#bsd art analysis
I made some funny comics a little while ago about the potential effects of Fukuzawa's ability on Chuuya's, and how it perhaps could make it revert to a pre-Arahabaki state.
I realized later that some of you lack the context for where that came from, and that I might be creating confusion, so this is a (hopefully) comprehensive walkthrough of things we learned in Storm Bringer that lead to this conclusion.
tldr; The lab created "Arahabaki" by manipulating an ability into a destructive force. That ability existed before the lab, and the nature of that ability is heavily implied to be the power to enhance other abilities through touch.
Explanation and sources below (so you can judge yourself) ⬇
- spoiler warning for Storm Bringer, hopefully written in a way that you'd understand even if you haven't read it yet -
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In Storm Bringer, Chuuya meets the scientist that was responsible for Project Arahabaki, Professor N.
Project Arahabaki, N explains, was the Japanese government's secret project to create an ability singularity they could have control over and freely use as a weapon.
What are singularities? Singularities are what happens when abilities clash in specific ways and create a new, unforeseen reaction. The easiest way to create a singularity is to pit two contradictory abilities against each other to create a paradox; examples included the ability to always deceive and the ability to always perceive the truth, and to have two ability users who can see into the future (*coughs* Oda and Gide) try to one-up each other. The result is usually much more powerful than the original abilities on their own.
Some singularities are said to have been explained as god-like interventions, because of their often destructive nature. This is what inspired the name "Arahabaki", after the mythical being (here's a post of the subject and I'll it link at the end too) These events are described as very rare.
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Like mentioned in that passage, there is another way to create a singularity: to have a single ability user use their ability in a way that contradicts itself. This is what the lab was trying to do.
For that explanation, Professor N gives an example. He first shows a video of a child, whose face is hidden from the camera, holding a coin (described as having a certain melancoly to it), with a moon and a fox engraved on it. The video is from one of the lab's tests. The child is made to recite some activation lines, which are directly taken from one of Nakahara Chuuya's poems, Upon the Tainted Sorrow (which does mentions a fox, as a fun fact).
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The coin then starts glowing, the glow turns into a black mass, and from there the experimentation goes bad: the coin starts attracting things and absorbing them, the space gets distorted, the child's vitals flatline, panic spreads and someone calls for an emergency stop, we hear a scream. The video ends.
N explains that the child in the video had the ability to enhance the ability of others. That child then used that ability on themselves, effectively enhancing the enhancement which enhanced the enhancing, in an infinite loop. That loop created a lot of energy; the surplus of energy was so intense its mass deformed space (physics!) and it created a black hole.
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Here's where it gets tricky: N claims that child died during that accident, that the child was absorbed by the black hole created by their ability. We never actually learn their identity.
But N is a lying liar who lies; he said about one and a half truths the entire book. The only reason he was telling them any of this was that he thought he'd get rid of all of them within the next few minutes. His objective was always to regain control over Chuuya, his pet project.
Plus, during the epilogue, we learn that Chuuya was assumed to have died during the war. That's what his parents think. That's what is officially recorded.
Project Arahabaki was based off French research papers; someone else had done this kind of experimentation before, and their result was Verlaine.
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Verlaine's gravity-manipulation is a singularity. Better yet: Verlaine also has a Corruption state, named Brutalization. Their abilities are the same, because the lab copied the techniques that were used to create Verlaine when they worked on Chuuya.
Here's a passage of Dazai nullifying Corruption, at the very end of SB:
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"The self-contradicting skill, which was supporting the energy of a singularity". This passage confirms that the source of Chuuya's ability is, in fact, like the child's and Verlaine's, if any doubts remained. "[...] weakening the singularity's output. It wasn't long before it returned to its normal state, and the Gate closed." The Gate refers to releasing Arahabaki, it's basically a limiter, just like the passage above when talking about Brutalization. When Dazai nullifies Corruption, he gives that limiter the opportunity to come back and seal Chuuya's power away again, but does not stop the singularity, only allows it to go back to its stable state.
From all that, we can say that Chuuya's ability wasn't always gravity manipulation, but that it was another, unconfirmed ability that was exploited in such a way that it became a permanent, stable singularity that allowed him to have control over gravity.
Bullet point recap:
Chuuya's gravity manipulation comes from a singularity, like Verlaine, like that child;
You need a self-referencing/self-contradicting ability to create that singularity;
Such an event is rare;
There is a substantial amount of time spent describing a "random" child that was experimented on during the war;
That child created a black hole through their singularity;
That singularity was activated using a passage from Nakahara Chuuya's poems, while holding a coin that references it;
That child supposedly died;
Chuuya's parents think he died during the war;
N is a pathological liar with an agenda.
So no, there is no "confirmation" that Chuuya's ability was ability enhancement before the lab took him. But an author writes a story with an intent, so I am asking what Asagiri's intent was when writing all this, and if perhaps we weren't indirectly given the answer already.
What is Arahabaki (Fifteen and Storm Bringer lore, with too many citations)
My own perceived timeline of the true events behind Storm Bringer (was originally gonna be part of this part, also with too many citations)
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When you know... when you know what this image means, and just how much pain it caused Dazai... man I don't even know what to say
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caelanglang · 1 year
On Canned Crab
⚠️ blood and guns
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a can of self-love 🦀
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chrxnicdaydream · 19 days
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ok so that’s a chess piece Fyodor is holding right??? the match continues…
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my mother names MORE anime characters bsd version
hunting dogs: fukuchi = sir fredrick natsworthy jouno = tinsley bumblebuzzle tecchou = horest bumblebuzzle teruka = clairella bozly
PM: chuuya = Freddy holmes akutagawa = leon reptotalas mori = earl hicks gin = lizzy reptotalas Q = Sophia 😒 oda = shea frazier kaji = Pierre lémboom
ADA: dazai = simly just known as mr BAZINGA atsushi= calvin purshing fukuzawa = Harvey ludesworth yasano= casey moresworth ranpo= bruce bangarang kyouka= betty bitmaker kenji = ivan cowper kunikida+ barphalamew bullish
non ones i just wanna do: fyodor= robbie rasputin nikolai = marizo mistic bram = sydney monochrome sigma = edwin killswitch poe = Theodore "teddy" Chicofski ivan= edward allen no aya = melanie mayfeild
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my mother is doing it again
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lesbiankordian · 8 months
AYA MY BABY LOOK AT HER (analysis under the amazing art)
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the characters on the right seem to be corresponding to these on the left.
Tachihara - Teruko
Sigma - Chuuya (in Meursault)
Dazai - Fyodor
Ranpo - Mykola (this one idk)
we could also say that Aya is corresponding to Atsushi, since they both were the main characters in their own threads. they both do sth with their hands too.
another detail is that none of the characters are wearing their hats. Tachihara bc he's no longer a hunting dog, Mykola bc Fyodor's finally dead?, Chuuya bc he doesn't have to pretend to be a vampire anymore and his fight is over (at least for now) and Teruko bc she finally did what she had to do (will she continue to be a hunting dog?).
Fyodor and Ranpo's hats can't be seen tho (Ranpo seems to be holding sth so that may be it). maybe that means Fyodor's planning sth? or maybe that's cuz he's dead? as for the latter, that may be bc of Fukuchi's death? and bc he's grieving, he took his hat off? or maybe he doesn't have to think of their plan anymore?
the fact that Atsushi's on the other side may mean that the fight we saw at the end of ep 11 is gonna be just his and Akutagawa's. hope he'll be alright 😔
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daydreamalley · 1 month
A Ramble about Phase 19 of the Fifteen Manga Ft. Storm Bringer spoilers
Just absolutely cannot get over the 15 manga. I love the light novel so much, but this manga adaptation is so ridiculously amazing. Dazai and Chuuya’s proximity/touching has been amazing of course. I adore the way Hoshikawa draws Dazai and Chuuya as well (my baby boys, especially Chuuya). But these last two chapters with Rimbaud and Verlaine. Like, fuck. The whole “At least, one of them felt that way,” part just hits so much harder in the manga for me, with the art and page placement. And this whole most recent chapter. Like firstly, you don’t have to end every chapter with like Chuuya getting stabbed okay, help me out here.
Comparing the last page of phase 18 with Verlaine and the first page of phase 19 with Chuuya makes it so obvious that Rimbaud is seeing the similarities between them with just that parallel, which is confirmed later with Rimbaud quite literally seeing Verlaine standing behind Chuuya. 
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Not to mention in phase 18 the “That’s right Paul, I remember you,” in conjunction with him seeing Verlaine in Chuuya.
Then that flashback with Verlaine carrying Chuuya and Chuuya’s just so small I could cry.
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Like, I knew he was small, but he's just so young, I can't. People were experimenting on him. Like, how??
The way Rimbaud wants to ask Chuuya something and Chuuya crouches down to him. Which leads to Rimbaud putting a hand around Chuuya as he tells him to live. How close and personal they are when Rimbaud says all of this just make it feel so much more impactful for Chuuya. Kinda love too that Chuuya isn't just standing over Rimbaud. He's making it obvious he's open to listening.
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Rimbaud says a lot of shitty things to Chuuya up to this point, even complaining that he has to kill a kid while only referring to Dazai, completely not acknowledging Chuuya as anything more than Arahabaki. But once he fully remembers what happened with Verlaine, I feel like that’s when Rimbaud remembers what he truly believed about Verlaine and his humanity and how that extends to Chuuya’s humanity. Because Rimbaud’s whole final speech is most definitely things he’d also thought of or told Verlaine before (as I think is confirmed in SB). I think those are Rimbaud’s true thoughts and beliefs on the matter, it just took that long for him to remember the full story and how he felt about it all. Rimbaud saw Verlaine’s struggles with humanity, and now he also remembers why Verlaine betrayed him. And so he tells Chuuya to live, just as Verlaine wanted him to back then, live without the burden of worrying about your humanity or where you came from, because “you are you.” It doesn’t matter if Chuuya (and Verlaine) “are but a pattern etched on the surface of raw power.” In Rimbaud’s mind, and honestly where we eventually end up at the end of SB, is that it really doesn’t matter what your origins are, whether someone is an artificial personality (aka pattern) etched onto raw power, because really everything is some version of a pattern upon the world. And in a word with abilities, a lot of people are a pattern connected to a power. Just as in SB Chuuya decides that even though Adam isn’t human and he knows it, it doesn’t take away from Adam’s actions, his sacrifices, or his dreams. Same goes for Chuuya and Verlaine. Their origins don't affect how human they truly are. Their humanity is significant no matter what. It just took a bit more convincing for Chuuya to get there, a little more than what Rimbaud could offer on his (almost) deathbed.
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Anyway, Chuuya holding Rimbaud’s hand as he dies just does things to me. Like, the book described that “Both Chuuya and Dazai quietly listened as if there was something in what Randou (Rimbaud) was saying that they couldn’t allow themselves to miss… Some things, however, would not return to normal: the body of a man who no longer felt the cold, and the hearts of two boys who stood rooted to the spot, staring at him. A gust of wind peered through their souls as it passed them by.”
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This page just so well depicts that last line. It truly feels these boys have heard something so monumental, that they won’t ever forget. Standing in the aftermath of their first fight together, hearing these words about humanity that both mean so much to both of them. Dazai’s expressions really convey this to me in the manga, and convey it just so beautifully. And Chuuya being so close to Rimbaud when he speak those words just makes it feel like those words truly are so monumental for him. And also this means that Chuuya fought to kill a man, that to be entirely fair and clear was trying to kill him first, and then held to his hand as he dies, and there’s just something about this added detail that’s so significant to me in portraying the weight of it on Chuuya. Chuuya's connection to Rimbaud is a complicated but important one. But really these words are important for both boys, because let’s not forget that Dazai also struggles with his humanity. Even if he doesn’t have a physical reason to doubt his humanity, like Chuuya, there are many other reasons that he does doubt it. So hearing that all people and all of humanity are really just patterns within the physical world, human or not that’s true of everyone and everything, and that’s important for Dazai to hear too. I think both boys think back to Rimbaud’s final speech quite a bit, if I’m being honest or did for a while.
I am NOT getting over the detail that someone (Chuuya??) put Rimbaud’s scarf on his grave. I just… it does something to me and I love that detail so much. And cutting back to that “You are you” line while Chuuya’s talking to the grave is just so perfect in my opinion, and again just shows the significance of it so, so well. It’s like, he's talking to Rimbaud, complaining about his actions really, and then it cuts to that “you are you” and it just shows almost the contrast I guess between Chuuya feeling unrest at not finding stuff about his past that Rimbaud could’ve given him, but maybe wouldn’t have anyway, and Rimbaud’s statement that those things don’t matter because Chuuya is who he is beyond all that. Also the little dandelion blowing into the wind, to me also signifying a wish being spread.
Anyway, entirely unnecessary to end the chapter with a big knife in Chuuya’s back, thanks. Especially after Chuuya mentions how he’s still exhausted from everything. Like let’s just, stop, please.
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He's just a boy, leave him alone for the sake of all things good.
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dandelion-roots · 5 months
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[ID: a digital redraw of the child struggling to swim meme where in the foreground a child is struggling to swim, only its head above the water, and a bit away is its smiling mother holding a different grinning child by the hands and not noticing the drowning child in the foreground. akutagawa is drawn as the drowning child, atushi is the other child and dazai is drawn in the mother's place. the signature reads, dandelion-roots. end ID]
Akutagawa's POV :(
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minugasakuranohana · 2 months
I know English and I can translate previous post, but l don't sure I want. It's too many words. So...
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etrevil · 7 months
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I cannot get over this absolute banger of a front cover.
First we have Odasaku front and center, and then there's Dazai - split between side A and side B - right above him. There's a clear, jarring difference with Beast!Dazai's dead eyes, bruised skin, while almost drowning in bandages, compared to Main!Dazai's mischievous grin.
Their worlds are such vast contrasts to each other, and yet Odasaku remains unchaging in both, especially in appearance. Same old striped-shirt, beige-coat wearing Oda.
And then there's the cards. Someone made a really good tweet about the meaning of every card (here's the link) but basically, Beast!Dazai has cards that symbolise commitment and death - which greatly connects with the fact his main goal in the Beast world is making Odasaku stay alive, a plan that probably started way before he was fifteen - while Main!Dazai has cards that express genuine self, freedom, acceptance, and personal growth. Development that we see in the main story, nearly growing alongside him sometimes.
Now if that isn't a knife to the gut, I don't know what is.
Oh wait. I do.
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The future of the Beast world. The frames that have Dazai and Oda's confrontation, where everything came crashing down until the jaw-dropping finale in Beast. I absolutely hate how I'm still not mentally, emotionally, of even physically recovered from this scene.
How can I when Oda described Dazai as a child about to cry 😭
Anyways, my parting words is that I wanna imagine the burnt page in Oda's hand signifies that because of Beast!Dazai's intervention, he "burnt a page" about the good relationship they could have had. For him to survive, Dazai made himself be the enemy in the Beast world and made something of a good world that still feels emptier than the original one.
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chester-god-0 · 5 days
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The fact that the "angels" Fukuchi refers to are war hawk politicians and that he's trying to bring about a state of anarchy and bring down politicians who send their citizens to war for profit, while being shielded from the actual fighting while mentioning "angels" as residing in "heaven", away from earth, in a similar way to politicians taking the backseat during armed conflict.
The fact that The Decay of the Angel is a reference to a book by Yukio Mishima.
The fac that Yosano was called the Angel of Death by the soldiers while Mushitaro called himself the Angel of Murder.
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ningensorrow · 2 years
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soukoku's story in art and poetry: chuuya's exhibition
— about identity and monsters
a gift to @vminiesvsoulmates <3
bungou stray dogs: stormbringer // william chapman // edvar munch - förtvivlan (1892) // richard siken - ghost, zero, suitcase, and the moon // at the grave of nakahara chuuya // nakahara chuuya - poem of the sheep // bungou stray dogs: stormbringer // cavetown - snail // sylvia siddell - wormwood // clarice lispector - the hour of the star // florence + the machine - king // adrian ghenie - vexation // bungou stray dogs: stormbringer // unknown // richard siken - black telephone // friedrich nietzsche // nakahara chuuya - lost hope // cavetown - so much // christophe vacher - severance // france wright - heaven
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The Characters outfits here seem to be based on their native countries. So this might give us a clue about where Sigma is from and which author he is based off.
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I don't know enough about fashion so I need all of your help on this one
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degenerateshinji · 1 year
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I'm now done pretending to be happy about them (please i need them to meet again, the last time atsushi saw akutagawa was the first time he smiled at him ever and i am not normal about it)
yes this is a redraw (i am so sorry higuchi)
Im angry today for no reason other than i kinda revisited the bsd manga for a bit too long.
random poll cause they're fun but pick one of my favorite bsd characters
no i dont care how off-topic that was
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Something that been on my mind
Warning: there maybe some grammar mistake in this cause english isn't my first language and also iam not an analyst or theorists or anything is just that I just want to get this out of my mind
The new bsd manga cover is out and I just realized something
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The upside down pose of atsushi and if I remember correctly what happened in volume 21 is equivalent to "sh*t is going down" and if iam right then volume 24 is a manga cover for chap 105 to 109 (unless there another chapter coming out but it will be in September so i just gonna put it like that) also equivalent to "things are turning to the worse" kinda like volume 21.
I'm not an analyst or anything but it will be great for someone to do an analysis on this
It just atsushi is being upside down in the volume manga cover lately and there have to some hint for it cause harukawa art always have meaning or some parallel for something
Also if I remember correctly there are a tarot mayoi card for atsushi and his cards is the fool
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(Credit the art to the game bungou lost tales)
I remember someone already did an analysis on this card so I'm just gonna link it later
So here is the meaning of the fool
- UPRIGHT: (new) beginnings, freedom/free-spirited, adventure, travel, originality, innocence, foolishness, carelessness, idealism, youth, spontaneity, lack of commitment.
- REVERSED: recklessness/risk-taking, carelessness, negligence, stupidity, distraction, apathy, irrationality, lack of fun/hope/faith, holding back.
With what is going on in the manga and atsushi upside down pose in the new manga volume I gonna go with the reversed one
The lack of fun/hope/faith are what is currently happen in right now in the manga and the holding back thing is kinda related to how atsushi have to hold back so he can't hurt akutagawa (it in chapter 108) i guess but the other I'm not so sure
Like I say I'm not an analyst it just when I see the new manga cover my thought just spiraled to this
And here is the link to the analysis about the tarot mayoi card
We also need someone to talk about this too
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(Credit the art to harukawa sango)
This is the new illustration art of harukawa and the first thing that I notice is why fukuchi scar is yellow the same color of atsushi eyes and fukuchi scar here is like a claw mark however maybe it was just a scar when he was fighting with the ability experiment "werewolves" or the semi-immortal ability user "wasp" (it in chapter 82) but why the claw scar is yellow and atsushi eyes is also yellow here so that gonna mean something
I also see a post talking about this too
And here
Also I hope that you guys still remember that the DOA still have the page right
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And they gonna write on the back of the page at the next full moon
(I don't know what time it is in the current chapter but I guess it not the day of the full moon yet)
The real question is why DID they chose the next full moon they could have chose any day but why (I did see some questions about this too)
Now what are the thing about full moon that we are all know about
Yep that's right atsushi ability
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I also want to add this: "he was actually transforming into a white tiger under the moonlight due to his ability" (Credit to wiki)
And who is holding the page right now- yes is fukuchi
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But is he really the one holding the page, I see some post point it out that the page is blank or quite clear like it didn't even have any word on it so we have another question it is really the page
We also see another person shroud by darkness and writing on the page
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We don't know yet if this person is affiliated with doa or fyodor or they are someones that haven't been revealed yet or the creator of the book itself
So is the page that fukuchi holding is just a decoy(a fake page?) And the real one is being keep at somewhere else because it is something that are super valuable, and you can't just keep it on yourself all the time cause what if something unexpected happen
Does that mean that there are gonna be some connection revealed or an answer to some questions that have been unanswered or just a foreshadowing for something that gonna happen later in the manga
I guess we just have to wait though cause I remember a translate of a interview with asagiri and he say that doa arc is not the end and there are going to be a "order of the clock tower" arc but I'm not sure.
(And also resolve some mystery about atsushi cause he have so many hole in his backstory and there so many question about him that haven't been answer)
P.S: I want to write more about it but my mind just got overload-like I was having a very bad headache and my eyes feel kind of sleepy
Also did I do this analysis (theory) post as the same time as the the other one- yes (you know what maybe that the reason why i was having a headache i mean doing both analysis(theory) at the same time can leave you quite tired), do I really need a break- yes...maybe it just I have so many to do right now and I really want to but my mind just blank so yeah I might take a break
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bsdlvvr · 11 months
how do I even find bsd moots on tumblr ... GUYS REBLOG ME SO PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY FIND ME AND SEE HOW COOL I AM
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