#buddy's so smiley omg
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7 notes · View notes
chokchokk · 11 months
𝐧𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐞 [𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬] | choi san x fem!reader
PART ONE of : have your way with words, be my people pleaser 
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“San, what else do I have to do? Draw it out? Do I have to beg?”
𝚜𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜 : You’ve always been able to read him like a book, but for some reason you still fold for San.
"You've never begged."
𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎 : fluff, smut
𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 : 6.9k
𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 : teasing, painful attempts at flirting and joking, vaginal fingering, no usage of y/n (forgive me), vaginal sex, pet-names
𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜 : considered for revision
𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎 : this was like the first choi san smut i've ever written and i was trying to find my tone and omg i actually don't want to re-read it it's probably SO CRINGY omfg. i'm sorry for any icky moments i did not know any better 2 months ago LMAO this is also the only part that's pure "fluff" just fyi because i hadn’t planned this to be a series yet !!!!
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He’s biting his lip, rolling his head to the back, trying his very best to stay focused on the paper he’s working on, all while you look at him in awe from the other side of the table. His glasses have slid dangerously close to his nose tip and the hair clip you’ve put into his hair to hold it together has lost all of its strength already — you really have to pull yourself together to not carefully slide one of the locks away from his eyes. 
Yes, San is a complete mess, and undoubtedly failing at hiding it. He probably doesn’t want to ruin the late library ambience, being the thoughtful Sannie he is, or at least not destroy the study sessions by not focusing on work, but the infuriated tapping with his pen against the wooden table isn’t covering any of his angry grunts. 
But even if you’ve noticed his desperation an eternity ago and have been deeply distracted by it ever since, you can’t bare to tell him that you’ve already given up. You guys have promised each other at least one is going to get this session done, so San be it, you tell yourself. If you have counted correctly, there are just ten minutes left on the clock, he should be able to do that, no matter how stressed he is.
And usually, you’re optimistic he’s able to do it, but you’ve never seen San’s eyes darken like this before. On normal days, he’s all smiley and giggly, squeaking words of helplessness at tasks that overwhelm him, covering up his frustration very well. Of course you can still look through his façade and say things like “San, let’s take a break” or similar things, but that’s only when he’s smiling still. 
Maybe it’s because you’re both studying for finals that there’s a lot of competitiveness or ego involved. Anyhow, you don’t want to get yourself involved in that, no, don’t want to resolve it at all, actually.
Let’s say it like this; San is scaring you, yes, but he is also being incredibly hot and  turning you on so much without knowing it. You can’t help but watch his dissatisfaction being gulped down his freckled, thick neck, and observe his Adam’s apple moving up and down. You draw a trail along his jawline and the loose black T-shirt he’s wearing with your eyes, following his neckline until the rhythm of his heavy breathing is revealed by his moving breast. 
San knows a lot, yes, but what he doesn’t is that he’s a walking sex symbol with his broad shoulders, narrow waist and intimidatingly friendly face. He’s biting his lips with just no idea what his looks are doing to your privates this exact moment and his soft voice is not helping.
He’s at his last task now and you catch yourself be a bit disappointed, when he takes his hand to balance his head and covers his face with it. You could feel guilty now for not interrupting or lending him a helping hand, but being attracted to your designated study buddy for the longest time with a painful amount of allusions to it is way more straining you on an emotional level than the stalker-behaviour you’re showing. How San hasn’t caught up is baffling to you, and the amount of times you’ve tried to make a move only for him to be oblivious is painful. (Let it be known you were never forced to answer Seonghwa’s question of “would you fuck San?” with the honesty that you did, but his little sheepish smile after your nod is enough to confirm that he should know, but just doesn’t. Sure, it’s unclear until this day if he even understood the question or the answer correctly, but it just feels like you have done most of your part.)
“I’m almost done,” San murmurs— breaking the silence between you two in the library— his voice comparing to nothing more but a sigh. He’s tensed up, eyebrows furrowed, and he’s scrunching his nose a little bit to sniff his agitation away.
“Take your time,” you try to say as nicely as possible, attempting to calm him down. It does help, it seems, because San is straightening his back to take a deep breather, his eyes finally wavering away from the paper. You smile at him and get a head nod in return.
Sharing this short moment of just acknowledging each other’s presence, you confirm that San, regardless of how socially (sexually?) stupid he can be, is an intelligent guy after all, not to be shaken up by this little bit of studying. Straight A’s, perfect GPA, teacher’s favourite — you’re lucky professor Kang has put you in so many group assignments together, or else you would have never been able to meet with San like this on a Friday evening, studying for your finals.
“I feel like I ran run five miles or have to commit arson,” San jokes half-heartedly in a breath and you giggle, looking around to not disturb the other students with your laughter. “What’s stopping you?”, you ask playfully, raising an eyebrow.
“I don’t know,” San answers and touches the backside of his head with both of his hands. “What’s stopping you, hm?”
You frown, the once raised eyebrow coming right back down, your amusement wearing down.
“What’s supposed to be stopping me?”
San pouts innocently and fetches the clip from his hair, black bangs falling to his face, but he doesn’t set his glasses, making him look at you with squinted eyes. They look even heavier now, eyelids covering most of his irises when he leans forwards to you: “You haven’t touched a single task since an hour now, why didn’t you tell me you were done?”
You don’t know why you pant in panic— it’s an understandable question, San probably noticed you stared at the man during the whole time he was the only one committed to the studying— and you’re afraid there’s this tension again, but not driven to the paper, but you.
“You, lemme think, looked too..”
You know your sentence can’t be finished in any way that would be positive. You would’ve liked to end it with “concentrated” or “in the zone” to give him credibility for his hard work, but San has been way too obvious struggling to hold on, and you’re not a good liar.
“… Handsome.”
It’s not a Freudian slip, if it’s on purpose, yes.
“You looked to good to be true, San. If you weren’t wearing the baggiest shirt from three days ago, you’d coin dark-academia realness.”
You always make jokes like these, it’s your expertise. They usually make San enormously embarrassed, which is the best part of it all: He, who was growling his frustration away, is now giggling, expression softening, as he scrunches his face together with a wide smile. The high-pitched noise awakens your motherly instincts— it’s these moments you could just melt away in adoration.
“You’re lucky you’re not a professor, because that look you gave that paper right there isn’t going to help anybody concentrate on their studies. People-pleaser? Teacher's pet? I wish."
“Ugh!”, San moans quietly, his dimples revealing that he’s deeply touched. He will never get used to your overly specific (and usually sexually connotated) compliments, but it’s better that way. San cracks his fingers to recover, but then covers his mouth to hide his blushing smile once more. Take that for two people-pleasing and validation-seeking students, one more focused on studies, one more trying to fuck than the other. He barely goes to parties, which robs you of the little chances of opportunities to make a move on him.
“Okay, I won’t lie to you, I was done long before you, but someone’s gotta be valedictorian this year.”
“Really nice of you”, San sighs— he’s gathered himself now and has put on his friendly smile again, “But I’m really done now as well.”
“How done?”
“To go home-done.”
“My home, I assume.”
“Of course.”
With his finishing sentence, you hold a staring-match again, which you lose, as San takes his pile of paper and stacks it vertically to organise his stuff. 
From here, the procedure should be simple. He drives you to your place (safe), maybe he’ll eat a midnight-snack with you (very likely), and maybe watch a movie (unlikely today) to then leave, if he doesn’t fall asleep during that. You already have the night schedule written out in front of you, and all you’re left is whether you’ll convince San for another study session tomorrow.
But then, in the car, San grabs the steering wheel but doesn’t start to drive.
You think he must be too tired and decide not to ask him. Honestly, you feel quite dizzy as well, but mostly because San has opened his mouth half-way now, audibly breathing in and out — it sounds like he’s panting. His tongue has also runned along his upper lip, making it glisten reddish pink under the parking lot-lighting. It’s unbearably arousing you. “Give me just a second,” he murmurs.
“Does your head hurt? We can just walk, you know,” you suggest, but San shakes his head: “No, that’d be inefficient and really dumb.”
“You’re the one dozing off, San, not me!”, you scoff and turn yourself around to face him, elbow placed on the radio. San opens one eye — it looks like he’s winking, his tongue pressed against this upper teeth. “And you’re being quite sassy, aren’t you?”, he grins and you swear you’ve never wanted to not shut up more in your entire life.
“If being sassy is what keeps you awake, I don’t see anything wrong with it, San,” you fight back, even more playfully this time, lips pouted to emphasise your mocking tone. There is a clear, lustful intention you’re trying to project, and secretly, you hope San notices it, but there isn’t any indication he isn’t already, which you find strange.
“Oh, you think I must be real tired, huh?”
San begins to grin and all of the sudden, things are happening very fast: His hands aren’t placed on the steering wheel anymore, one of them has moved to your chin, holding (and keeping) it up, after you try to back away out of reflex, the other is placed dangerously near to your hip — he’s propping himself against the seat, you can feel him breathe against your nose tip. His whispers expand like flames on your face. What has ignited this man? 
“San?”, you ask carefully, every bit of playful confidence inside you crumbling down to your guts. It’s not like you aren’t enjoying this still, in fact, you feel like you’re going to go savage and clash your face against his any second, but San’s finger is pressing so delicately, yet so firmly into your skin, it’s messing up your projected image of the cute little — unfortunately sexy — nerd in your head. You don’t want to admit you’re intimidated, but San has been extra scary since he said he wanted to light buildings on fire. At the same time, you’ve been waiting days, no, weeks for this and a tingle between your legs signals you that you’ve been prepared ever since. 
“Can’t go home yet, can we?”
His eyes are still dark, when you look at them through his glasses and there’s a bit of shine left on his lips, when you glance at them longingly. San’s breath is shaky, and you’re not sure whether yours is as well. You’re too focused on imagining the next scene. San has finally reached his burning point, it appears, and you’re too stunned to react verbally to his question. Are you seriously going to do it in the car, in the library parking lot?
“Buckle up.”
It is only now that you notice you haven’t put your seat-belt on. The sound of the plug clocking in takes you out of your reverie. 
“San, screw you. Oh my god, screw you so much.”
He laughs a dirty laugh, even more so devilishly, when he returns to his seat and immediately begins to drive out of the parking spot. Has he been acting? Fuck this. Hastily, you have to get into your original position and buckle yourself up as he has told you. This bitch, you think to yourself and stare holes into the car window, this motherfucking bitch.
“Just a little revenge for making me work alone because you wanted to make me valedictorian? Or what, because I’m— what was it? Too handsome?” His voice has turned softer immediately, teasing you with a sweet undertone.
“Okay, we’re even now!”, you laugh sarcastically, trying to not become sulky. You’ve subconsciously crossed your legs and arms already, and your whole body is turned away from the driver’s seat.
“Sure,” San answers and you can hear him press some buttons. “Music?”
You throw him a side-eye and take the AUX. 
“I could violate your ears so good right now,” you snap and search for a fitting playlist for this frightening night.
“You could try.”
When has San become a bully? How has it come to this? San is playing with you, more obviously than ever before — toying with you in the game you started. 
But let it be known you could never be offended by this man.
Because when you play the first song that came to your mind— it’s «Sexbomb» by none other than Tom Jones — it becomes clear that you are more than happy to be his gaming companion, levelling up the tension to the max, though it's not a sensual song per se.
It’s petty, but provocative at the same time. You’ve never gotten what you wanted, have never expected to get it, and the surreality of the scenery just a few seconds ago is enough to keep you stimulated for the whole drive, ignoring San’s big grin on his face, as he safely gets you home.
And of course San joins in for the midnight meal. Without having spoken a word for a quarter hour now, you open the fridge and cram out anything eatable. You should’ve went grocery shopping, there’s barely anything left. 
“Not so prepared, I see?”
“San, if you say one more word, I will—“, you shut the door of the fridge, revealing a San who’s leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, head thrown to the back to squint at you.
“You’ll what?”
He’s the worst and heaven knows he should know that as well. Every attempt to overthrow him fails, because nothing seems to break this man — you can’t animate this man for you own good, even when he’s try-harding to look cool. 
“You’re being a bitch today and I hate it.” Biting your lip, you rethink your sentence and shake your head, eyes not swaying away from the black-haired man. “Actually, scrap that, I hate that I like it way too much,” you hiss, ridiculing yourself and taking of your sweatshirt, leaving you in a sheer top. It’s warm, you’re hot, this situation be very easy to understand. 
He doesn’t know what to do. Or maybe he does, and he’s just being a pain in the ass again: both could be absolutely true, when he moves his head and musters you from bottom to the top, a huff leaving his nose. It seems as if he’s mocking and checking you out at the same time, licking his lips and biting his tongue. 
“San, what else do I have to do? Draw it out? Do I have to beg?”
You whine and you’re not one bit embarrassed about it, though San doesn’t even take it in the desperate way you clearly are.
“You’ve never begged.”
San is scratching his neck, acting like an innocent brat, much to your obvious disapproval.
“Come on, you can’t be that dumb, San, can you?”
“How would I be?”
“San, what the fuck does that mean?”
“It’s simple,” and San is pushing himself from the wall now, taking heavy steps towards you, “I can’t give you an answer to a question you’ve never asked.”
“I,” you begin to think of your next line argument, but noticing how he’s pulling his eyebrows together to throw you an almost belittling look through his lowered glasses, you give up, baffled about the reality. Replacing the next words, you pant.
“I’ll give you an answer, alright?”, San encourages you, taking one last big step. He’s standing in front of you now, in your little kitchen, next to the counter, looking down at you, free and available as he can be. 
“Whatever it is; yes,” he whispers, accepting something you’ve never offered him directly.
Of course San isn’t dumb. How could he have been, when you’ve been so obvious? There’s a shameful heat driving up your stomach and you bite your lip.
“Baby, I’m all yours.”
You could have kept teasing him for the way he was obviously lowering his voice to sound more authoritative or sexy or something , but no, it’s just too much. Being cornered by San, hearing him surrender to you with his words, but still in a way that made him dominant over you — that is just way too much. 
Seriously, all yours?  Where did he get that one from? Wattpad?
“Fuck right off, San.”
It feels like your brain splits in half, your conscience leaving the second you throw yourself at San, hands grabbing every piece of hair you can get to pull him down to your face, whispering insults into his mouth, as your heads meet. He just grins and licks over your teeth, tongue slicking against yours.
“Happily,” he murmurs into the kiss, his hands grabbing you by your hip and waist, pulling you towards his muscular body. He must think he’s being so funny and yes you would have loved to argue with him, but you’re weak in his grip, ruffled by the pure tension that has been brewing all those days. There’s wet noises and sucking to be heard and it’s all sending urgent signals to your privates. You will, no must fuck him, and you're going to fuck him better than whatever he’s expecting from you, just to blow his mind.
You let his hair go and tug at the seam of his shirt, prompting him to raise his arms and have his clothing be slid off his body. Eagerly, you come back to his lips while throwing the shirt to the side and take steps forwards, leading San to your bedroom. Entrusting you with the guidance, he walks backwards and falls onto the bed, breaking the kiss. With a grunt, San props himself with his elbow, but before he can tower over you, you reach your arm over his shoulder, grabbing the bed frame, trying your best to keep his broad silhouette under your eyes.
Your lips already feel numb and you swear you can feel something pulsating inside your pants, when you slowly slide onto his lap and let the warm fabric touch. After a bit of movement, you and San are both shuddering and whimpering, lips meeting again in the snake-like maneuvering. He’s becoming harder with every little suck at his tongue, twitching even, and in addition, you’re becoming too impatient as well to edge yourself like this. 
Your hands move to the zipper of his baggy jeans, and San is trying to take this as a sign he’s allowed to take off his pants, but you give his palm a little slap. He smirks and returns his hand to take a pillow, stuffing it behind his neck. You wanted to take control, but he’s way too comfortable with it, it’s annoying you, yet at the same time, you wouldn’t even know what to tell him at this point.
Opening the zipper and sliding a hand in, you trail the outer side of San’s shaft through his boxer-shorts with your finger to identify with what kind of girth and length you’re working with and comment “bigger than I expected”, as if you have imagined it before, which would be the truth, yes, but not smaller than the absolute unit he is possessing.
“Ah, really?”, San gutters, voice shaking with each little touch of yours, but never letting his guard down completely. You anchor his boxer-shorts and tug it down just until the point when his shaft jumps out. He gulps and opens his mouth to pant again, when you spit into your hand and palm his shaft to give it a nice stroke from the very bottom to the top, admiring the shine of it. You pump his penis, feeling the skin inside your hand slide with every movement, and make it grow to its final length that way. It’s fascinating, really, but you’re too busy to contemplate about reality. You take the initiative and get a taste of the wet mixture that is your own saliva and his pre-cum. You pump the part you can’t reach with your throat and in no time, San’s eyes are rolling to the back.
“That’s good,” he comments, going through your hair, which motivates you to go even deeper. Hitting the back of your throat, his girth makes you tear up, but you sit through it, since San is tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, caressing your head softly. You try your best to suck and slide your tongue over his tip, to which he immediately reacts. “Hmnh~”, he hums and you bathe in his pleasure-lorn breaths, until you kind of get a hunch of what he likes the best and continue to drive him this way. “That’s good… Hnnh- heek!”
Was that a weep? You thought the whines were high enough, but San is definitely hiding his high moans, trying to cough them out. You continue to bop your head and watch his aroused expressions with amusement; his eyebrows are pushed together to form a needy frown, teeth biting down on his lower lip, inflicting pain on himself. From what it looks like, he’s pretty close, his hand weakly lying on top of your head, hesitating to push you back, once you remove it. 
“Don’t cum yet!”, you demand, and San sighs helplessly.
“You’re edging me?”, he manages to choke out with a smirk, and San wipes away your tears from your cheeks. “As if I couldn’t get hard immediately after from just looking at you!”
You scoff, his directness has caught you a little bit of guard. You’re still trying to return to normal breathing after quite literally having been choked by his dick, not be attacked by his sudden strike of confidence.
“Can I undress you?”, he asks and you nod, all the hair he’s put away falling back in front of your face.
Once your shirt and bra is off with quick seconds of his hands at your back, San is taking his view all in, his plump lips parted and never to be closed again. Before you can wipe the grin from his face, he storms at your dekolleté, swinging his arms around you. His sucks are tugging at your nipples, after he pushes himself forward, one arm fully around your back, the other finding his way to your other breast to massage it. Moan after moan leaves your mouth and your head becomes heavy, falling to the back: his hand effortlessly catches it, finding safety in your hair. As you scratch his neck, grabbing it to pull him closer to your upper body, you repeatedly pant his name.
“Hm? What?”, he reacts, circling your skin with his tongue.
It’s so erotic, you think you’re going to cum untouched, pants on and all. San is leaving kisses everywhere on your torso, some wetter than the others. He is leaving a trace of saliva on your neck with his tongue, gliding against your chin with it, ultimately meeting your lips once again. It’s filthy, but just so, so erotic.
He’s still holding your breast in his hand, stimulating your nipples while filling your mouth with a mixture of spit and rhetoric (and very provocative) questions. 
“Feels good?”, San asks with a raspy voice, his nose scrunched amusedly, when he sees how messed up you are. Strands of hair are sticking on the wet spots of your skin, drops of sweat are dripping down to your collarbones. You’re already so disheveled. “Want me to continue?”
“Yes, pl—,” You can’t find the words, as they get lost somewhere in San’s mouth, once you give him confirmation. His tongue is exploring the inner space of your mouth, and his hand has become busy with taking off your pants. You kneel, making space to let your jeans slide off your thighs and you have to raise your legs to finally get rid of it. Your panties are still on, when he lets his hand slide between your legs. His hand feels warmer than the heat that you have become, and when San finds your clitoris through the fine fabric, you spasm to the front. You bury your face into his shoulder and bite a small inch of his skin, when he begins to stroke that spot with two of his fingers and nibbles at your ear and whispers sweet nothings into it.
“So wet.”
Sharp breaths escape your breast, as he begins to play for your swollen clitoris.
“Come on, tell me what to do. There must be some things on your mind, right?”
San is luring you into a false sense of control and you’re stupid enough to obey his command. It’s just like he said; you need him, you need San, and if he doesn’t stop acting like he doesn’t know, you’re going to combust.
“Fuck, San, just make me feel—“, and though you can’t exactly hear yourself whine out from all the licking happening at your ear and his callous finger caressing your most sensitive area through the fabric, you still know you’re sighing, “so good.”
Your eyes lose focus, when you feel your panties disappear from your pussy, the cold air surprising your sensitive spot.
San sneers and finger-guns you, but before you can sneer, he sticks it into your mouth, lubing his digit up with your spit to carefully ease it to your pussy.
He groans and moves around the moisture for a short moment. San has always had quite thick fingers, but it feels even more robust now, when it slides into you. You clench around him and move your hips to the painfully slow pace of his pumps.
“Be patient. We don’t want you to hurt, do we?”
That he’s staying the nice little Sannie even in this situation makes you want to go insane, but not more than the slight scissoring to confirm your stretched innards.
“Patient enough?”, you hiss and grind against his hand again, to which San only coos, “Patient like the good girl you are.”
By then, his words and movements are almost like magic, when he angles his finger a little bit and finds your g-spot, which sends you into a short moment full of sparks and bliss, but a long, aching eternity, when it’s only repeated in the unbearably long intervals after a little bit of pulsating. You’re feeling every movement in such a detail, as if his one singular finger is becoming one with your body, one with your senses. 
“Is this enough for you?”
You’re whirring and your mind is babbling nonsense from all the possibilities San is presenting you. Mushy and messed up, you move against his finger, which slips with ease through your wetness, while you try to figure out what you want more: San’s dick or San’s face.
“I’m waiting for an answer, you know,” San whispers, softly kissing your forehead, as he continues to finger you.
“Th- then eat me out,” you whine under your breath and something inside you churns, when he giggles and removes his finger. He raises you by your legs, pushing you by the hip at the same time. You’re on your back now, breathing heavily as San is aligning his face in front of your entrance.
“With pleasure,” he hums and spreads your legs with his elbows, putting you on full display. It’s much too late to feel embarrassed now. You’re not shaved, you basically haven’t done anything, but maybe the rawness of it all is what intrigues you as well.
He stretches the skin a bit with both of his hands, making it get used to the position, while he peppers soft kisses on each of your thighs, that tickle each spot of your skin. You relax into his hands and naturally, you exhale the tension out of you.
His tongue feels soft and hot compared to his finger, when he slides it from the very bottom to the top, sending a shiver to your spine. It’s sensual and slow, and it does appear to you that San is savouring the taste, pushing his whole tongue against your labia to get the full picture of it. You shudder, a mixture of your own pulsating muscle and his humming vibrating between your legs.
He sucks on your clit and you notice immediately how pleasured are, already grabbing your sheets and curling your toes, pushing your legs against his hands he’s using to keep you opened. “Fuck,” you whine and move your head to the back, yearning for more stimulation. A slight chuckle leaves San’s mouth, until he plunges his tongue into you whilst continuing to suck all the sex juice that leaks out of you. The breath leaving his nose warms your privates and you quite figuratively melt into his mouth.
This time, he doesn’t need a lot of searching for your g-spot with his fingers and you weren’t prepared to immediately be sent back to pleasure-haven. He slides through the rough walls from the inside of you and doesn’t leave any spot go untouched, while he catches anything leaving out of your pussy with his mouth, creating squelching sounds all around. 
The pleasure at your clitoris and the pitter-pattering inside you is slowly tying the knot, and you shut your eyes with unavoidable whines leaving your lips. It’s all happening way too fast for you to react to each and every motion.
“Fuck, San, don’t stop, I’m— Oh, fuck—!”
The wet sounds of San’s saliva being mixed with your sex fluids, and his fingers moving in- and out of you again, they’re all adding onto the roller-coaster drop of your orgasm, but San thirstily panting “cum, cum for me!” against your vulva —while his tongue is busy pleasuring you—, his hot breath condensing against your own heat, that’s got to be one of the many significant factors that finally sends you over the top.
You moan and drive your lower body against his face, thighs closing down on him to squeeze his head.
San doesn’t even think about stopping there though and keeps you up there: He thunders his finger to push your button continuously and get every remaining squirt into his mouth, his tongue shovelling it all in.
“San, I— fuck! Please, San,” you beg, though it’s not a plead for him to stop, but rather make this moment last forever. You’re shaking, your pelvis is trembling towards his sharp nose that’s dug into your private hair, before you collapse onto your mattress and San eventually stops, grinning pridefully.
His lips are swollen pink, eyes covered with a desirous veil and San has to swipe his bangs away from his face to look at  your exhausted expression that’s still recovering from that hell of a heavenly orgasm. He swallows whatever’s left inside his mouth and leans over to you in order to bathe in your bliss. Out of pure gratitude, you cup his face and kiss him.
“You look all messed up already,” he admits, and enjoyment can be heard in his voice. Returning the kiss, San prompts: “Can you handle a second round? Or want to handle a second round, that is.”
Still panting, you nod eagerly, your lips grazing against his repeatedly.
“With words, lovely.”
You whine at his mendacious, know-it-all smile and give him a slap. "Quit it with the fucking-, ugh!" With an airy voice, you groan: “Yes, San. Please. I can handle, want to handle— want you to handle me, right fucking now."
San pats your head, pressing another kiss on your forehead and crams through the night stand cabinet next to the bed, probably searching for a condom and finding an untouched package full of it.
“Freshly-bought or just unused?”, he asks jokingly, putting the hand on your cheek as if he was pitying you for your minimalistic sex life that he’s assuming. The other hand is occupied opening up the box. “When did you buy these?”, he lisps, holding the condom in his mouth to rip it open, “I hope these aren’t expired.”
“Expire my ass!”
Oh, he better know you were keeping those for a good reason every time he came over. (Though you’ll keep it a secret it took half a year to get them to use.)
“You should say how fortunate that there’s so many, San.” You sniff. “’Cause hell knows this isn’t going to be—“
San slips into the latex layer with ease and doesn’t hesitate to enter your hole with one big, smooth slide. His finger is nothing compared to the thickness you’re experiencing; you just feel full, the stretch inside you making you feel like your body is being turned inside out. Before you can finish your clap-back, a wrecked and whole-hearted moan leaves your mouth.
“Isn’t going to be what?”, San asks, lowering his upper body and ultimately pulling out a little bit, sticking a thumb into your open mouth, “The last time? Is that what it is? You know you’ll want this again? Really, sweetheart?”
You don’t even want to form words anymore and just nod eagerly, sucking at his finger that tastes slightly acidic.
“It’s so dangerous to say that, you know that?”, and he’s pressing his forehead against yours, his dark, deep eyes staring into you with suffocating concentration. His hand is buried deep in your scalp. “Because you don’t know how happy that would make me”, San purrs with a raspy voice, and an airy moan leaves his mouth the second he thrusts right back into you. “So, so, unfathomably happy.”
“Mhm. I’m going to make you my little happy whore.”
It has already occurred to you that San had taken it as a challenge to call you every pet name that exists, but for him to degrade you like that, after every single word of of his sweet-talk has entranced you into numbing euphoria, has now just taken you to another state of pure bliss. With every creak of your bed and tug at your hair, your vision gets more blurry. You can see San and only San, piercing through you with his genitalia and eyes.
“Did you get that?”
“Y- yes!”
"I don't think so."
Your forehead cools down, when San gets his body back up again and installs his hands at your hips to get a good grab and also drive himself even deeper into you.
This has been your wet daydream for the longest of time— and even if you apparently could have been fucking him already during all those hours, which is frustrating, yes, but so, so fucking hot— listening to San’s sounds of pleasure, seeing his vision get all hazed from it and watching his eyes moving to the back of his, makes it all worth it. 
He pulls in and out again, finding a steady pace to really feel your inner space expand and close down on him again.
“Are you going to fuck me stupid?”, you lisp into his finger, your saliva sliding down your lip, cooling your fever down.
You can feel he’s sweating as well, as your fingers search through the cold wetness of his hair. "Do you want me to fuck you stupid?”
“Yes! Yes, please. Fuck me stupid, San!”
And with that appellation, San removes the thumb from your mouth and collars your throat with an almost animalistic growl and thrusts with ridiculous precision and force at the same time, a loud clap echoing through your bedroom. You’re not sure whether you’ve made a mistake, but San is absolutely blinded by pure desire now. With a slight choke, you try to moan, his shaft moving in and out of you mindlessly.
As he pounds into you, you notice once more that San’s breaths are being cut short because he’s still trying to stay as quiet as possible and you stare him down, his fingers collaring your neck.
“I, I want you to—“, you stutter, gasping for air and trying to catch up with your shaken body, “‘want to hear you moan. Moan for me, San, please!”
He laughs a little bit, panting along your plead and places his lips against your earlobe, letting you breathe freely for the short moment he's roaring things into it, his hand tangled in your hair.
“You, hah, feel just as delicious as you taste. You feel so good around my big cock. I bet you’ve never, unnh, had a big cock like mine, haven’t you? Never had someone like me, shit, fuck you out like this. How, ah, fuck, long have you been fantasizing this, huh? Days? Weeks? Months? Stupid little girl, thinks I didn't know, haha."
His breathy moans are absolute angelic, and that’s all you can comprehend, when you slowly feel your mind drift away. He’s hitting the spots just right, pressing your buttons with aligned movements. His thrusts are becoming sloppy, your moaning more strained. You don't even care that San is showing you that everything you knew was a lie, or at least an act he's kept up to mock you, because if your obliviousness has led to this moment— his cock crashing through you with a pace that makes you fear the next morning— then yes, again, it was all really worth it.
"I'm gonna—", you whine, and you're cut off by his hand again. Your eyes can barely perceive his sex-drunk expression, when you feel the knot inside you preparing itself for explosion.
"You're gonna cum?", San asks, his heavy breathing making it sound like he's gasping, "Are you going to cum for me?"
"Yes, I am!", you grunt and the male licks his whole palm to lube it up in order to rub it around your clitoris for maximum pleasure. You shiver, your legs trying to free themselves from the heavy weight that is Choi San, and screams for mercy leave your mouth, your second orgasm sending you to heaven, hell and back to earth, when he pulls out and continues to slide his hand over your clitoris until you spasm away from his touch. In the meanwhile, San has taken the collar off your neck and resumed jacking himself off, moaning your name and other pretty words to himself.
"You're so pretty like this, fuck," he cusses, the squelching sounds in his hands becoming more inaudible. "So fucked-out, because of me— shit .. I'll—"
He grabs you by your head, pulling his own face closer to yours to meet your lips for the last time, quickly removing the condom. Sharing a deep kiss, he ejaculates onto your abdomen, moaning from his own release into your opened lips. You lay there, wordlessly, your brain both foggy and clear as it has never been. You feel your warm sweat dry refreshingly on your skin and San shuffles away from the bed, walking to the bathroom with practiced steps to discard the empty condom and return with a towel to get you clean.
"And?", he asks, as you search for your pillow to clench onto it, feeling the stretched skin inside you. Sure, San has somewhat prepared you for the fucking, but no metronome could replicate the cruel rhythm he made you cum with.
"What, and?", you ask him back, your voice a bit raspy from the loud moaning.
"How was it?" 
San looks completely innocent again and it baffles you that you're falling for it again, even when his hair is forming unholy strands, immoral sweat dropping from his chin as he speaks. It's a cringe-worthy question and you would have dismissed it, if it wasn't for the cuddle you got from him.
"Come on, was it up to your imagination?", San begs you to answer, burying your body between his heated-up arms.
"Yes," you answer weakly. "Sannie, you’ve.. You've done your job. That was S-Level people pleasing, really."
San grins, placing multiple kisses over your temple and forehead. "You have such a way with words," he comments, "good thing that it really brings you far in life, hm?"
Was this the right time to make dad-jokes?
No, but nobody has fucked you out like San, so you'll let it slide. Even the corny "eating you out for breakfast" quip he makes in the morning, when you both notice that the fridge is still very much empty, or the "from study- to fuck-buddies" monologue he holds on your drive back to campus, you'll all let it slide. 
(And maybe you're stating the obvious here, but poor Seonghwa is never going to forgive you for San's laugh after you say something sensational with "letting it slide" used in another context, this time in the narrow space of his residency-bedroom, his roomie having listened to all the sounds coming out of your mouth behind the thin walls.)
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part two: “into it, too deep”
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
happy birthday, milo | Milo’s World
celebrating milo’s first birthday 🎈🎁
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liked by lhughes_06, edwards.73 and 8,790 others
yourusername happy first birthday to my milo boy. i was so scared to become a mom and milo, you made it so easy it’s only been a year but you’re gonna be my best friend forever. i love being your mama angel boy ✨🤍
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mack.samo happy birthday big guy 🎈
quinnhughes_ happy birthday milo man
njdevils our favourite hughes 🫶🏼
umichhockey we miss you! happy birthday milo
markestapa why am I emosh? can’t believe I was there for this stuff omg. happy birthday milo.
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liked by jackhughes, thombordeleau_ and others
lhughes_06 happy first birthday to our crazy, smiley, chocolate covered boy. we love you to the moon & back milo, crazy how I’ve not known you this whole year but I feel like I’ve known you forever. love being your dad kiddo 🌙🤍
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nicohischier happy birthday buddy!
naterbastian he’s 1 already?!
jackhughes 😦 growing up too quick
yourusername 🥹
brendan.brisson last one caption you got games?
liked by alexturcotte, jackhughes and 1,689 others
elblue6 a video I took the first night milo came to stay with us, in michigan. he was kicking up fuss before bed and out of frame luke is doing some silly dance & y/n is letting him pull her hair.
milo, you’ve got two really great parents baby boy. happy birthday kiddo, grandma & grandpa love you 🤍
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trevorzegras happy birthday milo!
colecaufield happy bday lil man
lhughes_06 never knew this video existed
jackhughes ❤️
yourusername 🥹🥹 we love you.
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telomeke-bbs · 2 years
The opening scene of Ep.5 (including the follow-up post-intro and credits) is one of my favorites (if not the favorite of all) in Bad Buddy Series.
After all the heavy-hitting emotions at the close of Ep.4, Director Backaof and the writers take us on a big leap into the sunshine with this scene, and the tone is light, cheerful and comedic. It also tells us how Pran, so emotionally bruised and battered at the end of Ep.4, is actually really made of tough stuff inside and has bounced back with a vengeance, as he must always have done in the past.
But looking beyond the shiny, happy surface of this scene, there's actually so much going on in the waters beneath, with significant details winking out messages of meaningful connection to other parts of the narrative, that will solidify into quite a number of Aha! and OMG! moments when viewed in the context of other episodes.
The scene starts off with Pat awakening to the smell of cooking fumes and mistaking it for a fire – this is a set-up foreshadowing its parallel in the opening scene of Ep.8, but with the roles reversed (which is BBS signaling the direction of Ep.8 – Pat and Pran switching things up and learning to see each other's point of view).
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At the start of Ep.5 though, Pat and Pran slip easily back into their usual dynamic of tussling and teasing.
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There's more grouchiness on display from Pran, but it's all for show and Pat knows it – he pokes and prods at Pran's peevishness (from Ep.5 [1I4] 2.37) until it gives way and we see the true fondness behind the façade (Ep.5 [1I4] 2.59), with Pran giving in to Pat's pleading and allowing him to stay on in the apartment.
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Actually Pat had been displaying a constant (if unconscious) desire to worm his way into Pran's personal space ever since Ep.1, culminating in his repeated attempts to spend time in Pran's apartment (including forgetting his keys twice, with the second bout of amnesia successfully landing him the chance to bunk over). And his joy at succeeding really shows in his expressions and energy level – the loutish, brooding Pat that we saw at the start of Ep.1 has been truly banished by this point.
The breakfast that we see Pran making for himself is condensed milk on toast – it's what we see him making and eating as part of his morning routine at Ep.2 [1I4] 2.02 (the tube of condensed milk is just visible at timestamp Ep.2 [1I4] 2.05).
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And of course the tube of condensed milk will be significant later on in this episode – as the breakfast toast that Pat snatches away and chomps down has (probably) used up the last of the milk, we see later in Ep.5 that Pat will leave a little sticky note (with a smiley that Pran loves) promising to buy him some more (which he does, but then is regretfully unable to give to Pran – in the scene after the confrontation with Wai the milk becomes a forlorn symbol of all that is still unsaid and unresolved between Pat and Pran).
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It may be just a coincidence (and then again, maybe not, given how much nudge-nudge wink-wink there is in Bad Buddy) but the tube of condensed milk may also be BBS nodding at another BL trope. It's a sweet dairy product with a prominent pink rose – making me think of SOTUS and pink milk here. 🤔
Anyway, Pran doesn't go hungry even though his breakfast toast has been stolen by a big hungry dog – he grabs one of the breakfast sausages he's prepared and munches on that before he leaves.
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Ignoring any possible Freudian connotations for the moment, what this does suggest – when viewed in tandem with his breakfast in Ep.2 [1I4] – is that separate from Pran's usual condensed milk on toast, he'd prepared a second, more elaborate breakfast of sausages and a fried egg with a prettily-arranged side salad too (who goes to all that trouble on a school day?), which he then leaves (mostly) untouched for Pat when he goes off to faculty.
Despite all the (faux) animosity on display, it looks like Pran had actually thought of Pat as well while making breakfast, and he didn't spare any effort to make sure his beloved would get to eat too. (This little bit of culinary domesticity is echoed later on as well, when we see Pran has added that little extra TLC to Pat's breakfast at Ep.8 [2/4] 6.17 after they become a couple.) 😊
We already know that two boys aren't enemies at all. But what the opening scene of Ep.5 is making abundantly clear is that they're also really close, and that they fundamentally do care a lot about each other despite all the prickliness on display.
So when Pran finger-splashes Pat at Ep.5 [1I4] 3.36, there's actually a bit of unspoken wordplay going on (bear with me on this).
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Pran also does this at the kitchen sink after they're coupled up, at Ep.9 [2/4] 5.27. (And for those who've been watching The Eclipse, Akk also splashes Ayan like this in at least two scenes.) I hadn't noticed it at first, and you don't need to know the underlying meaning for the gesture still to be read correctly as a teasing jibe, but it's still a fun linguistic detail.
One of the Thai words for splash is สาด (pronounced something like saat), and it can be used in a euphemism for one of the rudest insults – ai-saat, which in its most offensive form means a*hole (spelt ไอ้สัส, apologies to any Thai readers out there).
The ai part is a rude honorific used for males (there's a different one if the target of the insult is female). We get to hear Pran calling Pat a version of ai-saat (that the subtitles also translate as a*hole) at Ep.4 [1I4] 14.37, during his meltdown after a sweaty Pat tries to get Pran better-acquainted with his rugby tank top (and which is also a clue to us that Pran is only prim and proper when social formalities require him to be – he's a truer version of himself when it's just him and Pat, and sometimes it seems he's capable of serving worse than post-Ep.1 sweetheart Napat Jindapat). 😂
Ai-saat meaning a*hole is sometimes replaced with ไอ้สัตว์, also pronounced quite similarly. With this spelling the saat means beast or creature. This is less offensive but still very rude, especially since it still puns on the a*hole meaning. (Actually both the euphemisms are pronounced slightly differently than the a*hole version of ai-saat, but the allusion would be clear to Thai speakers.)
For more info, these puns on the original ai-saat are discussed in the Pantip forum linked here.
So when Pran splays his fingers webslinger-style and sprays Pat with water he's silently (and rudely) calling him ai-saat (and Akk is calling Ayan that too in The Eclipse). Whether it means a*hole or animal is up to you. The latter meaning may not be out of place because Pran also calls Pat "a big clingy dog" at Ep.9 [2/4] 4.25 (while in The Eclipse Akk says "The dog is pretty cute, wouldn't you say?" as he splashes Ayan in the toilet). 😉
And when Pran tells Pat not to touch his stuff at Ep.5 [1I4] 3.13 – I think he's just saying that for the sake of saying it.
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He knows Pat is going to be poking around anyway (see Ep.5 [1I4] 5.07), but more importantly he trusts Pat around his belongings. This trust is made crystal clear later when he calls back at Ep.5 [1I4] 4.51 and asks Pat to get some info from his computer, revealing his password to him. Once again we are being told how close the two of them really are.
When Pat pulls up a chair and starts leafing through Pran's sketchbook at Ep.5 [1I4] 4.36, he's finally getting himself acquainted with Pran's private world, and he's more than happy to be doing so. But going more meta, what we're seeing here is actually an explanation for the hijinks of Ep.7, when Pat and Pran compete to see who can make the other confess their love first.
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Next to a sketch of the khanom jeep dumplings that Pat had gifted to him (itself an act of courtship), Pran had (I think) written จีบไม่ค่อยเก่งเปลี่ยนเป็นเข่งขนมจีบได้ไหม? which roughly translates to "I'm not very good at flirting. Can we change it to a dumpling basket?"
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Now there is a bit wordplay going on here as well. The jeep part of khanom jeep also means to flirt/court/woo while the word for basket (that they steam the dumplings in) is เข่ง (kheng), which is spelt and pronounced only slightly differently from the word แข่ง (khaeng), which in turn means to compete. So – taking the wordplay into account – what Pran wrote can also be read as a veiled "I'm not very good at courtship. Can we change it to a courtship competition instead?"
Since Pran has made it clear here told the world here (via his preferred method of communicating, which is coded and obscured) that he isn't comfortable with conventional courtship, what we see Pat doing later at the end of Ep.6 is really taking him at his word – and together they replace the courtship or dating phase preceding their couplehood with that strange "Who will confess first?" competition in all of Ep.7.
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And it kind of makes sense, even if the underlying logic is a bit bizarre, since competition had always been the bedrock of their relationship and would have been comforting and familiar especially for Pran (who up until Ep.10 was staunchly repressing all his emotions).
All of this double entendre is not captured in the subtitles, which is why the Ep.6 bet and the shenanigans of Ep.7 seemed so puzzling at first, barring an explanation of why competition had replaced courtship for the two of them. If you'd like to read more, I've written this up in greater detail at this link here.
So when Pran allows Pat access to his computer (itself another comment on issues of consent in BL), it's revealed that his password is Pransocool – and this is BBS setting up explanations for Pran's state of emotional repression, what's behind the password reveal during Ep.10's khan maak on the Archi steps, the role of Pran's peer mentor P'Joke, and the significance of the password's change to Praninlove later.
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Once again the subtitles obfuscate the already oblique meanings (especially when Pat says "Brajao Joke" instead of the "So Cool band" that we read in the subtitles at Ep.5 [1I4] 5.45 and when he calls Pran "Brajao Pran" instead of the "Pransocool" in the subtitles at Ep.5 [1I4] 5.52).
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It's way too much to clarify in just this opening scene analysis, but I've written it all up in another essay, linked here (a very long post though). The details about the passwords, Brajao Joke and So Cool band do come together to form one overall explanation, I promise.
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Pran's phone call to Pat asking him for a favor here also gets its own parallel at Ep.10 [1I4] 8.21, so in a sense Ep.5's phone call is actually a set-up for Pran's set-up – of Pat, to get him to their khan maak in Ep.10.
The scene then draws to a sweetly nostalgic close with Pat happily poking around Pran's computer, just as he had been poking around Pran's physical stuff just minutes before.
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Pat viewing Pran's high school images at Ep.5 [1I4] 6.13 is BBS's own version of Love Actually's scene with Keira Knightley looking at Andrew Lincoln's photographs of her wedding and realizing that she's the true focus of his pining heart. But Pat is a lot more clueless than Keira – the majority of Pran's photographs (at least those we're shown here) have Pat in them, and if this is a sign of Pran's feelings for him, it probably only lands with any weight in Pat's consciousness later on in the episode.
So aside from all the clever reveals and seed-planting, and the closeness demonstrated between Pat and Pran, this scene is also heartwarming because of the joy we get to see in Pat, sniffing contentedly around Pran's apartment like a little puppy who's finally found his forever home. Pat had been unconsciously demonstrating a need to get closer to Pran ever since Ep.1, and I think he was doing that because his unconscious heart knew even then that his true home and happiness would lie wherever Pran was.
But here at the start of Ep.5 it's all a mystery still to Pat's conscious self. Nonetheless, his long overdue awakening will come soon enough as the rest of Episode 5 unfurls. The cheery lightness of this carefully-crafted opening scene is also meant I think to allow us a bit of respite (or lull us into a false sense of calm, for the more cynically inclined), before we are plunged into the heavier and heavier emotional unveiling of later on in the episode, that will culminate in the final blowout of the Epic Rooftop Kiss. 👍
[Afterpost Edit: this post is only for the opening scene of Ep.5. For notes on the rest of the episode, see this link here. 😊]
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cornflowershade · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Thank you for tagging me @lamonnaie!
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself Sonia (she/her). 24. I love getting to know people & chatting about shows so lets goooo
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I watched Bad Buddy in one week, in late October 2022. I owe it to @airenyah honestly. I think I found their blog through an SPN post and clicked over for that reason. In my scrolling, I happened upon a lovely gifset (wish I could recall who made it) of InkPa. It was the scene where they're outside and Pa says anyone taller than her is fine and hops down off the sidewalk. :) Love that scene. Anyway I reblogged it and in the tags was like WHAT IS THIS I MUST WATCH IT. To which airenyah gave me a whole blessed reply telling me the show name, giving a small synopsis/what to expect from my first thai drama & telling me where I could watch it. I immediately watched the series and adored it. I've seen it twice thus far.
favorite ship(s) PatPran & InkPa :)
favorite character(s): Okay I adore all the main 4 but I'm gonna go with Pran. I love him. There's just something so soft about him and how on earth do his eyes communicate so much?? I think I relate to his messy little overthinking and silently in love brain—very "me the first time i had a queer crush and simply wallowed the whole time bc it was impossible" lol. Also, he's always making the funniest facial expressions which gets me every time. I could go on about everything I like about his character (for instance how clever yet sometimes oblivious he is & how he gets all annoyed lol). Though I do question his sense of interior design and that smiley face obsession.
favorite episode(s) Honestly I'm not certain if I have one?? It's all so good! I do really like their "whoever falls first loses" era though. Wait actually?? My favorite ep might be the early one where Pat thinks he's hitting on the "girl" across the hall and they end up running into each other on the roof. Also both of the beach episodes.
favorite scene(s) *pastes in the entire show* Okay okay I'll try to pick a few:
~ The scene where Pat is staying over and he and Pran are lying in the dark, counting down to say in unison whether they have a crush on Ink. Idk I remember that scene having an emotional impact on me. Pran's face??? Then when Pat asks "would you like me?" and Pran says "I hate you" and then he yanks the blanket away but you saw him crying?? ahhhghrhghgh
~ The scene in the darkroom with Ink and Pa. I remember getting so emotional. Pretty sure Pa's dialogue and acting made me cry. "I do [like you being nice to me]. I like it so much that I thought I was special to you." ARE YOU KIDDING ME ASDFGZ. And then Ink says she is special to her!! And it's so sweet!!
~ OH and how could I forget. This should be at the top of the list. I realllly like the scene where Pran stands up to his mom and they have that emotional fight in their front hall. That whole thing is just. AHHHHHH. AHHH. AHIOFJEIOsdJIO. SIJDGRIOGJRIGJORE
~ And the scene at the stairs where Pat yells how much he loves Pran in front of Pran's whole faculty. :)
(Also any scene where Pat & Pran are being silly. Like their dumb little chopstick fight :p omg or the designing the bus stop at night scene)
one thing you would change about the show if you could Ohhhh I don't know! Maybe I'd throw in a few more InkPa scenes :)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? Ahh fun fun fun. Get ready for some fanvid recs! (What else do you expect from me, a fanvidder.)
• Just My Type (Pat x Pran) by samyvids • Physical (Pat x Pran) by coldties • Enchanted (Ink x Pa) by rheaprodz • I really like you (Pat x Pran) by dkyth73 • Rebels (Pat x Pran) by coldties • Dandelions (Pat x Pran) by hylian fanvids
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made? I've made two fanvids for Bad Buddy, as well as one song cover haha. I'll stick to the fanvids here. :)
• All I Need (Ink x Pa) • That dimple is illegal (Pat x Pran)
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) Physical by Dua Lipa. The fanvid using that song is my all-time favorite BBS edit, so hearing the song reminds me of it.
idk anything else you want us to know? Uhhhhhhhh. I mean I could ramble about BBS and why it means so much to me for a long time haha. Should I do that? I guess I'll do that.
Okay so BBS was the first Thai drama I watched. I was still feeling a lot from the SPN-finale/confession scene era (yes that happened 2 years prior but it's SPN okay iykyk) which had me especially sad about and aware of media censorship etc. etc.
On top of that I was still working up the courage to leave this group chat of childhood friends, some of whom liked to complain about media "making everything gay" etc. (Amazing how you can not know people are homophobic for the entirety of your childhood bc the topic just never comes up lol.) Which was of course upsetting to me for multiple reasons. However the universe decided to do something nice and Heartstopper was released. That series felt really huge to me, but after it was over, I was left with this feeling of like... what else is there to watch? Where else will I ever find a queer ship this canon where they're also the main characters?
That's when I came across BBS and it gave me this realization that OH WAIT we aren't limited to western media and OH LOOK there's so many great shows that I didn't even know about!! And they keep making them! Also it was a queer story where the main obstacle wasn't being gay (Plus, Asian leads!!). And BBS itself is just such a standout show. First of all, I love a good comedy and the series made me laugh so much. It's heartfelt but full of ANTICS [like yes lets have fun! Lets not take everything too seriously!], and Pat & Pran & Ink & Pa are just such wonderful and lovable and real feeling characters—who have this lovely friendship too—and the show is just! Such a fun ride. <3 I recall watching the series and feeling like my world just got a little bit bigger. Anyway Bad Buddy goes all in for everything it does and it's such a joy.
Tagging @airenyah and @distant-screaming and @feralmuskyscentedhoepran if you haven't done this yet and would like to!
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chazmcfreelyhater · 1 year
MSA: Naomi Arena
(In a period of particularly strong brain rot I did in fact write all of Naomi’s Dispatch Agent responses)
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3 Charisma
2 Supernatural
Recruitment Message: “HIIII! I’m SO excited to uncover CRIME AND MISCONDUCT!!! LET’S GO!”
Goodbye Message: “Hey, no hard feelings! Go get ‘em, Y/N!”
(Missions are under the cut!)
Assistant Librarian:
“I hate libraries. Usually I just like to make castles out of the books and use erasers as tiny soldiers and princesses. That is a MUCH better way to spend your time.”
Legendary Cheese:
The Sadness Parade:
“If we run far enough we’ll have to find something, right? I’m going. If I’m not back by tonight… uh… I’ll probably show up.”
Equipment Recovery:
“You guys carry epi-pens, right? I don’t want to miss out on the mission but I… I will probably die.”
Blue Thing:
“It’s such a pretty colour! I think Makoto would look so good in a dress that shade! Don’t you?”
High School Yearbook:
“I signed her book once, but I feel like I should be doing more! Should I go pester some more students or forge the names of my family?”
(Students!)= “Bad call, Y/N. I think everyones annoyed at the both of us now. I hope Makoto isn’t angry at me…”
(Family!)= “Haha, I’d like to see them deny these signatures! Makoto’s basically a part of the family anyway, so I bet they’d be happy to have their names included! That makes another 8!”
OMG Glowsticks:
“What’s your favourite colour of glowstick? Mine is DEF purple, but it has the worst taste. Red is a lot better in that field.”
Magical Assistant:
“Oooh, if I do a good enough job do I get to wear one of those robes with stars on them? I’ve always wanted one of those!”
Yeti Begins:
“Has he tried retracing his steps? His footprints are very recognisable! If you squint a little bit they sort of look like stretched-out smiley faces!”
I Drilled Too Deep:
“Have they tried extinguishing yet? Maybe if we get it wet it won’t be a fire monster, just a regular one! Actually, that might still need thought.”
Pig, Camera, Action:
“I love the movies! I can’t go with Makoto, though, because her eyes are too bright and the security always think it’s a flashy video camera and we get kicked out.”
Ol’ Gabby’s Mine:
“I’m not claustrophobic, but this mine is a bit short, don’t you think? My head is touching the top, and I’m already crouched down. OH- maybe if I crawl I'll find more things!!!”
TOBOR’s Destiny:
“TOBOR is so cool! I think his destiny HAS to be something like “become famous” or “be super duper loved and cool”. Or maybe he’s just a robot. Robots are awesome!”
Reagent Run:
“I FOUND GRASS! That can be used! It could be garnish! Wendy better thank me for my innovation.”
Episode X:
“I LOOOVVVEEE STARCRUISER X! My favourite episode was the one where they found that planet of androids and then the tall one fell in love with one of them and- oh. Jenny just informed me that I might have dreamed that.”
Roadie Despair:
“These mics are really good! I have to remember to snag Annie’s supplier so I can get some when I perform next! I’ve got an album in the works: “Y/N is really cool but they need a nap.” Title to be secured as of yet.”
The Extremest Case:
“I have thought of sooo many stunts for him but he always says “nooooo, Naomi, that’s gonna get me killed,” or “that’s arson” or “that’s impossible’ or “no, I don’t want to come with you to the craft store.” Not my fault I’m too cool for him. He is so rude to me.”
What’s the F?:
“I actually know! It stands for “mistreatment of your daughter!””
MorcuCorp Stakeout:
“I’ve listened to every Asteroid Triplets album three times so far. When are they gonna make a move?”
Failing Forest:
“Aw, this is so sad to look at. I can tell that in full bloom this forest would be a gorgeous place to go stargazing.”
Tainted Broth:
“Can I try some? Can I try some of the frog broth? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?”
Snake on the Loose:
“Mr Venom was my best ever study buddy because he would slither over my books so I couldn’t see them! I hope we find him soon, Liberty takes the best care of him.”
The Bushido Case:
Pizza Investigation:
“One time me and Chaz ordered pizza because we were bummed out and then I put jelly beans and marshmallows on mine and he put cheese singles and hot sauce on his and then my twin walked in and looked at us like they wanted us dead.”
The Finest Blade:
“My finest blade is a rollerblade. You should see me on the rink. I’m kidding, obviously. I’m essentially useless here.”
Train Jimmy:
“I think what he needs is some good old fashioned positive reinforcement, so whenever he rolls a good piece of sushi I’m going to sprinkle him with glitter.”
Red Buddy:
“FINALLY, I have permission to put unfamiliar and possibly dangerous subjects in my mouth. This is MY MISSION, Y/N!”
The Prominence:
“This set needs more stars on it. I think the curtains should be galaxy print- actually, no, then everyone would just be looking at the curtains. I’ll keep brainstorming.”
Gonk Need Food, Badly:
“If I was a caveman, I’d probably want something plain and acquainted to my natural-based preferences. However, I am not, and it will be reminisce of me not to give this little man some popping candy.”
Writer's Block:
“The night sky shifts slowly,
While every minute passes,
I didn’t plan this far ahead.
I just wanted it to rhyme with ‘gases’. Because toilet humour makes goth boy angry.
Thank you.”
“!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y/N I’M IN SPACE!!!!! NAOMI ARENA IS AMONGST THE COSMOS BABY!”
Prom Date:
“She’s looking for a date? What kind of date? What’s her type? I can’t just go up and ask her what her type is! Should I ask her? Y/N, do you think she wants me to ask her?”
Blade of Destiny:
“My siblings love to steal things from me as well. Like my best snacks. I act like I don’t mind but I do. This is war.”
Penguin Style:
“I’m just gonna tuck my knees under my skirt and waddle around. I’ll think of the fighting part in a second.”
Magical Disaster:
“They’re kinda owning this, actually. I think I can braid Butter’s beard and add little slips and flowers and then maybe she’ll look a bit less like she wants to commit murder.”
Music That Moves You:
“These beats are soooo good! Personally, I like to go for music that’s just noises with no pattern but Candy sure knows what she’s doing!”
Time For Toast:
“I’m back in the 1800s, I think. I am immensely underdressed! Everyone looks so cute and I still have no toast!”
Cocoa Science:
“Hot chocolate is my favourite drink next to milkshakes, smoothies, melted ice cream and mouthwash.”
F, Robot:
“WE ALREADY HAD ONE! WE DIDN’T NEED ANOTHER ONE! Unless he’s gonna build a giant TOBOR and Makoto. Double the fun.”
Sewer Search:
“This isn’t so bad! I’m becoming one with the sewage- oh. No, I changed my mind. There’s a diaper right by my head.”
Trouble With Truffles:
“Where’s the nearest truffle farm? They can’t be that rare, can they? I might just go buy some, can I use the SPA card?”
Protection Detail:
“How many weapons are we allowed? This is IMPORTANT, Y/N. How can we take this seriously without good tools? I want a flamethrower, please.”
“One time my Minipets account got hacked. I lost 8 tigers and a horse. It was the 15th worst day of my life.”
Justice for Justice:
“Justice has given me more temporary tattoos that I can count. I am NEVER going to anybody else. Those guys probably use doodie ink or something.”
The Longest Voyage:
“I feel like a pirate, Y/N! This is so much fun- first one to see a mermaid wins.”
Snack Thief:
“Oh this is abysmal. Anybody guilty of snack theft should be fired immediately. Unless it’s me because I’m cute and silly.”
Missing Bugs:
“They aren’t big bugs, are they? I don’t really like getting all crawled over by big bugs…”
Suckers Sabotage:
“Aw, this poor guy, he’s getting all worked up! I’m gonna make him a little flower crown to cheer him up.”
One More Time:
“Oh no! My nail is broken! Oh, and my entire family has moved out of the country without me but I’m trying my best not to address that!”
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quodekash · 11 months
ah frick, i forgot what i was doing again and got distracted for half an hour finding out how many languages have the word for orange the fruit and orange the colour as the same thing, and it turns out most of them do and i think thats really stupid
welp, either way, time to continue. i probably wont finish today
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you spent half of it lost in a forest, but sure. whatever you say buddy
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kiss. kiss. kiss. kiss. kiss. kiss. kiss. kiss.
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this is the end of me. thats it.
im writing p'aof into my will
someone play Our Song at my funeral
imma head out and die rn
see y'all in hell
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my favourite thing is the fact that (if my memory serves me correctly) patpran never actually told phutian that theyre dating, but it was like as soon as they stepped foot into the village their gaydars went off and they just immediately k n e w, and i love it so much
theyre just such dads
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"think of this place as your home. you're always welcome here." YES. GOOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH
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they're gonna fu-
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they're definitely gonna fu-
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well duh, of course he did
(there's this one tiktok i saw of a clip, and it has been the main driving force for me to finally watch this, (alongside wanting to finish before my friend), and the clip wouldnt have happened if phu didn't sign it)
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it honestly looks kinda like a horror film or smth
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i just love them so much
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you guys have literally had sex before, what do you mean a "closer look"
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bro hes probably licked those abs before, what are you doing
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ah frick im out of images again
im making another one, ill be back, i promise
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
Dark Angel Reaction: PILOT
@typicalopposite reacts [with occasional asides by scripted-downfall]
Hawkins lab vibes are strong
Shoot them!? They are bebes
Hawkins vibes gone he didn’t try to kill her 😂😂  Just bring her back
Now lady hawke vibes? She fell through the lake
Ok discount Clint Eastwood.
Ma’am.  Ma’am why were you in the clearing.  Where they can see you.  Under the ice.  When there’s all that snow covered spaces
“Hope is for losers.  Still, I hope they are ok.”  LOSER
[scripted-downfall here mentions that clips from this show were used in Hitman despite them not making any sense given the film’s plot]
She was not bouncing around fren.  She was seizing.  There’s a difference
Ok so regardless of how I feel about her character or the actress herself. Ma’am’s foine [scripted-downfall here mentions that she should watch Sin City, then]
I love his accent ☠️☠️☠️
I have met Normal
They have lgbt; How advanced [scripted-downfall here says: OC MY BELOVED]
Oh bby not the first date anniversary
Is that Logan?  On the tv?  I know the voice 😂 Tony was my favorite on NCIS [scripted-downfall confirms because she has no follow-through on the no-spoilers rule.  Also, she’s already said way too much previously to try that now]  now I’m just picturing a news reporter kneeling over a dead body with a quill pen… dipping it in the blood to write
I have no idea what she just said. Just heard ones and zeros… then No way.   
I thought he said he pissed on some one. ☠️☠️  But he said I pissed and moaned
CHEATER!!  CHEATER!!  OMG!  ON THE BIG 1-0!  How dare he?!  MENNNNN
WHAT A GIFT  Bruh.  Men.
“Hey bby girl. I know you're mad at me for leavin you for someone else. But I only did cause you sucked.  Take me back”
“You’re like a mystery… it’s… mysterious”
Ma’am, you can’t drive your bike in here
Them straight across brows Are killing me 
I thought that was Mary.  Or Ellen.  Le gasp
“She was a white lady! With blonde hair and blue eyes. How hard is that to find!”  ☠️☠️☠️
How.  Howwwww.  Did that little ass knife.  Open that door
Don’t do it max- Fuck that.  Lady just yeeted her self off the building
Tony!  I mean Logan
It looks like he cocked a flashlight
This is the most monotone back and forth
That run.  THAT RUN ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oh shitttt They slicing him up, poor kid 😖😖😖
[scripted-downfall, while watching the show for the second time: this is the most friendly/smiley I’ve ever seen Max; wth happened!?]
Oh Theo dyinnggg
“We gotta talk” “Nothing” Bruh MEN
🤔🤔🤔 Why did she open the can in his face ☠️
It’s scary spice’s hi for me.
“Let me get my coat”  “The one you’re wearing?” ☠️
A man that understands she’s stronger. A little respect!
Poof she gone  *insert “A ghost!” gif*
Ok Lydia stfu
I’m ded.  This whole scene ☠️☠️☠️  “Imma claw you.” *sticks hand in face… max grabs it*  “let go of my hand.”  Just.  Wot
“I broke into your house.  HOW DARE YOU BREAK INTO MINE?  And then cook for me!?”
Is Peter a robot?  He seems like a robot
“I had to see you… pretty thief lady”
[scripted-downfall interrupts: WTF IS THAT CHIN GRAB I DIDN'T REMEMBER THAT]
– – –
Brief hiatus because we had to pause for a bit.  After being asked about what she thought thus far: 
Not too bad.  I’ll definitely have to rewatch it once work comes down and I can watch it at home but I like it
– – – 
Gotta love the classic your telling me exactly how it was but I’m gonna play dumb
He’s like bitch you got a barcode on your neck
Oh nooooo guy got mugged.
 Well, “Mugged”
Oh nooo Theo
Ninja kids!  Minus one
Ooooh. Normal, buddy… you just put your foot all the way down your throat [scripted-downfall interjects: Yeah, he, uh.  Does that a lot.]
Not robot Peter!!!
Ahhh guilt
So she gonna go save the kid?
Is that discount Clint Eastwood?
“Oh pretty boy! I’m sawwry I got you ded”  [scripted-downfall: I hadn’t noticed the religious imagery starting this early because I didn’t know the significance from Pollo Loco.  That’s interesting.]
He needs to just sit up and go… bitch wtf are you talking about
Pshhhh you’re face screamed guilt shush woman
“I don’t feel guilt. Imma save him… cause he’s pretty. And imma talk to him and tell him a story the whole time… but I don’t feel guilty”
Blahblahblah angsty girl blah
Side note: We should totally watch a scary movie and commentate on it [scripted-downfall: YES.]
No one sees spider girl.  Yeah. Right
Well that was easy ☠️
Ooo 👀  [scripted-downfall: ma’am is looking disrespectfully]
Her hair is a lil greasy tho
… welp I had a dirty thought to that ☠️  Just gonna keep it to myself ☠️☠️☠️☠️
☠️☠️☠️ MEN
Le gasp Is she double crossing or is this part of it?
You have tired eyes.  But… same so eh
SAME MAX (her face at his little attempt)
Oooh super speeed [scripted-downfall: as you can see, she’s being very subtle about being from Manticore]
She just threw that man by her ears
Did she really ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ [scripted-downfall: was that about her smacking his ass?] Yes.  She pulled his pants down and I was like…. What’s this rated again  [Yes.]
How long can ma’am hold her damn breath. Cause GEEEEZ [scripted-downfall: Another Manticore power.]
Okie dokie [scripted-downfall: *inserts Supernatural “I like him; he says okey-dokey” gif*.]
Why is the one holding his mouth like that!?!
angelic music cause buddies are dumb
Clint sees something [scripted-downfall: His name is Lydecker, btw]
Nah man you just had her, dummy
More angelics to ride away angstily on
[scripted-downfall: This won’t make sense yet, but I didn’t realize that Sky was already here in the pilot.]
Oh wow Normal. That’s dirty.  They just be shipping people. That’s- Is that legal?  IS THAT LEGAL?  I can’t even take my dad in the car with out his death certificate; cops might think he’s cocaine [scripted-downfall:  I don’t think the cops much… care.]
Oh so is he paralyzed the whole show? [scripted-downfall: It’s… iffy.  You’ll see.]
“I need you to do a little leg work for me” Cause mine don’t
Angelics one more time.  [scripted-downfall: You do know the show’s called Dark… Angel.  Yeah?  :)]  On top of a building.  In front of the moon.  How angsty.
-- -- --
I like it!  But alas I cannot watch another!  I’ll publish a summary judgement later though
[scripted-downfall: That's a wrap, folks! Next episode will be... tomorrow? *smiles and puppy-dog-eyes at @typicalopposite and prays it works*]
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liyazaki · 2 years
Omg I love your new header! If you have the time please tell me how did you do it?
thank you so much! I like it too- I think? 🤪 I have more elements I want to add from my other favorite shows, but it'll have to wait till I'm back from Thailand. I'm already planning on updating the "channels" on the TV to whatever my hyperfixation is at the moment because I am, in fact, that bitch nerd.
everything you ever see from me is made in Photoshop CC. beyond that, there's a lot going on in the header so you'd have to be more specific.
I will tell you that I gave the Bad Buddy smiley lamp a glow by adding/masking a color-fading GIF on top (love how it came out), and the rest is a combination of small GIFs and photo overlays. also Mr. No-Name hedgehog makes me unreasonably happy.
oh, fun fact for fellow GIF makers: Tumblr apparently lifted the 5MB header limit because my header’s over 9! I didn’t think it would work but I really didn’t want to cut it down, so I gave it a shot & it uploaded with no problem.
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kiankiwi · 1 year
(littles are known) some of the pics the paps have of little austin is when he's trying to get something in his mouth like last time he was trying to suck on a pen and we're like "ope, no no. here baby try this" and we give him a plushie or our hand, by the end of the day our hand is just covered in drool bc of qustin.
kinda see him as a little rascal like he's so SO gentle but playtime is like a must with him bc he refuses to have a nursery so all of his toys are just thrown around all over the house. he sleeps in the big bed with us and if he wakes up first he crawls all over us like suddenly we feel his hand on our face our we feel his diapered bum in our hand by austin just crawls over us when he wakes up first.
also austin isn't scared kr embarrassed that he uses diapers like we even tried potty training but he just refused and he just likes to be in his diaper while sucking on his thumb with some toys. in public he's definitely messy, way too messy. he also glares a lot tho
- 🍙
HI MISSED YOU NONNIE! okay let's dive into these concepts. The paps have caught him many times with his thumb buddy and the paps know we don't want his thumb in his mouth because they've heard and seen us redirect him while they're taking pictures so sometimes if he's alone or we don't notice it yet, they'll yell out to him, "Aus, no thumb buddie!" and he'll just give them a grumpy face and be like "You're not my momma!" And he feels sad because if we're with him and we haven't noticed, then we're like "he's right, no thumb baby" and aus looks to the pap like "thanks you got me caught!"
We are his favorite jungle gym to be honest but he is definitely a gentle giant! He loves to either crawl on us or lay across our sleeping body and wait till we notice the pressure of his body on ours and then he's so smiley like "good morning mama!" He also LOVES to just be at home in just his diaper while he plays! And he loves to dance to his movies and stuff like the lion king.
He is the glare king and he definitely finds it more convenient to wear diapers (much like E does too I feel like)
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dearclem · 1 year
hey @mphillipsfms ツ
OMG happy birthday!!!!! i can't believe my little buddy's growing up so fast! you're honestly one of the most amazing people i've ever met and i'm so blessed to call you one of my best friends and my brother. thank you for putting up with all my crap over the years and for entertaining my craziness, for being my umbrella on rainy days, for listening, and for never failing to make me smile. you've been such a wonderful and special friend to me since we met and i'm so grateful to all of the kindness you've shared with me throughout. i sincerely hope this birthday brings you as much happiness as you give to everyone who knows you—you deserve all that and more!
♡ clem.
𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝟑/𝟏𝟖
a handful of different coloured smiley face balloons were delivered along with a signed copy of the screenplay script of kung fu panda that she called in many favours to get.
𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝟑/𝟏𝟗
another group of the same smiley face balloons are delivered along with a gift box she put together containing a slew of the different flavoured waffle shots, containing a brief note expressing her sadness that she couldn't find a maker to give him so he could make them himself :///
𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝟑/𝟐𝐎
more smiley face balloons!!! were delivered along with another gift box, except this one contained different scented candles with personalised labels which she named after some of their inside jokes and core memories.
𝐭𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐎𝟑/𝟐𝟏
this time, clem delivered the gifts herself and explained that she was celebrating his birthday a little early because she figured he'd be busy with lu and his family and didn't wish to intrude. she came bearing even more smiley face balloons!!! the above note within a birthday card, and two other gifts:
a fresh bouquet bc that's obviously her thing { xx }
sunflowers: loyalty; orange spray roses: energy & pride; delphinium: cheerfulness & goodwill; stock: happy life; veronica: luck & positivity.
2. a framed piece of artwork that she drew ( pls use your imagination and picture it in this kinda art style aka a cartoony van gogh-esque style, except with much more texture considering it'd be oil paint on a canvas )
the artwork is a rendition of a family photo including momma & papa phillips, along with mal, monty, & lany. she tried to imagine, and capture in the piece, what their family photo would look like if it were taken yesterday.
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feuqueerfire · 1 month
23.5 Degrees Ep 1 - 8 Live Blogging
I've been wanting a MilkLove series since I watched Bad Buddy in early 2022 and now I finally get to watch it! I'm excited, I've liked the gifs and clips I've seen on social media. It's a regular high school drama but I can enjoy those when done well, so I'm hoping it's charming.
I wanted to watch more of this show while it was on air but it was exam season, so I avoided watching anything that was airing, but now I'll watch up to the first 8 episodes and watch the last few eps (9-12) as they air.
Ep 1 (Apr 27)
It makes me so giddy already hehe
So what is the family dynamic? Is Alpha the older sister, Ongsa's the younger one, it's their parents, and Aylin is the cousin who's living with them?
Also, I wonder if Love rode that motorcycle? it was going through narrow spaces and such
so ridiculous lol Ongsa fainted looking at Sun's face
Aw, poor loser Ongsa
leave her alone or I'll start killing you creeps
Euro's character + Sun to the rescue
omg in the comments, people were talking about how they can't believe they're at the age when the main characters are their age... meanwhile, I was like oh? 10th grade? so young! T.T I'm at the age when I'm the same age as the older BL characters because they're mostly still in uni or uni age lol
I believe Sun's family are gonna be cute and nice
smiley moon :)
oh the shadow on Ongsa's IG makes it seems like she's a guy
pls Ongsa spiraling after sending "Goodnight" which reads as flirty is hilarious
not a fan of the yelling necessarily
Aylin giving advice
loll Alpha and her friends fucking up the bullies. I saw a tiktok of this
Earth that revolves around the sun
oh noo, not shy guy Earth
I knew a lot about this episode already, so nothing was really surprising but it's cute so far! Lots and lots of space motifs
Ep 2: Universe Club (Apr 28)
I'm so confused about when people came to Bangkok, like I thought they moved here just a month ago? How is Alpha already the school president and famous in the school and stuff?
Aw, Earth isn't answering Sun's messages?
loll Earth's cuteness aggression
oh, yknow I thought they might mention period cramps or smth to cover up Earth's screaming in the bathroom in ep 1 but they didn't, so I thought maybe the show isn't gonna mention periods but indeed Aylin came to get a pad from Ongsa
yaas lesbian teachers
it's kinda funny that I've never been spoiled about this Astronomy Club curse, does it play a part in the show after this ep?
Aylin and Luna are so cute, my ViewJune !
pls not Sun talking to Ongsa about Earth
Ongsa digging herself into a deeper hole
purposefully throwing away phone into the trash is wild lmfao
bird poo T.T
ahhh "exploring space by yourself can be lonely. Want to explore it with me?" romance
pls "I'm talk to Earth" all her friends: "huh? a guy?!" lesbian Sun hehe
pls Earth having no access to a good electronic device, Sun thinking Earth went MIA and dumped her, Teacher Bambam falling down the stairs and ending up at the hospital, supposed curse strong af
more trans lesbian teachers but one of them is crazy about Astronomy Club and would withstand bodily harm to get it running lmfao i love them
yaas phone acquired
lol so cute Sun holding a grudge
loll wiggling enough to fall off the bed, reminds me of Pat in Ep 7 Bad Buddy squeezing nong nao doll to death + Tinn wiggling on his bed a few times in My School President
Aw, Chaeron and Tinh going out of their way to buy a protective amulet for Ongsa
ah, P'Ton Ongsa's ex-bf. I knew this already but if I didn't, I too would've been shocked
Also I've learned hapless means unfortunate/having no luck. I knew the word before but didn't quite know that that's what it meant
Ep 3: UFO (Apr 29)
they dated only for 3 days, i'm crying
oh lmfao that's too long apparently + he got broken up with
okay, so last year Alpha was still at this house and school? While Ongsa came for Songkran and then went back to Phuket
everybody in this fucking school is obsessed with recording everything
girl became the treasurer for gay reasons and now has to get money from ppl
these ppl gotta leave Onsga aloneeee, she doesn't even like Ton pls
I hope Mawin/Tinh happens
Alpha is younger than Ton?
oh this is the event where lots of them are at school at night and there's an Onsga-Sun hug
oww Aylin wants to meet her alien friends so bad T.T "Someone like you with many friends wouldn't understand"
pls this basketball
not Tinh broadcasting him breaking into the school like girl
please 2 instances of falling over each other onto the ground lmao
not Ton's fandom lightstick, plssss
everybody running in different directions in the school reminds me of Alice In Borderland kinda when they played Tag in that apartment but the situations are so different lol
my poor Aylin who didn't meet her friend
Alien-Moon friendship
gonna take a brief break from 23.5 to watch the Alice In Borderland S2 game in ep 3/4 Jack of Hearts, guess the symbol on your collar.
mini-break to blog about AoB oops but I forgot who the jack is, I keep thinking it's the blue shirt guy but that's too obvious and the emo guy is also obvious, but it feels like it's one of them?
Ah, indeed it is one of those two and I guess it's the emo guy since they're pushing the blue shirt guy to be a more obvious Jack?
so funny when his partner kills himself and he's like whelp, I've lost my partner. Seems like I'm screwed.
oh yeah, I remember what happened now. kinda corny but sure, fun enough
back to 23.5 oops
lol Alpha giving out punishments but also doing Mawin a little favour by making Tinh his assistant
oof, losing the basketball game as expected
ah, Charoen now knows Onsga likes Sun
Ep 4: (Apr 29/30)
Charoen Immediately calls Tinh to tell him Ongsa likes Sun lmfao
ahh Sun's heart beating fast when hugging and thinking of hugging Ongsa heh
Luna (June) and her bambi pretty eyes are sooo cute
Aylin excitedly following after Ongsa when friends knock on the door aww
Sun also makes an appearance and Onsga’s brain breaks
yaas fortune tellers
I loveee how cute the "I'm going to buy water" "i'm coming with you" "annoying human Phi" "i'm coming na~" Aylin-Luna part is, I had a tiktok I liked with it
Ongsa having a sudden strike of bravery as she tells Sun's fortune omg?
"To my Sun, from your Earth" omg ?!
I hope Ongsa actually confesses and doesn't just say that she knows Earth who told her to do this or something
I think I wish that love was juuuust a teeny bit better of an actor? Make her lines seem slightly more natural cuz most people are doing well and she's doing well too but it sometimes feels like she's acting rather than being the character Sun. But it might also have to do with her character and the script giving her lines that make it feel like her sentences aren't genuine.
The show reminds me of My School President, which makes sense since they're high school shows, and this one reminds me of that one ep when they had to do the club fair and set up that "cafe" thing.
Started doing 1.25x from part 4-4, oops.
Ep 5: The Gift (Apr 30)
oof, yeah, I started watching this ep Immediately after ep 4 but indeed she says the delivery guy just left it with her rip. okay I'll do my episode stuff like reblogging gifs before I watch ep 5
aww poor Onsga ot being able to talk to Sun as her real self
Luna defending Aylin from some bullies
why are Luna and Aylin so cuteeeee
man, Sun was clearly giving you an out, why say "see you" instead of "sorry" smhh
This is so frustrating because Sun literally gave Ongsa an out but Ongsa said she'd be there (as Earth) without any plans of how to make that happen and now Sun's sad on her birthday :(
aw man Sun :(
It's just frustrating that Ongsa as Earth keeps giving Sun hope because Sun will be heartbroken one way or another because Earth straight up doesn’t exist aghhh
“It’s tough human but you must keep going.”
idk if it’s because the show is picking up or because i’m watching on 1.25x speed but it has definitely become more watchable and it doesn’t take me a whole day to get through one ep lol
Ep 6: The Apocolypse (Apr 30)
i haven't watched the previews but according to someone's post and BE podcast vibes, it seems like Ongsa's gonna get found out by Sun?
idk I'm on Dear's side like Earth is hiding something for sure (in that... he doesn't exist)
ah, I hope Mawin and Tinh comes to fruition fr
Luna's face so funny as Aylin's telling her the whole story
Luna (and Aylin) instigating lmfao I know they're tired
we know Earth is just Ongsa and she doesn't have malicious intentions but Sun, girl, you're getting catfished and your trust in Earth is misplaced, it's probably good that you have friends and seniors looking out for you lol
Luna and Aylin, I fawking love you
hold onnnn what is this mood, like I've been annoyed at the Earth secret just dragging on but ahh now Sun kabadoning Ongsa and being like "you want me to get mad?" is so fun
almost telling Sun so many times but alas
ahhh it's been like Ongsa turn off your notifs/your phone or you're gonna get caught by Sun texting you for a few episodes now and finally indeed it's the reason.
I hope Sun gets to be mad and sad and frustrated and is allowed to lash out because this sucks, and I want her to be able to show emotions other than niceness and kindness (+ some sadness at Earth not showing up to her party). let's give her some Depth but also idk... feels like I haven't seen many Angsty eps or moments around social media for this show
aw man
Sun really gave Ongsa so much opportunity to explain but like.. what even is there to explain, I guess
I think I need to gain more empathy fr because how are you as a 16 year old just... leaving without informing anybody and not picking up anybody's calls just to wallow? Tell your friends/family that you're just gonna hang out outside or pick up their calls to let them know that you're not dead even when you're going through something. This irritated me recently in I Fly Towards You the drama with the ML's younger brother as well.
I don't want Sun to get cool and be chill too fast !! Feel more angry and upset and betrayed!
"It's good that Ongsa is Earth" nooooo, not yet !
Aylin worries so much for Ongsa in this state ahh
ooof, I don't want Sun to be the one who acts normal and rational and kind and reaches out first and is understanding with little to no effort from Ongsa's end beyond wallowing in her self-pity
Sun literally having to beg and run after Ongsa to get her to talk to her, don't piss me offffff
I don't remember when this happened in the show but the people on BE Podcast were saying that Ongsa sent a photo of something from her room (her ceiling with lights?) to Sun and that's how she was gonna get caught. Anyway, the phone notifications were another massive way to get caught and seems that was the way they went.
I can't believe it took 20 minutes of show (no joke, like 10 mins of part 3 and 10 mins of part 4) before they made up and are now getting to know each other again agh. And we see so much of Ongsa's devastation but barely anything from Sun and she's the one who has to chase after Ongsa smhh It's as if Sun isn't a real character for real, she has no emotions or agency or function beyond being somebody pretty and nice who Ongsa likes.
I do get her fear and anxiety that she's a girl and Sun's a girl and she doesn't know how they could ever work it out but I think I'd be more receptive to her feelings in this scenario if Ongsa didn't hurt Sun repeatedly and then Sun have to take the initiative to patch it up.
Ep 7: The Overhead Sun (Apr 30)
lol awkward Ongsa and Sun
heh the phone screen scene
Ongsa and Sun flirting across the classroom while Chaeron and Tinh are arguing about who's a demon
plss talking about taking it slow but now Sun wants to stay over for the night and wear Ongsa's clothes while hers are in the wash
not Sun running away when asked about whether they're girlfriends lmfao
Luna and Alpha together really are just so older girls and friends lol
Ton is just so over-the-top, I'm dead. Also, I knowwww that guys will use -kha when speaking with girls sometimes to like either flirt or to idk seem social or whatever but in my head, it's usually just like oh he's a girl <3 except this time i'm like yes... Ton is indeed using -kha to batter up the girls... esp the way the translation is using honey/sweetheart/etc to indicate what his use of -kha means
heh they've successfully made Sun jealous
also, I didn't realize this stuff was in ep 7, idk why I thought it was ep 8
getting a makeup ad but it's a cute scene
pls awkward ending to the almost kiss lol
and it ending with Ongsa escaping to go home
Ton gtfooo and cant even publicly admit whether he's hitting on Ongsa smhh he's fr laying it on thick this ep
lolll the iconic scene I've seen on twitter/tiktok where Ongsa's like yeah Sun's acting weird today ig she doesn't like my makeup
"I like this team" "Me too" Aylin-Luna are gonna be the fucking death of me
loll lesbian Phi announcing she's single as PR
the friend group is sooo good at poking Ongsa and Sun lol all working together to make Sun as jealous as possible
loll possessiveness
so public
heh so Ton was indeed in on it
this was a pretty cute and happy episode, wonder what the next 5 eps will be? since the Earth this is over with and they're now also girlfriends.
It's also an endearing episode and we get to see angry/jealous Sun and I wish... these emotions were present last week so that she could properly be angry at Ongsa. whelp
Ep 8: The Starry Night (May 1)
ah, so this ep is gonna be about how to behave in a relationship and maybe working on Ongsa's self-esteem
Merit Tiffin Box just reminded me that we also used to call lunch at school "tiffin" I wonder what it means?
"Tiffin is a South Asian English word for a type of meal. It refers to a light breakfast or a light tea-time meal at about 3 p.m., consisting of typical tea-time foods. In certain parts of India, it can also refer to the midday luncheon or, in some regions of the Indian subcontinent, a between-meal snack." ohhh interesting, it was usually lunch for school but it wasn't as heavy as like actual lunch that I used to eat after going home lol
I too wonder about the appeals of kissing tbh
hehe Nida and Bambam
make a move? idk what that entails but it makes sense that Sun would want it since she was the one who chased Ongsa after finding out she was Earth + asked her to be her gf last ep as well
pls let Sun watch her action movie in peace, Enough Pausing
lol Sun's gotta be doing this on purpose aw is she nervous about kissing
hehe Sun in the bathroom
hehe now Aylin has taken to throwing paper balls at Luna
meteor shower Aylin-Luna date let's gooo
I already know Mawin's gonna be rejected cuz of a post on Twitter aughh i don't wanna watch :(
pls them looking through the little windows on the door is so funny
Ton smh making up pitiful scenarios about Chaeron in this head
watching the meteor shower in pairs you say?
Nida trying her best while Bambam's casual and oblivious plss
omg Aylin already with the I Love U in morse code ahh very fast
cheek kiss hehe
pls not Chaeron swearing at Ton
Ton, let go of her arm!!
we're not gonna get Mawin and Ton right, i'm not into them
joy and happiness that MilkLove have a pretty good kiss cuz people (including me) were afraid that it'd be awkward/dead fish
Thoughts so far:
I caught up!
The show is cute but I don't know if I did a good thing by deciding to start it when there are still 4 eps left. It's a cute high school show, which might be a better binge than watching 45-55 mins a week because it may not keep my interest. I don't know, we'll see.
I find Ongsa-Sun to be cute but I don't feel like I have an emotional connection to them.
On the other hand, I'm quite invested in Aylin-Luna and love Aylin! It's especially fun because I became Obsessed with ViewJune after seeing a few edits from 10YT of them being enemies and then friends? I was shipping them and retweeting their edits and stuff and then !! the ship actually materialized in this show, that's wild (first spotted in Dangerous Romance but idk if they even really happened there lol), especially because they weren't supposed to be in this at all (instead GeminiFourth were gonna be the side ship). I guess many people other than me were also into their chemistry in 10YT. Like I didn't even watch the show, didn't know anything about them but still was hooked on twitter and tiktok edits.
We still have a third of the show left, I wonder what it'll be about. I think I saw something about a scholarship mentioned? Going abroad?
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theshy1sout · 2 years
What do you think will happen in season 4?
Hahaha, it depends on what are you asking for!
We have so many arcs going on here and my predictions are way different than my expectations, they are almost the opposite sides of the possible plot of s4.
Wukong is going to lose the fight with LBD of course xD I'm more than sure about it. But also he won't die, I think season 4 it's too soon for that (if the writers plan to let Wukong die at all... it would be actually interesting to see some angst when Mk literally replaces Wukong as the new Monkey King). I guess he will hide somewhere to recover and I wish he would meet Macaque halfway. They really have things to talk about. I'd like to watch the whole ep with only them talking/fighting. the fact they both have different views on what happened between them, and we don't know either what happened or what they think about it, it's just thrilling and intriguing.
Also, I'm a big fan of a theory that Wukong has kinda complex bc he hurt Mei and disappointed his successor. He's kinda still in the "punishments&praises plus self-interest" level of morality (it's a child level if you dunno what I mean), I think that's why he always runs away from consequences. He just doesn't believe in forgiveness and redemption (maybe that's why he did what he did to Macaque). So Wukong getting a bit obsessed to earn Mei and Mk forgiveness without even trying to directly apologize to them? I'm in that angst, baby
Also Macaque is finally free and nothing forces him to do anything. I'm super curious about his arc. He was my very first love in lmk, I can't hate him for anything, I just understand and feel this character too badly
Mk and the crew... I didn't watch the English translation of the scene when they talk about what they're gonna do now xd So no idea, are they looking for Mei? I don't know xd although I'm still waiting for Sandy's true potential reveal and Mk going apeshit
Look, I was so hyped and I overanalyzed EVERYTHING about Red Son in season 3, my BFF read essays about him day and night for two weeks, and I'm not gonna write everything down right here right now, but LISTEN, there is no other way to explain what he's doing in this season, he got pretty attached to Mei, or at least to protagonist, but listen, hear me out omg
~ Red Son was wandering around the world with her dragon plushie, looking for Mei to help her with Samadhi ~
And however obsessed I sound, the truth is, Mei's arc is really expanded right now, she went through a lot of trauma, she holds a lot of pain, she was betrayed and used, she's not a sunny smiley sweet girl sidekick with sick dragon powers anymore. She's not someone who's gonna tease or joke with the only person who can help her with the mess she's forced to live with.
And Red Son on the other hand had his quite long now story of redemption, he's completely into supporting protagonists, even against his parents, even despite the fact protagonists literally used him, punched him, stole and wrecked his car right after he saved them and let them eat, drink and sleep in his house. We still don't know why is he doing all of this, completely selflessly and quite desperately tbh.
So whatever relation between these two will be, it visibly can't be slick and simple like their teasing-competing relationship from Spider Queen ep. They both have complex arcs now, it's hard to write their training plot as a 'buddies bonding time' thing or sth like that. They both know how serious is the situation, so their bond after 4 will be really deep and strong
Or the writers will make fun of them or put a lot of drama, I'll be mad if they make fun of my poor traumatized Mei and my selfless gold-hearted Red hero
i WISH we'll see some dragonfruit, but there is no love plot in lmk so far, and I know other cartoons directed by Sarah Harper (for example Glitch Tech), and she's not really into "let them kiss'' stuff XD however, I love her for the absolutely brilliantly created man-woman best friends tropes. Mk & Mei relationship is so purely natural friendship arc! So whatever she's up to with Red Son and Mei, I trust her it's gonna be good
Thank you so much for giving me an excuse to scream about my favorite animation. I'm always ready to write an essay about anything about this brilliant cartoon
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Jake groaned in pain, looking at his phone. MC has been texting him for the past hour but he gell asleep and didn't answer any messages. If nt that famned fever he would be up and working on something useful instead. He looked at the muted group chat and realized he had anther unread message. Phil.
Phil: Hey emo, your friend wanted help for you so my sister is sending me with homemade chicken soup, you will have to deal with me around 3 pm ;)
Fucking fantastic. The hacker sighed and tried to get up, but his migraine only worsened as he did so. He lied back down and smiled to himself. Phil wanted to get there? Fine, but he didn't have the keys. Jake got more comfortable under the covers and pulled his laptop across the bed so he could finish his work earlier. He didn't even manage to turn the program on as he heard knocking on his front door.
"Hey, it's me, Phil! Open the doors, will you?" He shouted. Jake rolled his eyes, but quickly looked in the doors direction again. "MC gave me the key buddy, you either open them yourself or I will do it."
It couldn't be true, MC wouldn't give Phil the key... Would they? Before the hacker could sit up more straight, he heard key being turned in the lock and, before he knew it, the bar owner was in his appartment.
"Told you." Phil said, peeking into Jake's bedroom. He saw the hacler's expression and smiled. "I brought you food, since you probably wouldn't take care of yourself."
"Get out." Jake growled. Phil chuckled and left the bedroom. He went to the kitchen to get the food ready. The hacker didn't move from his spot on the bed, ppening his chat with MC to tell them he didn't like how they played it. As the answer, he got a smiley face.
"Come on, get up, if you want to go back to doing your mystical computer magic soon, you need to eat." Phil said, entering the bedroom again. He leaned against the doorway, still grinning like an idiot. Jake set his laptop to the side and rised an eyebrow.
"I can take care of myself you know." He said, turning onto his side, away from the bar owner. Phil deadpanned. That would be harder than he thought.
"You clearly can't." The bar owner said and walked to the bed. He grabbed Jake by his waist and dragged him across the bed. The hacker clutched the blanket immediately and covered himself more. "What? Giding something, are we?"
"Shut up." Jake said and blushed. Phil pulled the blanket off the hacker in one swift motion and almost burst out laughing. He was wearing a black cat kigurumi. "Go away."
"Adorable." Phil mused, picking Jake up and throwing him over his shoulder. The hacker would probably try to get away if not how he was feeling. "Now, let's go to the kitchen, shall we?"
"You are going to get sick." Jake said, when Phil decided to rest his chin on the smaller man's shoulder. The bar owner kept the hacker under a thick blanket as they watched movies together.
"I have an amazing immune system, I won't." He said and handed Jake a water bottle. "Drink it or MC will murder me if I won't keep you hydrated."
Phil woke up on Jake's couch with a headache and stuffed nose. He slowly got up to a sitting position only to see Jake, sitting at the kicthe table with his head on top of it and Jessy standing in front of the stove making tea. Phil sniffed, what caused his sister to look around at him.
"Immune system my ass." Jake mumbled, not looking up. The bar owner would murder him if not how weak he felt. Jessy giggled and returned to preparing tea.
"Phil, we are going home. Jake you are going with us, MC's orders." She joked, causing both men to groan annoyed. They didn't argue though, they didn't want to have an angry MC on their backs again.
Omg this is perfect xD
My favorite moment is the moment when Jake says, "Immune system, my ass." 😂 But it’s always like that, isn’t it? Someone says, "Oh, I’m not getting sick." Boom, yes, you will. xD
Oh, I love that. *-* I can well imagine that Jake thought MC was kidding him when he suddenly got the message from them. xD
And the moment Phil says, "MC gave me the key," Oh, I’m sorry for Jake.😂
But it’s sweet how sure Phil is and that he actually came to help Jake, and I like the way you described Phil. Even the sentences he says fit him very well in my opinion. :D
And when he pulled Jake over the mattress, the moment was kind of so sweet and funny, hehe.
And I like the role you gave MC, that everyone says, "MC ordered this, so I have to do it, I don’t want to die." xD
To be honest, I’m not sure they’re going to get well. It’s quite a love-hate thing, it seems to me, and either they help each other to get well, or they just make each other even sicker by annoying each other.😂
It was really good and I really enjoyed reading it, dear Anon! Thank you so much for writing and sharing it with us! I really appreciate it! <3
I wish Jake and Phil a good recovery! xD
Again, thank you a lot! I hope you will have a beautiful day/evening/night! Lots of love and hugs! 💚🌹🎭
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paint-music-with-me · 2 years
I hate having so many fic ideas for bad buddy like
- 5+1, pre-relationship, pining, pran's pov, fluff with dash of angst
- 5+1, remembering songs, fluffy like cotton candy, pran's pov, post-relationship
- hometown cha cha cha au - basically Pat is Mr Hong and Pran is the interior designer for the up-coming building near the ocean (little enemies to lovers situation 🥺), maybe multi-chaptered
- reason for the smiley motifs in pran's rooms, fluff&angst
- pran wearing nail polish bc for some reason I have a Need?, fluff/angst??
- inkpaa going on dates, exploration of their relationship, maybe a one shot for a jealousy on Paa's end?? Idk the possibilities are endless with these two - ink's pining, paa's pining, sharing clothes, first kisses, intimacy, royalty au, celebrity/non-celeb au, etc., absolute fluff
- shit, I'd even go so far as say Louis/Safe comfort fics??? Omg
- the classic, standard Coffee Shop AU?? Pat is the barista who has a severe crush on the interior designer for the Shop that he keeps subtly drawing hearts on the cups that he gives to him for his coffee???, fluff
- another wound tending trope fic??? Bc the world needs more of those I think, fluff maybe with a dash of angst
- another 'omg you're wearing my clothes - holy fuck' fic?, both POVs?, fluff with a dash of sauce(?)
- +many others that make me cry a bit (dude I still need to finish the other fic I have omggg)
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