance to. She should think of him as a man, she thought, that was more accurate to his age - he looked to be mid-twenties like her - but someone she couldn’t stop thinking of him as “the Boy.”“Thank you. Medium Panama geisha, please,” she asked the barista, who by this time knew her. “Coming right up, Miss Betty,” he responded promptly and whirled away. Betty shifted her books and looked around, unable to spot a seat in the crowded shop. “Sit,” the boy said gently, lifting his coat off the bar stool next to him. Betty spotted two seats open at the far back, but who was she kidding, she came here to see this boy, and she wasn’t about to pass up the chance. “Thanks.”“Any woman fighting the hard battle you’re in deserves a seat and the best caffeine around,” he said, nodding at her books. Betty glanced down. “How do you know this isn’t just a general ed class and I’m gritting my teeth through it while I major in marketing with an emphasis on high-end fashion blogging?”Laughter crossed his eyes and was gone quick as a flash. “Because I happen to know that isn’t a general ed class. And because your style is too unique for you to be into Vogue. What are you studying?”“International Affairs. I’m focusing on human rights challenges for women,” she said, slightly curious to see if he’d be at all intimidated, or bored - a lot of men were. Instead, he looked at her with a snap of complete attention, as though she was the most interesting thing he’d ever seen, and she caught her breath, feeling like the world had receded and left just the two of them. The blue plaid brought out the multi-colored shades of his eyes - blue and green - and he wore a stylish black coat over it with the effortless ease of someone very, very comfortable in their own skin. Curly dark hair sprung in all directions, and she resisted the impulse to push back one lock that had fallen over his eye.
Bending toward each other, they fell into conversation - he peppered her with questions, and somehow, she told him all about herself. How she’d left home at 17 - she glossed over why but something in the warmth of the eyes on her made her feel that he sensed the undertones when she talked about her parents. About how she’d found a best friend, Veronica, worked in a coffeeshop and then done part-time accounting, putting herself through college, and planned to do her master’s in Italy. His face lit up at this and he told her about the year he’d spent backpacking through Europe after high school, how he’d fallen in love with coffee in Italy, and then trained as a barista at high-end shops all over Europe. “What do you do now?” she asked. “I’m a freelance journalist. I travel a lot, but always end up back here. You can take Jughead away from home, but you can’t take small-town America out of the Jughead,” he said, laughing.“Why do you love travel so much?” she asked curiously - she was very eager to travel abroad herself, but wanted to hear his response. He paused. “It’s the reset of it - the magic. You travel, and you get to leave who you are, all your former selves, behind, and find something new, in your environment or yourself. And - I’m looking for something. I don’t know what - I’ll know it when I see it.”“I know that magic,” Betty said slowly. “When I left home - when I left my parents for good - it felt like I’d been sleepwalking my whole life, and suddenly I woke up, and the universe opened up to me full of possibility, and I could be anyone I wanted to be.”He nodded, and looked away, then looked back at her, and something shifted in the air. “That feeling - that sense of wonder, adventure, surprise…that’s the feeling I got when you first walked in that door two weeks ago,” he said with quietly, his eyes darkening with intensity. She flushed and looked away, then back at him as he continued. “I could tell you something trite like you’re beautiful. Or that I want to get to know you better. But I’m not going to pretend this is ordinary. It isn’t. When you walked in, it was like an old, favorite movie had started, one I’ve loved forever but that I experience new each time. That I feel like I know you.” He shook his head, and a slight, rueful smile crossed his lips. “And now if I haven’t frightened you off completely - tell me if I’m crazy.”“You’re not crazy,” Betty said softly. They looked at each other for a long, long moment. “Then go to the movies with me,” he said with a grin that changed his whole face, lighting it up with warmth, humor, magic. “As a beginning, tonight. That won’t be the end of the night - but let’s start.”“Yes,” Betty half-whispered, listening to the fact that she was more attracted to this boy - this man - than she’d ever been to anyone.  Jumping up, he slung his laptop behind the counter and picked up her books for her. As they turned to leave, the barista caught Jughead. “Boss - sorry to bother you,” he said in an undertone, “but can we close early today? Just got a call my family’s here earlier than expected, and Todd can’t take my shift.”“No problem,” Jughead said easily, also in a low tone, and headed toward the door. “You’re the manager?” Betty asked in puzzlement. “Then how do you travel…?” she trailed off as realization came to her. “You own this place!” she exclaimed, in surprise and pure pleasure. He opened the coffeeshop door, and turned back to her, and smiled, summer wind blowing past him and touching her as it stirred his hair, and he offered his hand. “Let’s go on an adventure, Betty Cooper,” he said, lights playing in his dark eyes, and even though it was crazy to take his hand, because they’d just met, Betty felt a rush - of magic, of security, of rightness - as she looked into those eyes. She took his hand, and he laced his fingers with hers - they fit perfectly, of course. “Let’s go, Jughead Jones,” she said, smiling brightly, and they turned together into the night.
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long-dramatic-sigh · 7 years
Goodnight Lullaby
Riverdale Bughead fic
Word Count: 1,270
*Based on future Bughead*
Jughead and Betty have to learn how to cope with a baby that has some powerful vocals.
The baby was crying again for what seemed to be the millionth time. Poor Betty had tried everything to get their baby to calm down, but no matter what she did, little Rose's face stayed bright red and scrunched. It had been that way every night for the past 3 nights in a row, and while Jughead tried to help, the baby just wanted-well, that's the thing I guess. Rose didn't know what she wanted and Betty and Jughead were at a loss. Jughead had suggested leaving her to cry it out for a bit, although that idea was quickly vetoed by the look on Betty's face. It was the look of the complete horror of a very new mother. Of course, Jughead was a very new father too, but, admittedly, he was getting far more sleep than Betty and by default had the arguably clearer mind.
Betty rocked the fussing Rosie into the living room, then walked to the kitchen. Her arms were sore from holding her so long and she ached to reposition her but Rosie had just started to settle down. Betty's tired arms slowly stopped moving her baby up and down and she rested against the fridge door. Betty may as well have moved Rose into a more comfortable position anyway because the moment the baby noticed she had nearly ceased rocking, she became more miserable than the last three days' combined. Betty slid down the door, magnets and pictures and souvenirs alike falling to the ground noisily. She joined her daughter in her sobs. The moment he heard Betty start to cry, Jughead jumped up from his seat on the couch, where he had been working on his column for the local newspaper, and ran like a Betty-aimed missile, stopped in front of her and sat down. Jughead's heart pulled painfully for Betty and he scooped her and their baby into his lap, Betty's head resting on his shoulder and tears ruining his shirt. "Shhh, shhhh Betts. It's okay. It's okay, I'm here. You're okay," Jughead repeated. Betty tried and failed miserably to stifle her cries. Jughead gently removed Rose from Betty's arms and kissed her forehead. Like her mother, the baby's forehead relaxed for a moment or two with the gentle show of love, but soon creased up again. Betty hid in Jughead's neck, her trembling lips just barely grazing his tender neck. "I'm just s-so tired-" Betty hiccupped. Jughead turned his face to rest his cheek on the top of Betty's head. Despite having been married to Jughead for three years before having Rose, Betty still occasionally got goosebumps and butterflies in her stomach when Jughead touched her. He carefully slid his free hand (the other still holding Rose) up and down Betty's arm, taking her butterfly goosebumps for lack of heat instead. "Hey, why don't you go take a nap? Use my pillow and sleep on my side of the bed, okay?" Jughead compromised with his wife. Betty looked up at him with doe eyes full of tears of exhaustion. Even with every feature of hers being pulled downward with sleep deprivation and her hair mussed up and carelessly thrown into a ponytail, she was still the most beautiful woman in the world. Jughead smoothed her hair back behind her ears and gave Betty a kiss right between her eyebrows. "Why your side?" Betty asked through a big yawn as she brought her hand up to hide it. Jughead grinned. "Because I know you'll end up there anyway." He smirked, running his hands through Betty's somewhat ponytail. The little baby in Jughead's arms suddenly wailed, clearly distraught over the lack of attention she was receiving at the moment. Betty's eyes welled up at the outburst and her chin trembled, but Jughead was quicker. He gently turned her face to his and kissed her deeply, successfully stopping her from crying. They broke away from each other and he would have missed the way the corner of Betty's mouth turned up slightly, if it weren't for his excellent observation skills. That, and also how he spent his formidable years watching Betty, learning the difference between her fake, polite smile from her real one. The way her eyes crinkled when she was really smiling, and her mouth seemed to open almost too wide in that adorable way of hers. If she weren't so exhausted, she would have been smiling that one right now. "No more tears. Go to sleep, Betty. It'll all be better when you wake up," Jughead shoed her lovingly out of his lap, and she nodded. Without looking back, she walked into their room and flopped on the bed. She was out cold in seconds. Jughead slowly stood, giving Rosie his finger to play with for the time being. He rocked and bounced her lightly, staring at her with such love and concentration that gave rivalry to the way he stared at Betty when he woke her up with kisses. Jughead moved into the living room and let Rosie lie on the couch beside him. He gently brushed her tiny forehead with his long fingers until she fell silent. A few hours later, Betty awoke feeling much better, as promised by Jughead. She slowly crept out of the warm comfort of her bed and silently made her way to the kitchen. Once there, she sat in her previous spot in front of the fridge, noticing all the magnets were back in their rightful place. Betty swept her fingertips along the floor beside her, shocked at the feel of the cool tile on her warm legs. Betty was in the middle of readjusting her ponytail when she heard Rose wail out again, surprised she was even calm to begin with. She was about to get up when she heard Jughead. "Shhh, shhhh baby. You're alright. No need to wake up your mama. Shhhh," Jughead whispered, and Betty quietly made her way to the shadow behind the door to observe her husband. Jughead was slowly rocking Rosie back and forth, trying to calm her down. "Hush little Rosie, don't say a word, daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing, daddy's gonna buy you a diamond ring," Jughead sang softly, brushing back the little jet black peach fuzz that was Rosie's hair. "And if that diamond ring won't shine, daddy's gonna buy you a brand new rhyme," Jughead huffed a laugh through a breath, "because I can't think of anything else." His song worked though, and Rosie calmed down, her cherry red face going back to it's normal pale hue. Jughead was unaware of Betty watching him sing a lullaby to his daughter, and Betty's heart leaped in her chest. She grinned as she walked out into the living room, making Jughead jump when she reached her arms around his middle. He relaxed however, and maneuvered Rose into one arm so he would wrap his other around Betty. A picture of the perfect family moment. Jughead sighed and tilted his head down to meet Betty's and she held him a little closer. "Thanks for making me take a nap. You were right, I do feel a lot better." Betty said, looking down at her now sleeping baby resting in her love's arms. "Of course I was right," he scoffed, then gazed down at little Rosie too. "I love you, Betts." "I love you more, Juggie," Betty said, leaning her head into the crook of his neck. The couple stayed in that position for a long time, simply gazing at their baby, who was finally calm and most importantly, not crying.
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Part 1
Betty Cooper had always been perfect in his eyes, her wavy blonde hair, emerald green eyes that he couldn’t look away from. The way her body curved, her sent, her smile, her kind disposition. Even now, on their way to their engagement party, Jughead was baffled as to how one person could be so perfect.
“I love you more than you will ever know.” Jughead kept his eyes on the road as he kissed her hand, earning a smile from his fiance.
“I love you so much, and I’m so happy.” Betty purred as she leaned over in her seat to kiss her cheek. Their old beat up Jeep pulled in the parking lot of one of The White Wyrm, the hangout of the Serpents.
Possession of the Wyrm had been in the Jones family since the bar first opened, father passing it to son for generations. Jughead had been eighteen when FP handed over the keys, saying the bar was the last thing tying him to the Serpents, and he wanted to put all of that behind him. Betty and Jughead had been more than happy to gain ownership of the Wyrm, offering jobs to any Serpent that wanted one. Toni, was the Serpent to take them up on the offer. Betty helped her out a lot seeing as the bar only had 4 employees after Toni joined the staff. Tonight they head to the closed the bar for their engagement party.
“Shall we my love?”
The pair entered the bar, and was immediately given giant hugs from Veronica and Kevin. Betty had insisted their friends, who didn’t already live there, come back to Riverdale. Veronica,and Archie are happily married in New York, and Cheryl had a tiny apartment in LA.
“B! I’m so happy for you!” Veronica gushed as she examined the ring on Betty’s left hand, angling it so Kevin could see.
“So when are you due?” Archie joked as her enveloped Betty in a hug, earning laughs from most of the bar. “Congrats brother.” He added as he reached to shake Jughead’s hand. “I’m really happy for both of you.” Archie smiled, returning to Veronica’s side.
“After we got married we wonder if you guy, or Cheryl and Toni would be next.” Veronica said, wrapping her arm around Archie. “Speaking of Cheryl and Toni, where are they, I was hoping to see them before I left” Kevin said, looking around the barroom for the pair. “They live on opposite sides of the country, they have a lot of catching up to do” Sweet Pea answered. “Now, let's get this party started!” a roar of cheers erupted from the room of People. To convince Jughead and Betty to agree to let him and Fangs throw them an engagement party, Sweet Pea had told them it would be a wild night, full of drinks and catching up with old friends. “Come on Jonesy, I challenge you to a heated game of pool.”“Are you sure, Pea?” Jughead smirked, “last time we played pool, i won, and you went home crying like a little girl.”“I’ve been practicing”  Sweet pea offered Jughead a cue stick, “that is, unless you’re afraid of losing in front of your fiance here.” He gestured to Betty, know the effect it would have on the man before him. “Oh i will gladly kick your ass in front of my fiance.” Jughead retorted, accepting the challenge. Leaning over, he expertly broke the game, Betty went to get drinks from the bar. “I’m glad Sweet Pea was able to convince us to have this thing tonight, I had a lot of fun, although, now I’m ready to take a nice hot bath and cuddle with my fiance.” Betty said as she bucked her self into the Jeep, the party had run later than expected, and Betty was exhausted. “I feel like i'm gonna vomit, which I don't understand, i didn’t drink anything tonight.” Jughead kissed her on the cheek before buckling himself and driving off into the night. 
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tailsbeth-writes · 7 years
A Hairy Halloween (Bughead Request)
Request: ‘I’d love a story where it’s Halloween and Betty and Jughead wear some hilarious couples costume that no one expected!’ - @confessions33
I really liked this idea, I hope you like it!
Characters: Betty x Jughead, Veronica x Archie, Kevin
Warnings: Kissing.
Word Count: 1558
Masterlist     Read on Ao3
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Despite her innocent surface, Betty Cooper was the queen of Halloween. She loved everything about it; the candy, scary movies and most of all the costumes. It was her opportunity to get crafty, every year she took on a new challenge. This year’s challenge; getting her boyfriend Jughead Jones into a costume.  
It was a week before Halloween and the gang were at Pop’s discussing costumes. Queen of parties Cheryl was holding her annual Halloween bash and thanks to the girls’ river vixen status, the gang had an invite.
‘I can’t decide if I want to go scary or sexy this year.’ Veronica announced, the gang chuckled a little.
‘Well I vote sexy.’ Archie replied squeezing Veronica’s shoulder, she turned to him and gave him a little peck.
‘Sexy it is then.’ Kevin rolled his eyes at the couple, he wished he still had someone to try and impress.
‘So what are you dressing up as Betty? I expect big things as always.’ Kevin asked. Betty winked at him.
‘It’s top secret.’ Kevin was very intrigued.
‘Big things?’ Veronica enquired, this was the first time she had celebrated Halloween in Riverdale.
‘Oh yeah, when it comes to costumes, Betty rules.’ Archie told her, Betty helped him pretty much every Halloween since they were kids.
‘Is Jughead going to dress up? He doesn’t seem like the type.’ Veronica asked. Betty bit her lip, she hadn’t even discussed Halloween with Jughead yet. With him transferring to Southside High, they spent a lot less time together.
‘I’m not sure. We’ve barely even talked about Halloween. We’re seeing each other tomorrow so I’ll bring it up then. I was actually thinking we could do a couples costume.’ She blushed a little.
‘That would be the cutest!’ Kevin squealed. Archie glazed his eyes over. He knew this wouldn’t go down well with Jughead.
‘Good luck with that Betty.’ He said bluntly. Veronica elbowed him in the side, he winced and caught a cross look from his girlfriend. Betty frowned, concerned that Archie might be right.
‘I’m afraid Archie has a point. It’s a struggle just getting Jughead to go to a party, never mind a costume party. We’ll just have to wait and see.’
The next night Betty sat sewing on her bed. Her concentration was at its peak, focusing on every stitch. She hated the ‘perfect’ reputation she had but when it came to her costumes, she didn’t mind it so much. Betty smiled at the thought of this year’s character, it was one from her childhood she’d dreamed of making one day. She was knocked out of her daydreams by a sound at the window. That would be Jughead, she thought. Betty quickly hid away her fabrics and opened the window to let him in. He greeted her with a passionate kiss, cupping her face.
‘I missed you.’ He said, grinning at her.
‘I missed you too.’ She leaned in and kissed him again. They’d never been the most touchy-feely couple but nowadays they enjoyed every moment they had together. Betty put some music on and they sat down on her bed. She curled up in Jughead’s arms, his fingers lightly stroked her back.
‘So what’s new in the life of Betty Cooper?’
‘Oh, nothing much, I’ve joined the circus, been to the moon and I even had time to get an A on that English essay you helped me with.’
‘I knew you would. I’m obviously talking about the circus by the way, not that essay.’ Jughead chuckled. Betty fake punched him a little, she liked Jughead when he was in a playful mood.
‘Seriously, thank you. Shakespeare sounds like another language to me so I’m really grateful.’
‘You’re welcome, Juliet.’ He took her hand and placed a delicate kiss upon it. Betty’s cheeks flushed a little at his romantic gesture. She quickly moved on from the moment, remembering the request she had to ask. She left the warmth of Jughead’s body and sat upright.
‘So Juggie, do you have any plans for Halloween?’ she asked optimistically. Jughead gave a light shrug.
‘I’ll probably delve into some horror movies. Why?’ he tensed up a little, he had a slight idea of where this conversation was going.
‘Well… I kinda got us invited to a costume party.’ Betty beamed a face of pure innocence at her boyfriend. He gave her a glare before putting his head in his hands and looking to the ground.
‘Betts, you know how I feel about parties. Can you not remember the disaster that was my birthday?’ He practically spat out the words. Betty let out a sigh. This is how she’d expected this conversation to go. She had one last idea to try and sway him.
‘I know Jughead but listen to me for a second.’ He looked up at her, his face looked grumpy.
‘I absolutely love Halloween, have done since I was a kid. My favourite part has always been the costumes. You of all people know how much I hate my girl next door reputation, Halloween gives me a chance to be someone different, anyone I want to be. Jughead, I know you hate parties but think of it this way it wouldn’t be you going, you could slip in someone else’s shoes for the night. Doesn’t that sound exciting?’ Betty was standing now, she’d gotten a little incensed with her speech. Jughead couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He gave a slight smile, admitting defeat.
‘I guess it does.’ Betty couldn’t help but grin.
‘Thank you, Juggie.’ She leant down and kissed him, lingering a little to show how thankful she really was.
‘So whose shoes are we slipping into then?’ Jughead questioned, knowing full well Betty was likely to be prepared. She turned around and opened her wardrobe. Jughead’s mouth opened in shock.
‘What have I got myself into?’ he spluttered out. Betty giggled at him.
‘Don’t panic Jug, I even made you a special beanie.’
‘We should be on our way by now, what’s taking them so long?’ Veronica asked, annoyed by her friends’ unusual lateness. Archie had offered to drive the gang to the party, they were waiting in the truck in front of Betty’s house.
‘You know Betty, every detail has to be exact.’ Kevin told her. He adjusted himself as he was sitting on one of his prop guns, this year Kevin was a cowboy. It was an easy costume and he knew he could pull off a plaid shirt.
‘Or she’s struggling to get Jughead out the door. I’m still amazed he agreed to come at all.’ Archie chipped in. Veronica and Kevin nodded in agreement. Veronica took out a small mirror and checked her eyeliner cat whiskers were in place. As promised, she’d gone for a sexy costume, you could see every curve of her body in her leopard print leotard. Archie placed a dishevelled hand on her thigh which she quickly shooed away.
‘Did you really have to go as a zombie? It’s not exactly attractive Archiekins.’ He laughed at her and then gave her a light kiss on the lips. A sharp buzz came from Veronica’s clutch, it was her phone.
‘Betty just text me. She says they’ll be two minutes. This better be worth the wait.’
‘Jughead’s coming to a costume party, it’s definitely worth the wait.’ Archie said, he was aware of how much of a leap this was for his best friend. Betty’s front door opened with a creek, the gang looked towards the house.
‘Oh my Disney.’ Kevin gasped. The couple stepped out, barely recognisable. Betty wore a chocolate brown wig, styled in an updo with a long yellow gown and gloves. She was instantly recognisable as Belle. Her beast came behind her. Jughead wore a ruffled white shirt, a blue tail coat, a golden waistcoat and sleek black trousers. It was all topped off with a beanie, but not Jughead’s regular crown shaped one. This one was extremely hairy, it draped down at either side and had ears and horns attached. They walked down the path, Jughead sheepishly behind Betty. Archie honked the horn at the couple.
‘Looking good!’ Kevin yelled from the window. Jughead stopped in his tracks. Betty turned and grabbed his hand, giving it a little squeeze.
‘You look amazing.’ She whispered, her face beaming at her princess dreams becoming true. Jughead bit his lip.
‘So do you.’ He smiled, and they continued to walk hand in hand to the truck. Jughead opened the door for Betty, remembering to stay in character for her. She slid in and he followed. The others sat there in shock.
‘You’ve truly outdone yourself Betty!’ Kevin started to stroke at her gown’s fabric. Veronica had her phone out, she started taking photos of the couple.
‘This is too much, I can’t believe how good you both look.’ She said, smiling at the pair. Jughead blushed at all the attention they were getting, he never let go of Betty’s hand. Archie started the car and they headed off to the party.
‘So how did you even convince Jug to dress up? You have to tell all.’ Archie asked. Jughead gave the back of Archie’s head a short glare. Betty looked at her boyfriend, full of admiration and pride.
‘Oh y’know, that’s a tale as old as time.’
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lovedinapastlife · 4 years
For the Hiatus from Reality Ask Game, may I suggest ghost hunters + bughead?
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Ghost Hunters by SunlitGarden 
There are few things in life Jughead loves more than a good mystery and Betty Cooper is one of them, the one if anyone bothered asking him. So when they pull up to the dilapidated Sisters of Quiet Mercy and walk through the crunchy leaves and rusted gates, the glow of a lamppost hitting her face just right, his chest flutters with excitement that this will be another grand adventure for their web series and lives together.
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bugheadchemistry · 4 years
do you think that the bughead fandom is going to go away? there's been so little content lately :(
hello, anon. the short answer is no. 
the slightly longer answer is that some people in the bh fandom are still so incensed over this b/a storyline that they had to step back for a bit. doesn’t mean they’re gone, it just means they needed a break. i can’t blame them. 
there are still plenty of people around writing fic, creating edits, and making gifs. keep checking the bughead, bugheadfic, and bugheadedit tags and REBLOG REBLOG REBLOG. let the content creators know you are there and appreciate their work. a little praise goes a long way in motivating people to keep creating. :)
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clozzersaurus · 7 years
There’s so many damn good writers in this fandom that I often think I’m not worthy of being one of them. Honestly everyone is so talented I just find myself spending everyday waiting for an update email to come through!
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clozzersaurus · 7 years
I have an idea for an au slow burn ( although probably not that slow to be honest) ,enemies to friends to lovers type bughead fic where Betty and Veronica are best friends, and Betty gets a graduate job at Hiram Lodge's publishing company along with two others, one being Jughead. However, he's gunna basically accuse Betty of only getting the job because of her personal involvement with the lodge family which isn't the case, and get the wrong impression of her so they don't really like each other all that much. The idea came to me when I was driving reaaaally late last night and I've started to write it but I just wanna know if it's something that people would be interested in before I continue?
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clozzersaurus · 7 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Riverdale (TV 2017) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge, Cheryl Blossom, Polly Cooper, Archie Andrews, Hiram Lodge, Jason Blossom, Alice Cooper, Hal Cooper, Ethel Muggs Additional Tags: bughead - Freeform, bugheadau, AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Angst, Slow Burn, Co-workers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Summary:
Fresh out of college, Betty Cooper gets a dream job working for Lodge Publishing House. The only problem is, her and Veronica Lodge have been best friends for four years, and some of her fellow colleagues, particularly one Jughead Jones, don’t take too kindly to her personal connections with the Lodge family.
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clozzersaurus · 7 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Riverdale (TV 2017) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones Characters: Betty Cooper, Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge, Cheryl Blossom, Polly Cooper, Archie Andrews, Hiram Lodge, Jason Blossom, Alice Cooper, Hal Cooper, Ethel Muggs Additional Tags: bughead - Freeform, bugheadau, AU, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Angst, Slow Burn, Co-workers, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Summary:
Fresh out of college, Betty Cooper gets a dream job working for Lodge Publishing House. The only problem is, her and Veronica Lodge have been best friends for four years, and some of her fellow colleagues, particularly one Jughead Jones, don’t take too kindly to her personal connections with the Lodge family.
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