lynderman · 2 years
Bruce takes Vance’s hair curlers away after he mercilessly beat up a kid to the point he went to the hospital.
Bruce: You have got to understand, that there are consequences to your actions. 🤨
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hoodsie · 1 year
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7pshagqhaj haiiii guys it's been a whiel have some of my random shits or whateva
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v4nces · 2 years
brance wedding & brance being parents make me go ❤️❤️❤️
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raqisreadinghole · 2 years
Baseball Babe: Ch. 1
Pairings: Bruce Yamada x fem!oc, Robin Arellano x platonic!fem!oc 
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 1146
Summary: While Bruce is used to the girls practically falling at his feet, he is challenged when one is not. At the ripe age of 13, Bruce Yamada, for the first time, is confused. Why isn’t she in love with him? Why wasn’t she kissing the ground he walked on? Bruce, for once, finds himself taking interest in someone. Someone, who also happens to play his favorite sport.
a/n: Guys this started as a joke so don’t take this too seriously :D. Just some self-indulgence here. Idk when chapter 2 is coming out so yup. May or may not include the grabber events, just depends. If it does then it’ll likely be pushed back to between the years of 1980-1981 idk. Also I might tweak some of the ages/years/grades for my own comfortability.
Ch.2 !! Ch.3 !! Ch.4 !! Ch.5 !!
September 8, 1978.
About three weeks into school.
Jamie stepped through the school doors, the bell ringing quickly after. With rush, she hurriedly skid down the hall till she heard the commotion. Several shouts of ‘fight!’, chants that cheer on and encourage the behavior down the hall. In fact, the noise was bellowing off the once empty hallways traveling through classrooms, she wondered why there were no staff stopping whatever was happening.
She steps through the jumping crowd for further inspection, and to get to her damn class, when her eyes are drawn to her idiot fight-loving friend. Robin Arellano is kneeling on the ground slamming fist after fist into some poor, or not so poor, kid’s face. Fucking hell Robin.
Jumping into the action, she grasps and grips at his collar, yanking and clearly startling the boy. “Get up shithead”, she says firmly through gritted teeth, before pulling him off and away from the bleeding classmate.
Dragging him off into an emptier hall, she finally got a good look at him. That’s when she realized he walked off without a scratch, well nothing worse than the typical bruised knuckles. The surprise in his eyes couldn’t be covered by the guilt he felt, not feeling it because he actually felt bad, but because she’d caught him. 
He thought she was out of town.
“I thought you weren’t coming back till tonight”, he murmured awkwardly, a poor attempt at filling the short silence. 
“Baseball tryouts start today, I didn’t want to lower my already slim chances of getting on the team”, Jamie chuckles. Despite the joke, there was a truthfulness to her words.
She’d just moved back into the area, they just needed to get the last of their things before being officially moved in. Robin and her grew up together until the end of 4th grade, when she moved to Westminster. Over the course of her two years there, Jamie took great interest in baseball, learning and working hard hoping to be one of the first girls on a team. Of course it never happened, because lord knows no coach was willing to risk their team and reputation like that. Despite moving, she had kept in contact with Robin, always being up to date with each other. In June, she’d gotten the news they’d be moving back into Denver, and she’d be attending school with Robin again. From July to August and a bit of September, she had spent the time moving, back and forth between the cities in order to ensure all her belongings would be moving with her. That’s when she’d seen it. A flyer for a travel baseball team. The Front Rangers. That’s how she ended up where she is now. At school, going through 7th grade with Robin, hoping, praying, practically manifesting she’d be good enough to make the team. In reality, Jamie knew she had to be better than good to be on that team. She knew she had to be better than everyone else trying out and everyone apart of the existing team.
With a silent nod he decides to lead them to class rather than continue standing there. The dragging of feet and occasional chatter from stragglers in the halls were the only things the two heard as they continued to walk to class. Opening the door to history, they scanned the room, seeing many students were already in attendance. They took their seats, however not before Jamie made eye contact with a boy sitting towards the back. brushing it off she hurriedly sat down, taking out her notebook and a pen before the teacher began to take attendance.
Bruce had sat down as the bell rang. This left him waiting about all of the 10 minutes to watch his classmates file into the classroom, boyfriends and girlfriends dropping the other off into the classroom. Everyone had finally settled into their seats by the time he decided to get his history notebook out. That’s when he heard scurrying feet and the squeak of the old wooden door. 
They really need to get that fixed. Or at least oiled.
In walked Robin, right behind him, a girl. Bruce couldn’t recognize her, couldn’t put a name to her face. He concluded that he hadn’t gone to school with her before, or at least didn’t notice he did.
Right then he made eye-contact with her, briefly. But the point-two seconds of staring into her eyes was enough to send his heart into oblivion. She’s pretty. Shit, she’s really pretty. Scratch that, no, she's beautiful.
He watched as she and Robin walked to their separate seats. Her, just four desks ahead of him, Robin to his right. 
Maybe that’s why he’d never noticed her. Maybe he was too busy with himself when walking by her desk. Maybe he took a different route out of the classroom sometimes. Despite the possibilities, how could he not notice her? Her style didn’t match the girls that pushed themselves towards him. She wore medium-length blue Levi’s shorts, with Reebok sneakers and a ‘The Temptations’ shirt, hitting about an inch above her shorts, revealing a bit of her torso. His favorite band! In comparison to the other frilly and pastel dresses and shirts girls typically wore. She was tall, at least taller than all the other girls he had swooning over him. About 5’4, making her an inch taller than Robin and an inch shorter than Bruce. Her wavy brown hair flowing behind her, bangs shaped like curtains flopping against her forehead as she frustratingly ran her hand through them. Her eyes, oh her eyes. They were the perfect medium brown with specks of gold and green, and if he could stare into them all day he would. 25/8. He couldn’t stop looking at her. He probably looked like a lovesick puppy, or a stalker, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t stop thinking about how she walked in, after Robin. Oh shit Robin-
“Look Bruce, I get it she’s pretty. Now personally I don’t have a thing for her,” Robin whispers, placing his hands on his own chest. “but I am her friend. And from me to you, stop gawking for two fucking seconds would ya?”
Bruce nods, albeit a bit surprised he’d been caught, by her best friend of all people. He however, straightens a bit before roll is called, refocusing himself. Name after name is called before he hears one in particular. 
“Jamie Monroe.” 
“Present.” Jamie replies, raising her hand.
Jamie. Jamie Monroe. What a cool fucking name. She’s gorgeous AND has a cool name. Bruce was in for it, he knew that. And her voice? It was deeper than all the high pitched squeaky, sickeningly sweet ones he was used to hearing. Jamie’s was deep and silky. God, he could listen to it all day. 
“Bruce Yamada? Is Bruce Yamada here?”
Shit. He was screwed.
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icantanymorehelp · 10 months
- How you met Bruce yamada -
T.w: none as i know off
My first ever post! please let me know what i can fix :)
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You were new to town, was the least you could say. You've been best friends with robin and finny since you were in diapers. But 2 years ago, you had to move, you promised them you would come back. And now u have! You loved being back home, the smell, the scene, and your friends!
You were sitting at a baseball field on the stands. You didn't have your first day till next week, and your parents let you have a break from packing. You really needed a hobby since you weren't in the exciting city anymore.. You always wanted to play baseball but your mother said it was bad for you and that you needed to stay feminine. You were reading until you heard someone come onto the field, but you ignored it and decided to mind your own business. Until you heard somebody say " Watch out! " You looked up and saw a baseball coming right for you. You ducked down immediately. " Holy crap! i'm so sorry! " The handsome boy told you. " at least you have good reflexes..? " He added. " Its fine..- I should be going anyways.." You told him walking down the stands. " Wait! Do you wanna play? " He asked, referring to the baseball in his hand. " Uh no thanks, i'm not allowed. It isn't " Feminine enough." " You told him. " Well i don't think that's true, i think you would be great! " He said smiling a toothy grin. " Well i guess its fine, when do u want to start? " " Now maybe? "
That was my first post! How do you like it?
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asktbp · 2 years
For Vance and Bruce: Who made the first move?
Vance did, he asked the teacher if he could sit next to me in ela class. He's bad at ela but I still love him <3
-Bruce Y.
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sainttelmblog · 2 years
i really need more fics/imagines of my Bruce Yamada :((
this guy deserve more attention too 💔
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tetrasballs · 2 years
bruce yamada and vance hopper tramau core <////3 
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(also i dislike traumacore a lot like im sorry but thats my melody saying “i didnt deserve this” pardon.)
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kotopoyo · 2 years
So, I’m designing outfits rn for tbp characters as mh ghouls and here
Griffin-Spectra or Twyla or Wydowna(have design as Spectra but yk his outfit doesn’t look like her at all,cause all I get from her design is chains)
Billy-Ghoulia(design’s done,my favourite actually)
Vance-in tiktok they match him as Cleo and tbh I don’t see it at all,for me he is more Abbey,Toralei or Venus(have designs for all 3,but I don’t like them and will redesign)
Bruce-Frankie or Lagoona(have few designs as Frankie and I think I will redesign again,cause I don’t like them,maybe as Lagoona will be better )
Robin-Clawdeen or Operetta??(design as Clawdeen wip)
Finney-Draculaura or Rebecca
Gwen-Spectra or Casta Fierce(does mh have other witches??)
Donna-Rochelle,Viperine or River Styxx
I really need to discuss it with someone
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lynderman · 2 years
My Black Phone Dr As TikTok Audios Pt.4
Me: Who broke my guitar? I’m not mad, I just want to know.
Finney: I did it. I broke it.
Me: No. No you didn’t. Bruce?
Bruce: Don’t look at me! Look at Vance!
Vance: What?! I didn’t break it.
Bruce: Huh. That’s weird. How’d you even know it was broken? 🤨
Vance: Because she’s holding it in front of us and it’s broken!
Bruce: Suspicious.
Vance: No it’s not.
Gwen: If it matters, probably not…Robin was the last one to use it.
Gwen: Oh really? Then what were you doing in Vanity’s room earlier?
Finney: All right, let’s not fight. I broke it. Let me buy you a new one, Vanity.
Me: No. Who broke it?
Vance: Billy’s been awfully quiet..
Billy: REALLY? 😀
Me: I broke it. I was trying to play a new song and my chord got stuck, so I threw it and stomped on it. I predict 10 minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
*Vance runs down the hall, chasing Bruce, who’s chasing Robin as Robin screams at the top of his lungs.*
Me: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here. 🥰
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lynderman · 2 years
My Black Phone Dr As TikTok Audios Pt.3
*Robin,Vance,Bruce,Finney,Gwen,Billy,Griffin, & I all chillin at Vance's House after our band concert.* Bruce: Hey, Vance. how old is yo mom?
Vance: What...? 😃
Bruce: Not like that...It is. It is like that...How old is she? I went into the kitchen, and she was like "You wanna eat?" And I'm Like: "Eat What? 😚"
Vance: First of all, put my plate down. SECOND OF ALL, stop hitting on my mom!
*He then proceeds to turn around to face the kitchen and attempt to lean against the door frame.* Bruce: MRS HOPPER. , I'M READY FOR THE REST OF THE TOURRRRRRR 🤩😫
We ended up going to Billy's house instead.
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raqisreadinghole · 2 years
Baseball Babe: Ch.2
Pairings: Bruce Yamada x fem!oc, Robin Arellano x platonic!fem!oc, Finney Blake x platonic!fem!oc
Warnings: cursing, baseball inaccuracies 
Word count: 1600
Summary: While Bruce is used to the girls practically falling at his feet, he is challenged when one is not. At the ripe age of 13, Bruce Yamada, for the first time, is confused. Why isn’t she in love with him? Why wasn’t she kissing the ground he walked on? Bruce, for once, finds himself taking interest in someone. Someone, who also happens to play his favorite sport.
a/n: Chapter 2!! I promise that this chapter is important to the storyline. Bruce lost track of time and watched the entire tryouts but it's ok. Hopefully chapter 3 doesn’t take too long to get written. :D
Ch.1 !! Ch.3 !! Ch.4 !! Ch.5 !!
Classes passed by rather quickly, it was typically the same for every hour. Roll call, lecture, homework. Roll call, lecture, homework. During lunch Jamie sat with Robin, as per usual, complaining about the workload they had and how fast Robin’s math teacher talked. By the time sixth period was finished, and the day had ended, Jamie was jumping with joy. Nerves and excitement had been wracking and flying about her body all day. She just couldn’t wait to get home to collect her baseball equipment. Jumping on her bike, she rode her way home, not yet recounting how many of her classes had a familiar face sitting behind or near her. How in four out of the six of her periods, had a boy with jet black hair and pale skin, perk up when she went to answer a question. Despite Jamie’s obliviousness, Bruce had taken notice every. damn. time.
When she arrived home, she was quick to change into practice clothes, before putting on comfortable shoes and grabbing her baseball bag she had prepacked that morning. She knew better than to put on her cleats right now, if she wore them on concrete, they would wear down.
The ride down to the baseball field where the tryouts were being held was short, only about 10 minutes since it was near the school. The other field was about another 5 minutes from this one. Jamie stopped her bike, before getting off of the vehicle and locking it onto the metal rack. From there she lugged herself onto the field to warm up with the other kids. 
While warming up, she could feel the stares of the boys. The not-so quiet whispers and snickers had reached her ears, and she hadn’t failed to notice the pointing out of her gender. The team was also warming up with those trying out in an attempt to see who they had good chemistry with, who they’d want to work with. In spite of this, Jamie seemed to be left alone. 
God, she knew this would happen. It happened every other time she had tried and every other time, she’d failed. She could only hope this time would be different.
She was snapped out of her thoughts by footsteps crunching against the dirt. Stopping herself mid-pitch, she turned to see a boy with long curly brown hair. He was a bit shorter than her, wearing the Front Rangers’ jersey. 
“Hey”, she ignored him, thinking he was just here to taunt her. Tell her to stop trying before she gets her heart broken later on.
“I like your pitch”, he stood there awkwardly, shifting on his feet, watching her pitch with the utmost of concentration. 
She threw a palmball then a curve into the net. Both of which landed directly into the strike zone of the net, the ball not once skimming or touching the flexible fibers.
“Thanks”, she replies blandly, still staring at the net.
“My name’s Finney”, he holds his hand out for her to shake.
She takes it, “I’m Jamie.” 
Their conversation ends as she walks towards the coach that’s calling everyone over to begin tryouts. 
By the time Bruce had finished packing up, Jamie was out the door. Well more or less, she had been out the door for a couple minutes already, likely on her way home. 
If he ran fast enough, maybe, he’d catch her talking to a friend or something.
After finally getting himself collected, he left the classroom along with the last couple of students. He searched around the school for a couple of minutes, before giving into defeat. He took time to talk to his friends, who were mostly baseball players, before ultimately making the decision to ride home. On his ride, he passed by the baseball field near the school. The one the Front Rangers used. He stopped to silently observe their tryouts.
Bruce watched as each coach took a a group to work on drills for each skill, knowing pitchers and catchers will later be separated for analyzation. He watched as each group went through their respective drills, each of the coaches face scrunched into concentration. 
They were typical drills, ones his team went through them all the time. 
He continued to watch, for the whole three hours, making a couple stops to the Grab N’ Go every now and again. He’d gotten to watch a couple batters hit before they split off the pitchers and catchers from the other groups. One person had caught his eye. He watched as the boy walked over with easy confidence with his mitt. Bruce hadn’t seen the boy’s face while he was batting, nor could he see his face now. The only significant part of the boy he could see was his long hair, which was tied up into a bun underneath his hat. All Bruce knew was that this kid was good. While doing batting drills, the kid had hit a couple home runs already. Not to mention, he was an excellent outfielder from what he could tell.
Bruce watched as the boy was analyzed during pitching drills by the designated coach. His fastballs? Each and every kind, clean and sleek. His breaking balls? The exact definition of the name, for every variation. His changeups? Killer. This guy, whoever he is, is good. Better than good. He could have Bruce shaking in his cleats on the field. And that was, as described by his coaches, almost damn near impossible. 
Bruce watched as the coaches wrapped up, cutting a couple kids before making a few announcements. The only words catching in his ears were, “We’ll have a short 3-inning scrimmage tomorrow, this will help determine who we’re keeping while we fully evaluate and make decisions as coaches. Great job today.”
Bruce took this as his sign to leave, guess he was showing up to watch tomorrow too.
The next day, Bruce had shown up just after the team had finished warm-ups. He sat and tried to recognize those from yesterday. That’s when the coach had tossed the ball to the boy with the bun.
To her surprise, the coach had tossed Jamie the ball first. Catching it in her mitt, she mentally prepared herself on the mound. She watched as one of the boys from the team stood at home base, gripping his bat, awaiting her pitch. She took a deep breath, deciding to pitch a curveball. As she exhaled, she picked up her leg from the ground before swinging her arm, releasing the ball at the same time. The boy swung at the ball. Strike. She executed the same routine, the same pitch. Inhale, exhale, pick up leg, swing. The ball flew in the air, landing in the exact same spot. The boy swung again. Strike. Jamie went through her routine again, not without deciding to pitch a four-seam fastball this time. Inhale, exhale, pick up leg, swing. He swung again. Strike. He was out.
He must of been the teams best batter. Jamie could hear the scoldings from one of the coaches. Frustrated with how he could let a “pretty little thing like her”, strike him out. She walked off the mound to watch as other kids trying out pitched, rotating them in and out every couple minutes with the actual team batting. She could point out a mistake in every one of them. A couple throwing balls rather than strikes. When they did pitch well, the batter was able to swing and successfully hit the ball.
She was brought out of analyzing to go pitch again. To be frank, the same thing happened. She struck out the boy. That was two times now.
Bruce watched as the boy struck the batter out. Damn he was good, not that he didn’t already know that. He watched and watched for a better pitcher, but no such thing came. He analyzed the first pitcher as he walked back up to the mound. There was a certain confidence to him, his walk. A confidence no one on that field, not even the existing team, possessed. Bruce watched as the boy did the same. exact. thing. Once again, he counted three strikes.
He was confused. Bruce sat there in utter disbelief. This kid that he’s never heard of, forget the fact that he’s never seen his face, was one of the best pitcher’s in his age group he’s ever seen. His pitch was a damn near talent baseball players his age hoped to possess. Bruce was baffled, amazed even. He continued to stand there as they switched positions. Putting the team's best pitcher on the mound, while the boy with the bun gripped the bat.
Jamie stood at home base, holding the form she worked day and night on to perfect. Giving the bat a hearty squeeze, she watched as the pitcher wound up. It looks like a fastball, maybe two-seam. And it was. The ball came at her with great speed, no curve included. Jamie had to admit, it was a good pitch. Just not good enough to get Jamie a strike. As it approached her, she swung. One could hear the crack from when the bat hit the ball. From there, the ball flew into the skies and out of sight. Home run.
Jamie let go of the bat to run the bases, coming back to firmly step on home base.
For the second time today, Bruce was confused. His brows furrowed together in confoundment. If he knew what was good for him, he needed to find out who this guy was.
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asktbp · 2 years
Has Bruce bailed Vance out of jail yet?
Yes. Twice.
-Bruce Y.
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raqisreadinghole · 2 years
Baseball Babe: Ch.4
Pairings: Bruce Yamada x fem!oc, Robin Arellano x platonic!fem!oc, Finney Blake x platonic!fem!oc, Vance Hopper x platonic!fem!oc
Warnings: cursing
Word count: 1326
Summary: While Bruce is used to the girls practically falling at his feet, he is challenged when one is not. At the ripe age of 13, Bruce Yamada, for the first time, is confused. Why isn’t she in love with him? Why wasn’t she kissing the ground he walked on? Bruce, for once, finds himself taking interest in someone. Someone, who also happens to play his favorite sport.
a/n: Chapter 4!! This one was a fun one to right and high-key made me giggle a bit more than it should’ve.
Ch.1 !! Ch.2 !! Ch.3 !! Ch.5 !!
“So Bruce, huh?”
Jamie was waving said boy off to talk to his baseball buddies as she herself walked to Robin. At this point, it had been about 2 and a half weeks of this routine. Talk to Bruce all day, then shoo him off to spend time with his other friends while she gossips with Robin on their walk home.
“Hm? What are you talking about Robin?” The girl asks. God, she was so oblivious, and blind. Like she was the most oblivious and blind person Robin has ever known. Robin swore he could blindfold her with his bandana and she’d be the exact same.
“I’m talking about the fact that you and Bruce have been walking and talking around school with each other all the time these past few weeks. You left poor Finney to listen to my math rant the other day.” He made gestures with his hands as they walked away from the school and toward the Grab N’ Go.
“So? I thought you were friends with Finney.” 
“I am, but I’m just saying that I’ve noticed you have been getting close with a certain, I don’t know, black-haired, hazel-eyed, baseball-playing, everyone-wants-him-or-wants-to-be-him, asian boy.” Robin finishes in a teasing tone. She snapped her head towards him. It clicked. 
“Are you implying, that I have a thing for Bruce?” she inquires, furrowing her brows. Her face, now graced with a slight frown.
“‘Cause if so, you are completely wrong. I have no room for boys in my schedule, especially not Bruce-everybody-wants-him-Yamada. I have other things to focus on, such as baseball and school. I really can’t have anything getting in my way this year Robin.” She completes with a tut. 
Robin rolls his eyes, shaking his head at her verbalizing her mindset, “I’m not saying that- well yes I am, but I’m also saying that I think he likes you. I mean he’s always following you around, including you in conversations with his friends, by the way the fact that he introduced you to his friends and includes you is a major green flag. He also can not take his eyes off you, not to mention whenever you guys are messing around in the halls or at lunch he never fails to fall short of his laugh, which that particular laugh is only heard when you’re making him laugh. Like god, he might as well just yell it from the rooftops that he loves you already. ‘I love you Jamie!’ ‘Oh Jamie!’ ‘Muah Muah Muah!’” Robin throws his arms around, later pressing his hands to his cheeks to make kissy noises. Jamie shakes her head at his ridiculousness.
“Well, what does it matter to me that he’s taken interest?” she questions, while kicking around a rock.
“What does it matter? WHAT DOES IT MATTER?” Robin repeats, yelling and jumping around. This makes Jamie flinch a bit. “IT MATTERS BECAUSE IF YOU EITHER HAVEN’T NOTICED OR ADMITTED IT, YOU LIKE HIM TOO!”
“I DO NOT!” she was yelling now too, as they entered the store.
She sighs, bowing her head and rolling her eyes as she fills up her slushie cup. She didn’t understand Robin’s logic. Bruce just made her really happy. Being with him and in his presence felt like a warm hug. It was like sipping on hot cocoa in bed, listening to the pattering of rain accompanying the soft static and slow melodies playing from a record player, in the comfort of a home. That’s it. He felt like a home. Not hers though, someone else’s, but a home nonetheless.
Jamie looks around, taking in her surroundings. She notices pinball Vance, who she actually found to be really nice if you got to know him. Finney was walking through the door with Gwen, and there seems to be a group of boys just outside, on their way in. Jamie pays for her slushie, then turns to walk back to Robin. He was making his weekly selection of snacks and candies, when the bell of the door chimes. 
Robin watches as a particular group of baseball boys enter the convenience store. They’re all laughing loudly, yelling at each other, and pointing fingers about a likely, stupidly opinion-based argument. Their presence was fun, inviting. Robin looks over to Finney, who was looking back at him. Robin walks over to Finney and Gwen, leaving Jamie to sip her slushie without noticing the empty space beside her. Finney and Gwen, prior to this, were watching Vance at the pinball machine, who stopped to make conversation with Finney and watch whatever bullshit the baseball boys were going to pull. All four kids were now eyeing the large group of boys, the baseball players still chatting but majority keeping an eye on the one walking away from the group.  
The quartet watches as Bruce slowly walks away from the clump in the corner and toward their friend in the middle of the store. Taking short and quiet strides, they all realize what’s happening. With swift motions, Bruce quickly wraps his arms around Jamie’s waist, securing her in his hold before spinning her. He could feel a bit of her shirt ride up, causing skin-to-skin contact with the girl. This caused a visible blush across both of their cheeks, but not visible enough to each other. The girl lets out a quiet delighted squeal of shock before realizing who was spinning her. Bruce lets her down, not before turning her around, just in time to earn a smack to the arm. 
Robin could see it in Bruce’s eyes. The pure love and adoration shining in his pupils, Jamie returned the same look. The love and adoration those two shared was the same that he, Robin Arellano, has for Finney. Robin watched the two, both laughing, stupidly in love with each other, as they cracked jokes that were only hilarious when one was that wholeheartedly in love with the other. Everyone could see it, except for Jamie. He could see it, the quartet could see it, the baseball guys could see it, and heck, even the group of envious girls in the corner watching them could see it. So why couldn’t Jamie? Robin swore he could see how Bruce looked at her from here, so why couldn’t she see it when it was right in front of her?
“They’re cute aren’t they?” Robin asked to no one in particular.
“They are. I keep trying to tell Jamie this when she walks Finney home from practice, but she just won’t listen.” Gwen laughs, recalling the memories.
“You have a look Gwen,” Jamie says, “and I don’t know if I like it.”
“What ever do you mean Jamie?” The younger girl says, a smirk to her face and words. 
“You just look a bit extra devious than normal today.” Jamie smiles, playing along with whatever acts Gwen’s got going.
“Well if you must know, I saw you walking with a certain Yamada today,” dragging along the last syllable, sharing her latest drama with Finney. Gwen knew he didn’t care, especially since she knew he likely had a thing for Robin.
“Oh, is that so? And what would this certain Yamada’s first name be?”
“Bruce of course!” Gwen giggled. “For what it’s worth, you guys totally look like a couple, not to mention you act like one. Like if you guys are dating, you’re definitely the cutest.”
“Ugh, we do not! And we aren’t dating Gwen.” Jamie replied in denial.
“Whatever you say, my dear Jamie.” Gwen giggled, imitating Bruce with the last three words.
Gwen refocused her eyes back to the pair in the middle of the Grab N’ Go, watching as Bruce spins Jamie in some sort of funky makeshift slow dance. Jamie giggles and throws her head back giddily, unbeknownst to her friends, who know she only giggles around Bruce. 
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asktbp · 2 years
Bruce’s baseball team’s opinion of Vance?
My team thinks that Vance would be an awesome baseball player! Some of them use anger or other feelings to motivate them and put their feelings into hitting with the bat really hard. I tried to teach Vance to play, but he doesn't like that the bats are really narrow because it’s harder for him to hit. He says he looked into other sports and really likes tennis!! I haven’t played with him yet but it seems really fun.
-Bruce Y.
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asktbp · 2 years
For Vance and Bruce: What did you do for your first date?
Vance taught me how to play pinball and how to profit at an arcade!! It mostly involves a lot of the game "Pop and Lock" which is insanely boring but at the arcade it gives good tickets.
-Bruce Y.
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