ayamethewitch · 2 years
Encanto HC: Bruno Madrigal falling in love with a female s/o who is more young than him would include/ Bruno enamorandose de una s/o femenina que es mas joven que el, incluiria:
N/A: In This headcanons we are talking about a s/o with 25 years old :3.../ En estos headcanons estaremos hablando sobre una s/o de 25 años.
I really enjoy writting this, enjoy it too 💖🤭!
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•This lovely moment of his life take place after the movie, now he was with the family again, he was happy again,but something was missing.
•He was looking Pepa and Julieta and realize that they have a beautiful "familia", but more important they find true love, with Felix and Agustin.
•For that reason he started think that it was too late for him, like he never gonna find someone special. But that was until he meet you.
•You are Mariano's cousin and you are new on the town when you start living with Mariano and his Mother. The Madrigals made a beautiful dinner to celebrate the relationship between Dolores and Mariano.
• He saw you and almost fainted, he wasn't the most social guy, but he never saw somebody so beautiful as you.
—Oh, you must be Bruno, Dolores talk me about you, im Y/N, ¡your powers are awesome! In fact, all here its awesome, people its so kind, ¡oh, and you family and your casita its so cute!
He just lost in your eyes
—Tio, she already know that...—say Camilo
• He though that he probably just think you are cute. But i wasn't just that.
•You started a beautiful friendship with Dolores and Camilo, so you started to go so often to the house of Madrigal.
• You are always helping others, like if you are one more on the family. Also you were so kind with everyone, and so funny.
•That make you also started talking so much with Bruno, and spend time with him and the rats. You think that he's sweet, and a cute man who could be really interest.
•He show you everything on his tower, and the rats love you so much.
•But he wasn't sure about show you a prediction or something even when you tell that the predictions wasn't a problem to you.
• —Bruno, are you listen me?—you ask, you two are on his tower just talking about life.
He blush
—Yeah,yeah...sorry, im was just looking you..you are so bonita.
Now you are blush
Then he just realize what he say.
You laugh, he was so cute.
He saw you laughing, and he almost have a heart attack, he just feel how his heart almost explode.
•And in that moment was when he realize that he fall in love with you.
The rats look at him very confused.
And Dolores hear that very clear from the kitchen.
—Uncle Bruno its in love with Y/N!—she say and Mariano look at her very confused.
—Yeah?...well in that case they have to marry !
—Mariano,amor...that's i doesn't how a relationship work...
•He's gonna started be more nervous around you, blushing a lot when he's talking with you.
•If you say him a compliment he's gonna melt, will start to stutter.
—You look so cute when you smile
And Bruno look just like a tomatoe
—Uncle Bruno, why are you so red? You have fever? Maybe you need one of the amazing Arepas con Queso of Aunt Julieta...—says Antonio very inocent.
•And one day he just can't pretend anymore that he's not in love with you. That he's heart star beating so fast and his eyes sparkling so much when he's looking at you.
•Then he started to ignore you, just a little because he was scared, he was in love and you are so cute, so beautiful so brilliant and so young and he..he was shy, ugly, clumsy.
You already notice that something its wrong
—Sorry, Camilo you know where is Bruno?
—Oh, your boyfriend? Yeah, he is on his tower.
—Oh, don't tell me that you don't notice that he is loquito por ti...—he look at Dolores who has next to you
—Im a grave—She say making a move with his hand on his mouth, like if she closed a zipper— ¡hm!—and then she go away with his brother.
• —Bruno?—you ask very gentle and he scream
—¡T/N!—He look nervous and he was, because now he knows about his feeling for you and being in love its never easy.— i was about to leave right now, you know im very bussy, ¡Im Hernando and i need to do a lot work—he say putting the hood of his poncho on his head.
—IM JORGE, AND IM GONNA HELP HERNANDO WITH WORK—Now he have a bucket on his head.
—¡BRUNO!—You scream—so..sorry..i just want to talk—you say now gentle while you take off the bucket and puting on the floor.
—Yeah...you..you are right, we need to talk, dulzura...
You two sit, in front of each other on a couch that Bruno put on the tower now that he was back.
—Bruno...why are you ignoring me? Di..did i something wrong? Or...
—¡No!—he say taking you hands—¡No! I...i..im who is doing something wrong ignoring you...i think that im just...afraid..afraid of what im feeling..
You heart started beating fast.
Could be posible?
—Bruno...—you started saying— Dolores told me that...after he and my cousin started on a relationship, when he's gonna marry with Isabela, she was totally in love with him, even if he's were to be the husband of Isabella and he was interested on her...she was in love with Mariano...—you got up and he did it too, but without separating his hand from eachother— why im trying to say, its that...you can't choose for who you fall in love with...you..understand?
He look at you, you can see a little bit of fear on his eyes. He was afraid of loving you because he spent a lot of his live being "the black sheep", being judge for people about his powers and being feared for others. But now he have the love of his family and more important, now he was in love with you.
—Yeah...i just im afraid and..you are so cute and...—you interrumpted hin with a big hug, hiding your face on his neck, he put on of his hands on your back, tracing shapes with his fingers and with the other on your hips.
You two slowly parted.
—Do you want to go to the town...? Maybe we can...just walk...
—¡Yeah!—He reply with a smile— that would be fantastic...
—Fine..lets g...
And suddenly, Casita move the floor, pushing Bruno and making that you two kiss each other.
He was blush, you are blush and the rats were very happy, jumping and doing a little dance of celebration. He though for a second that you're gonna refuse the kiss, but no, you just put your arms around his neck and he on your hips.
It was a short kiss but very important.
•And after that, all the insecurities just go away, he never though that you feel the same. And of course, there's a age gap between you two, but that doesn't care you, you are in love with bruno and he was in love with you.
•Now, the loco of the rats, have someone on his heart, and its gonna protect and love you for the rest of his life.
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•Este tierno momento de su vida se situa despues de los eventos de la pelicula, ahora el estaba con la familia de nuevo, el era feliz de nuevo sin embargo sentia que algo le faltaba.
•El miraba a Pepa y Julieta y entonces se dio cuenta de que ambas tenian una hermosa familia, pero mas importante aún, habian encontrado el amor verdadero, con Felix y Agustin.
•Por esa razón el comenzó a pensar que ya era demasiado tarde para el,como si ya nunca pudiera encontrar a alguien especial. Pero eso fue hasta que te conoció.
•Eras la prima de Mariano, y eras nueva en la ciudad ahora que habias comenzado a vivir con él y su madre. Los Madrigal habian organizado una cena preciosa para celebrar la relacion de Mariano y Dolores.
•Él te vio y casi se desmaya, no era el tipo mas social del mundo pero el jamás habia visto a alguien tan bonita como tu.
—Oh, tu debes ser Bruno, Dolores me ha hablado mucho de ti, soy T/N, ¡tus poderes son asombrosos!, de hecho todo aqui es asombroso...la gente es muy amable ¡oh, y tu familia y casita son adorables!
Él se perdio en tus ojos
—Tio, ella ya sabe eso...—dice Camilo
•El probablemente piensa que solo le pareciste bonita, pero era mas que eso.
•Habias empezado una bonita amistas con Dolores y Camilo por lo que, comenzaste a ir mas seguido a la casa de los Madrigal.
•Siempre estabas ayudando a los otros, como si fueras otra mas de la familia. Ademas eras amable con todos y muy divertida.
•Eso hizo que ademas comenzaras a hablar mucho con Bruno y pasaras tiempo con el y las ratas. Pensabas que era dulce, y un tierno hombre que podia ser muy interesante.
•El te enseño todo lo que habia en su torre y las ratas te amaban.
•Sin embargo no queria mostrarte una prediccion o algo por el estilo, aun cuando le dices que las predicciones no son un problema para ti.
• —¿Bruno, estas escuchandome?—le preguntaste, ustedes dos estaban en su torre hablando sobre la vida.
El se sonrojó
—¡Si,si! lo siento, solo estaba mirandote..eres muy bonita..
Ahora tu estabas sonrojada
Entonces se dio cuenta de lo que habia dicho.
Te ries, el era adorable.
Te vio reir y casi le da un infarto, el se sintio casi como si su corazon explotara.
•Y en ese momento fue cuando se dio cuenta de que estaba enamorado de ti
Las ratas lo miraron extrañados
Y Dolores escuchó todo perfectamente desde la cocina.
—El tio Bruno está enamorado de T/N!—grita Dolores y Mariano la mira confundido
—¿Si? Entonces deberian casarse...
—Mariano, amor, asi no es como funcionan las parejas...
•El comenzara a estar mas nerviosa alrededor tuyo, sonrojandose un monton cuando habla contigo
•Si le dices un alago, se va a derretir y comenzara a tartamudear.
—Luces muy lindo cuando sonries...
Y Bruno luce como un tomate.
—Tio Bruno, ¿por que estás tan rojo? ¿Tienes fiebre?, tal vez necesitas una de las maravillosas arepas con queso de la tia Julieta...—dice Antonio inocentemente.
•Y un dia el simplemente no puede pretender mas que no está enamorado de ti. Que su corazon no late rapudo y que sus ojos se iluminan cuando te está mirando.
•Entonces el comenzaria a ignorarte, solo un poco por que esta asustado, esta enamorado de ti y tu eres tan adorable, brillante y joven y él...el era timido, feo y torpe. De inmediato sabes que algo anda mal.
—Disculpa, Camilo ¿sabes donde está Bruno?
—Oh, ¿tu novio? si, está en su torre.
—Oh, no vayas a decirme que no te has dado cuenta de que esta loquito por ti—él mira a Dolores que está junto a él.
—Soy una tumba—dice ella mientras hace un gesto con su mano en sus labios como si cerrara un cierre.— ¡Hm!—y entonces se va con su hermano.
•—¿Bruno?—preguntas muy calmadamenre y el grita
—T/N—Él lucia muy nervioso y lo estaba, por que ahora sabia sobre sus sentimientos por ti y estar enamorado nunca es facil— estaba a punto de marcharme, ¿sabes? Estoy muy ocupado ¡Soy Hernando y tengo un monton de trabajo que hacer!—dice poniendose la capucha de su poncho en la cabeza.
—¡SOY JORGE Y VOY A AYUDAR A HERNANDO CON EL TRABAJO!—ahora llevaba una cubeta en la cabeza.
—¡BRUNO!—Gritas—lo..lo siento, solo quiero hablar—le dices ahora calmadamente mientras quitas la cubeta y la pones en el suelo.
—S..Si..tienes razon, debemos hablar, dulzura...
Los dos se sientan enfrente del otro en un sillón que Bruno puso en la torre ahora que estaba devuelta— Bruno...¿por que estás ignorandome? ¿Hi..hice algo malo o..
—¡No!—dice el tomando tus manos—¡No!, yo soy el que esta haciendo algo mal al ignorarte...creo que solo estoy asustado, asustado de lo que estoy sintiendo...
Tu corazón comenzo a latir fuerte
¿Acaso era posible...
—Bruno...—comenzaste a decirle— Dolores me contó que antes de que ella y Mariano comenzaran una relacion, cuando él iba a casarse con Isabela, ella estaba totalmentw enamorada de el, aun cuando el iba a ser el esposo de Isabela y el estaba interesado en ella, Dolores estaba enamorada de Mariano.—Te levantaste y el tambien, pero sin separar sus manos— lo que intento decir es que, no puedes elegir de quien vas a enamorarte...¿entiendes?
Él te mira, puedes ver un poco de miedo en sus ojos. El estaba asustado de amsrte por que pasó la mayor parte de su vida siendo "la oveja negra", siendo juzgado por las personas acerca de sus poderes y siendo temido por otros. Pero ahora el tenia el amor de su familia y mas importante aun, el estaba enamorado de ti.
—Si, solo...estoy asustado y tu...tu eres tan linda y...—le interrumpes con un gran abrazo, escondiendo tu rostro en su cuello, el pone una de sus manos en tu espalda trazando formas con sus dedoa y con la otra en tu cadera. Los dos se separaron lentamente.
—¿Quieres ir al pueblo?...podemos simplemente caminar...
—¡Si!—el responde con una sonrisa—eso seria fantastico...
—Bien, vam...
Y de repente casita movio el piso, empujando a Bruno y haciendo que ustedes dos besaran al otro.
El estaba sonrojado, tu estabas sonrojada y las ratas estaban felices, haciendo un baile de celebracion. El por un momento pensó que rechazarias el beso pero no, pusiste tus manos alrededor de su cuello y el las suyas alrededor de tu cadera.
Era un beso corto, pero importante
•Y despues de todo, las inseguridades se habian ido, él jamás pensó que te sentirias de la misma forma. Y por supuesto habia una diferencia de edad, pero eso no te importaba, estabas enamorada de Bruno y el estaba enamorado de ti.
•Ahora el loco de las ratas tenia a alguien en su corazón, e iba a cuidarte y protegerte por el resto de su vida.
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