therisingtempest · 6 years
Which is worse? the wolf who cries before eating the lamb or the wolf who does not.
Leo Tolstoy
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therisingtempest · 6 years
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Marching into the battlefield - Swords
Let the world tremble as it senses all you are about to accomplish.
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therisingtempest · 6 years
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a . m o n o c h r o m e . m u s e | Photo Credit:
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therisingtempest · 6 years
Okay I have two questions that are sort of similar(?). Anyways, first question: when Corvan brought Aithne on as healer to the Lily how did the other captains under him take that/feel about it? And secondly, with the headcanon that you have that says that Corvan is afraid to lose her do ALL of his captains/inner circle know about how he feels and, again, how do they feel/react to that about their captain feeling that way for the little healer?
First answer: I doubt it did more than get a “huh” out of his captains. Corvan’s kind of famous for going through healers like one might garbage bags. Whoops, this one can’t take anymore, time to chuck it. Or, worse, this one fucked up, time to destroy it. Him hiring on a new one isn’t out of the ordinary. A ship needs a healer. The fact that she was relatively unknown might’ve gotten slightly more interest, but no more than a few extra seconds of wondering. Pretty sure they all thought she’d last no more than a year. Jokes on you.
Second answer: I don’t think any of his crew or captains would ever dare call Corvan “afraid” (though I stand by my own use of that word in the headcanon because lawd this boy just does not know how to deal with things he cares about being taken from him). I would say definitely his crew and probably most of his captains recognize that he’s more attached to Aithne than your average crewmember and probably just attribute this to her being gentler than most Fomoire and him being extra protective of the first healer to last longer than a couple years. 
That said, there are a select few who are clever enough or close enough to Corvan to recognize Aithne as a fullblown weak spot. I’m thinking specifically of Dahlia (his first mate), Malacia (his half-sister and one of his inner circle of captains), and Skellan (who’s also one of his close captains and just viciously good at peeling people’s layers back). Fortunately, these people are generally loyal (and in Skellan’s case quite fond of Aithne himself) and don’t have anybody among them better to do Corvan’s job so they’re not gonna prod it. 
I know for sure Malacia has teased him about defending Aithne, joking that his heart’s not made of rocks and seasalt after all.
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therisingtempest · 6 years
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Trevante Rhodes in the Family Feud music video
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therisingtempest · 6 years
“Well, that’s your fuckin weirdness to sort out.” Despite the derisive tone, the young pirate’s eyes are fixated on mouth meeting throat. “D’you use your teeth, then?”
@therisingtempest || cont. here 
“Rather have it on my tongue,” he remarked lazily, nosing the pale neck of a Seelie elf arched on his lap. 
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therisingtempest · 6 years
rules: post a song AS MANY SONGS AS U LIKE that remind you of your muse and then tag people whose songs you want to see !!
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The Mountain - Three Days Grace Dessumiis Luge - Eluveitie Lydia - Highly Suspect The Great Below - Nine Inch Nails Rise Up - Savant Silver For Monsters - Percival Schuttenbach & Marcin Przybylowicz Savages - Snotty Nose Rez Kids & Drezus The Sound of Silence - Disturbed If I Had A Heart - Fever Ray Novocaine - Fall Out Boy Dead Hearts - Stars Long Live The Chief - Jidenna Don’t Mess With Me - temposhark  No Man’s Land - Zack Hemsey Every Cell - Arthur Beatrice Who Will Save You Now - Les Friction The Great Eatlon - James Newton Howard Pray For Me - The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar Lower Your Eyelids To Die With The Sun - M83
Tagged By: @thecatsidhe (CORVAN) i appreciate the all caps, i feel the same way about corvan’s playlist lskdjflkdf Tagging: @ladywiththecoldeyes bc u write with corvan the most and @airanddarkness bc i feel some of these might fit mab too and i’d like to share XD
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therisingtempest · 6 years
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2017 Fall Honey Harvest
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therisingtempest · 6 years
Hi!! It's me again, I've been away but I'm back! I love reading your replies to asks so much!! Can you give me some headcanons for Corvan and Athne?
idk if i can, my dude, that was a lot
but i appreciate you and i love your asks!
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therisingtempest · 6 years
He would have been even more surprised to learn that Mab had had the worst treatment among heiresses even with the former queen being her biological mother (or maybe exactly because of that). Then again, perhaps he wouldn’t be surprised at all; he seemed to have the worst opinion possible when it came to the Sidhe.
Mab’s eyes had also moved to the fire, followed by more bites on the peach, all prim and careful, lest the juices spoiled the queen’s garments.
“Not always,” she said quietly, “Only if they are in Winter’s way. However, it is a good pitch. As a pirate, I feel you would find it familiar.”
It was impossible not to let her eyes wander over the design, marveling at the skill and detail with which it had been inked on his skin. Her study though was interrupted by Rhymer’s story.
She was about to finish up her fruit when he revealed how he’d met the Dragon. For some reason, she found the brevity of it hilarious; something that caused her to not quite snort a laugh around the mouthful of peach. The juice finally dribbled down her chin and on her hand as she pressed it on her mouth while she chewed, clearly holding back more laughter.
“Pardon me,” she said after swallowing, looking around for a napkin to wipe her mouth and hands. There was the hint of a giggle in her tone, “I did not expect your story to be so concise.”
“Hmm” was his only response, glancing back into the fire.
It was a good pitch. It was a marauder's pitch, though. A slaver's pitch. And if that was what Winter was bringing to the table in terms of alliance, he was already bored. They had enough marauders on Mag Mell and they were very likely better at it than anything the unseelie could produce. If Winter wanted to be a wall saying “get out of our way,” the Fomoire would gladly move. They were the sea. And the sea excelled at the appearance of dispersing while simultaneously filling every crack and weakness, building undeniable pressure.
The queen almost choking on her peach was so much more interesting. Airn's expression turned a little awed watching her giggle like any girl he might meet by a beachfire on Mag Mell. It was not a laugh he'd expected from the ice queen. Maybe a brief, haughty thing, not this tremulous, eyes-sparkling mirth.
“Well, I was drunk,” he deadpanned. He held the informative tone and straight face for a few moments longer before cracking a smile and taking pity on her, stripping his loose shirt off over his head and holding it out to her with one hand, re-ruffling his curls with the other. “Here.”
If she were actually a Fomoiri woman, he might've just offered a corner of the linen while it remained on him, an excuse to sidle closer. If she were someone he knew a little better, he might've been so bold as to cradle her wrist and lick sweet stickiness from her fingers. As it was, less contact seemed the safest course.
Fragile Peace || Mab x Airn
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therisingtempest · 6 years
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therisingtempest · 6 years
I miss you being here every couple of weeks :(
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me too, bro! 
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therisingtempest · 6 years
Hc prompt;; What's a nervous tic or habit your muses have? Are they aware of it? *for however many muses you're willing to give me fam!!!!*
Gurl I love you. I only knew about two of these before I sat down to actually think about everybody. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Here’s everybody I know about lol
Corvan used to grab at the crow pendant around his neck. But as a kid he became aware of it as a tell/sign of weakness and trained himself out of it. Now his tells are much less obvious and only students of body language would be able to tell he’s anything but stone cold.
Zafi is very obvious and he’s aware of it, but can’t really control it any more than you or I could control our blinking for very long. He literally buzzes and twitches when he’s feeling agitated, and while learning the variable wing-twitches or volume of his buzzing could give you more particulars into his mood, his nerves are very often on display.
Diera tends to rub her fingertips against each other or against the pad of her thumb when she’s agitated or bored. It’s an old gunnery trick to keep the fingers free of moisture, thus keeping powder and spark intact when the order to arm and fire can come in a split second. She’s aware of it, but hardly concerned. After all, it’s a good habit to have when one still works around weapons.
Airn can be hard to pick up on since his involves so many varying gestures and that he tends to do it even when he’s not nervous or bored. He generally just fusses over his appearance. It can be anything from running a hand through his hair to tugging at his beard to rearranging his clothes. The key is usually if he does it repetitively then something’s wrong. Ironically, he’s not at all aware of it. Self-absorbed does not equal self-aware.
Felix has an oral fixation. If at all possible, he’ll have a plain old nicotine cigarette when his nerves start acting up. Barring that, he’ll fidget with his lips, bite his nails, bite on guitar picks, etc. I’m sure he’s subconsciously aware of it and would go “yeah, duh” if someone pointed it out, but it doesn’t concern him.
I’ve mentioned it before but Genevieve tends to become hyper-productive, especially with flower-arranging when she’s overwhelmed. The more she’s Doing the less she’s Thinking and in that sense she is both aware and unaware she’s doing it.
Shireen will either hug herself or grip her opposite wrists in her hands. After spending so much of her life enslaved, the simple feeling of pressure around her or reminding herself there’s no chains on her wrists is extremely soothing. It’s so deeply ingrained, I doubt she recognizes it.
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therisingtempest · 6 years
what's your favourite au to write with mab?
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Probably overall, though, exile au is the most consistently Fun for me to write, just because Airn is so monumentally different in it and there’s ANGST. I love the guy but he’s generally the same vain, snarky bastard in every verse. I also love the verses where he’s human for the same reason. And that includes reverse au where he’s royalty too. SEE I CAN’T PICK JUST ONE.
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therisingtempest · 6 years
When he moved for the cottage door, the room suddenly felt big and empty and something unfamiliar twinged in her chest. Or maybe not unfamiliar, just steadfastly ignored. The unending loneliness of this. The sudden jerk of loss as something nice and warm and exciting left again. 
She hesitated and then thought of a reason other people might accept for him to come back, because she found for some perverse reason she wanted to see him anyway. He’d sat in this little space, as uncomfortable as it must have been, like there was nothing better he had to do than listen to her ramble about things that weren’t important and drink tea. 
“I…” she hesitated again, then got this fuck it look in her eye. “That poultice I made you. They store well. Might be handy for bumps and bruises on board. That is, if you think it would help. I could make you some for the crew to take with you.”
Then she remembered about his jacket, and extricated herself from it, trying no to suddenly feel self-conscious in her underthings. “You’ll probably need this,” she said, trying to sound as if she stood half-naked in front of giants regularly. Funny, this morning she hadn’t cared in the slightest. Just demanded decency. Now after an afternoon of tea she was nearly blushing. “I’ll tell you now though. Village doesn’t like anyone getting too friendly with me. And…” she paused and frowned. “I like you. So, if the village likes you, they won’t like you here. They never do. I just don’t want you to be unhappy because you didn’t know. After all, I am a witch. Who knows what I might do.” The last was said with a frustrated sigh. 
His face brightened quite a bit when she spoke her idea, though he'd be the first to admit it was more because of the look in her eye than the excuse itself.
“I'm sure the captain wouldn't mind that at all.”
He almost refused the return of his jacket on some principle or another because she looked rather good in it, but he did actually need it. He'd spent a good wage on making sure it was quality and it was his only one. Despite the time they'd spent together, he still averted his gaze as he took it back.
“Thank you. Yes.”
Feeling warm enough to forgo the jacket until he reached the sea breeze again, he folded it over one arm, movements slowing as he considered. He knew very well the superstitions of this part of the world, of many parts of the world, and those transient between them all. But most of the ones he believed in had some sort of evidence of harm done. So far she'd done nothing but good for him and his. He hadn't even heard stories with any specifics.
“Well. Now I know.” And then the sunshiney grin was back. “Sounds like it'll be exciting.”
It wasn’t until he'd gotten halfway down the walk to her hut that he processed she'd said she liked him. And he peeked back at the doorway like a boy before hurrying back to his ship.
Into the Woods|| Lara x Renner Mortal!AU
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therisingtempest · 6 years
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benbarnes Some of the most fun costume fittings it’s possible to have with @lolo_costumes #gadgets #thepunisher #netflix #assassinscreed #oknotassassinscreedbutyouknowwhatimean!
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therisingtempest · 6 years
soooo the mobile app doesn’t show Replies so have a bunch of my replies to your replies :D
lostartfuldodger replied to your post “tagged by: @lostartfuldodger (TWICE since i’ve last been here :| )...”
-chokes at the tags- when she really wants to make him frown kenzi's gonna start calling him all the variations of the word SHORT she knows
KENZI. ur evil and ilu
l-space replied to your post “[name]: Renner [nickname(s)]:  Mr. Renner, quartermaster, Tiny [age]:...”
Only you, Lara, would see a giant, battle-scarred professional killer and try to curl up on it. XD 
lostartfuldodger replied to your post “One, two, three, four, I declare a prank war." She hums, lips curving...”
I love Cutter. They gonna be buds and no one is gonna understand how or why, and why whatever they believe in has forsaken them when the two COLLABORATE.
I don’t think we’ve plotted details on the crew gradually warming up to her, but I’m 90% Cutter will be the first. And also the first to announce that he likes this human.
airanddarkness replied to your post “Can you talk about Airn’s harem? What are things like between them...”
[[i love all of this and I personally would like to be re-kidnapped by the Captain, consider this my application xD]]
pls submit ur resume and at least two (2) references via seagull :P
tellurianwitch replied to your post “How would you describe Mab?”
lostartfuldodger replied to your post “Look, we all know fae age like the finest wine and you're a perfect...”
kenzi:*kill bill sirens*
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forever gonna hear that over this gif now thanks XD
lostartfuldodger replied to your post “And, tbh, I would have loved to have one of your muses woo one of...”
*paps the nonny* my dude take it from me. Loren is a gem, an angel, an actual cupcake who is always down for ship discussion if not plot discussion just to see where things go. if you wanna ship,write, plot you gotta come off anon and actually talk to her which is something I recommend to anyone anyways cause again precious NERD. Seriously she wont bite friend I promise!
airanddarkness replied to your post “And, tbh, I would have loved to have one of your muses woo one of...”
[[I second that! Loren's amazing and one of the greatest people I've met, shipping or not! ❤️]]
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i love u both omg
airanddarkness replied to your post “A lot of people suddenly seem very interested in our affairs,...”
[[airn yes XD]]
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