#btw the ed music makes me cry because 1) good music video
i watched the entire season of sp.y x fa.mily 3 times this week.
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soundsof71 · 4 years
So, considering you are a passionate fan of music released in 1971, I feel justifiably obligated to ask you what you think of Buffy Sainte-Marie's 'She Used to Wanna Be a Ballerina' album. 😂 (Also, it would make me beyond happy if you could post more about Buffy, my friend! Thank you! ❣)
Buffy Sainte-Marie + Crazy Horse - what’s not to love? LOL I confess that it was the Crazy Horse connection that caught my attention first. I had a general idea who Buffy was, had seen her on TV a few times, but I was a big Crazy Horse fan. News that they were her backing band for this album was easily enough for me to scoop it up.
They weren’t doing anything much with Neil Young in 1971 (other than this album, on which Neil also appeared!), but they had released a tasty solo album in February 71, produced by Jack Nitzsche (who also produced this, and would later marry Buffy), and featuring Ry Cooder (also featured here, although did not marry Buffy). 
(btw, the first place that Buffy, Ry, and Jack worked together was on the Nic Roeg film Performance, starring Mick Jagger. People obviously remember Mick in that, but musically, Buffy was the best part!) 
She Used To Wanna... also features Jesse Ed Davis, a Native American guitarist and singer who was a frequent “usual suspect” at these sort of “sure, invite everyone!” jam albums of the era, and played a prominent role at 1971′s biggest concert (at least in the US), The Concert for Bangladesh on August 1.
(I know you know  RUMBLE: The Indians Who Rocked The World, the documentary about indigenous music’s influence on rock and roll, which has chapters on both Buffy and Jesse Ed. I just watched it again recently, and love it! A reminder of Buffy’s pivotal role in classic rock history. Not mentioned in the film: she relentlessly championed the work of her fellow Canadians Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen, helping them get their first record deals.)
I haven’t listened to She Used To Wanna Be A Ballerina for a while, so I definitely need to do that, along with posting more pictures of Buffy.  (I can’t believe I’ve only posted two!) 
But I’ll tell you what still stands out to me about that record years later. “Smack Water Jack” is an underrated track from Carole King’s Tapestry that got a ton of airplay at the time. Quincy Jones did an instrumental cover as the title track for his terrific 1971 album, too, but it has somehow faded to obscurity since then. Buffy takes a playful trifle, and turns it into a powerful fable of men of color who explode into violence in response to the violence visited upon them, and self-satisfaction of whites in authority who answer their demands for better living conditions by killing them on the spot. 
No need for a trial when you can murder them in the streets, right? “You can't talk to a man when he don't wanna understand / And he don't wanna understand” hits different when Buffy sings it, and in 2020 for that matter. 
It’s also just a terrific performance whose combination of soul and rock and roll and driving piano in a sort of Old West-sounding context would have made this sound right at home on a record like Elton John’s Tumbleweed Connection  or something by The Band. I’m limited to five video embeds per post so I can’t embed it here, so I'm linking instead: anyone who hasn’t heard this definitely needs to.
Her cover of Neil’s CSNY track “Helpless” has things I like even better than Neil’s original, including Merry Clayton standing in for CSN. Buffy’s version is more muscular (thanks again to Crazy Horse), and taps even more deeply into the isolation of the song that the star power of CSNY somewhat obscured. 
Buffy’s version also made a brief but memorable appearance in the 2018 film Hotel Artemis, starring Jodie Foster. A weird little movie that I loved maybe more than it deserved LOL but I recommend nonetheless:
I know that this album gets attention because of the unusual number of covers, including one by Leonard Cohen, and a cover of a cover that Leonard had made famous on top of that, called "Song of the French Partisan” (hers is the far superior version imo, a song of French resistance to Nazi occupation from the perspective of a woman hiding a resister), but there are a couple of standout originals too. 
I love the title of this record, and the title track is a delightful little stomper that playfully cautions against equating the intentions of grown women with the childhood fantasies they’ve grown out of. More Merry Clayton goodness here on backing vocals too. 
“Soldier Blue” is a powerful song first written for the 1970 film of the same name, billed at the time as “The most savage film in history” -- and maybe it was. It used the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre as a metaphor for Vietnam, and it's still shockingly brutal. It was the third-highest grossing movie in the UK in 1971, though, and the single became a top-10 hit for Buffy there. 
It didn’t do as well here, either the song or the movie. Perhaps not shockingly in retrospect, Soldier Blue was pulled from American theaters after a few days, the Vietnam metaphor not at all lost on the Nixon administration. 
As horrifying as it was, this is about when I was reading Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee (first published in 1970), and Soldier Blue resonated with me in a whole lot of ways. Here’s the song in the opening credits of the movie.
I was also really struck by “Moratorium”, which is the story of “Universal Soldier” (from her 1963 debut, but a bigger hit for Donovan in 1965), coming from the opposite direction. In the earlier song, she blamed war on the soldiers who think that fighting is honorable, but here, she has empathizes with the young men, boys really in many cases, who’ve been lied to by their countries, their parents, and even their friends. They’re not vainglorious. They’ve been duped by people they trusted. 
(I don't think she takes enough into account how many men sign up to fight because they want to embrace and celebrate their worst, most violent impulses, which was of course an undercurrent of “Universal Soldier”, but I appreciate her empathy here. More than one thing is true at a time.)
Buffy goes even farther, though, calling on soldiers to support and validate demands for peace as explicitly supporting them, summed up in the unforgettable cry, "Fuck the war and bring our brothers home!" 
1971 was the peak of antiwar demonstrations in the US, with the biggest crowds ever seen in this country until the 2017 Women’s March. The May 1971 demonstrations pretty much shut down Washington, culminating with Vietnam Veterans Against The War throwing back their medals on the steps of the US Capitol, incredibly powerful stuff to see on TV in my formative years, and Buffy was right there in it. Anti-war songs were a cottage industry for sure, but nobody was writing with the nuance and empathy that Buffy was.
Here’s a 1972 performance of “Moratorium”, Buffy and a piano, and more emotionally bare than that:
There’s obviously lots more to say about Buffy, far outside the realm of protest music that was actually just a small part of her musical palette -- her pioneering experiments with electronic music, her educational philanthropy starting in her 20s, Sesame Street, you name it. Her commercial peak was still in front of her, and while I can’t say that this is my favorite of her records, it does have some of my favorite songs of hers, and 1971 and She Used to Wanna Be A Ballerina is definitely where I went from knowing who Buffy Sainte-Marie was to being a fan. 
I'll also note as I do now and again that while this blog started as an offshoot of a book on 1971 that I’d started but abandoned, I mostly listen to music released now. That’s always been my policy, including in 1971. When 1972 rolled up, I was mostly listening to music from 1972, music from ‘80 in ‘80, ‘91 in ‘91, 2018 in 2018, etc., to name just a few other favorites. (Plus The Beatles, okay? LOL I still listen to The Beatles every day. No apologies.) Honestly? It took me until 2011, in my fifties, when a whole bunch of 40th anniversary editions of 1971 albums got released all at once that made me think, “Wait a minute, this was maybe THE pivotal year in classic rock history!” 
So yeah, the historian in me dug into 1971, but even though I happened to be alive and enthralled by music in that year, what I’m doing here has nothing to do with nostalgia, or any idea that that was the *best* year in music, even if for the narrow slice of music that is classic rock, yeah, it absolutely is. For soul/R&B too, and for the explosion of women artists outside the even narrower confines of pop as well. This is not subject to debate. No year like it, before or since. It's just that classic rock is a such a narrow slice, and I like my slices wide. LOL Which is also why my blog has less and less 1971 content as I go along. 
While my general policy is that my favorite year for music is THIS year, this particular year hasn’t left me as much energy as usual for listening to music. Some of it is These Trying Times™, some of it is my bipolarity and schizophrenia getting the better of me in waves, as is the way with these, uhm, things. (Keep taking those meds, kids!) I listen to music and post about the people making it as a creative act, not a passive or reflexive one, and I just haven’t felt as creative as usual.
(This is also has everything to do with why so many Asks have been piling up unanswered. I apologize if you’re one of the many kind and indulgent souls who’s gotten in touch, but I swear I’m gonna get to ‘em all!)
To get an idea of what I’m ACTUALLY passionate about right now, my “to be edited later” running list of 2020 favorites randomly added to a playlist as I encounter them, to be properly curated later, is at Spotify, cleverly entitled “2020″ -- 94% women, which is about right. LOL 
But since I do in fact listen to old stuff (by which I mean 2019 LOL), I made a list of mostly 2020 bangers from women rockers with some tasty treats from 2019 that I haven’t been able to let go of just yet, inspired by a post I saw at tumblr saying that punk music by women is just plain better (also beyond debate), called “Women Bangers: A Tumblr New Classics Jam”. I’ll be posting an essay with a YouTube playlist soon, because god forbid that I only talk briefly about anything LOL and most of these women need to be heard AND seen.
Like Buffy Sainte-Marie, whom you'll both see and hear more often on my blog soon. Thanks for the reminder! Always a pleasure to hear from you and be challenged by you. :-)
Peace, Tim 
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somethingsohappily · 6 years
1-100, beautifullll! 😂😘😎
1. When, where, and how did you meet?We met on tumblrdotcom on August 6th (babe, is it the 6th?) I sent her a message and complimented her blog, she then followed me, and I sent her another message apologizing for all the One Direction because I thought she was cooler than me. Then basically we started talking a lot/daily and here we are!
2. What did you first notice about each other?I’m gonna be real honest, i thirst followed my girlfriend, and thought she was hot. Also I liked how she thought about things, felt like I really connected with her personal posts on here. But like, I thought she was hot y’all. 
3. Who first asked the other out?She asked me out officially, but I was the one to admit I had feelings for her first. (with prompting from Sammy) Which I did when she was sleeping and then I didn’t sleep because i was panicking that I sent it in a text. 
4. Where was your first date?Babe, real question, what do we count as a date? Are we talking Skyping? Are we talking when you took me out to dinner when I visited? 
5. Who was first to verbally say “I love you”?Morgannnn, because I had basically told her before we were even together that I’d be scared to say it first ever again after a previous relationship. Which she said on October 7th btws. 
6. How did your first kiss happen? Who initiated it?Ummmm our first kiss was in her car in the airport parking lot, Morgan asked so I think that means she initiated it :) 
7. When is your anniversary?November 7th 
8. How long have you been together?Officially 6 months, though we basically were dating in September
9. What made you realize you were in love with her?It’s sounds silly to say you ‘just know’ but I guess I just kind of knew. It was just this very intense connection and very safe feeling, it was different than how I’d ever felt towards a person. Like realizing this was the person I wanted to see everyday, and share everything with, and really couldn’t picture not having in my life. I don’t know if there was an exact moment, at least for me. 
10. Where you friends before you became a couple?Yes, though we’d only been friends for like a month before feelings got admitted. But we talked a lot/shared a ton before we got together. 
11. Were either of you out before becoming a couple?Both of us were already out!
12. Have either of you dated a girl before?We both have! 
13. How does your girlfriend define her sexuality?Gayyyyyyyy, she is a lesbian
14. When is your girlfriend’s birthday (month/day/year)? Who is older?Morgan is older by five years (she’s a little old lady), her birthday is April 15th 1987 
15. Do you live together?We do not, we didn’t actually lesbian uhaul… yet
16. Have you met your girlfriend’s parents? If so, what was that like?Over Skype I met her mom! She’s very sweet, very southern, she was teaching Morgan to cook and making sure she was eating enough. I was very nervous, but I look forward to meeting her and the rest of Morgan’s family in person. 
17. How many people are in your girlfriend’s family?Immediate, 4 including her. Though I think her grandma, aunt, brother in law, and niece get to be included. (Especially Brantley :) )
18. Whose family do you hang out with more?Neither really because of that whole distance thing! Though my parents always want to Skype her and want to pass along things, so I think mine would like to ‘hangout’ more if they could. 
19. Are you friends with any other same sex couples?Sammy and Bailey! But sadley, I don’t think I have that many other gay friends in same sex relationships. 
20. What is a typical date night like for you two?Considering the distance, it’s usually watching movies. But if we’re together and I’m not dying of the plague we have a lot more plans and stuff we’d go do. 
21. How do you usually spend your time together?Usually just hanging out on Skype, talking, watching movies, doing separate activities while having Skype on (coloring/drawing, playing guitar, cooking, chores, etc) 
22. Have you ever been mistaken for sisters?YES by people at her church!
23. Have you ever experienced any discrimination or prejudice becasue you are a same sex couple?So far no thankfully! 
24. Does anyone you know disapprove of your relationship?Not because we’re gay, but I’ve had some people get weird about the distance. I think a lot of people have very little faith in long distance so i’ve felt judged for it by some/or like they didn’t view it as ‘real’. 
25, How much PDA do you do?Again, long distance means not a lot. And I think we keep it pretty low-key, we aren’t like making out in your local park or anything! 
26. What nationality is your girlfriend?Does this mean if she’s from the US? We both live in the US. 
27. What is your girlfriend’s middle name?Ashley! (babe I hope it’s cool im telling the internet this!) 
28. Who usually pays when you go out to eat?We both would like to be the one that usually pays when the other visits, however we’re both stubborn and won’t let the other one do that! 
29. What is your girlfriend’s number labeled as in your cell phone?💙 Morgan💙
30. Do you have any pet names for each other?Just the typical: babe, baby, my love, sweetheart stuff. We’re gross! 
31. Does your girlfriend have any pets?She does not, though she almost stole a cat from the parking lot the other day, and I think we’ve mutually adopted a dumpster cat that i’ve named otis. 
32. Have you ever worn your girlfriend’s clothes?Yeah, I stole her flannel and wore her shirts when I was visiting. 
33. Who is more likely to cook a meal?Definitely me! 
34. What is your girlfriend’s favorite food? Least favorite food?Favorite food is meatloaf, least favorite food is mushrooms 
35. Who is more likely to cry for no reason?I mean, usually there’s a ‘reason’ for someone crying, and we both are pretty emotional. But I cry all the time, so probs me! 
36. Can your girlfriend play any musical instruments?I almost said no and was like, ‘no wait guitars are an instrument’ so yes, she plays guitar! 
37. Who is your girlfriend’s favorite musical artist?So I’m terrible and forgot even though she’s told me. I think Mumford and Sons is one of them, though I know there are more! 
38. What is your girlfriend’s current favorite song?I don’t know. I hope it’s “Strip That Down” by Liam Payne though
39. Do you have a couple song?When she asked me out she learned that song “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran on her guitar for me. So that one reminds me of her, even though its being severely overplayed on the radio right now. But I don’t know if that would be ‘our song”?
40. Do you have a couple name?Like… a ship name… ? No, thank god. 
41. What is your girlfriend’s best physical feature?Her eyes, and smile, and freckles 😘
42. Who is more likely to forget where they put things?I think we’re both forgetful, but I think that’s probably me. She’s always reminding me to put my debit card back in my wallet so i don’t lose it. 
43. Which side of the bed do you each sleep on?I sleep on the left (if you’re facing the bed) and I think right now she’s more on the right? I’m basing this off where the laptop is. 
44. Who hogs the blankets/sheets more when sleeping together?I don’t think either of this did this, but it’s likely me because i like being a blanket burrito
45. What do you argue/fight about the most?What I’ve considered arguments/fights are not things she views as arguments/fights. But this is one of those things I don’t feel cool getting into over the internet! 
46. How do you usually get over a argument/fight?We talk about it!
47. Does your girlfriend have an angry/annoyed/you’re in trouble stare? If so, show it!Ummmm I’d call it more a ‘mom look’ and it usually happens more over me saying I’m not tired or that nothing is wrong. It’s more like a ‘are you serious?’ look vs angry/annoyed. ALSO. Time to quote my favorite video of all time, “you’re not in trouble, you’re my wife’ is basically how I feel about that statement in general when it comes to partners! 
48. How good is your girlfriend at communicating through facial expressions?She’s pretty good at it, I can usually read her mood without her verbalizing too much! 
49. Who is more likely to refuse sex?Okay, so I dont like how this is worded, because anyone in a relationship is allowed to say no to sex at anytime and that isn’t a negative thing. However, I don’t think either of us really would 😂
50. Does your girlfriend play any sports?She used to do Karate, and she runs if that counts! 
51. Does your girlfriend root for any sports teams?Babe, do you? I vaguely remember you wanting to get a new t-shirt for Football or something but I don’t remember the team or how serious that was 😂
52. Who takes longer getting ready to go somewhere?Probably meeeee just based on who takes longer to shower in the morning! 
53. Who is more likely to remember an important date (i.e. birthday, anniversary, etc.)?I have a good memory, but I think she’s still better at this than I am! 
54. What is your girlfriend’s eye color?Blue! Her eyes are prettyyy
55. What is your girlfriend’s shoe size?I believe 7? Or maybe 6.5? 
56. What is your girlfriend’s dress size?If you think my girlfriend owns a dress.. 
57. What is your girlfriend’s favorite TV show?SVU, which she just finished!
58. What is your girlfriend’s favorite movie?Okay so I’m the worst, I think Dead Poets Society is on there, but I can’t rememberrrrrrr. 
59. Who is the bigger neat freak?We are both a mess, I think I am more organized with some things though
60. What is one item on your girlfriend’s bucket list?Graduate from college! Which she’s going to do! 
61. Who is more likely to utter a curse word?AHAHAHAHA MORGAN. She says the fuck word a lot 😂😂
62. Does your girlfriend prefer coffee or tea?Coffee, but she also likes tea, especially sweet tea
63. Is your girlfriend a morning or a night person?I think she’s more of a night person, however she’s still more of a morning person than I am! 
64. Is your girlfriend more likely to save or spend money?She doesn’t spend her money on a lot honestly, but she’s not as organized with saving as I am (hi i have three saving accounts) 
65. Who squashes the bugs?Morgan, she’s very good at it! Though we live separately, so I also have to squash the bugs! 
66. Who’s better at accurately telling when the other is lying?I think we both know when something’s up, though to clarify we don’t lie to each other, the most we do is try and pretend we’re fine when we’re not. 
67. What is your girlfriend’s favorite color?Blue! 
68. Does your girlfriend collect anything?Morgan keeps basically all the sentimental things she’s ever been given, like she has every letter, and/or camp items in her possession. 
69. Who is more likely to randomly burst out into a song?100% Morgan
70. Who is more likely to randomly start dancing?I think Morgan, usually it’s accompanied by her singing along to something!
71. Have you ever taken a vacation together? If so, where to?So far it’s just been when we visit each other, though when that isn’t a thing anymore, I think we definitely will! 
72. How tall is your girlfriend?5 Foot, she makes me feel tall 
73. Is your girlfriend religious at all?She is, she’s lutheran and an aspiring pastor 😘
74. Who is more likely to spontaneously be romantic?That’s Morgan, me being spontaneous would still be me making a very intense organized plan. 
75. Who’s laugh is cuter?MORGANS
76. Who is the better driver?We both are gays that know how to drive and have good driving records, I’d like to say me just because I drive more than she does. But I also got pulled over for traveling in the passing lane the other day, so I might not be.. though I didn’t get a ticket! 
77. Who is the better singer?Morgan likes to say me, but she and my mother are biased. 
78. Who is the better dancer?Morgan used to tap dance and i don’t dance (this isn’t a high school musical moment though) so probably her
79. Who is better at math?Don’t ask us to do math 
80. Whose handwriting is better?I think hers is!
81. Who has a better sense of humor?I think Morgan is hilarious, even her puns, so her!
82. Has your girlfriend ever given you a honey-do list?What is this straight nonsense?? I make lists all the time, but they aren’t like ‘chore lists’ that she has to get done. 
83. Does your girlfriend smoke?Nope, cigarettes or pot, thank goodness! 
84. Does your girlfriend drink alcohol at all? If so, what is her drink of choice?She sometimes drinks, and usually it’s Cider or a Mike’s if that’s all she can find. I know she sometimes drinks whiskey, but I can’t remember what she mixes it with. 
85. Does your girlfriend have a job?Yes indeed!
86. Who is more physically strong?Probably Morgan, she’s always lifting stuff at work! 
87. From 1-10, how health conscious is your girlfriend?AHAHAHAHA ummmm considering sometimes she just consists of popsicles and cheerwine… definitely lower on that scale
88. Have you ever shared a toothbrush? Nooooo, I get that we technically share spit, but that’s too far for me. 
89.. Can your girlfriend speak more than one language? If so, which one(s)?No she cant
90. Who is your girlfriend’s biggest celebrity crush?Anna Kendrick or Anne Hathaway, I feel like there was a third that I’m completely forgetting! 
91. Does your girlfriend have any quirky habits?She has to be early to everything, and by early, I mean like an hour early! 
92. What is the most romantic thing your girlfriend has ever done for you?Ummmm probably how she asked me out, she dressed up and wore a tie and everything, and then played a song on her guitar. She also wrote out something to go with it, which I now have. It was very very sweet. Also her Christmas gift was a lot, and she gave me a picture album for us to start and wrote out sticky notes to fill this jar of things she loves about me 🙈
93. Who reads more?Definitely Morgan! 
94. From 1-10, how feminine is your girlfriend?She’s more androgynous, so like a 1 probs!
95. Have you ever discussed marriage?Yes we have! 
96. Have you ever discussed having children?Yes, we also have!
97. Be honest: What is one thing your girlfriend does that you don’t like?SHE THINKS SHE NEEDS A FEDORA BUT SHE DOES NOT
98. Is there anything about your girlfriend you think most people don’t know?I’m sure there’s a lot, but something like that would be up to her disclosure vs mine! 
99. Beauty terms aside, choose one word to describe your girlfriend. Why that word?Loveofmylife (I made it oneeee)
100. Pass on one piece of relationship adviceAlways communicate and be honest, honestly I think the reason that we are able to manage this big of a distance is because we always communicate and trust each other completely. Also make time for each other, we love spending time with each other and make sure to set aside time for that everyday. 
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princessunicorn13 · 6 years
Random questions pt2 (I forgot I was retagged)
Random tag questions!
Random Tags Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the 11 random questions posted for you. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
(Re)tagged by @b-oota thank you love!
1) if you could play any character in any movie, musical, show, or book being turned into any of those, who would you be and why?
Oh goodness, starting off tough. Um, I don't even have an answer to this. All of my characters are so amazing but also have hard lives, you know? Okay this is so stupid but you know Teen Beach Movie? Id be Brady. Because imagine being sucked in to your favorite movie, with the girl you love, and get to do kickass musical numbers 😂
2) favorite song lyrics?
'Darling, you'll be okay' (I know I have others and probably better ones but that's the first I thought of)
3) you’re in a hot air balloon, sailing over any city in the world with the 3 people of your choice, where are you and who are you with?
We would beaver Paris probably (Im basic) and Id have Kim (@comic-girl2234 ) my cousin Bonnie, and (I don't know who else, probably a celeb crush tbh)
4) if you were a sticky note on someone’s fridge, what color would you be, what would you say, and whose fridge would you be on?
Id be green and Id say "take your medicine!" or "Youre beautiful!" or something encouraging, I think.
5) a stranger walks up to you and claims to be a famous person, asking you for a favor. You recognize the name, but they still look completely foreign to you. Who is it, and how embarrassed are you? Would you do the favor?
If its really the famous person it would probably be like some youtuber, or like one of the kardashians, or someone like that. (Im terrible with names and faces so Im constantly googling people lol) I would be embarrassed that I didn't recognize them as I met them but otherwise it wouldn't be a huge deal, Id just apologize. And I might do the favor but it would depend on the favor and the person.
6) you see your least favorite teacher on the news for receiving an award for being an amazing teacher. Your reaction?
Id cock my head to the side and be like "okay...sounds fake but okay" and go on about my day tbh
7) what’s one line from a book, movie, tv show, etc. that means a lot to you, and why? It can be funny, serious, made you cry, be a joke among your friends, etc.
"We need never be be hopeless because we can never be irreparably broken" - I've been through some things (I know everyone has but still) that left me feeling hopeless and broken but I didn't realize you can be remade. It might nit be who you were before but you can always make yourself better, if that makes sense. A situation might be irreversible and irreparable but you are not
8) if you eat donuts, what’s your favorite? If not, tell me about your favorite sweet!
B l u e b e r r y
9) do you like lotion? Why or why not?
Yesssss. But not the like oily kind? That makes your hands slippery? And because I love smell good stuff 😊
10) what is one show/movie you would reboot and why? Pretend like it’ll live up to it’s name and hype.
Faking it. It was nit the best but it was hopeful to be redeemable but it got canceled and I hate it
11) favorite vine or video you think is funny?
Oh gosh like every vine is great. Some favorites are the "'there's only one thing worse than a rapist. Boom' 'a child' 'no'", like anything by Thomas Sanders, and (wow I have like a thousand and ice suddenly forgotten every single one. I hate myself)
Im not going to tag anyone since I've already done this, but anyone is welcome to do it and tag me 😁
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therisingtempest · 7 years
[ Repost and list 5 songs that inspire you to write your muse! ]
Tagged by: @airanddarkness (Airn& Zafi– I think they’re my default XD) ilu :P Tagging: @telepathandenigma; @ladywiththecoldeyes
Click to listen!
1. Black Sails Theme - Bear McCreary
There is no other song that brings out the pirates in my head more than this one.
2.  Rock You Like A Hurricane - Scorpions
Yes, there are probably more serious storm songs I could've picked (and they're all on his inspiration spotify playlist), but this is the one that routinely makes both me and him rock out. And while those others might have more fitting lyrics, this is the one that inspires me for Airn the most, which is the meme XD
My body is burning, it starts to shout Desire is coming, it breaks out loud Lust is in cages till storm breaks loose Just have to make it with someone I choose
3. No Rest For The Wicked - Lykke Li
One day I'll have written out all of The Legend of Airn Rhymer oneshot series and this song will make others cry just as much as it does me.
My one heart hurt another So only one life can't be enough Can you give me just another For that one who got away
4. Sound of Change - Dirty Heads
This one's dedicated to Rionach XD Airn considers himself her most loyal subject (and he will fite you if you challenge this) mostly because beyond her impressive coup and what she's done for the island, she changed his life on a very personal level. She kinda woke him up, made him see what was wrong, and that he had more responsibility as a lord than throwing things at Corvan's head in meetings. Without Rionach's influence, you have mostly the same man, but a slightly more selfish one, and a slightly less hopeful one.
I can hear it now, the horns are playing The victory sound, I live in the now The sky is my home, and I live in the clouds Now or never, bound forever Making a change, making it better I live for this shit, I love the pain It's part of the journey, it's part of the game I've been alone in the dark and the rain I've seen the end and I wasn't afraid I've been in tears and I wasn't ashamed I hear a sound the sound that I'm hearing is change
5. The Way - Zack Hemsey
Admittedly, this one is more for the music than the lyrics. And the fact that I somehow seem to be listening to this particular track every time I write really intense Corv/Airn scenes. Again, might not make much sense, but for inspiration it's hella up there.
I am not a slave to greed I don't embrace your make believe I've never been for sale no matter what they think I need So let it be decreed Let this music serve the deed Let it spread like a disease Let it spawn a noble seed There's more than meets the eye There's more than meets the price If you can't see the sky there's too much artificial light
1. In The Sea - Ingrid Michaelson
MY BOY ZAFI. His race is so naturally sensitive and empathic and he had all of his closest connections severed in a very short span of time. He could never return to his kind. He's Fomoire, whether he likes it or not.
No no don't rescue me I like the salt water sting It feels so good to feel It feels so good just to feel something In the sea in the sea in the sea in the sea
2. Sugar Rush - AKB48
Yes, this is that song from Wreck-It Ralph XD At first I loved it for being upbeat and part of a great movie, but I looked up the translated lyrics and um. Yeah. It's a Zafi song.
All roads Aren’t straight Yes, they’re windy And bumpy most likely Things can get rough from time to time We’ll keep running though Would you care for something sweet?
3. Who Will Save You Now - Les Friction
Probably the darkest song on this list and holy shit is Zafi dark. But not in a broody edgelord kind of way. More like a fucked up trauma survivor. I've kind of joked in the past that Airn Rhymer wouldn't exist without Zafi, but there's a deadly truth to that. Without Zafi's influence, Airn Rhymer would be dead a thousand times over or given up a thousand times more. He pulled a broken mess of youth and emotion into a weapon, used it to slaughter the man who killed his brothers, and then rode it all the way to the top. A lord's right hand. This fuckin silent shadow is pulling strings I don't even know about. (holy shit i linked the official music video bc GUESS WHAT IT’S OCEAN-THEMED)
Alone with this vision Alone with this sound Alone in my dreams I carry around
I will not take from you and you will not owe I will protect you from the fire below It's not in my mind It's here at my side Go tell the world that I'm still alive
4. I See Fire - Ed Sheeran
Purely because feels. Zafi lost one set of brothers and found another. And he'd die before losing these.
Oh, misty eye of the mountain below Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke Keep watching over Durin's sons
And if we should die tonight Then we should all die together Raise a glass of wine for the last time 
5. Dauðalogn - Sigur Rós
This is another one that I always linked to Zafi just because of the feeling of it. And damn I've never been more convinced of music as a universal language because I just looked up these lyrics too and YUP. (btw the song title translates to “Dead Calm” my FEELINGS)
The wide expanse is passable For travelers and me A mountain hall fills Rocks cliff-paint Cliff-paints in the head Dead calm outside 
Inside I think Forest lights reveal a fire One with myself Now I sit with steady land underfoot The morning appears With its calm against the storm And now the surface ripples And now we break the dead calm 
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outerspace-castaway · 7 years
just found out that there are people who hate taylor swift so much that they make videos on youtube explaining why they hate her.
so far I've only watched 3 and wow these girls know nothing about taylor but they hate her so much. I did rant in their video comment sections:
video 1:'why I hate taylor swift' channel: daniella
my rant:
 you literally say what you know about taylor is what the media portrays yet that set you off enough to make a video about her being a horrible, fake person. really? fucking really/ there are a lot of parody videos of taylor /fan made videos etc, and they have not been taken down. 1 famous youtubers video gets taken down and yall lose your shit. btw taylor's mgmt team is more than just her. taylor didnt have a guitar teacher. when she was about 11 a computer guy came over to fix her families computer before he left he taught her a few begginers chords then years laters trys to profit off of her name. taylor has a right to me pissed by that. taylor isnt the first or last celebrity to get thing copyrighted. kanye and beyonce for exaple have hunders of things copyrighted. also taylor isnt getting things copyrighted just bc, she's doing it so big companys cant used her image without her knowing. and ps she doesnt have any lyrics that say "party like its 1989" im guess youre getting that confused with prince's 1999, where he says 'lets party like its 1999' its called being HUMBLE do you not know the meaning of the word humble, i guess you dont, futhermore even tho taylor is surprised when she wins, she does not cry every time. and even if she did why does someone crying bother you? she literally wrote a message about why she took her music off spotify saying that "she doesnt need anymore money", she said she "has enough money to pay her dancers from her tour alone' she pointed out how smaller artist, like indepent artist dont get paid properly by spotify bc spotify takes most of the money for themselves, she also said music is art and art should be free.....adele too her music off spotify too, i'll be waiting for your video attacking adele... btw what your obsession with sticks being in asses? this video was pretty much just full of lies instead of going by the medias portrayal of a person how about try and look for the truth. who am i kinding you as well as everyone in the comments dont care about the truth do you? just sad and pathetic really.
 video 2: 'why I hate taylor swift' channel: july2ish
my rant:
 kim exposed taylor: taylor was not told "i made that bitch famous" she should clarified that was the lyric but she didnt lie --- omg you hate her bc she dated harry are you in 4th grade, he asked her out. "im about feminism" but you hate her for dating hs taylor doesnt like papa following her -- you hate her bc of her wealth --- dont people pay for spotify too???? -- she didnt sue fans they were sent ciest & disist letter until their copyright issues were straighted out --- the guy wasnt a guitar teacher he was a computer guy who came to the familys home and taught her a few chords before he left, and he wasnt sued -- she copyrighted a stylized version of the year 1989 that was made for her tour not the year or number 1989 here is who taylor swift sued: THAT GUY WHO SEXUAL ASSUALTED HER BY PUTTING HIS HAND UP HER SIRT AND ON HER ASS.
video 3: '6 reasons i hate taylor swift' channel: queen maryah watkins productions (comments were disabled so I left this on her channel)
1. her pr team didnt clarify which lyric she was offended by, she thought kanye was going to use "i made her famous" that is what taylor said in the video kim posted. kanye didnt tell her "i made that bitch famous" "perfessional victim" thats some bullshit. she writes aboutr her feeling, a majority of her songs are NOT about breakups but love songs. ps she isnt the only artist to write about break ups 2. taylor's dad invest in big machine records after she signed to the label. shes very talnted, she does work hard and she walked away from a record label who wanted to sign her because they would alway taylor to write her own music so she walk away then was discovered and signed by scott borschetta then her dad invested in big machine records
3. she doesnt have to dance, really why the hell does that matter? no her voice isnt like whitney or beyonce, its softer, she cant do big notes like they do that doesnt mean she can sing. shes a great guitar player why doent you actually watch her play and she plays multiple intruments well as fpr her lyrics she writers masterpieces, listen to something other than shake it off or wanegbt.
 and are you really saying you hate her because of her look and her fashion choices do you not hear how petty that is 4. calling out nicki is the ONLY time shes ever did anything like that. and are you seriously mad bc she gets excited for friends accomplishments? ed sheeran is her best friend. she didnt say she was looking forward to controversy, she said she was looking forward to telling people she knew about the song, not about wanting controversy from it. 5. "has not integrity for music.." she wants people to understand that music is art and should be treated as such, as for writing TIWYCF under a fake name, she and calvin agreed to do that together 'catfished, disillusioned, perplexed', are you fucking with me? swifties were excited when we found out taylor wrote it. you think she lies on her album credits bc of one fucking song? my god could you get anymore stupid? 6. im tired of this "greedy" bullshit. its a lie she didnt say she wants more money for youtube y\this is some bull you pulled out of you ass. she literally said in her apple music letter that she did not need anymore money. go fucking read the damn thing its on her tumblr page. i cannot tell you how pathetic and stupid you sound in this video, this video is filled with lies get a fucking life
video 4: 'rant why i hate taylor swift explicit' channel: lacye leuko
her pr team didnt clarify which lyric she was offended by, she thought kanye was going to use "i made her famous" that is what taylor said in the video kim posted. kanye didnt tell her "i made that bitch famous" therefore she did not have full compltee knowledge. kanye deserves shade but her point was to uplift young girls, something she been doing for years, she used kanye lie to her benefit
kanye is an ass who does & says bad things to many people dont act like he doesnt deserve to be shaded.
her rep leak the info, he should have informed first but why does that bother you?
taylor never confirmed bad blood is about katy, katy did that herself. taylor doesnt have a prolem with tina and amy she was just pissed about the joke.
she's not a snake the video proves kanye didnt say 'i made that bitch famous' the lyric she was told ' i made her famous'
nothing was wrong with selena defending her friend.
i cant believe how you and other taylor haters really dont want to see the truth about taylor.
a few etsy fans were sent Cease and desist orders because of copyright issues, there are still thousands a taylor swift fan artwork on etsy. if those copyright issues were fixed those fans art were probly put back on etsy.
the only female she is fueding with is katy and by that i mean, katy keeps findong ways to talk about her but she keeps her mouth shut about katy.
taylor swift: does charity work. ispires many young girls, is a great role model. you know nothing about how she influences her fans for the better. how she gives speeches and messages of positivity to her fans. you know nothing about the reall taylor swift, just tabloids and bullshit
// 'So, About Taylor Swift Getting Put On Blast... Watch white Feminism Work'
channel Sensei Aishitemasu // its a 33 minute video. this person wasted 33 mintues of their time to talk aout why they hate taylor (im definitely NOT going to watch that)
i still said something anyway: im not watching this video bc im sure its bullshit just like the others, but why did you waste 33 minutes of your time to bitch about a pop singer and her "white feminism" you hate taylor swift GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND GROW THE FUCK UP. and black people idk how this little white girl hurt you so damn much, I can say that be im black too and get bullied on twitter by other black ppl who are offended I like this white singer. she doesn't do the things you like, shhes not an activist, she writes breakup song songs, she cant sing like whitney, who tf cares? IGNORE HER!. change the channel, turn off the radio when shes on, don't pick up magazines with her face on them, stay off her twitter and instagram. just fucking leave her alone, its not that hard to do.
i just cant wrap my head around these people having so much hate for taylor. shes a good fuking person. no shes not perfect, yes she makes mistakes but for the ove of god there are worst people than her in the entertainment industry but shes treated like the devil
how does taylor have these people so easily pressed and bothered?
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