wildeinc · 6 years
Two Truths and a Lie (1/3)
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I’m revealing three of my deepest secrets. This first one I have to credit to my babies for inspiring me to be strong, vulnerable, and to never give up on my dreams. In time I hope to share the full story. The next segment of Two Truths and a Lie will be a story of mine inspired by my desire for escape. Thank you and thanks for reading.
Stay wild<3
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joyffree · 3 years
#NewRelease Tour
Title: Unbreak Her Heart
Series: Beaver Run Reunion Series
Author: Brie Wilds
Genre: Small Town Second-Chance Romance
Some never find love…some others do, and set it free. But will it ever come back? An endearing story of sweethearts since high school, college breakup and a casual encounter many years later. Sometimes, it takes a second chance to get it right.
On the verge of losing his mega art commission, wanderlust-stricken artist Luke accepts an indecent proposal from his ex to help complete his paintings, but when old emotions are rekindled, he discovers that his feelings for her never died, now he must confront the demons in his past before it’s too late and he loses her forever. There is never a second chance, to a second chance.
Just as she decides to start dating again, after a long hiatus, lonely bar owner Sandra is presented with an opportunity to serve her ex the coldest dish of revenge ever, but when old feeling come roaring back, she quickly discovers that moving on is easier said than done, now she must take matters into her own hands to ensure she is never a fool for love again.
#unbreakherheartbriewilds #unbreakherheartrelease #beaverrunreunionseries #briewildsnewrelease #junerelease #newrelease #smalltownromance #secondchanceromance #romance #tbr #enticingjourney
Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions
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wildeinc · 6 years
Two Truths and a Lie (2/3)
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wildeinc · 7 years
New Year, New Changes
Happy New Year, Wild Things! Honestly, truly, the new year always seems so inspiring. I hate to admit it, but I certainly find myself buying into the hype sometimes. Especially this year, 2017! I have finally graduated college. Yes! After years of this blog and probably a post every three to four months about how school was awful, I finally graduated. It did feel impossible, but now that I’m out I feel like I need a break to refurbish my mental health, so stay tuned to that. Hopefully this means I have more time to write. While I have been working on my own personal writings, I hope to bring more to The Wilde. I have interest in trying new formats; bear with me Wild Things!
My first post of the new year I’m bringing discussion topics! I’ve found that maybe I don’t write as much because I don’t particularly like to make a whole post over a small thing that managed to piss me off. Or, the topic is just so irritating and I can’t bring myself to dedicate a whole post to it. What I’ll be doing is nothing innovative, I’m just at a point where it feels crucial to continue to put my writing out there. Thank you and I hope 2017 works out for us!
 TRUMP AND RUSSIA: Look, I didn’t vote for Trump. He’s awful and a wide majority of his supporters are racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, etc. Make America Great Again, is a joke y’all. So anyways, I guess Russia may or may not have tampered in the 2016 election. Yes, I was voting for Hillary. I’d still vote for Hillary, but the election is over. She lost, that’s that. If Russia did hack our election…well what the fuck? What concerns me is that Russia even has the desire to do that, but you wanna know why? BECAUSE PRESIDENT ELECT DONALD TRUMP THINKS RUSSIA WILL BE AN ALLY TO HIS PRESIDENCY. WHEN HAS RUSSIA BEEN NICE TO ANYONE? Putin, y’all. Trump may be president and our previous presidents may have been in corrupt political situations, but you don’t trust the new doctor because they just got their medical degree today.
 CAREFREE BLACK GIRL: The other day I was thinking of the title, “carefree black girl”, this in my opinion does deserve a whole post, but I know I have posted something similar. I may actual even still follow-up with a post sooner or later. What I mostly want to talk about is what being a carefree black girl means. I don’t speak for everyone, but in my experiences, a carefree black girl is one who is proud of who she is, specifically when it comes to black features that have been repeatedly used against us. In high school I was happy to be light-skinned, not because I knew that the black race comes in all shades, but because being a light-skinned where I came from was better than being darker. According to them and nearly every person comfortable enough, or stupid enough to tell me, “You don’t even really look black.” Now I know that all of the black history I have learned, all the women and girls I’ve seen just be beautiful in exactly who they are of the black race, is strength in whom we’ve become in spite of all that was done to us, and to be frank all of what still remains. I have started to move into the steps of being a carefree black girl.
 PASSENGERS: Listen, I didn’t go see that new movie Passengers with Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. I actually asked my friend for the synopsis, on account that I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to see it. After hearing about the movie I’m glad I didn’t see it, but I will be sure to snatch it when it comes to Redbox. I mean basically Pratt’s character wakes up Lawrence’s character from their weird like comas as they travel to a world that is years away. I had to keep wrapping my head around that Pratt didn’t know Lawrence, he chose her, a complete stranger. The concept of the movie is amazing! Honestly! Traveling to another planet that is basically in the future. How much? And can I have a loan? It’s kind of awesome. But you know what is not awesome? Waking up a complete stranger who had some pretty amazing goals, I hear, all because Pratt’s character was lonely. No offense, but if that ain’t the most sexist shit! Hollywood and movies have this weird thing where women sacrifice their lives for a man and love. Look, those are two great things, but why do we keeping making women, whom were once young girls, think they can’t have their lives and love. Lawrence forgives Pratt or whatever, they live old together, of course. But she had an amazing plan, y’all, but a stranger messed it up and they fell in love. I know it’s a movie, as a writer I know sometimes you need a good storyline. Sadly it’s usually at the expense of women, or the men become martyrs. Bye. There was never any common ground in this situation where it made it fair for Pratt to disrupt Lawrence’s life. Hmm, it’s like women can’t be equal to men.
 NEW YEAR, NEW ME: Okay, okay, it’s the new year and I made new year resolutions. I usually don’t do that. I usually hate when people post their resolutions. By February 2nd, no one cares. I say the 2nd because February 1st is Harry Styles’ birthday, so just be respectful and don’t be an asshole that day. But yea, new year, new me, just stop. I don’t know where people come off recreating themselves every January 1st and then remaining the same person. I don’t know Scoob, maybe you should just say new changes. New year, new changes. That’s what I have planned to do at least. I feel as though my slate is clean since I’ve graduated. This will be the first time since ever that I will be not be attending school. Very grateful, but it’s so weird. As corny as this sounds, I feel somewhat free because I can finally work on writing, read a book I actually want to read, garden!  I hope I work at coffee shop honestly, and maybe just maybe I can go on some of those small adventures I so yearn to go on. Maybe this year I will realize that Ellis Grey was right, “The carousel never stops turning.” To me this means that no matter what I should keep going, at this point my journey is about me, as is yours maybe.
 Welp, that’s its for now! I hope to be back soon! I’m wishing you all a very good new year. Here’s to maybe not being destroyed by Trump’s presidency. Love you! Bye!
 Wildy Yours,
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wildeinc · 6 years
I wrote I’m No Superman when I was in high school. Inspired by Joe Brooks’ song. And maybe a little fangirl. Here is my first short story with hopefully more to come. Thank you and enjoy!
Wildly yours,
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wildeinc · 8 years
One of a Kind: JC Juice
As graduation quickly approaches I began to remember that I have no idea what I’m doing. All I can think about is that sweet desire of mine to pursue writing. Yet I haven’t done anything writer worthy, besides this wonderful blog. I decided that it’s time. No matter how I afraid I am, or if rejection gives me anxiety attacks, writing is the only life I want to imagine right now. So I took a couple of small steps this past week. And I’m trying to spice this ole blog up. I’m very happy to share my very first interview with you, Wild Things!
           A mechanical engineer major at Texas A&M University in College Station, JC Juice is a local hip hop artist and a friend of mine. When I decided to try something new for the The Wilde, I thought an interview would be nice. Lucky for us JC Juice was putting on his first concert of this semester on Saturday, November 19th. I found this to be the perfect opportunity to not just give an interview, but to have the chance to interview someone with such a genuine soul as JC. During the interview I got another dose of how important music was to JC. It wasn’t even just his energetic presence that made the concert. His fan base and closest friends offered up their best support. Before the concert began I made my way around to some familiar faces to get their input on JC’s Cul-de-sac Raps. I asked a few of JC’s closest friends to describe him in three words. I insisted on only three. A small number, but my answer was what I expected. Articulate. Personal. Fresh.
I kicked off the interview by congratulating JC on his show. Halfway through his set he suffered a microphone malfunction. To keep the cold crowd entertained, he began to belt some acapella freestyle. He invited everyone out for a show and a show he was going to give. We took about a fifteen minute break before we moved back outside to the front of the cul-de-sac. JC already had us pumped. Then it happened…the microphone just decided it wasn’t his night; JC was going to have to finish this show solo. As if there was another thought on JC’s mind to not give the best show he could. He did what he came to do, commenting, “I literally dropped the mic.”
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           My first question had been what inspired the title of his first EP, XXXX. JC described the indecisiveness behind the title. He at first just didn’t know due to the construction of the songs and lyrics in general. In simple terms, there are four Xs because there are four songs. However, the range of the songs differ because there are so many different problems, so each X represents an aspect of life, specifically college life. Hashtag party, am I right? Even in his EP artwork, JC finds a way to incorporate his different ideas by using the X theme. As he worked on his latest EP, Contemplate, JC said he had hoped to incorporate two things: quality of sound and emotion. He admits that he has a hard time portraying emotions in music, that it’s not enough to just say the lyrics. It’s something he’ll continue to work on as he delves deeper into meaningful lyrics. I must note his confidence will make you smile. JC proudly states, “I know my lyrics are good,” but it’s not cockiness. It’s determination. From our talk I could hear the passion JC has for music and creating unique, new sounds.
           We need to note the distinction in “artist” and “rapper”. Sure, JC Juice is a rapper, but he’s one of a kind as he says in his song “Just a Rapper”. He thrives on being able to produce his own lyrics. “It’s everything to me,” he says. By writing his own lyrics he gets to give his audience a direct insight to his life. Today in mainstream music, rap varies all over the place. I, personally, will attest to how generic the genre has become. Let’s be honest, a good rap song is one we can twerk our asses off too. And I think JC was completely correct when he said that people think rap is easy. Guilty. I found that one of the great things about JC was his ability to admit that rap truly is difficult and requires a lot more than bitches and hoes. Rap is an art in need of true creativity. A quality he says that mainstream music lacks. When he said he was one of a kind he means, “I’m a musician,” because the connotation of, “Oh, I’m a rapper,” usually leads him to believe you suck nine out of ten times. He credits Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, and Drake as the few mainstream rappers he respects.
For a mechanical engineering major, music is not just a hobby. He has high hopes in continuing his musical journey. I had to ask about that dynamic: mechanical engineering and a rapper. He laughed. No surprise that I wasn’t the first person to wonder about the strange mix. It’s not at all complicated. In fact JC summed it up in a way we could all understand and that is stability. Oh, and of course reality. We go to one of the best universities in the nation (WHOOP)! This is where I found myself on a quite similar path as JC’s. While we have this driving passion for what other people see as fun, we both note that at the end of the day you need a back-up plan. Mine, women’s and gender studies. JC’s, mechanical engineering. As much as we’d all love to take the plunge into our perfect dream world, this society is not as open to creativity. “College is just what I have to do,” JC says, “it’s good to have your head in the clouds, but with your feet on the ground.” The balance between music and school is something he needs. While the goal is music, he doesn’t denounce college. He’s learned a lot, good because we pay enough, but he’s found a way to incorporate college into his music.
“I don’t know where I would be without music.” ~JC Juice
           Before I come to close, there was something special about JC, and no it’s not just his talent. From the minute I arrived at the venue and told his friends what I was doing, I was struck by immense positivity and support. I mean, no one was going to drag him, but it wasn’t just, “Yea, JC is good.” Absolutely not. His character, his music, his personality. These are only a few of JC’s lovable traits that his friends made sure I knew about. From a casual bystander, to the guitarist of The Happy Boys (the band in which JC performed with), to the happy host who had more than upstanding things to say. Through this interview I learned not only what music means to JC, but what JC means to the people he calls friends. But of course it’s the amazing things that make up JC, to bring us the fresh authenticity of hip hop artist, JC Juice.
1)      Musical Inspiration – Kendrick Lamar (JC recently saw him at ACL. Needless to say it was the best and he couldn’t believe it. Fanboys.)
2)      What is your favorite planet? – Earth (And I quote, “I wouldn’t want live on any other planet.”)
3)      If you were in a beauty pageant, what would be your message or cause? – The current refugee situation (JC comments that he founds it disheartening that America, a country built from immigrants, would be so intolerant of helping people because of that one in a million fear of terrorists. As a first generation African-American, son and brother of African immigrants, it’s a topic JC is very passionate about. “The fact that we could be so nationalist, so selfish with our liberty and freedom, really fucks me up.”)
 And there you have it, WildThings. My first interview. Slowly, but surely. I offer my sincerest gratitude to JC Juice for allowing me in his world. Also I have to give the biggest thanks to my best friend, Meg Dudney, for being my partner during this interview. And thank you to everyone who made sure I got to know JC’s best side. I hope you all enjoyed my piece. Graduation is right on my ass, so are finals, but I hope to be back soon with something new for y’all! Stay wild!
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wildeinc · 8 years
Take This.
No means no and yes means yes. Well I've had enough. I remember jokingly telling my friends, "Don't get raped." I finally realized how detrimental that was. And I finally realized how backwards that was. First and for most, rape should never be a joke. Any type of sexual assault should never be a joke. Yet, the topic is continuously made a mockery of. What's it going to take? I recently read the article about Baylor's head coach being terminated after ignoring assaults committed by his own players. I immediately thought how familiar the situation is. Even in my own state, I just cringe at the reality. While I wanted to tweet about consent, I decided to write this blog instead. I'll continue to preach yes means yes and no means no. Consent is sexy because why wouldn't you both want to know that you both really want it! Except rape is about power. And the bitter truth is whether you say yes or no, a rapist or attacker will take what they want from you no matter what you say. The conversation isn't about consent anymore, it's patriarchy and the role gender stereotypes have played in society. The root of evil will always be the indifference of men and women. Feminism, the social, economic, and political equality of sexes. We are hated. We are loved. We will not be quiet. I always have to ask why people are so offended when I say men and women should be equal? Let's skip the bullshit, males are born with a penis and testosterone. Women have vaginas and estrogen. I don't want your testosterone. It makes me crazy on my period, yes if you didn't know women's testosterone levels are at their highest during menstruation. If a man is complaining about your mood swings, just casually remind him this is what being with them is like literally all the time. Put that aside. I'll repeat, I don't want your testosterone and I don't want your penis. Also, you don't get the freebie to hit me for the hell of it because I want equality. Why does equality mean the same to men as taking something of theirs? People act like gender equality is taking away manhood. Noooo! I want equality because it's always going to be acceptable for a man to overpower a woman and it somehow be her fault. Men are the breadwinners. Men are sturdy oaks. Men have all the power because we told them they did. We tell them they do. We give them power and they use it, and some use it for rape. We tell women to protect themselves, stay together, don't drink too much, cover yourself. When we could really tell young boys who'll soon be men, "Hey, boys will not be boys. Boys will be people and boys are human. Boys aren't animals." Those urges that you "can't control", well that's called a libido, son. A vast majority of the human population has them. OMG, even women! But that will never give any of us the right to take something that is not yours. Something that was never yours and quite frankly will never be yours. Women have always been the property, the prize, and trophy. I've seen many serious discussions given to women about rape, but how many males even know what rape culture is? We are taught more that victims need to protect themselves as opposed to the predators who are never taught some things just aren't for you. Let's start teaching people how not to rape. To stay in ya damn lane! When one of the biggest fears of men going to prison is to be raped and they don't put two and two together? Where is our concern? Disrupt sexual aggression. Speak out. Read. Research. I can't ask for anyone to change the world, but I can ask to change your environment. Thanks for reading! Wildly yours, B
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